Checkbook desires lava from templates. Love is wish checkbook - examples of wishes for a loved one: templates. Diy checkbook of interesting desires for a loved one

How often do we face the question of an original gift for a loved one? At least several times a year. And if it's easier with a birthday present and for another significant reason, then such holidays as Valentine's Day or February 23 are often puzzling. An interesting presentation option is a checkbook of desires. Print template and scrapbooking workshops make this idea even more affordable!

What it is

By the very name it becomes clear that the gift is somehow related to the fulfillment of desires... And there is. This book is a bound sheet on which wishes are indicated directly. The meaning of such a playful, but pleasant presentation is that the owner presents the donor with a sheet on which a certain desire is indicated. The content of coupons directly depends on who will receive such a book and in what relationship the donor is with the person.

How to make a wish checkbook? A ready-made template for printing can greatly facilitate the task and shorten the lead time. This is very important if time is running out, a holiday is on the way, and you have no time to buy or do anything else.

Who can you give

The most common are checkbooks of desires for a loved one. These types of patterns tend to be romantic. A guy or husband, according to the coupon, has the right to demand from his beloved a special massage, the fulfillment of a certain desire, etc.

Another option for couples is more neutral, and in addition to the above pages, it has options such as "Letting go to the bar with friends" or "Go to karaoke with friends."

The third version of such books is intended for family use. This is more needed for fun family leisure activities, or in order to make it easier to decide how to spend it. Coupons usually include signatures such as "Play board game" or "Watch football" etc.

The rules for using this original gift, as a rule, are placed on the inside of the cover. In addition, each page has inscriptions with the date and a place for a tick next to the word "Done".

Available hand-made

As you know, the best gift is a handmade gift. This does not mean that you need to give an unknowable and incomprehensible something, arguing with this common expression. But to make some effort, and make an original and interesting gift almost everyone can do.

DIY checkbook

The simplest, but effective option for making a book of desires for a loved one with your own hands is templates. Ready-made sample pages, designed in a variety of styles - what you need to find something that will surprise your partner.

The format of receipts must be a quarter of A4 sheet, and for printing it is better to use not plain office paper, but paper for sketching or watercolors. Ready-made options for printing, as a rule, contain not only internal leaflets, but also a cover and instructions for use. The only thing to do is to collect all the checks in the right order and fasten them together. This can be done with a stapler, or a hole punch and tape.

Scrapbooking master class

To make a scrapbooking checkbook of desires with your own hands, you will also need templates, but apart from them. you will also need to work:

First step. Print templates of receipts on a color printer on thick paper, cut them along the contour. Round off the corners with curly scissors. Treat the edges with stamp pads - toned. Step back 0.3 cm from the edge and sew on a typewriter.

Second step. Make the basics for the pages. They should be 3-4 cm larger than the printed templates. The pages themselves are cut from scrapbooking paper. Distribute the checks on the pages and glue them on the glue stick.

Step three. Step 1-1.5 cm from the left edge of each page to the right and make holes at an equidistant distance with a hole punch. Using a special device, install the eyelets into the holes.

Fourth step. Collect the pages into rings, pass the waxed cord through them and tie with beautiful knots. Checkbook is ready!

Gift without illustrations

Common coupon options for such books are popular because they are universal. In any couple, massage, and joint bathing, and other romantic everyday trifles are acceptable. However, each couple has their own intimate moments that can and should be reflected in such a gift. But it can be difficult to find the right illustration. In this case, the inscription itself can serve as an illustration.

Such a book is carried out in the same way as the previous version, but the inscriptions should be made in a beautiful calligraphic font against a background of a neutral color and be large. The contrast between the background of the page and the background of the lettering will create an original and interesting effect.

Common options for coupons

Despite the fact that there are a lot of templates for printing, and their content is about the same, sometimes you want to mix two different sets. But alas, they don't match in style. In this case, you can create your own set by selecting pictures for the inscriptions in the appropriate style. Lettering options:

A bonus to such a book is a coupon for repeating any desire. By choosing the appropriate inscriptions and illustrating them, you can make a unique and enjoyable gift for your loved one.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sometimes human life becomes boring and impersonal behind a series of gray everyday life and constant small everyday problems. You don't need to blame anyone but yourself. People arrange their lives themselves, make it happy or not.

In order for every day to be bright and cheerful, joyful and intense, not so much is needed. It is enough in the morning just to be sincerely happy about the new day, to give a smile to those around you, to turn on imagination and creativity, to tune oneself to all the best, bright, positive.

