Birthday paper garland. Decorating a children's birthday - a table, a candy bar, children's dishes, a cake, a photo zone, a baby chair, a room for a children's birthday with their own hands: ideas, photos. Decoration for children's birthday made of fruits, paper:

A child's birthday is the happiest holiday of the year. And it can be made unforgettable with a little effort. Every child, regardless of age, is waiting for something fabulous and unusual on this day, so give him these emotions in the morning, surprising him with a brightly decorated room.

With the right choice of decorations, this day will become a pleasant memory not only for your son or daughter, but also for the guests who are invited to the holiday. How to decorate your birthday room with your own hands? We invite you to look at some interesting ideas with a photo of decorating a children's room for a child's birthday.

How to decorate a birthday room with your own hands, photo

The first - and perhaps one of the most important rules for planning a children's bedroom festive decor - is focusing on the age of your child. The smallest children (1, 2, 3 years old) will not be able to appreciate the exquisite decorations, so for such a room you can come up with a "simpler" design.

Use a minimum of flashy and annoying colors that can affect the emotional state of the baby. Better to give preference to gentle, pastel shades.

Birthday balloons, photo
Important! Dangerous decorative objects should not be present in the design of a nursery for a toddler. Even balloons are a standard decoration at the party - use with caution: if they burst, they can injure the child.

Decorating a festive interior for older children should be brighter and more fun. In this case, a thematic decor would be a great solution.

If you know what your son or daughter is interested in, choosing a suitable topic will not be difficult. The further design process will depend on your imagination, since in the chosen style you can choose a maximum of different decorations.

Birthday balloons decoration, photo

For teenagers from 14 years old, a more restrained and laconic festive decor is preferable. If you plan to stick to a specific theme, choose it from the category of sports, cinema, music, nature, fashion or technology.

“Children's” decorations in such a room should be absent, even simple balloons are enough to maintain a sense of celebration.

Birthday balloons, photo
Remember! The thematic design of the nursery for the birthday of a boy and a girl should be different, especially when it comes to older children (over 6 years old).

It is better to plan the details of the decoration of this interior in advance, as well as the decoration time. The room should be transformed beyond recognition, and it will be a big surprise for your child if, when he wakes up, he already sees the prepared decorations. An older child can be involved in the process of decorating a room, then you can create a festive design that perfectly matches his tastes and preferences.

It is better to divide the interior of the nursery for a birthday into several zones. The first - the dining table area - will be used for a festive feast and some games.

It is better if you allocate a place for the children to frolic and play active games: it is better to free such an area as much as possible from foreign objects. A children's hut or pillows are suitable for decor.

How to decorate a room for a child's birthday with your own hands, photo

It will be great if there is enough room in the nursery to create a bright photo zone. Here you can hang standard party decorations or choose more fun decorations such as funny photos and toys.

If you are celebrating your daughter's birthday at home, build a catwalk and have her and her girlfriends present themselves at a fashion show.

Knowing the preferences of your children, you will be able to decorate the room in the best possible way, and the birthday will really be remembered for a lifetime. Let's find out what standard and custom decorations can be used to turn this day into a fairy tale.

DIY table decoration for birthday, photo

We decorate the wall and ceiling

The easiest and most affordable way to festively decorate walls and ceilings in a child's room is to use colorful balloons.

Hang helium balloons from the ceiling, and from the usual create spectacular compositions on the walls. Use bright colors: red, yellow, purple, green, blue are ideal.

How to decorate a room for a children's birthday with your own hands, photo

Many firms provide services for the creation of arches, flowers and other compositions of their balloons - contact them if you can not decide on the best decor for the free walls of your home.

Advice: from the balls you can make animals and men - and decorate different corners of the children's room. Such a design is especially relevant if you adhere to a specific theme (for example, airy and light fish are suitable for a marine style).

You can put sweet prizes into the balls - and arrange games and competitions for children. By the way, in addition to the wall and ceiling, chairs and a festive table are suitable for using these decorative elements. Tie helium balloons to the legs - and the dining area of ​​the nursery will immediately stand out against the general background.

