Target audience of the wedding agency. How to open a wedding agency. Selection and preparation of the room

The potential wedding services market is calculated by millions of rubles. In Russia, engaged to engage in the organization of the celebration of private firms. How to open a wedding agency from scratch? How to start a business? These issues are relevant for entrepreneurs who decided to make money on a wedding field.

A good agency provides a wedding organization for any budget - from a modest feast of 10 people to a grand banquet for hundreds of invited. The closer to the regional centers, the more in demand the festive service, but also in small cities, the newlyweds are striving without unnecessary worries to note an important event.

Business plan

The first thing to make an entrepreneur before starting a business - make a business plan for a wedding agency:

  1. Market research.
  2. Formation of the range of services.
  3. Office rental.
  4. Business registration.
  5. We have employees.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Financial calculations.

Sample business plan can be downloaded by, it performs two functions: project launch instructions and assistance in attracting investments.

Market research

The study of the wedding event market will allow to determine the target audience, to identify the weaknesses and benefits of a business. Statistics show that a little highly specialized agencies. Companies provide a wide range of corporate events, children's holidays, parties, and including weddings. At the same time, the quality of services is reduced due to insufficient training.

The main competitive advantage of the wedding agency - the organizers deliver into all the nuances and the needs of the groom with the bride, understand the subtleties of the wedding celebration. The target audience is thousands of people aged 16 to 40 years. In general, Russia is held about a million marriages per year.

The main disadvantage of the business is pronounced seasonality - the bulk of weddings is played in the summer and at the beginning of autumn. That is why most of the firms during the decline period are engaged in the provision of related services.

Proms of business are:

  • high profitability;
  • low risk of losses incurred;
  • no need to issue permission to activities.

Organize a wedding through the agency costs from 200,000 rubles. up to a million rubles, depending on the region and customer requests.

Assortment of services

To cooperate with customers of any social level and prosperity, the Agency should provide the following services for organizing a wedding:

  1. General issues of the event (in what style the wedding will be performed, according to which scenario, where the banquet and the marriage ceremony will be). Increasingly there are costume and thematic weddings, marriage is not in the registry office, but in some special and beautiful place.
  2. Drawing up a list of guests and sending invitations - it takes quite a long time and employees of the agency have substantial assistance to the bride and groom.
  3. Music design - professional artists, groups are invited for large-budget weddings, the show program is organized. If it is not assumed to be a big scope, then the playlist is compiled at the request of the customer.
  4. The services of the lead - at the wedding almost always there is Tamada - a person who manages the event and works on a predetermined scenario.
  5. Organization of the boy and herbidnik for the bride and groom. A traditional event that can become an unforgettable event in the creative and original approach from the organizers.
  6. The choice of wedding dresses - the Agency concludes an agreement with CO, which provides benefits and discounts on their own goods. Designers will help to determine the color, type of fabric, dress and suit dress.
  7. Preparation of wedding dance - choreographer, together with the bride and groom, choose a suitable dance. There will be no one day for learning movements, so the preparation starts in a few weeks.
  8. Order cake - Bake up in a pastry shop, where there is a large selection of beautiful high-rise cakes with figures, flowers and decorations
  9. The choice of makeup, manicure, hairdresser's services - the Agency cooperates with stylists and salon masters who make test makeup and hairstyle to find the best option.
  10. Registration of bouquets - it will be necessary to make a composition for the bride, decorate a banquet hall - florists are engaged.
  11. Transportation, including decorations - to move the main perpetrators of the celebration, preference is given to Limousins \u200b\u200band luxury cars. For guests, ordered buses and minibuses. Decorating the cars with flowers, balls, ribbons, hearts, inscriptions and figures.
  12. Photographing and video shooting - the agency hires a photographer into the state or works with one or two proven specialists who not only remove the wedding, but also handle the material, make up albums and mount counter-piece rollers.
  13. The organization of a wedding trip - the tour operator helps in this.

A beginner agency works as an intermediary, by agreement with specialists - designers, stylists, florists, travel agencies. In the future, if there is a constant flow of orders, it is possible to hire a photographer and other professional employees.


For meetings with customers, you need to open an office. Although you can solve questions on the territory of the customer or in a cafe, to acquire an image of a solid organization, your own premises are necessary.

