What to do if a child has been harmed. Rite against spoilage with salt. Damage to children - a knife in the parent's heart

Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would like to focus on such a phenomenon as severe damage to a baby. Children are magically jinxed, quite often. If they want to bring damage to the death of a child, then they curse already in the mother's womb to make a miscarriage, or in the very first days of a baby's life, when he is especially vulnerable. The consequences of spoilage on children are always the most serious - frequent illnesses, congenital deformities, death. But, how to check if there is damage to the child?

What are the consequences of damage to children and how to check a baby for the evil eye

Before addressing the question of how to find out if there is damage to a child, I’ll start with the fact that a woman can be cursed while she is carrying a baby under her heart. Damage to a pregnant woman in magic is serious, they work hard and quickly, and the result is irreversible. If a pregnant girl has reason to believe that she could or could be spoiled, then witchcraft measures must be taken. At least not to be left without the magical protection of a pregnant woman.

In general, they can damage a pregnant girl for various reasons. To become the target of a sorcerer, it is not at all necessary to take someone else's husband away. Moreover, the negative, unwittingly, can be intercepted by accident. That's why you shouldn't cast spells (a magical mistake can be too costly) and why you shouldn't visit cemeteries. During pregnancy, you need to be very careful and attentive to mystical signs, situations, circumstances of life.

When a child is born, they can jinx it. And black damage can give a very quick result. To avoid the evil eyeon a baby In order for the child to be clear of all negativity, the mother must have strong personal protections. Well, if witchcraft protection will be of different levels. It is even better if you put up combat protections that reflect the negative, sending it back to the source.

But, even if you do not conjure, protecting your child is your sacred right and duty. To be safe, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend that you contact a good warlock magician to check the baby for damage and put up protection.

Find out spoilage on a child - how to reliably identify the presence of spoilage?

True, you can deal with the condition of your baby and determine whether there is damage to the baby, with some skills on your own. That is, wax castings, and the diagnosis of spoilage with the help of a fresh fertilized chicken egg. Tarot cards and Scandinavian Runes will help you diagnose induced negativity.

When diagnosing by similar methods, errors, i.e. it is possible to determine spoilage on a small child with a high degree of certainty. And, since we remember that a baby (a child under 7 years old) is energetically closely connected with his parents, especially with his mother, and can intercept someone else's negative, the whole family needs to be diagnosed for magical damage.

And protection from damage, and the evil eye, to do at all.

If the baby was jinxed, or severely damaged, the symptoms will let you know. But, if an unconscious or intentional evil eye leads to temporary inconvenience or easily eliminated diseases, then in the case of inducing magical damage, everything is much more complicated and dangerous. If black damage is not eliminated in time, or the curse is not removed from the child, the consequences can be very serious, up to the death of the baby.

The exact signs of spoilage on a newborn baby

If we are talking about a banal evil eye, then the symptoms of exposure can be:

  • The long and constant whims of the baby,
  • Crying for no reason
  • Unusual (not a cold, etc.) fever
  • Sudden cold-like illness
  • Constantly bad dream
  • Reluctance to be alone.

Such signs can also be with intentionally induced slight damage, when the negative is completely fresh. These signs will help you understand that damage is on your child. But, if the baby was conjured while still in the womb, and if the ritual was successful, such children are born with serious illnesses, mutations, physical and mental changes.

You can determine spoilage on a small child in the same ways that are used to diagnose children and adults. Revealing the presence of negativity, it. Postponing the cleansing of a person from the induced damage, for later, is impossible in any case. A strong, professionally made damage will never go away by itself. It will take root, and will work, causing serious damage to a small child. If demonic damage, for example, flies off relatively quickly (that's why magicians perform rituals in a complex way, or they make frequent repetitions, prolonging the work of hard damage), then the cemetery negative is a real heavyweight, especially for a fragile infant organism.

That's why it's so important to protect your newborn baby. This can be done on your own. There are very good witchcraft practices, self-protection of a small child from damage. But, more on that later. And now, I am the magician Sergey Artgrom, I will give an example of how a newborn baby can be cursed, bringing him to death.

A magical ritual to the ground from an infant grave - damage to the death of a child

If you make this cemetery damage to a newborn child, it will give a swift and powerful result. It falls heavily on an unbaptized baby, but this black damage to the death of a child also has a strong effect on a baptized one. If the baby is baptized, you need to order magpies in 7 churches. This must be done in one day. Well, and then to do damage on an infant grave.

What you need for an independent rite of directing damage to a small child:

  • milk
  • a pinch of grave earth
  • a piece of black natural matter

Milk should be poured on the baby’s grave in a thin stream, and at the same time, the text of the plot of cemetery damage to the baby should be read:

“Sleep, child, rest, your little darling is in peace, he took the death in a fierce hour, but he didn’t live in the will, but only the world saw a little, yes. Accept, child, remember, and share the earth with the dead goryushka with the newborn (name). How not to be among the living, child, so (name) should not be among the living. Grave land pulls you, crushes with cold. Taco and the baby (name) will crush, but mortal fate will rule him. Amen".