Another way to decorate walls and ceilings is with garlands. They can be made with your own hands using paper, fabric, beads, candies and other bright details. If you plan to celebrate in the evening, decorate the room with electric garlands with different lanterns.

From garlands, you can lay out abstract compositions or create festive graffiti on the walls. You can attach funny pom-poms made of thread or corrugated paper in bright colors to the ceiling.

For decorating a nursery, paper flowers and butterflies, bright wall stickers, family photos are also suitable. On sale there are ready-made hanging inscriptions and numbers for celebrating a children's birthday.

How to decorate a nursery for a birthday, photo

If you wish, you can leave a place for children's art on the wall. This method allows children to be involved in creativity: here they can leave birthday greetings or just draw.

If you hang a Whatman paper on the wall, you can use it as paraphernalia for children's contests.

Festive table decoration

At a children's party, you cannot do without a table with different delicacies. But it should be not only sweet, but also stylishly decorated, so use decorative elements in this area of ​​the children's room. First, decide on the color: there should not be many bright and conflicting shades on the table.

When using flashy accent decorations, it is better to lay a tablecloth in a neutral color (white, beige, blue, etc.). If the main festive element on the table is just a tablecloth with children's pictures or inscriptions, choose simple dishes. By the way, you can find interesting tablecloths with children's puzzles, but you will have to free them as much as possible.

How to arrange a table for a child's birthday, photo
Advice: if you are worried about the safety of dishes after active guests of your son or daughter, use disposable plates and cups. There are many holiday sets on sale with fun decorations.

The main principle of decorating a children's table is harmony. Harmony should be traced not only in shades, but also in textures, sizes of the attributes used. In the photo you can see successful serving examples.

How to decorate a children's party with your own hands, photo

Use small toys, flowers or paper stars, bows, or fun cards with guests' names to decorate the table.

Edible decorations will be especially in demand: sweets, cookies, muffins, fruits with chocolate icing, salads with children's stories, cakes and pastries to order with festive compositions. And do not forget about healthy food: fruits will not only be tasty, but also a bright addition to the children's festive table.

More ideas

You can create interesting decorations for a children's party using improvised means.

Let's see what can come in handy if you are planning to decorate a nursery for a birthday, and how to decorate the room:

If you plan to invite a lot of guests, allocate a place for gifts in the nursery. While the child is sleeping, put your gifts in holiday wrappers there as well. It will be much more interesting if your son or daughter solemnly opens them by the end of the holiday.

Interesting themes for the design of the nursery

To make it easier for you to decide on the decor of your children's bedroom for this holiday - study the current topics for decorating a children's room:

DIY birthday decoration at home, photo

As you can see, it is quite possible to make a hall or a children's room in an apartment unrecognizable on this day, and for this it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive home decorations: there are enough improvised materials and a desire to make beautiful decorations with your own hands - look at the video.

Photo gallery

If the birthday of your son or daughter is close, start planning this holiday now, relying on our recommendations, and of course, do not forget about sweets. When preparing for the holiday, do not forget that the baby's room should be decorated in accordance with the energy of this day: fun, bright and positive.

And we offer another selection of photos with ideas for decorating a children's birthday:

Photo gallery (72 photos):

For a child, a birthday is one of the most important and anticipated celebrations of the year. To make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to beautifully decorate the house, for example, you can make “Happy Birthday” garlands with your own hands. The traditional way to create a garland is in the form of a flag. The decor is most often triangular in shape, but there are rectangular and oval elements.

Materials for paper flags

The easiest and easiest way to make paper garlands with your own hands for a child's birthday from multi-colored cardboard.

To make the craft, you will need the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, it is recommended to print the letters that form the festive inscription "Happy Birthday" and cut them out in circles (64 mm in diameter). Then you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the flags themselves. For a year old, a boy can make a pennant - narrow triangles, like on the mast of a ship.

