Bandage universal for pregnant women instruction. How to properly wear a prenatal bandage

Expectant mothers have many needs due to their special position. In order to support the abdomen and the proper course of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a prenatal bandage. How to choose it correctly and what are its main advantages - read further in the article.

The main functions of the bandage for pregnant women

A special belt helps to reduce the impact on the spine, relieves fatigue and allows a woman to feel lighter.

A well-chosen prenatal bandage for pregnant women helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and preserve the beauty of the body during the period of bearing a child. It perfectly supports the muscles and prevents them from sagging.


Despite the fact that a prenatal bandage during pregnancy can alleviate the condition of a woman, it is not recommended for everyone to wear it without exception. Only a doctor prescribes this device. The most common indications for which it is necessary to wear a bandage include the following:

  1. When a woman leads a too active lifestyle during pregnancy, then adaptation in this situation will serve as a real salvation for her. Especially his help is tangible if the expectant mother spends the whole day on her feet. In this case, the bandage will reduce the load on the spine.
  2. With frequent back pain, especially with osteochondrosis, when it is difficult to sit with a straight back. Such health problems exist even before pregnancy, and then the situation worsens.
  3. With varicose veins, the bandage will help reduce the load on them during pregnancy. This is especially important in the last months of bearing a baby. The belt also helps with frequent pain in the legs.

Prenatal bandage for pregnant women is an excellent device that supports a woman's tummy, and also reduces pain in the back, legs and relieves stress from the spine.

Where to buy a bandage

Currently, prenatal bandage can be bought at a pharmacy, in a store that sells goods for expectant mothers, and through an online store. It is best to do this in trusted places.

It is most convenient to buy a device at a pharmacy, because a pharmacist will help a woman choose the appropriate model. The specialist will answer all questions that relate to the correct wearing of the bandage. This will provide comfortable conditions for the woman and the unborn child.

If you look at the situation differently, then fully try on a bandage and make sure that it fits perfectly, it will not work in a pharmacy. In case of an error with the size, such a product is not subject to exchange and return.

When trying on, a woman needs to focus on her own feelings, the bandage should not tightly compress the stomach and cause discomfort.

When buying a prenatal or postnatal bandage through an online store, you can get a low-quality product or the wrong size. Therefore, the last option when choosing a device is especially risky.

Selection rules

An obstetrician-gynecologist will help you and measure the size of the hips and abdomen. You can choose the following size: S (42-44), M (44-46), L (46-48).

How to buy a prenatal bandage? There are the following tips:

  1. The material from which the bandage is sewn must be natural. The fabric must be breathable so that the skin can breathe.
  2. For most models of the product, fixation is carried out using Velcro. Therefore, their quality is also important. Velcro should hold well, but not rub the skin.
  3. Make sure that the product does not hinder movement. A woman should be able to sit, walk and climb stairs freely. Therefore, when trying on, you need to walk and evaluate your feelings.
  4. If during pregnancy a woman has gained excess weight, then she needs to choose a bandage 1 size larger.
  5. You should not stop at one model, it is best to try on several and evaluate your feelings in them.

After buying a bandage, the gynecologist will explain to the woman how to put on the product correctly and confirm the correct size.

Types of bandages

You can answer which device is best for a woman after consulting with a specialist who will conduct an examination and give the right advice.

The types of devices include:

  • Bandage-panties. Recently, such products have been on sale. The device is a shorts with an elastic insert, which is located under the stomach. The positive properties of the bandage include low cost and ease of wearing. Cons: Can only be worn while lying down, needs to be washed daily, and is not suitable for pregnant women who are prone to weight gain (possibly squeezing the abdomen).
  • Universal bandage for pregnant women. The advantages of the product include the fact that it can be worn both while carrying a child and after his birth. This bandage is convenient in that it can be used by women who are rapidly gaining weight, it prevents the occurrence of stretch marks and sagging skin after childbirth.
  • Bandage-corset for pregnant women. Such a product is classified as a relic of the past, because manufacturers are ready to offer women more modern and comfortable models.

