Ecological education of preschool children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards. forms and methods of ecological education. Material on the topic: Environmental education in kindergarten

Olga Pribytkova
Ecological education of children in kindergarten

The relationship between man and nature has always been a problem. But now, at present, ecological the problem of the interaction of man and nature, as well as the interaction of human society on the environment, has become very acute and has taken on a huge scale. It means that ecological the problem arises today not only as a problem of preserving the environment from pollution and other negative effects of human economic activity on Earth. It grows into the problem of preventing the spontaneous impact of people on nature, into a consciously, purposefully, systematically developing interaction with it. Such interaction is feasible if each person has a sufficient level of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, the formation of which begins with childhood and continues throughout life.

For preschool pedagogy environmental education- this is a new direction that appeared at the turn of the 80s and 90s and is currently in its infancy. In the last decade, the work of preschool institutions has focused on education in children careful attitude to the living - familiarization with nature took on a conservation coloring.

Ecological education - a new category which is directly related to science ecology, its various branches. In classical ecology central concepts are: the interaction of a single organism with its environment a habitat: the functioning of an ecosystem - a community of living organisms living in the same territory (having therefore the same type of habitat) and interacting with each other. Both concepts, in the form of specific examples from the immediate environment of a preschool child, can be presented to him and become the basis for a developing view of nature and attitudes towards it.

The interaction of man with nature is the second, extremely important aspect ecology, which became the basis of rapidly developing industries - social ecology, ecology human - cannot remain aloof from the knowledge of the modern child. Target environmental education preschoolers - the formation of the beginnings ecological culture - the basic components of the personality, allowing in the future, in accordance with the Concept of the general average environmental education, to successfully appropriate in the aggregate the practical and spiritual experience of the interaction of mankind with nature, which will ensure its survival and development.

This goal is consistent with the Concept of preschool education, which, focusing on general humanistic values, sets the task of personal development child: lay in preschool childhood the foundation of personal culture is the basic qualities of the human principle in man. The nature of the planet is a unique value for everything humanity: material and spiritual. Material, because in combination all these components make up the human environment and the basis of its production activity. Spiritual, because it is a means of inspiration and a stimulator of creative activity. Nature, reflected in various works of art, is the value of the man-made world.

Formation of the beginnings ecological culture is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity. This is the awareness of one's ability to creatively interact with nature.

Tasks environmental education are the tasks of creating and implementing educational- educational model, in which the effect is achieved - obvious manifestations of the beginnings ecological culture in children preparing to enter school.

In this case, the content environmental knowledge covers the following circle:

The connection of plant and animal organisms with the environment, morphofunctional adaptation to it; connection with the environment in the processes of growth and development;

The variety of living organisms ecological unity; communities of living organisms;

Man as a living being, his habitat, providing health and normal life.

First and second positions are classic ecology, its main sections: autecology, considering the vital activity of individual organisms in their unity with the environment, and synecology, revealing the features of the life of organisms in a community with other organisms in the common space of the external environment.

Familiarization with specific examples of plants and animals, their mandatory connection with a certain habitat and complete dependence on it allows preschoolers to form initial ideas ecological character. The third position allows you to introduce children with groups of living organisms - to form initial ideas about some ecosystems, food dependencies that exist in them. At children an understanding of the inherent value of health and the first skills of a healthy lifestyle are laid.

The fourth position is the elements of social ecology, allowing to demonstrate on some examples the consumption and use of natural resources in economic activities (materials). Familiarization with these phenomena allows you to begin to develop children economical and careful attitude to nature, its riches.

All designated content items environmental knowledge for children preschool age are consistent with the content of the general education area « Ecology» , presented in the Concept of the general average environmental education. Implementation environmental education preschoolers is possible through appropriate methods educational- educational work with children. Specialists in preschool pedagogy divide teaching methods into verbal, visual and practical. A wider context is embedded in the concept of "pedagogical method" - not only teaching, but also the organization of other types of activities in which an adult has a child educational impact. Building Methods environmental education is based on the following fundamental moments: 1) taking into account the specifics of the content environmental education coming from bioecology with its central concept of the relationship between the organism and the environment; 2) approach to any joint activity as a pedagogical method, if this activity: saturated environmental content, allows you to solve problems environmental education of children; systematic, regularly repeated; planned and organized educator; aims to achieve educational- educational result; 3) simultaneous decision in activity educational and educational tasks and understanding of their subordination in environmental education.

