How to distinguish the noise of rubber from the rumble of the hub bearing? Subject: Letter lowercase sh

Purpose: to teach how to write a lowercase letter w, syllables and words with this letter.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. - Who is attentive? Name the same sound in words:

Fur coat, pencil, car, closet, scarf, ball.

2. Read five words. Where is the sixth hidden? What is this word?

Hut Cow Aspen Swan Watermelon

Work in writing.

1. To write down the word you guessed, you need to be able to write the letter sh.

Comparison of printed and written lowercase w. The teacher shows the letter sh on the board.

Who represents the letter sh in spelling? (Joke.)

What other job titles start with this letter? (Miner, seamstress, driver, plasterer.)

2. Outlining the elements of the letter w and the pattern in a wide line.

Writing elements and letters in working lines.

Analysis of syllables. Attention is drawn to the spelling of the syllable shi.

3. The word "school" is made up of the letters of the alphabet and is transformed into "schoolboy".

Write these words in writing after analyzing their schemes.

4. Writing off the offer.

Misha and Sasha are schoolchildren. ? How are people's names spelled?

Which word has more letters than sounds?

4. Physical education.

Rustling autumn bushes.

Leaves rustle on the tree.

Rustling reeds.

And the rain rustles.

And the mouse, rustling,

In a hurry to the hole.

Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work in copybook. Choosing words and writing them down.

Spruce cones, pine cones.

Attention is drawn to the letter and after sh.

2. The printed word "pencils" is written in written letters.

3. Writing in an additional notebook proposals after spelling analysis.

Spelling is underlined.

Yasha has a thread.

4. Work on the proverb.

Know more, speak less

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Capital letter Sh. Repetition of the studied material.

The purpose of the lesson: learn to write capital letter Ш, syllables and words with this letter.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Introduction to the capital letter S.

1. Work on page 4.

The teacher shows the capital letter S on the blackboard.

Students look at the letter in cursive, circle its elements and pattern in a wide line.

2. Writing elements and letters in working lines.

3. Analysis of syllables.

Attention is drawn to the syllable shi.

Recovery and recording of the offer:

Misha and Shura are kids.

4. Work on the proverb and write it down from the printed text.

Joke - a minute, and business - an hour.

5. Repetition of writing letters with similar elements: W AND CH Y

3. Physical education.

The bear hears out of the corner of his ear,

Like a fly buzzing in your ear.

Teddy bear grab a fly with its paw!

Don't hear the flies!

But the bear cannot understand

Why is there a lump above the ear.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Outline them.

2. Work on the rule:

SHI write with Y

Shi write with and!

ears, mice.

Tire, car.

Underline and after sh.

8. The game "Tell me a word."

The cat lives on our roof

And in the closet live ...... mice.

He will not go without gasoline

No bus, no….. car

Summary of the lesson.


Topic: Repetition of what has been learned.

Purpose: to consolidate the studied material

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Work on page 5 of the recipe.

Which letter elements are scattered?

Outline them.

What letters can we write in a square? (I W Y Y.)

2. Work on the rule:

SHI write with Y

3. Writing letters sh, sh, shsh in working lines.

4. In an additional notebook, write down the sentence:

Shi write with and!

5. Fixing the rule “Writing words with SHI” in writing: “ ears, mice.

Underline and in the words after sh.

6. Selection of words with a combination of shi and writing them in writing:

Tire, car.

Underline and after sh.

7. Writing off the text: There was a car. Tires rustled.

8. The game "Tell me a word."

The cat lives on our roof

And in the closet live ...... mice.

He will not go without gasoline

No bus, no….. car

Recording the words spoken in an additional notebook.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 67

Topic: consolidation of the studied material.

The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate the studied material.

