Pregnancy dark green feces. Discoloration of feces during pregnancy

Many women during pregnancy begin to experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. This is quite natural, because now two organisms feed on your vitamin reserves at once, and they need to be replenished. For this purpose, doctors prescribe multivitamin preparations for all pregnant women. In addition, the level often falls during this period, and it must be increased. Therefore, in addition, you may also be prescribed iron supplements.

Usually, the gynecologist warns his ward that the feces can change a lot: it acquires a different consistency, black color and a specific smell. But many women do not know about this, and due to their position and increased suspiciousness during this period, they begin to worry too much.

All multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain iron. It is this that stains the stool black, which is considered quite normal and does not require any therapeutic measures. There is an opinion that this fact proves that vitamins are real, that is, good. Doctors say that in this way an excess of iron is released from the body: the body absorbs the necessary dose, and all the excess goes away with the stool, giving it a characteristic color. Therefore, you do not need to stop using vitamins. However, some believe that in this case it is necessary to change the vitamins taken for others, since they do not give the desired effect and all the benefits fly to the toilet along with black feces. Only one thing can be said with certainty: if you associate the appearance of black stools with the beginning of taking vitamins or other medications (for example), and at the same time you feel great, there is no reason to worry. But it will not be superfluous to tell your doctor about this if you do not know what to do about it. And in order to calm yourself down for sure, you can check the reason for the appearance of black feces as follows: stop taking your vitamins for a few days and make sure that the color of the stool is normalized.

In addition, there are many different food colors, the use of which also affects the discoloration of feces, including black. This can be, for example, liver, bloody sausage, blueberries, currants. Remember if you ate something like this the day before.

It's another matter if black feces during pregnancy are not associated with the above factors. In this case, it is necessary to make a total and biochemical blood test. If in the past there was a stomach or duodenal ulcer, a fecal occult blood test may be necessary. The fact is that black stools can be a symptom of stomach bleeding. True, in this case, the stool becomes liquid, the color of coffee grounds, and other signs of internal bleeding appear: collapse, pallor, sticky cold sweat, and so on. In this case, the blood in the feces is traced unchanged. If you observe something like this, you need to urgently consult a surgeon.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Many pregnant women notice that their stool color has changed, the stool has acquired a dark shade. Naturally, expectant mothers begin to worry about this, and some even panic, believing that they are sick with something. Let's see if this is so.

Why does the color of feces change

After the conception of the baby, a restructuring of the functioning of the woman's body occurs, as the mother's body prepares for bearing the fetus. Due to the "global" hormonal changes in the expectant mother, the color and density of the stool may change. During pregnancy, the color of feces can range from green to black.

In many ways, the shade of feces is affected diet pregnant. If the expectant mother decides to consume leafy green vegetables in large quantities while carrying the baby, then she will have green feces. And eating large quantities of blood sausage, liver, currants, blueberries will stain the stool black.

Also, the shade of feces can be affected taking medications ratov. The well-known "Activated carbon", which is taken for digestive disorders, the accumulation of gases in the intestines, food poisoning, heavy metal salts, alkaloids, leads to staining of excrement black. Therefore, if a woman in position drank several tablets of "Activated Carbon", for example, for bloating, then in a day or two she will have dark feces. During pregnancy, even long-known medications should be taken with caution, since it is not known how the body of a woman carrying a baby will react to them. The same "Activated carbon", in addition to removing toxins from the body and staining feces, leads to the excretion of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And this negatively affects the development of the baby.

Black feces during pregnancy can be a consequence taking a vitamin and mineral complex, developed specifically for women expecting a baby, since all dietary supplements for expectant mothers contain a substance such as iron. It is vital for the body in order for the function of hematopoiesis to work properly, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood remains normal. During the period of bearing a child, the need for a pregnant woman in iron doubles. Therefore, quite often expectant mothers are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to health complications. To avoid this condition, obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe to women in the position vitamin-mineral complexes containing an increased amount of iron. But not all of the iron in the food supplement is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, since during the day the stomach can absorb only 2 milligrams of this mineral. All the rest of the iron is excreted from the body along with feces, which leads to dark feces in pregnant women who take vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers.

Causes of fecal discoloration hazardous to health

In addition to the above reasons for the change in the color of feces during carrying a baby, there are others that pose a danger to the health and life of the mother and child.

