Banquet menu for a wedding 80. Wedding at home: a sample menu for a festive table

Sometimes it is easier to hold a wedding banquet at home than in a restaurant. Usually this situation develops when there are few guests and all of them are only relatives and friends. The same happens when the celebration of various anniversaries takes place. How to make a menu for a wedding celebration at home, so that everyone is full, and the hostesses do not think how else to surprise the guests?

What should be considered when preparing a menu for a wedding at home?

A festive feast is the final note of the solemn registration, even at home it can be intense, and home photos from the holiday will not be dull.

The first thing to take care of is the cooks and waiters. If the banquet is designed for 10 or 15 people, then you can handle it on your own, using 1-2 people to help, but with a large number of guests, for example, for 30 people, banquets will already be more difficult to serve, so you need to either hire professionals , or call for more serious help.

It is best to make several changes of hot dishes, because the feast will be at least 5-6 hours. The change on the tables will not only ensure full stomachs, but also free up space on the tables for a more convenient arrangement of guests.

Men and women usually eat and drink differently. Therefore, when counting products, one must not forget how many people of both sexes will be present.

If the wedding is themed, then, if possible, you need to choose the appropriate food: if the Russian-folk bias, then the food should be native Russian, for light summer parties, cocktails and fruits should be provided, for oriental-style weddings, choose dishes of the same cuisine.

Do not forget about the table decoration - candles, decorative fabric towels, flowers will create a great mood, even at a wedding banquet, even on the second day of the holiday.


Snacks go first. Canape with cheese and fruit slices is very popular now.

Red caviar can become an expensive snack. It is necessary to ensure that vegetable and meat cuts do not end, with which men actively seize strong drinks.

Pickled vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers are used selectively, so you should not put too many plates with them, just a couple.

Hot dishes

For the preparation of main dishes you need to use proven recipes. Don't forget to marinate the meat ahead of time if needed. Fried poultry, chops, steaks, zrazy are well sold. Fish is used as the second main course. You can’t do without a side dish, and it’s better to make it separately for each dish: for example, potatoes are perfect for meat, and rice or buckwheat for fish.

Salads and sandwiches

It is not necessary to overload the table with an abundance of salads, it is enough to make meat, vegetable and one of the favorite ones for young people to choose from. Keep in mind that cutting into salads can be done in advance, but it is better to pour over the sauces immediately before serving.

Sandwiches are a popular dish at banquets, they are made with completely different fillings: caviar, red fish, fresh vegetables, sausages and cheese products. Don't forget to make cold and hot options to please every guest.


On the table there should be several options for drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. For a correct calculation, you need to remember that champagne is drunk only at the beginning, therefore, for a buffet table, for example, 20 people, 5 bottles will be enough.

Strong spirits are usually drunk by men, but already throughout the evening, so 10 men will need 4 bottles, based on the total amount of the stronger sex, you can easily calculate the required volume.

Ladies prefer wine, but keep in mind that tastes are different, so either conduct a survey or take both white and red wines of sweet and semi-sweet varieties yourself. On average, 10 girls take 5 bottles.

From non-alcoholic drinks, mineral water (carbonated and non-carbonated), juices should always be on the table. These need to be stocked up thoroughly, because those who do not drink will use these drinks as the main ones. On request, you can make tea, coffee, compote.


From the sweet, there should be a cake on the table, which is taken out closer to the end of the banquet. You can’t do without fruits, which will perfectly diverge as an appetizer for strong drinks and in dance breaks. But sweets, cookies, cake, ice cream - this is at the request of the young, usually this is not used at banquets, since the cake replaces all desserts. If the banquet is dedicated to the anniversary, then, for example, a silver wedding cake can be decorated in the form of individual portions and laid out on a beautiful stand.

Children's menu for a wedding at home

Do not forget about the little guests who will be at the celebration. Usually, children do not sit at the table for a very long time and quickly move on to playing with each other, and having run up, they run back to the table, take their favorite snacks and fruits and run away again, so it is better to provide a separate table.

Children do not really like heavy food, so it is enough to feed them hot once, put on the table several salads, cheese and sausage cuts and large quantities of fruits and sweets, and do not forget to stock up on juices and lemonades.

Due to the fact that the table will be separate, the children will not be able to interfere with the general feast, they will be full and at any time they can have a bite to eat.

Thus, you need to compose the menu according to your preferences, but given the different options for events, having calculated and organized everything in advance, it will not be so difficult to hold a banquet!

Video on the topic of the article

The final part of any wedding is the feast. If the menu of the wedding banquet was compiled correctly, the dishes were delicious, and there was plenty of everything on the table, then the event was a success. The success of the entire celebration depends on whether the newlyweds and guests like the wedding feast. One of the first issues that should be resolved when organizing a wedding is drawing up the right menu, choosing delicious dishes, calculating portions depending on the number of guests, so that everyone has enough and there is not a lot of extra food left.

