Healthy lifestyle teenager briefly. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents - a document. Healthy lifestyle teenagers

Ministry of Education and Science

Buryat State University

Socio-psychological faculty

Department of Social Work Theory

Graduation qualifying work

Features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of adolescents (on the example of gymnasium №14 Ulan-Ude)

Delgyrov Svetlana Vladimirovna

scientific adviser

K.S.N., Associate Professor Antonova N.S.


1Psychophysical features of adolescence.

1.2Factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: technology solving technology.

1 Analysis of the current state of forming a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

2 technologies solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.





Relevance of the research topic. The health problem and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is not just extremely important, but also one of the key for the whole of our country.

Today in Russia as a whole progresses the problem of deterioration of health of not only the elderly people and hereditary patients, but also such a group of people as teenagers.

Teenagers are a special contingent in the population, whose health condition is a "barometer" of social well-being and the level of medical support of the previous period of childhood, as well as the harbinger of changes in the health of the population in subsequent years.

On the relevance of this problem indicate numerous statistical data. We give some of them. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, about 80% of children studying in schools have chronic diseases; According to the forecast by 2015, chronic incidence can reach 95%; According to the results of the All-Russian dispensary of children in the Republic of Buryatia for 2006, only one-third of children (32%) are considered healthy, the rest have not only functional deviations of health, but two or more diseases. The incidence rate of adolescents increased by 29%. In the structure of the incidence of 31%, there are diseases of the respiratory organs, in the second place there are diseases of the endocrine system, nutrition disorders and disorders, on the third - diseases of the digestive system. In 2-3 times the prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in a 1.6-cardiovascular system, in 1.2 times of diseases of the eye and its apparatus was increased. The situation is aggravated by the growth among young people "self-destructive behavior", gently called "harmful habits": smoking tobacco, alcohol and drug use. So according to social studies in Russia, 27% of young people smoke, 75% consume alcohol. The main reason for the consumption of alcohol is the availability of a company of friends in 60%.

Therefore, the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is particularly acute.

To understand the importance of the problem under discussion, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, the Ottawa Charter of Health, "Health" is not only the absence of disease and physical defects, but a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. Health is a normal state that means its optimal self-regulation, the agreed interaction of its organs and the balance between its functions and the external environment.

Among the many factors affecting the health of young people, along with heredity, it is important to note the role of "managed factors": the environment, sanitary and hygienic conditions of residence and school of school youth. It should be taken into account that human health only depends on medicine, by 10% of heredity, by 20% of the exposure to the external environment, and by 60% of the way of life of the person himself. This is especially true of adolescents, since it is in this age period that the physiological, functional and psychological peculiarities of the violation of health are more often worn, they are still reversible and amenable to correction. But due to the same features, adolescents are excessively influenced by the environment, under the influence of which there are mainly the formation of behavioral installations, habits on which their health depends. All of the above determines the relevance of this study.

The degree of development of the problem. This study is based on the analysis of a wide range of scientific literature devoted to the definition of "Health" and "Healthy Lifestyle" categories.

The phenomenon of health, due to its versatility, is subject to the subject of the study of physicians, sociologists, philosophers, teachers.

The focus on the various sides of the concept of "health", on its versatility they put such authors as G.S. Tumanyan, G.S. Nikiforova, G.I. Rumyantsev. From the standpoint of the systemic approach, health multicomponential is reflected in the work of G.P. Malakhova, A.A. Novika and others.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition to the concept of "health" and "healthy lifestyle" was taken by V.A.Minyev, N.I. Vishnyakov.

The multifaceted problem of a healthy lifestyle, presented in the works of philosophers, teachers, sociologists speaks of the absence of a single holistic approach to understanding a healthy lifestyle. The most common is a medical and biological approach, as evidenced by a large number of publications of Korobkin Z.V., A.G. Generous and others.

Unfortunately, in the specific work of medicine and education to preserve and promoting adolescents, there is a dismissolution and misunderstanding of their own tasks within the framework of common problems for them.

Medicine, more than ever, needed assistance to pedagogy, as all major "risk factors" (including smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs), have a behavioral basis (L.B. Schneider, N.A. Sirota, etc.). Behavior is always associated with motivation, which is produced precisely by the education of a person. The problems of motivation are devoted to the work of L.M. Semenyuk, I.A. Rudakova, O.S. Sitnikov, etc.

However, in general, the problem of motivation and the preservation of health, the formation of a value attitude towards health remains not sufficiently studied in modern scientific literature. This is especially true of adolescents as the most vulnerable population. Currently, there is no single approach in solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, and there are single research, in different fields of science pedagogy, valeology, medicine.

The object of research is teenagers who are at the stage of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The subject of the study is the features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

The purpose of the study is to study the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

The formulation of this goal involves the solution of the following research tasks:

  • consider psychophysical features of adolescence;
  • consider the factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents;
  • - to analyze the current state of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents;
  • examine modern technologies solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The hypothesis of the study lies in the fact that traditional methods of prevention are mainly in the form of lectures and conversations have lost their effectiveness among adolescents. By virtue of the psychophysical features of adolescents, it is necessary to use entertainment approaches: contests, competitions, trainings, sporting events, exhibitions, etc.

The scientific novelty of the graduation work is that the author conducted a study of the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, summarized the existing material on this problem, described the role of preventing a healthy lifestyle and studied the factors affecting adolescent health.

Practical significance. Materials and conclusions of this work can be used by specialists in educational work and teachers in general educational institutions.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and materials of this work were set out at the local parental meeting in the gymnasium No. 14. Ulan-Ude.

The structure of the work consists of administration, two chapters, four paragraphs, conclusion, a list of used literature, applications.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle

1Psychophysical peculiarities of adolescence

The discharge of adolescent age as a special age-class in the formation of a person occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century. In industrialized countries. Since then, adolescent age, the problems of adolescents became the center of attention of many scientists: psychologists, physicians, teachers, cultural scientists, sociologists.

The rapid physiological and endocrine changes occurring at this age at first, in the eyes of scientists in the background itself, actually psychological processes. Therefore, even new features in behavior, in relations with the surrounding, in the content of the "image" binding mainly with biological factors.

However, the first ethnopsychological studies have greatly changed the ideas about adolescence. They showed that the duration of the childhood period significantly depends on the culture, and, the higher the sociocultural level, the longer the period of childhood. Teenage and youthful ages have, as scientists emphasized, special importance, as they are transitional from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, the more the difference in role-playing behavior, labor, rights and responsibilities of an adult and child, the emotionally rich is the transitional age, the more clearly the negative features of the adolescent crisis are appeared.

Special attention paid to the issues of adolescence M.Mid. On the example of various cultures showed that the features of puberty, the formation of a self-consciousness structure, the dynamics of the adolescent crisis depend primarily from the cultural traditions of the people, the peculiarities of education and teaching children, the dominant style of communication in the family. The studies also showed that in most primitive cultures there are ceremonies that "introduce" adolescents in adulthood. Such rites were called initiation. Being, in fact, one of the earliest institutions of socialization, the initiation issued the transition to a new status role, showing everything and the most child himself first of all its new social position. It is this external one, visible to everyone, the transition shot many problems of growing up, the uncertainty of the position of adolescents, causing conflicts and difficulties in the formation of their self-consciousness.

The difficulties associated with mental development in adolescence are largely related to the fact that substantial psychological changes are not accompanied by external transformations in the status, material or social status of children, and therefore are not always realized by adults. Features of the behavior of adolescents, their desire to create their own "culture" (clothing, jargon, etc.), closer contacts with peers, and not with adults, are explained by their marginal position - no longer children, but not yet adults. High emotional excitability enhances the sensitivity of adolescents to negative adult reactions, to their own avoidance, external unattractiveness, often fictional, and partly associated with rapid growth and ripening. This makes their self-esteem especially unstable, situational, increases the likelihood of deviations in behavior, communication.

Characterizing the peculiarities of adolescence, hp Vygotsky noted that many problems arising at this stage result from the mismatch of three points of maturation, since sexual maturation begins and ends earlier than the end of the corporate development of the child comes and the child reaches the final stage of its "sociocultural formation."

The difficulties that Vygotsky wrote are due to the fact that the psychophysical features of adolescence stimulate psychological changes, they are connected with the terms of his life. The origins of emotional instability also lie not only in physiological changes, but also on social conditions. The formation of a new image of a physical "I" occurs gradually, this process plays an important role, since a new image of the body occupies an important place in self-consciousness, the teenager often assesses it, and most often they are dissatisfied. This can be the basis of many deviations in the formation of personal identity and integrity, reduce self-esteem, especially its emotional component - attitude towards himself. In such cases, the attentive and competent attitude of adults explaining the variability of the appearance in the transition period can significantly optimize the process of forming the somatic identity and image of the physical "I".

The formation of sex identity has great importance at this age, which implies the awareness of the individual of its sexuality, the assimilation of the relevant standards and style of behavior. In the adolescence, stereotypes of "muscularness" and "femininity" are particularly sharply polarized, compliance with these stereotypes becomes the main criterion in which the teenager estimates its appearance, behavior, character traits.

Speaking of cognitive mental processes, it should be noted that in adolescence, their formation is completed as conscious and arbitrary, i.e. Higher, cultural forms of knowledge. Perception at this time is characterized by selectivity and focus, attention is stability. The process of perception, conservation and generalization of the material becomes one, while the instantaneous conclusions are present at the perception stage, helping to cut out unnecessary information, not to translate it into long-term memory.

The development of formally - logical thinking is manifested in the fact that the teenager can abstract from visual material and build its reasoning in verbal, or ideal, plan. In his recent works, J. Piage noted the fact that the new mental qualities of adolescents are used in those areas that are most significant for them and are interesting.

The fact that particularly intense socialization occurs in adolescence, proves great importance to adolescents communication, first of all communication with peers, which, according to most researchers, is leading activities at this age. For a teenager, not only contacts are important, but also recognition by peers. The frusted need to be significant in its reference group can cause serious deviations in socialization and personal growth. Orientation on the norms of the group and the desire to comply with them increase the conformity, which, according to many psychologists, is highest in 12-13 years old. Since the process of socialization is associated with climbing not only into the world of adults, but also a group of peers becomes the world of teenage values \u200b\u200bleading to the formation of sociocultural identity. Communication with the peers in periods of sharp social change is particularly significant, when new public ideals, installations and values \u200b\u200bappear, when, as M.Mid wrote, adults often learn in children. Therefore, the fact of finding its reference group is very important for a teenager, i.e. The group whose value is significant for the child and the opinion of which about his personal qualities is extremely valuable for him. The desire to comply with these standards, to acquire respect and a high status location in this group - one of the leading motives of the adolescent activity, which fills the process of socialization by concrete content.

Studying the process of communication of adolescents with peers, the American researcher D. McCobi noted its high importance for all sides of mental development. He emphasized that the influence of peers on the values \u200b\u200band installation of adolescents is often stronger than the influence of parents, schools, religious organizations or any other social structures. This is due to the fact that peers who are experiencing similar problems help each other to keep confidence, to realize and take those changes that occur in the physical appearance, and in spiritual growth.

E. Erickson also noted that the cohesion of adolescent groups, the same manner dressing, uniformity of gestures and facial expansion, so often observed in these teams, in fact serve as protection against confusing, indefinite identity. Imprinting to each other in clothing, behavior gives teenagers while still not accurately realizing that they represent, the feeling of some confidence, stability and security. In addition, its fashion, your style of hairstyles, etc. emphasize the distance between adolescents and adults. According to Erikson, belonging to the group of peers allows adolescents to experience the influence of various new ideological systems - political, social, economic and religious.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the level of development, the value orientations of the group in which the teenager includes to understand that she can give her teenager and that the group can give him. Analysis of values \u200b\u200band content of informal, spontaneously emerging adolescent groups is especially important in this regard. Conducting in such groups most of the time, drawing from communication in them the most valuable information for itself, following the samples, adolescents form the focus of their behavior, which can be both promal and asocial. Deviation, deviating behavior, which with a high degree of reliability can be diagnosed already at this age, is associated with the unsuccessfulness of children in promial forms of activity - study, communicating with close adults and teachers. Naturally, all these difficulties appear not in the adolescence, but much earlier, but at this time they become stable, and not situational. Those negative features in behavior and in personality turn into the character of the character of a teenager and with great difficulty can be corrected.

