Effective conspiracies for the child to study well. How to pray to God for children to obey and study well at school

All children are different and it's hard to argue with that. Someone is growing an excellent student, and someone is very difficult to study. What do parents need to do to make sure their child does well in school?

First of all, you need to understand that all schoolchildren are conditionally divided into three groups:

    The first group includes children who enjoy learning. They do not need much work to memorize educational material. Everything comes easy. Schoolchildren belonging to the first group do not think about the need to do their homework. Most often, such children are lazy, but they learn to be A's.

    The second group includes children who systematically memorize the material, because without this condition they will not study well. Such children try to make every effort for a good study, and every, even insignificant, defeat is very painful. In diaries, fives are usually present along with fours.

    The third group includes children who do not have a craving for new knowledge. Most of these students do poorly, but there are also good students.

It doesn't matter which of the three groups your child belongs to. It is important for any student to know the opinion of others. There are children who do not care what grade they receive in the lesson, but such units. Every child wants to be better than others and tries to do so.

What can you do to make your child a good student?

The main reason for poor performance in school is lack of concentration. You have probably noticed more than once that a child who attends circles and goes to extracurricular activities manages to do much more. And the same schoolboy who has a lot of free time does not have time for anything. Why is that? There is only one reason - lack of assembly. After the end of the lessons, the child goes home with the knowledge that he has a lot of free time ahead and, of course, he will be in time. Accordingly, the day is wasted and the lessons are done late in the evening or in the morning. Good studies don't like being lazy. In order to keep up with everything, you need to plan your day.

There are several rules for promoting good school performance:

1. It is necessary to forget about laziness, at least for the school week. If you so want to be half-hearted, then it is better to do it on the weekend. Or let the child be lazy after having done his homework, doing homework for 1 hour, being lazy for 1 hour, then small help around the house and you can take a walk with friends in the yard.

2. Planning the day. Children find it easier to live on a schedule when it is clear what follows. However, the day must be planned so that there are several hours left for rest, communication with friends.

3. Completing the lessons. The material covered must be repeated. The topic of the lesson must be clear, otherwise the knowledge gained cannot be applied in practice. The rules must not only be read or learned, but understood. It happens that the next school day is not asked anything, but this still does not allow you to mess around. It will take half an hour to repeat the training material, but the new one will be much easier.

4. Homework should be done in order, from difficult to simple. A fresh head is easier to cope with difficult tasks.

5. Visiting the circle. Let the child choose what he wants to do. This can be chess, martial arts, dancing, modeling, painting, etc. It is extremely important to devote time to your hobby, to develop yourself. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, forcing him to do what you think is right or forbidding him to go where the child wants.

6. Do not sit still. Exercise is an ideal learning aid. At recess or at home, when doing homework, you need to take time for physical activity. These can be simple exercises like squats or breathing exercises.

7. Look for alternative methods of presenting the material. Look on the Internet for video tutorials on your topic, you can look for a tutor on Skype, who will quickly and clearly explain the material and interest the child.

You need to look for an approach, motivation, alternatives, and then the child will be more interested in learning.

Education is one of the trump cards to find a good, high-paying job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one but. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares for exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understand this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do more so that their children do better and achieve more. The assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer, which can be read to improve the mind, before passing the exam at school, or for successfully passing the exam at the university. A conspiracy or prayer will help the child to learn better and easier.

Study conspiracies

To understand how conspiracies and prayers for study work, why before going to a university or school, before passing exams, for better work of the mind, you can use such methods, consider why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is absorbed more easily and faster;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent to relax and get emotional relaxation;
  • academic victories provide an opportunity for the child to feel their own capabilities.

It should be borne in mind that your child will always feel when you are taking care of him and worried. Reading a conspiracy and a prayer so that he studies better, he will receive your concern at the level of intuition, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for university admission

Strenuous work before passing university exams drains the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue, which will facilitate the preparation process.