After reading the words of a conspiracy of powerful damage to the death of a child, they take a pinch of earth from the grave and wrap it in a black piece of cloth. Leave a memorial for the dead, light the overhang. The earth must go to the house where the newborn baby is located, whom they want to curse. You can quietly pour it somewhere in the house, you can sew it into a mattress, into overalls or a toy that you give to your baby.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

When making a lining, say the following words of a spell to approve damage to the baby:

“Dead land, go to the baby (name). As you are dead, so (name) will be dead. Crush him, landlady, kill him, destroy him, for that the ransom is paid, strengthened by collusion. Amen".

On that day, when you will pour the earth from the grave, inflict severe damage on children, so that the consequences are strong, do not take that newborn in your arms. You need to burn the black rag, and pour out the ashes at the crossroads. You don’t need to say anything, but 9 different white metal coins need to be thrown.
And here is another rite severe spoilage on a newborn baby signs which is very eloquent - a sudden illness, the torment of a newborn. And the result of such an impact, if you miss the time, and do nothing, do not remove the damage from the child - the death of the baby. But, it is also the death of the family, for a spell is cast on the next generations. The sorcery rite of Herod's Rekalnik is called, and his task is for the children to die.

Severe damage to the baby - Irodov Rekalnik

Here is a list of what should be prepared for a strong ritual of black magic:

  • baby thing
  • 4 stones
  • sharp knife
  • black cock

So, for the ceremony, you need a thing of the baby of your enemy's clan. Taking a thing, go to the forest, make a fire there. When the fire flares up well, in its middle, 4 stones are thrown on the coals.
Throw brushwood over the stones again. Let the fire burn, and the text of the conspiracy should be read on the flame, but not in order to protect your child from damage, but in order to spoil someone else's, and with it the whole family to lime:

“The blasphemy is strong, the filth is true, this prayer is cursed, the creature is inferno. Yes, it will be created with a key, then the infernal door will open, but my words will be picked up by the wind, but with these words the spirit of Herod is paid off. Yes, with these words, the spirit of Herod promises, but with a black cross it calls to the race (name), but it catches up with a salty tear, and throws itself over with heavy grief. Yes, the blood of a small spirit of Herod is accustomed. Either for everyone, then for each small coffin it will open, then it will be created by grave earth, then the family (name) will be dragged into the grave, but it won’t be pulled away by anyone, it won’t be washed off with water, it won’t be hidden by fire, it won’t be closed by the church, but it won’t report with prayers. Yes, the spirit of Herod is driven to death. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy, it is necessary to whip the black rooster, and throw the rooster carcass on the stones that lie in the flame. And throw a baby thing on the carcass. How everything starts to burn, how the stench goes, so you need to say words to consolidate the matter, and so that not every magician can determine whether there is damage to the baby:

“As this is devoured by fire, so (name) will die by the Herod spirit. Amen".

Having said this, you must leave without looking back. Such are the mortal infantile spoilage.

This is one example of how to destroy a baby, and through him the whole family of the enemy of lime. By the way, in the practice of black magic there are many influences of a similar plan. And now it's time to tackle the issue of removing damage from children. Here is a very, in my opinion, magician Sergei Artgrom, a good rite of rolling out spoilage with an egg.

How to independently and free of charge remove damage from a child

Running-in should be carried out with live eggs, from under a village domestic chicken. Eggs from the store that have been in the refrigerator are not suitable for magical work. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the evil eye and damage from the child on their own. In urban areas, markets can help out. Yes, if you wish, you can always find those who keep chickens. With them, and agree on the purchase of eggs. Fresh fertilized chicken eggs in witchcraft rituals are a necessary thing.

To me, the magician Sergey Artgrom, beginners sometimes ask strange questions. But once the question has been posed, it must be answered. So, sometimes they ask if it is possible remove damage from a child an easter egg? I answer: of course not. Easter eggs are boiled, and work should be done only with live eggs. So, to business. Take a fresh egg and start rolling it around the baby.

Running in is performed 40 times, starting from the top of the baby. In a circular motion in a spiral, move from top to bottom. In the process of running in, read the text of the conspiracy 40 times in order to cleanse the patient of any witchcraft induced negativity, remove the curse from the child, remove all sorts of damage, slander and evil eye:

“Come out, dryness, aches, all twelve shaking, black demon maidens. All lessons with ghosts, damage, writhing, relatives. I call out to you. Fall down, twist, fall into tartar, choke on marsh water. I’m not the river, but the yarilo commands, it will burn you with fire. As this flesh was born, but did not become chicken, so you will not be born and become, unstick from the baby (name). Cracker, fireman, dry, insane, davotny, fluffy, aching, dry and hidden, maddened, darling, relaxed, dissolute, mortal! I call all of you with names, I know all of you, I call out all of you from the baby (name), I send you to tartar. Not with a dead word, but with a living word, it will be said! Truly!"

And so 40 times. For one run-in, the plot should be read once. Then you will be able to independently remove damage from children, relieve incredible babies from the suffering. You need to do this at dawn. As done, then take the egg, and immediately go to the forest, and there, in the forest, find a dry stump. Bury an egg under it. Burying, read the words of the conspiracy like this:

“You, pnyuga, grew, but dried up. You, spoilage, were, but shrunken. Just as they chopped you, pnyuga, shortened your eyelids with an ax handle, so damage with writhing, but with demons in the ground will dry out and rot, they will not sprout a living tree. Truly."