The most convenient option is the location of the office - rent areas in the shopping and entertainment center or business center. It has already been resolved issues with an entrance, parking, communications, it will remain only to purchase furniture, office equipment and create an appropriate entourage.

Work in the office will be a manager, therefore just one table, several comfortable chairs, computer, MFP. To demonstrate the portfolio of events and product samples, it is better to create albums that will be convenient to view customers.

Registration of enterprise

The next stage in the plan, how to open a wedding agency from scratch is a legitimate business design. The owner is cheaper and easier to register with an individual entrepreneur, to conduct a simplified accounting system, reporting and paying taxes.

When registering in a statement, you must specify OKVED codes - activities from the classifier:

  • 29.3 - Organization of rites (weddings, anniversaries), including musical accompaniment;
  • 06 - provision of other personal services;
  • 20 - activities in the field of photography.

For activities, special permits and licenses are not required. If the firm provides exclusively to the services to the public, instead of the cash register, the use of receipts of the established sample is allowed.


An individual entrepreneur who involves conducting intermediary activity can do without employees, independently engage in the organization of all activities, the conclusion of contracts and reporting. With this approach, there will be minimal costs, but also to serve many customers alone will not work.

If you take into assistants of the manager and designer, then performance will increase and increases income. The greater portfolio, the faster the agency will become popular.

When hiring, you need to pay attention to the following qualities of employees:

  1. Ability to think creatively.
  2. The ability to talk benevolently with customers, find compromises and solve complex issues.
  3. Pleasant appearance, competent speech.
  4. Organizations.

Photographer, driver, lead and other specialists are involved as needed with one-time payment for services.

For a wedding business, a cross-advertising is characterized when adjacent firms constitute the protection of each other. For example, the photographer advises customers to refer to the designer, and he, in turn, will send customers to the photographer. Therefore, it is important to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with the entire chain of near-wedding companies.

Standard methods will bring their percentage of clientele - information in the press, media, ads in specialized editions, leaflets, business cards. Flexible pricing policy, an individual approach to customers, the formation of a package of events, discounts and promotions - everything is used to obtain as many orders for the organization of weddings.

Financial calculations

How much money will you need to launch a wedding agency? If the entrepreneur will not rent an office and hire employees, but will limit himself to independent search for customers and planning a celebration through contracting organizations, then expenses will amount to 5,000-10,000 rubles - for registration of IP and advertising.

If a more serious approach to business is applied, with the attraction of assistants and creating a working room, then the initial investment estimate includes:

Current monthly activities:

In addition, for the organization of each event, it is necessary to attract various performers who are mainly working on a prepayment of 50%. The cost of services in each case will vary and depend on the order conditions.

On average, 20-30% of income remains at the disposal of the agency after calculating suppliers. For example, the price of a wedding with an exit ceremony for the customer is 250,000 rubles. After payments to all companies involved in the celebration and individuals, the organizer receives 60,000 rubles. If 4 such events are held a month, then current costs are covered, and the profits are 135,000 rubles. Investments in the project pay off in two months.

This is a very attractive business plan, but it only acts 4 months a year. During the rest of the time the number of people willing to officially issue relationships sharply decreases. It must be remembered that the costs of unprofitable months will be paid out of the super jets obtained.

Video: How to open a successful wedding agency?


For novice entrepreneurs another option, where to start a wedding business, is the acquisition of the franchise. In this case, the activity is carried out under a well-known brand, which is trusted by customers.

The franchisor provides a business plan, corporate identity, training in imprinting cases, customer base and suppliers, provides financial and organizational support. The franchisee pays a unite contribution and annual payments in a fixed size, or percentage of revenue.

Wedding agency as a business is a profitable deal with high profitability, whose features are seasonality and the ability to work through the intermediary scheme.

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In Russia, every year a huge number of marriages are registered. It is not worth talking about what a fuss is accompanied by a wedding. Futive spouses want to do without unnecessary trouble and do everything so that the event is able to fame.

Today there are a lot of wedding agencies that take on the entire organization of the holiday and offer to rent wedding decorations, outfits and other attributes. Running to their services, many couples free themselves from problems, providing the reins of the board in the hands of professionals. About how to start a wedding business from scratch, will be discussed in this article.

