How to get rid of facial redness. How to get rid of redness on the face - preventive measures. Irritation on the face after hair removal and depilation

Redness on the face can't help but upset... Such manifestations can sometimes be so strong that it is impossible to cope with conventional tinting agents.

The best assistant here will be traditional medicine, which helps to solve the problem of how to remove redness from the face at home. Since redness can be the result of certain pathologies, when they appear, you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Even if we are talking about folk methods of eliminating the problem, they should be used only after receiving advice. Only the doctor must decide how and what to use in order to return the skin to its previous shade, as well as an attractive aesthetic pallor.

A healthy complexion is in vogue now, some swarthiness is allowed... Natural or artificial blush is encouraged.

In the process of applying make-up, special attention is paid to applying blush, as it should be harmonious. This is a form of redness that is welcome and self-administered.

If, instead of such a desired blush, redness appears on the face, all forces are sent to eliminate it..

Before considering how to remove redness on the face, you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons that can lead to this trouble. The doctor can determine the exact cause, and based on the results obtained, he decides on the next steps.

You can remove redness from the face using a variety of methods, but in order for the result to give a positive and long-term result, it is very important to accurately establish the most accurate and effective therapy.

Redness protruding on the face is not a disaster or a diagnosis... This is a slight discomfort and various unpleasant sensations that can overtake the owners of the weaker half of humanity for a variety of reasons.

Among the most important are:

Based on all the factors listed above, it can be concluded that what to do to avoid redness on the face.

If this is not enough, if spots appear due to genetic characteristics, it will be possible to decide how to get rid of redness on the face effectively and quickly only under the supervision of a doctor.

Every woman needs to know what methods exist to deal with the appearance of redness on the face in ordinary home conditions.

There are a lot of methods, you can easily choose the best option for yourself to get rid of redness, which will not require a lot of time and money. Here's more details on each method.


A special cream removes various redness very well... At the pharmacy, you just need to purchase a remedy for atopic dermatitis.

After using such a remedy, you can completely get rid of severe burning and other unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations on the face.

A cream or ointment should be purchased only after consulting a doctor, who will select a product that is most suitable for a particular type of skin.

On the basis of parsley, a unique soothing face mask against redness can be made at home.

Thoroughly crushed leafy greens can help quickly remove red spots from your face. If you carry out the procedure several times, you can forget about the problem for a long time.

To prepare the mask, you will need to do the following:

  1. A small bunch of parsley is washed under running water.
  2. The raw material is carefully crushed.
  3. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water.
  4. The solution is removed for infusion for a couple of hours.
  5. The resulting mixture is filtered through a sieve or through a simple gauze.

The solution can be used as a regular tonic, rubbing the face twice a day... A positive result becomes apparent quickly enough.

Whitening face with parsley

Clay is the perfect remedy for redness on the face... To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to purchase clay powder of any color in the pharmacy, it can be white or green.

The powder is poured into a glass dish, filled with hot water until a slurry is formed. As soon as the mixture has completely cooled down, you can apply the ready-made product to the skin of the face and hold it for 20 minutes.

The composition is washed off with warm boiled water... If there is an infusion of parsley, you can remove the clay from the face with this composition. The most important thing is that it is not cold or running water.

To prevent red spots on the face from attacking at the most inopportune moments, you always need to keep boiled water on hand, and preferably at room temperature. It is necessary not only to wash your face with such water, but also to prepare products using such water.

When deciding how to remove redness from the face, it is worth stopping your attention on potato masks. The use of potato masks is an effective, inexpensive and quick way to eliminate various redness on the face.

Such masks are prepared quite quickly and simply, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • raw potatoes are peeled;
  • the fruit is rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • the resulting mass is applied to the face;
  • the mask should be applied to the face for about 20 minutes;
  • the composition is washed off with boiled warm water.

If the procedure is performed in the evening before bedtime, you can apply a daily soothing cream to your face..

Quite often, redness on the face is accompanied by slight peeling; a few drops of vegetable sunflower or olive oil can be added to the potato mass.

If the redness is not widespread, but local in nature, you can not make a potato-based mask, but cut the fruit into small slices and apply to the places where redness has occurred.