As the egg was buried, stamp with your right foot in that place and say:

"My will be."

And then you have to leave. Then do not go to the place where you will bury the testicle. Don't look back, don't talk to anyone along the way. The meaning of this rule is not to take on the removed damage. If severe damage was removed, interference may occur on the way home. If someone bothers with conversations, and it will be impossible to get rid of it in any way, say this:

"Do you want to take it? Take it!

It doesn't matter what they think of you. Let them think what they want. In any case, do not intercept the damage to yourself removed from the child yourself.

Having removed the induced witchcraft negative, make sure that your beloved baby is protected. There are many children's amulets. Here is a good way to protect your child from spoilage. This is key protection.

Simple self-protection of a child from damage - a home amulet on the key

A protective amulet for a child can be put on an old key. Speak it like this:

“I lock all the ways, all roads, to the baby (name) with this key, so that neither day nor night, neither access nor half-access to it would be dark power, bad power, any other bad.”

This key can be put under the mattress in the cradle. Protective amulets are made before the baby suffers from witchcraft in order to avert trouble. Or right after the damage was removed. So, if you managed to recognize spoilage on a child, do a cleaning and put amulets that protect the baby.

An independent way to protect your child from damage

After you have managed to remove the damage from the child for free, having cleansed him of witchcraft negativity and consequences, try to make a water amulet yourself. In the morning or evening dawn, taking water containers with you, go to three rivers, or three springs. On the way, do not talk to anyone and do not look back. Draw water from each river, pouring it three times, and silently go home. At home, collect water from all three rivers in an earthen jar.

Speak, and wash the child three times to protect, to prevent spoilage on the baby:

“I will get up, without blessing, I will go, without crossing myself, from the hut not by the door, from the yard not by the gate, not into the open field, not under the bright moon, not under the frequent, crayons of the star, not in the morning dawn, not in the evening. I will go, (name) from lake to lake, from river to river, from key to key. In those lakes and in the rivers, and on the springs, the water is alive, flowing and scorching. With that water I pour and sprinkle, (name), stumps and decks, dry bumps and white stones. I wash and shoot

Self-protection of the child - a black amulet against damage

This children's amulet of black magic. A warlock can put such a powerful amulet on his child. You need to go around the baby’s bed with a black candle 9 times, and read a witch’s spell 9 times to protect your child from damage:

“I’m creating a black amulet, I’ll take everything dashing from (name), from all the pilgrimage elders and witches, and sorcerers, and people, (name) with the wing of Satan will hide his great prince. Yes, from now on, don’t be around, but don’t whisper (name), but don’t kill, but don’t strangle, don’t drown, but don’t deprive your mind, don’t get drunk, don’t lime, don’t surly. Do not mutilate neither by deed, nor by body, nor by bullet, nor by knife, nor by arrow, nor by spear, nor by word, nor by stake, nor by eye, nor by decree. Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!

I advise you to ask the Force before the ceremony, how this strong amulet will fall, and whether it will give the desired protection. In general, diagnostics are needed before any ritual, and before removing damage from children on their own, and before putting up protection, and in other cases.

Read the article to understand how to determine damage to yourself.

In the life of every person, there may come moments when work falls out of hand, various troubles pour in a hail, family relations worsen. Often we assume that this is just bad luck or that we are surrounded by unworthy people, but what could actually be the cause of such a series of troubles?

  • An ordinary person will not be able to give an explanation for the appearance of his constant troubles, but an experienced magician or psychic will assume or even claim that this is the result of damage.
  • Even a novice practitioner at home can bring a negative program to a person. It is enough for him to know a few rituals and conspiracies.
  • Every person who reads this information and suspects that he has damage or the evil eye will have a question: how to determine this or how to understand that you have damage?

It is possible to determine the presence of damage in a person using special ceremonies. But there are indirect signs that make it clear that there is an impact of a negative program.

How to understand that you or a person have been jinxed or damaged? Symptoms:

  • physical fatigue.
  • Annoyance from being in crowded and cultural places(museums, theatres, cinemas).
  • Creative breakdown- this applies to people of creative professions (lack of inspiration, muses).
  • restless sleep- constantly having nightmares, persecution, threats against oneself or loved ones.
  • Complete apathy, depression, loss of interest in life The person even has suicidal thoughts.
  • Deterioration of health- chronic diseases are aggravated, new ones appear and not one, but several at once.
  • Problems at work- Relations with colleagues and superiors are aggravated, or even the loss of a job.
  • Deterioration of the financial condition- loss of a large amount of money, theft, a sharp decrease in income.
  • The emergence of cravings for alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Of course, any of these signs can be attributed to banal fatigue or temporary bad luck. But, if troubles torment you for a long time, you should think about the fact that this is damage.

If you have been a victim of a negative program aimed at you, then you need to find out who had such an influence. This is no less important than eliminating the effects of the witchcraft rite. First of all, this is necessary in order to protect yourself from contact with a bad person.

How to find out who caused damage? Here are some ways:

1. The appearance of a sorcerer in a dream. You need to properly tune in to receive such information:

  • Get ready for bed, relax and don't think about anything.
  • No need to try to guess the image of the ill-wisher, this will lead you astray.
  • When you still managed to relax, say the special words quietly and slowly.