In the pedagogical process, both traditional methods and innovative ones are used. Traditional methods that have stood the test of time and are widely used, This:

Visual (observations, excursions, looking at paintings and illustrations, viewing filmstrips about nature);

Verbal (conversations, reading fiction about nature, the use of folklore materials);

Practical (environmental games, experiments, labor in nature).

Along with traditional methods, there are also innovative ones. methods: the use of TRIZ elements, project activities, etc.

In the classroom and in generalizing conversations, separate techniques of mnemonics are used - mnemonic tables and collages. In the senior and preparatory groups, children are offered crossword puzzles.

But the use by teachers of such methods as game-based problem-based learning and visual modeling is of particular importance.

The method of game problem learning consists in playing problem situations in the classroom and in joint activities with children that stimulate cognitive activity. children and teach them to find solutions to problems on their own.

The visual modeling method was developed on the basis of the ideas of the well-known child psychologist L. A. Wenger, who, through research, came to the conclusion that the development of the child's mental abilities is based on mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling. Thus, the implementation of the program for the formation of children began ecological culture is possible only through appropriate methods and forms educational- educational work. In the pedagogical process, both traditional and innovative methods should be used.

In our time, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and they are paying more and more attention. Why have these issues become relevant? The reason is in human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an ecological point of view, wasteful, leading to a violation of the ecological balance.
Each of those who brought and brings harm to nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children is so great, starting from an early age.

The process of forming the personality of a preschooler in general and environmental education in particular should be based on a knowledge system that includes elementary information about the biosphere (wildlife: plants, animals, humans; inanimate nature). A special place in this system should be occupied by knowledge about man as a part of nature, as about the most intelligent being, on which the future of the biosphere largely depends.

Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence. Man and nature: Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic. But, perhaps, it has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat of an ecological crisis, and perhaps catastrophes, hangs over humanity and the problem of greening the material and spiritual activity of man has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving the common for all.

Nature reacts in a peculiar way to the forcible intrusion of man into its territory: various species of animals and plants are rapidly disappearing on the planet, and the vacated places are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens; Recently, an increase in allergic and neuropsychiatric diseases has been characteristic, and the number of children with congenital anomalies is growing.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. And I had a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbarous destruction and pollution, to educate people in a caring attitude towards it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is at preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: it meets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes you stop, look, think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

“A fish needs water, a bird needs air, a beast needs forests, steppes, mountains. And a person needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” So said the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin.

Ecological education of preschool children involves:

- education of a humane attitude towards nature (moral education);
– formation of a system of ecological knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);
- the development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it).
- the participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

All components of such an integrated approach to environmental education in a preschool institution do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected. So, a humane attitude to nature arises in the process of realizing that the world around us is unique, unique, needs our care, and is fixed in the process of practical activities to care for indoor plants, inhabitants of a living corner, etc.

To reveal the beauty of nature to a child and teach him to see it is a difficult task. To do this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and the children must be ready to imitate his every movement. They are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, well distinguish positive and negative in the actions of adults. Ecological education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the right attitude towards nature and actively, to the extent possible, participate in nature protection activities together with children.


To solve the problems of environmental education, we rely on the following programs: "Young ecologist" by S. N. Nikolaeva, "Discover yourself" by E. V. Ryleeva, "Nature is our home"
N. A. Ryzhova, "We" N. N. Kondratieva.

In our kindergarten, a lot of work is being done on the environmental education of preschoolers.

In the methodical office there is:

  • natural history literature;
  • allowances;
  • diagrams, tables;
  • didactic aids;
  • environmental games.


In groups, corners of nature have been created that introduce children to indoor plants, the conditions necessary for their growth and development, for observation and work in nature.
On the territory of the DOE there is ecological trail with a description of natural objects and speech material for them. The ecological path performs a cognitive, developing, aesthetic and health-improving function. When creating the trail, we used as many interesting objects as possible. As species points, we chose trees, shrubs of different species, different ages, different shapes. There is also an old stump, ground covered with moss, mushrooms, ant paths and their passages, a cluster of "soldiers". A clearing with medicinal plants: coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile and various insects living on it: butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars. On one high birch is a nest.

The flowering plants in the flowerbed are very pleasing to the eye. And they are chosen so that during the season some flowers are replaced by others. The guys in the flowerbed took care of the flowers: they loosened, watered, watered, sprayed. On the example of weeds, many biological features of plants and human influence on plant communities were explained. For the same purpose, small trampled areas were left on the path. Comparing them with those that were not trampled, we clearly showed the children how the vegetation cover changes under the influence of trampling, and explained the rules of behavior on a walk, on vacation.