Sour cream is an ideal remedy for redness

Sour cream very well relieves inflammation on the face... The product is used in a situation where the redness is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.

The product is simply applied to the face, due to which the skin is quickly moisturized, soothed and rejuvenated.

To cope with redness, you can use not only special formulations and masks, but also perform certain exercises from time to time.

This technique quickly normalizes blood pressure, and redness on the face no longer appears.

There is no specific exercise pattern here. It is enough to perform simple exercises and facial movements and you can effectively prevent the likelihood of redness.

You can supplement exercise with a light cheek massage... It should be carried over the cheeks in a circular motion for about 15 minutes every day.

This is the perfect opportunity to not only get rid of red spots, but also reduce increased muscle tension.

Water is a unique opportunity to restore beauty and vitality to the body and skin.

It is often enough to simply drink the required amount of water to remove redness on the face. For the body, this is real strength, tone and beauty.

Achieving an attractive appearance, healthy and glowing skin is easy - you just need to drink about 2 liters of water daily.

Water not only helps to remove redness on the face, but can also restore strength and shape after exercise, in addition, it is an ideal opportunity to quickly recover from stressful situations.

For effective and quick removal of redness on the face, you can use professional cosmetics, as well as apply masks made on the basis of popular folk recipes.

They allow you to completely get rid of any irritation to restore subcutaneous circulation. All the masks presented to our attention have an ideal cosmetic effect, that is, they not only reduce the appearance of redness, but also reduce the beauty of the skin.

You need to make masks every day or at a minimum frequency of 2-3 weeks. Each composition must be kept on the face for at least 25 minutes.

Here are the most common mask options:

These masks cope very well with red spots on the face.... The most important thing is to do them as regularly as possible and at the same time to properly care for the skin with other useful products and cosmetic care creams.

To quickly remove redness on the face and get a lasting positive effect, it is worth studying the list of useful and effective tips. Among the most basic auxiliary techniques are:

It is very important to take care of the body from the inside. It is advisable to systematically drink special multivitamin products.


If peeling and redness persists after home care, you should contact a beauty salon. In such a situation, one can judge that certain internal problems can cause skin redness.

It is for this reason that it is so important to consult a professional cosmetologist at the first appearance of redness. Very often, all external manifestations disappear after a course of taking certain medications.

In some cases, you may need the help of cosmetic procedures... If the problems are caused by dermatological problems, the beautician may advise a chemical peel or a procedure such as laser correction, which not only removes redness, but also spider veins on the face.

If you monitor your health and follow a couple of the presented methods of dealing with redness and follow the doctor's recommendations, you can eliminate all traces of irritation or redness in just a couple of sessions. Only proper skin care will guarantee beauty and health.

This pathology, which occurs quite often, is especially troubling for women. And not only that such a condition is a sign of beginning health problems.

A spoiled appearance for the fairer sex of all ages is often commensurate with a disaster. Therefore, in this case, they always care about how to remove redness from the face?

Facial redness often occurs with emotional outbursts that occur as a result of stress or unforeseen situations. But this does not happen for long.

After a while, the complexion in this case will become natural. If they periodically act regardless of the emotional state, then this is the reason for being examined.

Mostly the causes of redness are known: excessive overdoing with tanning in a solarium or in the sun, eating citrus fruits or sweets. Often, a reddened face is also due to the wrong choice of cosmetics or hygiene products.

At the same time, it often happens when redness appears on the face without, it would seem, any prerequisites. Then, before taking measures to eliminate this problem, it is imperative to identify the cause of its occurrence. Without this, effective therapy cannot be achieved.

In addition to the reasons already mentioned, the face may turn red from:

  • the inflammatory process - the skin on the face is very delicate and susceptible, so it can be inflamed by a developing pimple or even one that has almost disappeared;
  • food products - usually the face turns red from too spicy, oily, fried food, sweets, alcohol;
  • - redness of the face, along with other symptoms, is its manifestation. And the cause of its occurrence can be any irritant;
  • vasodilation - usually occurs against a background of certain reasons (a sharp change in temperature, excessive laughter) or rather serious ailments (hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies).