After saying these words, go to bed. At night, you will dream of the image of a sorcerer who has brought damage to you.

2. Help from the Higher Forces. It is important to correctly and correctly address the spirits. Thanks to this, the ill-wisher will betray himself or the Higher powers will point to him. Do the following:

  • In the evening, put a pot of water on the gas and boil the water.
  • Dip 7 rusty keys into this container with the words: Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. There will be no rest for the evil man, the devil will drive him out of the house. Amen.
  • The next morning, the exhausted ill-wisher will stand at the door to explain himself.

3. Rites with the use of magical accessories. Do the following:

  • Prepare a wax candle and a container of water.
  • Melt the wax and pour it into a container of water - gently.
  • At the same time, repeat the words: I pour wax into the water, I pour out the name of the enemy.

Then look what happened: drawn with wax moon or flowers- a woman caused damage, and if it turned out predatory animals, different geometric shapes- man. You can even consider letters - these are the initials of the enemy or numbers - when a negative ritual was performed.

4. Ritual using a sorcerer's energy sample. When he causes damage, he still leaves some kind of his material or trace on you. This can be used for searching. This method is usually used by experienced practitioners, since it is difficult for an ordinary person to see the energy material or biofield.

But do not be discouraged if you are not familiar with working with energy channels. After all, there are many other ways to determine damage that each person can use.

Our grandmothers used this method. So, if you suspect that you or your loved one has spoilage, how do you find out who did it on the egg?

1. Take a fertilized fresh egg(from the store will not work, only homemade - from the village) in your right hand and say:

Corruption: how to find out who did it on the egg? Words to be spoken

2. Then roll the egg over the man's body, start at the head and end with the legs.

3. After completing the ritual, break the egg in the saucer. If the yolk is whole, surrounded by protein, then there is no spoilage. If the contents of the egg are dark, blood particles are observed, and the yolk has spread, there is spoilage.

  • Bay leaf has long been used as an effective weapon against magical effects. If you hang his branch above the front door or in the kitchen, then it will save the house from evil people, troubles and diseases.
  • If you plant a whole tree near the house, then it will protect the whole family.
  • In general, bay leaves are used to get rid of negative energy. It is set on fire and fumigated in all corners of the apartment or house.
  • Light smoke will clear the room of clots of bad energy.

But, and if the sheet does not burn well or, conversely, smokes heavily, then you should think about the fact that there may be damage in the room.

The easiest way to determine damage in your home with the help of matches. You will need an uncut glass of water, 9 matches and boxes from them. How to check damage, is it matches? Do the following:

  • At dawn, take a glass (not faceted) of clean water and sit by the window. Place the glass on the windowsill.
  • Speak the question mentally about damage or evil eye and light the first match.
  • If the match is lit, forming a lot of smoke and soot, which means you have spoilage.
  • When the fire reaches the end of the match and starts to burn your fingers, throw it into a glass of water.
  • Repeat action with all matches from the box.
  • Then count up how many matches fell to the bottom of the glass: 0 - no damage, less than 4 or 4 - the evil eye, more than 5 matches - damage.

Important: Do not immediately get upset if there were more than 5 matches at the bottom. Previously, matches were made from a special type of wood, and the head was not sulfur-abrasive. Modern materials used in the manufacture of these products are completely different.

Advice: For a more accurate result, perform another ritual, for example, with an egg.

Almost always, sorcerers, making damage to death, use black magic. Therefore, the consequences and signs of exposure will be the most unpleasant.

If there is a suspicion that damage to death has been done, then how to find out for sure and what are the signs? It is worth noting the following:

  • Sleep problems. Signs of the influence of black magic are that a person suffers from insomnia constantly. He has nightmares and other negative dreams.
  • The appearance of diseases that are difficult to treat. The results of diagnostics and analyzes are always different, and the treatment is useless.
  • Strange behavior of domestic and stray animals(cats, dogs and other pets) - they run away, hiss or whine.
  • Changing the relationship of a loved one or relative. He tries to avoid contact with you.
  • Premonition of trouble. Anxiety and mental imbalance are constantly observed.
  • Lack of success and good luck for a long period of time. Any business you start will fail.
  • Man loses self-confidence. I do not like the reflection in the mirror, and the person feels as if the reflection is not his.
  • Financial problems and difficulties at work. Corruption attracts negative energy - colleagues and the boss do not like the way you work. In addition, there may be large financial losses, theft.
  • Loss of a pectoral cross or everything related to holy church objects becomes unpleasant to you. A corrupted person may even feel a burning sensation in the place where the cross comes into contact with his body.
  • Feeling bad odors, which cannot be explained.
  • Heaviness in the chest, cold in the abdomen - this is how negative energy manifests itself in the human body.
  • Depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of energy.

If any of these symptoms are observed, it is worth checking the threshold and entrance to the house. Any items that you find by chance (pins, needles, salt, sand, earth, etc.) could be used to induce damage.

If such damage is done, then it will be very difficult to find a soul mate, since a clot of negativity is sent to the sexual chakra.