Which bandage to choose, the woman must decide for herself or with the help of her attending physician. The main condition is the absence of discomfort during its operation.

Popular bandage brands

The modern market is able to offer women many varieties of devices during pregnancy. According to reviews, prenatal bandages of these brands are especially popular among expectant mothers:

  1. Bandage for pregnant women Orlett. It has a high cost, is practical and easy to use. The fabric from which the product is made is breathable and wear-resistant. Thanks to additional tightening tapes, it is easy to adjust it to the desired size and reduce the load on the spine.
  2. Bandage prenatal "Fest". The manufacturer produces many models, which makes it easier for a woman to choose the most suitable product. The advantage of the bandage is the ability to treat existing pathologies and prevent the development of new ones. These include the reduction of circulatory disorders in the kidney parenchyma, the prevention of abortion and the prevention of prolapse of the genital organs in the postpartum period.
  3. Bandage for pregnant Nuova vita. There are many models produced by the manufacturer. A woman can pick up a bandage both in the form of panties and in the form of a belt. It will be comfortable to wear the product, the fabric of the product is microfiber.
  4. Bandage for pregnant women "Ekoten". It has many positive qualities, including an additional screed that holds the stomach and plastic "ribs". The product will prevent sagging of the skin, weakening of the abdominal wall and unload the lumbar spine.

There are many brands and models of bandages, the main thing before buying it is to determine the exact size of the product. It is best to purchase it in specialized stores or pharmacies.

How to use the products correctly

How to put on a prenatal bandage? To do this correctly, a woman can seek help from her doctor. He will explain that the supports must be put on in a horizontal position with the hips slightly raised.

The belt or elastic insert should be located in front under the stomach, slightly covering the pubic area. This is done so that the woman can fasten or unfasten the device without assistance. In the process of wearing the bandage should not cause any discomfort or pain.

How to wear a prenatal bandage? If a woman is still working, then every 3 hours she must find time and unfasten it. The duration of the break should be half an hour. Otherwise, continuous wearing of the product in a maintenance state can lead to unpleasant situations. For example, cause a violation of the child's motor activity, circulatory failure of internal organs or diseases of the spine.

Positive sides

During pregnancy, the prenatal bandage provides the following assistance to a woman:

  • reduces the feeling of fatigue in the ankle joint;
  • facilitates the process of bearing, especially with multiple pregnancies;
  • reduces pain and discomfort in the lower back, reduces pressure on the spine and pelvic organs;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents fetal prolapse (until the 38th week) and reduces the risk of preterm birth;
  • supports the abdomen when the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct location of the child inside the uterus;
  • has ease of use.

Thanks to the special breathable fabrics from which the bandage is made, a woman will not feel discomfort even in the hot season.


Despite the advantages of wearing a bandage, some limitations can be identified. A specialist can warn a woman about the main contraindications of the product:

  1. Wrong position of the unborn child.
  2. When a woman had surgery on her stomach during pregnancy.
  3. With diseases of the digestive tract.
  4. The presence of an allergic reaction to synthetic fabrics.
  5. Kidney problems and excessive swelling.

A woman should take into account the existing contraindications before wearing a prenatal bandage. Before this, you need to get expert advice.

Postpartum bandage

After childbirth, the product ensures proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs. After his restoration, the figure of a woman quickly returns to normal. The postpartum brace supports the back muscles that need it after childbirth. Also, wearing it contributes to the rapid contraction of the uterus.

The bandage is allowed to be worn within a few hours after childbirth. Put it on the body in a prone position.

There are the following contraindications for wearing such a device:

  • special stitches after caesarean section;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • allergic reactions.

The possibility of using a postpartum bandage should be discussed with your doctor in order to avoid various complications.

Proper product care

Despite the fact that the bandage is worn over underwear, it must be washed frequently. Products in the form of panties are washed daily. Moreover, washing is carried out by hand in cool water using delicate detergents, which will preserve the elasticity of the bandage.