No less significant for mental development is the communication of adolescents with adults, in particular with parents, however, most conflicts are concentrated in this area. Their main reason is associated with the contradictory of the position and the inner world of the teenager. On the one hand, he needs the love and care of the parents, in their advice, on the other, it is experiencing a strong desire to be independent, equal in rights with parents and other adults. Therefore, the adolescent is characterized by an ambivalent attitude towards adults: the desire for emancipation and, at the same time, dependence on their opinions. Parents, in turn, are not always ready to realize the fact that the child becomes an adult, and adequately rebuild the relationship with him. Often, parents see only negative manifestations of adolescence, do not understand the problems and experiences of children, so the younger teenagers often complain that parents control them, "as small."

The attitude of adolescents and parents is influenced by several factors. This is, above all, the style of upbringing adopted in the family, and the features of the emotional relationship of family members with a teenager. Naturally, attentive attitude, interest and creation of emotional comfort, confidence are optimal for communication with children of any age, especially in adolescence. The lack of control may cause problems with academic performance, in relations with teachers, especially in disturbing, not very confident and gifted children. In this case, informal groups of peers, sometimes companies with asocial orientation, can substitute parents, and teachers. But the "care" of the child from the family is possible in the most severe control if parents are completely not considered with the new experiences of the child, with its new friends, frustrating one of the main neoplasms of this age - a sense of adulthood, awareness of themselves with an independent and unique person.

It is important to remember about the individual characteristics of children who are manifested in their reaction to excessive custody or an alienation of an adult. Impulsive, demonstrative children with high self-esteem are very painfully reacting to the authoritarianity of adults. In this case, even the inattention to adolescents can bring less harm than excessive control. On the contrary, for rigid, insecure adolescents, the lack of control is most unfavorable, while the hyperopka is accepted not as painfully as demonstrative children, and does not lead to such negative consequences. It is also natural that the presence of in the family of persons with asocial behavior (suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, etc.) can cause serious deviations and misdemeans of adolescents. However, studies have shown that the direct link between the asociality of the family and the behavior of the teenager does not exist.

Considering the meaning of communication with adults and peers in adolescence for the development of the child, most researchers note that teenagers tend to accept parental values, standards, views in those areas where these values \u200b\u200band norms are sufficiently stable, as well as in cases where they have long-term Consequences, and focus on peers where it is about sufficiently changeable models and standards directly affecting everyday life. In the conditions of a sharp change of social situation in society, adults are in a state of some disorientation, are not always adapted to new social standards, installations and values, so adolescents cannot fully focus on parental stereotypes in the social sphere.

Communication affects not only the process of socialization, but also on the formation of the personality of adolescents. In this area, perhaps the most significant changes at this age are happening. Approximately 15 years old comes an important point in the personal development of a teenager associated with the formation of a differentiated and conscious "I-Concept" as a system of internally agreed ideas about themselves. The formation of "I-Concept" is the result of reflection, self-knowledge, which was mentioned above, as well as the appearance of the image of the other, which is most often the peer. Identification with peers is a certain stage of the formation of a teenager "image". As a result of the research, it was revealed that at first the teenager forms the so-called "we-image", which serves as a prerequisite for the formation of a qualitatively new "image" of a teenager. The main characteristic of the "we-image" of the teenager is its inclusion in the group of peers.

Exploring the formation of the "I-Concept", psychologists came to the conclusion that during adolescent age it varies significantly, becoming more differentiated and individualized. Thanks to the reflection, the teenager begins to realize himself in different roles that require a variety of abilities and personal qualities, so the idea of \u200b\u200bitself is becoming increasingly clear and structured. At the same time, the teenager is aware of both the general, connecting it with the peers and those individual qualities that distinguish it from others make special and unique. It is essential that qualities, on the basis of which the teenager judges himself, initially purely external, rather behavioral - marks, status in a group, appearance. Gradually, the most important in the structure of "I-Concept" such characteristics as intelligence, sense of humor, anxiety or self-confidence, emotionality, etc.

Such aspects of "I-Concept" as "I-Real" and "I-perfect" are formed. The ideas about their abilities, their appearance, their personal qualities form "I-Real". "I-perfect" includes ideas about what kind of person would like to be. This structure is a collective way of those people (both actually existing and virtual, literary heroes), on which the teenager wants to be like. Too much gap between the ideal ideas and real possibilities can lead to an uncertainty of a teenager in itself, which is expressed in contusion, aggressiveness, etc. On the contrary, when the ideal image is represented by achievable, the teenager adequately evaluates its capabilities and builds a specific system of action to achieve the sample. The discrepancy between the real and ideal "I" also affects the emotional component of the "I-concept", as the teenager ceases to like himself, rejects himself. It is bad that, as a rule, it is rejected by some particular feature (which might have a positively affecting personal growth), but the image of itself in general. Such an emotional rejection does not lead to development, but to anxiety, inadequacy of self-esteem, protective aggression.

The ratio between different aspects of the "I-Concept" affects the self-esteem of the teenager. Almost all researchers note such a peculiarity of adolescence as instability, self-esteem situitation, which can change from inadequately inflated to inadequately low. This is due to largely with the labile structure of the motif hierarchy, as well as with the content of "I-ideal". The desire to comply with the ideals who choose a teenager, frustration of significant motives reduce self-esteem. Actualization of new motivation, praise, success, naturally, increase it. The alternation of success and failures typical of this age is due to the fact that the rapid change in interests and samples of behavior does not allow formed sustainable activities without which real achievements are impossible. Therefore, it is in cases where the motivation is stable and there are constant interests, self-esteem is more stable.

Describing adolescent age, many domestic psychologists wrote that one of the central neoplasms of this period is the feeling of adulthood, which is expressed in the desire for independence, independence, in approving his personal dignity. By the beginning of the transitional age, the desire to occupy a different, more "adult", a position expressing with such behavior, which can not always be realized in school life. Frustation of motives associated with the newly referred to themselves also generates negative components of the teenage crisis: negativism, aggression, conflicts with adults that can be avoided if the surrounding understands the ambiguity of the child's position and recognize his rights. Many authors note a change in the temporary perspective, which occurs in this age period, its expansion towards the remote future. At the same time, the plan of the life path is gradually lined up with whom the hierarchy of motives, formed personality qualities, is associated.

1.2 Factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

At all times, all the peoples of the world are the incredit value of man and society and is physical and mental health. In antiquity, it was understood by doctors and philosophers as the main condition of the free activity of a person, his perfection. Already then, the receptions of the treatment and protection of diseases, who made traditional medicine and hygiene, were revealed and entered into the vital activity of people, adjusting and improving under the influence of human nature, habits, beliefs, thoughts, emotions.

The concept of "lifestyle" allows you to characterize the social life of society in its personal dimension, as it is perceived at the level of individuals, individual representatives of various classes and social groups. In this case, the cognitive meaning of the lifestyle study is to move from the generallyociological vision of reality to its specific sociological analysis, study it at the level of personality of people.

Lifestyle as a philosophical category reflects socially-resistant, socio-typical at the level of personal behavior and human existence, explores how socially turns into individual characteristics of a person, the real properties of his personal being. In this case, the lifestyle determines not just the psychological features of a person who distinguish him from other people, and properties and features that are formed in it by society. Studying the lifestyle of personalities, on the one hand, provides information on the system of relations in society, and on the other - indicates the people themselves, how and what they live, make it possible to analyze examples and forms of vital activity.

According to the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of full physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease." With a healthy lifestyle, organism reserves are retained or expanding. Lifestyle is a system of relationship with itself and with the factors of the external environment. A healthy lifestyle is a human life concept aimed at improving and maintaining health with the help of appropriate nutrition, physical training, moral mood and refusal from bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of different sides of the human life, achieve active longevity and the full performance of social functions.

The relevance of the ZEZ is caused by increasing and changing the nature of loads on the human body due to the complication of public life, an increase in the risks of man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military, provoking negative shifts in a state of health.

Elements of a healthy lifestyle are:

education from early childhood healthy habits and skills;

environment: Safe and Favorable for habitat, Knowledge of the impact of surrounding items on health;

meals: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of used products;

movements: physical active life, including special exercise (for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological features;

organism hygiene: compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene, ownership of first aid skills;


A psycho-emotional state has a great influence on the physiological state of a person, which depends, in turn, from his mental plants. Therefore, some authors also allocate additionally the following aspects of the head:

emotional well-being: psychohygien, ability to cope with their own emotions, complex situations;

intelligent well-being: human ability to learn and use new information for optimal action;

spiritual well-being: the ability to establish really meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them with optimism.

The theory of a healthy lifestyle due to the coverage of various sides, forms and manifestations of vital activity is integrated, interdisciplinary. Consequently, the initial idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle can be obtained, only relying on the entire system of these different kind of knowledge about him, that is, implementing the principles of an integrated approach.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition of the concept under consideration was taken by A.D. Stepanov and A.M. Isutekin. In their opinion, a healthy lifestyle is typical and essential types of social and economic formations, types, types of human life, strengthening the adaptive opportunities of the body, contributing to the full implementation of social functions and achieving active longevity.

The conditions for the harmonization of social and biological conditions, when characterizing a healthy lifestyle or deviations, indicates V.A. Eremenko. Among the many natural prerequisites for such harmonization, the following are allocated as the most significant: the age of the individual, its constitutional signs, the features of the nervous system, deposit, ability, etc.

These features in the process of socialization of the individual acquire special integrative properties, reflecting the degree of human harmonization with the conditions of its livelihoods or showing various deviations, primarily in a state of health, as a result of the inconsistency between the focus of the personality activity and the conditions of the activity itself.

Since the peak of the interaction of a person with an external environment are the laws of human society, while the mechanisms of holistic determination of its livelihoods should be sought in public activities, for example, in labor as in a specific inherent person, the shape of the metabolism and energy between them and nature. Human health and disease as a state of holistic life is reflections of public life and obey its laws. Socio-oriented point of view leads to the conclusion that "the state of health and illness is the property of human life and are issued by the social nature of man."

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of vital activity of people aimed at the harmonic unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. It causes the possibility of a full, unlimited participation of a person in various types of social life.

Most diseases in humans are caused by a specific, "social" way of life. A peculiar area of \u200b\u200bhuman pathology, having a social essence, is neuropsychic diseases.

Attempts to explore the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle in our country are undertaken repeatedly and not studied to the end. But we allocate that a healthy lifestyle is a specific manifestation of the unity of common, special and single (social, biological, mental) properties inherent in the individual, taking into account its environmental and social environment.

Factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle - a system of relations of a person with himself and with the factors of the external environment. Zozh - the basis of the prevention of diseases, it realizes the most valuable type of prevention - the primary prevention of diseases, preventing their occurrence, expanding the range of human adaptation capabilities.

Summing up many options for the interpretation of this concept, you can formulate the following definition: "Healthy lifestyle" is a hygienic behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at preserving and promoting health, ensuring a high level of disability, achieving active longevity. Such is the wording of this concept, fixed in the international terminological dictionary of sanitary education.

Numerous studies show that a healthy lifestyle is universal, widely accessible, which does not require significant material costs, a way to optimize the physiological systems of the body, maintain health at a high level, the extension of active life and is the main determinant of health.