1st way:

  • Do the ritual with an egg and a glass of water. Take a glass of water and place it over the head of the person who needs to be checked for spoilage. Let him hold the glass with his hands.
  • Take a fresh fertilized homemade egg and break it into a glass of water.
  • Hold the glass over your head for 3 minutes. Then remove and evaluate the result: the egg is not changed - everything is fine, the protein threads stretch upwards, the bubbles - the evil eye, black dots, scalded protein - spoilage.

2nd way:

  • Take a deck of tarot cards and mix them well.. Think about the possible negative, ask questions.
  • Draw 7 cards and put them on the table. If two cards "Mage" and "Moon" are caught in a row - damage.

If one of the cards "falls" upside down - this is a sure sign of a negative program, and you can not double-check in other ways.

A negative magical effect on a person’s financial condition is a common phenomenon. Damage to money can manifest itself in different ways. How to determine? Signs:

  • Constant large thefts of money and ridiculous losses of financial resources.
  • Difficulty finding a new job when you lose your old job.
  • Debt "holes" from which there is no way to get out.
  • Excessive squandering, if previously the tendency to this was not observed.
  • Business bankruptcy.
  • Apathy and lack of desire to do anything to improve life and financial condition.

Damage to money and poverty is usually done on banknotes that were lent. If you loaned money after sunset and on a church holiday, then this means that a not very good person took it from you.

Try not to lend in the evening from hand to hand - put, for example, on the table. Write down the banknote numbers. Also do not take a refund in your hands, and check the numbers. If they match the numbers of those bills that you lent, then they were damaged and returned to you.

The ritual for determining damage to infertility can be done independently. After its implementation, you will know for sure whether there is a negative impact or not. You can’t get pregnant for a long time and you think that you have damage to infertility? Several ways will help determine the presence or absence of bad external influences:

  • Take an engagement ring or other gold jewelry. Pass them on the cheek. If a white trace remains - there is no damage, red or black - there is a witchcraft influence.
  • Prepare a piece of rye bread and a vessel of water. Squeeze the bread in the palm of your hand and then lower it into the water. If the bread fell to the bottom - spoilage.
  • An egg broken into water will also help determine the presence of negativity in the body.. It was described above how to conduct such a ritual.

With the help of such damage, many rivals take revenge on more successful, in terms of male attention, women.

Damage to the family: how to determine - signs

The essence of the negative impact on the family is to make it bad for all family members. Therefore, the signs can be the most diverse and incredible. The first to suffer are usually children and the elderly - the most vulnerable members of the family. How to determine that damage has been done to the family? Signs:

  • Diseases of the older generation. Even if their health was not too good, but new or chronic diseases appeared, it is worth worrying.
  • Accidents. One by one, accidents begin to happen. Many of them can be fatal.
  • Quarreling. Disorders, feelings, discontent between family members. Instead of mutual support, accusations and constant quarrels appear.
  • financial wealth. Money flows like water.

These troubles can occur singly or in succession. The warmth from the family will disappear and experienced support will disappear. The following method will help determine damage to the family:

  • Go to church and buy as many large candles as there are members in your family.
  • Now you need to put them in turn for health, calling the name.
  • If most of the candles crackle and smoke, then there is a negative impact on the family.

With the help of damage to the family, many envious people take out their evil. They see someone else's happiness, but they themselves have nothing. Try not to let strangers into the house, especially women.

Damage to the house is one of the most common types of negative influences. Usually residents intuitively feel this, but often it is written off as a coincidence. So, how do you know if there is damage in the house?

  • Damage to the house will not be able to bring a person who has never been to visit you. Although this is possible, but then the negative is left near the threshold. People who cross it will get sick and suffer from all sorts of troubles.
  • To determine if a negative program is directed at the premises, buy incense and a candle in the church.
  • Put incense on a teaspoon and light it with a candle.
  • Now walk around the house in a counterclockwise direction, stopping for a few seconds at each corner.
  • Where the incense starts to crackle and smoke, it means that there is damage. It can be a needle stuck in furniture or bed or something else.

Orthodox Christians sprinkle their homes with holy water at Epiphany. This is considered the best protection for the house from the introduction of negativity from the outside.

This type of damage is done by sorcerers who want to influence the victim by direct contact. If spoilage is made for food, then it is easy to determine it. Such a negative program is similar to food poisoning, but is displayed in other more complex symptoms:

  • A sharp rise in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  • Excessive sweating and general weakness.
  • Medicines for poisoning do not help, and other drugs, for example, to reduce fever, give a short-term effect.

If spoilage is made for food, then the person begins to get fat sharply or, conversely, lose weight. He loses his appetite or becomes too excessive. In this case, weakness, apathy and depression are observed.

Generic corruption is otherwise called a generic curse. This type of negative program, made for the whole genus, can be determined by the following signs:

  • Negative events that repeat from generation to generation. For example, divorces after the birth of the first child or an accident at a certain age of family members.
  • Difficult childbirth, infertility in women or stillborn children.
  • Suicide that can be repeated. For example, a father, under the influence of negativity, committed suicide at the age of 30, then his son will most likely do the same.
  • hereditary diseases.
  • Mental illnesses characteristic of the whole genus.
  • Old maids and bachelors. Perhaps damage to love and celibacy has been induced. People can't meet their soul mate.
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts on the male or female line.
  • Financial difficulties for all relatives. At the same time, all relatives work hard, but do not receive enough money to have enough to live on.