Little helpers in achieving your goals can be funny gifts, which will be discussed in this article - checkbooks of desires for your most beloved people. What is it, how to make it, what to fill it with and how to use it? All this - in detail and in order.

To whom and when to give such an original souvenir?

Tired of giving your loved ones and friends banal things? Then the checkbook of desires will become the most appropriate and original surprise that will be remembered for a long time. How wonderful it is to receive a check for "a whole day without work and care" or "coffee served in bed"!

  • Such souvenirs are prepared not only for a beloved husband or wife. Become the most unpredictable mom (mother-in-law or mother-in-law) in the world and make such an interesting surprise for your children.
  • Prove that you are the best and reckless friend by handing over a checkbook of desires to the one with whom you have been "inseparable" since childhood.
  • Even a work colleague with whom you have a good and trusting relationship can make such a small and funny souvenir before the New Year and Christmas to cheer up.

This unique gift will suit absolutely any holiday, be it a birthday or March 8, Valentine's Day or a wedding anniversary, a professional holiday or Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The main thing is to come up with a beautiful design for the book and choose the right desires for the person to whom it is intended.

The gift will turn out to be not expensive at all, but at the same time it will bring a lot of pleasure to both its manufacturer and recipient.

Some useful rules

When starting to make a checkbook of desires, you need to consider a few useful and time-tested tips:

  • It should not be too large in size, the main condition is compactness (the most suitable format is A6).
  • At the beginning or at the end of the book there should be a small instruction on how to use it (after all, not everyone will immediately understand what this wonderful souvenir is and how to use it).
  • This gift must be strictly personalized, which must be displayed on the cover, it will not work to donate it. You can beautifully, delicately write the last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient of the gift or an affectionate pseudonym known only to you two ("my kitten", sparrow, mouse, etc.).
  • One wish must be written on each separate page.
  • The number of pages can be made at your discretion, but it will be better for this number to coincide with some important date or number for the person to whom the checkbook is intended as a gift.
  • On the booklet you need to indicate its validity period (for example, one year). When the allotted time expires, the checkbook of wishes is canceled. But there is nothing wrong with that, perhaps by that time all the dreams made there will have already come true and it will be possible to prepare the next selection of desires.

You can indicate on the checkbook of desires that its loss, damage, transfer to unauthorized persons is strictly prohibited and will be punished by law.

What can you ask for?

It would seem nothing complicated. It is enough to take a template and apply all your wild imagination on it. But as soon as the moment of writing desires comes up, there is a snag. And there are always, it seems, a lot of desires, and what is more important - you cannot figure it out right away. This is not a matter of one day, here you need to think over everything in advance.

These are the most serious dreams, and some very frank, and comic, perhaps even daring. To compose wishes for a checkbook, you need to carefully observe the person to whom you will make it for a considerable period.

It is necessary to notice every accidentally dropped word ("if only ..."), or expressed in a fit of despair "how I would like now ...".

It is even worth noting when your favorite football team lost, how upset your husband or son was, then display it in your wish checkbook (so that next time you will definitely win).

It is necessary to pay attention to everyday needs and habits, to collect material grain by grain. To make it clearer and clearer, here are some examples of popular women's and men's wishes.

What a woman wants:

Massage in the spa
Toilet water as a gift
Breakfast in bed

What does a man want?

It may seem strange to someone, but men dream at least as often as women:

Of course, men and women can also have material desires:

  • buying jewelry,
  • fur coats;
  • car;
  • new TV.

Here are the main standard hints, and then everything is completely individual. We will assume that we have decided on the desires and sorted them out. It's time to make all this a reality and make a checkbook of desires with your own hands.

Simple and fun manufacturing process

First of all, you need to decide what materials and devices will be needed to make such a booklet with your own hands:

So, the wish list is defined. It will be possible to write them, but there is an option to look for pictures on relevant topics in magazines or on the Internet. Then you have to spend a little time, rummaging in magazines, wandering on the pages of the world wide web; cut, print. This will be the first step.

Another very good idea. Do not tear off the pages with desires as they come true, but put a progress report on them.

For example, the owner of the book has another wish fulfilled, and he writes the word "fulfilled" on the corresponding page and puts his signature.

And even more original - to glue a photo report on the back side. For example, there was a desire to go on a hike with the whole family, and then there was a photo of how dad and children set up a tent, and mom cooks kulesh over a fire. Or I really wanted to go to the sea in the summer - and here you are, a photo with dolphins - one hundred percent confirmation that the dream has come true.