A healthy lifestyle is based on everyday elements, to the most significant of which can be attributed to:

1.Movement mode, which includes all possible types of motor activity (physical culture, walking, physical work, walking, charging);

2.Hardening the body (sun, water, air);

.Balanced diet;

.Hygiene and recreation;

.Personal and public hygiene;

.Harmonization of psycho-emotional relations in the team;

.Environmental protection (in everyday life, during the holiday IT.P.).

Constantly influencing the environment, a person has an impact of adverse factors. WHO calls such more than 200 factors, the main of which relates:

1)low physical activity;

2)irrational nutrition;

)harmful habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;


)sleep disturbance;

)risky sexual behavior.

A number of factors causing diseases are created by the person themselves and are the result of the incorrect labor regime, life and recreation, bad habits and traditions.

Consider the factors most significantly affecting the health of adolescents.

Leisure and healthy lifestyle

From sociological studies it became known that there is traditionally divided into two parts by open time: the implementation of various kinds of physiological functions to ensure the life of the body (nutrition, sleep, care for themselves), as well as related activities (household and satisfaction of the needs caused Social position of individuals).

Teenagers have specific characteristics, many of which are obvious and are determined by the social tasks solved. Firstly, at this age, the body acquires the maturity, under which the social ability to work in social production without return restrictions is understood. Secondly, there is a choice of profession, that is, the definition of its place in the system of public division of labor. Thirdly, for young people, the accelerated formation of the process of fundamental needs and their fixation, the development of a moral model of behavior. Often, all these tasks, young people solve almost simultaneous, which gives their way of life a special dynamism, intensity.

Therefore, it is especially important to form the formation of young people with the relevant structure of needs and value installations, they cover physical activity and sports, rational food, overcoming bad habits, mental and spiritual preparation for family life. Therefore, the organization of free time should contribute to the identification and development of people's abilities in the process of life. Harmonicity of development and completeness of identifying abilities, their organic unity is an important characteristic of a healthy lifestyle. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, leisure should provide adolescents to restore the strengths spent after labor or training activities, identifying existing deposits and abilities, their development and harmonization.

Physical culture and sport, motor mode.

Muscle activity is an indispensable condition for the implementation of motor and vegetative functions of the human body at all stages of its development. The importance of muscular activity in human biology and physiology is so great that it is quite fair regarding the dominant sign of life.

Physical culture and sport effectively solve the tasks of consistent health and the development of the physical abilities of the body of children and young people, preserving skills in adulthood, prevention of adverse age-related changes in old age. To prove in our time the benefit of physical culture and sports is the same as to prove the need for air or food. The need for this issue is caused by the fact that an insignificant part of the population is engaged in physical culture.

Today hypodynamine (low physical activity) - the problem of the century. One of the important reasons for the occurrence and development of most diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems, which lead to premature disability and mortality of tens and hundreds of thousands of people who have undergone 50 years of age are premature. Currently, reduced physical activity in a large percentage of cases is observed among adolescents, due to the introduction of television, video equipment, computers.

Physical culture and sports in the consciousness of young people are not related to health, with success in study, high performance, by virtue of which they are not massive, but are only the need to fulfill the curriculum.

Physical education and sports are designed to become a priority and everyday means of recovery, strengthening the physical and nervously mental health of all groups of the population, a means of increasing the vital tone from the very first days of human life, speaking as an integral element of its common culture. In this capacity, physical culture can and should become a major medicine of a modern person, allowing to preserve the amount of health that will provide him with a full-fledged creative life for many years.

Rational nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

The food culture plays a significant role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of teenagers. Rational meals - physiologically complete food intake by people taking into account their gender, age, the nature of labor and other factors. The need to strictly comply with the recommended standards of balanced nutrition by adolescents is determined by the fact that it is at this age that the foundations of those diseases that are associated with power disorders are laid. Food should satisfy all the needs of the body, ensure the activities of all its systems and organs.

The problem of food children is depending on the social status of parents. So schoolchildren are closely included in the field of family-household relations and their nutrition is practically established. But even among schoolchildren, not everyone is pressed. Particularly significant is the percentage of teenagers among high school students - 31%. The cause of irregular nutrition is a big workload, and a time deficit, due to which the maintenance of the day mode is simply impossible.

Many young people do not have the necessary knowledge of rational nutrition and do not seek them. The organism of a young man is quickly adapted to both large overloads and underloading of its systems and organs, and an illusion is created that in disabilities, there are no qualitative changes. This is one of the reasons for increasing the prevalence of excess body weight.

Obesity becomes a serious problem, since mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system during obesity is observed in 1.5 times more often than in people with a normal body weight. From how correctly a person feeds, the immunobiological properties of its body, physical and mental activity, performance and labor productivity, health indicators, life expectancy are dependent.

Youth not enough to convince the need for rational nutrition, they should clarify them the basic principles of rational nutrition.

Hygiene of labor and recreation.

Labor and study accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total time of active human life. If you consider a healthy lifestyle as a versatile life, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of human health and health, and the creation of the opportunity to fully and actively engage in studying, labor and public activities, it should be recognized that an important component of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a rational organization of study and labor, Compliant with the physiological possibilities of a particular body.

In any age periods, labor mode relies on the laws of physiology, in accordance with which labor processes should be alternate with rest. The organization of labor should contribute to the maximum performance at the minimum cost of the physical and neuropsychiatric forces of a person, that is, with a slight conservation of its health.

It is important that from childhood a person gets used to organize activities in accordance with its physical abilities and alternated labor with easy. Change of activities prevents fatigue accumulation, improves performance and maintains health. This applies to a greater degree of high school students and students. In connection with large training overloads, training for classes is carried out by free time and night sleep. For young people, insufficient night sleep is particularly dangerous, which provokes irritability, internal discomfort, inadequate reactions, and also contribute to the occurrence of various diseases, primarily the nervous system.

Labor, study should bring joy, promote a young man in the realization of his physical and spiritual potential.

Harmful habits and healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is not compatible with bad habits, for the use of alcohol, other intoxicating and narcotic substances, smoking tobacco prevent the strengthening of any parties to a healthy lifestyle. Harmful habits are among the important risk factors of many diseases, significantly affects the health of young people and the population as a whole.

Even episodic use in adolescence of alcohol, cigarettes carry a greater threat associated with the formation of drunkenness, alcoholism, tobacocuria. It is even more dangerous in this regard to the use of various substances causing, since drug addiction and toxicism develops in young people quickly. These diseases currently turned into an epidemic that carry out dozens and hundreds of thousands of human lives crushing millions of destinies. Moreover, there is a tendency not only to the rapid increase in drug addiction, but also to its "rejuvenation" and an increase in heavy drug treatment states. Given the age category of drug addicts from 13 to 35 years, it is necessary to conclude that in the threat it turns out to be actually all the younger generation.

Risk groups are faces without a certain place of residence, children under 14, teenagers from 15-17 years old and young people from 18 to 30 (35) years. The current situation is characterized by the fact that children from secured and prosperous families are a special group. The risk group includes socially disadvantaged children, i.e. Children drinking and not working parents.

The problem of overcoming bad habits is particularly relevant, since until recently there is a tendency to increase the frequency of drinking alcohol and tobacocuria among young people. So the level of prevalence of alcohol consumption among adolescents 15 -17 years ranges from 73% to 88% in young men and from 79% to 92% of the girls. Particular attention is drawn to a high level of injury in young people (up to 30 years).

Huge health danger Tobacco smoking. The number of smoking youth is very large, young people begin to smoke with all the grees of early age. The reasons for the formation of addiction to tobacocco in adolescence are diverse, but most frequent are as curiosity, the influence of friends, an example of adults. It is worth noting that most smokers in one way or another are informed about the consequences of smoking, but still few of them are aware of the danger of passive smoking. Passive smoking contributes to the emergence of non-smoking diseases characteristic of smokers.

Human health largely depends on him. All socio-economic transformations, efforts to improve medical care practically will be reduced to not with the incorrect youth attitude towards their health.

In conclusion, we can say that among adolescents there is a false idea that diseases come in old age when active life is already behind. The role of young people in maintaining and strengthening their own health today is minimal. It is formed completely unreasonable confidence that health is guaranteed by the young age in itself, that any exhaust loads, coarse nutritional disorders, the day, insufficient physical activity, stress and other risk factors "on the shoulder" with the young organism that he will cope with all the dropped on his share tests

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: solving problems

1 Analysis of the current state of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle of a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The problem of spreading harmful habits among adolescents is relevant not only for Buryatia, but also for all Russia as a whole. It is known that the use of psychoactive substances is not growing among adolescents 15 -17 years ranges from 71% to 84% in young men and from 75% to 88% of the girls. The conducted preventive measures attract the attention of each person to their health, to a healthy lifestyle.

Human health by 60% depends on his lifestyle (nutrition, working conditions, material and domestic conditions, the presence or absence of bad habits, etc.). And therefore the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin from the very early age. The basis of our health is formed in adolescence, when our body is facing all-related changes, and the best thing is to be laid.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle contributing to the strengthening of human health is carried out at three levels:

Social: Propaganda in the media, information - educational work;

Infrastructure: specific conditions in the main spheres of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;

Personal: system of value orientations of man.

A school is plays a small role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, since most of its free time, teenagers spend on its walls. The school gives a lot of knowledge about the various spheres of human vital activity, as well as about a healthy lifestyle, conducting preventive classes with students.

Prevention is a set of state, public, socio-medical and organizational and educational activities aimed at preventing or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various social deviations in human behavior.

Prevention (Dr. Greek. Prophylaktikos is a safety) - a complex of various kinds aimed at preventing any phenomenon and / or elimination of risk factors.

Preventive activities are the most important component of the health care system, aimed at the formation of the population of medical and social activity and motivation to a healthy lifestyle.

Allocate public, including a system for measures to protect the health of groups and individual prevention, which complies with the rules of personal hygiene in everyday life and in production.

Individual prevention - includes measures to prevent diseases, preservation and health promotion, which manages the person himself, and is practically reduced to compliance with the norms of a healthy lifestyle: to personal hygiene, the hygiene of the marriage and family relationship, hygiene, shoes, rational nutrition and drinking regime, hygiene Education of the younger generation, a rational regime of labor and recreation, an active classification of physical culture, etc.

Public prevention - includes a system of social, economic, legislative, educational, sanitary, sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic and medical measures, systematically held by state institutions and public organizations in order to ensure the full development of physical and spiritual forces of citizens, eliminating factors harmful to public health.

Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors of the disease or pronounced pathology can be considered three types of prophylaxis.

Primary prevention is a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, rational regime of labor and recreation, rational quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out across the state.

Secondary prevention - a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors, which under certain conditions (stress, weakening immunity, excessive loads on any other functional systems of the body) can lead to, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease. The most effective method of secondary prophylaxis is the dispensarization as an integrated method of early detection of diseases, dynamic observation, aimed at treatment, rational consistent rehabilitation.

Some specialists offer the term tertiary prevention as a set of events, on the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the possibility of full-fledged life. Tertiary prevention is aimed at social suitability (the formation of confidence in its own social suitability), labor (possibility of restoring labor skills), psychological (restoration of behavioral activity) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and body systems) rehabilitation.

Traditional methods of preventive classes at school are no longer satisfying the needs of students. To find suitable methods of preventive lessons, I conducted a study among high school students (15-17 years). The study involved 117 students of the gymnasium No. 14. Ulan-Ude.

So, we analyze a number of questions and results on them, which are reflected in Tables No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, №4

Consider and analyze the question of representing students about a healthy lifestyle in Table number 1.

Table №1

Questions Reliments Answering respondents (%) 1. What is this in your opinion a healthy lifestyle? (perhaps several answers) "Sports"; "No harmful habits"; "Full spiritual life"; 100 100 1002.Do you know about the influence of a man on the activity of a person? "Yes" "No" 100 03. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? "Yes" "No" 29 714.In no, then why ? "I don't want" "no free time" 11 89

From the results of the given table No. 1, it can be seen that students have a complete picture of a healthy life and its influence on all spheres of human vital activity. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. The reason how most noted is the lack of free time.