How to make a menu for 20 people

Before compiling the menu, the organizers of the wedding feast must know exactly the number of guests. It is necessary to calculate how many men and women there will be, whether children will be present. When compiling a wedding menu, it should be remembered that for the convenience of guests, snacks and other dishes should be laid out on plates and salad bowls so that every 6-7 people have their own separate plate with a certain dish. So, a dish prepared for 20 guests needs to be laid out on three different plates.

We take into account the number of female and male guests

When compiling a wedding menu, you need to take into account the gender of the guests. Men are known to eat slightly more than women. So, a salad for a wedding banquet is prepared at the rate of 50 grams per guest. If there are more men among the invitees, cold appetizers should be prepared at the rate of not 50, but 70 grams per guest. When preparing a wedding banquet, special attention should be paid to the purchase of alcoholic beverages. Ladies mainly consume wine, liqueurs, and representatives of the strong half of humanity - strong drinks.

Presence of children at the wedding

Usually a wedding feast lasts from 6 to 8 hours or longer, it will be difficult for children to sit all this time at the wedding table with adults. Therefore, for children, you need to set a separate table so that after a snack they have the opportunity to get up from the wedding table at any time and have fun. You should also take care of compiling a special children's menu. Children should not be served spicy dishes, heavy food - fatty meat, salads with mayonnaise sauce. Light salads, lean meats, boiled fish, fruits, desserts - this is the basis of the children's wedding menu.

We calculate the number of dishes for 20 people

The menu for the wedding feast consists of cold appetizers, hot and dessert dishes, drinks. Cold appetizers are 1-2 fish, 2-3 meat appetizers, 1-2 types of cheese, 2-3 salads, vegetable cuts. There should be at least 2 main dishes - one of them is fish, the other is meat, which are served with a side dish. Desserts for a wedding feast are pastries, cakes, fruits, ice cream. The wedding cake should be taken care of separately. The weight of a wedding cake for a feast for 20 guests is usually about 3-4 kg.

It is necessary to prepare a sufficient number of drinks - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. For guests of the wedding feast, they buy champagne, vodka, cognac, whiskey, wine, vermouth. Separately, 2 bottles of champagne are set in front of the newlyweds: one bottle is traditionally drunk by the spouses at the celebration of the 1st wedding anniversary, and the other after the birth of their first child. If the wedding menu has a large number of meat appetizers and dishes with sauce, the emphasis should be on red wine, which is usually served with meat.

When buying alcohol for a wedding feast, you need to ensure that there is no inconsistency: guests will drink a lot, and it is undesirable to mix alcohol. There must be a certain supply of alcohol so that guests do not have to mix drinks. In addition to alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks are also purchased: juices (2 types), carbonated and non-carbonated water. According to etiquette, small bottles of water with a capacity of 0.25–0.5 liters are served on the wedding table. Juice for guests is poured into jugs. An approximate list of drinks and products for a wedding menu for 20 guests:

  • champagne - 5 bottles (2 more separately for newlyweds);
  • red wine - 10 bottles of 0.75 l;
  • vodka / cognac / whiskey - 10-12 bottles of 0.5 l each;
  • juice - 5 liters;
  • sparkling water - 40 bottles of 0.5 liters;
  • water without gas - 10 bottles of 0.5 liters;
  • meat cuts (boiled pork, ham, roll) - 0.8–1 kg of each type of meat product;
  • smoked sausage - 0.7–0.8 kg;
  • cheese (2 types) - 1–1.2 kg of each type;
  • pickled mushrooms - 0.8 kg;
  • olives, black olives - 0.7 kg;
  • fish - 0.8 kg;
  • red caviar - 5 cans of 120 grams;
  • black caviar - 1-2 cans of 120 grams;
  • fruits - 4-5 kg;
  • chocolate sweets - 1 kg.

Features of compiling a menu depending on the time of year

Many couples tend to get married in the fall. In autumn, a large selection of fresh and natural meat, dairy products, and especially vegetables and fruits. In autumn, the wedding menu includes poultry, open-grown vegetables. In winter, the choice of vegetables and fruits is not so large, you have to be content with what is on sale. In the cold season, the body needs more calories, so the wedding menu includes high-calorie meat dishes. Strong alcoholic drinks go well with such a plentiful snack.

In the spring, the body lacks vitamins, so fresh herbs and vegetables must be served on the wedding table. In the summer heat, you don’t really want to consume fatty meat, heavy salads with high-calorie sauce. Therefore, the main emphasis should be on light salads, low-calorie fish, dietary meat, seafood dishes. So, a good option for the main course of the wedding summer menu would be a sea cocktail with scallops and shrimp, as well as salmon with asparagus.

