The value of toys for children. Coursework: Toy as a means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Rubber squeaky toys

Toy as a means of comprehensive education of preschool children


A toy is a constant companion of a child from the first days of birth. It is specially created by an adult for educational purposes, in order to prepare the baby for entering into social relations. A good toy encourages the child to think, sets him various game tasks. And this contributes to the development of cognitive processes.

The toy is important for the development of the child's personality. Numerous studies by psychologists and educators show that the toy has always been an effective means of developing the psyche and has been widely used in folk pedagogy for social education and introducing the child to adult life.

As the well-known psychologist Uruntaeva G.A. said, the main task of adults is to teach a child to act with toys. To do this, the teacher needs to know how to use the toy as a means of psychological and pedagogical work.

The purpose of the course work: theoretically substantiate the meaning and relationship of play and toys, reveal the methodological influence of toys on the development of the child.

Object of study: preschool child.

Subject of study: Toy as a means of comprehensive education of preschool children.

Purpose of the study: the study of toys as a means of comprehensive education of preschool children.

Research objectives:

1. Study the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic.

2. To reveal the essence of the concepts of "game", "toy".

3. Study a brief history of the toy.

4. Determine the types and purpose of toys.

5. To study the features of the selection of toys for different age groups in a children's institution.

The value of toys in the life of our baby cannot be overestimated, because the game is the main activity of your child. By the age of two, he already has an excellent command of the ability to handle objects, knows how to use them. The child plays separate plots: feeding the cat, dressing the doll, transporting cubes in a car. During the year, your baby’s games become more complicated and filled with new content: the child will learn to take on the role of mom, dad, patient, doctor, driver, etc. before your very eyes.

The game, as an independent children's activity, is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The toy in this case acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to find out the purpose of which, and to master the various actions that the child should get acquainted with. The game as a form of organization of children's life is important because it serves the psychology of the child and his personality.

Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and a game sometimes calls for a new toy. And it is no coincidence that not only toys bought in the store participate in children's games, but also those made by educators, parents or the children themselves. Toys can be very diverse, but all of them must meet certain pedagogical and artistic requirements.

At each age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter and purpose: plot toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - "tools" (scoop, net, hammer, screwdriver, brush, toys imitating the simplest means of labor for adults); fun toys; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages.

Large-sized toys such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits contribute to the fight against hypodynamia, teach the child movements and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For games on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the growth of the child in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys, small ones are not suitable. The selection of toys is closely connected with the tasks of the aesthetic and moral education of the child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with all the children.

The selection of toys is closely connected with the tasks of the child's aesthetic and moral education, with his striving for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with other children.

When selecting toys, age-related patterns of development of play activities should be taken into account. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, television help to get acquainted with them. It is very important that in the selection of toys it contributes to the formation of the correct ideas about the environment in the child. It is desirable that the toys are brought into the game by an adult. He interests the child in the plot of a joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to “communicate” with a new toy. Is the doll awake? Treat her with compote." A toy for a child is full of meaning.

Children of four or five years of age carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by gestures and words. At this age, those objects that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes are of particular importance: all kinds of hats. Beads, aprons, bathrobes. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For the captain, the ship is not as important as having a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. The doctor needs a dressing gown, a table for the reception, a thermometer stick, a syringe, and patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse are indispensable. These patients may be large dolls. Sick "children" should have their own "mums" and "dads".

However, no abundance of toys, which, it would seem, allows unfolding the most story-driven games, will not replace the child's playmates. The forced need to play alone, sometimes, can lead to overexcitation of his nervous system. Playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles taken on. Naturally, after the game, he will be overly mobile, irritable, "noisy". But the same game in a group of peers does not cause a similar reaction in the child.

Many children use not only toys in the game, but also adapt other objects for this. A sofa can become a steamer, chairs can become train cars, cones can become funny hedgehogs. Such use of objects in the game indicates a high level of intelligence of the child, the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural, waste material.

The game develops and pleases the child, makes him happy. In the game, the child makes the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration. The game develops his imagination, fantasy, and, consequently, the ground is created for the formation of an enterprising, inquisitive personality. The game for the child is a sure remedy for idleness, leading to lethargy, aimlessness of behavior. For a good, fun game, a child needs a good toy. Choose wisely for your child.

1.2 Brief history of the toy

The ancient slave-owning societies of Egypt, Greece and Rome left priceless treasures of material and spiritual culture to subsequent generations. We will meet a lot of interesting things while studying the toy - an integral part of the ancient world, serving as a kind of illustration of the era.

Like today, the first toy of the child in ancient times was a rattle. In ancient Greece and Rome, rattles were given to newborns. Tapping these rattles, mothers and nurses sang lullabies. These objects also had a different purpose. A belief has been preserved from primitive times that rattles deflect evil spirits with their noise and thus protect the child. Many rattles were found during excavations of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. These were rattles of various types: rattles, kretala, sistra. The ratchet, found in Pompeii, consists of a small disc on the handle, equipped with bells. Cretals were made of wooden or metal plates connected at one end. The sistra device is also simple. On each of the two transverse rods there are three metal plates that reproduce sound when the rods move.

The earliest toys of Ancient Egypt known to us date back to the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. These are wooden figurines of cows. In ancient Egypt, we first meet toys with a simple movement mechanism. These are "Crocodile" and "Tiger". Ancient masters portrayed them with great knowledge of habits and character. These miniature wooden toys opened their mouths with the help of a simple wire mechanism, set in motion by the hand of a child. An interesting toy depicting a slave kneading dough. If the figurine is pulled by the thread, it begins to move up and down the inclined plank. "Dough kneader" is the prototype of any folk toy. This ancient design principle was repeatedly used by Russian craftsmen of folk toys. Recall the Boleroda toy "Blacksmiths". And here and there the main thing is conveyed by movement, everything else is conditional and sparingly.

Relatively later, the image of a horse appeared in the toy. The Egyptians learned about the existence of a chariot and a horse from nomadic tribes who conquered Egypt in the beginning. I millennium BC Wheelchair horses made in the 5th century are known. BC. Making a horse was one of the most beloved toys of the children of ancient Greece. Most miniatures of horses and riders are made of clay. The image of the horse was given in a generalized way, but had a number of realistic elements.

The largest event in Homeric Greece - the Trojan War - was reflected not only in literature. The toy "Trojan horse" is known, which, perhaps, copied in miniature a huge horse, with the help of which the cunning Odysseus took Troy.

Of course, many wooden toys did not reach us, only clay, bone and metal survived. On a miniature antique vessel kept in the Hermitage, we find an image of a children's two-wheeled gurney with a long handle and a small quadrangular body on an axle where a child could sit.

In ancient times, such a type of toy known to us as a doll arose. The most ancient Egyptian dolls are about 4 thousand years old. They were cut out of thin boards and painted with a geometric pattern symbolizing clothing. The heads of the dolls were decorated with wigs made of wooden and thread beads. But these dolls served not children, but adults and were associated with various forms of religion of that era. The most ancient Egyptian dolls were funeral gifts and were designed to brighten up the loneliness of the deceased. It was believed that human images can come to life and influence the fate of people. Therefore, dolls were often made with a chisel, as they were afraid that the doll would run away from the tomb. Ancient Greece and Rome left us quite a large number of dolls. Many of them continued to have a cult character. The girls carefully kept these dolls until marriage and on the eve of the wedding they brought them as a gift to the goddesses Artemis, Venus. But there were also play dolls. Oi were made of clay, wood, and were often movable. The arms and legs were attached to the body with threads and sticks. More carefully, from expensive materials, dolls were made for the children of the nobility.

Puppets played a special role both in the lives of children and adults. Plato in The Laws compared man to a toy, and our passions to the threads that set it in motion.

The nursery of a modern preschooler is filled with toys that could not exist in a primitive society and the play use of which is inaccessible to a child of an ancient society. Is it possible to imagine cars, trains, airplanes, moon rovers, satellites, building materials, pistols, sets of parts for construction among the toys of the child of this society. The nature of the child's toys throughout the human history of the toy in its causation by the history of the development of society, the history of the development of the child in society.

The pedagogue-researcher Arkin refers to the original toys:

a) sound toys - rattles, bells, rattles, etc.;

b) motor toys - a spinning top, a ball, a snake, primitive variants of a bilbock;

c) weapons - bow, arrows, boomerangs;

d) figurative toys - images of animals, dolls.

e) a rope from which various, sometimes intricate figures are made.

Arkin E.A. considers it quite obvious that bows and arrows could become toys only after they appeared in society as tools for actual hunting. They have long disappeared as hunting tools and have been replaced by firearms, but they have remained in the world of children's toys. However, the exercises of a modern child with a bow do not occupy in his life the place that they occupied in the life of a child of a society of primitive hunters. Thus, the so-called original toy, only apparently remains unchanged. In reality, it, like all other toys, arises and historically changes; its history is organically connected with the history of the changing place of the child in society and cannot be understood outside this history.

The game is the main activity of preschool children, and the toy is the life partner of the child, the source of his joy.

Most children's games involve the use of a variety of toys. However, the value of toys in the upbringing of children is much broader. Being an indispensable companion of childhood, an object of entertainment, experiences, fun, a toy has a general educational value and serves the purpose of a child's all-round development. A wide range of educational tasks is solved due to the variety of toys in terms of content, types, materials, performance technique, age purpose.

The toy is important for the development of facial expressions and personality of the child. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child's psyche.

So, the studies of Kossakovskaya E.A. on the issues of games and toys, based on a study of the experience of organizing children's play activities in the context of public education and in the family, showed that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, and age-related patterns of development of play activities must be taken into account.

A toy is a special item intended for play and other life purposes. It presents in a generalized form the typical properties of objects that ensure the reproduction of the corresponding actions with it.

A doll is a generalized image of a person that allows children to reproduce a number of actions: planting, laying down, changing clothes, etc.

The toy is extremely diverse in terms of types, materials, manufacturing technique, age and educational purpose. But with all the variety of toys in them, first of all, real things and objects with which the child acts are depicted. The conventionality of the image of the object does not exclude, but implies the reflection of the typical features of the object that distinguish them from others (for example, Santa Claus has a long fur coat, a big hat, a stick, a bag with gifts).

A toy, according to the figurative expression of A.S. Makarenko, is the "material basis" of the game, it is necessary for the development of gaming activities. With its help, the child creates a conceived image, expresses his impressions of the surrounding life, plays a particular role.

The toy should help children to study the surrounding concrete reality. A baby needs a toy that develops the ability to distinguish between the color, size of objects, their materials, etc.