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy always raises questions for expectant mothers: how to choose it, how to wear it and how long to wear it. This information is very important for the bandage to perform its functions effectively. Is it possible to sleep and sit in a bandage during pregnancy?

How to wear a maternity bandage

After the expectant mother has decided on the choice of a prenatal bandage, she will have to master the science of putting it on and wearing it. How well the girl will use this accessory depends on her well-being and the development of the child. A well-chosen bandage does not slip off the pregnant woman's tummy, does not press and does not bring discomfort.

We will tell you in detail whether it is possible to sit in a prenatal bandage, when it is better to wear it and when it is necessary to rest from it.

How to put on a maternity bandage

How a girl puts on a bandage depends on its effectiveness, as well as the comfort of the pregnant woman herself. Most expectant mothers, when purchasing this accessory, do not know how to put on a prenatal bandage. This information must be indicated on the product packaging. In some cases, there are even pictures on the box that tell you how to properly put on the prenatal bandage of this company.

First of all, you should know that the bandage is worn only lying down.

The girl should lie on her back and place a pillow or roller under her buttocks. So the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, and the baby in the womb will be able to move from the bottom of the abdomen to the top. The pressure on the bladder will decrease and the bandage can be put on and fastened tightly. A properly dressed accessory passes under the stomach, rests against the pubic bone and hips. At the same time, he should never put pressure on his stomach!

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

One of the most common questions expectant mothers ask is when to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy. In most cases, this accessory is required when the baby begins to actively gain weight and the tummy grows. It was then that there is a lot of pressure on the spine and legs of the expectant mother. To find out from what week you should wear a pregnancy bandage, it is better to first consult with a gynecologist. On average, the terms vary from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. With multiple pregnancies, a prenatal bandage is required, your gynecologist will tell you when to start wearing it. Most likely, it will be a period of less than 20 weeks, depending on the well-being of the girl.

Information about from what month to wear a bandage for pregnant women with a scar on the uterus or polyhydramnios may be different. Most often this is a period of 4 months. It is worth adding that if there are medical indications for wearing a bandage, only a doctor can determine the start date for its use. Each pregnancy proceeds individually, therefore, in order not to harm yourself and your baby, consult a gynecologist.

There is only one contraindication when you can not wear a bandage during pregnancy. If before 30 weeks the fetus has not taken the correct position with its head down. Then wearing a bandage will prevent the baby from changing the position, and you will have to wait, even despite severe back pain.

Let's sum up a little. From what period of pregnancy you need to wear a bandage for you, only the attending physician who leads your pregnancy will tell you for sure. He will also tell you until which week to wear this accessory. For medical reasons, the bandage is usually worn until the very birth, only from the 38th - 39th week the wearing is limited in time, since the tummy is already starting to sink, and the baby is moving along the birth canal, preparing for birth.

How long can you wear a maternity bandage

Not all expectant mothers know when buying how many hours pregnant women can wear a bandage without a break. Usually doctors recommend putting it on for 3-4 hours if the girl has a long walk on foot. If you are going to wear a brace all day long, take a 30 minute break every 3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to lie down, if possible. At night, the bandage must be removed. It is best to wear it when the girl walks or sits a lot.

If you are uncomfortable in the bandage, dizzy, and the child has become very active, you should immediately remove the bandage.

The attending physician determines how long to wear a bandage for pregnant women in the presence of special medical indications. For example, with severe lower back pain, it is worn daily throughout the day until the very birth. Don't forget to take breaks and rest. If the bandage brings significant relief to the pregnant woman, then doctors allow her to wear it all the time, removing it only at night. However, all these cases must be considered individually, taking into account the pregnancy history of each girl.

When a woman carries a baby under her heart, her body goes through many changes. Sometimes they make it difficult to perform daily activities and interfere with an active lifestyle. Often, pregnant women encounter strong ones while moving. In such cases, doctors recommend the mandatory wearing of a supporting bandage. Such a belt can really lighten the load, but it must be able not only to choose the right one, but also to wear it correctly.