Sample menu for a winter celebration

In recent years, winter weddings have become popular: renting wedding cars and premises for holding a celebration is much cheaper. The winter wedding feast menu consists of high-calorie and nutritious dishes. Wedding photos and videos clearly show that guests lean on any food in winter: it is cold outside, an increased amount of calories is required for normal life. Therefore, guests of the wedding celebration are offered meat and fish dishes, snacks, salads with mayonnaise sauce. Sample wedding menu:

  • Canape with smoked salmon.
  • Sandwiches with caviar.
  • Liver mousse in tartlets.
  • Cheese sliced ​​from Cheddar and Maazdam cheeses.
  • Salad with arugula, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella.
  • Chicory salad with marbled cheese.
  • Salad "Greek" with olives.
  • Fried sebas with mashed cauliflower.
  • Mushroom stuffed chicken breast with green beans.
  • Coffee Tea.

Summer wedding table menu

Holding a wedding celebration in the summer has its benefits - the wedding season is just beginning, it is easy to find a place for a feast. By mid-summer, vegetables grown outdoors begin to ripen. They have a pronounced taste, so the dishes at the summer wedding feast will be not only nutritious, but also tasty. In the summer heat, you don’t want high-calorie dishes, mayonnaise salads and other heavy meals. Sample menu for a summer wedding feast:

  • Salted salmon roll with olives.
  • Seafood cocktail with scallops and shrimps.
  • Chicken roll with prunes.
  • Duck liver foie gras.
  • Cheese cut from Parmesan and Cordon Bleu cheeses.
  • Asian salad with tangerines.
  • Radicchio salad with almonds and Roquefort cheese.
  • Rabbit with prunes and parsley.
  • Braised lamb with eggplant and sour cream.
  • Cod with rosemary and capers, vegetable puree.

Recipes for cooking at home

A wedding feast is held in a restaurant or at home. If it is not possible to spend extra money on renting a hall, why not hold a celebration at home. Holding a wedding feast at home has the following drawback: you will have to spend a lot of time preparing food - appetizers, desserts, main dishes with meat and fish. But there are also advantages: a wedding feast will cost much less and will take place in a more comfortable home environment. We offer such recipes for cold appetizers, main courses and desserts for the wedding table:

  • Pork loin with soy sauce - an appetizer for the wedding menu.

We will need:

  • pork loin - 2 kg;
  • maple syrup - half a teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 0.1 l;
  • set of spices "Summer" (pepper, salt, onion, paprika, dried carrots, mustard seed, cumin, herbs) - 100 g.

Meal preparation:

  1. Cut the meat in half.
  2. Mix syrup and soy sauce.
  3. With a marinator or a syringe with a thick needle, prick both pieces of meat with marinade.
  4. Mash the meat to absorb the marinade.
  5. Dip the loin in the spice mixture.
  6. Wrap the meat in thick plastic.
  7. Put the meat on the stove, stick a thermometer into it, turn on the convection mode.
  8. Bake at a temperature of 20 to 80 ° for 2 hours, gradually bringing the temperature to 70 degrees.
  9. Cool, put the dish in the refrigerator for 9-10 hours.

  • Chicken roll - an appetizer for the wedding menu.

We will need:

  • chicken - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • pistachios - 30 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings.

Meal preparation:

  1. Carefully remove the skin from the bird, separate the meat from the bones.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into cubes, fry them.
  3. Cut poultry meat into cubes.
  4. Cut the garlic, pistachios in half.
  5. Lay all the ingredients on the chicken skin, roll up in the form of a roll.
  6. Wrap the roll in foil, put in the oven.
  7. Bake for an hour at 200 degrees.
  8. Cool, put the dish in the refrigerator.

  • Hot salmon fillet is the main course of the wedding menu.

We will need:

  • salmon - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 0.25 l;
  • oregano - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • lemon juice - 0.1 l;
  • salt pepper.

For sauce:

  • dry white wine - 150 ml;
  • cream - 22%;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • mustard (grains) - 10 tbsp. l;
  • shallots - 2 pieces;
  • olive oil - 0.1 l;
  • pepper, salt.
  1. Check the absence of bones in the fish, remove them if necessary.
  2. Mix lemon, soy sauce, olive oil, oregano.
  3. Marinate salmon - 1-2 hours.
  4. We're preparing the sauce. Fry the onion in oil, add wine, fry until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  5. Add water, cream, mustard, spices to the pan. When the contents of the pan boil, turn off the heat.
  6. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees.
  7. Put the marinated salmon on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Pour salmon with cold sauce. Serve the dish hot.

  • Duck breast with sea buckthorn sauce is the main course of the wedding menu.

