How to quickly overcome from breastfeeding. Relief from breastfeeding. Radiation from breastfeeding: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

It is difficult to explain those feelings that a woman experiences when breastfeeding baby. At this point, the emotional connection between the mother and the child is built, harmony of further relations is born.

The child will grow up, the needs will change and the moment will come when direct biological communications will be interrupted. Then the woman faces a problem as without stress to overcome the baby from breastfeeding.

You can not deece from breastfeeding in the peak of summer heat or winter cold. Adults with difficulty tolerate climatic loads, and the baby is a sensitive barometer, which is difficult to adapt to the change of climate.

The same applies to changes in residence. When the family changes the region of living, the child is forced to adapt to new living conditions, for this period it is better to postpone excommunication from her mother's chest.

When it is time to overcome the baby from the chest

When the child grows, pediatricians determine the input time in the diet of additional products. A standard diagram of the administration of dust is developed. The decision about changing nutrition takes the doctor with mom. Natural excommunication passes as the breast milk is replaced by other food.

In any embodiment from breastfeeding, in addition to emergency cases, the process will delay. No pediatrician will tell in an ordinary order "tomorrow we take from the chest!". This decision takes Mom. Feeding can last up to three to four years. Do not forget that the lactation process is used as a contraceptive. The hormone prolactin is able to suppress ovulation in the body of a woman.

Today, social factors are published on the fore: access to work, changing the place of residence, changing social conditions of life. They pushing to a solution to feeding.

Pediatricians insist on feeding the kid to the year. It is useful for health, both moms and baby. But there are women who make a decision to extend feeding.

Relief rules from the chest after 1 year.

When this decision is made, configure the positive way to the whole family. Mom and baby need support surrounding. Even when fulfilling all the recommendations, it will take place from breastfeeding on personal graphics of a child.

Tip: Do not put specific time limits and do not assign dates. The child is not a clock mechanism. Even if everything goes smoothly and according to plan, at any moment the baby can change the stroke of things. Then change the plans and adapt to his desire.

Relief rules from the chest after two years

Up to this age, not all moms are fed. And when weaning from the chest two years, there are features of a psychological and emotional nature. The child is already eating "adult" food and ready for social adaptation.

Children at this age need communication with peers. But some independently cannot refuse Mamin Milk, they oppose the excuse to the Mom initiative. Not because it is vital to the body, it became a habit. The child does not understand why he should do it.

Natural method of gradual excommunication. Gently and without stress

  1. It is necessary to start natural excommunication with a decrease in daily milk techniques. Remove feeding between breakfast and lunch or dinner and dinner. It is impossible to refuse the child in breast milk during the main techniques of food.
  2. Change shape of clothing. If earlier for convenience, a woman wore blouses or bathrobes on the clasters, then when weaning it is better to go to t-shirts. Even the shuffling of buttons causes a child's memory of breast milk in the minds of the child.
  3. Maximum active lifestyle. More walking out in the fresh air, play active games. It is impossible to limit the baby in physical contact. You need to give him to understand that mom is near. Hugging it for any reason, stroke, make a massage.
  4. You can agree a lot. Of course, if the child is not in a state of stress or night sleep, you can explain to him a refusal of breastfeeding. This will not solve the problem at once, but the affectionate of the mother will be heard in time.

Reducing daytime applying

  • we refuse feedings between the main feeding of food. For example, remove the snack between breakfast and lunch. At this time, take the baby for a walk, take active games;
  • enter the lure, according to age norms. Replace the reception of breast milk "adult" food;
  • one day breastfeeding is replaced by a mixture or liquid milk porridge from a bottle;
  • we replace feeding between dinner and dinner, warm tea or compote from dried fruit.

Day sleep without chest

Clean the feeding after sleep. It is better that at the time of awakening, there was no mom next to the baby. You can give it instead of a breast a bottle with compote, distract to the toy or massage.

It will help to give up feeding in front of a day bedtime Walk or sleep outdoors. If the weather allows, daytime sleep is better to transfer to the street, after an active walk.

Sucking nipples - calm the tired kid, will give him the opportunity to fall asleep with the usual sucking process.

How to remove evening feedings?

Evening feedings need to be replaced by otcript. For children over a year and a half, a set of events will be suitable: massage and fairy tale for the night. If the child is capricious and requires breasts, you need to attract someone from relatives. Another person, not a mother, should give a bottle with a dairy porridge. Take such a substitution for no less than a week until the child gets used to.

Reducing lactation with gradual radiation. Preparations and other ways

Medicines are a means exclusively for mothers. We must not forget that breast feeding for the child is psychological comfort, and not just a meal. By reducing the lactation artificially, Mom solves its biological problems. Baby, with a decrease in the amount of milk, it may feel deceived in expectations.

This method should be under the supervision of a gynecologist or family doctor. It is a doctor that advises the drug that will reduce lactation. All of them are aimed at reducing prolactin production. Change the hormonal background of women.

  • The preparation "Assistseks" 649 - 1898 rubles, production: USA.

Tablets for 2 or 8pcs are sold. packaged. Dose of active substance in one tablet 0.5 mg. Take on ½ tablets, twice a day, for two days. The drug is contraindicated in arterial hypertension, pregnancy, pro-eclampsia.

The drug is little effective, if you do not hold events related to the psychological adaptation of the baby to the decrease in milk.

  • Preparation "Bergolac" 285 - 848rub., Production: Russia.