The first steps

To organize a small business of weddings, certain cash investments are needed. Their size depends on what services you plan to provide. If you make maximum effort, the project can bring tangible profits, even though this market segment has a high level of competitiveness. Traditionally, the salon for newlyweds provides services for the organization, accompaniment and conducting wedding celebrations. But in order for the case to be effective in the first stage, everything should be carefully planned.

Project and business plan

Start a wedding business, like any other type of activity, follows from the compilation of a competent project and business plan. If you have sufficient experience in this area, you can come up with a plan on your own, if not, there are project bureaus that offer ready-made schemes for economic development in the wedding industry. Specialists evaluate the success of this type of business as high, because the number of clients of the wedding salon increases from year to year, taking into account the amendment for seasonality.

Organizational and legal form

The next stage on the way to creating your own business will be the choice of organizational and legal form. You can register as an IP (individual entrepreneur) or open ooo (limited liability company). Starting a wedding business, preferably choose the first option. With him you can decently save on taxes and simplify accounting. In addition, the clients of the wedding salon are in their most individuals, therefore there is no point in complicating their life with legal relationship.

Foci of business

Wedding agency services are quite extensive. Before opening your own business, think about what you want to offer the client. For example, you intend to create a salon for the provision of services to individuals for weddings and accompanied the event with everything necessary. Or you want to open the studio for the rolled outfit for the bride and groom.

If you stopped at the last version, you must focus on the selected narrow direction. In this industry, you need to analyze the market for the services of your city, giving it an objective and complete characteristic. Please note and appreciate all the pros and cons of competitors. Copy all the best that they have and will in the future, consider the shortcomings of their work.

Rental decorations and accessories

Wedding decorations - another direction of the business under consideration. Many people playing a wedding believes that they should not save on beauty, you need to do everything so that their celebration is remembered for a long time. But at the same time, it should be understood that all outfits and accessories purchased before the wedding at decent prices are likely to subsequently will simply lie somewhere in the closet.

Well, if they succeed in selling and returning some of the money spent. Therefore, there is another business destination - the delivery of wedding decorations in the rental. These can be dresses, shoes, various jewelry and additional accessories (fur coat, veil and hats, gloves, lace umbrella, etc.). In addition, the client can offer the design of the halls: decorating the room with their own flowers, balls, capes on chairs, etc.

It will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of organizing a celebration, and you - to make a profit. Moreover, the business for the rental of wedding jewelry and accessories does not require large financial costs, and the invested funds pay off in almost the first lease. True, it is important to find good suppliers with the prices that you will arrange.


Wedding decor as a business is a special direction that requires a professional approach. A competent combination of colors, fabrics, various ways of drapery and the subtlety of floral art is something that turns the usual holiday into an unforgettable female of love and happiness. The decor is designed to create an atmosphere of a celebration that will affect furniture, the interior of the hall.

To do this, you will need experienced designers and florists who can pick up harmonious compositions for the bride, her girlfriends, arrange a bouquet and uniformly decorate a wedding tuple. Customer can be offered additional services. For example, flower rain or decoration of dishes and tables with alive flowers.

Select room

Deciding with the direction of the wedding business, go to the next question. You have to find and organize a room for the company. The optimal option is long-term rental in the crowd and passing area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

Opening the salon with a full range of services (sale of outfits, banquet organization, car rental, photo and video equipment, work of the tomad, helping stylists and florists), choose a room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 100 square meters. m. This will allow you to locate all services with convenience for the client. In addition, it will give your company the weight in the eyes of buyers and create an additional reputation.

Before opening the company, repair and decoration of the room should be carried out, divide it into the necessary zones. Properly chosen wedding style will allow you to express the direction of your company. In addition, in the hall you can arrange the sale of various commemorative accessories, which are very often used at weddings and persist in newlyweds for many years.

The wedding is one of the main events in the life of two people, preparation for which takes a lot of time. Each couple dreams that her wedding is not like any other. Therefore, quite often today future newlyweds to organize their chief celebration are treated in wedding agencies. Consider the business plan of the wedding agency, we define that you need to take to organize your own wedding business.

Summary - Basic Business Concept

Wedding as a business is very promising and at the same time Novo for our country. The organization of the wedding is the work of the hands of specialists, that is, people with high qualifications understanding what every customer wants and, taking into account all their wishes, turning the wedding in the celebration, which is remembered for a lifetime not only the newlyweds themselves, but also to all those present.