The reason for the appearance of redness on the face can also be internal (menstruation) and external (dermatitis) manifestations.

If the treatment is organized correctly, it will not be difficult to cure the reddish formations. You can learn more about the causes of redness on the face.

How to remove redness

A variety of treatments are offered to help reduce facial redness. The most effective ones:

  • doing simple daily exercises - the usual circular movements on the cheeks not only strengthen the blood vessels, but also help get rid of excess tension in the muscles of the face;
  • proper nutrition - you should always remember that caffeine is a real evil. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of coffee and tea. In this case, it is better to switch to caffeine-free drinks and herbal teas. Along the way, give up the use of hot and spicy foods. They increase sweating, which is undesirable for the pathology under consideration;
  • sun protection techniques... You shouldn't go outside without sunscreen. In winter, it is enough to use a day cream with an SPF factor. In addition, now there are also foundations with sun-preserving components;
  • medical paraffin... It must be warmed up and, in a slightly cooled state, applied to the skin of the face with a cotton swab. After 20 minutes, the film that forms when it solidifies must be removed, and the face should be smeared with a nourishing cream;
  • cucumber - both juice and its pulp can cope with redness. This is done very simply: you should moisten a cotton swab with vegetable juice and apply it to the problem area, or lubricate the face with gruel and leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse. The vegetable is completely safe, therefore it is good for everyone, without exception;
  • aspirin - 3 tablets of the drug must be crushed and diluted with the lotion you are using. Apply the mixture to problem areas, and remove after a third of an hour. The redness will go away, but such a remedy cannot be used often.

When choosing your face care products, choose only those that are suitable for your skin type.

How to relieve irritation

For sensitive skin with irritation, and therefore redness, any vegetable oil will cope. Although more useful in this case is considered apricot, peach or sea buckthorn.

Ordinary mashed potatoes (in milk and with butter), gruel from fresh cucumber, baked onions (they bake it directly with the peel, then cut it into two parts, apply it still warm and keep it cool) will perfectly soothe such skin.

Cosmetic procedures

Modern cosmetic procedures successfully solve the problem of facial redness. The most effective of them:

  • cryomassage - a way to exfoliate the skin with liquid nitrogen;
  • dermabrasion - involves grinding the skin with cutters, cleans it well. True, it differs not only in efficiency, but also in painfulness (performed under anesthesia);
  • electrocoagulation - problem vessels are cauterized by current;
  • laser coagulation.

Each of these procedures is safe and effective enough. The skin of the face will not only be cleansed of redness, but it will also be moisturized, it will acquire firmness and freshness.

How to get rid of redness

Mostly redness appears on the cheeks, nose and chin. What to do when the face turns red?

Solving the problem of getting rid of external irritants, and how to quickly relieve irritation on the face, one must not forget that a face with delicate, irritable skin cannot be left without constant care.

Sufficiently warm water is used for washing. Every morning, a protective cream should be applied to the face, and a nourishing cream in the evening.

Cosmetic preparations, which contain substances that strengthen blood vessels: extract of green tea, green apple, mimosa, chestnut, orange, will also be effective for reddening of the face.

At home, you can also use a cream for atopic dermatitis bought at a pharmacy for these purposes. Along the way, he will relieve burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations. Creams of the Quasix group are also suitable for this.

Shown in this case is also an ointment for redness of the skin of the face. Cosmetologists advise using Troxevasin for this. It is applied 2 times a day after washing.

If this does not help, you can use even more effective methods - use face masks for skin care, lotions from herbal teas. Raw eggs mixed with aloe juice are used as the best remedy for tightening the pores on the face.

How to get rid of redness from the nose

In this case, medical compresses for the nose are perfect: soak a napkin in a hot solution, apply it to your nose, hold it for a minute, then change it to a cold one, periodically change them 10 times. The procedure is shown 2 times a week. It is also useful in this case to wipe the nose every morning with linden broth.

Folk remedies

Solving the problem of how to remove a red face, if the redness is not pronounced, you can trust traditional medicine. Her recipes are not only effective enough, but are also designed for long-term use.