The drug is sold in tablets for 2 or 8 pcs. packaged. Suppresses the production of prolactin during the established stable lactation. The drug is taken by ½ tablets twice a day, every 12 hours, for two days together with food.

Contraindications: age up to 16 years, heavy heart disease, ulcer of the stomach or gastrointestinal bleeding, rare forms of galactose intolerance, as a rule, hereditary. All contraindications take into account the doctor when prescribing the drug.

  • Preparation "Agalates" 449-1239 rubles, production: Israel.

Sold in tablets 2 or 8 pcs. packaged. Dosage active substance -0.5 mg. 1 mg is accepted. (2 tablets) drug once. Contraindicated with uncontrolled arterial hypertension, heavy violations of liver functions, psychosis, age up to 16 years, simultaneous use with antibiotics of a group of macrolides.

Products that are able to reduce the amount of milk:

  • black pepper and other sharp spices;
  • herbal tea from mint or lingonberry;
  • tincture of sage or adding dry grass in tea;
  • decoction of the horsetail of the field and sage in the ratio of 1: 1;
  • juice or tincture parsley.

Fast Radiation Methods from Breast

The technique of sharp cessation of feedings is used in case of extreme need.

This may be associated with some diseases of the mother, but not with all diseases.

  • "Breast bandaging method" - Not recommended modern medicine. This method does not lead to a rapid decrease in lactation, it is capable of calling mastitis;
  • "Jumping method" - It's when mom instead of feeding joins. It helps to remove painful sensations in the chest, does not allow the formation of seals. We must not forget that it is not necessary to join, otherwise it will provoke the reverse process - enhancing lactation;
  • "Medicaous cessation of lactation" Stops the production of milk by the body of a woman for two to three days. All drugs refer to the group of "hormonal means".

Does chest smear and what?

The technique is based on the fact that in the consciousness of the child, a bitter taste or unpleasant smell will be contacted with breastfeeding, and it will not ask for tasteless milk. Substances for breast lubrication are divided into groups: food products, medicines, tincture of herbs.



  • greens;
  • furaticilina solution;
  • tablets "But - Shpa", solution in water;
  • medical bile;
  • drops "Hilak Forte".

Herbs tincture:

  • motherwort;
  • aloe;
  • sagebrush.

Not all means are safe for the baby. Mustard can burn the mouth mucosa. Drops "Hilak Forte", on the contrary, will improve digestion and will not cause harm. Practice shows that the method works selectively. Some children are crying, but tolerate bitterness, continuing to ask the mother's chest.

Method Komarovsky

Doctor's advice upon leaving the chest:

  • reduce the amount of fluid that is drunk per day. This means not to drink additional liquid volumes, as they did before, to increase the amount of milk;
  • reduce sucking time. Distract the baby to the toy or even interrupt sucking alone;
  • do not argue;
  • actively move during the day. This will reduce the production of milk by the body;
  • there are no products that provoke lactation: beer, walnuts, milk tea, carrot juice, fermented milk products;
  • spoile the taste of breast milk: eat garlic, drink the tincture of a mother-in-law or hawthorn.

The doctor's pharmaceutical methods apply only under the supervision of a doctor, although he considers them harmful than folk remedies.

How to overcome the baby from the chest at night

How to overcome the baby from breastfeeding at night after a year, but continue feeding up to two years. No need to carry out permanent. By one-year-old age, the frequency of such feedings is reduced by itself. Only in rare cases, especially demanding children, do not want to change the power of nutrition.

Effective receptions for overflow without harm to the child

  1. The first cancel the daily feedings at the request of the baby, when it is early to feed in the day, and the child asks the breast.
  2. Reduce the time applying to the chest.
  3. "Snacks" between the main feedings replace the game or walk.
  4. Remove feeding before or after daytime sleep.
  5. According to the Pediatrician recommendations, enter additional lures.
  6. Remove applying to the chest in front of a nightproof. Swing on your arms or tell a fairy tale.
  7. Act on schedule and reduce the number of night feedings.
  8. Wear closed blouses and T-shirts so that the child does not see "food".
  9. Support the child psychologically. Speak more gentle words, add hugs and touches.
  10. Leave the baby with relatives. He must get used to short-term separation. Time gradually increase.
  11. Pediatricians recommend replacing one of the feedings with a mixture. The norm for a one-year-old kid is 1/9 part of the body mass.
  12. Greet your child with his favorite dishes. Increase the amount of fluid that is drunk per day.

If you have not turned out

Like any biological process, increasing breastfeeding, passes individually. Often, only Mom's decisions are completely insufficient. Some children are happy to pass on their lures and independently forget about mother's chest, and some children are in close dependence on the process of sucking. It is almost impossible to break this connection without the desire of the child.

If the kid behavior is aggression, then the oscillation process should be suspended. Lay on some of the stages. When it is not possible to abandon night feedings, but it was possible to replace day feeding - this stage should be extended.

If the physical condition of the child needs to be introduced diverse adhesive. The kid will add new tastes to his diet, it will help to abandon her milk like meals. If you fail, you need to try again. Apply methods that have not been used earlier.