It is very difficult to organize a wedding yourself - it is necessary to spend a lot of time and strength, run a bunch of wedding salons, shops and restaurants. It will take a long time to decorate the hall, cars and other necessary wedding accessories. As a result of the wedding day and future newlyweds, and their close friends and relatives, in any way participating in the organization of the event, they get tired so much that they are not interested in anything - I want it only that it all ended faster.

Wedding agency will turn your wedding on a holiday, wherever you will rest.

The agency itself will select everything you need for your wedding, considering both your immediate wishes and preparing some surprises for you. So contacting the agency for the organization of weddings, the newlyweds will not only not regret, but will be pleasantly surprised.

Employees of the wedding agency are people with high qualifications who know not only all specialized shops and restaurants, but also understanding the client, taking into account all his desires and whims.

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Description of the services provided

After describing the concept of the business, it is necessary to determine the list of services provided. The wedding agency will have a full cycle of wedding services, including the selection of fabrics for the clothes of newlyweds, holding a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, organizing the wedding celebration, as well as a journey.

First of all, the Agency provides organizational services. First, the overall style of the event is being developed. The venue of the celebration itself, the scenario and the main routes of movements of young and guests are selected. Wedding Agency Employees coordinate the main stages of the wedding, controls the delivery of the goods ordered.

The agency decides the issues of interior design and the image of newlyweds. The color of the wedding is selected (more and more often today the wedding "acquires color"). Agency staff supervise questions about the design of the hall with garlands of balls, artificial colors, candles, drapes from fabric and other accessories. Large importance is paid to the design of wedding machines.

The next stage of the preparation of the celebration is the choice of lead or Tamada, DJs, artists and dance groups. In accordance with the wishes of the customer, the wedding agency independently negotiates and fully coordinates their work. From the young you will need only a list of guests.

Given the wishes of newlyweds, the agency workers pick up the fabrics on the individual tailoring of the dress for the bride and a suit for the groom. Footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyle and manicure are selected. In addition, the appropriate style may be selected for bridesmaids and friends of the bridegroom, witnesses and parents. This should also include the selection of a wedding bouquet and boutonnieres, bouquets for bride girlfriends and other flower accessories. Employees of the company negotiate with the advertising agency that manufactures invitations and business cards.

Wedding Agency provides transport services. At the request of the customer and in accordance with the style of the event, the corresponding cars are selected: limousines, passenger cars, minibuses. The company assumes the responsibility of organizing video and photography of the celebration. Subsequently, it is the Agency that coordinates the timely and high-quality execution of the services by the photographer and the operator to create and design a photo album and a wedding film.

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Wedding Agency Marketing Plan

Today the market presents companies that provide services for wedding celebrations. However, as a rule, these companies provide these services as an additional. They organize various solemn events: both corporate holidays, prom, and anniversaries. These organizations are the main competitors for the wedding agency.

In Moscow, specialized agencies dealing with only the organization of wedding celebrations, order 100. At the same time, the weddings themselves from year to year are becoming more and more, and of course, the main weddings happen in the summer and autumn periods. At the same time, the most active in this sense is September.

No business will exist for a long time without advertising, especially as it concerns the business of organizing weddings. To attract potential customers, it is necessary:

  • place advertisements in publications that specialize in advertising organizations of wedding celebrations, holidays;
  • develop a corporate website;
  • develop a portfolio that needs to be provided to potential customers.

In addition, it is necessary to agree on cooperation with wedding salons, restaurants and cafes, transport companies, to make appropriate business cards and advertising booklets, which will be distributed to customers with data of companies in order to advertise the agency's services. Perhaps, at first, this is the maximum advertising costs that the wedding agency will be able to afford. Subsequently, you can try to organize the shooting of a small commercial and advertising on the radio.

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Target audience and project risks

The main target audience for the project under consideration is those young couples that do not want their wedding looks like any other.
They do not want to spend their strength to prepare a celebration or need to assist them in this difficult business. Note that the level of customer revenues does not matter - the Agency will be able to organize any wedding, that is, the business planned plan of the wedding agency is focused on a broad audience.