These are all kinds of compresses, tinctures, masks that will quickly remove redness from the face at home. They are prepared from improvised components. These are, for example, chamomile compresses and decoctions, sour cream and honey masks (for dry skin), cottage cheese and juniper oil, etc.

Clay green (illite) will also solve skin problems on the face. It has no contraindications and copes well with inflammation, red spots and acne.

Face masks

A good result for redness is given by special face masks:

  • parsley-based - its crushed leaves will not only remove redness, but also moisturize, saturate with useful substances, brighten the skin of the face;
  • a mixture of honey and ground cinnamon - take the same proportions and apply for 15 minutes. for red spots;
  • from yeast - 30 g of them are mixed with milk, a few drops of lemon, carrot or orange oil are added. Keep it on the face for 30 minutes, and then wash off;
  • sour cream- 1 tbsp. l. it is mixed with 1 tsp. any freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice and 1 tsp. any cosmetic oil. This composition nourishes the skin well, removes redness on it, whitens it.

Mask recipes for removing redness on the face are not difficult to find. For example, you can watch a thematic video:

Prevention of facial redness

But you should not get carried away with masks alone, trying to get rid of the problem of reddening of the skin on the face. There are certain rules for facial care, adhering to which, you will get rid of many cosmetic problems, including redness of the skin:

  • use only those creams that are suitable for your face;
  • if the skin on it is prone to irritation, never buy tonics and lotions based on alcohol;
  • for morning care, use milk or foam for washing;
  • if irritation occurs, never use ice;
  • if you are going somewhere to go, apply a cream on your face an hour before going out - it will protect it from dryness and irritation.

Using these preventive measures, as well as the procedures recommended in this material for facial redness, you can successfully overcome such an unpleasant problem.

Women and men often have to deal with such a cosmetic problem as redness on the face. In this regard, chaotic searches for masks and rash actions begin. First of all, you need to find out the cause of your skin defect, and not use ointments designed for a specific disease that does not apply to you.

Causes of skin redness

There are a number of major redness factors:

  • allergic reaction;
  • rosacea (dilated vessels);
  • sunburn;
  • poor nutrition (spicy dishes, hot food);
  • low-quality cosmetics (test samples before use);
  • disturbed daily routine;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, rosacea);
  • psychological reasons (shyness, overexertion).

Based on the nature of the redness, you can easily calculate its cause, and therefore choose the right treatment.

Prevention and skin care:

  • Do not mask the redness with tonal creams, they will irritate the skin even more. It is better to use cosmetics with a lighter structure, especially if the cause of the redness is acne.
  • Regardless of the skin type, proper care is required. In the morning, the face needs to be moisturized, and in the evening, saturated with high quality cosmetics, vitamins, masks.
  • In winter, before going outside, use creams that protect from frost and strong winds, and in summer - sunscreen.
  • It is advisable to take multivitamin preparations, as well as give up for a while from "red" products, do not abuse strong coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Try to touch less and disturb the skin of the face, this can lead to pollution.

Effectiveness of masks

The advantages of homemade masks are that in addition to eliminating redness, they additionally nourish the skin with essential minerals, gently soothe, moisturize it, give it a natural color, and constrict blood vessels. Apply the mixture on the face, preferably 3-4 times a week. In order for the result to be noticeable, masks are applied within a month.


Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal into a plate and pour 6-7 tablespoons of boiling water over. Stir, cover with a plate for 15 minutes, let cool. After that, apply the product to the face, avoiding eye contact. Rinse it off.

Medical paraffin

Buy paraffin wax from a pharmacy, heat to a viscous state, but do not make it too hot. Using an ear stick, gently apply it to the surface of the face. After half an hour, remove the formed paraffin crust, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Cinnamon with honey

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon. Apply this mixture to the inflamed parts of the face. Rinse off with boiled water. This mask is very effective. To consolidate the effect, repeat the procedure for twelve days.

Cucumber mask

Take one cucumber, grate on the finest grater to a state of gruel. Apply the mixture to your face for twenty minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Cucumbers make the pores narrower, smoothen the skin, and help eliminate acne.


Take three aspirin tablets, grind into powder and mix with face lotion. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. The mask can be done several times a week.

