Affirmations to change and correction of the body. Affirmations: a wonderful method of conversion of life. Affirmations for success

"Patience bitter, but his fruit is sweet" (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

Affirmations - the easiest way to change your consciousness

Now we will find out what is affirmation, and how to make.

The word "affirmation" itself - from English "Affirm" - indicates the "approval". All about what you think than guiding in your life are those or other solvents you purchased by you in the course of your life experience.

Some of yours approval, installations, views onlife so firmly included in your consciousness and subconscious, that you use them automatically, unconsciously, without giving yourself a report, why do you think so or think.

How are the installations arise?

If once in childhood you have repeatedly talked parents that you are slow (especially when they themselves hurried somewhere), then by accepting them imposedyu Installation, as guide to action, your subconsciousness has become so drive your bodythat all your movements have become indefinite and slow.

As a result, the characteristic is harmless at first glance, turned into program of actionwhich is worthwhile to perform all your life. As long as you yourself do not Decide to stop This program and inform it to another, more profitable and necessary for yourself.

Affirmations for success

To qualitatively change your lifeYou must use only positive affirmations, because everything you think and say - you claim. Such affirmations will lead you to success, they are called - affirmations for success.

Affirmation for success works at all levels of your being - mental, physical, emotional. This means that affirmation helps to change your body, psyche, mood. And therefore - to make your life successful.

Apply affirmations every day!

The meaning of working with affirmations is to transform vashikharative beliefs, installations and situations - visible. Therefore, it is very important to apply affirmations for every day. Thus, you configure your subconscious process qualitative change in your life in general.

Affirmations for every day, affirmations for success transform your problems - in tasks that can be solved easily and play.Affirmations bring the problem from the subconscious level into conscious, allow you to analyze, overestimate the problem and turn it out of negative stagnant energy in positive, affirmative flow.

For example, you often catchy and complain with your acquaintances: "I have a weakened immunity." What happens? First, you have a problem - frequent colds, health disorder, medication and, as a result, new diseases. Secondly, you give me to our subconscious - to hurt! - And it obediently executes your team and completely awards you with all sorts of infections.

Powerful power of affirmations

You can turn this negative installation silent, positive affirmation "I have excellent health. I am full of strength and energy!". If you repeat this affirmation to repeat this affirmation (confidently and emotionally!), Your subconscious will be released from the negative attitude and launch the process of deep healingwhose results will not wait for you for a long time!

Any positive thought can change your life for the better, as well as negative - spoil. Therefore, watch your thoughts and allegations that you express most often during the day. What are they?

How many times in conversations you utter a negative statement: "There is always enough money," I can't do anything, "" I can't quit smoking "and the like? And then surprise why you can't get out of debts, lose weight, quit smoking ...

So it's not time change negative thoughts onpositive? Try to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations - and you wake up the results.

Affirmation can be compared with the grain. We will put, you will water every day - a beautiful flower will grow! Just do not forget, the flower does not grow up the day after the landing!

Time is necessary, during which you will apply daily affirmations. Try, and you will see - it's so easy! And most importantly - effectively! Your life will begin to change in a new, positive direction.And luck will turn to your face!

My first, and the most effective affirmation was and remains affirmation "everything goes well! My world cares about me!" (I borrowed it from V. Zelenda. By the way, in his books "Transserting reality" I found a sea of \u200b\u200bmost valuable information, read, try on yourself - very powerful!)

Everything goes as it should. I believe that it would happen in my life, it needs me for my development and training, to acquire experience and improve your knowledge and skills. (See, this is also a statement!)

How to make up


So that she brought maximum benefit

And you would have been able to a few weeks later

Rejoice in new achievements, surprise

unexpected success and find new

Opportunities where they used to "not":

Affirmation must be:

1. Recorded . Start materializing your allegations.

(Get a special notebook!)

2. Positive . No "not", "I don't want."

(Example: "I am always healthy!" Instead, "I don't get sick")

3. Concrete And, if possible, brief. Clearly determine what you want. ("I am full of strength and energy!")

4. Emotional . Add an emotional charge in the form

Attractive words for ourselves. ("excellent", "strong",

"Gorgeous", "Excellent", "Colossal")

5. In present time . ("I have ...", "I earn ...")

6. Include pronouns I am .

7. Personally v.from , not your relatives and

loved ones.

8. Real , not from the fiction area.

Properly compiled and daily applied affirmation will open your subconscious and completely relieve it from negative installations and programs that prevent your success. This will allow you to see your life in a new, positive light. You will feel the power of the words you have said. You will learn how to create and launch you need, positive programs prosperity, success, love, joy and happiness!

Collection of affirmations

Here are collected affirmations for daily use.

Choose your what you need.

Affirmations are preferably used at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

It is desirable to be in a calm, relaxed state.

Each affirmation must be read at least 3-7 times.

You can read out loud or about yourself.

You can dictate affirmations on a mobile phone and listen at any convenient time through the headphones, it is very convenient.

Affirmations are better absorbed if you add emotions when reading them!

Positive thoughts form positive statements, they are called affirmations. They are psychologically competently constructed the design of words aimed at approaching the desired one. No matter where they come from, they have a real impact on life.

Since affirmations consist of words, they can introduce a person in sadness, despair, hurry or provoke a disease, if approval negative. If these positive statements, they cause the rise of physical and internal mental strength, make richer and treat.