For example, for students or other economical clients, the main thing will be that the wedding does not cost them expensive. For them, a range of services is offered at one price, that is, we choose some services, combine them into one "offer" and install one fixed price on them, which students can afford. The essence of this "sentence" is that if you take services separately, they will cost much more than if they take them in the complex. Such "proposals" should be two or three, and they should include different services that take into account different preferences of customers. On the other hand, more secured clients should be provided with its own individual service approach. A portfolio should be prepared in advance, the design of which should be given great importance. The portfolio must contain materials from previously conducted "high-quality" weddings.

It should be noted the main risks of this project. The market for the provision of wedding services is not yet enough, so it will be quite difficult to determine what is necessary for a potential customer. Note that weddings are seasonal business. As a rule, all weddings occur in the summer and early autumn, from November to April weddings there are practically no. This is due not only to the winter time of the year, but also so that many couples prefer to marry. This period falls per post, and, as you know, during the post, the rite of wedding is not carried out.

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Wedding Agency Organizational Plan

When organizing a wedding agency, a lot of attention should be paid to choosing the premises, because a good, neat office (albeit small) is the "face" of the company.

When choosing a place, the office accommodation should be considered as follows:

  • the office should be located in the central part of the city - in the business center (not in a residential area);
  • the office should have modern high-quality repairs.

Usually wedding agencies are located on the first floors of buildings. The area of \u200b\u200bthe required premises should be 40-50 square meters. It is desirable that the rooms are at least 2 - one of them is a reception and wardrobe, the other is intended for direct work with future newlyweds. In the room, the bathroom should be provided in the premises.

The main equipment is office furniture and main office equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier), as well as demonstration equipment. Of course, the company can organize outbound meetings with potential customers, for example, in a cafe (at the "neutral territory"), or to travel to the client. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase a laptop or tablet on which all the necessary demonstration material will be.

Of great importance in organizing a business should be given to staff. The wedding agency will need the following personnel:

  • head or director;
  • accountant;
  • administrator or secretary;
  • manager or customer service managers.

The selection of employees involves the search for people with experience in conducting celebrations, sociable and presentable externally.

Each pair, planning in a short time to play a wedding, wants this day to become for them the most memorable and happy. And in this regard, the entire organization of the marriage ceremony and the subsequent celebration play a considerable role. With increasing popularity on the conduct of various thematic weddings, the demand of wedding agencies is growing.

Future newlyweds appeal to such agencies not only when they want to make their wedding for a certain topic, but when they just wish to protect themselves from possible inconsistencies in organizing the event (and they often happen when the bride and groom are independently taken for this case), and be I am confident that everything will go perfectly.

Wedding Agency Business Plan

At the start of the business can be invested at 5-6 thousand dollars. This amount will spend on business registration, buying furniture, equipment and website creation. On the maintenance of a business monthly will leave about 2-3 thousand dollars - for renting rooms for the office, wages to staff and advertising campaign. The average profitability of such a business is 40-50%, and the duration of payback is about 7 months.

How to open agency for organizing weddings

Market Services and Competition

Say that wedding agencies a lot will be wrong. In major cities, such companies are, and in some small may not be at all. However, do not forget that there are companies on the organization of celebrations, the list of services of which includes the organization of weddings. Such companies can also be considered competitive for the wedding agency. Some wedding salons now also provide certain services in organizing a wedding celebration.

Companies that specialize in weddings and offer a full range of services, ranging from helping to choose a wedding dress and ending with a wedding trip, not a lot. But despite this, if you decide to go to this market, you must have several 100% advantages in service, which will be able to highlight you among competitors. It may be to provide the services of the organization of stylized and thematic weddings (there must be a substantial base of ready-made scenarios and the possibility of developing individual), the opportunity to invite to the wedding as guests of famous music performers and so on.

List of possible services

The attractiveness of wedding agencies for consumers is precisely the fact that you can give the organization absolutely all the preparation and holding of the celebration from "A" to "I". The company engaged in the organization of weddings can provide the following services:

2. Search and decor the place of the exit ceremony.

3. Development of design of wedding invitations and their newsletter guests.

4. Providing a wedding bouquet, boutonnieres and other accessories, the possibility of individual design design.

5. Organization of the wedding process.

6. Organization of field registration.

7. The provision of photo and video recording services of the ceremony and celebrations, the organization of the wedding photo session of newlyweds.