Although it is quite difficult to eliminate redness, however, with a stock of patience and a psychological mood, this can be achieved in a month of proper treatment. If the redness does not disappear from the face, immediately go to a visit to a dermatologist, he will prescribe the necessary medications for you.

A light blush on the cheeks is a classic sign of good health and wellness. But sometimes, uncontrolled redness of the skin becomes a serious problem. A red face spoils the appearance, causes discomfort and gives rise to a lot of unnecessary complexes. What triggers the pathological mechanism and how to get rid of redness on the face?

Why is the skin on the face red?

Hyperemia (redness) is caused by a malfunction of the blood vessels: the capillaries and arteries expand, there is a sharp flow of blood to the skin, as a result of which it swells, increases in volume, becomes hypersensitive, acquires a purple-red color. After some time, the activity of the cellular elements that received excess nutrition is completely restored, the skin turns pale. If such symptoms occur sporadically, there is no need for specific therapy. With regular persistent hyperemia, it is recommended to consult a specialist to find out the cause - this will help correct the situation and avoid possible complications.

Causes of facial redness

It is characterized by hot flashes, the appearance of dilated capillaries, nodules, small acne. At the heart of the pathogenesis of rosacea is an abnormal vascular reaction, progressing under the influence of antibodies, immune complexes, hormones and other endogenous (internal) stimuli:

How to get rid of redness on the face - hardware cosmetology

You can remove redness from the skin using radical methods. Medical cosmetics allows you to carry out absolutely safe face cleansing, makes it possible to work with sensitive and dry skin. Contraindications: oncology, herpes, arterial hypertension, pregnancy, heart disease, skin trauma.

How to get rid of redness on the face - folk methods

If you have no desire or money to visit a beauty salon, you can get rid of skin redness at home. There are many effective recipes, the main thing is to choose the best and safest option.

If the reason for the redness of the face lies in the dysfunction of internal systems and organs, it is necessary to be examined by doctors, be tested and undergo a course of treatment. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe hormonal or viral therapy, cleaning the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins, specialized treatment of systemic pathologies.

How to get rid of redness on the face - preventive measures:

Redness on the skin is an unpleasant problem, but it can be successfully dealt with if you protect your face from ultraviolet radiation, use high-quality cosmetics and protective creams, completely abandon hot masks and compresses, paraffin baths and aggressive scrubs. With strict observance of the rules of prevention, the question "How to get rid of redness on the face?" will lose its relevance and life will improve.

The best technique for getting rid of facial redness will depend on the cause of the redness. Redness of the entire skin is usually a reaction to cosmetics and detergents, but there are other conditions that cause facial irritation that may require additional treatment. Follow the method that best suits your type of problem in order to reduce facial redness.


Adjusting your skin care regimen

    Search for a provocateur. A regular skin care product may cause an allergic reaction, acne, or other irritation. Think about what kind of cosmetics, skin and hair care products you use. Stop using them completely, and then gradually start again, introducing them into use one by one. This way, you can identify what is causing your skin irritation.

    Wash your face 1-2 times a day. Use warm water: both hot and cold water can dry out your skin. If you wash your face incorrectly, you can make your skin more irritated and red. You should wash your face with a fragrance-free product for sensitive skin and avoid any products that contain alcohol or other drying products. Try products like Cetaphil or Purpose.

    Use a moisturizer. After washing your face, immediately apply a moisturizer (or lotion) to your skin to retain moisture.

    Consider over-the-counter specialty creams. The most popular is hydrocortisone, which contains steroids to relieve redness, soothe skin, and reduce swelling. Find a cream that contains hydrocortisone as a 0.5% or 1% solution. Use 1–2 times daily in moderation and only on the affected areas.

    Try aloe vera gel. Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can use the gel from the aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply aloe vera gel to your face twice a day to reduce redness.

    Consider using coconut oil. Coconut oil is a natural emollient that locks in moisture. Be careful when applying oil to problem skin: oil can aggravate acne breakouts. Coconut oil protects skin from moisture loss and dehydration, which is a common cause of redness. It also has lauric acid in its composition, which has antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to help the skin heal. Apply coconut oil to your face every night, paying special attention to problem areas, the roughest or most red.