How to put on a bandage?

There is no need to think about purchasing a belt before 19-22 weeks.

However, it is necessary not only to choose a model suitable for yourself, but also to figure out how to put it on correctly so as not to harm your well-being and not turn the bandage into a useless thing. Thanks to a few simple tips, every woman will cope with this manipulation:

  • It is best to take a recumbent position for maximum comfort. Thus, the bandage is easier to tighten.
  • Before putting on the belt, you need to relax and lie down for about twenty minutes. Perhaps the baby will move to the upper abdomen. Due to this, the load on the bladder will be much less, which will have a good effect on the well-being of the expectant mother.
  • In order for the bandage to perform its function, it must be applied in such a way that the pubic bone is captured. The main thing is that the pressure on the stomach should not be too strong, but it should not sag either.
  • After the belt is securely fastened, it is recommended to lie down for ten minutes. During this time, the body will have time to get used to it a little - and the discomfort from wearing will noticeably decrease.
  • Cleanliness is very important to ensure 100% hygiene.
  • If the operation brings severe discomfort for several days, then this should be alarming. Perhaps the belt is not worn correctly or does not fit according to the anatomical features. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

In addition to these tips, it is important to know what you should never do:

  • The bandage must be worn over underwear. This will reduce discomfort, and the belt will not slide down.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in it. At rest, this device is absolutely not required. If this recommendation is neglected, then the blood vessels may be compressed. This will definitely not benefit the unborn child.
  • If you put on a bandage while standing, then the load is not distributed properly. Instead of the desired relief, you can get back pain and strong pressure on the uterus.
  • The belt is undesirable to wear throughout the day. Every two hours it is better to take it off for a while so that the body rests from dense tissue.
  • It is up to her doctor to decide whether a pregnant woman needs a bandage or not.

Who needs to wear a bandage?

When it comes to the appointment of a special support belt, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the reasons why you need to wear it:

  • With significant problems of the spine.
  • When a girl is carrying twins, it is often impossible to do without a bandage.
  • Stretch marks are a big problem for women. This device significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence.
  • When the expectant mother leads an active lifestyle or continues to attend work in position.
  • With insufficient physical preparation (weakness of the abdominal muscles).

Which bandage to choose, and how do they differ?

Fortunately, manufacturers have made sure that women can choose the belt that suits them. But each type, in addition to advantages, also has disadvantages, which you must be aware of. Most commonly sold:

  • Universal bandages. They are designed to be worn both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. This enables significant cost savings. This type is characterized by a significant width and elasticity, which helps to fix the position of the child well. Reliable Velcro fasteners are made in such a way that the belt does not unfasten during movement.
  • Panties. This bandage is very easy to wear and put on. It stays on pretty well and doesn't cause any discomfort. A huge disadvantage will be the need for frequent washing. It is also impossible to take it off in time, being out of the house.
  • Belt. Differs in the small sizes and the increased durability. This type supports the lower abdomen and does not squeeze the blood vessels. It is virtually invisible under clothing, and there is always the opportunity to loosen the belt if necessary.

In conclusion, it is important to say that wearing a bandage should not cause pain and significant inconvenience. The expectant mother must trust her feelings, which will not harm the fetus and her own health. A properly selected and worn belt will help you easily spend time outdoors and do household chores.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in the life of every girl, but how much new information, discoveries and knowledge she brings! If you want to remember and take out of these fleeting nine months only the most positive feelings and pleasant moments, then follow the doctor's instructions impeccably. To date, almost every pregnant woman is assigned a special bandage. Some refuse to wear this device, for fear of harming the child or based on possible discomfort. It is worth refuting all existing myths in this regard. And so that the bandage does not give you anxiety, you just need to choose the right model.

What is a bandage for pregnant women, why is it needed?