8. Providing services of makeup artists, stylists, florists.

9. Order a wedding limousine or another car.

11. Festive restaurant design.

12. Organization of entertainment at the wedding.

13. Providing a professional leading celebration.

14. Development of a wedding cake design.

15. Development of a wedding scenario.

16. Help in organizing a honeymoon.


The office for the wedding agency is needed only to negotiate with customers, both at the initial stage and in the organization process. Since in wedding agencies, highly prosperity people usually appeal, they will be more comfortable in a modern presentable office. It is best to rent a premises in the business center and equip it to the latest technology and design.


For the office of the wedding agency, you will need office equipment (phones, computers, scanners, printers), furniture in the main hall and in the waiting room, and most importantly is a demonstration equipment. Explain on the fingers that you have developed for newlyweds and that you can offer, you can hardly. Therefore, it will be necessary to show everything, and for this it is not necessary without high-quality equipment for presentations.


Most often, wedding agencies have in the directory state of the director, accountant and several customer service managers (wedding organizers). Some have regular leading or toasta. Nevertheless, the rest are stylists, designers, drivers, photographers - are usually attracted to work at individual events. Managers must have an extensive base of such specialists, good connections must be established with many of them.

The wedding organizer is a specialist who should know a lot about this type of celebration - how to order, to whom to call, what to choose and how to organize. And it is from these people who will depend on the success or defeat of your business. Most often, those people who, by their nature, are very sociable, energetic and able to negotiate with anyone. But this will be not enough - therefore, regularly send your specialists to raising professionalism courses in the wedding case, the benefit now you can easily find.

Initial costs: 309 800 rubles.

Current monthly costs: 143 000 rubles

Project break-even pointachieved for 3 months of work

Playback of the project:5 months

2. Business, product or service description

The most successful option, for competent detuning from competitors, there will be a complete cycle of wedding services. From beautifully made proposal of hand and hearts, to a romantic wedding trip after the celebration.

This agency must be ready to satisfy any request to the client:

  • Organize the original event on the proposal of the hand and heart. For example, a romantic date on the roof, in the forest, in a restaurant. Or, on the contrary, the organization of public proposal during the concert, during the shopping shopping center, while walking on one of the central streets of the city. Flash Mob, Musicians, Ring .... And she says: "Yes!"
  • Help customers decide on the date of celebration. For many people, it is important that the wedding date does not fall on a religious holiday or post, and someone wants to save and picks up a day in "no season." Someone dreams of a fabulous winter or yellow autumn wedding.
  • Organize exit registration. Choose a suitable place to hold it. Standard registration in the registry office today is often replaced by exit. The owner of the wedding agency should also be ready to conduct an exit registration in another city or even the country.
  • Help choose a restaurant and menu for a wedding banquet. Special attention is paid to choosing size and design. wedding cake, His preparation and delivery on the banquet.
  • Suggest and help the customer to determine the style, color (combination of colors) of the entire event. There will be a pirate, biker or wedding in Japanese or Hawaiian style. And maybe just a wedding in one color or combined colors.
  • Professionally issuebanquet room, place of registration, machine in a single style selected by the customer.
  • Pick up and create image of newlyweds and guests.In accordance with the choice of style or wedding color, the agency staff help to decide on the image of newlyweds: the outfit of the bride and groom (Buying ready, to order), if necessary, guests are also provided. In addition, masters are selected, which will make hairstyle, makeup, manicure and other cosmetic procedures bride, haircut groom.
  • Organize all vehicles necessary for the event.Renting the main car for the bride and groom, other cars for the wedding cortex, ensuring motor support, the bus for the evening service center.
  • Organize the redemption of the bride.Develop a script, prepare props.
  • Arrange the most cheerful wedding banquet.Script development . Selection of the lead, sound operator, artists. Discussion of preferences for dance and musical pauses.
  • Provide professional choreographer to customer services To put the first dance of the young.
  • Pick up the photographer and video program. Discussion of wishes for the wedding photo session. Selection of props. Creating a movie about newlyweds, wedding photo album or slideshow.
  • Provide the necessary florist services. The original bouquet of the bride, boutonniere, the design of the living colors of the room for registration, banquet, cars.
  • Hold a bachelor party and bachelorette party.
  • Organize fireworks As the final stage of the evening.
  • Prepare exclusive wedding invitations.
  • Organize wedding and other religious (national) wedding rituals at the request of customers.
  • Organize a wedding trip.