What not to do

  1. It is impossible to set specific deadlines if the feeding process is adjusted and the milk is enough, fast oscillation will not work.
  2. Restore in the period when the teeth or the child are cut.
  3. Stop feeding when a child is experiencing an emotional shake.
  4. Immediately and for a long time to leave the baby without mom.
  5. Wash the nipples by folk remedies. It can cause the burns of the nipples and the oral cavity and the lips of the child.
  6. Replacing night feedings on a bottle with a mixture or sweet compotes. It can cause caries from a child.
  • find breastfeeding consultant. This is specially trained medical personnel, which will help practical advice individually;
  • alone, without recommendation and observation of the doctor, do not interrupt the feeding with medicines. Hormonal agents can cause depression;
  • during the random period from breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully observe the behavior of the baby. If the ending process is moving very quickly, it will splash in aggressiveness or anxiety for it. Bad night sleep, soblip - symptoms of emotional discomfort. The child can start biting, so he manifests his anxiety, no need to ignore this symptom;
  • increase physical contact - hugging, kissing, stroking the child. This will give him to understand that mom is near, remove the emotional tension.

Tips for experienced mothers:

  • to feed in the afternoon. Leave the night for sleep;
  • if we reduce day feeding, then start with "snacks", leaving feeding before and after day sleep;
  • telling fairy tales and relaxed on your arms, replacing feeding before bedtime;
  • find out that he loves a child from dust and give when he asks the chest;
  • do not smell the chest with a variety of disadvantages, but take the nipples with a plaster;
  • smear green and tell that mom is sick;
  • drink or eat products that spoil the taste of milk. Effectively in the last stages, for the final refusal.

Video on how to wean a child from breastfeeding

Dr. Komarovsky will tell how to wean a child from breast feeding:

What errors need to be avoided when the child is removed from the chest:

Breastfeeding, undoubtedly, brings great benefits for the baby and for Mom. But one day the moment occurs when it's time to stop breastfeeding.

Undoubtedly, there are situations in life when excommunication Child from chest caused by necessity:

  • mother's disease preventing the continuation of feeding (acute infectious diseases, oncological diseases, purulent mastitis, diabetes mellitus and others). On the need to stop feeding in such cases, the doctor reports
  • acceptance of the mother of drugs that do not combine with breastfeeding
  • exit to work
  • the need for long departure

Important: All these reasons lead to the termination of feeding sharply, which may be hard for mom and child. If you learn about the emergence of such situations, prepare a child to such a moment.

When it's time to overcome from the chest

It is common that up to 9 months the child needs breastfeeding. And after that age, this necessity is considered more psychological.

If your child is already eating from a common table, then breast milk is no longer a power source for it. The desire to suck the chest is caused, rather, habit and needs to calm down.

Important: You are mom. No one except you should decide when this moment comes. Only you decide when you and your child are ready for this step. Confidence in its decision - the key to successful excommunication

How to stop breastfeeding?

There are two fundamentally different exclusive methods from the chest:

  • sharp excommunication
  • gradual excommunication

Sharp riddling baby from breast

A sharp exciderass is hardly transferred to both mom and child. If the child is still small (up to 9 months), then the problem is more likely to choose a suitable mixture that the baby's body will be perceived without difficulty. And the selection of the mixture is sometimes a difficult task. Many can be tried until you find suitable for your baby. Out of the chest and pick up the mixture, the child can be upset for many reasons:

  • no favorite mother's chest
  • make the mixture unusual for taste
  • sour tummy from new food
  • stool disorders from new food

IMPORTANT: Do all that in your power to stop feeding finally at least when you select a good mix for baby

If the child is at that age, when Mamino Milk is only complacency and habit (as a rule, from 1 year), then a sharp excuse is a psychological barrier for the kid. The child knows a lot, but to understand why yesterday he could calm down with her mother's breasts in his mouth, and today he is told that it is impossible.

IMPORTANT: Outstanding gradually, you will prepare a child and put the final point when the baby will be ready

Gradual Redemption Child from Breast

Essence Such an excommunication from the breast is to reduce the amount of feeding graduallyand in the end bring them to zero:

  • first, remove daytime feedings that are not associated with a falling asleep or waking up. If the baby asks the chest, distract it with toys, books, other food. Tell me that if the child wants to eat, then you will give him a cookie, for example. As a rule, such feedings are removed easily
  • next, remove the daily feeding after waking up. When a child wakes up, you should not lie near him so that he does not want to make her chest. It will be optimal if you already cook to the child at this point. And after waking up, take the baby to the kitchen
  • the following feedings are harder to remove - daytime feeding on falling asleep. Your goal is to find a way to bed sleep without a chest. It can be reading a book, singing a lullaby, easy swaying. If any of the ways acts soothing for the child, then continue in the same spirit. Every day the child will react calmer and calmer on your venture
  • feeding in front of the night bed. So that your child learned to fall asleep overnight without breasts, you must achieve an understanding from him that falling asleep and chest is two independent things from each other. Push the breast 30 minutes before the laid sleep. Do not give the child to sleep. Then make a ritual. You decide how it will be. But his meaning is that the child has already understood that if you, for example, put the beloved bear in the crib - it's time to sleep. The ritual should consist of several actions that you must repeat every day. When a child takes your ritual, remove the feeding itself, replacing it if necessary, another meal
  • night and morning feeding. This is the most difficult stage. When a child wakes up at night with crying and demands a breast, it is difficult to calm and explain that everything is fine and everything is near. To begin with, try instead of the chest to give a little water. Perhaps the baby woke up from thirst. After taking it to the hands and try to calm the tech, singing the songs. If nothing comes out, let's chest. The next day try new tactics. Ask other households to help you. Choose worth it to whom the baby is most comfortable. Stay sleep in your room so that the child see that you are here, you are near. When the child wakes up, let the dad will take the baby and will try to calm him down one of the above methods. Let him say that Mom rests or sleeps. And that the baby is also time to sleep, like mom. So dad should get up to the child all night

IMPORTANT: It is unlikely that you will get everything from the first time. But you be persistent and practice every stage until the child will easily play on your rules. You will notice that every day you will be easier and easier.