Changes in the color of feces during pregnancy can be a consequence of liver disease, dysbiosis, infectious disease, colitis, bleeding in the intestines. Let's consider all these ailments in more detail.

  • Liver disease such as hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis, are the cause of green feces. With these diseases, the liver is not able to fully perform its functions of utilizing hemoglobin, as a result of which iron compounds enter the duodenum and stain the stool a dark color.
  • At dysbiosis intestines, the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the digestive tract are disrupted. As a result, fermentation and putrefaction processes actively occur in the intestine, the result of which gives a green color to feces.
  • Colitis- inflammatory bowel disease. When this disease is severe, purulent and bloody discharge can join the feces. They are the cause of green feces. During pregnancy, this disease poses a threat not only to health, but also to the life of a woman and her baby.
  • Internal bleeding... Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract lead to chronic slight bleeding. As a result, iron compounds in the blood stain the stool black.
  • Infectious diseases(for example, dysentery) are the cause of a change in the color of feces, since with them the same processes occur in the intestines as with dysbiosis. But besides this, they are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and loose stools.

Summing up this article, I would like to say that any pregnant woman who noticed that her feces have changed color should definitely consult a doctor for advice. Most likely, the reason for these changes is in the diet or in the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women, which contain large amounts of iron. But there is a possibility that black feces are a symptom of diseases that are dangerous not only to health, but also to the life of a woman and her child. Therefore, it is better to once again be safe and consult with a gynecologist about changes in the color of stool, to pass a general analysis of blood, urine and feces, so that the doctor, based on research results, can conclude about the state of health of a woman expecting a baby, and reassure her, saying that with she's all right.

Black feces during pregnancy can occur both in the early stages of gestation, and at later stages. It is imperative to consult a doctor, as there are many reasons for this. Sometimes black stool occurs due to the intake of certain medications, the use of certain foods, while there is no reason to worry about the health of the mother and baby. But in some cases, urgent action is required.

Causes of black stools in the first trimester

If black feces appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, most often this is due to poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis and hormonal changes. When carried in the body, the amount of progesterone, which is necessary for the normal growth and development of the fetus, increases several times. But it also affects the metabolic processes of a woman.

In the first trimester, under the influence of progesterone, peristalsis decreases, feces slows down its movement through the intestines. As a result, the masses become dark in color and acquire a pungent and unpleasant odor.

If the woman is feeling well, there is nothing to do. The appearance of loose stools during pregnancy also indicates a change in hormonal levels. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by symptoms of toxicosis (frequent vomiting, nausea). By the beginning of the second trimester, the condition is normalized.

Late appearance

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all the systems and organs of the unborn baby are formed, so during this period it is important to create optimal conditions for him. Starting from the 4th to 5th month, doctors prescribe complex preparations containing microelements and vitamins for a pregnant woman. It can be Vitrum or Elevit. They usually contain iron, which causes black feces. The color is restored 2-3 days after stopping the drug intake. The same is observed when a pregnant woman uses activated charcoal or drugs that include bismuth (Vikair, Vikalin, De-nol).

In the later stages, 80% of women carrying a child are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, since the developing fetus consumes this trace element from the mother's body in the required amount. It is not synthesized in the human body, but comes from outside. Its lack leads to the development of anemia. This is a very serious pathology that can harm both a pregnant woman and an unborn child in the 3rd trimester.

To replenish iron stores, doctors prescribe iron-containing drugs, such as Tardiferon, Ferrum-Lek, Sorbifer. This microelement from synthetic medicines is not completely absorbed by the intestines (up to a maximum of 50%), so the residues are excreted along with the feces. It is after the intake of iron that the stool becomes black and has a specific odor.

Influence of food

The stool turns black if the pregnant woman has consumed the following foods:

  • liver;
  • dark colored fruits;
  • raisins, all black grapes;
  • food containing animal blood (blood sausage, steak with blood);
  • black berries (blackberries, blueberries, black currants);
  • tomatoes, beets;
  • kiwi, pomegranate.

The feces also acquire a dark color due to artificial colors that are found in finished products. If a pregnant woman has consumed bananas, black blotches in the form of small pieces or threads may be present in the feces.

Dangerous symptoms

By itself, black feces during pregnancy are not dangerous. But you need to urgently consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • chills;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, hypotension;
  • increased body temperature.