We will need:

  • duck breast - 1 piece;
  • frozen sea buckthorn - 0.25 kg;
  • honey - 5 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 g;
  • mustard - 10 g;
  • pepper - 5 g;
  • frying oil, salt, pink pepper;

Preparing the main course:

  1. Clean the meat from the remnants of feathers, rinse, dry.
  2. Grind the spices.
  3. Make cuts on the meat, grate with ground spices and salt.
  4. Defrost berries in the microwave.
  5. Grind sea buckthorn through a colander, mix with lemon juice and sugar, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes.
  6. After cooling, dissolve honey and mustard in the mixture.
  7. Fry the meat in a preheated pan until a crispy crust forms.
  8. Wrap the meat in foil, keep it for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Pour sauce over meat dish before serving.

  • Fruit tartlets are a dessert for the wedding menu.

We need for the test:

1. Shortbread dough

  • butter - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • ground almonds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 0.8 kg.
  • jelly, fruits.

2. Almond cream

  • butter - 150 g;
  • ground almonds - 130 g;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • egg - 4 pieces and one protein.

3. Custard

  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk - 2 pieces;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp;
  • vanilla.

Meal preparation:

  1. Cooking dough. Melt the butter, add powdered sugar, beat.
  2. Pour in oil, beat.
  3. Beat eggs, flour, nuts into the dough.
  4. Wrap the dough in cling film, put in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Cooking almond cream. Mix all the ingredients, beat, put in the refrigerator.
  6. Cooking custard. Grind sugar and yolks, add starch.
  7. Pour milk into a separate bowl, add sugar, combine with yolks, cook until boiling over low heat. Constantly stir, cool.
  8. Take out the dough, put it in a mold, cover with almond cream on top.
  9. Bake at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Cool, lay out the fruit, use a confectionery syringe to cover with custard.

  • Panna cotta with caramel persimmon is a dessert for the wedding menu.

We will need:

  • cream - 0.15 l;
  • clove buds - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 0.15 l;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • vanilla essence - 3 drops;
  • cane sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • water - 0.05 l;
  • persimmon - 1 piece;
  • pomegranate - a handful;

Meal preparation:

  1. Soak gelatin in water for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix milk with cream, add cinnamon, cloves, vanilla essence, cane sugar.
  3. Put the mixture on fire for 10 minutes, covered with a lid.
  4. Strain the mixture of cream and milk, add gelatin, mix.
  5. Pour into molds and glasses, refrigerate for 1 hour.
  6. Cut the persimmon into cubes, sprinkle with cane sugar, put on a small fire. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring, cool, pour into molds.
  7. Get the frozen cream, spread the persimmon, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds. Serve chilled.

A wedding is a significant exciting event, preparation for the celebration of which requires solving a lot of related issues related primarily to the organization of the celebration. On the territory of our country, it is traditionally customary to celebrate a wedding in a big way, so the question of competently compiling a menu, choosing dishes that should decorate the wedding table and saturate the invited guests, is especially acute. Newlyweds should decide not only what types of treats should be included in the wedding menu, but also how many dishes should be on the table.

How many dishes should be on the wedding table?

Wedding planners advise that menus should be composed of interchangeable items whenever possible. It should be borne in mind that guests have different taste preferences, and someone may have serious gastronomic contraindications. So that none of the invited guests remains hungry, the wedding table menu should be balanced and varied. Among the obligatory treats should be cold snacks, vegetables, fruits.

For those couples who intend to celebrate their wedding at home, the issue of compiling a wedding menu and preparing delicacies for the table is especially difficult. This is one of the reasons why it is easier, though financially more expensive, to celebrate such a large-scale celebration in a cafe or restaurant. Professional chefs, as well as the administration of the establishment, will help you decide how many treats should be on the menu, as well as their portion size and composition. In addition, you do not have to bother about the subsequent cleaning of the wedding table, washing a huge amount of dishes.

The menu of the wedding table, as a rule, is organized in such a way that the serving of treats takes place in stages. Traditionally, there are up to 4-5 shifts per wedding evening. This mode helps to revive the guests a little, make the holiday active and fun. It should be noted that during a visit to the registry office, walks and photo shoots, some guests come to the restaurant even before the young ones appear there. For such an occasion, the menu should include a light wedding buffet, including several glasses of wine or champagne per person, fruit and light snacks on the table.

Sample banquet menu for guests

Whether you are celebrating your wedding at home or in a restaurant, the wedding menu for the banquet table should include the main points. The wedding table should look aesthetically pleasing. As a rule, it is decorated with fresh flowers or decorative details of a wedding theme. By the beginning of the celebration, all kinds of assorted, portioned snacks should flaunt on the table. Drinks offered at the beginning of the evening should include juices, mineral water and alcohol. Try to keep a balance of fish and meat treats, sausages and cheese in the wedding menu.