Table # 2.

Non-prominents Answering respondents (%) 1. Have you tried alcoholic beverages? "Yes" "No" 82 182. If you tried alcoholic beverages, then under what circumstances? "In the company of friends" "from curiosity" "by random" 60 26 143. Have you tried smoking? "Yes" "No" 84 164.If "Yes" What prompted you to this? "The influence of friends" "Feel at adultery" "Curiosity" 54 14 325. Did you try drugs? "Yes" »0 100.

According to the answers of students, unfortunately, more than 80% have already tried alcoholic beverages, and smoke. It usually happened "in the company of friends" and (or) "under their influence". The predominance of answers "In the company of friends", "the influence of friends" suggests that adolescents are excessively influenced by the environment. It follows from this that it is necessary to conduct preventive classes in small groups, where the attention of students will be concentrated, and as often can remind them about the dangerous consequences of bad habits. There is also a fact of drinking alcohol and cigarettes "from curiosity". It should be noted that at this age there is knowledge of everything, looking for new sensations, want to feel more adults. However, from the positive side, it is worth noting the fact that not one of the surveyed schoolchildren has tried to use narcotic substances.

The following issues considered by us will be about the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. Let us analyze the answers of the students of Table number 3.

Table number 3.

Questions Relievers Respondents Respondents Respondents (%) 1. Do you have a classes in the formation of a call? "Yes" "No" 100 02. How often are classified activities? "Often" "rarely" "sometimes" 0 64 363. In what form are preventive activities are usually carried out? (Several answers are possible) "lectures, conversations" "Exhibitions" " View video files »35 24 414. Is it interesting to you in the promotion of the heading?" Interesting "" boring "23 77

According to the answers of students, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: classes are rarely held and usually in traditional form (lectures, conversations and viewing documentaries about the dangers of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs), which does not cause proper interest on the part of students (77% of respondents answered "boring") . It follows from this that it is necessary to add new methods to the program on the formation of zozh, forms of classes with adolescents.

In the recent issues, we analyze the opinions of adolescents about reforming preventive schools at school. Consider Table No. 4.

Table # 4.

Questions are questioning respondents (%) 1. Do you participate in the organization of preventive classes at school (class)? "Yes" "No" 13 872.Good to take part in the conduct? "Yes" "No" 67 333.Kay methods, forms Prevention of bad habits. Would you like to add? (perhaps several answers) "Sports events" "conference" "Trainings" 35 25 40

As can be seen from students' responses, they show great interest in a healthy lifestyle. Pupils wish to actively participate both in the organization and in conducting a promotion of a healthy lifestyle: to find suitable information on the proposed discussion topic, develop plans for sports events (for example, "Health Day"), conduct trainings, create a group of "control", which will follow the performance of work. And the role of the teacher will be that it will observe, direct and, of course, evaluate the work of students.

Analyzing the results obtained, we can say that our hypothesis is confirmed. Thus, we concluded that in connection with the peculiarities of adolescence, it is necessary to supplement the traditional program for the formation of zozh in interesting and fascinating methods, as well as the use of entertainment approaches and provide more opportunities to students in organizing and conducting preventive activities.

2 Technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

Currently, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is extremely relevant. With adverse trends in the health status of the population, influence the decline in morbidity, mortality, improving the epidemiological situation, etc. Perhaps only with a well-supplied system of preventive measures and close relationship with the population, the development of a responsible attitude towards their health and health of their family.

The use of alcohol, drugs brings a huge material, social and moral damage to society, social institutions, almost all citizens.

The most vulnerable group of population is teenagers. The cause of dependence on alcohol, tobacco, drugs is often the lack of comprehensive information and understanding of the problems relating to the field of dependencies, and the receipt of professional assistance prevents the lack of relevant services.

Family, school, youth public organizations are involved in the help of persons with dependencies, as they themselves have a deficit of information on the prevention of dependencies.

Meanwhile, preventive work can be successful only if its concept and technique are correctly selected.

Experts in the field of prevention generally agree that the most effective approach to prevention is one that includes a variety of strategies. There is no need to look for the only, most effective approach (for example, large-scale campaigns in the media - media or training programs in secondary schools). In addition, we must refrain from the idea that "information about drugs will lead to positive changes in the behavior of young people."

Due to the fact that so far the experts have not come to a single opinion about which preventive strategies are most effective, consider the combination of the following strategies:

preventive strategies whose main goal is to change the attitude of young people to drugs (here you can take a decrease in the dose, changing the norms of behavior, an explanation that it is useless to expect from drugs of good, solving our problems, etc.);

preventive strategies aimed at developing mechanisms and resistance skills dependencies;

preventive strategies whose goal is to change the attitude towards narcotic substances and the norm of behavior in society as a whole;

preventive strategies aimed at all forms of dependencies, including alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;

preventive strategies specifically adapted to the characteristics of the problems of dependencies in a specific environment.

Recently, preventive strategies began to be introduced, the purpose of which is to strengthen the ability to quickly restore physical and mental strength and improve the effect of protective factors (especially in young people belonging to the increased risk group). It seems to us that such an approach concentrated on risk factors is most successful.

It should be noted that the personal and social awareness of the dangers of drugs for the human body, both in physical and mental terms, are very important for the prevention of dependencies.

Thoughtful preventive programs can enhance protective factors in young people. This can be achieved by teaching parents to the skills of the correct construction of family relationships, as well as by regulating behavioral norms. Studies also showed that parents should take more active participation in the life of children: to talk with them about alcohol, tobacco and drugs, watch children's affairs, get acquainted with their friends, understand children's problems.

Studies show that most children are very vulnerable to transitional periods of their lives, i.e. When they go to another from one level of development. The first transition period is the one when they leave the "safe harbor" of their family and go to school, where they get acquainted with new friends. When children end the elementary school and go to medium and senior classes, they face new social problems. At this time, they must learn to get along with large peer groups ("PI groups"). It was then that many of them first try alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Preventive programs are focused on the relationship between the child with "PI groups. The purpose of these programs is the desire to help develop the right social behavior, to form a good relationship in the" PI groups "and teach children to say" no "harmful habits.

Such preventive programs are aimed at forming the skills of the right social behavior of young people, learn to think, feel, make decisions, solve problems, interact and communicate with peers.

Preventive programs are also aimed at strengthening the interaction of students with the school. They help schoolchildren to understand their individuality and significance, reduce the likelihood of lessons skips.

Most preventive programs in schools include supporting good relationships in PI groups and corrective behavior against bad habits.

Studies have shown that when children are well aware of the negative consequences of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs (physical, mental, social), they try to avoid them and refuse their consumption.

When implementing preventive programs, it is necessary to work closely with various civil, cultural, sports and government organizations using them for the formation of adolescents a negative attitude towards drugs. Young people need to help actively spend their free time to exclude boredom and monotony, which often serve as the reason for the use of drugs. The activities of these organizations will lead to the improvement of society as a whole.

The provision of information on the negative consequences of drug use (and other psychoactive substances) is a very important element of any preventive program.

In addition, when young people are supported upon receipt of school education, they have improved performance, they are actively involved in extracurricular life, which, in turn, helps them to form strong social connections with peers, school and society as a whole.

To achieve the goals and objectives of preventive programs in the field of dependencies, various methods and communication technologies can be used. To speak, in general, the difference is made between educational programs, for the implementation of which group work methods are used, and programs that are implemented using the media.

Educational programs using group working methods involve a wide variety of technologies:

educational process (for example, studying the influence of narcotic substances on the brain in the lessons of biology);

lectures (for example, for parents - "Eating alcoholic beverages among young people");

discussions in small groups (for example: "What should I do if in the addict?");

training (for practical doctors - "how to determine the dependence at an early stage");

role-playing games (for example, how to communicate with students);

large-scale discussion of the topic, for example: "authorities and society as a whole on preventive programs";

exhibitions (exhibition of educational materials: memo, booklets, posters, videos);

symposia, scientific conferences on various issues of prevention of dependencies.

Training using the media, for example, provides:

media campaigns at the national, regional and local levels; television and radio broadcasts (in the form of anticraft);

television and radio programs: cycles, serials providing information about drugs, preventing dependencies, drug treatment;

interview with drug addicts and former drug addicts, with narcologist doctors;

release of special journals for young people (information, interviews, educational preventive materials);

the publication of educational materials on the prevention of dependencies (such materials can, for example, throw in the mailboxes);

release of posters, memos, booklets, leaflets, stickers, labels, etc. distributed among the population on the streets, markets, railway stations, bus stations, etc.;

production of audio or video materials (audio tapes, video films);

building information services working as "trust phones".

The choice of the most acceptable methods of work and technologies to a large extent depends on the purposes of a specific prophylactic program or educational campaign, the target group, which is addressed by the preventive program available in the presence of funds and other resources.

There are various types of group methods and various methods and technologies:

the main task of which is to transfer knowledge, information (lectures, lessons, conversations, etc.);

aimed at changing the relationship (discussions, role-playing games);

whose goal is to train social skills (trainings, modeling);

the purpose of which is to exchange views on this or that problem (posters, exhibitions).

The best way to show how group methods operate is to describe the preventive programs based on the school.

Why preventive programs are easiest to implement in schools?

in schools, preventive programs can be covered by almost all students;

school is an organizational structure that provides close relationship with parents and the public;

schools, despite many social and cultural differences, are in all countries of the world;

over the past 30 years, most of the preventive programs were implemented on the basis of schools;

most of the methods of work and technologies used in the implementation of preventive programs based on the school can also be applied to other groups of the population (in most cases only minor changes are required);

most often, the first experience of drinking drugs, cigarettes and alcohol occurs at the age of 14-18, i.e. In school years.

Information model. For a long time, the most popular form of preventive work was the provision of information about health and drugs. The choice of such a form was based on the approval that the facts based on psychoactive substances, their biological, social and psychological consequences for the body gives a good prophylactic result, knowledge of specific facts leads to the abandonment of bad habits.

Model of emotional education. This model was developed in the 70s and represents such an educational program in the field of dependencies, in the implementation of which information is only sad. Such preventive - educational models are based on approval that the main reasons for dependencies include the undeveloped sense of self-esteem among young people, the inability to find a rational solution to their problems, inability to express their feelings. Thus, the main goal of the preventive program should be an increase in the young man of self-esteem, the development of the ability to find the right solution to the problems. This model is based on approval that if a young person is able to solve his internal psychological problems, the risk of drug use will be much smaller.

Model of social influence. The main idea is that the behavior is the result of a positive or negative effect. Social environment (parents, peers), as well as media, can often show examples of adequate and inadequate behavior. Preventive programs developed based on the principles of social influence include several elements: training aimed at resistance to influence (peers, media), role-playing, analysis of advertising in the media, etc.

The most promising approach in preventive work is an approach based on learning skills and skills. Despite the fact that there is a certain conceptual similarity between this and emotional models, a model based on learning skills and skills, pays more attention to the development of skills that can be grouped as follows: related to learning, thinking, feelings, the ability to make a decision, relationships, actions. . The model provides for an increase in the positive impact of the "PI group", the use of role-playing games in "PI groups", "PI-training" (improving the understanding of such values \u200b\u200bas respect, self-discipline).

Such a model can be used both for preventive programs and for programs promoting health and healthy lifestyle.

Thus, one of the most important approaches in the field of prevention it is necessary to note changes in the social environment of children and adolescents, the formation of sustainable interest in young people to a healthy lifestyle, the formation of public opinion.

Having studied and examining the technology of solving this problem, I am proposed a more effective form of working with adolescents - socially - psychological training.

Relying on the technology of solving this problem I am proposed a new more efficient method of working with adolescents - socially preventive training.