The right formed positive statement works perfectly and reluctantly, it is only necessary to use it correctly. Repeat affirmation is recommended 3,000 times a day. If you wish to conduct mental recoding, then affirmation should be repeated at least 20 times without a break. Why do you need affirmations?

FirstlyThis is a beautiful drug for soul and body. Proper thought, kind and right word - a medicine for a person. Affirmations program creative forces of our body for the desired.

Secondly, affirmations are needed to displacing negative painful plants and the formation of life-affirming formulas. Without the change of unconscious thoughts, it is impossible to solve some problems.

Thirdly, affirmations set up a person to positive. They are an effective way to achieve their own goals, to solve significant life tasks, for well-being, happiness, prosperity, improvement, internal harmony, health improvement.

FourthThe text of affirmations is built so that it can change the consciousness of a person. After a long repetition, the information penetrates into more depth layers and lays a new program there. Based on the updated program, the restructuring of life takes place. Faith and desire are the main assistants of the change.

Fifth, affirmations perform the principle of substitution. The mind at a certain point in time can hold only one thought, and affirmations allow you to fill the mind specifically formed positive thought, which supports the desire. Brain, working as a new thought, replaces the old one. But the replacement does not occur immediately, but with time.

It is very important to use affirmations every day. Proclaiming them, you can change your life and health for the better. Affirmations cause emotions that activate the help of the Universe. They are compiled according to certain principles and suggest what you want to get what to achieve. For example, "I earn XXX 000 per month" (x - replace the necessary numbers). They should always be formulated only in the affirmative form. Make affirmations, pronounce them and change your life solely for the better.

Victoria Litvinchuk

What is affirmation and how to use them

After already the tenth time for a month we promise to lose weight. You start a new diet on Monday, and on Tuesday, dowed for dinner packing chocolate chocolates, you definitely decide that tomorrow you will start everything first. It is at such moments that we think about why to lose weight easily, and someone is difficult, where people have so much effort to sit on rigorous diets. And your personal record is a week and then if you do not count one patties with potatoes.

It's all about the setting, the correct mood for slimming this is what it boasts, the set of unreleased Srolshik. But where does it come from, when you eat only letters of lettuce and loaf? Everything is not so difficult as it seems. Affirmations, that's what will come to the rescue.

Proper affirmations for the correction of the figure

Affirmations are small positive messages aimed at changing thinking and programming the future. Such a method allows you to configure yourself for success, it is known for quite a long time, but it started to gain popularity just now.

One of the conditions for the strong impact of affirmation is its proper construction:
proponation + faithful in present + circumstance and / or actions.

For example, "I look good", or "I lose weight in front." Another important condition is the absence of a particle "not", this particle has a negative impact, and subconsciously adjusts to negative. It is also very important to build proposals for the present time. The phrases "I will be thin" and I "I'm losing weight", you see, it sounds differently.

A very common problem in the fight against overweight is not the ability to break the usual behavior model. Affirmations are successfully fighting with this problem, with helping them you can not only destroy the familiar behavior model, but also make a new one with the right nutrition and sports. To do this, it is necessary to use more specific affirmations, such as "I eat 2000 calories per day", "I go home on the stairs" or "I do hiking for 30 minutes every morning. " The wording of the type "I am engaged in sports" or "I eat," put a less rigid framework in front of a person and leaves the opportunity to lean from the weight loss process.

Correction of the figure using affirmation will help create a suitable attitude and program themselves on the weight loss process, achieve the goal and save the result.

The inner world of man, his life experience and consciousness are formed by the actions that he performs, as well as the thoughts he keeps in his head. Most people have a habit of thinking negatively. People simply do not realize how damage they cause themselves due to such thinking.

Fig. Creative Affirmations on Healing Soul and Body

To get rid of thoughts carrying negation, and the cardinal change of thinking you need to pronounce every day created by professional psychologists. In addition to changing the direction of thinking, these phrases will help to attract various benefits to life. You need control of words that pronounce, and actions that commit. And most importantly - believe in what they say, because these affirmations rush into the universe, which will definitely hear them and respond accordingly.

Affirmations on Healing Soul and Body

  • "I am part of a huge world, my life proceeds rhythmic and smoothly"
  • "The universe supports me"
  • "Fate always gives me valuable experience"
  • "I get only the highest good from life"
  • "I am completely satisfied with all what I do"
  • "I always listen to my inner voice and heart"
  • "Any life time is special for me."
  • "I calmly do my own business."
  • "I'm ready to forgive myself and others."
  • "Forgiveness gives me the opportunity to let go of the past"
  • "Forgiveness - the gift that I accepted from the Universe"
  • "I'm forgiven - I am free"
  • "I trusted internal wisdom, she is always on my side"
  • "The ability to forgive launches the healing processes of my body"
  • "In my heart lives almighty love, which is washes, cleans and heals every cell of my nature"
  • "I easily swim on life flow"
  • "I am overwhelmed love"
  • "I am sure that every life situation brings me only good."
  • "I refuse to reproach to people around me"
  • "I am free from any accusations"
  • "I fully use my awareness, experience, skills and knowledge"
  • "I have an unlimited choice of my thoughts"
  • "My choice is harmony, calm, love and equilibrium"
  • "I believe in my lucky future"

People are already informed about the benefits of applying affirmations. But, unfortunately, as often happens, their knowledge is separated from reality. Do not repeat the error of many. Know and not do, it is much worse than not to know. Let affirmations become part of your life and help you find happiness!