Only a professional psychic can stop such a complex negative program as a birth curse.

Video: Signs of birth damage

Damage to celibacy: how to determine?

Previously, girls determined whether they would get married this year or not on the night of Ivan Kupala. They wove a wreath and threw it into the river. If he is afloat, then marriage is soon, and if he sinks, the girl will still be alone this year. This rite will help determine damage to celibacy. The ritual does not have to be performed on the Kupala night, it can be done on any day.

Weave a wreath of flowers on the river bank, thinking about relationships with the opposite sex. In this case, you need to weave 3 of your hair together with the flowers. While fantasizing about marriage and relationships, you need to sentence:

When the wreath is woven to the end, stand with your back to the water and throw it over your left shoulder into the water. If the wreath has floated away, then there is no damage. If he caught on, drowned or landed on the shore, then there is damage to celibacy.

Sometimes it happens that some drivers drive a car without excesses for many years. But suddenly, they begin to get into frequent accidents. Can they do damage to an accident? Answer: yes. Even novice practitioners can send such negativity. Therefore, the machine must be consecrated in the church, and then no influence will be terrible.

The fair sex loves to brag about their successes. Therefore, a woman is easily jinxed. Symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman:

A sure sign of damage in a woman is loneliness. She can't get married or get pregnant for a long time.

Men do not believe in the appearance of damage or other similar manifestations. But witches often send a negative program to a representative of the strong half of humanity. Signs of the evil eye and damage in men:

  • Failures and a dark streak in all areas of life.
  • Spoiled relationships with people around: relatives, friends, work colleagues, wife.
  • The appearance of suicidal thoughts.
  • Closure in itself, joylessness of life.
  • Unreasonable quarrels during a family feast.
  • Irritability, suspiciousness, intolerance towards a partner in life.

It is necessary to eliminate the negative impact immediately, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

Any loving mother will be able to determine immediately if her child has an evil eye or spoilage. This is evident in his behavior. How to find out if the child has damage? Symptoms:

  • Frequent colds with a rise in body temperature up to 39 degrees.
  • The child does not eat well or, conversely, eats without measure.
  • Irritability, tearfulness. Crying can go on for days.
  • Outbursts of anger. The child begins to break toys and tries to hit one of the adults.
  • Fear of darkness and loneliness before going to bed.
  • Permanent injury. Other children play in the yard without consequences, and a spoiled child often breaks limbs, bruises and bumps on his head.

Another proven way: you need to visit the church. If during the reading of prayers by the priest, the baby becomes restless and starts to cry, then he has damage.

A mother is sacred, and she cannot spoil her child. But often women do it unconsciously. Therefore, many girls and guys have a question: can a mother spoil loneliness?

If a mother becomes overprotective of her already adult child, then she may unintentionally close all avenues to her personal life. Not without reason, even in the Bible it is written for parents that they should let their children go when they grow up, just like birds let their grown chicks go.

Read prayers, go to church, confess and take communion, do not let strangers into the house, and then a negative program will not be launched in your house. Be wary of other people's gifts and food prepared by unknown people. This will help protect yourself from damage.

Video: Damage to money (monetary damage) and damage to housing - Marfa Vasilievna

What is the difference between damage from the evil eye?

The induced damage and evil eye of a child is a different phenomenon. It is necessary to distinguish one from the other before undertaking treatment. If you treat the evil eye, but in fact the child has an alien program - damage, then there will be no help from you. Just make things worse. Since a sorcerer who performs a black act is able to put up protection. And the one who starts to remove witchcraft will receive a powerful blow from otherworldly forces.

What is damage and the evil eye on a small child

The evil eye of a child manifests itself in the form of poor health. The temperature may rise, tearfulness, insomnia will appear. If you feel that your child has a slight malaise, and the sweat on his forehead is salty, then this is the evil eye.

Damage to a child is a sharp decline in health, a sense of inevitability, something otherworldly. A baby who has undergone such witchcraft is avoided by animals, it is not comfortable for adults to be with him. In this case, you should immediately contact the magician. But first you need to diagnose the baby. Maybe your worries are unfounded. And there is nothing dangerous.

How can you tell if a child has been harmed?

It can be difficult for us to discern the witchcraft program in ourselves, let alone a child. Many young mothers are killed by burning tears, trying to explain the poor health of the child, take up treatment - and all to no avail.

If a child has been spoiled, then no medication can relieve the symptoms, you need to seek help from a specialist. It can be difficult to determine the presence of spoilage on a child, but certain patterns are still observed. Pay special attention if the child does not sleep well, and clangs his teeth in a dream. At the same time, his eyes move counterclockwise, and one pupil is narrower than the other.

The child was spoiled if he is afraid to be left without you, as soon as you leave, he cries for no reason. If he is already a year old, but his teeth are still not cut and he does not eat well. The cross often disappears from his body and is lost. Mice, cockroaches, ants appear in the house for no reason at all. When reading prayers over the baby, he begins to yawn, then the child was spoiled.