If you ask for a child, choose the words for yourself, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he ask the Lord, the Saints and Heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God, hear your request and his mercy condescended to support the preparation for exams, for further studies and stay at the university. So that before entering, everything useful and salutary will fill the soul, come to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior would help in learning, so that prayer for His mercy before the test would be salutary and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes in time, and the servant of God would feel all the care of angels and saints, so that all efforts will be rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before the exam for a good grade

You can pray to the Guardian Angel before the exam:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, come down to me, the servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the powers of heaven do not leave me and give me reason and mind. So that the understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair, so that the coming exam will pass successfully. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray you for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will cleanse the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me in front of him, because I trust in your indulgence, so that my mind will be enough and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that justice and his strength would support me, that his mercy would fill and save me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous Woman of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray you for help so that I pass my exam successfully, so that I can enlighten and send me mind. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me, and His grace will help me. Amen.

Conspiracy for a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual turns out to be a spellbound button.
  • Take a new button or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from the clothes that the student / student wears daily.
  • Light a white candle. You should be alone in the room, and so that no one bothers you.
  • Gently heat the button over the candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the conspiracy. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), may it touch his teacher. As the all-consuming fire sanctified her, as the living water cooled her, so for the servant of God, the teacher (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the answer is the right one, so that the teacher does not find something to cling to. There will be no unnecessary and unnecessary questions for him. Let as you are near, it will be easy for him to go through. Everything will be successful for him, even if it is easily tolerated.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child will wear most often. You will notice the result.

Mental Enhancement Prayer

Such a prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They were teaching assistants and rewarded for their efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and Guardian Angel hear the chant to them. May they bless the servant of God and reward for his / her efforts. May the gifts of the church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary descend by the holy spirit of heaven. For His mysteries to be fulfilled. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present holiness and the power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Thy saints. May your mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend on the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good school performance

School is one of the most important periods in a person's life. At this time, many personality traits are formed, self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill a sense of self-esteem, strength of character and performance of the child. And to get this, in many ways, successful study can. After all, when a child knows that his work is yielding results, he feels his significance and is in a good mood.

The Mother of God should pray for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God for all the grace sent and given by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help in giving mind and admonition to him. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him in his way. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Pray for Thy son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to master the mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can master himself in front of the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and Your mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and sing praises to all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read study conspiracies

  • Meditation - in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. Most of it he does not need, will not be useful anywhere and will not affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just rubbish in his head. To cleanse it, improve memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You will receive nothing in return if you don’t give anything to the world and the universe. You can't stop studying before an exam or other important event in your studies, and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don’t work, you don’t get anything. Even a grain of knowledge gained earlier will definitely come in handy, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies about things that will be with you or your child most often. The conspiracy for successful passing the exam is best read three days before the event.

The mechanism of action of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical interference

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest king Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon was an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. As it is possible to see all the stars from a height, in heaven or on earth, so let him know everything. He does not shy away from knowledge, he tries with all his might, let him redeem himself in admiration for his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can affect such an important part of a person's life as studying. But here, in fact, there is nothing super heavy. If you study well and diligently, do not be lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the requested success. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

Complete collection and description: strong prayer that children learn well for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer for a child to study well, addressed to Sergei Radonezhsky, very well contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. In his youth, Radonezh, this great enlightener of the Russian land, was also difficult to learn. Parents gave young Bartholomew (the name of Radonezh in the world), together with two older brothers, to learn to read and write. Studying was easy for the brothers, but Bartholomew lagged significantly behind, which aroused the anger of the teachers and the upset of the parents. The boy himself sincerely wished to learn the sciences, he prayed about it with tears, but his studies did not advance. Once, at the behest of his father, he went into the field to hiccup the horses that had run away and met a schema-monk who was praying fervently and for a long time for something. Noticing the attention of the youth, the elder asked what he wanted, and Bartholomew said that he wanted to succeed in his studies. Then the elder, at the command of the Lord, told the boy that from now on he would not have any difficulties with education. And so it happened - Sergei Radonezhsky not only mastered science himself and succeeded in knowing God's intentions, but led many others to an understanding of the Orthodox faith. Prayer that the child learns well to Sergei Radonezhsky greatly facilitates the process of understanding and memorizing the material taught for the child.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God so that the child studies well at the institute

At the icon of the Mother of God "Adding Mind", a prayer for the child to study well at the institute, not only increases school performance, but also helps the child to use the knowledge gained for the good. Also, prayer helps to establish mutual understanding in the family between parents and children.