The ecological path allows more productive use of ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for the improvement of children in the fresh air. The same objects were visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year.

On the trail we carried out: observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the trail, the children and I observed, examined, discussed, analyzed, etc. They expressed their impressions of what they saw in music classes, visual, theatrical activities, in outdoor games.

Excursions- one of the main types of occupations and a special form of organization of work on environmental education. One of the very time-consuming and complex forms of education. On excursions, children got acquainted with plants, animals and at the same time with the conditions of their habitat. Thanks to excursions, children develop observation, there is an interest in nature. Being in the forest, on the banks of the river, the children collected a variety of natural material for subsequent observations and work in a group, in a corner of nature. With our children we tried
organize interesting excursions: "Walk in the spring forest", "Golden Meadow", "Winter's Tale". The beauty of nature surrounding them evoked deep feelings and contributed to the development of aesthetic feelings.

walks widely used for environmental education of children. We introduced children to the seasonal changes in nature (length of the day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, people's work). On walks, games were organized with natural material (sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits). For such games, the following equipment was used on the site: a box of sand, a pool, scoops, molds, and seals. It is on a walk that children can get acquainted with the properties of sand, earth, clay, snow, ice, water. In addition, they used a variety of game exercises "Find by description", "What grows where?", "Recognize and name", "Top-roots", "Wonderful bag", "Guess the animal", "Guess and draw", "When does it happen?", "Riddles about animals" to recognize trees, shrubs, flowers, animals (by sounds, footprints, etc.). The children really liked to play games with toys driven by the wind "Sultans", "Colorful Ribbons". Through games, they learned to determine the strength and direction of the wind, its contrast.

Experiments were used to establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. Experience should always be built on the basis of the existing ideas that children have received in the process of observation and work. (Experiments are carried out most often in older groups, and separate search actions are used in the younger and middle groups). In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon was revealed, the children tried to independently approach judgments and conclusions. Their knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects (about the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.) was refined. The experiments contributed to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, developed observation, mental activity.

Often used in class fiction. Nature fiction deeply affects the feelings of children. (You need to use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program). These are the works of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi, N. Sladkov and others. After reading with the children, she had a conversation and asked questions. Sympathy, empathy or joy, delight was visible in their eyes. It’s very nice when the children asked questions, where they showed concern and love for our smaller friends: “Will someone save him?”, “Won’t they freeze?”, “Why didn’t anyone help him?” In these cases, it is important to convey to the children the meaning of the work.

During thematic classes for drawing "Sun", "Firefly", applications "Apple tree", "Ladybug", modeling "Cherry", "Caterpillar" and others used the tape recording "Sounds of Nature". The children listened with emotion to the "sounds of nature" and the work turned out much better. In the kindergarten, monthly competitions of children's drawings were held "How I spent the summer", "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "Leaf fall", "Winter-winter", "The snow is melting, the meadow came to life". Participated in various competitions "The best handicraft from natural material", the model "Nature of Bashkortostan" (Shikhan, Shulgantash cave). The children tried at home to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers in making crafts.

In autumn, a competition was held on the theme: "Unusual harvest of the year", where the children brought the most crooked potato or the longest cucumber or the largest sunflower. They held fairs for the "Day of Harvest". For joint work, children and parents received gratitude and surprises.

With children of senior and preparatory groups are held quizzes, crossword puzzles, Mind games"Connoisseurs of the nature of the native land", "Save nature", "Day of birds", "Underwater kingdom". These methods of work are aimed at the intellectual development of children, as they require reproduction, updating of ideas about the facts of nature, patterns known to children.

One of the forms of environmental education is holidays and entertainment. The role of holidays and entertainment lies in the strongest impact on the emotional sphere.
child's personality. What is important in such holidays is not so much the reproduction of familiar musical works, poems, games, guessing riddles on the themes of nature, but the involvement of children in the experience of events, in the awareness of environmental problems that children can understand. We spent holidays dedicated to the day of the protection of the Earth: "Our home is the Earth", "Green Planet". In the course of the plot of a fairy tale played out by children, a separate episode, we tried to evoke in children an experience of humane feelings, sympathy, a keen desire to help the heroes or solve a problem situation that has arisen.