Properly selected toys contribute to the mental development of children. In folk pedagogy, a whole system of toys has been developed, games with which are aimed at improving the child's sensory skills. Many figurative and didactic toys encourage children to speech activity and are used to enrich the vocabulary. Collapsible toys, a variety of designers, exercise children in analysis, synthesis and generalization. Various mosaics contribute to the development of concentration and stability of attention.

K.D. Ushinsky was one of the first to draw attention to the fact that a toy is a kind of school for educating a child's feelings. “A child sincerely attaches himself to his toys, loves them passionately and tenderly, and loves in them not beauty, but those pictures of the imagination that she herself tied to them.” Ushinsky also emphasized that it is from what impressions will be reflected in the child’s game, how toys will be used in it, that the character and direction of human development will be formed.

The toy amuses and pleases the child, causes a positive attitude towards the environment. Sympathy and affection for the toy is also transferred to the objects, people depicted in the toy. Playing with a doll awakens in children a caring, caring attitude, attentiveness and tenderness, and helps to accumulate experience of positive moral experiences.

N.K. Krupskaya wrote about the importance of toys for familiarizing children with the surrounding reality, for their sensory development.

Mendzheritskaya D.V., a well-known teacher in the field of the study of toys, believed that the toy helps to educate children's interest in work, contributes to the formation of inquisitiveness, curiosity. Giving children ideas about people of different professions, different nationalities, it can at the same time help to develop a sense of sympathy and respect for them.

The toy encourages children to engage in a variety of activities and satisfies the child's need for active movement. Games with a ball, balls, games in towns develop speed of reaction, accuracy and coordination of movements. Numerous toys intended for young children: rattles, rubber balls - develop the child's visual and auditory concentration, contribute to the development of grasping movements and objective actions.

Thus, the impact of toys is versatile. But not every single toy can have a versatile impact, but their combination, their appropriate selection.

1.4 The relationship between toys and play activities of preschoolers

Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and a game, as it develops, requires more and more toys. A toy in a cognitive sense acts for a child as a kind of generalized standard of the surrounding material reality. But the value of games and toys lies not only in the fact that they introduce the child to life, the main thing is that they are an important factor in the gradual movement of the mental development of the child, which provides him with the opportunity to carry out all types of activities at an ever higher level.

Although play is, as it were, a derivative of the child's daily life experience, this does not mean that it is devoid of an anticipatory function in relation to the non-play forms of his practical activity. The game can be used to plan and predict human behavior in certain situations of his future activities. An example is various educational games for preschoolers, mass patriotic games for teenagers.

The same can be said for toys. Whether a toy is realistic, conditional in its figurative solution, or an object that replaces it, it is always a generalized phenomenon - a sign in relation to its prototype (a real person, a telephone, a spoon, a spaceship or a computer).

Toys can be very diverse in theme and artistic solution, but all of them must meet certain pedagogical requirements. The most important of these requirements relate to age-appropriateness and the appropriateness of toys for different types of games.

Studies on the issues of play and toys, based on the study of the organization of children's play activities in the context of public education and in the family, have shown that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, age-related patterns of play activity must be taken into account. To answer this question, at what age what kind of toy does a child need, the educator must clearly imagine the features of children's play in different age periods, since in each of them the game undergoes qualitative changes. These changes are well manifested when comparing the games of children at early and preschool age.

The content of the play activity of young children consists of various actions with objects, toys and their substitutes. In preschool childhood, play actions are actions of communication. It is in early childhood that an activity basis is prepared for the transition to a game of a new quality - plot-role and role-playing. Object-playing activity in early childhood is not homogeneous. Accumulating experience of actions with various objects, the child, as a result of communication with surrounding adults, also gets acquainted with the phenomena of life around him, and this significantly changes the subject-semantic content and his play actions.

1.5 Classification of toys

I. Types of toys are divided according to the principle of correlation with different types of games: plot, didactic, sports, entertainment games.

1. Plot-figurative toys, the prototype of which are animate and inanimate objects of the surrounding world, are used mainly in story games:

b) figurines of people;

c) animal figurines;

d) game items;

e) theatrical;

f) festive carnival;

g) technical.

2. Didactic toys are intended for didactic games, the content or design of which includes educational (developmental) tasks:

a) actually didactic - based on the principle of self-control;

b) didactic games (sets) with rules - designed primarily for games on the table (printing, etc.);

c) constructors and building kits;

d) puzzle games;

e) musical toys.

3. Sports toys.

4. Fun toys.

II. Toys by degree of readiness:

1. Ready.

2. Collapsible, consisting of transforming parts and details.

3. Blanks and semi-finished products for homemade toys.

4. A set of various materials for creating DIY toys.

III. Toys by type of raw materials used:

1. Wooden.

2. Plastic.

3. Metal.

4. From fabrics, including stuffed toys.

5. Rubber.

6. From paper and cardboard.

7. From ceramics, porcelain and faience.

8. From wood materials, papier-mâché.

9. From new synthetic materials.

IV. Toys by size:

1. Small (from 3 to 10 cm in size).

2. Medium (size from 10 to 50 cm).

3. Large-sized (commensurate with the growth of children in different age periods).

V. By functional properties:

1. Simple, no moving parts.

2. With moving parts, mechanical (including clockwork and inertial mechanisms).

3. Hydraulic.

4. Pneumatic.

5. Magnetic.

6. Electrified (including electrical, electromechanical, radio, on an electronic element basis).

7. Electronic (computer-based).

8. Sets of toys (or parts) - a set of parts of one or more toys, interconnected by purpose or functional feature.

10. Game sets united by a single theme (task).

VI. Toys by artistic and imaginative solution:

1. Realistic.

2. Conditional.

3. Constructive.

2. Methodological influence of toys on the development of the child

2.1 The influence of the toy on the development of the child

The game as an independent children's activity is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The toy in this case acts as a kind of standard of those items, to find out the purpose of which and to master the various actions with which the child must.

The toy is important for the development of facial expressions and personality of the child. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child's psyche. So, the studies of Kossakovskaya E.A. on the issues of games and toys, based on a study of the experience of organizing children's play activities in the context of public education and in the family, showed that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, and age-related patterns of development of play activities must be taken into account.

N.K. Krupskaya wrote about the importance of toys for familiarizing children with the surrounding reality, for their sensory development

Mendzheritskaya D.V., a well-known teacher in the field of the study of toys, believed that the toy helps to educate children's interest in work, contributes to the formation of inquisitiveness, curiosity. Giving children ideas about people of different professions, different nationalities, it can at the same time help to develop a sense of sympathy and respect for them.

A toy is a constant companion of a child from the first days of birth. It is specially created by an adult for educational purposes, in order to prepare the baby for entering into social relations. As the well-known psychologist Uruntaeva G.A. said, the main task of adults is to teach a child to act with toys.

The toy in all historical epochs has been associated with the game - the leading activity in which the typical appearance of the child is formed: the mind, physical and moral qualities. However, concretely - the historical conditions of each era leave their mark on the content of toys and the direction of the games.

E.A. Arkin concludes his comparison: the stability of a children's toy, its versatility, the immutability of its basic forms and the functions it performs is an obvious fact, and perhaps it was the obviousness of this fact that was the reason why the researchers did not consider it necessary to dwell on it or emphasize it. It must seem strange that a child born and growing up in the culture of the 20th century uses, as a source of joy and a tool for his development and self-education, the same toy that is the property of a child born from people who are close in their mental development to to the inhabitants of the caves, growing in the conditions of the most primitive existence. And these children of such distant epochs of mankind show their deep inner closeness by the fact that they not only receive or create controversial toys themselves, but, what is even more amazing, by making the same use of them.

The study of the play behavior of children associated with the choice of toys showed that toys - animals are the most successful with kids. In the experiment, toys depicting animals were chosen by 74% of children. (G.G. Lokutsievskaya, E.M. Gasparova, E.B. Volosova, etc.) (1.5 - 2.5 years) choose soft, bending toys made of rubber, foam rubber, fabric. Kids are very fond of images of pets, familiar characters of fairy tales, heroes of funny nursery rhymes: a dog, a cat, a cockerel and a chicken, a cow and a horse, a pig and a sheep, a duck).

Older children (2.5 - 3 years) love to play with plane models depicting animals. The nomenclature for selectivity is significantly expanding. Now the kid prefers wild animals - "little animals" (wolf, fox, bear, wild boar, hare, tiger, etc.). Exotic animals are also attracted: an elephant, a crocodile, a hippopotamus "cachelotik - cashelot", etc. In babies, the first simple knowledge about animals begins to take shape as a result of repeated observation of them. Children notice that all animals have eyes, ears, mouths, paws; they move in space, eat and drink; they are alive.

Older children (2.5 - 3 years) love to play with plane models depicting animals. The nomenclature for selectivity is significantly expanding. Now the kid prefers wild animals - "little animals" (wolf, fox, bear, wild boar, hare, tiger, etc.). Exotic animals are also attracted: an elephant, a crocodile, a hippopotamus "cachelotik - cashelot", etc. In babies, the first simple knowledge about animals begins to take shape as a result of repeated observation of them. Children notice that all animals have eyes, ears, mouths, paws; they move in space, eat and drink; they are alive.

The toy is an important factor in the mental development of the child. Toys must be free from all properties that could in any way be harmful to health. They must satisfy and develop the aesthetic taste, the beginnings of which appear so early in the child. And therefore, they should excite and encourage the child's desire for collective efforts.

The most diverse inclinations of the child seek their manifestation and exercise and find them in play, if the child is given material that can serve at the same time as a stimulus that stimulates this or that activity, and as an instrument with the help of which this activity is carried out and improved.

Undoubtedly, all toys must meet the requirements of hygiene. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of coloring toys. Because a child in his early years tends to take everything in his mouth. Paints should not shed and stain hands in any way. In any case, green paints, which often contain toxic substances, should be avoided.

Toys require, as Locke insisted, a certain dosage, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Up to a year, a child should be given no more than one toy at a time, from a year to 2 years a child can have 2 toys at the same time, then, as the amount of attention increases, the ability to concentrate and individual drives are determined, the number of toys can be increased. However, even at 4 years old, more than 4-5 toys should not be placed in the child's field of vision.

The nature of the toys should not only change with age, it should also change during the day, depending on the condition of the child and the previous pastime.

In the process of studying the pedagogical literature on this issue, it was found that neither the teacher nor the parents should pedantically regulate the activities of children with toys, should not impose their interests on him and constantly indicate how to handle each object and what its purpose is.

L.G. Orshansky, who devoted so much love and energy to the study of toys, quite rightly protests against the despotic desire of adults to introduce their own interests into the fabrication of toys, as well as into games, an artificial instructiveness that justifies their narrowly utilitarian view of the role of toys and games. It can be concluded that in relation to toys, as well as in relation to games, the child should be given maximum freedom with constant, if possible, imperceptibility of control for him.