Appetizers and salads

Snacks are the first serving of treats on the wedding table. Among the menu dishes should be seafood snacks, for example, salads with shrimp or squid, fish aspic, assorted red or white fish. Cold appetizers also include meat treats in the form of neatly chopped meat of various varieties, veal tartar. Do not forget about vegetable cuts with cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, herbs, which should be on the festive table.

After that, salads should be served on the festive table. The ideal option is to have several variations on the menu. Make sure that there are meat snacks on the wedding table, for example, Caesar salad with chicken, vegetables and fish. It would be appropriate to include treats with cheese, eggs, butter in the wedding menu. After serving salads, you should take a break for the young people to relax and chat with guests. Then comes the turn of hot dishes.

Main hot dishes

Festive hot treats should be not only tasty, but also aesthetically appealing. Experts recommend giving preference to whole piglets, stuffed fish or poultry, such as turkey. As a rule, before serving the hot table is supplemented with portioned snacks, the task of which is not to satisfy hunger, but to let guests forget about it for a while. During the treat with portioned delicacies, an entertainment program is held.

It’s good if one of the close guests takes on the task of ensuring that the waiters take away the dirty dishes on time, keep the wedding table clean, and bring new drinks. The main hot dish must be served with an appropriate side dish. It should be fresh vegetables or, for example, baked potatoes. After the hot tasting and the entertainment program, the time for serving sweet delicacies is approaching.

wedding cake and loaf

With a loaf, as a rule, a wedding feast begins, but already the cake is served at the peak moment of the celebration of fun or closer to its completion. The wedding loaf should be round. The cake is decorated with paintings, ornate patterns. The treat should be offered to young people before entering the restaurant; it is more of a traditional wedding symbol of family happiness and well-being than a dessert from the menu.

A wedding cake, unlike a loaf, opens up an endless field for the imagination of the young and the confectioner. Festive cakes come in all sorts of shapes, with paintings, figurines of lovers, photographs, and other decorative elements. Usually dessert should be prepared by weight, at the rate of 1.5-2 kilograms per ten people. Guests should be served tea or coffee with a sweet treat. In order for the invitees to have the opportunity to drink a cup of hot drink whenever they want, you should notify the administration about this in advance, add this condition to the wedding menu.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic drinks are an integral part of any wedding menu of the festive table. The question of how much alcohol should be at a wedding is difficult. When solving it, as a rule, the following proportions are taken as a basis: 3-4 bottles of strong liquor, 2-3 bottles of wine or champagne for five people. It is important to make sure that there is a sufficient amount of juices and mineral water on the wedding table. When calculating the amount of soft drinks, the time of the year should be taken into account. On average, the proportion is 1.5-2 liters per person.

What should be on the wedding table for the newlyweds?

Traditionally, the tables of guests at weddings abound with all sorts of treats and drinks. However, the wedding table of the young is usually very different from the rest. On the day of the celebration of the celebration and the banquet, the beloved are in an extremely exciting state, as a result of which the newlyweds often do not pay attention to the contents of their plates. For this reason, the menu for lovers should be agreed in advance. This is done by the wedding organizer, the parents of the heroes of the occasion, their friends or themselves.

It is important for young people not only to endure such a joyful, but at the same time emotionally intense day, but also to leave strength for the wedding night. The wedding menu for the newlyweds should be light, rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. On the table should be vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, lean meats, such as, for example, chicken breast. Food rich in aphrodisiacs will be especially appropriate on the table of the young. To do this, it is recommended to serve salads with avocados, tomatoes, shrimp, walnuts, caviar sandwiches on the table.

The best alcoholic drink for young people is champagne. Among other things, sparkling wine is also an excellent aphrodisiac, which is served with fruit and chocolate. It is better for the future husband and wife to refrain from drinking strong alcohol this evening. The bride and groom should stay cheerful until the end of the holiday, and also leave strength for the long-awaited wedding night.

What to cook for a wedding - recipes with photos

If you still decide to celebrate the wedding at home, then you need to work in advance not only on what should be on the wedding menu, but also on how to prepare holiday treats, what ingredients you will need. It should immediately be noted that the bride alone will not succeed in preparing a large amount of food from the menu for invited guests. Call relatives and friends for help in order to jointly organize a delicious wedding banquet and a cheerful friendly holiday.

Salad "Cheese basket"

  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • one apple;
  • ten percent cream - 100 ml;
  • wheat flour - 10 g;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • one teaspoon of dried marjoram;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Pineapple snack

What should be among the ingredients:

  • canned pineapples - one can;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • two eggs;
  • iceberg lettuce - one bunch;
  • one tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • crab sticks - 200 g.

Cooking method:

Pork leg with rosemary

What should be among the ingredients:

  • pork ham - 1.5 kg;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • two tablespoons of mustard;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • two sprigs of rosemary.