The number and volume of the above services will vary from the budget of the event and the wishes of the customer. But the main essence is that the Agency fully assumes the organization of the event, freeing the bride and groom from unnecessary trouble and bustle.

3. Sales Market Description

Organize a wedding celebration in any city of our country and even abroad offers many serious companies and individuals. But for the most part, they are engaged in the organization of a wide variety of events. Such companies are the main competitors of the estimated business. Therefore, it is necessary to position this agency as a firm engaged exclusively by organizing weddings.

Moreover, it is important to provide the entire rich range of wedding services. This will be a clear difference from competitors who are most often amateur, which is taken for several cases at once, without becoming a professional in some particular area.

But there are among them and large Event companies in which the organization of each type of events, including weddings, is engaged in a certain department. The experience of such companies can be useful for the development of this business.

The project's audience is men and women of marriage. Their financial situation does not matter, because the business plan implies services for any budget of the event. It can be a modest wedding in a cafe for 20 people, without live music, fireworks and other sings. And there may be a wedding in a chic restaurant, with a media face as a lead and wedding tuple, consisting of limousines.

On average, the wedding today is spent from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. According to official statistical data, 983 thousand marriages have been concluded in Russia over the past year. Even last year's crisis did not significantly influence the number of marriages. Compared to 2014 This indicator decreased by only 1%.

This data tells us that the organization of weddings is a job with demand. Therefore, even if there is serious competitors in the market, with the right business organization, receiving revenue, and, therefore, the profits are inevitably. As for the explicit seasonality of this business, you can find your client at any time. Attractive promotions and discounts in "no season" will easily solve this problem.

SWOT analysis of the wedding agency


  • Extensive demand for quality services for the organization of weddings.
  • Providing wedding services of any kind.
  • Pricing policy that allows you to cover the target audience with different levels of wealth.

Weak sides

  • When leaving the market there is no accustomed client base.
  • The company has not yet proven itself, therefore, difficulties may arise with the involvement of customers.


  • The agency may become a leading provider of such services in its region.
  • Opening of the branch of the wedding agency in another city.


  • Availability of competitors in the market
  • Financial crisis in the country

4. Sales and Marketing

The main competitive advantage of this wedding agency is the narrow focus of activities. That is, the company is engaged exclusively with weddings, but on the professional level, taking into account all the subtleties of this event.

Business is customer-oriented, so your approach should be found to each client. Someone is looking for exclusivity and is ready to pay for it any money. Some customers, on the contrary, are strongly crammed in the means, so they are looking for the most economical option. But most of the customers of the services of the wedding agency are people with a middle taste who need peace of mind, reliability and quality of services provided.

Strategic Market Plan

Current Marketing

In the process of work, a portfolio for each type of service is formed. It is important that the customer will visually imagine what is offered to him. Ideally, if a rich selection of leaders, workshops, florists and other specialists who provide wedding services in the agency will be presented in the portfolio.

To provide services to various use in the level of wealth to customers, in the price list it is necessary to have sections of services, both "economy" and "VIP" -class. Ideally, if a certain person or department will be engaged each client type.

To properly determine which "financial" group includes a client, the leading questions are set: "How do you imagine your wedding?", "What would you like to see this day without fail, and what do you categorically deny?", And finally: "How much are you Ready to spend on your wedding? "

Depending on the answers received, the wedding organizer offers a portfolio and a price list of those contractors who "fit" in the title budget.

Starting with the first wedding agency, it is necessary to maintain a book of feedback and suggestions. The positive feedback received after the event will be useful to attract the following customers. The book can be shown at the first meeting with a potential client.

To the first customers will be logical to offer good discounts. You can also develop a discount "for a given friend", that is, for the recommendation. A variety of shares and discounts will help stand out among competitors and "stay afloat" in "no season".

Additional activities to promoting the agency services will be advised by experts in social networks, various master classes, creative meetings with those famous in the city and the region leading, photographers, designers and other specialists of the wedding industry.