Toys, like games, serve not only as a means of education and self-education, the assimilation of new forms of behavior, but also as a kind of manifestation of children's individuality.

Thus, it seems quite obvious that no, even the most detailed study of the child using "accurate" methods and the most successful tests can give us a correct idea of ​​the child, about his personality as a whole and about individual features, if the researcher did not observe the child in his natural element - in the game and among the toys. A toy is an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but at the same time is a means of mental development of the child. The toy is the regulator of mental and physiological development of the child. In order for the development of the child to be timely and comprehensive, toys should be carefully selected. For centuries, mankind has been developing toys that would best suit the capabilities of a child of a certain age and the physical and mental development associated with it.

The development of the emotional and moral sphere of the child's personality, according to V.S. Mukhina, is largely associated with soft toys (images of a bear, a hare, a dog, etc.).

Of all types of toys, soft toys are the latest. Soft toys, prototypes of various animals, which caring mothers sewed for their children from scraps of fabric, stuffed with cotton wool, decorated using various needlework skills, knitting and embroidery, appeared in the 19th century. At the end of the 19th century, handicraft production of soft toys on an industrial scale was widely developed. At the beginning of the 20th century, a boom in the production of soft toys began and the phenomenon of the teddy bear arose, because everywhere around the world, the teddy bear became the most favorite toy of children, and even adults. A soft toy is still popular today in the 21st century, despite technological progress. Today, children play computer games, love Pokemon and Furby, but the most faithful friend remains a shabby plush, such a beloved Mishka.

Soft toys play a special role for a preschooler; they influence his emotional and moral development. The child is first helped in everything by an adult, from whom he learns to endow the doll with certain positive qualities. Later, the child himself fills the soul world of the toy at his own discretion, and she "behaves" exclusively as her owner needs at the moment: she is smart and obedient, affectionate and cheerful, obstinate and stubborn, she is a liar and an incorrigible slob. The child experiences with his doll all the events of his own and someone else's life in all emotional and moral manifestations that are accessible to his understanding. A soft toy acts as a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and does not remember evil. Therefore, the need for such a toy arises in every preschooler - not only in girls, but also in boys. Bear, monkey, dog, etc. - an object for communication in all manifestations of the child, a communication partner in the game. Each normally developing child develops a special relationship with his doll or animal. During the years of childhood, each child in his own way becomes attached to his toy, experiencing many different feelings thanks to it.

Studies have found that the texture of the material from which the doll or animal is made plays a significant role. Children selectively relate to toys depicting the same animal, but with a different texture. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions, stimulate the child to play. Rough, cooling materials, not every child is ready to accept. With the help of a properly selected texture of a toy, it is easier for a child to evoke positive emotions for a toy animal: goodwill, sympathy and joy.

The ratio of the size of the head and body of the toy is also important. It has been established that a certain proportion of the figure causes a patronizing attitude. A shortened oval of a doll's face or an animal's muzzle, plump cheeks, a small nose and large eyes - such signs of the appearance of a toy give rise to a surge of tender feelings in a child.

2.2 Requirements for the toy

What should be a toy to help a child develop, actively express himself in the game, live a joyful life?

The main requirement for toys was determined by N.K. Krupskaya in the article “On toys for preschool children”: a toy should contribute to the development of a child at each age stage of preschool childhood. In the selection of toys, one should proceed from the characteristics of age, therefore there is no and cannot be a single pedagogically valuable toy for preschool children. The kid needs his own toys that will help him navigate the world around him, will stimulate his independent activity, direct it in a certain direction. And for older preschoolers, toys are needed that help to study the surrounding reality, stimulate collective games.

A special requirement is placed on the subject, the content of the toy “what it displays, the toy should broaden the horizons of the child, captivate with the images of modern reality” (E.A. Flerina). To promote the development of the child can be a toy filled with good meaning, encouraging the child to positive actions. Toys that display instruments of violence, cruelty, weapons that stimulate aggressive, destructive behavior injure the child's psyche. They form in children distorted ideas about the world around them, about morality, and undermine the humane principles of the emerging personality. Such toys are not allowed.

The toy should be dynamic, encourage the child to a variety of actions in the game. This is an important requirement, taking into account such psychophysiological characteristics of a preschooler as the need for active actions. It should be remembered the words of E.A. Florina "The more opportunities it presents for various actions, the more interesting it is for the child, the greater its educational opportunities."

There are certain requirements for the design of the toy. The toy needs an attractive, colorful design in order to evoke an emotional attitude in the child, to cultivate artistic taste. Artistic expressiveness is provided by a harmonious combination of design, shape, color. The material from which the toy is made is also not indifferent: soft fluffy materials evoke positive emotions, stimulate the child to play, and with a rough and cold surface they do not become loved. The design of the toy must be safe for the life and health of the child and meet a number of hygienic requirements. Examinations that are carried out in different countries show that the primitive, cheap "stamping" of plastic, which has flooded the toy market, often threatens the health and life of children. In this regard, many countries require manufacturers to provide reliable guarantees of quality, non-toxicity, and non-flammability. It also requires frequent monitoring of the state of the game material.

Creating a toy that fully meets modern requirements is possible by bringing together specialists of various profiles: teachers, psychologists, doctors, artists, sculptors, designers, technologists, etc.

2.3 Placement and storage of toys

The subject-play environment often determines the thematic content and nature of children's games. One of the conditions contributing to the full development of children's play is not only a pedagogically appropriate selection of game material, but also the opportunity for the child to freely use it.

In kindergarten, toys, as a rule, are placed in places accessible to children - on shelves, racks, tables.

It is convenient when the toys are in different places in the group room, so that while playing, the children do not interfere with each other. Large toys are placed on the floor, on the lower shelves, small ones on the shelves above, but so that the child can take each toy himself. At the same time, the scale of the toys is important, their correspondence to the height of the child, the proportionality of object toys with figurative ones (for example, the size of the furniture should be combined with the size of the dolls, etc.).

For the successful course of the first independent games of children, it is necessary to have toys that have a direct semantic connection with each other (a doll and dishes, a truck and building material, etc.).

Toys for role-playing games in younger groups, the teacher arranges in accordance with the plot of the game, i.e. creates a unique play environment. Consequently, at the first stage of directing children's play, an adult preliminarily organizes the object-play environment, changes and updates it in a timely manner.

In the middle group, the teacher partially creates a playful environment; children, as a rule, pick up the missing toys and objects themselves to implement the planned plot. Thus, at the second stage, the guidance of children's play is carried out by introducing plot, object, figurative toys and the so-called role-playing paraphernalia (robes, capes, aprons, hats, etc.), which helps children in choosing a role in a joint game.

In older groups, children unfold the plot of the game on their own and select for this not only toys, but also objects from the environment: chairs, banquettes, etc., i.e. the object-play situation is constructed by the children themselves and is subordinated to the game plan.

The games of older preschoolers are extremely diverse, so some plot-shaped toys cannot fully satisfy the aspirations of children. In this regard, the educator should widely use all kinds of substitute objects, as well as special objects that allow you to quickly design, designate the playing space, change it as necessary during the development of the plot.

When organizing a game for children aged 5–7 years, a teacher can also use special buildings made with the help of parents or chefs (an airplane, a boat, a spaceship, a fairy-tale house, a car, a control panel, etc.). Such game material is especially necessary when there is some uniformity in the content of children's games, as well as in the case of a large group of children joining in some kind of joint game. In addition, this makes it possible to introduce into the children's game a pedagogically valuable topic that reflects modern life.

Game material (both on the site and in the group room) should be light, mobile (freely transferred from one group to another), in order to stimulate children's play.

If possible, the play environment conceived by the children should be preserved so that the children can continue the play they have begun.

Game building sets are brought into the group as a complete set, they are not divided into several groups, otherwise the children will not be able to realize their game plans in the construction of the planned structure.

Large building materials in kindergartens are usually laid out in geometric shapes on open racks or shelves, this helps children quickly find the right shapes for construction. Children's designs usually keep for several days, then the guys have the opportunity to make their own changes and additions to them. Practice has shown that it is more convenient to store didactic toys and printed board games in a closet, laying them out by type (lotto, dominoes, etc.) on one or more shelves. Children can play with them at any free table. In younger groups, educators select and display toys and games for children in advance (according to the plan of educational work).

In older groups, children agree on where and what to play, unite to play at their own discretion, and carry out the necessary actions in accordance with the content and rules.

Fun toys for independent games are placed on shelves at a height accessible to children, and those used for entertainment are placed in a cupboard with teaching aids.

Musical toys are best placed in glass cabinets to maintain good sound quality.

The entire supply of toys is not given to children immediately, but is brought in gradually, as they become familiar with new toys and games, and also in order to develop new stories. When children move from one plot to another, some of the toys are put away on shelves and racks, as children may need them when combining several plots. Toys that children stop using are temporarily removed, but they can be brought in again, and children usually welcome them with joy.

After the children play in their toy kingdom, complete order must be restored. To teach preschoolers to leave toys in order means to educate reasonable thrift, organization, accuracy and respect for the work of others from an early age.

2.4 Selection of toys for different age groups

In younger groups there should be toys that ensure the development of movements and their improvement: large balls for rolling, rolling, throwing; a variety of colored trucks, wheelchairs, carts.

Plot-shaped toys (dolls, animals, household items) in content and design reflect the world around them, close to children. Game actions with them are available, simple.

The selection of didactic toys is determined by the tasks of sensory education and speech development. Toys should contribute to the development of the perception of objects, their colors, shapes, sizes, etc., understanding and use of words denoting various properties and qualities.

With fun toys, kids still do not know how to act on their own, they just watch and enjoy the movement of funny clockwork toys.

In children of the middle group, the roles in the game stand out more clearly, and, in addition to toys, they need additional items: sailor's hats, flags, a drum, binoculars, a doctor's tube, etc. From building material, children of 4 years old create more complex buildings than kids, so it should be in different sets. Toys-fun pupils of the middle group themselves put into action.

Children 4-5 years old are able to play collectively and use complete toys. For example, a set of toys "Pets" makes you want to build a stable together, guard a herd, etc.

Preschoolers of the senior and preparatory groups are more in touch with life, their ideas, experience of communication, organization of the game allow the use of toys that enable the development of complex plots: games of “travel”, “theater”, “school”, “zoological garden”, etc. Technical toys with clearly expressed signs and methods of movement should be widely represented (sets of kits "Builder", "Little dressmaker", "Little artist", etc.).

Children aged 6-7 show great interest in sports games. Their movements are more coordinated, so they need not only large, but also small balls for games, to hit the target, and other sports toys that develop small muscles, improve coordination, and accuracy of movements. Children are interested in games that require dexterity, effort, training. To do this, you need toys such as children's croquet, bilbock, skittles, towns. In summer, children are given a sports scooter, and in winter - skis and skates.