According to Dr. Komarovsky breastfeeding, be sure to 6 months and preferably up to 1 year. After a year, this is the exceptional law and the desire of Mom, since the needs of the child in this no longer.

The doctor offers its radical method of cessation of breastfeeding. If you firmly decided to stop breastfeeding, you need to leave for 2 days from the house, leaving a child with a grandmother. After arriving home, your child will remember about the chest and will require it. And then your task is to stand 2 hours. If in two hours you do not give your child the chest, then it is boring with breastfeeding. To stop the production of milk, the doctor recommends the recipe for the gynecologist to proper drugs.

Important: Doctor and himself calls its radial method. However, how to act the grandmother these two days doctor does not tell.

What to do with breasts after the baby is weed down?

If you have chosen a sharp excommunication from the chest, the body will still produce milk. So the breast will be overflowing more and more. In order to prevent the stagnation of milk, the problem needs to be solved.

The most optimal option is the adoption of drugs to stop lactation even before the breast is overflowing. That is, take care of it in advance. There are many drugs such. See preparations for stopping lactation.

Important: Do not bandage your breast! It hurts, it can lead to the passage of milk, it will spoil your breast shape.

It is easier for the question of the breast, when you take the child gradually. The less often you give the baby breasts, the less milk is produced. When you remove all feeding, Milk "Perjector".

Important: Nevertheless, follow the condition of the chest. If there are overcrowdes - see a little to relief. If there is stagnation - take measures to prevent it.

Throwing breasts. When will the menstruation appear?

Restoration of menstrual cycles - The process is very individual. As a rule, the first periods do not come until the child is completely on breastfeeding. As soon as the amount of breastfeeding decreases - the arrival of the first monthly approach. Everyone occurs in different ways. But when lactation is stopped, as a rule, appear in a few weeks.

Rules of successful cessation of breastfeeding based on councils and reviews

Whatever weedness from the breast you have not chosen, there is important rulesto help you to achieve result:

The cessation of breastfeeding is often stressful for mom and child. Do not go on the other and act as you make your maternal heart.

Video on the topic "What can not be done when stopping breastfeeding"

In our country, finally, the creation of conditions for full-fledged motherhood and childhood began. How to overcome the child from breastfeeding in 1.5 years? Decent conditions in maternity homes, the ability to purchase inexpensive children's things, a three-year-old leave for child care, maternity capital ... All these moments, quite natural for a civilized country, were not recently unavailable to moms of the current birthdayrs.

Today's moms are completely incomprehensible, as can be given to the nursery a semi-annual child in connection with access to work. And 30-40 years ago, apparently, the recently born women constituted the basis of the working class. But the kids up to 2-3 years old are actively needing loving and caring mom in order to grow full-fledged loving and caring people.

In those years early breastfeeding It was caused by the production necessity. It was considered the norm, since labor for the benefit of society was more important than any personal problems. That is why our grandmothers are now surprised, envying a young mother with a 2-year-old "baby hanging around the chest. Or indignant if the kid "tears" on the mother's dress in transport. At the same time, completely forgetting that in even more older times, when Russian women "gave birth to the field", breastfeeding up to 3-4 years was considered the norm.

But, we will leave the older generation with the mistakes and flaws of the society of half a century ago and will return to the wonderful "today", where the young mother hears from everywhere about the benefits of breastfeeding. At the same time she is completely does not want to overcome the child from breastfeeding in no 1.5 in no 2 years. Numerous sites, telecasts, piles of books are devoted to promoting long-term close relations between mom and baby. After all, besides the fact that the child gets a mass of the useful substances already studied with breast milk, he gets used to gentle touching, hugs, gets used to a sweetly fall asleep near a warm mother. And it is in this subtle world that everything is preserved and eternal.

So, a modern young mother reads and listens to the benefits of breastfeeding. It feeds fully, does not have bad habits and is ready to feed her child to a victorious end. The World Health Organization (WHO) so determined the stages of breastfeeding:

  1. before half a year, it is necessary
  2. up to 1 year - preferably
  3. after 1 year - at the discretion of mom.

Recent studies have shown that anything harmful in breast milk is not contained, and even, on the contrary, the immunization of the body of the child continues with it. That is, a young mother, loving his baby and tuned to everything that concerns him, is ready not to let his child from the chest, even though the campaign to the first class.

Are there legitimate reasons for which it is necessary to stop breastfeeding, except for medical testimony? Definitely there. And the reasons for these psychological shade.

In the second year of life, the child begins to actively develop his psycho-emotional baggage. Everything is interesting for him, he grabs different items, considers them, does not know what to do with them, throws them, crying from annoyance. Sometimes it is bored - everything looked, nothing new around did not appear - sadness, melancholy.

He moves a lot, respectively, quickly gets tired, needs to rest, crying, tormented himself - can not fall asleep from his own crying. All these troubles happen to the baby due to the instability of the psyche to external influences.

How to overcome the child from chest psychology

Our task is to show him how to play in a different way with an old toy, find something interesting in a long familiar room, help him move from a moving game to a calmer occupation. That is, at this age, the child is already able to switch its attention with an adult and, thus, to fully develop without prejudice to the psyche.