One of the main medical and social factors forming the health of the population is the behavior, style or lifestyle. Man's behavior often creates risk factors, causes the likelihood of its disease. The main causes of mortality today, including dangerous diseases, one way or another, are associated with the choice of a behavior model that is carried out in the daily life of a particular person. We know that if you choose in favor of a healthy lifestyle, many of the diseases caused by risk factors that are the main killers can be discontinued or substantially weakened. Nevertheless, we are exactly exactly known that the identity behavior, the team, and as a whole, the population regarding their health is under the strongest formative influence of families, social groups, social medium.

What is training? This psychological impact based on the active methods of group work is a form of specially organized communication, during which issues of personality development, the formation of communicative skills, psychological support and assistance are resolved. Training allows you to shoot stereotypes and solve the personal problems of the participants, there is a change in the internal installations of the participants, their knowledge is expanding, and the experience of a positive attitude towards themselves and others appears. In the training group, a person feels accepted and actively host others, he uses the full confidence of the group and is not afraid to trust others. A group member can actively experiment with various style styles, absorb and work out completely different, not peculiar to the abilities and skills, feeling psychological comfort and security.

Any training, whatever tasks he pursued, almost always begins with the development of the rules for the existence of the Group and with acquaintance. The rules of existence can be determined in different ways. You can, offering options, start a joint selection of the most acceptable. You can begin to compose them yourself. It all depends on what the group wants from classes.

In a sentence, as a rule, after a small discussion, this "Code of Laws" can take the following form:

Law on punctuality.

Rule raised hand: to speak in turn, when one says, the rest listen and, before you take the floor, raise your hand.

No ratings: different points of view are accepted, none appreciates each other.

Privacy: What happens in the lesson remains between the participants.

The right to personal opinion.


The right to say "no".

An important condition is to maintain the unity of the group. To do this, conditions are created in which communication itself would be valuable for all (confidential tone, positive emotions, many game moments, then the topic and its discussion becomes more significant, and if the value of such interaction is preserved, then as a result, the values \u200b\u200bof higher Order, whose carrier is presenter). Thanks to the process of self-consciousness, organized throughout the time, participants get the opportunity to make a conscious choice, finding alternative to drugs and alcohol.

In order for the group to work productively, the master must follow the following rules:

support self-esteem of participants and create a favorable group atmosphere based on trust and adoption;

to ensure the safety of self-discharge to investigate the process of interaction in the group and ensure the formation of meaning (awareness of what happens).

To achieve these goals necessary:

give everyone the opportunity to speak;

realize your own feelings and talk about your experiences;

respect the uniqueness of each participant and its experiences;

play what a man says, and to realize how it affects you.

Thus, the prevention will be more efficient if the following principles are followed:

The awareness of the essence of bad habits will be formed in parallel with a negative personal attitude towards psychoactive substances, the ability to communicate with others, to cope with conflicts, to manage emotions and feelings.

Information will take into account sexual agents.

Target training of children should be carried out in advance, before the occurrence of the age, when the admission to psychoactive substances becomes reality. According to foreign experts, preventive work with children should be started with 4-5 years of age.

The principle of prohibitive information must be followed. Fully eliminates the use of information capable of provoking the interest of children to psychoactive substances (for example, information on their specific properties, narcotic drugs, methods of their use and preparation).

In the fight against bad habits, the child, his parents, friends, teachers, specialists should be one.

The purpose of our work is to show the value of health as an important condition for happy and full-fledged life, to increase the level of knowledge, popularize a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, as well as form a moral culture in a youth environment. This form of information feed will be most interesting for young people, as it requires direct participation in the training, is aimed not only to aware of the harmful habits, but also on the psychological, emotional development of the personality of the participants.

But this socio-psychological training is one of the many methods of working with young people. In general, work may be more effective if the following recommendations will be followed:

the model of preventive work at school needs to be built in the form of a volunteer movement. The principle of equality and opportunities allows you to find each other support;

it is necessary that preventive work is not carried out for young people, but together in cooperation with them;

in schools, it is necessary to organize an educational environment when a diverse material about a healthy lifestyle will be available for children and adolescents, about the effect of psychoactive substances on the human body;

teach children and adolescents to manage their emotions and resolve emerging conflicts without violence;

create skills to resist negative phenomena. Consequently, subject to these recommendations and conducting social and psychological trainings to resolve the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle, it can be said that the effectiveness of preventive work will be guaranteed.


For children, teenagers, young people, health is a fundamental and driving force, which is influenced by the representations of each person, biological characteristics, living conditions, culture elected by a person's lifestyle, as well as a social, spiritual, economic and physical environment.

A healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of vital activity of people aimed at the harmonic unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. A healthy lifestyle is based on many human life factors: family, work, rest.

From how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in consciousness skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age depends on the subsequent real lifestyle, which prevents or contributing to the disclosure of the personality potential.

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle of a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Harmful habits are among the important risk factors of various diseases, and significantly affects the state of the health of adolescents and the population as a whole.

Of great importance is the relationship of people to their own health, finding out the prevalence of bad habits. Understanding what the reasons for the use of psychoactive agents of adolescents and how the adolescent adoption occurs to harmful substances, is of exceptional importance for planning and conducting preventive work, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Studying technologies in the field of prevention should take a worthy place. With their help, it will be possible to identify disadvantages, determine the correct way to eliminate them, it is better to use the available reserves, evaluate the conditions that contribute to improving the effectiveness of health care and the formation of a positive opinion in the population of a healthy lifestyle.

In general, the work was done successfully, assumptions were confirmed, the tasks were solved and the goal was achieved.

The best result could be obtained if a single-time parallel examination was conducted by three categories of adolescents, their parents and teachers. It could accurately designate existing trends in the consideration of the population to the problem of a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to develop a health promotion program and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, where the main idea is to work with healthy children, teenagers, young people in order to develop their health, knowledge and habits of a healthy lifestyle.

The approach to prophylactic work is required. This requires:

build a positive concept of "health" as not only the absence of diseases, but also a special quality of life, possible, subject to the availability of values \u200b\u200band habits of a healthy lifestyle, corresponding to the organization of life space and time.

the creation of new technologies formed in children of value, habits and abilities to a healthy lifestyle.

for the successful implementation of the strategy for the preservation and health promotion of young people, it is necessary to reorient the policies of state bodies for the prevention of morbidity and the asocial behavior of young people, to focus in this work on the use of various forms of attracting adolescents about the formation of health and by attracting them to physical cultural and sports activities.

the creation of a regulatory framework that ensures the development of the personality of a young man and guaranteeing it, the possibility of realizing the need for spiritual and physical development.

the determining role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle should be played by the media. We are talking about creating a massive information and propaganda company using a wide range of diverse tools and carried out in different directions. This is the formation of a prestigious image of a sports lifestyle and information about the dangers of smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, a low-lifestyle, specific recommendations on the use of certain physical culture, advertising of sporting goods, video materials about the benefits of active recreation and physical culture.

Change the situation, only a targeted state policy on the formation of the youth of an active life position, aimed at the awareness of the need to maintain and strengthen their health, education of the skills of the health and healthy lifestyle skills.

It is extremely important that not only government agencies, but also the media, the public in order to solve this problem.

psychophysical teenager healthy image

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Stepanov A.D., Ozutkin D.A. Criteria of a healthy lifestyle and its formation background // Healthcare, 2003.

Eremenko V.A. Lifestyle and human health // Philosophical issues of medicine and biology. - Kiev, 2005.

Medvedeva M.P. The nature of the determination of the vital activity of the human body // Philosophical issues of medicine and biology. - Kiev, 2006.

International Terminology Dictionary. - M., 2003.

Improving the system of physical education of physical education in Siberia: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference. - Chita, 2011.

APANASENKO G.L. Evaluation of the physical health of children and adolescents // New research. - 2005.

Obesity in adolescence // Health. - 2007.

Hygiene / ed. G.I. Rumyantsev. - M.: Gueotar - Media, 2008.

Report of the Republican Center for Medical Prevention. - Ulan Ude, 2007.

Report of the Republican Center for Medical Prevention. - Ulan-Ude, 2007.

Skvortsova E.S. The situation with the consumption of psychoactive substances among schoolchildren in Russia. Monitoring data 2009-2010 / E.S.S.Skvortsova, O.A.Selonina, I.L. BoTNeva - M., 2011.

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Hello! We ask to participate in a small study, the results of which will be used in scientific interests. Please answer, honestly, seriously and personally.

Your gender: __________________

Your age: ______ years.

1.What is your opinion a healthy lifestyle? (maybe several answer options)

a) play sports;

b) lack of bad habits;

c) live a full-fledged spiritual life;

Do you know about the influence of a call on a person's activities?

Do you behave a healthy lifestyle?

Why not"?

a) I do not want b) no free time

5. Have you tried alcoholic beverages?

If you tried alcoholic beverages, under what circumstances?

a) in the company of friends;

b) from curiosity;

c) randomly.

Have you tried smoking?

If "yes", what prompted you to this?

a) the influence of friends;

b) feel like adults;

c) curiosity;

Have you tried drugs?

Do you spend your classes in the formation of a call?

How often are classes?

c) sometimes;

In what form are preventive classes are usually held? (maybe several answer options)

a) lectures and conversations;

b) exhibitions;

c) viewing video;

Is it interesting to you in the promotion of the call?

a) Interesting

b) boring

Do you participate in the organization of preventive classes at school (class)?

Would you like to take part in the conduct of classes?

What methods, forms to carry out the prevention of bad habits, would you like to add? (maybe several answer options)

a) "Sports events"

b) "conference"

Send a request With the topic right now, to learn about the possibility of receiving consultation.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents

Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to preserve him for life, it is necessary from early childhood and to take a deep old age to take care of its strengthening. If in early childhood the child's health depends mainly from the lifestyle of the family, then in adolescent age, the influence of the environment increases.

It is necessary to remember since childhood that a healthy lifestyle is the most practical and least expensive way by preventing diseases, requires a person's work and consolidation of useful habits, and the idle lifestyle implies poor health.

Physical activity is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. All girls dream of having a beautiful slim figure, and all young men be strong and strong. All this is possible to achieve with regular physical education in the involvement of all muscle groups (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, skiing, rowing, team games).

With the state of the muscles, the normal posture of the child and the shape of the feet, which are formed with systematic exercise practices and constant control over their posture of the children themselves and their parents.

Dosage physical activity is useful to everyone. Even children who have some kind of contraindications should not be fully freed from motor activity, because It is possible to take advantage of the medical gymnastics complexes.

Compliance with the regime of the day - is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle of the child. The day of the day is a well-thought-out routine of labor, recreation, food.

The main view of the rest, of course, is a dream. Schoolchild needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours at favorable conditions - warm blanket, cool air, calm atmosphere.

Finding outdoors daily 1.5 - 2.5 hours in combination with motor activity, physical labor, sports activities is one of the components of the rational regime of the day.

Hardening is useful at any age. The tempered man is withstanding cold and heat, humidity. Harding action have air baths, walking barefoot, visiting the bath. The strongest hardening effect has water procedures - wipes, poultry, shower, bathtubs, snow and molding. With hardening, it is important to follow the following principles: graduality, systematic, individual approach, a variety of tempering effects.

During the physiological changes for adolescents, balanced and rational nutrition is especially important. The rapid growth and increase of muscle body weight requires uniform nutrition during the day. Long breaks, hurried food, "snacks" on the go there are a cause of violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Very helpful for powering teenagers of coarse grower, porridge, fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of meat, chicken and fish, fruit, raw vegetables and greens. It is necessary to reduce the content in the diet of animals of fats and "fast" carbohydrates - sugar, sweets, confectionery, potatoes. It is necessary to give preference to marmalade, marshmallows, honey, chocolate in small quantities.

It is necessary to follow the schoolchildren to receive hot lunches, did not eat dry, were not fond of burgers and chips. During the day, about 2 liters of liquid drank, preferably pure water.