The project "Natural World" has been developed for environmental education. ( Annex 1 )

Lesson on the care of indoor plants on the topic "Let's Help Dunno". ( Appendix 2 )


The work on environmental education with the family is very closely carried out. Only relying on the family, only by joint efforts can the main task be solved - educating a person with a capital letter, an environmentally literate person. In working with parents on the environmental education of children, both traditional forms (parental meetings, consultations, conversations) and non-traditional ones (business games, direct telephone, round table, discussions) were used. For example, when organizing parent meeting on the topic "Problems of environmental education". We conducted a preliminary survey of parents in order to ascertain their understanding of the problems associated with environmental education. An effective form of work with parents was, for example, round table"Education of kindness to nature". We started by listening to a tape recording of the children's stories about their pets. (For parents whose children have shown cruelty to animals, the purpose of the conversation is do no harm. For parents whose children have shown indifference, the goal is to interest). It is advisable to organize a separate conversation for each subgroup of parents.

Another way to work with families pedagogical screens in which parents need to be given clear, specific, practical advice on a narrow topic. Through the screen, you can acquaint children and parents with folk signs, but always with the task: why do they say that?

Such a form of work as consultations, such as "The use of fiction in the environmental education of preschoolers in the family," you can start by viewing an exhibition of nature books for children. They showed their parents a scene, for example, "Forest lessons of courtesy", in which fairy-tale characters talked about how to behave in nature. After watching, they talked with parents, gave specific advice to each, recommended that children make sketches about nature at home, look at paintings and illustrations, get acquainted with the nature of their native land through the media, etc. Such forms of work make it possible to demonstrate to parents what kind of knowledge about nature they have children, to show that this knowledge is necessary for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

We believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results:

– the beginnings of ecological culture in children are formed;
– a consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena, ecological thinking has been formed;
- children learn practical actions to protect nature;
- the mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;
– children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.

The ecological state of our planet requires human society to understand the current situation and to be conscious of it. The initial stage of preschool education and upbringing is very important in ecological education. It is at preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, his attitude to the world around him is formed.

Environmental education at preschool age is just beginning, grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality, correctly understand it. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, the definition of one's place in it in the future. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution believes that an important aspect of environmental education is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude towards the world around us, the development of a willingness to work with joy, create, and help others. Independent deeds and actions of children are already a criterion of ecological culture.
Our kindergarten has been working on the problem of environmental education for a long time. It is based on the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, and we also use the technologies of the N.N. Kondratieva "We".

Purpose of the program: to form ecological education of preschoolers.


  • - ra to develop in preschool children ecological ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • - to form the skills of various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • - to help children to accumulate emotionally positive experience of communication with nature.
  • The success of the program implementation is ensured by several mandatory conditions:
  • - the readiness of the teacher to implement the environmental education of children;
  • - personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program;
  • - constant communication of children with the nature of the immediate environment;
  • - building an ecologically developing environment in a preschool institution;
  • - active participation of parents in the educational process;
  • - the establishment by the teacher of the preschool educational institution of relations with the school, public organizations, institutions of additional education.
  • When building a system of environmental work, we paid special attention to the following main areas:
  1. The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of cognitive activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of the ecological knowledge of pupils.
  2. The cognitive and entertaining direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of animate and inanimate nature, the impact of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.
  3. The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (practical direction of work) - joint actions with parents on planting group rooms, the territory of the preschool educational institution, working in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, actions for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a careful attitude of pupils to their native nature.
  4. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions into nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

    Ways to implement the system of environmental work in preschool educational institutions:
    - creation of conditions (greening of the developing environment, software and methodological support);
    - improving the environmental awareness of teachers;
    - updating the content, forms and methods of working with children;
    environmental education for parents.

    Systematic work with personnel, understanding the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, teachers' councils.

    Ecological education of preschool children can be considered as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We pay special attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, enables the child to feel like an "adult" (during a hike or environmental campaign), and an adult to better understand the child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, models, crafts made from waste material, photographs, we involve parents in the design of nature centers, laboratories, libraries, in environmental campaigns (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). e.)
    Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and teaching methods - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

    The system of work with children includes:
    -seasonal thematic planning of direct educational activities;
    - creation of an ecological - developing environment (nature centers, nature laboratories, ecological trail);
    - organization of joint activities (holidays, observations, ecological path, pharmacy garden, vegetable garden, work in nature);
    - reading fiction;
    -growing greenery in the winter-spring period ("garden on the window");
    - game activity as the main form of children's activity;
    -health ecology (breathing exercises, music therapy, motor activity, hardening, ecological and psychological training);
    -creation of a system of environmental work (author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).