The text of the prayer for the children to study well Saint Sergei of Radonezh

O venerable and God-bearing our Father Sergei! Look at us with mercy, and lift those who are committed to the earth to the height of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Sovereign God through your prayers. Seek your intercession for the gift of understanding science and all of us with prayers ascending (with the help of your prayers) prayers, on the day of the Last Judgment, grant the shuia part of the deliverance, the right-hand countries are fellow-travelers and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: Come, blessing of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from addition of the world. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strong prayer for children to study well

How does one pray to God for children to obey and do well in school?

Prayer Before Teaching

O Lord our God and our Creator, in His image of us, people, who adorned, Thy chosen ones, taught Thy Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, to Solomon and to all who seek it, open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants (names) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully cognize the useful teaching taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the intrigues of the enemy, preserve them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life - may they be strong in mind and fulfillment of Thy commandments, and so taught, glorify Thy Holy Name and be heirs of Thy Kingdom - for Thou, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever, and forever and ever, befits by mercy and blessings by strength. Amen.

Prayer Before Teaching

Good Lord, send us down.

All parents understand the important role education plays in life. Unfortunately, not all children have a natural perseverance and thirst for knowledge. For many, being in school is akin to being punished. And if in elementary grades children are still afraid to openly rebel against teachers and parents, then having matured a little, literally in a year or two, the child becomes uncontrollable. He does not respond to criticism from teachers or to exhortations from parents. In order not to lead to such a dangerous moment, you need to read an Orthodox prayer so that the child learns well.

Strong prayer for the child to do well at school

Prayer for a child to study well, addressed to Sergei Radonezhsky, very well contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. In his youth, Radonezh, this great enlightener of the Russian land, was also difficult to learn. Parents gave young Bartholomew (the name of Radonezh in the world), together with two older brothers, to learn to read and write. Studying was easy for the brothers, but Bartholomew.

1. "People have completely different eyes from affection."

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

2. “Don't push your kids. What you want to tell them, speak prayerfully. Children cannot hear with their ears. It is only when Divine grace comes and enlightens them that they hear what we want to say to them. When you want to say something to your children, tell it to the Mother of God, and She will arrange everything. This prayer of yours will be like a spiritual caress that will embrace and attract children. Sometimes we caress them, but they resist, while they never resist spiritual caress. "

3. "Talk to God more about your children than to children about God."

“The soul of a young person longs for freedom, so he hardly accepts a variety of advice. Instead of constantly giving him advice and blaming him for any little thing, put it on Christ, the Mother of God and the saints and ask Them to reason with him. "

“Treat children like foals, tightening and loosening.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God "Murom" ("Ryazan")

The icon is famous for its wonderful help in studies. Prayers are read only to the icons consecrated in the church. You can buy an icon of the Virgin Mary, consisting of many icons, in the church. See here.

“O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Higher Powers, Heaven and earth to the Queen, our city and country, Omnipotent Intercessor! Hear us praying to You, ask God, Your Son, to feed us with jealousy and vigilance for souls, the ruler of wisdom and strength, to judges - truth and impartiality, mentor - reason and humility, a spouse - love and harmony, a child - obedience; offended - patience, offending - fear of God, grieving - complacency, rejoicing - temperance. We all received the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and righteousness. She, Mistress Pre, is clean! Have mercy on your weak people: scattered from take, guide the wrongs on the right path, heal the ailing, support old age, young, bewildered.