How to protect your child from spoilage

Damage to a child is a serious magical program that affects his future fate. It makes your baby defenseless against any diseases, creates a threat to his life, normal development. If it is not dealt with, it can lead to disastrous results. Therefore, I recommend that any mother apply safety methods, create situations in advance in which damage to the child simply cannot manifest itself.

First of all, follow the photos of your child, do not distribute them to unfamiliar people and relatives who are negatively disposed towards your family.

After all, damage to a child from a photo is the most common phenomenon.

If the husband lives separately with you and he has another woman, if possible, do not give him the image of children. Since the other side can be set against you and the most terrible blow that it can make is to deprive the health of the person dearest to you, your blood.

Also avoid lifting foreign objects at your door, at intersections. Coins, needles tied with thread, various knots, as well as nests and eggs - never pick up. Damage to a child is very often slandered on various objects and thrown to the threshold of the house. Sweep the found things with a broom, or throw a stick to a safe distance from your home. And seek help from a professional only white magic. Compete on your own against the warlock, who made damage to the child - to his own detriment. And please do not engage in self-treatment, real damage will not be removed just like that. You just drive her inside, and that's where she will quietly burn the child. Even when he is sleeping or cheerful. If you have suspicions, make a diagnosis.

Damage done to a child is a more complex program than the evil eye.

You can't remove it at home on your own. It is recommended to contact a specialist for a diagnosis (to see under what circumstances the damage was done, who is the performer), and also to undergo the necessary treatment for damage to the child in order to restore the energy balance.

Watch the video on how to protect yourself from the evil eye with a pin


Young children are defenseless against negative energy and are often subject to evil eye and damage. Maternal love has tremendous power and influence on the child, and the mother's prayer can protect from any evil and even death. In the article, we will consider several old ways of how to remove the evil eye from a child, which his mother can successfully use.

The evil eye from the baby can be removed on any day of the month, you do not need to wait for the waning moon. Collect holy water in the church and buy a candle. Light a candle at home, read “Our Father” over the baby 9 times and cross him with holy water.

You need to do this this way: wet your fingers in water and touch the baby’s forehead, navel, then the left and right shoulder. Get a cross. Then read the conspiracy words three times:

An hour later, bathe the baby in an infusion of birch leaves, and pour the water from the bath onto the crossroads or under the birch roots. If there are no leaves, you can make a decoction of birch bark and bathe a child in it. A few leaves or a small piece of bark will suffice.

holy water

This method well cleanses the child's aura of negative energy, and can be done once a week for preventive purposes. Bring holy water from the church and pour it into a glass/crystal glass. Put on a clean nightgown and let your hair down.

The procedure for performing the ritual is as follows:

  1. Moisten the baby's forehead with some water and read "Our Father".
  2. Wet the back of your baby's hands while reciting Our Father.
  3. Moisten the back of the baby's feet while reciting a prayer.
  4. Wipe the baby's forehead with the hem of the shirt.
  5. Pour some water on the door frame.
  6. Burn the match, rub the ashes on the saucer and use your fingers to mark the child's forehead.

After that, remove the shirt and put it separately from things - you will need it for the next ritual. Put the baby to sleep, you do not need to erase the dot on the forehead.

When you wipe your forehead with the hem of your shirt, say:

Charcoal and egg

This method was used by our great-grandmothers. Removal of damage and the evil eye should be removed at any time if you feel something is wrong. Burn the match and drop the ember into a glass of clean water. Read over the water:

Wash the baby's face with water, saying:

Then boil a fresh chicken egg, cool and peel. Roll the testicle over the baby's solar plexus 11 times clockwise and 11 times counterclockwise. So you need to do three times, that is, roll the testicle 66 times in total.

When you ride, read "Our Father". Then the testicle must be buried somewhere under a tree. When you get home, wash your hands under the tap up to your elbows. Let the water wash away the remnants of negative energy. After that, it is advisable to light a church candle and just sit in front of it, looking at the flame. It also clears away negativity. The cinder can be thrown into the toilet.

Prayer from the evil eye and corruption

How to protect a child from the evil eye? To do this, you need to read a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker and a conspiracy over him when he sleeps. The icon of the Wonderworker should stand in the room, each time it is necessary to light a church candle.

Prayer to the Wonderworker before the conspiracy:

Let the candle burn out. Then collect the cinders and take them to the church, put them in a box for spent candles.

Remove the evil eye with bread, salt and matches

Young mothers do not always know what to do if the child is jinxed. You can apply the old way of healing a baby from negative energy, very simple and effective. Prepare the following items:

  • a piece of black bread;
  • Matchbox;
  • salt in the salt shaker;
  • church candle;
  • faceted glass with clean water.

Now do this. Light a candle and read the Lord's Prayer three times. Pinch off three lumps from a piece of bread, hold in a pinch and baptize water in a glass with them, saying:

Throw the bread into the glass. Take a pinch of salt and do the same as with bread. After that, sprinkle the child with water from a glass three times with the same words. Sprinkle his bed three times, and then spit three times over his left shoulder. Pour the water from the glass into the toilet.

Important! During the ritual, you can not talk to anyone and be distracted. Turn off your phone, TV and other communication devices. Ask your family not to disturb you. After the ceremony, wash your hands under the tap to the elbows, wash your face.