Of great importance are theatrical toys, which are the necessary props for the design of performance games, dramatization games: costumes and their individual parts, masks, toys depicting binoculars, pipes, tools, etc.

The kindergarten curriculum provides guidance on the selection of toys by age group (for example, see Annex 1).

2.5 Methods for introducing children to a new toy

The appearance of a new toy in the group is always a joyful event. The method of introducing children to it is determined, first of all, by the tasks that the teacher wants to solve. If he sets the task of drawing the attention of children to one or another object depicted in a toy, he shows it and emphasizes its inherent properties and qualities.

Offering a figurative toy (depicting an adult, a child, an animal), the educator shows his positive attitude towards it, arousing the same attitude in children.

When introducing plot-motor toys, it is necessary to disclose their purpose, methods of action with them. The expectation of something new by children arouses their interest, sets them up for a joyful perception of the toy.

If the toy is fragile and its mechanism requires careful handling, you need to warn the children about this, show how to handle it.

Any toy cannot be separated from the game, turned into a visual aid. Children master the toy in the game, in game actions, take it into their world.

The process of playing with a toy, learning by children how to handle it is not the same in relation to different toys. Some quickly enter the independent games of children, others require gradual introduction, repeated beating.

For example, when getting acquainted with a doll, in the image of which an attractive but unfamiliar person is reflected, children are imbued with a feeling of sympathy for her, but they do not know how to play. Games come down to the fact that they perform only typical game actions: they feed the doll, put it to bed, dress it, etc. To expand the ideas of children, the teacher repeatedly shows her clothes, household items, labor. Introducing preschoolers to a new toy, the teacher is already using elements of the game: on behalf of the doll, she tells where she came from, how and where she lived, what fairy tales, songs, games, etc. she knows. Having aroused interest in the toy, having reported everything necessary about it that children should pay attention to, the teacher organizes a game with a new toy.


Play is essential for a child. Undoubtedly, the game teaches and educates children. It is his vital need and a means of all-round development.

The toy is not an excellent part of the game. A good toy encourages the child to think, sets him various game tasks. And this contributes to the development of cognitive processes.

The value of toys in the upbringing of children is great. A toy is an indispensable companion of childhood and the most important tool of the game. There is a classification of toys, where the division occurs on the basis of their use in different types of games. Since there is a huge variety of toys in stores now, many scientists, psychologists and educators are asking questions about the influence of toys on the mental development of a child, whether toys for preschoolers are now being selected correctly.

A toy for a child should be presented in all its diversity. It is necessary to select them purposefully, in accordance with the age characteristics of children. Toys should contribute to the development of different types of games, meet the individual needs and interests of children, and at the same time encourage them to play collectively. The selection of toys should contribute to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. All types of toys must meet all the requirements, as well as the age characteristics of children.

In my work, I found that the toy has survived many centuries. After all, even in ancient times, a person noticed that a toy contributes to the successful development of a child.


1. Arkin E.A. Child in preschool years / ed. Zaporozhets A.V. and Davydova V.V.M., Education, 1967. - 221–235 p.

2. Arkin E.A. From the history of toys // Preschool education, 1995, No. 3. – 8–15 s.

3. Baturina E. Toys in the family // Preschool education, 1974, No. 9. – 82–85 s.

4. Beniaminova M.V. Parenting. - M.: Medicine, 1981, 90 - 107 p.

5. Education of children in the game / ed. Mendzheritskaya D.V. – M.: Enlightenment, 1979. – 27–36 p.

6. Gornostaeva L. Toys in kindergarten // Preschool education, 1973, No. 2. – 20–24 s.

7. Preschool pedagogy / ed. Loginova V.I., Samorukova P.G. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 146 - 157 p.

8. Zvorygina E.V. The first plot games of kids: A guide for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988. – 50–69 p.

9. "The game of a preschooler" (edited by S.L. Novoselova) Moscow

"Enlightenment" 1989.

10. Playing a preschooler. Abramyan L.A. Antonova T.V. Artemova L.V.M.: Education, 1989. - 286 p.: ill.

11. Toys and manuals for kindergarten / ed. Izgarsheva V.M. – M.: Enlightenment, 1987. – 6–13 p.

12. A toy in a child's life / ed. Kossakovskaya E.A. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. - 64 p.

13. Krupskaya N.K. About toys for preschoolers. - Ped. cit., vol. 6.

14. Linkova N.P. Games, toys and education of abilities. – M.: Enlightenment, 1969. – 7–34 p.

15. Lokutsievskaya G. Technical toy // Preschool education, 1972. No. 5. – 18–23 s.

16. Materials and equipment for kindergarten: A guide for educators and managers / Ed. T.N. Doronova and N.A. Korotkova. M., CJSC "Elti-Kudits", 2003. - 160 p.

17. Furniture-toy - equipment for kindergarten. S.L. Novoselova, A.A. Ovchinnikov, N.T. Grinyavichen

18. Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about children's play: A manual for a kindergarten teacher / ed. Markova T.A. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982. – 18–25 – p.

19. Mendzheritskaya D.V. "Educator about children's play" / Ed. T.A. Markova Moscow "Enlightenment" 1982.

20. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Flerina about the game and the toy // Preschool education, 1969, No. 3. - 15-24.

21. Mukhina V.S. A toy as a means of a child's mental development // Questions of Psychology, 1988, No. 2. – 123–128 p.

22. Novoselova S., Lokutsievskaya G., Kozhukhova N. For the smallest // Preschool education, 1978, No. 6. – 90–99 s.

23. Pavlova L. What toys do kids prefer // Preschool education, 1997, No. 12. – 86–89 p.

24. Pedagogical requirements for toys. S.L. Novoselova, G.G. Lokutsievskaya, E.V. Zvorygin.

25. Uruntaeva G.A. The role of toys in the mental development of the child. Preschool psychology: Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions. - 2nd ed. M.: Academy, 1997. - 81–85 p.

26. Usova A.P. "The role of play in the upbringing of children" Edited by A.V. Zaporozhets. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1976.

27. Flerina E.A. Game and toy. M., 1973.

Krupskaya N.K. About toys for preschool children. - Ped. cit., vol. 6.

Arkin E. A. From the history of toys. // Preschool education, 1995, No. 3.

Mukhina V.S. A toy as a means of mental development of a child // Questions of Psychology, 1988, No. 2. - 123-128 p.

Mendzheritskaya D. V. Flerina about the game and the toy // Preschool education, 1969, No. 3. - 15-24.

Importance of toys in a child's life.

Most people associate childhood with their favorite toy. This is not surprising, because a toy for a child is both a faithful friend and a patient, cheerful teacher, it is through toys that he learns the world, develops intelligence, imagination, forms the necessary skills.

A toy for a baby is not just fun, but a reduced model of the world around it. Looking at the toys a child plays with, you can often learn a lot about him.


The constructor is a universal game, children of any age like it, and it does not get boring to play with it for a very long time. Builder games are both fun and very useful! They contribute to the proper development of the mental and creative abilities of the baby, teach to concentrate and train fine motor skills, and also develop memory and perseverance, dexterity, and the ability to coordinate their movements. But most importantly, the designers help children to show their boundless children's imagination. Children who enthusiastically build various structures from the designer are, as a rule, stubborn, diligent and patient, prone to the exact sciences. These are future mathematicians, programmers, architects...

In addition, do not forget that the designer is an excellent material for didactic games (“What color?”, “High-Low”, “Find the same”, “What is the extra one”, etc.).


For a kid, drivers are brave, interesting people who easily drive large iron cars. Playing with cars, the child copies the behavior of an adult, imagining himself in his place. Such a game is not intellectual, because. is purely manipulative.

Thus, if a child only plays cars and does not recognize any other games and toys, the task of parents is to offer the kid such games in cars in which the child will develop intellectually.

It is necessary that the child's car park has a collection of vehicles in all primary colors. During the game, inadvertently call car colors , and later ask the child to “give mom a yellow bus”, “load the blocks onto a blue truck”, etc.

By analogy with color learning, you can teach a child in the gameconcepts of more or less(“look, the crane is big, and Zaporozhets is small”), higher lower (“a truck is taller than a passenger car”), longer-shorter (a limousine is longer than a Lada).

Dont be upset , if at the firstyour attempts to explain these concepts, the child does not hold attention for a long time, does not respond to your questions. The concepts that are regularly mentioned during the game are perfectly absorbed by the child, and after a while the child will surely please you with the accumulated knowledge.

You can also include various didactic materials in the game with cars. For example, studying the device of the pyramid, you can bring each ring to the pyramid on a typewriter of the appropriate color or arrange the rings according to size on similar cars.

Stuffed Toys.

A nursery filled with soft toys characterizes a sociable baby for whom interaction with people is more important and interesting than with objects. The child "humanizes" toys, feeds them, puts them to bed. In addition, a soft toy is an ideal friend, kind and sympathetic, who always behaves correctly.

Psychologists have two opinions about the role of soft toys in a child's life. Some believe that “communication” with a soft toy a child compensates for the lack of parental attention and care, as well as the lack of communication with other children. Others argue that soft toys have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, helping to educate such qualities as humanity and caring for others.

Be that as it may, soft toys and dolls are necessary for role-playing games. Here they act as actors. The period of role-playing games is a serious stage in the development of the child. It usually occurs after 2.5 -3 years. The game shows the character of the child, it also helps to develop thinking and imagination.

In addition, with the help of a soft toy, you can beat different life situations. Explain to the child in a form that is still difficult for him to understand.

Toys should be chosen, not collected!

There are a huge number of toys on the shelves of children's stores now, and it is impossible to buy all of them, and even unnecessary. Parents should not forget the main rule: Toys should be chosen, not collected! So what kind of toys to choose for a child?

By the age of 3, the baby begins to learn the functional purpose of objects, so it is necessary to expand the set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. At this age, the child strives to live an adult life, and a toy display of real life will allow him to easily settle down further in a peer group and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually.

The set of toys must include all sorts of sorters, pyramids, constructors. These toys themselves tell the child how to act with them (choose a suitable hole, arrange in size, build).

Also during this period, it is necessary to introduce various board-printed games (lotto, dominoes, simple puzzles) into the life of the child.

When buying a toy, you need to consider 4 main criteria:

  • Safety (material and workmanship)
  • Aesthetic appearance (real color and shape, externally pleasing toy)
  • Age appropriate (do not buy toys "for growth"!)
  • Multifunctionality (the more actions you can perform with the toy, the better)

From 2-3 years old, it is advisable to introduce so-called substitute items (all kinds of shreds, rags, boxes, stumps of planks or sticks) into the child's play space. It is during this period that the development of active speech in the baby takes place, and substitute objects put him before the need to call them a word that really exists and is accepted in relation to this or that object. In addition, they contribute to the expansion of living space by introducing an imaginary situation (this is a wonderful “as if”!), As well as the development of imagination and creativity.