And here, unless loving nursing mom mistakenly believes that she has a valuable trump card. Any discomfort, crying, sadness, fatigue is removed by the breast offer. It's easier to put the child breasts than to look for other ways to entertain him. At the older age, such a mother will offer a child a piece of cookies in each case of spiritual discomfort. As a result of maternal fatigue, laziness or inexperience, there is no workout in the child and a lazy haired creature grows, besides, it is also fatteny from such care.

By one and a half years, a healthy child already has an internal mental resource in order to cope with various states of discomfort with the support of an adult.

Another reason why most mammies come to solve to finish breastfeeding, is the device of the child to kindergarten. It usually happens closer to two years when the baby is already physically and emotionally ready to perceive the children's team. Not just ready, but needs to communicate, in the experience of peers. Very often, completely non-ring children or children who do not perceive the pot, after two months of stay in kindergarten decide their problems.

In short, an adequate mother is aware of the importance of a new stage in the life of a child and understands that it is necessary to start the process of excommunication a child from the chest.

How to plan a child's oscillation from the chest in front of a kindergarten

It is necessary to start in advance, in the spring of that year, when it is planned to enter kindergarten. In no case cannot be combined with the fact of excommunication with the moment of exit, as the stress of separation from the mother will be aggravated by several times and, most likely, on the very first day you will be returned to the restless, and not falling asleep the child.

Radiation stages from breastfeeding:

  1. Gradually, it is necessary to cut all day feeding until the feeding remains only in front of day sleep, night bed and night.
  2. Radically remove feeding before bedtime.
  3. Gradually remove night feedings.

The most difficult thing is to abruptly part with feeding before bedtime. Baby, incurred by the day, tired, wants to sleep. But the smelling mechanism in the infants was charged on the process of sucking, and now it is incredibly difficult to disconnect without the usual ritual.

Why should break up with feedings before bedtime need sharply? In order not to torment for a long time, nor the child nor themselves, since the process of separation, indeed, painful. Everyone, for sure, at least once in his life heard, as in the evening or at night, a child was drunk behind the neighbor the neighbors. Screws an hour, the other. And we think: "Here is a mother, cuckoo, can't calm the child! He is so throat for himself a break or crazy! " It may very well be that there, the neighbors, just this very process of parting with maternal breasts took place.

Here, the main thing, to withstand and do not regret the little screech. Because in this case, this process will start tomorrow from the very beginning. Usually, children from one and a half to two years have enough 3-5 days to get rid of the thoracic dependence.

How to teach the child at night from breastfeeding without mom

How technically, can it be done? Significantly faster than the result can be achieved by sending mom on vacation, day by 3-4. So, Mom left. Well-arrived and therefore tired, the child is fed, wash and moved to sleep. Bed baby tightly moved to an adult bed. A close relative goes to the room with him, creates him as a positive calm atmosphere, falls on his bed and invites the child to lie on his pillow. In this case, you can sing lullaby and stroke on the back. For a while, the child will be screaming and run around the bed. Trying to take him to the hands, practically, it is useless, since he is too upset. How much will continue, depends on how saturated was his day and how talked is tired. At this stage, the relative should show mental hardness and wait until the child calms down himself, falls and starts to blink slowly.

Feeding baby breasts is a very touching moment of mom and child's unity. On the importance of this process, you can speak infinitely, but, sooner or later, the moment comes when it's time to stop breast feeding. It is very important for both mom and baby, competently complete the lactation process. What options exist and how to make the right choice - you will find out by reading our article.

Possible weedness methods

If you decide that it is time to stop lactation and to overcome the baby from the chest, that is, three ways to do this:

  1. "Soft" excommunication- This method is based on a gradual decrease in breastfeeding to a complete termination. Requests patience from mom and some time for smoother excommunication.
  2. Reception of hormonal drugs - After taking special tablets in the body, the production of the prolactin hormone is stopped, which is necessary for the formation of breast milk. This method is not suitable for women, has many side effects and requires consultation with a gynecologist.
  3. Babushkin or People's Method- You leave for some time from the house, and the baby leave on a close member of the family. This method can scare the baby and enter it into stress state.

The best way: how to overcome the child from the breast naturally

In recent years, "soft" and gradual excommunication from breast feeding are choosing more and more modern mothers.
It is very not surprising, because this method allows you to make the most smooth out the stressful state of the baby without my mother's chest, and for the female body, to zero the appearance of mastitis and lact stations. Let's find out what the essence of this method is.

How long does it last "soft" way

On the excavation of a child from the breast, a month-and-a half leaves - approximately one week for each of the stages. Consider them in more detail.

Main steps

Consultants on breastfeeding conditionally divided the process of the "soft" excommunication from the chest into four stages:

  1. At the very beginning you must exclude all the attachment of the baby to your breast without further falling asleep. If during the day the child will try to sunmate on the T-shirt on their own - you must completely distract him from this classes. Go to visit, to the park, consider colorful illustrations in books, draw - come up with any events that distract the "Mamina Sisi".
  2. The next step is to replace feeding after awakening from daytime sleep. At this stage, you will again come to the aid to answer the attention of the child.

    Keep your interesting book or toy at hand, which will have to do with him. Remind the child that he is waiting for exciting adventures and immediately proceed to the scheduled program after awakening it. Starting from one and a half years with children, you can try to negotiate.