These symptoms may indicate internal bleeding. It can occur as a result of an exacerbation of an existing disease. The black color of the stool is given by the blood oxidized by digestive enzymes. Its source is found in the upper gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). If, during internal bleeding, blood enters the digestive system, the feces not only change color, but also become liquid.

This phenomenon can occur as a result of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer. In the first case, black feces are accompanied by severe pain, which increases with food intake. Profuse bleeding is very dangerous when erosion contributes to the destruction of the wall of the intestinal or gastric artery. A woman loses a lot of blood in a short period of time. This can lead to the development of multiple organ failure syndrome, in which all vital functions of the body are disrupted. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Black feces, accompanied by general malaise, often indicate the development of the following serious diseases:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • ankylostomiasis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • an acute form of lymphoblastic leukemia.

Pregnancy is not only a joyful event for a married couple, but also a significant stress for the body. During this period, Mom desperately needs a large number of useful components and vitamins, which are responsible for the normal functioning of all internal systems. During gestation, there should be twice as many such substances, since now a woman needs to think for two.

In order to avoid a deficiency of various components, experts prescribe the expectant mother to take special multivitamin and iron-containing preparations. It is during this period that a woman begins to notice problems associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Multivitamins for pregnant women"+" "-" price, rub.
ALPHABET Mom's healththe peculiarities of the interaction of various vitamins are taken into account, therefore this vitamin complex for pregnant women is available in tablets of three different colors. Thanks to the same features of the release of this complex of vitamins, you can refuse to take this or that pill if the pregnant woman is allergic to any component. Multivitamins for pregnant women "Alphabet" contain the largest dose of iodine, no additional drugs are prescribedinsufficient amount, therefore folic acid should be taken additionally up to 12 weeks311
VITRUM PRENATALa large amount of iron, sufficient not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stages of anemia in pregnant women. Also, these multivitamins contain adequate amounts of folate.does not contain iodine498 / 997
COMPLIVIT MOTHER- the dose of vitamins A and D is lower than in other complexes; in winter, such a dose of vitamin B is not enough. Insufficient iodine content170
Centrum Maternaa sufficient amount of iodine and folic acida very large dose of vitamin A and B vitamins, which is why allergic reactions are often observed774
PREGNAVITthe vitamin complex contains all the vitamins needed during pregnancyexcept for iodine and trace elements-
Elevitcontain the largest amount of magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the threat of termination of pregnancy, and also improves blood circulation. This vitamin complex also contains ample amounts of folate.does not contain iodine504 /1495

Most of all, women are afraid of black feces. It would seem that there is no reason to worry, because the dark color of excrement is provoked by a disorder of the digestive system. However, the answer is not always so straightforward. There are several reasons, and some of them should make a woman wary.

The first thing to consider is the most common reason why a pregnant woman's stool turns dark. An improperly compiled diet leads to complications, provoking diseases from which the expectant mother suffered before. Most often, digestive disorders are encountered during the first three months of gestation.

It is more dangerous if the disease develops in the last months of pregnancy. In such a situation, a woman's nerves are at their limit, but experts advise not to hang up their nose ahead of time.

It is very important to take care of yourself and make sure that a sufficient amount of vitamins enter the body along with food. Before using any product for food, you need to look at the date of manufacture and expiration date. It is best to compose a menu from products of already proven brands.

Sometimes the dark color of the stool can be triggered by the use of:

If, before noticing dark feces, the expectant mother had one of the above ingredients on her menu, then there is nothing to worry about, since this is just a reaction of the body. Together with food, special pigments get into it, which are excreted naturally.

Black feces and hormones

Dark-colored feces can also be associated with normal body changes that happen to every woman during pregnancy. Actively produced progesterone causes many normal processes to take on strange shapes. Not only the color of excrement changes, but also the frequency of urination, reaction to surrounding objects, and much more. In no case should you neglect such signals that the body gives, but you should not fall into despair either.

It is important to understand that in the process of bearing a fetus, the hormonal background of a woman changes very much. This has a key effect on a woman's well-being. Sometimes, under the influence of hormones, relapses of old diseases occur. If the expectant mother feels that something has gone wrong, then you should contact a specialist. Self-medication during pregnancy can be fatal to your baby's health.