Sequence of work:

Cardboard "scrap" should not be thrown away. If you connect them together, you get a multi-colored triangular garland. To do this, fasten the parts with tape on the back side.

It is best to store garland templates assembled, placing one piece on top of another.

Decor made of fabric and paper

You can make a festive decoration by combining paper and fabric. Moreover, a dense newspaper or magazine cover can be used as a basis. If you add colorful fabric to the blank, the craft will look very beautiful.

Master class on creating textile and paper decor:

Felt mugs, stars, rhombuses and flowers are perfect as decorations for such a garland. If desired, birthday flags can be made with your own hands from felt, as in the fabric version - transferred from a paper blank to the material and cut out. In this case, the letters are not glued, but knocked out with a clerical knife. When using multi-colored felt, there should be a minimum amount of jewelry. The stretch itself will be bright and colorful.

You can make garlands for a child's birthday with your own hands and for his majority. The standard inscription "Happy Birthday" will not be relevant, but if you attach photos of the birthday person to the blanks, it will turn out to be very cute and funny.

Attention, only TODAY!

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From paper

A paper garland is made quite simply, it can be made for a child's birthday or just decorate a room for a holiday. It is not difficult to make the brightest and most spectacular garlands made of paper - the instructions will help you to cope in literally a matter of minutes.

We make a garland of flowers with our own hands.

Stylized flowers

Funny roses

Another garland of paper flowers - this time it's stylized roses. Making such a flower garland out of paper with your own hands is quite simple - draw it yourself or print templates for cutting, and circle them on any paper (by the way, you can use paper with a pattern).

Make a lot of roses - you need to cut out a spiral, and then glue the original rose from it. When there are enough flowers, we string roses on a rope, and a paper garland with our own hands for a wedding or birthday is ready!

or you can cut a spiral with a wave, you get this kind of flower:

Print template:

From felt

It is very easy to make a garland with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt (it is better to take pure shades);
  • lace, ribbon or braid;
  • sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine (or thread with a needle).
DIY felt garland is done like this:

If you already have a flat garland, and now you want to make voluminous Christmas garlands, then you will like a garland of butterflies.

It is very, very simple to make this original Christmas tree garland:
  1. we cut the blanks (you can use the schemes - you can download them for free, you can cut them by eye);
  2. we collect bow ties - we sew a large rectangle with a thread across, tighten, tighten the knot and close it with a small jumper;
  3. we string butterflies on a thread or a beautiful lace, you can also use twine or ribbon for a garland;
  4. we straighten the butterflies - the garland for the wedding with our own hands is ready!

Of hearts

Garlands of hearts look very impressive - they can be used for any holiday, you can make a DIY decoration for a wedding, or just decorate an apartment or office for Valentine's Day.

How to make a garland of hearts using colored paper and a stapler:

You can make a one-color garland - for example, in red or pink tones, or you can use paper of several shades (by the way, double-sided colored paper is good for a printer).

There is another version of a garland of hearts made of paper with your own hands. We need colored paper, a template for cutting (you can download and print), a pencil (to transfer the template to paper), scissors and a sewing machine.

This do-it-yourself garland of hearts is done like this:

By the way, a garland of paper circles is made according to the same principle - circles of colored paper are folded in pairs and stitched. You can fold three or four blanks, then you get multi-colored paper balls.

From checkboxes

The flag garland looks very elegant - it can have an inscription happy birthday, or welcome, and also a garland of flags can be used at any party or children's party.

How to make a garland of flags for a children's birthday with your own hands? Three easy steps: Simple, isn't it?

For those who want a little more sophistication, a garland of flags and fabric. So, we already understood how to make a garland of flags with our own hands, but at what stage should we add fabric and which one? Again, it's simple.

It is clear that paper garlands are not very durable - they will withstand a maximum of one or two uses, but what if you want to do something more durable? For example, for a kindergarten, you can make a flag garland of fabric.