A bandage is a supportive elastic belt made of dense material that helps to relieve the load from the lower back. Usually, a bandage is prescribed for pregnant women from 20-25 weeks, based on the rate of entrainment of the volume of the abdomen and, accordingly, the weight of the fetus. Active future mothers who like to walk a lot need a bandage, because they often experience terrible back pain. The support belt will help to relax the muscles, will become an indispensable friend at this time. Each bandage is accompanied by instructions for use, the recommendations of which indicate that you can wear an elastic band for no more than 3 hours a day. But it is medically proven that the use of a bandage throughout the day does not harm either the unborn child or his mother. Therefore, if such a need exists, wear a bandage from morning to evening, taking it off only at night.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

There are a huge variety of models of bandages for pregnant women, ranging from the simplest and antediluvian, ending with cutting-edge options. As usual, bandages are divided into universal ones - separate tight belts and joint or bandages - panties.

Universal bandages can be:

  • with vertical insert for posture correction. This model is also called a “transformer”, since the part that controls the correct position of the back is easily unfastened, and the bandage becomes universal;
  • with partial fixation of the tummy. It is a supporting belt with an additional, narrower, upper tape, which can fix the upper part of the tummy. It also comes unfastened, transforming the bandage into a regular belt;
  • with complete fixation of the tummy. It looks like an ordinary elastic band, but it has a sewn-on "pocket" made of dense material, with which you can completely cover the abdominal part. The advantage of this model is that it is effective in combating the possible appearance of stretch marks.

Bandage - panties have two main varieties:

  • semi-closed. Panties do not completely cover the stomach, but only its lower part;
  • elongated. The fabric insert completely covers the abdominal part, providing it with complete protection and absolute control.

Bandage - panties allow you to lead a more active lifestyle, but do not forget that this type of bandage is similar to underwear, so it should be kept immaculately clean. It is best to stock up on several copies at once.

How to put on a bandage for pregnant women?

When appointing a bandage in the antenatal clinic, you will be told how to put it on correctly. If, due to some circumstances, this information was not conveyed to you, then pay attention to several main methods presented below:

  • in the supine position. You should be placed on any soft surface, having previously placed some kind of support (pillow, etc.) under the lumbar region. This is the most convenient position for this kind of purpose, because when you lie down, the weight is evenly distributed over the body, the fetus lowers down the tummy and it will not be difficult to fix the bandage correctly. Fixation occurs due to the valves on the belt. Usually they are three Velcro. Thus, you can always control the outgoing pressure. Bandage - panties are worn ONLY lying down!
  • in a standing position. Release the body from excess clothing, put on the belt so that the back insert covers the lower lumbar region, fix the front part in the lower abdomen - it should slightly go over the pubic area, the bandage should “lie” on the hips. Then, adjust the pressure using special valves. Do not forget that the universal bandage is worn ONLY on underwear!

A bandage for pregnant women is truly a necessary thing that should be in the arsenal of every expectant mother. This elastic band will not only save you from unwanted stretch marks, but will also support your lower back during this wonderful, by no means easy, time. Health to you and your kids!

During pregnancy, a woman especially needs to feel cared for and supported. Day after day, week after week, time flies by! Just as quickly, my mother’s tummy begins to grow, which is becoming increasingly difficult to “carry” with you. So, the question arises: maybe it's time to turn to the bandage for help?

What is a prenatal bandage?

Bandage (fr. bandage - bandage) in medicine- a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after childbirth, with hernias of the abdominal wall, etc. Bandages for pregnant women are called prenatal.

Usually, doctors recommend wearing a prenatal bandage from the 5-6th month of pregnancy - that is, when the active growth of the fetus begins. When prescribing a prenatal bandage, an obstetrician-gynecologist should take into account the mother's age, gestational age, fetal position and the number of previous births. Prenatal bandages can be used until the last days of pregnancy.

In what cases is a prenatal bandage necessary?