During the classes:

Four days without a wheel
I have a car.
Her whole body is dented,
And the headlights don't shine anymore
Broken glass,
Left wing bent...
And mom and dad say
That it's all my fault,
That I'm still a bad driver
That I rush to the red traffic light.
I agree with them completely
And I promise dad
- Buy another car for me,
I won't break another one.
L. Rashkovsky

Here is the girl Marina,
And here is her car.
- On, machine, cup,
Eat, car, porridge.
Here's your bed.
Sleep, machine, sweet!
I treasure you
I won't turn you on.
So that you don't get tired
So that you don't catch a cold
So as not to run in the dust,
Sleep, car, do not be shawls!
Suddenly the car got sick:
She didn't drink, she didn't eat,
Didn't sit on the bench
Didn't play, didn't sleep
Was unhappy.
Visited the sick Mishka,
He treated me with candy "Mishka".
Katya doll came
In a clean white robe
Over the patient for an hour
Katya did not close her eyes.
The doctor knows everything in the world.
First-class doctor - Petya
(Petya finished first grade).
And the doctor saved the car.
The doctor listened to the patient
Freight, Clockwork,
He shook his head and said:
Why does the body hurt?
He cannot live without cargo.
Because the motor is cold
That the motor needs air.
Tired of living idle
And the car got sick.
She doesn't need silence
She needs movement.
How can we save the sick?
Take the key - And start!

This is for those who walk-roam
Where the rustle of tires is heard.
This song fits
For car lovers.

Like the car
Everyone knows it
Drive on the road
Or on the highway.

The wheels are spinning
And the motor hums.
A drives a car
Uncle driver.

By the highway on the branches
The snowmen are jumping.
Along the forest path
Zhiguli are coming.

And behind the Zhiguli
Quietly rides the Volga
She doesn't have a headlight
Here it goes for a long time.

And right behind the Volga
Dark blue jeep.
And the driver got out
He saw a mushroom.

We are with you too
Let's go and eat.
Mom at the window
Dad is driving.

I'm circling the streets -
I buzz very loudly.
With wind, snow and rain
The motorcycle has been around for a long time.
The beetle flies above the roof -
I'm ready to fly higher.
But like a pack horse
Don't use me.

Opening this book
And we call the pictures
There are exactly five pictures
We will read a book.
children's poems about cars Here is the first picture,
And on it is a machine:
Here is the cockpit, steering wheel and body
She needs a body for cargo.

The bunny is sitting in the back,
He looks at the wheels.
The machines are spinning
All four wheels.
Here is another picture
And she has a car
But not cargo
Passenger car

Here is the trunk, here is the salon-
This is a small wagon.
Here is the hood, and there is the engine,
The driver will take him. children's poems about cars
nursery rhymes about cars Here is the third picture,
And again the machine!
It's a jeep all-terrain vehicle
It will pass without a road.

And the wheels are big
And the wheels are winding,
He runs fast, fast
He hums loudly.
fourth picture-
Another machine!
This is a bold all-terrain vehicle
He will go everywhere, everywhere:
Through the swamps, through the mountains,
Through ravines, through forests.
It's a strong car
And a large cabin in it,
He walks on caterpillars
Loudly he starts the engine,
He walks and walks everywhere
By land and by water! children's poems about cars
nursery rhymes for children Here is the fifth picture-
And the fifth machine!
The tractor is called
Spinning, rolling:

Back and forth, back and forth
Like this, like this, like this, like this.
Tractor turned suddenly
And went around the whole circle.

He's pulling a trailer in the back
Crawl up the hill with him!
Tractor rumbles loudly
Trak-ta-tarrr! - he is screaming.
We read poems together
And we counted the cars:
There are only five cars here!

- Dance "SHOES" arr. T.Izvoznikova -

I hear, again the legs are knocking Whose legs are they in a hurry to the birch?

(GOAT appears)

Oh yes, birch! Green branches. Fresh greens Tastier than sweets. I chew the leaves, I really want to eat! Guys, help
Save the birch. Come, goat, here - There is grass here for you.

- pencil drawing "GRASS FOR THE GOAT" -

Here, guys, well done, Let's play bells.