    1. ​ Creation of an ecologically developing environment, conditions for a healthy lifestyle of children is the most important condition for the effectiveness of our work. The ecological development environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role:

Article compiled by: Tsvigun G.S., educator

"Love for the Motherland begins with love for nature"

E. V. Pavlenko.

Much attention is paid to the environmental education of children from the first years of their lives, since at an early age a child develops his first worldview. During this period, the foundations of interaction with nature are laid, with the help of adults, the child begins to realize it as a common value for all people. Wildlife has long been recognized in pedagogy as one of the most important factors in the education and upbringing of preschoolers.

Communicating with it, studying its objects and phenomena, children of preschool age gradually comprehend the world in which they live: they discover the amazing diversity of the flora and fauna, realize the role of nature in human life, the value of its knowledge, experience moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences that encourage them take care of the preservation and enhancement of natural resources.

The acuteness of modern environmental problems has put forward the task of educating the younger generation in the spirit of a careful, responsible attitude to nature, able to solve issues of rational environmental management, protection and renewal of natural resources, before pedagogical theory and practice. In order for these requirements to become the norm of behavior for every person, it is necessary from childhood to purposefully cultivate a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment.

The purpose of the work is to form ideas in preschool children about the flora and fauna of the nature of their native land in relation to the environment, environmentally competent behavior in nature and humane attitude towards it. All work on environmental education was carried out in two directions: in the classroom and in everyday life. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom were consolidated in everyday life.

The attention of children was drawn to the most striking and noticeable phenomena and events characteristic of different seasons. They gave the children little information, using games and fun. And they returned several times to the same objects and phenomena.

Involved in active participation in the care of indoor plants: watered, loosened, wiped the leaves, washed the pallets, etc. Each child gradually got acquainted with the material for caring for plants, so as not to harm them. With the onset of winter, birds were fed on the site. They made feeders together with their parents and placed them closer to the window so that children could watch the birds every day.

They were accustomed to the reasonable use of nature, work, conservation of natural resources, the assimilation of practical experience in relation to the natural environment. As a result, the children formed practical knowledge, personal experience of influencing the environment and saving wealth, enriching cognitive interests, and the need for the activities of the natural environment.

Ideas about objects and natural phenomena were formed in preschoolers gradually, in the process of repeated "meetings" with them (in the process of using cycles of observations for the same object). In each subsequent observation, they recalled, clarified, consolidated and concretized, expanded the received ideas. In the organization of observations, a system was thought out, their interconnection, which ensured the children's awareness of the processes and phenomena that they observed. Observation stimulated the interest of children, their cognitive activity.

Along with observations, visual illustrative material was widely used, which helped to consolidate and clarify the ideas of children obtained in the course of direct observations. With their help, preschoolers formed ideas about objects, natural phenomena that cannot be observed at the moment, children got acquainted with the occurring phenomena in nature (seasonal changes), there was a generalization and systematization of information of natural history content and nature.

A big role in familiarizing preschoolers with nature was assigned to the game. Plot - role-playing games assumed the presence of natural history, environmental protection and ecological content and the existence of certain knowledge: "Trip to the Exhibition" , "Expedition to Africa" , "Journey to the Sea" .

We picked up a variety of didactic games of ecological content: "Wild - domestic" , "Poisonous and harmless plant" , "Where, whose house?" , What is harmful and beneficial to nature (water) , "Dangerous - Not Dangerous" , "Choose edible mushrooms, berries" , "Let's Pack a Backpack for the Road" etc.

We used object games using natural material (cones, pebbles, shells, etc.) contributed to the development of the child's thinking. For example, objects can be classified according to different criteria (color, size, shape). It is important that children also participate in the collection of natural material.

Played mind games "KVN" , "What? Where? When?" , the children were delighted not only with the game, but also with the preparation for the game itself.

Particular attention is required to create conditions for an independent game of ecological orientation, research activities and modeling. In a corner of nature, a collection of natural waste materials was created for making handicrafts, a mini-garden was planted on the windowsills.

The most important form of work with children is work in nature. This type of activity, like no other, contributed to the formation of an awareness of the correct attitude towards nature among preschoolers. In the process of labor activity, the children had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, acquire new ones, and visually verify the existence of various relationships in nature. (plants, animals and environment). They formed the necessary care skills, a sense of responsibility for a living organism.

Positive emotions aroused in children in drawing classes, appliqué, modeling and designing, playing performances on natural history, reading fiction - all this contributed to the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in preschoolers, attracted them to environmental activities.