Of great importance for health promotion have a good psychological climate in the family, good mutual understanding of a teenager with adults, parents and friends, which helps young people with the smallest health losses to overcome stressful situations and difficult moments in life.

Maintaining skin cleanliness, nail care are also elements of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to teach the child to wash your arms before eating, after visiting the toilet, work in the garden, walks down the street. Especially important to care for their teenagers. In the period of puberty, they themselves notice that they began to sweat more, felt a strong smell of legs and armpits. From those who neglect the personal hygiene unpleasant smell felt at a distance. After receiving the soul you need to change underwear. Feet wash daily at night.

In adolescence, hair care is also important. Healthy, shiny and obedient hair can become a real decoration, so you need to learn how to care for them.

Regular care for the oral cavity will help keep your teeth, warn many diseases of internal organs. In order to keep the teeth healthy to mature age, you need care of the teeth and visiting the dentist 1-2 times a year. Sparkling a number of white and healthy teeth truly decorates man. It is impossible to treat the cleaning of teeth frivolously. It is necessary to use an individual toothbrush that needs to be changed 1 time in 3-4 months. Ringed mouth need after each meal. After the appearance of unpleasant smell, it is necessary to apply for advice to the doctor.

Hygiene linen and clothes is very important. It is desirable that the clothes are free and the air layer is preserved under it. An important place in personal hygiene is occupied by the compliance of the purity of underwear and clothing, the daily change of socks or tights, especially with high sweating. Each family member is recommended to have a separate bed, separate towels, 1 time per week change linens. At night it is recommended to wear a night shirt or pajamas.

In the foreground, in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, there is love for a child and a positive attitude to life. The more parents and the surrounding loves the child, the harmonious and happier he will grow. Just do not forget that love is not permissiveness, but respect, respect, healthy criticism. In the atmosphere of love and friendship it is easier to raise a healthy person.

Lesson training "time to be healthy" for students in grades 7-9

Titova Victoria Viktorovna, Social teacher of Zaporizhzhya secondary school I-III steps No. 12 of the Zaporizhzhya city council of the Zaporozhye region

Description of the material: I offer you a training lesson "time to be healthy!". This material will be useful to class managers, social educators, subject teachers. The training lesson is aimed at expanding the knowledge of adolescents about the health and healthy lifestyle; the show of the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; Formation of value attitude to their own health; Development of responsible behavior of adolescents.

Subject: Time to be healthy!

Objectives: expand the knowledge of teenagers about health and healthy lifestyle; show the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; contribute to the formation of a value attitude to their own health; Develop the responsible behavior of adolescents.

Equipment: Badges of two colors; ball; Posters "Rules of work", "Waiting River", "Express Health", "Wall of Harmful Habits"; Stickers: in the form of ships, bricks; Sheets A-4, Watmans, Markers, Color Pencils (for each group).

The target audience: (Training Participants): Students 7-9 classes.

Training move

Before the start of the training, participants are invited to choose Badi's colors you like and take place at the appropriate table. Thus, two working groups are formed, for green and yellow tables.

І. Opening part

I am glad to welcome you at a training class that will allow us to expand the knowledge of the health and healthy lifestyle "time to be healthy!".
It is not known who, when, but someone said the words that are transferred to us and, which we convey our descendants: "Try every day, for each business to find some positive start, because from the mood with which you enter the day , Or in some case, your progress depend on, and possibly failures. "

Exercise "Three words about yourself"
To tune in to friendly relationships, I propose to start with dating. We all have the right to the name, so let's say, how we would like to be called today, and also characterize themselves with three words. The name for the word is not considered.

It is proposed to transfer information in a circle from the first (coach) to the last participant. Then the participants write this name on their badges next to the official. When the last participant called his name, the Groups give another task.

Exercise "Wish for today's occupation"
I wish you to start training with a good mood and get pleasure from him and good results. Let's start our work with the statement of each other wishes for today's occupation. The wish should be short. You throw the ball to those who address the wish and at the same time say it. The one who threw the ball, in turn, throws him to the following, expressing his wishes for today's occupation. We will carefully monitor the ball to be at all, and we will try to miss anyone.

Exercise "River Expectations"
Going to today's occupation, everyone asked himself a question: "What do I expect from the training?" Recognize, please, on ships, expectations from our event. Watch them, please.

Participants voicate their expectations and place them on the "River Expectations" poster, attaching to the banks of hope

Exercise "Taking rules of work in groups"
Before proceeding to further work, I suggest you to accept certain rules for which we will work during our meeting:
1. Meeting based on trust.
2. Meetings on the principle "here" and "now" (talk about what is worried now).
3. "I-statements" (I think I think).
4. Extension of communication (there is no desire to speak frankly, better saying).
5. Active participation in what is happening (actively listen, we look, say; we do not get closed, we are all the time in the group, attentive to others).
6.Tolerance to each other (respect, tacty, patience, compassion, sociability, equality, courtesy, intelligence).
7. Work "from" and "to".
Do you agree with such rules? I propose to take them in general.


Exercise "Association"
What is health? Each of you at the mention of health arise their associations. I offer each team to write on the stickers of three associations.
And so, health for you is ...

Participants list words-Associations recorded on stickers

In accordance with the Charter of the World Health Organization under the health, the "State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects" is understood. I suggest you watch the video "Health and its views."

Participants browse and discuss video "Health and its views"

So guys, we reviewed the three main aspects of health, which form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise "Express Health"
So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. You learned what physical health, mental health, social health.
You have leaves with associations. Attach them, please, to the car, what health, in your opinion, denotes this word.

Participants attach leaves with the words-associations to the poster with the image of the locomotive with three cars: 1 car - social health, 2 wagons - mental health, 3 wagons - physical health

Exercise "Model of a Healthy and Unhealthy Man"
What is a healthy person different from unhealthy? (Responses of participants) Choose words for the characteristics of a healthy person: beautiful, deft, static, strong, sutured, pale, slim, clumsy, strong, ruddy, thick, taut. Let's try to portray a healthy person and not healthy and explain why this man depicted this way.

Participants in groups create models of a healthy and unhealthy person

What do you think, what kind of person, healthy or unhealthy, feels comfortable? What does it depend on? (Responses of participants) A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels much better.

Exercise "Chamomile Healthy Lifestyle"
What is a healthy lifestyle? (Responses of participants)
A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, active attitude to its own health, accumulation of certain positive or neutralization of negative factors, external and internal. I propose to grow chamomile, the petals of which will be components of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise "Wall of bad habits"
What prevents us from leading a healthy lifestyle? (Responses of participants) At every step of a person, dangers are waiting: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, which from innocent entertainment can turn into a habit. What is the habit? (Responses of participants)
The habit is behavior, an image of action that have become ordinary, permanent. Let's think about what bad habits can undermine human health. You have stickers bricks, write these habits on them.

Participants write down bad habits on brick stickers and place them on the wall of bad habits located between the models of a healthy and unhealthy person

On the path of a person there is a wall from bad habits, and only it depends on it, he will bypass it or not. And subsequently the state of his health. After all, according to scientists on human health, a lot of factors affect: heredity (20%), health care condition (10%), environment (20%) and lifestyle (50%).


Exercise "Your health in your hands"
In one village, two smart people lived, one was kind and fair, and respected him, to him were behind the advice and resolution of conflicts, the other was a heter, angry and calculating, people, despite his mind, did not go to him for help. The evil elder decided to all prove the imperfection of a good sage in this way: he caught a butterfly, gathered the inhabitants, called the sage and asked that he himself holds in his hands. Good old man answered - butterfly. "Living her or dead?" - There was the next question. And the elder answered: "Now everything depends on you: you want to open the palm, and she will fly away, but you want to eat, and she will die. All in your hands!"
Morals are: your life and your health in your hands. Teachers, doctors, parents can affect, help information, but the decision to take you. And I hope it will be correct. Just want you to understand how great to be free and healthy. Everyone is responsible for itself, remembering that his health and the body will not be alone and the other. You are already at that age when able to think about how to live today to have a chance to see tomorrow.
Take butterflies in your hands - this is your health. Tear away the wing at the butterfly. Sorry. And this is our health.
Who toddled the wing: You see that if it is to glue it on it, the crack will remain so and your health, if it does not apply to it, it will not be careful. Health nor return not for any money.

Exercise "River Expectations"
We held a wonderful training about a healthy lifestyle. I suggest you return to the "River Expectations". Tell me, please, did your expectations justified? (Responses of participants)

Participants share their thoughts if their expectations were justified, they move the boats to the shore of the coming hopes

I hope today's occupation was useful for you, you were able to learn something from him and make a right choice for yourself, the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the active work!

Chalova Oksana Yurevna

The role of a healthy lifestyle in the development, upbringing and education of adolescents


I. Introduction

1.1 Healthy lifestyle as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon

1.2 Comerates and main environmental factors affecting a person

1.3 Leisure and motor activity: the benefits and the need to develop their body

1.4 The influence of physical activity on mental processes

1.5 The importance of rational nutrition for good health and educationalsuccess

II. Conclusion

III. List of used software

"The art of extending life is the art of not crushing it"


Today, the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students is more than ever. Increasingly, parents and teachers manifests themselves despair, pain, concern, for the steadily deteriorating state of the health of children. According to Research, about 90% of schoolchildren have health deviations. Children find themselves patients from the moment of birth. 80% of chronic diseases in children are developed at an early age, 70% of students suffer from hypodynailes. The incidence of the musculoskeletal system of students over the past 20 years has grown 27 times. Many have a disharmony of physical development: a shortage of body weight, a decrease in muscle strength. The number of healthy children training period with grades 1-9 decreases 4 times suffering from myopia increases from 3% to 30%. Every 10 years the prevalence of mental diseases among children and adolescents increases by 10-15%. In the structure of mental pathology, mental retardation prevails (59.5%). In the educational institutions of the region studying 6000 children with a delay in intellectual development. The number of children suffering from alcoholism, drug addicts, sharply increased. Growth increase among schoolchildren, youth: smoking, alcohol and drug use testifies to a low level of health culture, hygienic knowledge, as well as about the ineffectiveness of existing forms and methods of hygienic education not only in the family, but also in collectives.

Currently, there are sharp changes in the economic, political and social life in the country. These changes led to the emergence of new social problems, which first of all affected the education, development, social formation of children, adolescents and young people. The overwhelming part of the diseases of the modern person is due primarily to his lifestyle and everyday behavior. Therefore, the Zhoz serves as the principal basis for the prevention of diseases. A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just important, but vital if the young man and his parents want him to achieve success, was healthy and purposeful.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by increasing and changing the nature of loads on the body of the younger generation due to the complication of public life, an increase in the risks of man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military, provoking negative shifts in a state of health. Environmental and social cataclysms, the instability of life, the destruction of the usual leaders and moral benchmarks - all this creates a real crisis for humanity. It is especially destroyed for children and young people, which is manifested in the widespread growth of cruelty and crime among young people.

The long-term tendency of the deterioration of children's health and the youth student entails the subsequent decline in health in all age groups and further affects the quality of labor resources, reproduction of generations. Already at school age, under the influence of the social situation, which was now in our country, many children fell under the influence of "street ideology" with the notorious motto "the worse, the better," the usual one became a rough attitude towards the elders. In general, today in their relationship, as in the relationship of adults, rudeness, cruelty, deceit, greed and hypocrisy flourishes.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle at a schoolboy requires identifying the peculiarities of health at this age, the specifics of the pedagogical impact and the well-thought-out system of organizing physical education in the lessons and the role of the teacher in this is extremely large. The direction of the educational process in educational institutions has a significant impact on the formation of educational health culture. If a person knows how to keep health, it does not mean that he will do it. Along with training, practical recovery skills, the problem of assistance in choosing a value system, the formation of health motivation is becoming an urgent. Success in this direction can be achieved using active learning methods, communicative trainings covering work with students. A teacher, like a medical worker, should adhere to the commandment "Do not harm." Pedagogue health culture will allow not only to support their health level, but also to bring up a healthy generation.