Do-it-yourself toys should be highlighted separately. Furniture or a car made by dad, a toy sewn by mom will look no less beautiful and valuable for a child than bought in a store.

And most importantly, it must be remembered that not a single toy can replace the value of communication with parents for a baby!!!

Importance of toys in children's lives.

The importance of toys in the life of a child cannot be overestimated, because it is the game that is the leading activity of a preschooler. Childhood is the time for games. Very different: educational and at first glance stupid, mobile and requiring concentration and patience. All of them develop a small person, help him to explore the world, learn to build relationships, try on various social roles. Some games require a lot of "props", and for some, any little thing that comes to hand will do. In childhood, play is not entertainment, it is a serious work of exploring the surrounding space. And adults should treat her with respect. By the age of two, the child already has an excellent command of the ability to handle objects, knows how to use them. He plays separate plots: feeding a cat, dressing a doll, transporting cubes in a little car. During the year, the games become more complex and filled with new content: the child learns to take on the roles - mom, dad, patient, doctor, driver.

The game, as an independent children's activity, is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The toy in this case acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to find out the purpose of which, and to master the various actions that the child should get acquainted with. The game as a form of organization of children's life is important because it serves the psychology of the child and his personality.

Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and a game sometimes calls for a new toy. And it is no coincidence that not only toys bought in the store participate in children's games, but also those made by educators, parents or the children themselves. Toys can be very diverse, but all of them must meet certain pedagogical and artistic requirements.

Playing for a child is a very serious occupation. Adults should see in the child's play elements of preparation for future labor processes and accordingly guide them, taking part in this. It is necessary to take care of toys so that the child can organize the game.

At each age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter and purpose: plot toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - "tools" (scoop, net, hammer, screwdriver, brush, toys imitating the simplest means of labor for adults); fun toys; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages.

Large-sized toys such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits contribute to the fight against hypodynamia, teach the child movements and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For games on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the growth of the child in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys, small ones are not suitable.

Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, television help to get acquainted with them. It is very important that in the selection of toys it contributes to the formation of the correct ideas about the environment in the child. It is desirable that the toys are brought into the game by an adult. He interests the child in the plot of a joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to “communicate” with a new toy. Is the doll awake? Treat her with compote." A toy for a child is full of meaning.

Children of four or five years of age carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by gestures and words. At this age, those objects that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes are of particular importance: all kinds of hats. Beads, aprons, bathrobes. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For the captain, the ship is not as important as having a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. The doctor needs a dressing gown, a table for the reception, a thermometer stick, a syringe, and patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse are indispensable. These patients may be large dolls. Sick "children" should have their own "mums" and "dads".

Many children use not only toys in the game, but also adapt other objects for this. A sofa can become a steamer, chairs can become train cars, cones can become funny hedgehogs. Such use of objects in the game indicates a high level of intelligence of the child, the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural, waste material.

The texture of the material has a great influence on the emotional attitude to the toy. Children selectively relate to toys depicting the same animal, but with a different texture. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions, stimulate the child to play. With the help of a correctly selected texture of a toy, it is easier for a child to evoke positive emotions: goodwill, sympathy, joy.

We must not forget about the folk toy, which displays folk wisdom, funny fiction, the desire to please, amuse children and at the same time teach something. Folk didactic toys, like all Russian folk art, constitute the national treasure of the people - the gift of the people to small children. It is especially important that in the life subject content of the folk didactic toy, a cognitive element is clearly and distinctly displayed, which at the same time amuses and pleases the child. In this way, the toy differs from the manual, in which the cognitive content forms the basis and does not allow fun, games.

However, no abundance of toys, which, it would seem, allows unfolding the most story-driven games, will not replace the child's playmates. The forced need to play alone, sometimes, can lead to overexcitation of his nervous system. Playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles taken on. Naturally, after the game, he will be overly mobile, irritable, "noisy". But the same game in a group of peers does not cause a similar reaction in the child.

Advice for parents

"The value of toys in the lives of children"

Prepared by: Educator MADOU D / s No. 1 "Golden Key" of the city of Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva

Varlamova Galina Anatolyevna

Dear parents!

The value of toys in the life of our baby cannot be overestimated, because the game is the main activity of your child. By the age of two, he already has an excellent command of the ability to handle objects, knows how to use them. The child plays separate plots: feeding the cat, dressing the doll, transporting cubes in a car. During the year, your baby’s games become more complicated and filled with new content: the child will learn to take on the role of mom, dad, patient, doctor, driver, etc. before your very eyes.

The game, as an independent children's activity, is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The toy in this case acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to find out the purpose of which, and to master the various actions that the child should get acquainted with. The game as a form of organization of children's life is important because it serves the psychology of the child and his personality.

Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and a game sometimes calls for a new toy. And it is no coincidence that not only toys bought in the store participate in children's games, but also those made by educators, parents or the children themselves. Toys can be very diverse, but all of them must meet certain pedagogical and artistic requirements.

At each age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter and purpose: plot toys (dolls, animal figures, furniture,

tableware); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - "tools" (scoop, net, hammer, screwdriver, brush, toys imitating the simplest means of labor for adults); fun toys; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages.

Large-sized toys such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits contribute to the fight against hypodynamia, teach the child movements and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For games on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the growth of the child in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys, small ones are not suitable. The selection of toys is closely connected with the tasks of the aesthetic and moral education of the child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with all the children.

The selection of toys is closely connected with the tasks of the child's aesthetic and moral education, with his striving for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with other children.

When selecting toys, age-related patterns of development of play activities should be taken into account. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, television help to get acquainted with them. It is very important that in the selection of toys it contributes to the formation of the correct ideas about the environment in the child. It is desirable that the toys are brought into the game by an adult. He interests the child in the plot of a joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to “communicate” with a new toy. Is the doll awake? Treat her with compote." A toy for a child is full of meaning.

Children of four or five years of age carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by gestures and words. At this age, those items that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes are of particular importance: all kinds of hats, beads, aprons, bathrobes. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For the captain, the ship is not as important as having a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. The doctor needs a dressing gown, a table for the reception, a thermometer stick, a syringe, and patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse are indispensable. These patients may be large dolls. Sick "children" should have their own "mums" and "dads".

However, no abundance of toys, which, it would seem, allows unfolding the most story-driven games, will not replace the child's playmates. The forced need to play alone, sometimes, can lead to overexcitation of his nervous system. Playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles taken on. Naturally, after the game, he will be overly mobile, irritable, "noisy". But the same game in a group of peers does not cause a similar reaction in the child.

Many children use not only toys in the game, but also adapt other objects for this. A sofa can become a steamer, chairs can become train cars, cones can become funny hedgehogs. Such use of objects in the game indicates a high level of intelligence of the child, the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural, waste material.

The game develops and pleases the child, makes him happy. In the game, the child makes the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration. The game develops his imagination, fantasy, and, consequently, the ground is created for the formation of an enterprising, inquisitive personality. game for

child is a sure remedy for idleness, leading to lethargy, aimlessness of behavior. For a good, fun game, a child needs a good toy. Choose wisely for your child. Good luck!


The game as an independent children's activity is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The toy in this case acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to find out the purpose of which and to master the various actions with which the child must.

Numerous studies show that the toy has always been an effective means of developing the psyche and was widely used in folk pedagogy for social education and introducing the child to adult life.

While playing, children comprehend the world around them, model their behavior in their future adult life. Toys contribute to the education of certain character traits, introduce them to various professions, and so on.

The toy, first of all, surprises the baby, and this feeling, according to A.M. Gorky, is the beginning of understanding and the path to knowledge. The toy helps the child get acquainted with the world around him, through it he consolidates and processes the impressions received, satisfies his needs for activity and communication.

Toys are of particular importance in the life of children of primary preschool age, as they are an incentive to play, its organizing beginning: a doll encourages them to play mother-daughters, a car - a driver. The content of the game depends on toys, they serve as a support for the development of creative imagination. Recognizing familiar objects in toys, the child gets the opportunity to combine his ideas, process and actively assimilate new impressions. The repetition of these impressions in different combinations with the help of toys helps the formation of general ideas and makes it easier for the child to understand the connection between different phenomena of life.

The strongest educational impact on children is exerted by toys depicting people and objects of the real world in all its diversity: animals, birds, fish, vegetation, vehicles, appliances, household items, etc. Preschoolers associate with them op -relegated ideas, vivid impressions come to life in the memory, there is an opportunity to creatively process the existing life experience. Toys not only encourage children to play games of different content, they help the child to enter the role, create a favorite image, and fulfill his plan. To feel like a mother, a girl needs a doll, "chauffeur" - car "pilot" - airplane. The toy has a great influence on the creation of the game image.

As the child develops, his attitude towards toys changes. He begins to select those that will help him realize his plan. However, a toy can become a means of realizing the idea only if the child correctly perceives its image, if he has knowledge about the object depicted by it, if the toy causes conscious interest and a desire to play.

A toy, an object intended for play. Recreating real and imaginary objects, images, the toy serves the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. The toy helps the child to learn the world around him, accustoms him to purposeful, meaningful activity, promotes the development of thinking, memory, speech, emotions. The toy is widely used in educational work with children, in particular for the development of children's, technical and artistic creativity. The types, character, content and design of toys are determined by specific educational tasks in relation to the age of children, taking into account their development and interests. As works of arts and crafts, toys, especially national-traditional ones, are used as decorative elements in a modern interior.

The game and the toy, according to scientists, are the most important components of any culture. What is the culture, so are the toys.

Thus, Kossakovskaya E. A.’s research on the issues of play and toys, based on the study of the experience of organizing children’s play activities in the context of public education and in the family, showed that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, but they must take into account the age-related patterns of development of gaming activity.

N. K. Krupskaya wrote about the importance of toys for familiarizing children with the surrounding reality, for their sensory development.

Mendzheritskaya D.V., a well-known teacher in the field of the study of toys, believed that the toy helps to educate children's interest in work, contributes to the formation of inquisitiveness, curiosity. Giving children ideas about people of different professions, different nationalities, it can at the same time help to develop a sense of sympathy and respect for them.

The well-known psychologist Uruntaeva G.A. said that the main task of adults is to teach the child to act with toys.