    Explain that you will not give the breast. Do not raise the voices, do not hit the hands and do not punish the baby for trying to get such a familiar to him, my mother's chest. Gently, but persistently, deny him, assigned children's handles from your T-shirts and switch the attention of the child to other things.
  3. The next stage is to teach the baby to fall asleep without the help of the chest. Here you will have to create rituals for the night and help close. Creating rituals before bed - this is daily repetitive actions that will be preceded by falling asleep in the evening.

    It can be a joint reading of a book, bathing in a bath, watching a cartoon - in general, any quiet and calm actions, after which the baby will know - soon he is waiting for a dream.
    The creation of such rituals acts soothing into a children's nervous system, because the baby is already consciously prepared for the actions that he has already mastered well. It is the routine performance of actions at the same time produces a sense of habit from the kid.

    As an option to fall asleep without breasts - help close. Dad or grandmothers can prepare him to sleep - to swim, disguise in pajamas, sing a lullaby and be near, while the baby does not smorify sleep. Without seeing her mother, he will not be nervous due to the lack of a breast before bedtime, so the fallback must pass more calmly.

    If the fallback is possible only with mom, then go around next to the child, kiss, foster, hug - let him feel that the absence of the breast does not mean the absence of mom nearby. Do not forget that during the random period from breastfeeding you should wear tight T-shirts or even golf - such clothes will not provoke an additional interest in your chest.

  4. The final stage is to remove night feedings. If your child got used to waking up for a few times to drink her milk, now the most important thing for you is not to give your chest.
    Take a woken baby on your hands or put next to me and re-put it sleep. Replace the chest at night sometimes helps a bottle with water or milk, but control the volume of drilled liquid at night.

    Over time, as soon as the baby woke up, do not rush to bring him a bottle with a drink at once - try to give him the opportunity to learn how to fall asleep yourself. If it is not possible to completely remove breastfeeding at night at night - do not despair.

    Gradually reduce the time of the child's stay under the breast, replace this process with drinking water or let dad get up to it at night. As a rule, after 2-3 nights, the baby will stop demanding the mother's chest at night, and every time his sleep becomes calmer and stronger - on the joy of his parents.

Important! Do not give the baby sweet drinks, compotes and other good features in a bottle as a replacement of night breastfeeding. The child will like their taste and it will be specially waking up at night in order to drink them, besides this, do not forget that sugar destroys a thin dental enamel in children.

Video: how to overcome the baby from the chest

The benefits and harm of the method for mom and child

Using the method of "soft" excommunication, it is difficult to find minuses. A gradual decrease in the amount of applies to the chest launches the level of prolactin level to the blood, which leads to a natural lactation extrusion.

For the baby, this process also passes painlessly - interest in her mother's breast is replaced by other interesting things, gradually and gently, Mamino Milocheko departs first to the background, and then disappears at all.

The only drawback is not every mom is able to resist the crying of her baby. But do not give up, especially if you have noticed progress in this matter. If a rapid result is important for you and you do not have time to organize gradual excommunication from the chest, then there is another way - with the help of hormonal drugs to stop lactation.

Did you know? After the completion of lactation, in the female breast, the minimum amount of milk can be maintained for six months, this is due to the restructuring of the body. In this case, the most important thing is not to join it, so as not to provoke the production of new portions of breast milk.

Is it possible to overcome the child from the breast by a medication method?

Drug termination of lactation should be used in rare cases when it is necessary to drastically stop the production of milk with a female organism.

Medical preparations should be appointed exclusively obstetrician gynecologists and only after personal consultations. It is important to understand that this method is based on the intervention in the hormonal system of a woman, which carries certain risks.

Basic principles

The effect of drugs overwhelming lactation is based on the slowdown and termination of the production of certain hormones, among which the hormone prolactin plays a special role - it is responsible for the quantity and quality of the milk produced.

Bromcriptein and Cabbergoline are active substances that can be powered by such serious changes to the work of the hormonal system of a nursing woman.

Possible risks and side effects

First of all, it is worth familiar with the contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • gastric ulcer and duodenal intestine;
  • renal failure;
  • reino syndrome;
  • postpartum psychosis;
  • individual intolerance to the components contained in the preparations.

Reception of Bromcripline or Cabergolin preparations Very often causes the appearance of side effects, including: nausea, dizziness, sharp blood pressure jumps, cutting in the abdominal cavity, convulsions, vomiting, headaches, decreased vision, heart rate impaired, the appearance of irritability, inhibition and drowsiness.

It should be noted that the simultaneous admission of alcohol, as well as some antibiotics and drugs for the suppression of lactation can increase the manifestation of adverse reactions.
Intervention in the production of hormones in the body can lead to hormonal failures after stopping lactation. Often, women after receiving bromcripting-containing drugs complained about seals in the chest, which soon was transformed into mastitis or even in mastopathy.

Important! If your baby does not want to calm down and constantly crying without your chest, then, perhaps his nervous system is not yet ready for the excavation. If possible - transfer the lactation termination process for several months. Thus, you will not be injured the psyche of the baby, and also save your nerves.

How to overcome the baby from the breast "grandmother's way"

A few more than a few years ago, this method of excommunication from the chest was considered the norm, and nursing moms did not see another way, except to leave home and leave a crumb with someone from the close.

Video: Folk ways to stop lactation

The essence of the "separation" method

You will need to leave home for a while so that the baby does not see you and did not ask for a whim. Over time, he will discharge from this need and forget about Mamina Sis. When mom returns home, he will not be under the T-shirt.

Is it worth using the way: advantages and disadvantages

This method can be called the most stressful for the child. Without seeing mom and her breasts with a delicious milk, the baby is unlikely to think about something else. The period without mom will be held strongly stress. The consequences of the long separation with the closest person can still remind themselves.

