Do I have a gift? How to determine the presence of magical abilities in a person

Many people wonder if they have a magical gift and whether they need to develop it. Psychics and magicians, as a rule, say that a person with a magical gift simply cannot help but feel its presence. However, there are situations when a person still needs to check the presence of a gift in order to develop it in time.

It is believed that everyone has their own gift from birth. Why don't we feel it? In the event that parents do not try to develop superpowers in their child, by the age of five there may be nothing left of the magic gift. It cannot disappear forever, usually at least something remains, but its manifestations may not be. This may indicate that your gift is hidden deep within you. If you periodically have prophetic dreams, your intuition is sharpened and sometimes you predict future events, you should think: "Do I have a gift?"

You can determine the presence or absence of a gift using simple tests. Similar tests are used to screen out candidates for admission to magic schools. To pass the test, you will need the help of another person who will have to prepare the items required for testing.

How to know if a person has a gift

Cover your eyes with an opaque bandage and ask your assistant to place several objects in front of you, one of which is a magnet. Your task is to determine where the magnet lies without touching it with your hands. Usually, people with a gift feel the force field of a magnet, and this task is not difficult for them.

Ask your assistant to take several identical envelopes and put a banknote in one of them. You will need to determine which one it is in. Not all psychics feel money energy, although most still have this ability.

The assistant will have to prepare in advance photos of people whom you do not know, and some of them should be already dead. You will need, looking at the photo, to determine which of them is still alive. Most psychics cope with this task, since it is very simple to calculate the energy of death and life.

If you successfully completed the above tasks, you probably have magical abilities. If you fail, consider whether you should try to learn the art of magic.

Have you ever dreamed of gaining extra abilities? But what if you already have them, but are not aware of it? With this free online test, you can assess your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations for occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is drawn up in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person's natural inclinations. As you know, in every joke there is a grain of truth ... The effectiveness of the development of super abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as gaining magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test, you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Use the free online test "Am I a Magician or How" to find out immediately!

The super abilities of a person include not only obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are not subject to many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of supernatural abilities with astrology and the practice of fortune telling on Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your beyond the abilities that nature has endowed each person with.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of trainings, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential will be to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By taking advantage of the magical ability test, you will save yourself time so valuable to every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents to which a person is inclined than to try to master something "from scratch." Remember - beyond the ability, this is not a gift of the gods or a privilege of the elect, but the properties of a person, which are present in an embryonic state in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's about time

In order to find out what makes you unique, you will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you were born on 09/15/1981 = 1 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. In the above example, the number of the gift is seven.

After you calculate the numerological number of your gift, you just have to interpret its meaning.

1 - one endows you with the gift of ambition and perseverance. These qualities are given to you from birth, and if you do not develop them, then only failures will haunt you in life. Use your gift in order to achieve career heights or family happiness. Set goals and strive to achieve them. This is what will help you realize all your dreams and plans. Your strength is that you can fight and win.

2 - you have been gifted with wisdom. You have a unique ability to gain knowledge and experience from a young age. You have your own principles that help you in life. Your wisdom lies in the fact that you never allow yourself to be satisfied with what has already been achieved. You enjoy getting to know the world and yourself. You are in search of truth and you enjoy it. Use your gift in the right way: listen to what your heart tells you and go where you want to go.

3 - your gift is originality. You are not like everyone else, and that makes you strong. You feed on the joy that you do everything differently from other people and live differently from everyone else. You are the original. According to the numerology of numbers, your gift lies in the constant search for something new. You strive to make your life the brightest and most interesting. It helps you stand out from the crowd. Use your gift correctly: do not be afraid of your uniqueness, value and cherish it, then it will open up many opportunities for you.

4 - your gift is patience. You have perhaps the rarest gift. You are patient and it helps you move on. However, this gift can send you in the wrong direction. Never use your patience to your detriment. If your gift brings you nothing but suffering, then you should not follow his lead. Use it exclusively for personal and even selfish purposes. Be patient when your future fate depends on it.