Cooking method:

Tomatoes with garlic and cheese

What should be among the ingredients:

  • two tomatoes;
  • hard cheese - 180 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • dill;
  • garlic.

Cooking method:

Beef jelly

What should be among the ingredients:

  • beef tails - 2 pieces;
  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • one onion;
  • two bay leaves;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • ten black peppercorns.

Newlyweds spend a lot of money organizing the most important day of their lives. But the most expensive thing is not even a wedding dress, but a festive banquet! The official registration of a relationship is an occasion to drink for a young family. Guests often make toasts and renew their glasses, so there should be enough appetizers for each invited person. Newlyweds do not have enough experience in order to correctly calculate the menu for the wedding. As a result, the appetizers are never eaten to the end, and the husband and wife have to pay a considerable amount of money for this gala evening. The table, which is bursting with an abundance of food, does not play a major role. Young people need to calculate the number of dishes so as not to remain broke, and at the same time each guest would get up from the table full.

We select drinks for the wedding table

When compiling a menu for a wedding, special attention should be paid to the choice of alcohol. Do not forget that children and some guests will not even touch alcohol, so non-alcoholic drinks should also be on the festive table.

Before you go to the store, you need to write a list of guests and note in front of each name that the guest usually drinks. If you do not know about someone's preferences, it is worth asking this question delicately. Then you need to calculate the total number of people who drink a particular drink. You will get an idea of ​​how many alcoholic drinks you will need. During the first toast, guests usually drink champagne, but then they prefer to raise their glasses with stronger drinks. This applies to both women and men. A sparkling drink should take its place on the table of a young family. One bottle of this alcoholic drink is enough for you. Based on a dozen guests, 3 bottles of champagne are placed on the table. From the same calculation, 2 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of an elite drink and 5 bottles of wine are put on the festive table.

Don't forget that guests must have access to non-alcoholic drinks. You can't go wrong with just the right amount of juice, soda, or mineral water. If you have planned, then 1.5 liters of soft drink per person will be enough. In the hot season, this figure increases to two liters. Do not forget that a person’s unfinished soda can be drunk by his neighbor at the table, who

Deciding on the assortment of the wedding menu

The restaurant staff will offer you a wide range of dishes. With so many appetizers, desserts and hot dishes, you can get confused. But this is where logical reasoning comes in. Your guests are unlikely to eat more than a kilogram of treats in just one evening. It is worth starting from such calculations.

An approximate menu for a wedding and the weight of dishes for each person will be compiled a little lower, try to focus on it. Also review your notes and calculate the required amount of food. The calculations given here are for one guest:

  • cold appetizers and salads (0.5 kg). When the festive feast is just beginning, the guests do not tear themselves away from their plates. But over time, people switch to a variety of salads. They sit down at the table in between entertainment and dancing. It is light snacks that make it possible to quickly have a bite and return to the fun. That is why there should be as many of them as possible.
  • hot dishes (0.15 kg). Such dishes will be eaten while they are still warm. Cooled down warm snacks are no longer of interest to anyone, so guests return to salads. You should not order more warm snacks than indicated in this calculation.
  • garnish (0.3 kg). This is a must-have dish because guests cannot do without it. They will not look at whether the side dish is complex, so you can opt for simple dishes.
  • dishes with meat (0.25 gr). Meat is everyone's favorite food. But no one will pounce on meat dishes, because you want to try everything.
  • fruit slices - (0.15 kg). You don't need a lot of fruit. As practice shows, after an abundance of hearty dishes, few people pay attention to them. You can put grapes, apricots or cherries on the wedding table. Usually it is these cuts that are eaten by guests several times.
  • sweet (0.25 kg). Appetizing sweets are instantly eaten by the guests, because they have already danced enough and lost a lot of energy. Appetizing sweets will help them replenish their energy supply again.
  • wedding cake (0.15 kg). Usually they get acquainted with this delicacy at the very end of the holiday. It no longer fits in the stomachs of people who have eaten many different foods. But some people can take a piece of cake home.

There are no dishes that should never be put on the wedding table. The newlyweds make up a menu for the wedding, taking into account the tastes and wishes of the guests. Not the last role is played by one's own preferences. Perhaps certain traditions will become the basis for compiling the menu. Very often, dishes are chosen based on the established budget. But there are certain rules that you still need to listen to.

The wedding table is not a place for any soups. Especially this rule applies to newlyweds, whose wedding will take place in the hot season. And yes, they don't look very appetizing. You're just wasting your money on this unnecessary dish.