All children have different learning abilities - someone can easily memorize the material, one has only to read it once, someone needs cramming. Everyone at school has their favorite lessons, where time flies by interestingly and imperceptibly, and there are hateful subjects, in which, in general, nothing is clear. Such incomprehensible objects become sources of bad grades, which is natural. How can you know a subject well if you cannot understand it? This usually happens if the child missed the beginning of the material, or, elementarily, listened to it. Catching up is never easy. We must not scold for poor grades, but help the child to understand the incomprehensible material. Overcoming difficulties with joint efforts, go to the temple and thank God for help and ask for a miraculous prayer for stability in order to study well in the future.

Miraculous prayer at the Quick-To-Heaven icon so that the child learns well

They help to cope well with the difficulties of teaching prayer at the icon of the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How the constellations of the heavenly sky do not leave their place

without the knowledge of the Almighty, so is the mind of the servant of God (name)

will not leave common sense and may the strength of his mind be replenished.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and.

Prayers and conspiracies to school to study well!

It is strange that few parents and grandparents use prayers and conspiracies to school for their children and grandchildren. So that they study well and the knowledge taught at school is assimilated without much difficulty. It would be better for parents or grandmothers to read prayers and conspiracies for children. Prayers to study well and conspiracies (whispers) to school from parents will help your children to protect themselves throughout their studies.

Who if not a parent will pray for their child, who, like a grandmother, will read a conspiracy for good studies to their grandson !?

First of all, any parent should understand that it would be better for the child to know the prayer “Our Father” by heart. It's not difficult to read a prayer in front of school. Let him get used to it, explain to the child that you need to read the prayer “Our Father”, as if greeting God and asking him before school.

Mother's words are sacred. The mother's prayer for children pulls the manifestation and quick reaction of the higher Powers. She is able to protect the child from the troubles and dangers of life, luring happiness for the child, as well as the blessing of God.

Rarely is a mother capable of wishing harm to her own child. Especially often mothers of newborn children pray often. Earlier, the mother's prayer was said due to the increased mortality of infants. Every mother, fearing to lose her blood, seeks to simultaneously raise the petition for the health of the child and praise the Lord for his birth, hoping for divine blessing.

Orthodox Christians showed sincere faith in the power of the Lord, asking for the forgiveness of the Lord, asking for God's help in worldly affairs.

Today, believing mothers also strive to trust in the will of God, both Orthodox and those professing other world religions. Mortality (Praise the Lord) has become less frequent, but diseases continue to attack babies. To get some.

So that the children obey you, read this prayer in the morning and in the evening at least once a week.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, unworthy of a slave (name). Lord, in Thy merciful power my children, Thy servants (names). Have mercy and save them, for Thy name's sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by them before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten their minds with the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless them at home, at school, on the road, and in every place of Your dominion.

Lord, save them under the roof of Thy saints from a flying bullet, poison, fire, from a deadly ulcer and vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from any disease, cleanse them from all defilement and ease their mental suffering. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health.

The most powerful prayer is the one that comes from the depths of the heart, the one that is backed up by the strongest power of love and an unselfish, sincere desire to help another.

A mother's prayer can serve as a standard for such a prayer.

Parents love their children not for merits and deeds, they love them simply for what they are. Parents wish their children only the best, the good, and wish it disinterestedly, from the depths of their souls. When a child is sick, the mother is also sick, but she is sick more - she is sick with all her soul. At such moments, mother sincerely, with tears in her eyes, turns to the Vyshny with a prayer, in the hope of a quick healing of her blood. It is at such moments that all the power of prayer, its power and goodness, is “revealed”. It is at such moments that miracles take place.

And believe me - these are not just beautiful words and strong epithets, this is a real truth, which I have repeatedly felt both on myself and on my children. If they ask me: "Oleg, what are your earliest memories in your life?" - I will answer.

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Parents' prayers for children

Parents' prayer for their children is very powerful. There are cases when, through the prayers of the mother, a terminally ill child recovered, and the child, who was far from the parental home, at a certain moment felt an invisible protection that protected him in dangerous life situations. Pray for your children, and they will always be under the protection of the Lord.

Daily prayer for children

Lord Jesus Christ, wake Thy mercy on my children (names), preserve them under Thy roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity.