The toy is subject to certain pedagogical, aesthetic, hygienic, technical and economic requirements. There are various classifications of toys. There are figurative toys, didactic and manual games, technical, theatrical, carnival and musical, sports and motor, fun toys. The division of toys into such groups is conditional, since with the help of the same toy various educational and upbringing tasks can be solved, games of different content and nature can be played. The industrial classification of toys is based on the material for their production: plastic, wooden, metal, rubber, stuffed toys; dolls, musical, electromechanical, printing, etc.

A toy is a spiritual image of an ideal life, an ideal world, it is an archetype of ideas about goodness - imaginary or genuine. A genuine toy affirms goodness and predetermines the distinction between good and evil. For example, the ball symbolizes the perfect shape of the ball - the Sun or the Earth. Pyramid - hierarchical world order. As the child develops, his attitude towards toys changes.

A toy, an object intended for play. Recreating real and imaginary objects, images. The toy serves the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. (TSB)

A toy, a thing made for fun, play or fun, especially for children. (Dal)

The toy also performs a psychotherapeutic function - it helps the child to master his own desires and fears.

The toy is not only an accompaniment to the game, but also a means of education, entertainment and even treatment.

Based on the decisive role of toys in the development of the child, adults should be conscious in their choice.

One of the distinguishing features of the life of a modern child is a huge number of toys that surround him from the very moment of birth. More precisely, the toys themselves do not surround the child. When buying a toy, this is done by an adult, often without thinking about the depth and degree of influence of the toy on the child.

The influence of toys on the mental development of the child

at different stages of ontogeny.

Based on the position of A.N. Leontiev about the existence of a leading type of activity in each period of ontogenesis, consider the relationship between the nature of the leading activity, the features of the toy and its influence on the development of the child's psyche.

In the first half of a child's life, the leading type of activity is direct-emotional, or situational-personal, communication with an adult, during which there is an intensive development of the personality and all mental processes of the child. Emotional communication with an adult stimulates the infant's cognitive activity aimed at surrounding objects, and contributes to the formation of actions aimed at grasping and holding an object. Therefore, toys for children of this age should be bright, attracting the attention of the child, and at the same time comfortable and safe. As a rule, the child receives pendants as his first toys, which will attract the attention of the baby, make him turn his head towards them, then reach out with his hand.

At 3-4 months of life, the development of grasping begins, which manifests itself in an attempt to hold an object that an adult puts into a child's hand. Therefore, the next toy of the child are rattles of various types, the obligatory requirement for which is the size and shape that are comfortable to hold in the child's hand.

In the second half of the first year of life, a new, manipulative activity of the baby arises, which is promoted to the leading position. The first manipulations are very simple: the child grabs the object, then after holding it for a while, releases it, etc. In order to encourage the child to more complex manipulations (swinging, pushing, squeezing an object) an adult should provide him with soft rubber toys that make a squeak when squeezed, rattles that reproduce various sounds, as well as toys that change position and roll when gently pushed (rubber ball, tumblers, plastic balls, etc.).

When the baby begins to crawl, rolling toys with a built-in musical instrument should be added to the existing toys, which would make melodious sounds when moving. (for such a toy it is more interesting to crawl).

The transition from infancy to early childhood is associated with the development of a new relationship to the world of objects - they begin to act for the child not just as objects that are convenient for manipulation, but as things that have a specific purpose and a specific way of using them, i.e. in the function assigned to them in social experience. In the period of early childhood, there is a transition to objective activity, which becomes the leading type of activity throughout the entire period.

The assimilation of objective activity by a child occurs through the development of correlatives, i.e. bringing two or more things (or parts thereof) into certain spatial relationships (for example, folding a pyramid of rings, closing boxes with lids), and gun actions, i.e. actions in which one object - a tool - is used to influence other objects (e.g. spoon, cup, scoop, toy hammer, saw, etc.).

Therefore, at this age, the child must have the so-called didactic toys of various types. (matryoshkas, pyramids, insert toys, etc.) and toys - copies of real objects (dishes, bucket, scoop, spatula, watering can, etc.).

Within the object activity of a young child, other activities begin to emerge, such as play and productive activities. (drawing, modeling, design).

The content of the initial games is very simple: the child feeds the doll or animal, puts them to bed. Children of this age so far only reproduce actions with objects that an adult has shown them. (bring a cup to the doll's mouth, put the teddy bear and pat on it). Therefore, the child should have dolls, soft toys depicting various animals with which the child can perform various actions: pick up, put in a stroller, put to bed, etc.

At preschool age, the game, which is one of the means of socialization, becomes the leading activity. Its content is what the child identifies as the main point of adult activity. (real actions of adults, relationships between them, obedience to the rules arising from the role taken on).

At a younger preschool age, when the child reflects only individual actions of adults, they acquire dolls, toy furniture, dishes, clockwork toys, cars (cars and trucks), outdoor toys (scoop, shovel, bucket), soft toys depicting various animals.

In the middle preschool age, the child in the game begins to reflect the relationship between people. The same process continues in the senior preschool age, but the emphasis is shifted to the strict implementation of the rules arising from the role taken on by each participant in the game. Therefore, for the creative play of children of these age groups, toys are needed that will allow them to display in the game the content of the work of adults, social phenomena that are accessible to their understanding. For example, it is important for a captain to have a telescope, a cap with "crab" , a doctor - a gown, syringe, etc.

Analyzing the features of the preschooler's play activity, it must be remembered that its development is facilitated by the development of the sign function of consciousness, which consists in the ability to use one object as a substitute for another. A prerequisite for mastering the sign function is the mastery of objective actions and the subsequent separation of the action from the object by a young child.

Therefore, in addition to toys depicting real objects, the child must have objects that can be used as their substitutes: coils, boxes of various shapes, natural materials (cones, acorns, leaves). During the game, the child can give them a new game name and act in accordance with this name.

Substitute items also include those that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes: all kinds of hats, beads, dressing gowns, etc. The situation when a child turns a sofa into a steamer, chairs into train carriages is also an indicator of the development of a sign function of consciousness, and hence a high level of mental development.

The possibility of using substitute objects in play activities should be the subject of a special discussion between the teacher and parents, since the latter often strive to buy as many ready-made toys as possible, not suspecting that they thereby harm the mental development of the child, in particular, his imagination. But all subsequent schooling will be associated with the need to imagine, imagine, operate with abstract images and concepts. This is first.

Secondly, the ability to use various objects (signs) instead of real objects, will allow the child to further learn more complex systems of signs, such as language, mathematical symbolism, various types of art.

Brief history of the toy.

The toy in all historical epochs has been associated with the game - the leading activity in which the typical appearance of the child is formed: the mind, physical and moral qualities. However, concretely - the historical conditions of each era leave their mark on the content of toys and the direction of the games.

The ancient slave-owning societies of Egypt, Greece and Rome left priceless treasures of material and spiritual culture to subsequent generations. We will meet a lot of interesting things while studying the toy - an integral part of the ancient world, serving as a kind of illustration of the era.

Like today, the first toy of the child in ancient times was a rattle. In ancient Greece and Rome, rattles were given to newborns. Tapping these rattles, mothers and nurses sang lullabies. These objects also had a different purpose. A belief has been preserved from primitive times that rattles deflect evil spirits with their noise and thus protect the child. Many rattles were found during excavations of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. These were rattles of various types: rattles, kretala, sistra. The ratchet, found in Pompeii, consists of a small disc on the handle, equipped with bells. Cretals were made of wooden or metal plates connected at one end. The sistra device is also simple. On each of the two transverse rods there are three metal plates that reproduce sound when the rods move.

The earliest toys of Ancient Egypt known to us date back to the middle of 3 thousand BC. These are wooden cows. In ancient Egypt, we first meet toys with a simple movement mechanism. This "Crocodile" and "Tiger" . Ancient masters portrayed them with great knowledge of habits and character. These miniature wooden toys, using a simple wire mechanism, set in motion by the hand of a child, opened their mouths. An interesting toy depicting a slave kneading dough. If the figurine is pulled by the thread, it begins to move up and down the inclined plank. "Dough Mixer" - This is a prototype of a folk toy. This ancient design principle was repeatedly used by Russian craftsmen of folk toys. Let's remember the Boleroda toy "Blacksmiths" . And here and there the main thing is conveyed by movement, everything else is conditional and sparingly.

Relatively later, the image of a horse appeared in the toy. The Egyptians learned about the existence of a chariot and a horse from nomadic tribes who conquered Egypt at the beginning of 1000 BC. BC e. Wheelchair horses made in the 5th century are known. BC e. Making a horse was one of the most beloved toys of the children of ancient Greece. Most miniatures of horses and riders are made of clay. The image of the horse was given in a generalized way, but had a number of realistic elements.

Of course, many wooden toys did not reach us, only clay, bone and metal survived. On a miniature antique vessel kept in the Hermitage, we find an image of a children's two-wheeled gurney with a long handle and a small quadrangular body on an axle where a child could sit.

In ancient times, such a type of toy known to us as a doll arose. The most ancient Egyptian dolls are about 4 thousand years old. They were cut out of thin boards and painted with a geometric pattern symbolizing clothing. The heads of the dolls were decorated with wigs made of wooden and thread beads. But these dolls served not children, but adults and were associated with various forms of religion of that era. The most ancient Egyptian dolls were funeral gifts and were designed to brighten up the loneliness of the deceased. It was believed that human images can come to life and influence the fate of people. Therefore, dolls were often made with a chisel, as they were afraid that the doll would run away from the tomb. Ancient Greece and Rome left us quite a large number of dolls. Many of them continued to have a cult character. The girls carefully kept these dolls until marriage and on the eve of the wedding they brought them as a gift to the goddesses Artemis, Venus. But there were also play dolls. They were made of clay, wood and were often mobile. The arms and legs were attached to the body with threads and sticks. More carefully, from expensive materials, dolls were made for the children of the nobility.

Already in the 13th century. French dolls became trendsetters and were insanely expensive. They made dollhouses with full furnishings for them.

In the middle of the 19th century The first manufacturers of toys arose - small handicraft workshops and factories.

Rubik's Cube, created in 1974, is recognized as the game of the 20th century. Hungarian architect Erno Rubik.

The first doll in Russia was made of wood. In central Russia, a rag doll made of white canvas is known. The white-faced girl always had a braid, but there was no face, so that evil spirits would not inhabit her.

In the 17th century in Russia, folk handicraft and wooden toys were widely developed.

Russian folk toys have always been one of the most important elements of the proper upbringing of children. At present, the value of primordially Russian toys is even more palpable.

Russian folk toy.

Russian folk toy is closely connected with ancient Greek rituals and beliefs. For example, a female figure symbolized mother earth, a horse - the sun, a bird - the water or air element. It is believed that the origin of various wooden whistles originates from an ancient rite, when the whistle was considered a reliable means of scaring away evil forces.