You should not study the preferences of each guest and try to fulfill them. You will not be able to adapt to everyone, because people have completely different tastes. You will be rescued by classic, but beautifully presented dishes. Guests will be happy to eat treats to which they are accustomed. But there is an exception to the rule - these are vegetarians and raw foodists. If you do not order them what they are used to using, then you should not even invite them to your holiday. A few servings of such food will suffice. Your guests will surely appreciate your care.

No need to opt for exotic dishes. Many guests may refuse such a treat. Not a single fashionable foreign dish can replace our favorite food. But if suddenly the relatives of the newlyweds are of different nationalities, be sure to take this into account when compiling the menu. On the table there should be dishes of their native cuisines. In this case, each guest will be full and satisfied.

The festive table is not only the main dishes. The menu will definitely include pickles and sauces. Do not forget to order bread, because without it the table cannot be called complete. You should not make a choice in favor of dishes for the preparation of which you need to use garlic or onions. Otherwise, you will suffer from a stench that is mixed with the smell of alcoholic beverages.

No celebration is complete without salads dressed with mayonnaise. This dish is served even in the hot season, because people are used to such treats. But you should be aware that in the summer such salads will quickly “flow”. As a result, the culinary masterpiece will turn into an unattractive slide that no one wants to touch. As a result, money can be considered wasted. Opt for salads that are dressed with olive oil, sour cream or sunflower oil. They are light and tasty, so guests will appreciate this treat.

Portioned snacks will also be superfluous, because very often they do not justify themselves. You will not calculate the number of people who will attend your holiday. Perhaps someone you did not invite will come. Or vice versa, the invited person will not be able to come to your holiday. It is impossible to guarantee that all guests will enjoy this appetizer. When choosing snacks, choose from three different types. The chosen treat is placed on the table so that each guest can reach the dish that interested him.

Choose a wedding cake based on the bride's dress. Have you chosen a champagne wedding dress? So, order delicious pastries with marzipans from the confectioners. If you put on a wedding dress of any bright color, then experts can make a similar element on the birthday cake, which will differ not only in beauty, but also in unsurpassed taste.

The wedding table is the second element, after the bride's dress, that attracts the most attention of others. He testifies to the quality of the wedding, because the guests feast on him until the morning. Choosing a menu for your wedding is not easy.

Sometimes, sitting in a restaurant, people cannot decide what they themselves would like to eat, but here you need to make a decision for many people. Of course, you can count on tips from the restaurant or the chef who prepares the dishes.

However, it is important that before such a conversation there are already certain ideas, so that an opinion is formed on what to cook for the wedding table. A wedding table ready for a celebration should be remembered.

What should be on the wedding table: types, number of dishes and serving features

The wedding menu, along with the bride's dress, music and overall atmosphere, is one of the most commented elements of any wedding. This is a big challenge, especially when a celebration is planned for several dozen people. The more guests, the harder it is to please everyone. With all the desire, there is no way to cope with the culinary expectations of each of them individually.

But there are several ways to leave a very good overall impression. Gone are the days when menus were judged in terms of how many items were on the table. Now the success of the banquet determines the quality of the dishes served. Of course, the quantity has not completely lost its relevance.

After all, guests cannot be allowed to leave hungry, but there is no need for tables bursting under heaps of food that no one will be able to eat, and most of it will simply go bad. At a standard wedding, which lasts approximately 12 hours, usually 4 to 5 hot dishes, appetizers, pastries, dessert and fruit are served.

Diversity plays a significant role in the wedding menu. Let there be several types of meat and fish on the tables of the guests. Don't forget about vegetarians. They will most likely be among those invited to the wedding, so you should make sure that there are enough dishes on the menu for them, for example, from soy or tofu.

The classic sequence of serving dishes is as follows: salad, hot appetizer, fish dish, main meat dish, dessert.

First, appetizers are served on the table. As a rule, these include cutting meat prepared in various ways, salted and smoked fish, and seafood. There should be enough chopped vegetables on the table.

Small, brightly decorated canapés, for example, with red caviar, will add color to the table. Snacks - the beginning of the banquet. served immediately after appetizers or at the same time with them. It is desirable that they be presented in various versions: vegetable, meat, fish and seafood.

Hot appetizers are served after about an hour. It can be meat or chicken julienne, small savory pies, pancakes. It may seem that hot appetizers to some extent repeat the main course, but this is not so. Lightness and small portions represent hot appetizers as a kind of “snack” before the main course.

Between meals, guests should be able to get a snack. This is very important, in particular, for people who consume alcohol.

In this case, it is advisable to serve them, in the form of Swedish or. In order to enrich the menu for vegetarians and those who care about the figure, you can set up a separate table with salads.

After the hot appetizers, it's time for the main course. In this case, the following order is traditionally observed: first fish, then meat. In addition to taste, great attention should be paid to the design of the main dishes. Of course, a wedding dish can be served in portions, but the whole dish will become a real decoration of the wedding table.