The bandage is necessary in some types of obstetric pathology (uterine scar, threatened miscarriage in the second and third trimester, excessive increase in the size of the uterus, low placenta, change in fetal presentation from pelvic to head). So, with an excessive increase in the size of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, a large fetus, as well as with a scar on the uterus after previous operations (caesarean section, conservative myomectomy), the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure all over the abdomen. The role of prenatal bandage is invaluable and threatened miscarriage in the second and third trimester. The use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid on the incompetent cervix. With the presentation or low location of the placenta, the role of the bandage also comes down to the prevention of preterm birth.

Also, the use of a prenatal bandage will be the right solution for a second pregnancy, because in this case the abdominal wall stretches faster and stronger.

If the expectant mother has weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then the prenatal bandage will also be an indispensable help in carrying a child. Sometimes it happens that the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are so weak and insolvent that it is possible to palpate (feel) the uterus with small parts of the fetus right under the skin of a pregnant woman.

Another case in which the use of a prenatal bandage will be an important condition for maintaining health is the curvature of the spine in a future mother, osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and back. In this case, the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine.

Does the prenatal bandage have any contraindications?

There are practically no contraindications to wearing prenatal bandages. There is only one obstetric situation when it is better to wait with the bandage: if after 30 weeks the fetus has not taken the correct position - head down, but lies in a transverse or pelvic position, then it is advisable to first try to "correct the position" with various special exercises and only then "fix" it in the correct position with a bandage.

But despite the obvious benefits of using prenatal bandages, there is a big difference in the opinions of obstetrician-gynecologists regarding the need for their use, especially for healthy and not experiencing obvious discomfort women. Some doctors believe, for example, that wearing a prenatal band is not always necessary. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the instructions of your doctor and the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. In any case, having decided to choose a prenatal bandage, be sure to consult your doctor - he will take into account the peculiarities of your pregnancy and your constitution.

How to choose the right prenatal bandage?

There are only three options for prenatal bandages, the most common among doctors and expectant mothers:

Bandage in the form of panties (bandage-panties)
Universal (combined) bandage
Its main difference from other bandages is that it is used both before and after childbirth. Such a bandage is modeled in the form of a belt made of rubberized fabric and is fastened with Velcro. During the prenatal period, the wide part of the belt strengthens the back, distributing the load, and the narrow part supports the stomach and is fixed under the stomach. After childbirth, the belt is reversed: the wide part holds the stomach, the narrow part holds the back. The main convenience of such a bandage is its versatility and the ability to save money that it provides. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to purchase special underwear twice: before and after childbirth.

In order not to be mistaken with the size of the bandage, it is best to seek help from a consultant in a specialized store or pharmacy. If you still prefer to manage on your own, keep in mind that the size of the bandages-belts corresponds to your size before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52-54 ), XXL (56 and above), and to find out the size of the bandage-pants, you should add one more size to your size before pregnancy. It is best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable. A universal (combined) bandage is selected as follows: you need to measure it with a centimeter tape abdominal circumference at the level of the navel and add 4-5 cm to the resulting figure for the growth of the uterus in the following weeks of pregnancy - this figure will be the size of the bandage. Be sure to try on the bandage by wearing it over your underwear. If the expectant mother, putting on a bandage, feels comfortable in it, then the bandage is chosen correctly. Sometimes you have to try on several types of bandages to decide which one to choose.

How to put on and wear a prenatal bandage?

It is necessary to put on a bandage lying on your back, slightly raising your hips. When a woman is standing, the uterus sinks under its own weight, and by fixing it in this position, we will only exacerbate the problems that the bandage is designed to deal with. It is also more convenient to remove the prenatal bandage lying down.

It is also necessary to take into account that the bandage should not exert excessive pressure. The fact that he is sitting somehow wrong will be prompted by an elementary feeling of discomfort. However, often during the first 2-3 days it can be in principle uncomfortable to wear a bandage, since it takes time to get used to the new sensations, only after that the stay in the prenatal bandage will become more comfortable.