Believe me, by making such an unusual gift, you will become a wizard who, at least a little, but brings a person closer to his cherished dreams and goals. After all, it is always a pleasure to receive gifts made with your own hands.

Just think! .. The man did not just run into the store and buy another gift set of cosmetics or a box of chocolates, cake, martini, whiskey. Perhaps he spent several evenings making such a book, watched you for a very long time in order to notice and remember all the innermost desires, and, finally, he put a piece of his soul into such a gift.

Perhaps to some it will seem like a crazy idea (after all, people are all completely different) or some kind of game element. But such a game will certainly make family life more interesting and fulfilling. Perhaps, the relationship between spouses, which has begun to grow cold, will become warmer thanks to this.

Checkbooks of desires "For him" and "For her"

Master class "Checkbook of desires" - video

Many years later, sitting by the fireplace with their grandchildren, someone will begin to go through the family archive, take out a checkbook of desires given once in their youth, leaf through and for a moment will return to a time when there was youth, excitement, recklessness, unrestrained happiness and love. Because such gifts are not made to unloved people.

Want to add variety to your personal life? Make your relationship with your partner amazing and filled with wonderful moments? A checkbook of desires is considered an excellent substitute for money. By paying with it, the man will save his money, and the woman will receive the fulfillment of desires. They are more important in family life, the future groom will simply have to fulfill them at the request of his beloved. A printable wish checkbook template can be easily found on the Internet.

There are many technologies to help you make such a present yourself. It is important that the craft is small, you can take the A6 format. What needs to be done:

Work description

First you need to take strong multi-colored cardboard and paper, various pictures from magazines or a template for a checkbook of desires for printing from the worldwide network, ribbons and different decor. For accessories, buy a hole punch, scissors, pencils, ruler, glue gun, and thick tape for this job. The craft is carried out in several steps:

Of course, before choosing photos, fonts and photos, you need to figure out what to write on the pages of the checkbook with your own hands. And the main part of it will be occupied by desires, and here are examples of a different set.

For example, "freedom for parrots": a drink in the company of boyfriends and / or a bath with them, a subscription to use a computer during the day, rest from all chores around the house, or even a day of good rest.

The last item your wishbook might include is emotional relaxation.... This concept includes important things: a certain time to hear only "yes" from a loved one, her complete submission for several days, forgiveness for all problems, ordering a personal menu for the whole day with a preliminary breakfast in bed. This is how a checkbook of desires is done quickly and simply. The template can be printed on any printer.

Printing and drawing

Self-painting of such a craft is only suitable if you are a real artist (well, or soon you will become one).

In other cases, so that the love gift does not look like a school diary for girlfriends, print templates either with ready-made fonts, or write in your own hand in good handwriting.

You can try making a gum-style product first. called love is. If you want to change or improve the checkbook of wishes for a loved one and templates, work with any photo editor. Remove what is not needed with a special eraser, and then choose a more suitable font for work (it is worth looking for the same font or something similar to it) and write something on your own.

You can also make a more original present called your favorite Internet. Are you both fans of social media and funny emoji? A checkbook made in this style is what you need!

The funny dog ​​that you already liked will now be in your boyfriend's best book! To make a wonderful book of wishes for your beloved with your own hands, templates will be needed anyway... Try hard and practice more, one day you will succeed!

Good day, my love! I prepared a master class - a checkbook of desires with my own hands. I know there are many, countless options for creating, but I take advantage of this.

There was a break in my creative work, after which I will scrap it again with great pleasure. This time - at the request of the owner of my favorite shop for handicrafts "Shop of Masters" in Sevastopol. A long time ago, she asked me to make a Provence style checkbook for a woman. The book was folded very easily, in one breath - the paper and decor were selected, the details and stamps each fell into place. Therefore, it is probably not surprising that no sooner had I left the store than this checkbook found its owner-buyer. I hope that the code of goodness, which is laid down in the book, will bring many positive moments to this family.

So, from the materials you will need:

color-matched designer cardboard, binding cardboard for the cover, lace (optional), paper from the Provence set from the Art Pattern, waxed cord, lace, printouts of wishes and additional decorative elements (frames, color prints on the theme of “Provence”) ...