    Consider using oatmeal masks. Oatmeal is suitable for redness of a different nature, from sunburn to simple irritation. Buy clean oats and soak in water. After the water has been absorbed, the oatmeal can be used as a mask. Apply the mask once a day and leave it on your face for 30 minutes, then rinse.

    Lifestyle change

    1. Conceal redness with a concealer. Regular foundation is not very good at hiding redness on the face, and corrective concealer relies on the principle of complementary colors to balance skin tone. To mask redness on your face, apply a greenish tinted concealer. Use a small amount of concealer over the redness. Rub gently with your fingertips or a makeup sponge.

      Apply sunscreen. The redness of your skin can be caused by sun exposure. Apply sunscreen before leaving the house, even when it's cloudy. You can find sunscreens for sensitive skin at drugstores.

      Protect your skin in cold weather. In dry, cold weather, your skin can become chapped and air particles can peel off healthy layers, damaging the surface of your skin. If you protect your skin, your cheeks and nose will be less red when you enter the room.

      • When your face is exposed to cold, the blood vessels constrict, causing your skin to turn white. As soon as you enter the warm zone, all the blood rushes back to the face immediately, causing the skin to turn bright red.
      • Wear a scarf, hat, or ski mask made from non-irritating fibers.
    2. Drink water and eat foods saturated with moisture. You can make some dietary changes to relieve internal redness. Moisturizing, cooling foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, celery, cucumbers, coconuts, melons, peaches, papaya, spinach, broccoli contain antioxidants that can hydrate the skin from the inside out.

      Make cucumber masks. Cucumbers are high in water and high in vitamins and minerals, which can help moisturize your skin. Peel and slice a chilled cucumber. Tilt your head back and place the slices over the redness anywhere on the face, leave for 15-20 minutes.

      Use green tea for your skin. Green tea has anti-inflammatory elements and helps to constrict blood vessels, which will help reduce redness and inflammation. Place a few tea bags or a few tablespoons of tea in a pot of boiling water and remove the pot from heat. Brew a strong tea for 10 minutes. Then pour the tea into a bowl and saturate a towel with green tea until the tea has cooled. When the tea is at room temperature, apply the tea-soaked cloth to your face.

      • You can also use chamomile and mint tea. Avoid using peppermint tea if your skin is sensitive.
      • Use fabric you don't mind ruining. Green tea is more likely to stain the fabric you use.
      • Do not rub your face vigorously with a cloth - this will irritate the skin even more.
    3. Apply petroleum jelly to your skin. Be careful when applying Vaseline to acne-prone skin as it can make the problem worse. For an extra layer of skin protection, you can apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your face. Petroleum jelly will protect your blood vessels from squeezing and expanding too quickly, which can reduce or prevent facial redness.

      • If you're unsure, apply petroleum jelly to a small area of \u200b\u200byour cheeks where the redness isn't the worst. If your skin becomes redder or more irritated within a few hours, do not use petroleum jelly on the rest of your face.
    4. Use a cold compress. Cold temperatures can reduce redness by constricting the blood vessels in the skin. This method is especially helpful if the redness is accompanied by a burning sensation or swelling. For a cold compress, take a clean, soft tissue and hold it under cold water. Apply gently to the irritated area.

      • Instead of a damp compress, you can also use an ice pack carefully wrapped in towels.
      • You can also leave the tissue in the refrigerator for a few minutes to cool it down before use.
      • Do not use rough or cold sponges.

      Couperosis treatment

      1. Avoid couperose pathogens. Couperosis is a chronic skin disease that comes and goes. The appearance of rosacea is difficult to predict, but in order to get rid of rosacea, you just need to avoid some of the most common pathogens of this condition.

        Ask your doctor for oral medications. These drugs reduce skin inflammation and can be prescribed if none of the anti-redness or natural treatments are right for you. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, have other medical conditions, or are taking other medications before starting any new medications.

        Use local treatment. Some patients prefer topical treatment to pills. Your doctor may prescribe creams with medications such as sodium sulfacetamide / sulfur, Metrogel (metronidazole), or Finacea (azelaic acid), which have the same capabilities as oral agents but are applied topically.