How to sew a garland of flags in stages:
The decorative braid with flags made in this way can be used at home and in the kindergarten, you can make a special decor for the street (especially kids like it for the new year).

For the new year

Making Christmas garlands is fun and exciting! To make a beautiful and original garland, you need small candle lamps, narrow tinsel and a couple of cans of paint - special for glass or ordinary acrylic. The bulbs are alternately dipped in paint and dried on a cardboard stand (the caps can be wrapped with cling film so as not to get dirty). Then the bulbs are glued to the tinsel in a chaotic manner, and the unusual Christmas tree garland is ready!

It is also not too difficult to make another Christmas tree garland - the main thing is to stock up on a template. For printing, you can immediately use colored paper, or you can make one general template and copy it onto paper of any color. Printed or redrawn templates should be cut as shown in the diagram and strung on a bright string.

A garland of felt balls looks very cozy and very Christmas-like. You can do it with your child - you just need help. In order to make such an interior decoration, you need felt balls. No, not even that - LOTS of felt balls.

It is quite simple to make them - we take a little wool for felting in the palm of our hand, and wet it under the tap, and then slightly roll it into a ball. Add foam or soap and continue rolling. When the ball starts to form, you need to put in a little effort.

If the coat is naughty, try changing the water temperature several times - after a couple of changes from cold water to hot water and back, the fibers begin to fall off. The future ball needs to be thoroughly rinsed from soap. The ball is ready when it becomes hard.

Make many of these balls - they can be of the same color (then it is better to take a contrasting thread for stringing) or different shades, and then just string them on a thread with a needle, and your cozy winter decor is ready. By the way, you can decorate a Christmas wreath on the door and a New Year tree with such balls.

Christmas tree patterns:

Well, I infected you with my handicraft enthusiasm and you already want to make all kinds of garlands of flowers, felt balls, flags and other things? Then it's time to see what other decors are available.

For example, you can make chic wedding garlands with your own hands.

How to sew a garland of artificial flowers in half an hour on a typewriter? There's an answer. By the way, if you want, you can make paper butterflies and alternate them with flowers.

Today I decided to summarize my own articles and collect all the ideas for a children's party together to help you navigate the site, and to cover the scope of the work done.

Children's birthday: step by step instructions

This article is for those who do not want to be limited to a regular children's table. Believe me, once a year you can arrange a great holiday for your kid, using the advice of experienced organizers. I will try to present everything briefly and clearly.

Do not be lazy to go to my articles with detailed tips and pictures - this is real wealth!

Holiday theme

Why is choosing a topic important in the first place? Your entire flight of thought depends on this choice. I immediately come up with ideas for all the other points from my instructions, so start with this.

If you don't want to devote the holiday to one hero or one fairy tale, just choose a color! Well, let there be an orange party where everyone is in an orange mood. However, study the article and get inspired!

Seat selection

If we are talking about an apartment, there is not much choice. It just should be the most spacious room with a minimum of furniture and sharp corners. It is better to separate the dining and play areas in the apartment. Let the program take place in one room and a table with treats in another. It is safer, and there is more space for active games.

But if you decide on a cafe or kids club, then it already makes sense to choose a room taking into account the theme of the holiday. Agree, it’s strange if you are holding “Princess Birthday” and there are only Minions or Batmen on the walls.

Room decoration

For those who like to do everything with their own hands, I am happy to send to the article. There are interesting techniques for decorating a room with the help of scrap materials and ready-made elements of paper decor, which are sold nowadays in any city in Russia.

Naturally, we stick to the chosen topic, but try not to overdo it. It is not necessary to use all design techniques at the same time. Everything should be beautiful and joyful.

The work of a decorator who makes handmade jewelry (letters, numbers, candy bar) is amazing. Write, I will send a link to view the portfolio.


A photo zone is required! Let it be something simple, but photographing children against the background of wallpaper and wardrobes is a shame. To organize such a bright wall, you need very little, believe me. ...