Mother's prayer works miracles. Do not neglect this means to protect your children from harm and disease. We offer several of the most powerful mothers' prayers for children, which will surely help you in a difficult moment. Read them with faith and everything will be fine!

Prayer sigh of the mother for her Prayer. children about the health of the child. Prayer for the welfare of God.

children! To the Creator of all creatures, applying mercy to mercy, You have made me worthy to be a mother of a family; Thy goodness bestowed upon me I dare, and I say children: they are Thy children! because Because You gave them being, revived them with your soul, revived them with their immortal baptism for life in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the depths of the Church, Lord, Yours! Preserve them in a graceful state until the end, grant them; consecrate their lives to be partakers of Thy Sacraments; Your covenant is true; let it be sanctified in them and in them through your holy name! Send down Your gracious help to me in their education for the name of Your glory and.

What mother does not dream of an excellent child who brings only good grades and admirable responses from teachers from school. Unfortunately, not everyone's dreams come true and not every child is happy and easy to learn.

Many women complain that their son or daughter has no desire to study, and as a result, poor grades and unwillingness to study at home.

In such a situation, magical intervention would be appropriate. Making a conspiracy for good studies will not be difficult, but the results can please not only teachers and parents, but also the child himself.

Types of rituals and performance

Study conspiracies are of several types:

prayers for good studies.

Such rituals are done so that the child becomes interested in the school curriculum and becomes more attentive in the classroom and begins to devote more time to homework. rituals for good luck.

Such magic helps to successfully pass exams and get high.

Also ask

Peace be upon you is not funded by any organization, foundation, church or mission.

There is personal funds and voluntary donations.

Prayers for the child to study well and with pleasure

Learning as a whole means not only getting grades in school, but also acquiring certain skills and knowledge. In addition, learning as a whole is the exploration of the world as a whole. In the early years, every child learns; for the inhabitants of the metropolis, the most characteristic option is to go to school.

If you want to help your own child with their studies, you can use the following options for prayers and conspiracies that are offered below.

What saints help with your studies?

There are a number of saints who can help with your studies. For example, are considered miraculous images of the Most Holy Theotokos:

In front of these icons of the Mother of God, they pray in order to gain positive results in educational activities and so that the child gains an interest in learning and becomes more active.

These images are copies from the sculpture of Our Lady of Loret and have miraculous properties.... They appeared in Russia in the 16th century and many people witnessed the positive effect of praying before them. There is also a considerable amount of modern evidence of the miraculous power of these icons.

Another characteristic example is the appeal to Saints Cyril and Mythodius, who are the creators of the alphabet and, in fact, the language thanks to which you can read this text. Therefore, these saints are directly related to study and can give a certain blessing.

There are many other saints in front of the images who are prayed so that the child learns better, in particular:

Each of these saints has special qualities. For example, Ksenia Peterburgskaya, among other things, is considered an assistant to all students... She has her own church on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg, where a huge number of students come before the session in order to “pass on a note”: they write on a piece of paper what they have planned (most often good grades at the session) and push the piece of paper into the church wall.

As many students report, such an appeal really helps and the session ends in a positive way. Some additionally pray in front of the image or take the icon with them to the exam.

How to pray?

In order to pray that your child will do well, you should visit the temple and light a candle to the chosen saint or saints. After that, you may well pray in your own words, sincerely tell your problem or request, ask that the children study well.

In addition, if you have icons of the necessary saints in the house, then you can pray without going to the temple. The best option is when you have an altar. At the very least, it is helpful to use church candles when you are saying your prayer.

If you cannot formulate your own thought in the way you see fit, use the canonical formulas - prayers. The following are options for several sacred texts.

What prayers to read?

To the lord god

First, a couple of prayers to the Lord, which you can read in church, for example, in front of the icon of the Savior. And also this prayer is read before the start of study.

Good Lord, send down to us the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, giving and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively to the teachings taught to us, we grow to Thee, our Creator, for glory, but to our parents for consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for teaching (or for an exam), send your saint help, until I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful to me. Amen.