Of the tools you need at least:

  1. scissors,
  2. glue (I have a Moment-wagon, you can replace it with a dense construction PVA applied in a thin layer).
  3. if possible and desired - a stapler,
  4. a set of stamps from the Provence Art Pattern (can be replaced with any stamps with curls or background stamps),
  5. ink pad,
  6. acrylic plate for stamps (can be replaced with glass from a photo frame by pasting the edges of the glass with a builder tape),
  7. a sewing machine (can be replaced with an imitation - a line can be laid by hand or drawn),
  8. creasing stick (or non-writing ballpoint pen, knitting needle with a blunt end),
  9. cutter (I have a cutter with a saber blade and an additional replaceable "dotted line" blade - it can be painlessly replaced with a clerical knife and a metal ruler).
  10. Xcut Large Dies knives for cutting birochets
  11. grommet (can be replaced with a regular stationery hole punch)

DIY checkbook

Preparatory stage

As a rule, I do everything in stages and in order to reduce the time for creation, I break the work into parts. In the case of a checkbook of desires, the preparatory work is printing and cutting out the wishes and decorative elements themselves (ready-made chipboards also look great). I cut designer cardboard as a base (the optimal number of sheets is 15 pieces of 10x16 cm) and scrap paper for the background (respectively - 15 sheets of 9x12 cm). With the help of the grommet, I make two holes for lacing (to be sure, three are possible) and with the help of a cutter I make perforations at a distance of 1.8 cm from the edge of the base. Immediately I paste the inscription “done”. At this stage, the preparatory stage can be considered complete.

Stage one - layout

I lay out all the sheets of the base and background and place the inscriptions of desires and decorative elements, including lace. I remove the entire decor and add stamps to the composition. Then I glue the entire decor to the background (do not touch the base yet), lay the machine line, fix the waxed cord with a stapler).

I bring the ends of the threads to the back of the background, fix them on the knots and iron them with a creasing stick. I do this so that the seam becomes flatter and does not stick out when glued to the base.

As a result, we get a stack of 15 sheets.

Stage two - cover creation

I use binding cardboard as a basis for the cover (it can be replaced with corrugated cardboard from packs). The basis calculation is as follows:

  1. height = height of the sheet with wishes + 1 cm.In our case, 10 + 1 = 11 cm
  2. width = width of the sheet with wishes, that is, 16cm.

We need to cut 2 sheets of 11x16 cm from the binding cardboard.

To create a spine, cut out a blank from watercolor paper (or whatman paper). The calculation of the parameters is done as follows:

  1. spine height = lid height, i.e. 11 cm.
  2. spine width = 3 cm + the height of our stack of leaves + 0.2 cm + 3 cm, in my case it is 3 + 3.2 + 0.2 + 3 = 9.4 cm.Thus, we cut out a spine with parameters 11x9.4 cm. Allowance of 0.2 cm is given for more reliable entry of our stack of leaves into the spine. An allowance of 3 cm is required for gluing the lids.

We curl a distance of 3.4 cm every 0.3 cm so that the spine opens and closes freely. The side with the crease remains face down, measure 0.5 cm from the part to be creased and glue the lids. So, the base for the cover is ready.

Stage three - pasting and decorating

I paste the resulting lid blank with double-sided tape. In this case, the side on which the spine scoring is not visible is subject to pasting. You can choose either designer cardboard or scrap paper as well as fabric for pasting the cover. In this book I use designer cardboard. Cut out the cover with 2.5-3 cm allowances on each side. Gradually I remove the tape and glue it to the designer cardboard: first from the left side of the lid, then glue the paper on the spine with a creasing stick, taking into account all the protrusions from the lid, then glue the right lid. Under the ruler, dots around the edges of the lid for easier and more accurate folding of the paper.

We make neat corners. There are many ways to make the corners neat and beautiful, for myself I chose this one. I fold the paper over to the wrong side - first along the long sides of the spine, then the short ones. Where the sides overlap, I put marks with a pencil, turn them over to the front side and cut off the angle obtained after the marks so that a small allowance remains (2-3mm depending on the thickness of the binding cardboard). I glue in the same order - first the long sides, then the short ones.

Cover decoration. The process is similar to the design of the wish sheet itself. I also decorate the back cover of the book. At the same time, take into account the fastening of the braid or elastic, if the book is tied, you can fix it either with a machine line or on brads.

Stage four - the design of the inner part of the book of desires

As a rule, I cut out the inner liner of the cover with one sheet. This time, based on paper consumption, I had to do it in two parts. I cut out the right blank 0.5 cm less on each side. The workpiece must extend to the right side by at least 3 cm. The right workpiece is equal in height to the left, we calculate the length of the cover: the length of the cover minus the margin from the edge of 0.5 cm (11cm-0.5cm) + 3cm + 3cm. Bend the paper to the width of the first 3 centimeters, glue the entire width of 3 + 3 cm. On the first 3 centimeters, we make holes in the appropriate place with a grommet. These 3 cm remain free for us, for the remaining 3 cm we glue the substrate to the cardboard base.