Russian folk toy has its own glorious history and rich traditions. It is characterized by simplistic and rhythmic form, decorative painting, ornamentality, unrestrained brightness or noble restraint in color selection. Folk toy, organically combining ancient traditions (the legacy of ancestors) and the individual creativity of the master, necessarily bears the imprint of the time and area where it was made, which finds expression in the choice of material, style and plot. The most characteristic materials prompted by nature itself, with which Russian toy masters usually dealt, are wood and clay.

Crafts of wooden toys arose everywhere, where, as a rule, wood craftsmen already worked: carpenters, joiners, carvers, turners. What a different, not like one another, as they say, "with its own face and character" this toy was obtained in the hands of folk artists!

The Russian North is the land of wooden architecture, lake, forest, dense, and it is not in vain that it is considered one of the archaic zones of Slavic culture. The local toy, crafted with an axe, is solidly chopped, solid, static, rather reminiscent of cult plastic. Traditional images of northern toys (female fi-gurah, horse, bird) also have a deep, almost forgotten sacred meaning today - these are ancient symbols of light, life and fertility of Mother Earth.

Recognized Historic Center "fun business" in our country was Sergiev Posad, located on the picturesque hills of the Moscow region. This ancient city arose near the walls of the famous monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Sergius toy craft reached its development by the end of the 18th century.

A wooden toy made of triangular chocks, typical for Sergiev Posad, is very peculiar in terms of plasticity. Its lower part is only slightly hewn and retains its original shape. The upper one, on the contrary, is finished very carefully, with the elaboration of important, in the opinion of the master, details - hats, feathers and ribbons for stiff ladies, shakos and an epaulette for hussars. Having made the blank of the doll, the carvers passed it "dyed" - artists who "dressed" toy, covering it with elegant polychrome painting.

Sergiev Posad is also known as the birthplace of the Russian matryoshka - a detachable doll with a funny surprise. Its history is connected with the artist S.V. Malyutin, according to whose sketch in the 90s of the 19th century the first wooden doll named Matryona was created. She was a girl in a sundress and headscarf, chubby and ruddy, with a rooster in her hands. Inside it, other figurines-inserts were hidden - girls and boys in shirts, blouses, aprons. The Sergius matryoshka was painted with gouache without preliminary preparation of the surface, immediately on wood.

The works of Sergiev handicraftsmen were known throughout Russia and even abroad. Creating their toys, the masters of Sergiyev Posad skillfully used other materials besides wood: fabric, paper, tin, porcelain, papier-mâché.

On the contrary, the Bogorodsk toy-makers have retained their commitment to wood as a self-sufficient material up to the present day. The art of woodcarving originated in Bogorodskoye three centuries ago, when local craftsmen, commissioned by Sergiev handicraftsmen, began to manufacture so-called linen - unpainted wooden blanks, bobbins. Over time, the inhabitants of Bogorodsk managed to create their own style, expressed in the clarity of the silhouette of a toy, devoid of excessive detail, in fine carving without preliminary sketches and drawings, harmoniously combined with a smooth surface, in the ability to show the natural beauty of wood untouched by paint. Trying to make their amusing goods remarkable for the buyer, the Bogorodsk craftsmen came up with different ways to set the toys in motion. (toys on slats, with balance, on strings, etc.). Bogorodsk carvers embodied a whole world of images in wood: everyday life and holidays of the Russian village, military battles, historical portraits... Toys on the theme of Russian fairy tales, where the bear often played the main role, are imbued with special warmth and gentle humor.

The Russian Volga region is also rich in its toy traditions - a crowded craft and trade center of Russia.

The traditional toy of the Volga region is diverse in plots: horses so beloved by the people are adjacent to barges, paddle steamers, windmills, doll furniture "factory made" and other crafts in which it is reflected "urban theme" .

Clay toy crafts, as a rule, also arose in places with already established pottery traditions. And Russia has been rich in clays from time immemorial.

Toys were molded along the way, dried on crows (shelves along the walls of the hut), then fired "at home" in a Russian oven and painted with paints diluted in milk or linseed oil. The favorite characters of the Kargopol toy are a female figurine with a bell skirt, a bear, often humanized, deer and sheep with an unusual color - a blue muzzle, purple horns, and a large red circle with a black outline on the sides, reminiscent of an ancient solar cult.

A folk toy, whether it is a nursery rhyme made by the hands of craftsmen, or a simple peasant homemade product from improvised material, invariably amusing, funny, made for joy - with love and imagination is an integral part of the cultural heritage. This is the history of Russia "in faces and pictures" , her, so to speak, alive "amusing" chronicle.

The folk toy of the millennium brought up the child, it is proven by children's love for it, by children's play.

The toy of each nation has its own pedagogical, artistic and technical traditions. These traditions have features, on the one hand, international, on the other - determined by the national identity of culture, life, and pedagogy.

The toy was the subject of scientific research only in the late 19th - early 20th century. First of all, interest in the toy was shown not by art historians and not by teachers, but by ethnographers who began to collect and study the toy as a monument of material culture and life, from ancient peoples, primitive culture to our times. Remarkable are the collections of toys of the peoples of Asia, Africa, America, the collections of dolls in the Paris Pedagogical Museum, in the museums of Nuremberg, Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, etc.

Of the Russian researchers of folk toys, L. G. Orshansky and N. D. Bartram, the founder of the toy museum in Moscow, should be noted.

The greatest truth and simplicity of that folk toy, its great expressiveness and expediency made it useful for educating children: it delighted, developed, taught to understand the life around it, and helped develop the game. These qualities are preserved in the folk toy in the future, with the emergence and development of handicrafts.

And the modern folk master, the creator of the toy, still loves it, lives by it, lovingly and carefully works on it.

The folk toy awakens the thought and imagination of the child both in a semantic way, and in an uncomplicated, but witty technique of movement, sound, and with its fabulous, decorative interpretation. Many toys are a true fairy tale. These are all Dymkovo animals, birds (turkeys and geese in gold and bright frills, spotted and striped horses).

The folk toy says that the people are a subtle psychologist who can see and understand the child as he is, with his interests and needs.

A folk toy not only pleases, amuses, not only develops aesthetically, but also gives scope for creative play, orients in the surrounding life and teaches the child work and technology. Even a funny toy sometimes tells a child stories from a working life. (blacksmiths forge, the mistress feeds chickens, etc.) not to mention "homemade" , on which the child learns to work with various materials and types of labor: sewing on dolls, the creation by boys of tools for hunting, fishing and playing with them, all kinds of weaving baskets, carving patterned "burach-kov" , boxes made of birch bark, etc. All this, through a toy, gradually introduces the child into the working life of adults.

The aesthetic in the toy, without the deliberate intention of adapting to the tastes of children, brings the child a great artistic culture of folk art. Russian folk toy is full of traditions of national Russian art: simplicity and clear rhythm of form, decorative painting, ornamentality; sometimes uncontrollable brightness, sometimes noble restraint in the selection of colors, which is associated with local traditions in folk art.

It should be remembered that, perhaps, no other kind of folk art so actively and deeply educates a child with national traits, an aesthetic feeling, like a folk toy, which he loves, with which he willingly plays.

Classification of toys.

The important role of a toy in a child's life could not remain outside the sphere of close attention of domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists, this was reflected in the creation of several of its classifications, which have different bases.

One of the first domestic classifications belongs to E.A. Arkin, who already in the first half of the 20th century raised the question of the need to build a theory of games and toys and conduct historical research for this. He emphasized that “only on factual material, gleaned from the past and compared with the present, can a correct scientific theory of play and toys be built, and only from such a theory can a healthy, fruitful, sustainable pedagogical practice proceed”

In his classification, E.A. Arkin identified several groups of toys, which he called "original" :

  1. sound toys - rattles, buzzers, bells, rattles, etc.;
  2. motor toys - bow, arrows, boomerangs, etc.;
  3. figurative toys - images of animals and dolls;

However, this classification does not allow to give scientific and methodological recommendations for a social teacher on the use of toys as a means of social education of a child, since it does not reveal the features of its developmental impact on the child's psyche.

In modern pedagogy, a more detailed classification of toys, adopted in the theory and practice of preschool education, is the classification of E.A. Flerina. This classification is based on various aspects of the mental and physical development of the child:

  1. motor sports toys - ball, hoop, jump ropes, skittles, volleyball, spillikins, mosaic, etc. - contribute to the development of large and fine motor skills, the eye;
  2. plot toy - people, animals, vehicles, furniture, etc. - contribute to the development of creative imitative play, through which the child identifies, consolidates and deepens his social experience;
  3. creative labor toy - all kinds of building materials, constructors, various models, etc. - develops design abilities and inventions;
  4. technical toy - various types of cars, toy cameras, kaleidoscopes, spyglasses, etc. - also develops constructive abilities, expands the technical horizons, directs interest in construction and technology;
  5. board games contribute to the development of intelligence, attention, quick orientation in form, color, size, in the assimilation of reading and writing, counting, organize a children's team in games with rules;
  6. a fun toy - a jumping bunny, a quacking duck, a bird with a swirling tail brings up a sense of humor;
  7. musical toys - singing birds, primitive musical instruments, toys with a musical melody - serve as a means of developing a musical ear;
  8. theatrical toy - shadow theater, puppet toy theater - lead to their own theatrical game, extremely enrich children's artistic perception.

In psychology, the classification of toys was developed by V.S. Mukhina. Considering the toy not only as an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but also as a means of mental development, she divides them into two large groups:

1) toys aimed at the cognitive development of the child (rattles, nesting dolls, pyramids, substitute toys for real objects of human culture, tools);

2) toys that affect the moral sphere of the child's personality (dolls, soft toys - images of a hare, monkey, dog, etc.).

Among the toys aimed at the cognitive development of the child, first of all, rattles should be mentioned, which determine the content of his behavioral activity, his manipulation. The child carefully examines the toys suspended in front of his eyes, which exercises his perception. (forms and colors are imprinted, orientation to the new arises, preference appears).

At an early age, the child receives the so-called didactic, that is, educational, toys, in actions with which the child learns to distinguish, compare, name colors, shapes, sizes of objects, gets an idea of ​​the quantity and quality of objects. This group includes folk toys - bowls-liners, trays with balls and eggs, tuesochki with various trifles, matryoshkas, pyramids. All these toys have changed a lot in recent years.

For example, insert toys have a wide variety of shapes: geometric shapes, fruits and vegetables, the outlines of various animals. Russian nesting dolls have repeatedly changed color and patterns on their "outfits" . But, despite these changes, the educational function of these toys remained unchanged. Russian nesting dolls are still considered by teachers as a classic didactic material. With its help, a child can be taught to compare objects by height, width, volume, color. The very design of the nesting doll and all kinds of insert toys provides the child with the possibility of self-control: try to assemble the nesting doll incorrectly - it will not work, only by putting in a larger smaller one, the child can sequentially put all the figures into one. Therefore, such toys are often called autodidactic.