5. Production plan

To start the production process in the wedding agency (provision of services for the organization of celebrations) it is worth deciding on the scale of activities. It is directly dependent on both the initial and current costs and profits. This may be agency without any official registration, office and employees, where all activities are carried out by the head independently. Such a business can be opened with almost no initial and current costs. But also agency may be a registered LLC, with its own office, a large staff. Any wedding agency can pass the way from a small company that practically does not require financial costs, but not from serious revenues to a large event-agency that has been popular. This business plan considers the Golden Middle, which implies a small office rental, minimum of the necessary equipment and the minimum staff.

Usually the formation of such a business takes place in the following steps:

Selection of ownership. Registration of the company

So that the business is legal, it is better if the Agency is properly registered. The best option will be the registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). The cost of registration is lower, the process itself is easier. Attractive taxation system. But if a joint business is planned, then as an option, it is better to consider the registration of LLC, where each participant will be a full founder.

In addition to registration documents, this type of activity does not require special licenses.

Selection and preparation of the room

As already written above, the wedding agency with minimal cost can be opened without an office. But still, customers will more trust the company with a permanent office that has a permanent legal address, rather than the Agency, with a representative of which the client meets in a cafe or house.

The office of the wedding agency should be selected by the following criteria:

  • Location. The main requirement here is accessibility for the client. Consequently, it is better to rent an office on one of the central streets of the city, in a shopping or office center with good passability, transport junction, parking for personal car customers.
  • Room size. A sufficiently small room, the size of 30m2. There is easily the desk of the head and jobs for several employees. If possible, it is desirable to make the office of the head separate.
  • Appearance of the room. Ideally, if it is possible to make the repair of the office using the company's corporate colors. The office is a business card company. That is why it must be presentable, comfortable, inspiring confidence.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

Personnel selection, contractors

At this stage, the head selects staff, makes up labor contracts. Creates a base of contractors.

The following channels are used to select personnel and contractors:

  • personal connections;
  • recommendations of acquaintances;
  • services of personnel agencies

Contractors here are meant direct performers and suppliers of wedding services: leading, photographers, car rental firms, floristic salons and others. To search for them, you can use the data on the provision of services. Each contractor prepares its portfolio, leading scenarios written, exclusive programs are being developed, for especially demanding customers.

Informing the public about entering the market

The process of providing services

The process of providing services is as follows:

  1. The first meeting with the client.Lisviar to the needs and wishes of the customer. The approximate budget of the event is determined.
  2. Second meeting.An employee of the agency offers services and specific performers, the plan is approved and the estimate of the event is a contract for the provision of services. The client is made prepayment.
  3. The process of preparing for the event.Consultation on the phone, if necessary.
  4. Day event.Signing the act of work performed after the celebration.

6. Organizational structure

For the normal functioning of the average wedding agency, especially when entering the market is enough to have in its state of the following employees: the head of the agency, the administrator who will perform the functions of the accountant. After all, with the form of ownership of the IP and the choice of a simplified taxation system, all reporting is surrendered only once a year. And to perform current duties: salary calculation, payments to the budget, transfer suppliers and contractors, cash documentation and other, can be performed by the administrator. In addition, he responds to phone calls, organizes meetings of the head and managers with clients and contractors. Meet customers in the office.

The main work with clients lead project managers (managers). At first, there are enough two people. With adequate loading of the agency, it is possible to expand the business and the emergence of new regular units.

The role of the business owner here can be different. It can perform the functions of the business executive, and may hire a specialist for this purpose. Can only lead employees, and may participate in the process of organizing weddings.

The staffing schedule indicating all the necessary specialists and their exemplary salary are shown in the table below.

All full-time employees are subject directly to the head of the agency. As a rule, it is both business owner.

The administrator accepts incoming calls from customers or meets them in the office. Selects the client to a specific manager. It was the administrator that the primary role of the "determinant" of the client's financial spectacle is given.

VIP clients are engaged in the head. He can also be a wedding organizer in case all managers are loaded, and the staff expansion is not included in his plans.

Wedding services are provided by customers contractors. These are presenters, artists, photographers, videographers, florists, car rental firms and others. A one-time contract for the provision of services will be concluded with each contractor. Contractors work on a prepayment of 50%. The second 50% contractor receives after providing the service and signing the act of work performed. All these conditions are prescribed in the contract between the Agency and the Contractor.