And this one after graduation:

“We thank You, the Creator, for you have vouchsafed us Your grace in paying attention to the teaching. Bless our leaders, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching. "

The virgin

Now the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is best read in front of the previously marked icons of the Virgin. If you do not have the icon at home or cannot visit the temple, use the computer screen, where you can install the desired icon.

O Holy Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us, who have sinned grossly and have not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and the vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of mind tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind is bogged down by the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness about God has darkened our souls, and now the heart of every kind of sorrow, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, revenge, gloating and other sins are being pressed. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, so beg Thy Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Comforter Spirit, as He sent Him to the apostles, and those comforted and enlightened by him, let us sing a song of thanksgiving to You. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added intelligence to our salvation. Amen.

Nikolay Ugodnik

Here is a universal prayer to Nikolai the Ugodnik, which helps in studies as well.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad one in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help the accursed one, pray the Lord God, all creatures of the Sourer, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever. Amen.

These are the most powerful prayers. For the rest of the saints listed earlier, you can find prayers in the prayer book.

If you want to try any additional methods, you can use conspiracies to improve your studies. The following conspiracies can only be read by parents or close relatives.... This way you can help your child learn better.

For a good study

You will need to purchase three red candles on which the child's full name is written... After that, you make a spiral and carefully twist the candles, which should be lit, so that they immediately light up and burn as evenly as possible. Candles are installed where the child is studying, most often on the table and when they are lit three times it is pronounced:

“Burn, flame, ignite! Flutter from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

After that, just wait for the candles to burn out. Hide the remaining cinders in the room in the child's objects, but in such a way that your child does not find these ritual objects. This ritual is performed every six months and can help schoolchildren and students.

With church candles

This option is used in the presence of a child, but if the child does not like participation in such a ritual, then you can easily use other options that are taken on photographs or objects. So in You sit the student at attention on a chair and take three lighted church candles... Next, read (by heart) the following conspiracy three times:

“Thoughts are fast, things are fast, memory is strong! Wisdom and cunning mingle in water, Get together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, amazes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

After that, illuminate the child with the sign of the cross. Then cross yourself.


Used as a kind of mother's parting words, which you need to say when you accompany your child to school and he crosses the threshold at home. If you take to school, you can read after the child says goodbye to you and crosses the threshold of the school.

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, prevent troubles. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, you are no kin to me. Amen."

Such text should be memorized and used every day. Over time, this positive message will become a habit. Additionally, you represent (as you read) your child who is doing well at school.

For concentration

Sometimes children in general have a normal attitude towards learning and can study well, but concentrate poorly. In order for the child to study better and pass various tests well, this conspiracy will help... To fulfill it, several conditions will be required: firstly, the conspiracy is read on Thursdays, and secondly, only in the evening after moonrise.

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descending in the form of tongues of fire, and opening their mouth, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Thy Holy Spirit on this youth (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Thy most pure hand has written on the tablets for the lawgiver Moses, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

After that, you need to cross yourself.

To add mind

As a rule, this conspiracy is read by a close male relative., but it is quite possible for women to do it, although in this version the conspiracy is considered slightly less powerful, but still effective. One way or another, a lit church candle is taken in the left hand, and the right one is placed on the child's head or (if the child does not like to participate in such rituals) on the pillow on which the child sleeps. After that it reads:

“O Lord our God and our Creator, in His image we, people, having adorned, Thy chosen ones, taught Thy Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, to Solomon and to all who seek it, open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants (names disciples), in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful teaching taught by Him for the glory of Thy Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the intrigues of the enemy, preserve them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life - may they be strong in mind and fulfillment of Thy commandments, and so taught, glorify Thy Holy Name and be heirs of Thy Kingdom - for Thou, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever, and forever and ever, befits by mercy and blessings by strength. Amen."