Ritual with matches and water

Baptize three times, speak three times. Throw the burnt part of the match into the water. There should be three such matches. Then a conspiracy is pronounced 9 times over the water:

After this, you need to sprinkle the child with water three times, saying:

On this water, you can cook porridge, cook compote for a child, add to a bath for bathing. After two or three sessions, the baby will feel better.

Waxing the evil eye and fright

How to understand that the child was jinxed? The kid becomes capricious or lethargic, refuses to eat, does not want to play with toys, gets tired quickly. The mother should be wary of such behavior. This can be confused with a cold, however, the baby's temperature does not rise. As soon as you notice something was wrong, perform the ceremony of removing the negative with wax.

You should have an ingot of pure wax in store - 70 gr is enough. If there is no wax, you can melt the church candles and pull out the wick. Melt the wax in a water bath and prepare a bowl of cold water where you can pour the wax. Have your child sit on a chair or lie down on a bed. If the baby is very small, you can cast over his clothes or photograph.

Read “Our Father” three times with a church candle and images and begin to cast the evil eye. Hold the bowl over the child's head, pour the wax and say:

When pronouncing the name of body parts in a conspiracy, bring a bowl to them. When the wax hardens in water, wrap it in paper and throw it in an outdoor trash can or bury it in the ground. Pour the water from the bowl into the toilet, wash your hands under the tap. After all, ventilate the room, sprinkle it with holy water or light a church candle - let it burn out to the end. There should be an icon of the Mother of God in the room.

Remove strong negativity from the child

If the child has a strong evil eye or damage, the following must be done. Light church candles in front of the images, pray to the Mother of God and Jesus. Cross the baby three times with a church candle and sprinkle it three times with holy water. After that, wipe the baby's face with the hem of the nightgown, saying:

Take off your shirt and burn it somewhere in the wasteland. Pour lighter fluid over so that it burns completely. Leave without looking back, be silent until the very threshold. Take a shower at home.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

What is the difference between damage from the evil eye?

The induced damage and evil eye of a child is a different phenomenon. It is necessary to distinguish one from the other before undertaking treatment. If you treat the evil eye, but in fact the child has an alien program - damage, then there will be no help from you. Just make things worse. Since a sorcerer who performs a black act is able to put up protection. And the one who starts to remove witchcraft will receive a powerful blow from otherworldly forces.

What is damage and the evil eye on a small child

The evil eye of a child manifests itself in the form of poor health. The temperature may rise, tearfulness, insomnia will appear. If you feel that your child has a slight malaise, and the sweat on his forehead is salty, then this is the evil eye.

Damage to a child is a sharp decline in health, a sense of inevitability, something otherworldly. A baby who has undergone such witchcraft is avoided by animals, it is not comfortable for adults to be with him. In this case, you should immediately contact the magician. But first you need to diagnose the baby. Maybe your worries are unfounded. And there is nothing dangerous.

How can you tell if a child has been harmed?

It can be difficult for us to discern the witchcraft program in ourselves, let alone a child. Many young mothers are killed by burning tears, trying to explain the poor health of the child, take up treatment - and all to no avail.

If a child has been spoiled, then no medication can relieve the symptoms, you need to seek help from a specialist. It can be difficult to determine the presence of spoilage on a child, but certain patterns are still observed. Pay special attention if the child does not sleep well, and chatters his teeth in a dream. At the same time, his eyes move counterclockwise, and one pupil is narrower than the other.

The child was spoiled if he is afraid to be left without you, as soon as you leave, he cries for no reason. If he is already a year old, but his teeth are still not cut and he does not eat well. The cross often disappears from his body and is lost. Mice, cockroaches, ants appear in the house for no reason at all. When reading prayers over the baby, he begins to yawn, then the child was spoiled.

How to protect your child from spoilage

Damage to a child is a serious magical program that affects his future fate. It makes your baby defenseless against any diseases, creates a threat to his life, normal development. If it is not dealt with, it can lead to disastrous results. Therefore, I recommend that any mother apply safety methods, create situations in advance in which damage to the child simply cannot manifest itself.

First of all, follow the photos of your child, do not distribute them to unfamiliar people and relatives who are negatively disposed towards your family.

After all, damage to a child from a photo is the most common phenomenon.

If the husband lives separately with you and he has another woman, if possible, do not give him the image of children. Since the other side can be set against you and the most terrible blow that it can make is to deprive the health of the person dearest to you, your blood.

Also avoid lifting foreign objects at your door, at intersections. Coins, needles tied with thread, various knots, as well as nests and eggs - never pick up. Damage to a child is very often slandered on various objects and thrown to the threshold of the house. Sweep the found things with a broom, or throw a stick to a safe distance from your home. And seek help from a professional only white magic. Compete on your own against the warlock, who made damage to the child - to his own detriment. And please do not engage in self-treatment, real damage will not be removed just like that. You just drive her inside, and that's where she will quietly burn the child. Even when he is sleeping or cheerful. If you have suspicions, make a diagnosis.

Damage done to a child is a more complex program than the evil eye.

You can't remove it at home on your own. It is recommended to contact a specialist for a diagnosis (to see under what circumstances the damage was done, who is the performer), and also to undergo the necessary treatment for damage to the child in order to restore the energy balance.

Watch the video on how to protect yourself from the evil eye with a pin