5 - your gift is steadfastness. You are a very tough person by nature. In spite of everything, you go ahead and achieve your goal. But sometimes your stubbornness prevents you from objectively assessing the situation. Use your gift correctly - be unshakable when you know exactly what you want.

6 - your gift is knowledge. You can skillfully manage any information you receive to your advantage. Everything that you have heard, read, seen somewhere is deposited in your memory for a long time and comes out at the right moment.

7 - your gift is harmony. You are called to maintain peace in yourself and in the world around you. You can easily help a person find himself and achieve inner harmony. It's easy to find a common language with you and be with you, and you should use this.

8 - your gift is compassion. You know how to empathize and help people. The numerological number of your gift has rewarded you with the ability to calm, encourage, regret and look for a way out of their difficult situation. You need to be careful with such a gift, as the ability to sincerely compassion can make you dependent on people.

9 - your gift is discretion. You are not used to taking risks and always try to listen to your mind. It helps you achieve what you want in life. However, often your logic fails you. Use your gift only when you are in deep doubt about something.

We hope that with the help of birth date numerology, you were able to find out about your gift and now you will use it in life. Good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons I like and class!

13.04.2014 13:23

What are numbers? Is this just quantity information? Not really. Numbers are kind of ...

The word "gift" means abilities that are given by nature, and which not all people possess. Gift is rare. Of course, it can be worked out if you work hard for many years. Only this is no longer a gift, but a skill. This helps in performing certain magical actions, but it cannot replace natural talent.

Energy talent or ability comes with the soul at birth. They are a specific property of the personality energy. Having a gift on the one hand is great power, on the other - a huge responsibility. What is given from birth must be developed and used for the benefit of people. But for the use and each gifted person is assigned his own fee. In this case, you have to give the most expensive thing. In the most favorable case, your dreams. Sometimes a person pays with health, fate, personal life, and so on.

Of the pleasures, the gift brings only a sense of power. A person knows that he controls certain forces, with the help of which he can lead other people's lives, and sometimes even destinies. Everything else is almost a curse. Since the gift imposes severe restrictions on the personality. For example, clairvoyance makes it impossible to arrange your personal life. Only a person with the same abilities can become a partner for a clairvoyant. And it's very difficult to meet such a person.

The only way to develop your gift without any special losses and problems is to find out about its existence as early as possible. Then your life can be planned in accordance with the restrictions imposed by supernatural abilities. So how do you know if a person has a gift?

How to find out about the presence of a gift using sleep

One of the easiest ways to find out if you have a gift is to ask your subconscious mind. To do this, before going to bed, you need to ask a question concerning over-abilities and calmly see what your Higher Self will tell you. It, in the end, knows everything about the personality, in contrast to consciousness. It will tell you what kind of gift you have and what you need to do with it. The dream is made on the third night of the new moon. If it doesn't work the first time, don't give up. Please try again a few more times. If the result is zero, then you are deprived of the gift. Maybe it's for the best.

Sometimes it happens that a person cannot determine its meaning. Granny does not always come to you with a broom and directly says that you are now. The subconscious mind can throw up a very entertaining plot that you cannot immediately understand. This is already a sign of having certain abilities. You can only reveal them if you can guess the dream.

Find out about our gift on the ring

Take a smooth ring without a stone, tie a thread to it, at least fifteen centimeters long. Tune in to find out the truth. Take the thread in your left hand, the ring should hang down calmly and not move. Ask the question, "Do I have a gift?" If the ring moves from its place towards your body, it means "yes". Any other movement is “no”. And if nothing happens, then it’s too early for you to know the truth.

Ritual with lilac flowers

This is an old custom. When the lilac blooms, you need to pick one branch with flowers from the bush. If among them you find a flower with five petals, then you have some abilities. Now you need to go to a reservoir with running water. The found flower must be carefully placed in the water and see what happens to it. It just goes with the flow - your abilities are not great. Immediately drowned - you have a black gift. If the flower moves upstream, then you are the owner of a great gift! Now it needs to be revealed and developed!