All children have different learning abilities - someone can easily memorize the material, one has only to read it once, someone needs cramming. Everyone at school has their favorite lessons, where time flies by interestingly and imperceptibly, and there are hateful subjects, in which, in general, nothing is clear. Such incomprehensible objects become sources of bad grades, which is natural. How can you know a subject well if you cannot understand it? This usually happens if the child missed the beginning of the material, or, elementarily, listened to it. Catching up is never easy. One should not scold for bad grades, but sort out the incomprehensible material. Overcoming difficulties with joint efforts, go to the temple and thank God for help and ask for a miraculous prayer for stability in order to study well in the future.

Miraculous prayer at the Quick-To-Heaven icon so that the child learns well

They are good at helping to cope with the difficulties of teaching prayer from the icon of the Mother of God the Quick-Hearing One. Schoolchildren or students, before the start of the session, either just go to church, light candles and pray to ask for a good study, or, if material resources permit, order a prayer service for a good cause before the start of the exam session. If the situation is completely bad and you can only hope for a miracle, pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. With a panic fear of exams and tests, you must ask the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel to protect you. After passing all the tests, exams, tests, do not forget to thank God by ordering a thanksgiving prayer service.

Orthodox prayer to Sergius of Radonezh to study well

Prayer for the child to study well at school to St. Sergius of Radonezh helps to overcome difficulties for those whose studies are difficult. As a child, Bartholomew, this worldly name of Sergius, was sent to learn to read and write with his brothers. The brothers easily comprehended science, but Bartholomew was far behind in training. The teachers scolded him, his parents were upset, but he himself, with a Christian prayer, asked God to study well. The Lord heard the boy and sent an angel to earth in the form of a monk to give him the abilities that Bartholomew prayed for. For many years St. Sergius of Radonezh has been the patron saint of all students. The Russian students are patronized by the Great Martyr Tatiana.

Strong Prayer Text to Study Well

O venerable and God-bearing our Father Sergei! Look at us with mercy, and lift those who are committed to the earth to the height of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Sovereign God through your prayers. Seek your intercession for the gift of understanding science and all of us with prayers ascending (with the help of your prayers) prayers, on the day of the Last Judgment, grant the shuia part of the deliverance, the right-hand countries are fellow-travelers and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: Come, blessing of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from addition of the world. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this article:

Your child is not always ready or may do as well as you want. But, your desire is not the main thing. Much more important is his future. Help your child learn well with a simple conspiracy. He will help a pupil or student. As long as the person is learning, your plot will work. Only parents can do them, because only they have a special energetic connection with their son or daughter. Learning well is easier than learning poorly. Show this to your child, and he will certainly thank you later for your support and efforts.

Children can be difficult too

Parents often scold their children for the fact that they do not study well. Everyone went through this. It can be hard to please parents, and it can be even harder to study well. What to do? Parents must face this issue seriously. Perhaps your child does not want to study because some subjects are not clear to him. It often happens at school. Our education system offers all children the same workload, and this is not entirely correct.

If your child is a pure humanities student, is going to enter the history, literature, art faculty, but why does he need deep knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry? It would be better to facilitate the programs according to the inclinations of the child, especially in the last years of school. Focus on the subjects that the university requires.

So the incentive to study well disappears, because he thinks:

  • these items will never be useful, why try;
  • very complex knowledge, formulas that you don't want to waste time on;
  • the subject is not interesting;
  • he himself is not good enough, you say, especially if parents react too violently to bad grades.

Here parents need to determine how to help their son or daughter, to make him learn with pleasure. There are good conspiracies, proven over the years. They will open up great opportunities for your child to learn:

  • easier to concentrate;
  • there is a keen interest in the subject being studied;
  • a conspiracy helps to concentrate and not be distracted;
  • there is a desire to learn, to learn new things.

You will not recognize your child after the ritual. Many people change their lives, focus on areas of interest, and then make great careers.

These conspiracies can only be pronounced by parents.

Such conspiracies are only suitable for parents to pronounce them. The student himself should not perform such rituals. To have a result, only the closest relative: mom, dad, grandmother or grandfather can read the conspiracy.

The fact is that parents are endowed with a special energy that they can use to help their children. This is the same unconditional love. She works wonders, is able to help your child, direct him to the true path. Those parents who are sympathetic to problems are always happy to help in any way. And those who only scold for mistakes lose touch with the child. Conspiracies will not harm, but only help. They will not make your child an excellent student, but they will help you to pull up your "tails" quickly.