At the same age, the child receives a lot of substitute toys for real objects of human culture: tools, household items. (toy dishes, toy furniture), machines, etc. Through such toys, the child masters the functional purpose of objects, masters instrumental actions.

Soft toys occupy a special place in the life of a child, as the texture of the material from which it is made has a great influence on the emotional attitude to the toy. According to the laws of perception, children selectively treat toys depicting the same animal, but with a different texture. Soft, fluffy materials cause a positive emotional state, stimulate the child to play, cause empathic behavior - joy and goodwill.

In addition to the texture of the material, the size of the toy, its proportions and color are of great importance for the child.

All dolls, according to V.S. Mukhina, can also be divided into several groups that differ in their appearance, which determines the direction of the child's communication with the toy and thus performs various functions:

  1. "beautiful dolls" , having large eyes framed by eyelashes, a short nose, a small bright mouth, always thick and shiny - white, golden, red, black - hair. Among them, puppets for admiring stand out - in the growth of a person and of medium size;
  2. "character dolls (boy doll or girl doll) with pronounced certain qualities: naivety, stupidity, mischief, etc.;
  3. emotional reflection dolls depict a boy or a girl in different emotional states (peace, smile, sadness, anger, fear, surprise). The child builds relations with each of them, corresponding to his mood;
  4. ethnographic dolls, the appearance of which reflects the national features of a particular people.

In recent years, toys are beginning to be considered from the point of view of the psychotherapeutic effect on the child, so other classifications of toys appear. A new direction has arisen - puppet therapy, which uses a doll as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult as the main method of psycho-correctional influence. (parent, teacher, psychologist, doctor).

Toys and materials necessary for play therapy, the American psychologist G. Landreth suggests grouping into three large classes:

Real life toys. This group includes doll family, dollhouse, puppets and non-existent characters (Gumby is a doll with "empty" (unpainted) face) that can represent members of the child's real family and thus enable direct expression of feelings.

They also include a car, a truck, a boat, and a cash register. These toys are especially important for a stubborn, anxious, shy, or withdrawn child, as vague play can be played with these toys without expressing any feelings.

Toys that help respond to aggression. This group includes guns and a rubber knife, crocodile, "bee-ba-bo" , toy soldiers, etc., that is, toys with which a child can express anger, hostility and frustration. G. Landreth calls clay as the material for working out aggressive feelings, which can be crushed, beaten, thrown, rolled vigorously, torn into pieces with force.

Toys for creative expression and relaxation of emotions. This group includes sand and water, a palette and paints, cubes. Sand and water have no structure and can turn into anything at the request of the child, the possibilities are endless. Cubes can be houses, they can be thrown, scattered, they can be built - all this makes it possible for him to feel that there is no right or wrong way to play, so the child can always be sure of success. This is especially helpful for shy or withdrawn children.

Thus, the considered classifications of toys make it possible to present the whole variety of modern toys, to understand that they not only contribute to the appearance of a certain type of behavior in a child, the emergence of various emotional states and the development of positive personality traits. (benevolence, empathy), but also help the child get rid of already formed undesirable manifestations in behavior (anxiety, stubbornness, isolation, anger, hostility, etc.).

Analysis of modern toys.

Since a toy is one of the means of socialization, let's consider what kind of social experience modern toys will help children learn.

Role "beautiful doll" in most cases, it is performed by a Barbie doll, to which an ambiguous attitude of the public is manifested, both in our country and abroad.

Considering the positive influence of this doll on the development of the psyche, psychologists V.K. Losev and A.I. Lunkov point out that it allows girls to learn an important component of the female role - the role "beauties" , while all kinds "babies" , "kids" allow you to master the role of a mother caring for a child. Mastering this Role in the Oedipal Phase (35 years), which is characterized by the emergence in children of interest in gender differences, the attributes of their gender, gives a sense of psychosexual identity and self-confidence. A ban on satisfying this need can distort the psychosexual development of a girl, make a split in her consciousness, and create a sense of her own inadequacy.

Speaking about the possible negative impact of Barbie and similar dolls on the mental development of a child, psychologists and educators highlight several aspects. Firstly, playing with such dolls introduces children to the cult of beauty and material values, brings them up with thoughts about the need to grow up rich and beautiful. Secondly, very often, having a doll, a girl imagines herself not as a mother rocking a child, but as a maid cleaning her house and bringing her boyfriend to her. Thirdly, the content of the games they inspire children is of concern. Instead of playing with stuffed animals, with toy cars, with balls, cubes, etc., that is, with all the traditional attributes of childhood, preschool children learn to indulge in fantasies and dreams about life that are not peculiar to them, but to teenagers.

In recent years, the image has changed not only "beautiful doll" , but also the image of dolls-heroes of modern cartoons. They, as mentioned above, have a characteristic appearance, a predetermined mode of behavior, a stable moral characteristic that does not depend on the changing storylines in the game. If earlier on the shelves you could see toys that are carriers of the qualities that our society wanted to see in a child, today these are mostly toys that represent a different world of values. Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Carlson, expressing the realities of Russian relations with their behavior, were replaced by foreign - American and Japanese - cartoon characters: Batman, Spider-Man, Sniper, Soldier of Fortune, Star Wars and other characters that can be seen on the shelves of many stores. What moral characteristics do the heroes of modern cartoons carry in themselves?

They differ, first of all, in strength, dexterity, courage, superhuman qualities, various skills, excellent physical data, strong "inflated" muscles that any modern bodybuilder would envy. Most of these heroes can be called ideal representatives of the male sex, and their behavior, as it were, proves to everyone around them: on whose side the power is, he is right.

A special place among the toys-heroes of modern cartoons is occupied by unearthly creatures, ugly gnomes, mutants: trolls, Pokemon. All of them can be attributed to fairy-tale characters, but if the heroes of Russian fairy tales had the potential for good, modern fairy-tale characters carry a far from positive potential, unfortunately, not always immediately noticeable to others.

Thus, modern fairy-tale characters, by their behavior, seem to assert: good conquers evil, but only through the use of force.

On the shelves of toy stores, Pokemon can be found in the form of ... toys for bathing young children, along with traditional ducks, balls, boats, etc. Toddlers are happy to accept any toys, not suspecting anything about "image assignments" . For many children, toys received in childhood become favorites. At the same time, adults do not suspect that in infancy there is such a mechanism of socialization as imprinting (imprinting), that is, the image of objects is fixed in the child at a subconscious level. It is natural to assume that at an older age, when the owner of such a toy sees it on the TV screen as a cartoon character, "will work" another mechanism for the assimilation of social experience is identification, which will help to accept "to leadership" all the features of the behavior of your pet.

E.A. Flerina said that "the themes and forms of toys are in direct connection with the material life of society and the development of its spiritual culture and pedagogical views" .

requirements for toys.

Requirements for toys have been developed over a long period of time. Due to the fact that the toy is of great importance in the life of a child and has a versatile development of his personality and activities, the educational value of toys, their content, form, artistic expressiveness of the image, and safety for health were evaluated. Therefore, teachers, artists, hygienists took part in the development of requirements for toys.

Requirements to consider when choosing a particular toy.

Psychological and pedagogical: the toy acts as an object of the child's activity and is considered from the standpoint of a possible developmental effect.

Sociocultural: the toy is considered from the point of view of its objective properties, which are most important for education.

Technical: strength, workmanship, health safety - the first and absolutely necessary requirements. In their absence, I.e. if any danger to the health of the child is identified, it is not advisable to conduct a further psychological and pedagogical assessment.

The toy should be dynamic, give children the opportunity to perform a variety of actions.

Toys can also reflect healthy humor, a cheerful, funny attitude to the original, but without ridicule, caricature.

Hygienic requirements for toys provide for the safety of using them. They are painted with resistant and safe paints and should be easily subjected to hygienic treatment.

Selection of toys for different age groups.

In younger groups there should be toys that ensure the development of movements and their improvement: large balls for rolling, rolling, throwing; a variety of colored trucks, wheelchairs, carts.

Plot-shaped toys (dolls, animals, household items) in terms of content and design, they reflect the world around them, close to children. Game actions with them are accessible and simple.

The selection of didactic toys is determined by the tasks of sensory education and development. Toys should contribute to the development of the perception of objects, their colors, shapes, sizes, etc., understanding and using words denoting various properties and qualities.

In children of the middle group, the roles in the game stand out more clearly, and, in addition to toys, they need additional items: sailor's hats, flags, a drum, binoculars, a doctor's tube, etc.

Children 4-5 years old can play collectively and use complete toys. For example, a set of toys "Pets" causes a desire to jointly build a stable, guard the herd in the field, etc.

Preschoolers of the senior and preparatory groups are more in touch with life, their ideas, communication experience, organization of the game allow the use of toys that enable the development of complex plots: games in "theatre" , "school" , "zoo" other. Technical toys should be widely represented.

Children 6-7 years old show great interest in sports games. Their movements are more coordinated, so not only large, but also small balls for games and other sports toys are needed.

Theatrical toys are of great importance: costumes and their individual parts, masks, toys depicting binoculars, pipes, tools and others.


The toy is an important factor in the upbringing of the child. Toys must be free from all properties that could in any way be harmful to health. They must satisfy and develop the aesthetic taste, the rudiments of which appear so early in the child. And therefore, they should excite and encourage the child's desire for collective efforts.

The most diverse inclinations of the child seek their manifestation and exercise and find them in play, if the child is given material that can serve at the same time as a stimulus that stimulates this or that activity, and as an instrument with the help of which this activity is carried out and improved.

The nature of the toys should not only change with age, it should also change during the day, depending on the condition of the child and the previous pastime.

Neither the teacher nor the parents should pedantically regulate the activities of children with toys, should not impose their interests on him and constantly indicate how each object should be handled and what its purpose is.

L. G. Orshansky, who devoted so much love and energy to the study of toys, quite rightly protests against the despotic desire of adults to introduce their interests into the fabrication of toys, as well as into games, artificial instructiveness that justifies their narrowly utilitarian view of the role of toys and games. It can be concluded that in relation to toys, as well as in relation to games, the child should be given maximum freedom with constant, if possible, imperceptibility of control for him.

Toys, like games, serve not only as a means of education and self-education, the assimilation of new forms of behavior, but also as a kind of manifestation of children's individuality.

The toy is the regulator of mental and physiological development of the child. The child will always play with toys. Thanks to them, the child learns social norms of behavior, develops himself as a person. Indeed, in the future he must enter our society as a mentally and physiologically healthy person.

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