Other causes of dark feces

The color of the feces can also be affected by medication. There is a list of medications that are most often prescribed to a pregnant woman in order to increase the level of iron and vitamins in her body:

A similar reaction is caused by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among which Nimesulide, Aspirin and Ibuprofen can be noted. A pregnant woman should be aware that all multivitamins are high in iron, which is what gives the excrement a dark color. In this case, this is quite normal. On the contrary, this is evidence that the drugs taken are of high quality and genuine.

The body absorbs as much iron as it needs, and the rest is excreted along with the feces. In no case should you stop taking vitamins. In order to check whether the dark color of the excrement is really associated with the intake of drugs, it is worth stopping them for a short time and see what changes.

In some cases, the cause of the dark color of the stool can be really serious complications - bleeding. Most often it is a consequence of diseases such as:

  • varicose veins in the esophagus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

If the expectant mother knows about the presence of one of these diseases, then the dark color of excrement should force her to consult a specialist urgently.

There are several signs that you can tell that dark stool is due to bleeding. In this case, not only the color of the excrement should change, but also its structure: it becomes liquid. In addition, the woman will feel constant weakness, the skin will noticeably turn pale, and cold sweat will often appear. Sometimes a woman can faint. In such a situation, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment.

In order to understand whether there is cause for concern, you need to assess the general condition of the expectant mother and draw parallels with the diet and existing diseases. The first thing to understand is whether the woman's well-being has worsened or whether the changes have affected only the color of excrement.

Signs of poor health such as:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • vomit;
  • bloating;
  • anemia.

Since the reasons causing changes in the color of feces can be very diverse, prevention of stool disorders can only be general. Most often, experts make up an appropriate diet for the expectant mother, which helps to avoid complications.

Video - Intestinal upset during pregnancy

Hello Svetlana.

A change in the color of feces always indicates that some changes are taking place in the body. They may be bad, they may not be harmful. It is good that you paid attention to this, because during the period of bearing a child there should not be unnecessary doubts or worries. However, only a doctor can finally dispel doubts, therefore this article can only be informative, not recommendatory.

Green stools during pregnancy - probable causes

  • Taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women turns faeces green. Taking vitamins for the full development of the child, you provide him with the necessary substances. First of all, these are calcium and iron. The iron that is not absorbed in the intestines is excreted from the body naturally, staining the stool in green tones.
  • After conception, you may have changed your diet and started eating more foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals. If they began to focus on green vegetables and leafy salads, then the coloring pigment of these products (chlorophyll) can really color the feces green.
  • If food passes through the large intestine too quickly, it can also affect the color of the feces. In case of insufficient stay of the contents of the stomach in the large intestine, it causes the color of these masses in green.
  • The ingress of bile, which is green, into the small intestine can color the food that is there in appropriate tones. As the food moves on, the bacteria gradually restore the green color of the bile. If food passes through the large intestine too quickly, the bacteria do not have time to restore the coloring pigment, and the color of the food lump, which turns into feces, remains green.
  • Antibacterial drugs taken during pregnancy can cause green stools. However, after therapy and discontinuation of pills, the color of the stool should be restored. You do not indicate the presence of therapeutic measures, so this reason can be immediately eliminated.

In principle, green feces during pregnancy should not cause any particular concern. If he does not give the woman any problems and discomfort, she feels great and cheerful, then the gastroenterologist can reassure her that it will soon pass.

Green stools with blood

Your situation would not raise such concerns if there was no blood in the stool. The fact is that it is strictly forbidden to close your eyes to the blood in the feces, because in most cases it indicates inflammatory processes in the intestines or other digestive organs.

There is one pattern here: the closer the lesion, from which the blood is secreted, to the anus, the brighter the color of the blood will be. Blood from the lower intestines in the feces will be a deep scarlet color. If the bleeding wounds are far from the anus, then the blood will have time to coagulate and stain the feces in a dark color. Inflammatory processes can be preceded by intestinal dysbiosis, against the background of which feces acquire a sharp unpleasant odor, and due to fermentation processes, fecal masses turn green.

Ulcers, oncology, gastritis - all this can also lead to the appearance of blood in the stool, however, it makes no sense to analyze these reasons in detail, because they are accompanied by a number of other pronounced symptoms that you do not indicate the presence of. At the moment, there is no reason to worry, because the reasons may be completely insignificant and not pose any harm. Visit your gastroenterologist as soon as possible, who will help you, explain the situation and prescribe treatment.

Sincerely, Natalia.