For a nursing mothers, such a method is no less heavy and dangerous - on one side of the experience and stress from separation from the baby, on the other - the chest overwhelmed with milk, which can hurt much. This oscillation method often becomes the cause of lactostasis.

When it is worth to overcome the child: is it necessary to wait for the involution?

The involution of lactation (the involution of the breast) is a natural process in the body of a nursing mother, when with a reduction in the amount of applies to the chest or with a complete cessation of breastfeeding in the mammary glands, the conversion of ferrous tissues into fatty glands.
In other words - the chest is "rebuilt" in its former look. Most often, lactation involution occurs from 2 to 3 years. At this age, children no longer need mom's milk, their diet is diverse, and the circle of interest is significantly expanding.

The amount of milk produced by the female organism becomes less and less, and gradually this process stops. Some mothers believe that after a year of breastfeeding in milk there is no longer any useful, they say, milk becomes like water.

But it's not at all. The composition and appearance of breast milk really change for different times - at the very beginning it is more sweet and fat, and closer to two years - more watery. Such changes are caused by the adaptation of milk to provide the necessary useful substances of the growing organism.
It has been proven that after the year, it has much more immunoglobulins, fats, trace elements and other active ingredients necessary for the full development of the nervous system and intellect in the child. Such completion of breastfeeding, according to modern pediatricians and mammologists, is the most correct as the baby and for the female organism as a whole.

Specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO) unanimously declare that in the first six months of the life of the baby his only food is exclusively maternal milk. To continue breastfeeding, but taking into account the timely input of feeding and with the gradual expansion of the diet - it is recommended to two years.

Over this age - at will and the possibility of mother. A long period of lactation has several undoubted advantages - a stronger immune system in a child and breast cancer prevention and hormonal imbalances from his mother.

Mom's opinion

And how do your mother breastfeeding belong to long-term breastfeeding? In fact, feed up to two or more - it's not easy business. Lactation termination is often associated with the causes, the effect on which is beyond the nursing mothers.

Reception of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, health problems, the need to give the baby to the nursery, re-pregnancy - all these factors significantly reduce the possibility of long-term lactation. Do not forget that this process affects the bone system, the condition of hair and nails in a woman.

Many mothers note that over time they begin to get tired of breastfeeding. The once-touching process of unity with the baby begins to be inappropriate, annoying and call only irritation. Such a reaction can be a signal of the body that it is time to complete breastfeeding, and how to understand whether the baby is ready to refuel - you can learn more in our article.

Video: When to overcome the child from the chest

How to understand that the child does not need a breast: explicit signs

Watching the behavior of your child, attentive mom may notice some signs that it becomes clear that the lactation can be stopped:

  1. The teeth were cut through, and the baby learned to chew firm food.
  2. The kid does not suck her fingers, the bottom sponge or other items.
  3. There is at least one feeding - "adult" food adapted for a child.
  4. If the child wanted his mother's chest, it is easy to distract the book, a toy or other action.
  5. Your baby can fall asleep without your chest or her presence nearby.
  6. The kid easily tolerates separation with mom.
  7. Waking up at night, the child may fall asleep again without applying.
  8. On the day you feed the chest for no more than three times.

In order for mom to take such an important decision to stop lactation, it is important to listen to your own inner sensations and emotions.
If you are overcome doubts about the correctness of the decision done - do not hurry, try to return to this question in a month or another, because only mom, like no other, knows that it will be useful and necessary to her baby.

Radiation from breastfeeding: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

If you contact this issue to the main expert in part of children's health - Dr. Komarovsky, his tips on the cessation of breastfeeding are extremely simple. He offers mom to leave for a few days, and child care to trust a grandmother or her husband.

Thus, having lived two or three nights without Mamin Milk, the baby will forget about his need for him. It is possible that after the mother's return home, the baby can try to climb under the clothes in search of the chest, so it is very important to immediately stop these attempts and distract his attention to other interesting things.

Video: How to wean a baby from breast feeding In order to stop the production of milk in the female body, you can take special pills, choose which will help the attending gynecologist.

Did you know? There are affordable folk methods for reducing milk production. For example, the use of tea from Sage - it contains phytoestrogen, which affects the production of prolactin, but much "softer" its medicinal analogues.

Choosing a method of excommunication from breast feeding, do not forget about psychological comfort for your baby. A sharp cessation of lactation will adversely affect the child's nervous system, and can also harm your health. Follow your intuition and recommendations of modern doctors, and this process will pass gently and painlessly.

Breast milk is a nutritious and useful product that fully meets the need of a child in minerals and vitamins, supports its immunity and contributes to rapid growth and weight gain. Each mother independently decides when to translate the kid to artificial mixes or "adult" food. And so that the separation process takes place painlessly and with minimal stress, several points should be taken into account.

Optimal time

Some nursing women try to wait until two years when the child is growing and strengthened, and his digestive system will be ready for the transition to porridge and vegetable puree. Other mothers begin to teach the baby from the chest per year and a half. Approximately from 8-9 months, the input of dust begins, so milk becomes useful, but not a mandatory addition.

Specialists sitting in WHO advise to switch to an adult menu not earlier than 1.6 or 2 years. Experienced mothers and doctors who are worried about the physical and emotional health of women are recommended not to rape themselves if breast feeding squeezes all the forces and does not bring pleasure. The child is more useful to eat with mixtures and vegetables and see a happy parent. Love and a healthy atmosphere in the family protect against diseases no worse than breast milk and vitamin supplements.