The formation of a health culture is the direction that should, first of all, be carried out in educational institutions. After all, even the most competent teacher who does not have a health culture can harm the health of children. Only the teacher carrying the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle can bring up a healthy student. First of all, teachers need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe hygienic deterministic motivational basis of children and adolescents of various age periods. Using in their pedagogical practice, the knowledge of the innate properties of the character of children. On this basis, the teacher will be able to form the behavior of a healthy lifestyle.

So what is a healthy lifestyle? Today everyone knows that this is a reliable means of conservation and health promotion. A healthy lifestyle is a combination of spiritual values \u200b\u200band actual active health conservation forms.

It includes a number of diverse public and household:

2. Hardening.


4. Personal hygiene.

5. Proper compliance with the day mode.

6. Compliance with labor, recreation and sleep.

7. Lack of bad habits.

8. Healthy psychological climate.

9. Environmental and psychological culture.

10. Attentive attitude towards your health.

We will dwell only on several important aspects, which, one way or another, are worried every parent.

An important rule of a healthy lifestyle is nothing to interfere with the natural update of the body, and the lifestyle should contribute to its growth and development. To grow a healthy and active person, first of all, you should bring up the ability to organize your day correctly. Proper to organize your day - it means to follow the regime. And the right day of the day is such a routine of life that protects against overwork, provides good performance, strengthens health and at the same time allows you to relax well. The tasks that young men and girls are solved during this period are associated with the study, the choice of the future profession, as well as the formation of a mature organism requires a person dynamism and intensity. Leisure must be sent to the replenishment of the forces spent, as well as to identify and develop existing abilities.

Physical culture - a mandatory element of a healthy lifestyle Movement in general is one of the most important signs of life. For adolescents, the presence of physical activity means improving health and, naturally, health promotion. The sad moment is not a large percentage of the population purposefully engaged in physical education. As a result, hypodymna (lack of movement) is the cause of a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body. Interesting studies were conducted by scientists, which showed that with a lack of physical activity mental activity decreases sharply. Already the next day of the experiment, the efficiency of work reaches only 50%, the nervous voltage is sharply intensified, irritability increases, the concentration of attention is growing, the task execution time increases. In general, the result is not the most rainbow. That is why it is necessary at least a small one, but regular charging!

The importance of physical activity turns out to be extremely important for our mental activity. This happens because our brain will use in the process of mental activity only 10% of nerve cells. All others regulate the work of our body.

For mental activity, it is extremely important that the pulse signals come from the periphery. If the brain ceases to receive such stimulation, then his activity is gradually fading and man wants to sleep. Of all the indicated, the conclusion that muscle tension is one of the necessary conditions of mental activity.

Each of us who came across the fatigue after a difficult labor day, can now realize that this fatigue is a consequence of the fatigue of the cerebral cortex, a decrease in the amount of oxygen and glucose in the blood, as well as the accumulation of metabolic exchange products. It is worth understanding how to shoot these negative consequences to fully lead a healthy lifestyle of young people. So, there are several ways to solve such a problem. First, you can relax passively, secondly, use medication tools to increase brain cells. The first option is not particularly effective, and the second leads to nervous exhaustion. There is another third way that is also safe. For this, any physical tension of muscles and body as a whole is necessary. Any sporting activity is suitable: running, swimming, yoga, gymnastics, etc. Strengthen the effect will help hardened, which stimulates the protective properties of the body, improves local immunity.

The correct diet for adolescents is important from many points of view. It was during this period of life that a variety of diseases are actively laid out, which are associated with nutrition failures. And here, by the way, do not, only, diseases of the stomach, intestines, but also nervous, endocrine and other systems, since the processes of derivation of harmful substances are disturbed. The growing body quickly adapts to overloads and disadvantages, it can create the illusion that everything is fine. Here lies the background to the appearance of excessive or insufficient weight. Irregular nutrition among schoolchildren arises due to a large workload of the learning process, a lack of time. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is an insufficient level of trace elements. Proper nutrition is the basis of full mental and physical activity, health, health, life expectancy. Proper nutrition for teenagers Menu includes about 50 diverse components. A person needs all nutrients, and it is necessary that they entered in certain proportions. Those are determined taking into account the gender of a person, its age and other factors.

The educational process for a teenager is largely associated with stress. At such periods of time, it is necessary to remember that the body as ever needs proteins, vitamins of group B, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, E, Holine, since each of these elements participate in the development of pituitary and adrenal hormones. It would seem, and here these hormones, but the ability of our body to confront stress depends largely on them.

A healthy lifestyle of teenagers is not just words. He helps a person not only to feel fully, but also is a kind of choice of life position. Boys and girls, almost adult people, decide for themselves, that there is good, but what they want to avoid. If parents believe that they can monitor each step of their children, they are deeply mistaken. That is why it is important that the principles of the zoom were a conscious choice of the adolescent himself, then these rules are coming up, used and benefit.

List of sources used

1. Manovsky O.F. "To health without drugs. "-: Soviet Sport, 2010.

2. Kozlov V.I. "Take care of the health of the Smalod." - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 2010.

3. School technologies // Scientific - practical journal of the school technologist, 2014. p.240

4. Soprans N.E. "Motivational foundations for the health of the saving education of children // Education of schoolchildren.-2013-№9.-p.44.

5. Formation of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle in children of school age: Collection of articles. - Smolensk: Goudpos "Soi UU", 2010.-C.164

6. Physical culture // Methodical magazine 2012-№2-p.64

Kurashev Yuri.

I decided to explore such a topic as a "healthy lifestyle", the relevance and significance, which in my opinion today is obvious.



Administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod

Department of Education

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Moskovsky district education center

603079, Moscow highway, 161, t. (Fax) 279-03-11

Scientific Society of Students

The problem of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents

Performed: Kurashev Yuri,

Student 8 "b" class

Scientific adviser:

Biology teacher

Sudol Elena Vladimirovna

Nizhny Novgorod

year 2013

Review of the scientific officer

On research work

Student 8 "B" class Kurasheva Yuri

The topic "The problem of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents"

The stated topic corresponds to the content of the work. It is relevant, since no one is currently disputing that the main task of each person is to prepare him for independent life, to form a successful person, ready to fully live, work, to raise its future generation. No health is unattainable. Therefore, the foundation of the well-being of future generations should be based on health care, on the formation and education of health culture. The author is worried about health questions. The text of the work corresponds to the indicated plan and theme. The topic is revealed quite fully. The material is set out consistently, logical, available. The work consists of administration, the main part, conclusion, the list of used literature and applications.

The main heads are accompanied by a detailed analysis and its own generalizing conclusions.

Perhaps the practical application of this material in the lessons of biology and in extracurricular activities.

I believe that the research work Kurasheva Yuri is fully fulfilled, meets the requirements.

Scientist: Sudol Elena Vladimirovna,

Teacher biology MBOUTO

Moscow District

Introduction ..........................................................................................................4 Chapter I.

1.1. General ideas about a healthy lifestyle .................................. 5

1.2. The story of a healthy lifestyle in Russia ............................................ ..7.

1.3. Valeology. What is valeology? .............................................. ..........nine

1.4. How a man and humanity changed over the past decades .... 10

1.5. Errors and speculation on the topic "Healthy Lifestyle" ............ 12

Chapter II.

2.1. Harmful habits and principles of zoom ............................................. .......13

2.2. About the dangers of alcohol ............................................... .......................................fourteen

2.3. About the dangers of drugs ............................................... ...................................fifteen

2.4. About the dangers of smoking ............................................... ......................................... 17.

Chapter III

3.1. What does health depend on? ............................................. ...........................nineteen

3.2. Principles (classification) of a healthy lifestyle ........................... 20

3.3. An important condition for a healthy lifestyle ............................................. .21

3.4. To a healthy lifestyle .............................................. ......................... 22.

Conclusion ......................................................................................................23




The concept of "healthy lifestyle" is definitely yet yet. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction are considering a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem. In the psychological and pedagogical direction, a healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology.

I decided to explore such a topic as a "healthy lifestyle", the relevance and significance, which in my opinion today is obvious. My hypothesis is as follows, if you study the basics of preventing detrimental habits, then you should expectformation of healthy installations and skills that reduce the likelihood of adolescents to such bad habits like alcohol, smoking, drugs.

The purpose of my work is the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of bad habits!Our short life flies quickly and unnoticed, so you need to love life today, to torture her, to rush every minute, every day.

To achieve the goal, I set the following tasks:

Reveal the concept of zozh;

Consider the history of the development of the head;

Examine the problems of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents; - Consider the process of exposure and perception of bad habits.

In my work, I used the following methods of scientific research: observation, comparison, analysis and generalization. The result of my research will be the urge "I want to be healthy!".

Chapter 1

1.1. General ideas about a healthy lifestyle

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" (s) appeared quite recently, in the 70s of the last century. Why did some special, healthy lifestyle needed? Interest in this topic is associated with a significant increase in life expectancy, change in habitat and man himself.By defining World Health Organization (WHO)health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

The modern health concept allows you to distinguish its main components - physical, psychological and behavioral.

Physical the component includes the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, as well as the current state of their functioning. The basis of this process is morphological and functional transformations and reserves that ensure physical performance and adequate adaptation of a person to external conditions.

Psychologicalthe component is the state of the mental sphere, which is determined by motivational and emotional, mental and moral and spiritual components. The basis of it is the state of emotionally comfort, providing mental performance and adequate human behavior. This condition is due to both "biological and social needs.

Behanthened the component is an external manifestation of a person. It is expressed in the degree of adequacy of behavior, the ability to communicate. The basis of its life position (active, passive, aggressive) and interpersonal relations, which determine the adequacy of interaction with the external environment (biological and social) and the ability to work effectively.

Modern life conditions put forward increased health care requirements. Therefore, the main thing for young people is healthy.

1.2. What is a healthy lifestyle?

There are several existing versions of a healthy lifestyle, depending on national, cultural or religious features: East, American, European, Orthodox, Muslim ... False and stupid. It's all about the system of life values \u200b\u200band motivation to self-protection.

The most adequate definition of a "healthy lifestyle": a healthy lifestyle is a system of intelligent human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor regime, hardening, proper nutrition, rational mode of life and rejection of bad habits).

A healthy lifestyle is primarily a cultural, active lifestyle, directly related to health, longevity, well-being.There are also very primitive definitions that do not emphasize the most important component of a person:a healthy lifestyle is a vital position, behavior or human activity aimed at strengthening their own health.

An example of a healthy lifestyle is served individual famous personalities, such as the commander Alexander Suvorov, writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, doctor Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (Appendix 1).

1.3. History of a healthy lifestyle in Russia

Our ancestors Adam and Eva lived at all for a long time they lived in paradise, where there was no hunger, cold, heavy physical work. The idleness and inquisitive mind led to sin.

The Lord sent a person to Earth with his own way to extract his bread and live in deprivation and suffering. "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread, do not return to the ground, from which you are taken, because you will return dust in dust" (life. 3. 19) . So a person since then lives. Labor raises the soul and strengthens the human body, work is obligatory for a healthy and capable person. "If someone does not want to work, he doesn't eat" (2 Fez. 3. 10) .

In Tsarist Russia at the state level, the issue of public health has not even been discussed. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no state health care system. The population lived for a long time and died of diseases and injuries (a man of 33 years old, a woman is 40 years old) with a good level of physical health.

In the first years of Soviet power, the health system, affordable medicine and mass physical culture of the population of Russia occurred. Mass physical culture movement is the second real step towards a healthy lifestyle.

1.4. Valeology. What is valeology?

In 1980, the science of Valeology was created (invented).