So, for example, it can be stuffed sturgeon, baked pig, goose with apples. Roasted vegetables or potatoes can be served as a side dish. It is advisable to entrust the serving of the main course, cooked whole, to a professional.

On the table there should be dishes with fruits, juices, preferably in transparent jugs, carbonated and non-carbonated mineral water (there may be bottles here so that guests are not mistaken).

In this video you will be told how to choose the right wedding menu:

After the guests cope with the main course, it's the turn of the sweet.

Wedding cakes are a vast field for imagination, they come in a wide variety of shapes and different decor: from minimalist cakes to luxurious cream castles.

It all depends on the wishes of customers and the skill of the confectioner. A cake is prepared at the rate of 1.5-2 kg for ten people. You should also take care of serving coffee or tea. A wedding cake can be a real decoration at a wedding.

The easiest way to get into statistical tastes is to choose semi-dry wine. Many do not like the astringency of dry wine, and sweet alcoholic drinks are usually served with desserts. The color of the wine is today a matter of individual taste, but traditionally alcohol from the banquet menu should match the dishes served:

  • white wine is usually associated with poultry and fish;
  • red wine with game and meat;
  • liqueurs are served for dessert;
  • a glass of champagne is raised, proclaiming a toast.

The amount varies, as a rule, for five people they suggest 3-4 bottles of strong alcohol, 2-3 bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne.

In order for the dirty dishes to be removed in a timely manner and the banquet to pass without fuss, the dishes were served on time, there must be at least one waiter for every ten people.

What is cooked on the wedding table in the summer: a sample menu

The time of year in which the wedding is planned also plays a significant role. Summer is the most preferred time for a wedding, but it is not without some cons.

Not all dishes tolerate heat well: salads quickly lose their freshness, and high-calorie dishes with various sauces, for all their appetizingness, are not very inspiring.

In summer, you should limit the number of salads in combination with mayonnaise or snacks in jelly. Seasonal and vegetables deserve special attention, however, as well as their exotic relatives. Bright fruits will decorate any table.

there should be a lot and in a wide range; sweet carbonated water does not quench thirst well. Various lemonades, iced tea, crashes (berries mixed in a blender with ice), frozen juices are good in the heat.

To keep drinks cold, you can stock up on a significant amount of ice - it is appropriate for both strong drinks and non-alcoholic ones. Lemonade perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

At wedding receptions organized from spring to autumn, you can surprise guests with culinary delights prepared in the garden or on the patio. It can be meat or fish, grilled or baked on a spit.

This option is quite expensive and time-consuming, but the impressions received are worth it. An outdoor wedding has a magical atmosphere.

For newlyweds, a wedding is associated with joyful excitement and with great emotional stress. They accept congratulations, get nervous from the abundance of attention and hardly look at the table at which they sit. The menu for the newlyweds is slightly different from the general one, their wedding table is set separately, the selection of dishes for the newlyweds is done by parents or friends.

The bride and groom need to maintain a cheerful state of health throughout the evening, so the dishes on their table should be light. Vegetables and fruits, a sufficient amount of seafood and fish, white poultry meat must be present without fail.

It would be appropriate to add aphrodisiacs to the menu (various nuts, avocados, caviar). Drinking alcohol is an individual matter, but it is better for young people to refrain from strong drinks on this day.

It is wiser to limit yourself to champagne, then it will be easy enough to withstand the pace of the celebration and keep the memories of the wedding night.

Happy newlyweds have a hard time on their big day. As an example, you can take a couple of simple dishes:

  1. Red fish salad. Sprinkle fish fillet with spices, grill, cool, cut into pieces, mix with sweet corn. Add cherry tomatoes, cut bell peppers, drizzle with olive oil, salt and season with lime juice.
  2. Shrimp salad fried with garlic and chili. Defrost frozen shrimp (at room temperature or under running cold water). Rinse and clean, dry. Grate or crush one clove of garlic in a garlic press, cut the second into thin slices. Cut the chili pepper diagonally into thin slices. Put large lettuce leaves on plates, add arugula, put cherry tomatoes cut into halves or quarters on top. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped garlic, shrimp and chili peppers, salt. Fry over medium heat for about a minute on each side. Then add the grated garlic, mix and fry for half a minute, stirring occasionally. Pour in white wine, lemon juice, mix and set aside from heat. Spread on lettuce leaves. Drizzle with olive oil.

Shrimp salad is a light and nutritious dish.

In this video you will learn the most popular wedding table recipes:

A wedding without good food will not be very successful, so when preparing a wedding menu, it is worth focusing and carefully choosing the dishes. If someone recommends unfamiliar foods, they can be included in the menu, but first it is advisable to prepare a small portion for testing. This will avoid embarrassing misunderstandings. After all, this holiday happens once in a lifetime.