Ecological education of preschoolers can be viewed as a process of continuous parenting aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members. environmental education (education) parents is one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution. One of the primary tasks is to involve adult family members (even grandparents more so than busy dads and moms) to work together. The preschool age of a child is a period when many of them themselves strive for contact, cooperation with teachers, which is very important for environmental education. The family as an environment for the formation of a personality has a huge impact on the formation of the foundations of an ecological worldview in a child. The foundation of moral education is also laid in the family and it is during early childhood.

Working with parents should be a gradual and ongoing process, and the environmental information we offer to parents is personally meaningful to them. The joint activity of an adult and a child contributed to cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between the child and the adult.

Thus, we can conclude that when organizing work with preschool children, it is necessary to focus on the age, individual and differentiated characteristics of children. It is also necessary to properly organize interaction with the family, so that the work on environmental education continues at home.


  1. Makhaneva, M. D. Ecology in kindergarten and elementary school. Toolkit [Text]/ M. D. Makhaneva. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010. - S. 171.
  2. Nikolaeva, S. N. Methods of ecological education of preschoolers [Text]/ S. N. Nikolaeva. - M., 2009. - S. 57.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3 "Solnyshko" settlement Liman" of the Astrakhan region

Ecological education in kindergarten»

Be prepared by:

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3

"Sun" p. Liman "

KaryukinLidia Mikhailovna

“All efforts in education will be in vain,

until you teach your pupils

love the field, the birds and the flowers.”

D. reskin

Preschool age is a valuable stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature, the world around. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude towards the environment, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude to the world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

Environmental education is carried out in kindergarten through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in the classroom. In the implementation of the tasks of environmental education, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are the corners of nature in all gruppah, room of nature, a properly designed and cultivated area, giving the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature; organizing systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introducing children to regular work. On the site you can createspecial playground of nature,outline an ecological path, highlight , corner of the Green Pharmacy.

Tasks of teacherscome down to the following:

1. Create conditions for the formation of elementary biological ideas:

to acquaint with the development of life on Earth (talk about the origin, variety of life forms: about microorganisms, plants, animals, their origin, life features, habitat, etc.) ;

to provide an opportunity to master educational material in an accessible form;

to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

2. Provide conditions for the development of environmental consciousness:

to acquaint with representatives of animate and inanimate nature;

talk about the relationship and interaction of all objects of nature;

to promote the formation of a consciously correct attitude to the planet Earth (our common home) and to man as part of nature;

to acquaint with the problem of environmental pollution, with the rules of personal safety;

promote the development of a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment;

create conditions for independent activities to preserve and improve the environment.

. I use forms and methods of working with childrentsyathe most varied.These are excursions, observations, viewing pictures, classes - conversations of a cognitive-heuristic nature, various role-playing, didactic and educational games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, environmental tests and tasks, video and audio recordings.

Work in preschool

Introduction to the natural world . Excursion toentertainment center "October"G. Astrakhan.

A feature of environmental education is the great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, educators not only take this into account themselves, but also pay considerable attention to working with parents. Here it is necessary to reach full mutual understanding. Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it..INto instill in children a positive attitude towards nature is possible only when the parents themselves have an ecological culture. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They act like the adults around them. Parents should be aware of this. That is why, before starting ecologicalwork with children, parents should be involved in this problem.INpreschool teachers conductparent meetings, lecture halls, open days . Exhibitions of flowers, handicrafts made from natural materials, a competition of drawings about nature are held annually. Parents attend classes on ecology, take part in environmental events, holidays : "We are friends of nature"Autumn Melody”, “Winter Tale”, etc.

To kidyou need to show various manifestations of beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, chiaroscuro contrasts, landscapes at different times of the year, and much, much more. At the same time, an adult should remember that absolutely everything that lives in full-fledged (unspoiled, not poisoned, unlimited) conditions is beautiful in nature - this is the sphere of aesthetic feelings, aesthetic perception of the child.

INeducation in children of love for nature, the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of the kindergarten. In this work, his first helpers should be his parents.

The effectiveness of solving the problems of environmental education depends on their repeated and variable use. They contribute to the formation of clear knowledge about the world around preschoolers.


1. Manevtsova L.M. "Leaf in the palm of your hand" - St. Petersburg.: « CHILDHOOD -PRESS" 2004

2. Kondratieva N.N. etc. "We" environmental education program

children" - St. Petersburg.: « CHILDHOOD_ PRESS, 2000

3. Bondarenko T.M. « Ecologicalphysical activities with children 5-6 years old ”- Voronezh. TC-Teacher. 2004