If you have chosen a character, print pictures on the Internet and create a photo zone with Luntik and Fixik. Beautiful photos from a children's birthday are a wonderful memory and a source of positive emotions for many years.

And who will take pictures

This is an important question. Appoint a person responsible for the reportage photography before the start of the holiday, because the preparation staff is also very interesting. How mom sets the table. How dad hangs balls. How the whole family together carves petals for a giant flower.

If there are many volunteer photographers (for example, someone's parents), ask everyone to collect photos on Yandex.Disk so that later you can choose the best shots and exchange "happy moments."

Festive printing, invitations and napkins

There is enough of this stuff in stores. I remind you again! Do not buy napkins, tablecloths, caps until you have decided on the theme of the holiday. Well, fairies look strange with a picture from the series "Masha and the Bear" on their foreheads. And this was. And more than once.

There are lovers of individual jewelry. There are many designers online who will create all this beauty with your baby's name. We also have)).

And I can give you a selection (invitation, bonbonniere, cards for guests, decorations for cupcakes and packaging for chocolate) in style.


However, you can create masterpieces from ordinary napkins. ...

That's what I did

And I also once made cards for guests in the form of animals. It was just killer! ...

There are not only dogs - there are many different animals and birds. They can not only be placed on plates, but also hung from a chandelier at different heights in the form of a mobile, used as elements for decorating a photo zone.


Yes, the easiest way is to order pizza. They will eat, definitely. But, if you are still a creative mom, let's try here too. I'm sending you to. Piglets and chicken skewers (cooked in a frying pan and in the oven) are especially popular.

You can cook even the most ordinary dishes and sandwiches, but try to decorate them in an unusual way. V . You will definitely need something!

How to keep your guests busy before the start of the holiday

Children rarely come at the same time. Sometimes it takes 30-40 minutes to collect guests. During this time, the "first swallows" manage to get bored, so you must definitely take care of their leisure time. The easiest way, of course, is to include cartoons.

You can also hang up a large sheet of paper with some kind of drawing and give the children pencils so that they can participate in a joint congratulatory newspaper for the birthday person.

A great idea is a cardboard house for coloring. This is a fairly large structure (up to 1 meter high), which can be painted from all sides at once. Just don't paint! Wax crayons and crayons are good too!

Here are two options for pirates and princesses (large cardboard "dwellings")


This is a program in which children take an active part. If you feel the strength to arrange such a holiday on your own, take ready-made scripts and selections of contests that I have been generously sharing with you for many years now.

If you are in Moscow, with pleasure. It can be one, two or three presenters. It all depends on the scope of the celebration.

A show in which children are just spectators

You can have active fun for 1.5-2 hours. Then - that's it! Children get tired. You need to have a little snack and organize something where you don't need to run and answer questions. Kids can be shown a puppet show, older children need something more interesting - for example.

If nothing of the kind is planned, the display of old recordings from previous holidays is very successful. I remember my daughter's guests were delighted when I turned on the 7th birthday record for them in the 7th grade. They saw themselves as small and funny, laughed a lot and were moved.

Often you want to add something new to the atmosphere of the house, even if it will not be an update of furniture, but at least some fresh decor. Unfortunately, there is not always time and money to purchase interior items that can help renovate an apartment or house. Then do-it-yourself paper garlands of flags come to the rescue. You can also use other shapes and materials.

A minimum of time and costs - and the room will look new. In addition, they look great not only on holidays (after all, how nice it is to make a garland for a child's birthday with your own hands), but also the rest of the time, giving your home a warm and kind atmosphere, raising your mood every day. And in order to figure out how difficult it is to independently make such decor items from paper, you need to understand how to make a garland and what is the technology of this work.

Material selection

To choose which paper the garland will be made of, the first step is to decide on its shape. If there is a desire to give the room a certain airiness and spaciousness, it makes sense to choose thin paper. Products made from such material are easier and faster to manufacture, and therefore easier to attach to walls and cornices. A garland made of thick paper is more reliable, but more difficult to work with.