The most powerful rituals to help you learn

Some of them are held in the presence of a child, while others are based on a photo or personal item. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual, interferes with you in every possible way. Parents should try to help in any way. All rituals are simple, but conditions must be observed. If it is said that you need to use a photo, but it is necessary. Do not be afraid, do not harm the child, but only help him.

Conspiracy for good studies

Made for candles. You will need 3 red candles. They are sold in esoteric stores and are cheap. On each candle, you need to write the full name of the child. The candles are twisted into a spiral, lit three at once so that they burn together.

You can buy candles, or you can make yourself

Place them on your child's desk and where they are studying. Say three times:

“Burn, flame, ignite! Flutter from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

The candles should burn out, and hide the stub among the child's things so that you will not find it.

For the effect to last for a long time, you need to carry out a ritual and conspiracy every 6 months. So your student will constantly feel interest in learning, stop complaining. There will be no problems. Helps for pupils and students.

Conspiracy on candles

Church candles are needed here. This ritual must be performed in the presence of the child. Ask him to sit still in a chair while you perform the ritual. Learn the conspiracy by heart.
3 candles are lit, some are held together. Stand in front of the child and read the text 3 times:

“Thoughts are fast, things are fast, memory is strong! Wisdom and cunning mingle in water, Get together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, amazes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

Cross the child, have him cross.

Conspiracy for every day

This conspiracy is uttered by the mother every day when she takes the child to school. When a child crosses the threshold of the house, say:

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, prevent troubles. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, you are no kin to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day, they soon become a habit. It is not long, so it shouldn't take much of your time.

As you speak, imagine how hard the child is studying.

Prayer is a conspiracy

It is pronounced on Thursday over the personal belongings of the child. If he wants, he can take part. The plot is read by the mother or father. If the child wants to read the conspiracy together in themselves, then he must learn it by heart.
Done in the evening when the moon comes out. Stand where your son is studying, take his personal thing in your hand. Tell:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descending in the form of tongues of fire, and opening their mouth, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Thy Holy Spirit on this youth (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Thy most pure hand has written on the tablets for the lawgiver Moses, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

It helps well those who, for various reasons, cannot concentrate properly on the lesson, are distracted. It is very useful to read it before important tests and exams. Start a month in advance, repeat several times.

Christian egregor helps students very well

Ritual to increase the mind

Conspiracies that add to the mind, traditionally the father should read. The mother can, too, but the effect will be weaker. The father takes a candle in one hand, and puts the other (right) on the child's head. If he categorically does not want to take part in the ritual, do not force him. In this way of coercion, you will not achieve anything, only anger the child. If you do not believe in him, resort to prayers, magic, then he is absolutely worthless - so your child might think. Do not let this turn of events.

If the child does not want, then let the father put his hand on his pillow. Read once a year:

“O Lord our God and our Creator, in His image we, people, having adorned, Thy chosen ones, taught Thy Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, to Solomon and to all who seek it, open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants (names disciples), in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful teaching taught by Him for the glory of Thy Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the intrigues of the enemy, preserve them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life - may they be strong in mind and fulfillment of Thy commandments, and so taught, glorify Thy Holy Name and be heirs of Thy Kingdom - for Thou, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever, and forever and ever, befits by mercy and blessings by strength. Amen".

So every night, while he sleeps on the pillow, the conspiracy works to help him.

What else will help your children

Icons will help. If you are a believing family, then put an icon in the child's room, buy a pectoral image. Several icons will help you. Pray to them that they study well, hold their heads and do not skip:

  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh;
  • Venerable Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Ksenia Peterburgskaya (helps those who pass exams, defends their diploma);
  • Holy Matrona;
  • Martyr Xenia;
  • Icon of Addition of Mind.

It will be easier for your children if they feel your support. Do not scold them in vain, because the years go by, school and college pass, and it is difficult to restore bad relations with children.