Psychological setting

Moms are experiencing excommunication no less painful than children. They appear feeling that native monitoring is deprived of something important. To facilitate the transition from breast milk to another food, a woman should morally tune in and convince himself that this step is needed primarily to the child. He must gradually become independent and will depend less on Mom and her chest. Parents, confident in the correctness of their own solution, is easier and easier to refuse feeding. They convey their mood to the child, so it is easier for him to accept and adapt to new conditions.

Emergency measures

Women of the 20th century, which never heard of psychology and pedagogy, knew only one option of excommunication from breast milk. Children were given to the care of caring grandmothers or nannies, and Moms arrange an unscheduled rest. Modern parents can entrust siblings and dads who are able to change the baby diapers and open a jar with a puree. A woman should live in a friend, sunbathe in the country or spend time on the seashore. It is advisable to turn off the phone and other means of communication with the outside world, because in the first day or two, the child will cry and ask for a chest in addition to her mother.

Relatives will have to make a maximum effort to feed a small guest, lay sleep and calm the next hysteria. They will be ready to surrender and will be offered to wait for the excavation from the chest, but the mother must be inexorable. After 3-4 days, the child calms down and takes off the milk, and a week later, the parent will be able to return to his beloved chad with a calm soul. The main thing is not to succumb to the desire to console or burn the baby's chest, because in the first month it is very simple to break.

Important: Previously, for stopping lactation, the dairy glands were pulled by sheets or bandages. Such experiments often ended with inflammation or mastitis. Modern women do not need to risk, because there are special preparations, thanks to which the body ceases to produce milk.

Gradual changes

Not all moms are capable of getting rid of the feeling of guilt and give a loved child to the care of dad or grandmother. Yes, and relatives are not always ready to support a woman and leave the kid at home for such a long time. We will have to be patient and move to goal gradually. Some get to stop breastfeeding in 1.5-2 weeks, others stretch the pleasure of a month or a little more.

The child needs energy and many vitamins to support immunity in working condition. It should be experimentally to find products that like the baby and do not cause allergies from him, and gradually increase portions of adult food, reducing the amount of milk milk. You can give more juices or compotes, follow the child enough liquid. Mother's milk is replaced with cow or goat, or buy special mixtures. There is nothing wrong with artificial powders, they, on the contrary, strengthen immunity and contribute to normal development.

While the child is smoothly moving on mashed potatoes and soup, mom is recommended to stick to the diet. Eliminate during dishes and products that enhance lactation. Try to drink low water and other liquid, use diuretic drugs or grass. Some women reduce the amount of milk with the help of laxative tablets or droplets, but the benefits of this method are doubtful, and the harm is obvious.

Distracting maneuver
The child must learn to fall asleep at first, and then at night without her mother's chest. A woman is advised to fall along with the baby on one bed so that he felt her presence and support. But if he starts to be capricious and demand "food", you need to gently soothe it and suggest hug. Only the children's back should be pressed against the mother's belly, so as not to seduce the child with the opportunity to dine before bedtime. You can offer a bottle with water or cow milk instead of the usual chest, but some children are then formed dependence on the nipple.

The day of the woman should wear t-shirts or sweaters without cutout, depriving access to milk glands. You can wear sports tops that retain the shape of the chest and protect against persistent children's hands. It is impossible to change the child and swim along with him in one bath. In the afternoon, when the baby begins to be capricious and learn the chest, recommend distracting with his games, cartoons, go for a walk or meet dad at the door. You can offer to look in the eyes, independently open the lock and even go to the staircase to check if there is no second parent there.

A child with time will learn to eat mashed potatoes and porridge, and after a few months will forget the existence of maternal milk. One children is enough for the week to give up feeding. First, they learn to fall asleep independently and do not get up in the middle of the night to "eat" mom. Then you get used to the dinner you have to eat puree and steam cutlets, without drinking everything with milk. During this period, they advise to give full-fledged portions of food so that the child does not feel hungry.

Tip: If the baby refuses porridge, demanding the chest, you should not shove in it lunch or immediately get the milk gland. Let some time he will be hungry, in a few hours nothing terrible will happen. But then he gladly swallows everything that his parents are offered.

To burn the baby, mom is advised to sneak or read fairy tales. Soothing properties also possess strokes on the back or head. Women who refused to feed, say that the child and the day, and sleeps much longer at night, becomes not so restless.

Women should be playing sports, because exercise and reinforced sweating helps to stop lactation. The swollen chest is constrained, but slightly to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. If you constantly empty the mammary glands, the body will produce "food" for the baby in the usual mode. The breast in which the milk remains is a signal for the brain that it's time to abandon feeding.

Unconventional methods

Capricious kids who do not want to part with their usual "food", give nipples, blurred mustard or tincture. There are enough of several feedings, so that mother's mamines become tasteless and unattractive. The main thing is not to poison the baby grass and do not burn his esophagus.

Sometimes it helps the option with garlic. Mom should eat a decent portion of seasonings so that the milk has a specific taste. The baby, having tried this meal one or several times, myself will refuse her and go to appetizing vegetables.

It is not worth perceiving the raidness from the chest, as a tragedy or betrayal. Love and tenderness that the baby received when feeding, it is possible to refund with the help of joint games, communication and reading books. The main thing is that both mom and the child be prepared for this serious step, and then they will succeed.

Video: how to pass the child from the chest