It should be understood that both the fastenings between the links and the fastenings directly in the room should be an order of magnitude stronger than in products made of thin and weightless paper, since such a product will turn out to be heavier. By the way, not only paper garlands look wonderful. They can also be made from any other materials - cones, pompons, and even from a box of eggs bought in a store. The flight of imagination in this matter is not only not limited, but also welcomed.

Garland manufacturing options

There are a lot of options for how a self-made garland will look like. It is not necessary to use any templates, you can just imagine something beautiful, and then bring this idea to life. But after all, you need to first understand the principle of operation itself, and therefore it makes sense to understand the technology.

Paper holiday

A paper product is a pretty, and at the same time, budget option for home decoration. It can be done in different themes - garlands of paper circles, hearts or even snowflakes look good. First, you need to prepare the materials and the necessary tools that will be needed in the work:

  • paper (preferably colored, but ordinary white sheets will not interfere);
  • thread or fishing line - as the basis on which the product will be held;
  • a template for the shape of a future garland;
  • of course, glue and scissors are required.

Well, then everything is simple. It is necessary to cut links from paper of the required shape, glue them, fixing them on a thread or fishing line and place it in the right place. Such products are more relevant for decorating a room on holidays and for a birthday (a garland of flags will be very useful in this case). In this case, in the middle of each flag, you can glue several photos, or write the inscription "happy birthday" by letter. But there are options for garlands that are more suitable for the interior of the premises, not only on holidays, but also on ordinary weekdays.

"Snowy" cones

This decoration option is very durable and, moreover, is relevant at any time of the year. For manufacturing, you will need well-dried cones, which must be tied with a rope so that they are along the base every 5-7 cm. The length is a parameter that the master himself chooses. But before tying the cones with a thread, they must be covered with "snow". This is where any, even dried up, enamel, which can be found in stocks in almost any home, can come in handy.

So, you need to pour a little enamel into the lid of the can, which you will not be sorry to throw away, and, gently touching the tips of the cone scales to the paint, apply a small amount of it on them. Turning the cone, this action must be carried out with its entire surface. After the future "snow" must be allowed to dry out. The same action must be repeated with the rest of the garland links.

After drying, you need to wrap the cone with the prepared rope and tie a knot. Repeat the same action with the rest of the links, tying the last knot. The resulting garland will not only decorate the room, but also on hot days will remind you of the New Year, a winter frosty tale and snowfalls, and in winter it will create a cozy atmosphere in the house.

Garland of pompons

It is very convenient that it is possible to very quickly make a large number of such balls from yarn. To do this, you need to wrap two legs of an inverted stool with a thread of 100-200 turns. The more revolutions are made, the more magnificent the balls will turn out. Next, you need to remove the resulting skein and tie it tightly with the same yarn every 6 cm, then cut with scissors exactly between each dressing. Well, then just "fluff up" the pom-poms with your hand and fasten them to a thread or rope.

It turns out a very aesthetic piece of furniture that will fit into any setting, and the choice of color for such a garland is not limited by anything, as is the size of the balls. By increasing the distance between the dressings during manufacture, you can make larger pom-poms and vice versa. It will look very interesting if, for the garland, between the links, you fasten circles, several paper flags, alternating them with cones and balls. On birthdays, this will be a very relevant, unusual and eye-catching decor of the apartment.

Egg packaging

A very interesting option is to improve the appearance of the existing LED garland. To do this, use scissors to cut flower petals from the packaging, as shown in the photo. They need to be painted.

To do this, you can use both spray paint and ordinary watercolor, besides, in this case, you can also involve a child in an exciting activity. A cross-shaped incision is made in the painted and dried "flowers" (in the lower part), after which a light-emitting diode garland light is inserted into it. It remains only to hang the finished beauty.

Buy or make

Of course, many will find this home decoration too simple, but nowadays many famous designers argue that this option is very convenient, aesthetic and economical. In any case, it will not require a special investment of time and money from you, and if so, why not?