On the left we glue the instructions. To the part with holes, we fix the leaflets with wishes on a waxed cord. The book is ready. The master class "Do-it-yourself checkbook of desires" is over.

On the eve of the holiday, we are always racking our brains over what would be interesting to give to a loved one, to surprise him and to amuse our pride. After all, it is not always possible to satisfy some material desire of a man. We invite you to try do it yourself for a loved one a checkbook of desires that will bring a lot of fun and variety into your family life.

Someone might think that do it yourself for a husband a checkbook of desires tantamount to securing voluntary slavery. There is some truth in this, but whether you become a slave or a servant after such a gift or not, directly depends on the format in which you make a checkbook of desires and how you present it to your loved one.

We offer you to make a romantic version checkbook desires "Love is ", which can be given to her husband on any day, and not just on a holiday, to remind him of his feelings and thus show attention.

Checkbook desires: instructions for making

How to make a checkbook of desires with your own hands? First of all, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials for work:

  • Buy decorative paper and cardboard of different weights
  • Prepare as many photographs and pictures as possible (they can either be downloaded from the Internet or cut from magazines or newspapers)

If you can draw beautifully, then instead of photographs and other people's drawings, you can independently decorate the checkbook with paints, felt-tip pens or helium pens. But we want to emphasize that your loved one will not care at all whether professional drawings are made as a gift. He will appreciate the time and attention you have given in the process of making your checkbook.

Additionally, you need to purchase various decorative elements and stationery:

  • ribbons
  • fringe
  • buttons
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • double sided tape
  • hole puncher

Armed with everything you need, proceed to direct creative work - making a book with desires:

  1. Cut out the pages for the checkbook from cardboard (for the cover) and colored paper (for tear-off sheets). As a rule, their dimensions should be equal to the following parameters: 20 cm x 7 cm.
  2. We fold the resulting rectangular blanks, punch holes on the left side with a hole punch through which you need to pass a decorative ribbon in order to fasten together all the pages of the future checkbook of desires.
  3. We decorate the cover at our discretion. Since we are doing thematic DIY checkbook gift, then the cover should also have an appropriate look. It can be sheathed with fabric, pasted over with decorative stamps and other decorative elements.

  1. On the left side of the flyleaf we print or write in the instructions for using your gift. It should look like the image below (although you can get creative and create your own):

  1. On the right side of the flyleaf, we type or write down who owns the checkbook and who will fulfill the wishes written in it:

  1. Now on each page where desires will be written, you need to draw a tear line. This can be done with a regular pencil, or you can make dotted holes with a clerical knife. If you have a copy wheel at your disposal, it is best to use it.
  2. We design each page for one desire from all that you must come up with in advance. The page must contain:
  • A picture that matches the meaning of the desire that you wrote
  • The place where the date of the wish fulfillment will be marked

That's the whole technique for creating such an original gift. There is nothing complicated and supernatural, even a child can cope. By the way, on a holiday timed, for example, for the beginning of the school year, you can also present such a book. So that she does not spoil him, but, on the contrary, develop him, write down the corresponding desires there. You can also DIY a checkbook of wishes for your sister, mom, brother and best friend.

Checkbook desires: examples of desires

The most interesting part of making DIY checkbook - wish list... If you are making such a gift to your husband, then we suggest that you write down the following desires:

  • "Spending the evening with friends"
  • "Watching football and drinking beer this evening"
  • "I am forgiven!"
  • "I enjoy a gentle massage"
  • "I want a striptease or erotic belly dance"
  • "A romantic dinner that flows smoothly into the night"
  • "I want breakfast in bed"
  • "Going fishing with friends"
  • "I'm going to the bathhouse with friends"
  • "I spend the weekend as I want"
  • "My every whim is fulfilled"
  • "I want to hear only an affirmative answer to all requests."
  • "Repeat any wish already fulfilled"

Diy checkbook of desires: templates

Here are some other checkbook options that might inspire you to create your own masterpiece:

You, like no one else, know your husband better than anyone, his character, habits and hobbies. Therefore, come up with such desires that he would definitely like. Show imagination and creativity - your beloved man will be delighted.

Video: "Do-it-yourself checkbook of desires: master class"