Valeology - (Valeo-I is healthy Greek, Logos-teaching) Integral science on keeping health and healthy lifestyle. The main task of valeology is to teach a person to form and protect your health.

The term valeology was proposed for use in modern educational and medical practice in the early 80s. Twentieth century I.I. Brechman. Valeology examines the level, potential and reserves of physical and mental health, as well as techniques, means, technology to preserve and promoting health.

The subject of valeology is individual human health as a category of quality of life. Valeology aims to teach a person with hygienic rules for restoring, strengthening, improving the health and influence of such skills as active labor, rational holiday, hardening, physical education, rational nutrition, personal hygiene, sexual hygiene, timely appeal to the doctor.

1.5. How has human and humanity change over the past decades?

First, the man began to live longer. If at the beginning of the last century, the life expectancy was 30-47 years, now it is more than 70 years. More became the elderly and fewer children and young people.
Secondly, over the past 100 years, the average physical activity of a person has decreased by 50 times. Physical work is no longer a major source of material goods.

Third, the bodies of people changed: men, for example, almost 20 cm above their ancestors who lived a hundred years ago, and 25 kg is heavier. Overweight has a quarter of adult citizens of Russia, and in Tsarist Russia such citizens were no more than 3%.

Fourth, the structure of human disease has changed. If earlier people often died from infections and injuries, now from cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Fifth, the human nutrition has changed. There are more and more often. "The average peasant family in which there were 2 adult workers, 3 women, 3 children and 1 old man, consumed: bread - 160 p., Vegetables - 60 p., Meat - 36 p., Fish - 30 p., Oil - 5 p., dairy products - 10.8 p. " (Churkin M.K. Specificity of the diet and the ratio of personal and economic needs in the budget of the Siberian Peasant Family in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries).
Compare what we eat now: sugar and sweets 19% (there was no more than 1%). Bread products and baking, grain 34% of the whole meal (it was 53%). Dairy products 11% (there were 4%, but milk!). Meat products 13% (it was 12%). Vegetables and fruits 10% (it was 20%). Vegetable oils 10% (part of margarines and other food surrogates). Fish, seafood 2% (10%).
The diet of the modern man is determined by the technology of the food industry, weak, but not the true needs of the body (Appendix 2). I don't want to say about the quality of modern food products (Appendix3).

Chapter II.

2.1. About bad habits and principles of

In Russia, almost 2 million people die over the year (2075.9 thousand in 2008), to compare with the mortality of Europeans, then it is about 800 thousand additional deaths "for Russian reasons".

Harmful habits interfere with a person during his life successfully realize itself as a person as a representative of this society. Harmful habits can be divided into 3 categories depending on which object they are mainly directed: on their carrier themselves, on other people, to the surrounding items. There is a lot of bad habits that do not harm those who possess them, but interfere with others. It is a habit of talking loudly in public places, fade away, sad. Among the bad habits are the most dangerous are the systematic use of alcohol, smoking, excess nutrition, medication abuse.

Consider the detriment of alcohol, drugs and smoking, only a large number of crimes are committed to these faithful habits.

2.2. About the dangers of alcohol

Alcohol inflicts irreparable damage (Appendix 4). The most susceptible to the damaging effect of alcohol cerebral cells. The harm for alcohol on the body of the adolescent is not only in damage to these cells, but the whole body as a whole.
Influence of alcohol exposure change behavioral reactions, self-controlling is lost, and actions are committed, which teenagers may regret the entire subsequent life. The concentration of attention and coordination of movements is reduced, which can lead to injury. The adolescent body is very sensitive and susceptible to alcohol and even when a small dose in a teenager's body gets a violation of all physiological functions. There is a gradual addictiveness and the need to eat alcohol all in large doses.

Many adolescents begin to take alcohol from simple curiosity, they want to look adults. So a glass of a glass arises addiction. Alcohol becomes part of the metabolism of the body, without which a person is experiencing cancellation syndrome. The identity degradation occurs gradually, the human in man is killed. Alcohol affects the body of a teenager detrimental to all organs and systems.

The harm of alcohol on the body of the adolescent is expressed in the development of psychosomatic disorders, because alcohol is a toxic substance, which primarily acts on the nervous system not just poisoning nervous cells, but also killing them.

2.3. About the dangers of drugs.

Despite the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, a lot of films about the horrors of fate drug addicts, many teenagers believe that being a drug addict is fashionable, cool, stylish and luxurious. But in reality, everything is not like this: dirty entrances, one syringe on a dozen man and wild pain until the next received, sometimes out of interest or voluntarily, doses.
Among the numerous problems associated with the use of drugs, it is important to note the problem of "lungs" and "heavy" drugs, since at this time there is a false belief among young people that the so-called "light drugs" are not so harmful and sometimes allowed for use. The very concept of "light drugs" is absurd! After all, it is easy only at first, before that "a little and sometimes" does not go to "often, a lot and hard" (and is it worth trying to try?)

In adolescents who experience the need for psychoactive substances cannot not develop the distortion of worldview, personal shifts, the formation of the people characteristic of patients with drug addiction that, if necessary, they themselves and they will be able to stop taking drugs (rarely).

It is almost impossible to avoid attachment, at the same time, with each dose, the drug addict introduces a solvent into its organism, which decomposes all its organs, and mortality among injection drug addicts exceeds 90%. In fact, the overwhelming majority of them are doomed to early death. The average life expectancy of the drug addict, if we are talking about drug use intravenously, is about 7-10 years of continuous anesthesia. All drugs independently of the path of introducing into the body to a greater or lesser extent necessarily damage: the nervous system (including the brain); immune system; liver; a heart; Light, generating diseases such as pneumonia, chronic liver failure and much more.
Despite the widespread distribution of teenage drug addiction, the use or refusal of drugs is a personal matter of every person. However, I would like every teenager before eating a tablet, smoke or indulge in, wondered: is it worth it? Is it worth a secret to steal money from parents to another dose; whether it is necessary to conduct painful months in rehabilitation centers; Is it worth seeing foul contempt in the eyes of friends and peers; Should I bury your aspirations and dreams for the sake of minute pleasure or satisfying easy interest?

2.4. About the dangers of adolescent smoking

Special harm of smoking (Appendix 5) for children and adolescents is due to the physiology of another immature organism. The person grows and develops for quite a long time, sometimes up to 23 years old. In order for the body normally formed, all these years should be the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. But by no means toxins - including from tobacco smoke. For example, the formation of the lungs in the child is anatomically ends only by 12 years. And physiologically and later - to 18, and some under 21. Yes, and all other organs begin to work in "adult" mode only after the age of majority is achieved. When smoking in the blood of a child comeslarge amount of carbon monoxide which comes into contact with hemoglobin. The main task of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen to tissue cells. Curmarket gas is easier to join hemoglobin, replacing oxygen. With sufficient concentration, it is capable of death due to oxygen starvation of the body. Because of what all organs and tissues come"suffocation" - lack of oxygen. At the stage of growth of the body, it becomes a big danger. Very hard smoking affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a teenager. If the child has been lit in the younger school classes, then by 12-13 years old, a shortness of breath and heart rate disappearance may appear. Even with the experience of smoking in a year and a half, according to scientists, the teenagers are disturbed by respiratory regulation mechanisms.

Among the smokers are often there are teenagers with periodically exacerbating chronic bronchitis. No less severe nicotine and other toxic tobacco smoke substances affect the baby's brain. The younger smoking teenagers, the stronger under the action of nicotine, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed and, as a result, its functions. If the first tightening is made in childhood, to thirty years, a person can become practically disabled: with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, patients with heart and overweight. About the dangers of smoking for schoolchildren and adolescents, it is also the fact that the state of his health in this case will be much worse than 50 years old who littered much later than the age of majority.

Chapter III

3.1. What does health depend on?

By approval wHO specialistshealth depends on:

50-55% of human lifestyle

20-23% depends on heredity,

20-25% depends on the state of the environment (ecology),

8-12% depends from the work of the National Health System.

So, the most degree of human health depends on the lifestyle, it means that the general line of formation can be consideredand health promotion is healthylifestyle (s).

According to modern ideas, a healthy lifestyle is typical forms and methods of everyday life of a person who strengthenand improving adaptation (adaptive) andreserve opportunities of the body, which ensures the successful implementation of social and professional functions.

3.2. Principles (classification) lifestyle

At the heart of any lifestyle lie principles, i.e. rules of behavior,who follows a person.

Distinguish biological and social principleson the the basis of which is formed a healthy lifestyle.

Biological principles: lifestyleit should be age, secureenergy tically, strengthening, rhythmic, moderate.

- Social principles:lifestyle must be aesthetic,norm skillfulself-limiting.

The basis of this classifications are putthe principle of the same va individualand general, unity the organism and environment- biological and social.

IN connection with this headit's nothing butrational organization of human vital activity onthe key is key biological and social vital forms of behavior- behavioral factors.

List the main thingsthey:

Cultivation of positiveemotions contributing to psychosclear well-being - basis of all aspects of life andhealth;

Optimal motor activity;

Rhythmic lifestyle;

Effective organization of labor (training)activities;

Refusal of destructive addictions.

3.3. Important condition for a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can be implemented only under the observance of certain, very important and necessary, especially in our time conditions: - the presence of free time and the possibility of outdoor activities;

Sufficient motor activity predominantly aerobic or health effect (wellness walking, rowing, cycling, sports games, jogging, swimming, skiing, fitness, shaping, dancing, work ongardening and garden)« moderately engaged in physical exercises does not need treatment "(Avicenna);

Properly organized labor activity: "Work saves from three angry: boredoms, vice and needs" (Voltaire);

Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene; -Evil nutrition;

Rejection of bad habits;


3.4. To a healthy lifestyle

Currently, perhaps, any competent person is known how to maintain health. Fighting risk factors, warning of the overvoltage of the nervous system is unfounded, are really available to everyone and highly efficient. Physical culture, proper nutrition, rationally and reasonablely built regime, labor and recreation regime play an important role.

Split in the meaning of these words: "bad habit." It means that a person is conscious and regularly deals harm. In fact, now even avid smokers know how smoking is affected on theirorganism. However, for the time being, the habit is stronger than the arguments of the mind. But people who have already acquired cardiovascular diseases willingly throw smoking themselves. Unfortunately, their proper solution is pushing the illness.

It can be determined to say: nothing restores the strength as a dream. A person can stay without water a few days, without food - almost 2 months, without sleep - no more than 3 - 4 days. Sleep is not only the need of a person, but also the most effective, fastest, most reliable regenerator of vitality.


The relevance of my work lies in the most important thing for the student of the concept - this is health, a healthy lifestyle. Health depends on the fulfillment of a number of tasks for the future. School academic performance also depends on the physical and emotional health of the student.

Health is one of the fundamental concepts of medicine and human ecology, indicator of the quality of schoolchild life. In a number of definitions, predominantly medical nature, health has traditionally been considered as the absence of diseases and external defects, i.e. the condition characterized by the optimal adaptation of a person to the environment. According to modern definition, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects.

The main object of my research is the health of the student and the factors that make it up to be healthy. In each case, the concept of health is filled with new content. I sought to learn a practical nature.

After analyzing the survey, among students of the Center for Education and their Relations to Zozh (Appendix 6), I conclude: the guys who are engaged in sports, and their units (16 people) make morning exercises (0 people), keep the right power regime (48 people) .

In our education center, again, the results of the questionnaire (Appendix 7) smoke - almost all students, for 4 months of study, they tried to quit smoking 22 people (!) - were able to hold out from 3 days to 2 months, drink alcohol 24 people - as expressed Teenagers themselves "On Holidays".

In my work, the concept of a healthy lifestyle is disclosed in very detailed.

In order to be healthy, you must say goodbye to bad habits.

Exploring this topic, I came to the conclusion: you need to strive for a healthy lifestyle yourself and advise it to make your friends.


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