- NOISE ORCHESTRA (tambourines, bells) -

The sun walked across the sky, the sun was tired by the evening. Whispered: "It's time to sleep" - And fell asleep until the morning.

On the pillow head I stroke, I stroke my forehead . - according to the text MUSIC: DRAWING WITH PENCIL: Topic: "Weed for a goat" 1. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly. 2. Learn to draw lines from top to bottom next to each other. 3.Reinforce knowledge of color. 1. Learn to listen to a piece, promote memorization. 2. To form the ability to understand the content. FINGER GYMNASTICS: Topic: "Backfiller", "Fingers woke up." 1. Coordinate movements with the text. 2. Develop rhythmic hearing and fine motor skills. PHYSICAL CULTURE: 1.Teach children to walk in different directions without bumping.2. Exercise in walking on an inclined board, throwing the ball at a distance with each hand.3. Cultivate the ability to restrain yourself. MATHEMATICS: Theme "One-many" 1. Learn to correlate objects by quantity. VOICE GAME: Topic: "Crow" 1. Learn the correct onomatopoeia. 2. Learn to pronounce vowels, pronounce syllables loudly.

20 "Katya and the car"

Hello pens! - clap their hands Hi Hi! Hello legs! - pat legs Hi Hi! - open and close cams

nose, eyes, etc.)

Blue, blue sky and streams. Sparrows are splashing in the blue puddles. On the snowdrifts brittle Ice-lace. First thawed patches, First grass. Katya woke up in the morning And washed her face with cold water.

We will lather our hands, - Look, look! - show open palms And above the handles, like clouds - Bubbles, bubbles! - " flashlights" The guys also wash their faces every morning and even know the song about it.

We washed the doll, now it's time to feed her breakfast. We need to cook porridge for the doll.

- finger game "PORRIDGE" (according to L.B. Gavrisheva) -

This porridge is for Katyushka, - fold the palms in a "plate" Steam rose from the porridge. - pull hands up Where is the porridge? - shrug No! All! - shake their heads negativelythen wave your hand You take a spoon,
Eat a little porridge.

(children “feed” Katya with porridge)

Katya-beauty Kashka really likes it. We will play with the doll, Roll Katenka in the stroller.

(children roll Katya in a stroller)

Katya liked to ride, and she decided to ride in a car.

- design "MACHINE" -

- motor exercise "MACHINE"

We drove by car - go stomping in a circle We went up the mountain - stop, raise your hands up And then they fell - bang, - squat
We rolled into the river - plop! - slam hands on the floor The doll rode in the car, the tires rustled along the highway,
The clouds were walking
The sun smiled at the birds.

In the distance there was a house - I'll take a walk on foot.

- dance "SHOES" arr. T.Izvoznikova -

She walked through a shady park, She met a dog. The dog showed his paw
whined and "Woof!" said. There was a rose thorn
The doll pulled out a splinter.

(the teacher “takes out” the splinter, ties the paw, introducing the children to the first-aid kit)

In gratitude, the poor dog licked his cheeks and nose. The dog played with the doll
He threw a ball with a doll.

- PHYSICAL EDUCATION (with balls) -

Walking and running in a column one at a time and scattered. outdoor switchgear: 1.I.p: standing, hold the ball in front in both hands. Wave your hand to the right. Turn to the right, return to the starting position (3-4 times in each direction). 2. i. p: lying on your stomach, hold the ball in straight arms, raise your arms, slightly raise the upper body, lower it (4-5 times), 3.I.p: lie on your back, legs together, hold the ball with both hands at the chest. Pull the legs to the body so that the knees touch the ball, lower them to the floor (3-4 times). 4. Jumping on two and on one leg. Put the ball on the floor. Walking one after another with the ball in their hands. Stop in the place designated for throwing. ATS: Throwing the ball at a distance from behind the head. Walking on an inclined board up and down (2-3 times). Long jump from a place on two legs to a landmark (at a distance of 40-50 cm). Walking in a circle, holding hands. She walked through a green field, A pony horse was grazing there. The doll wove her a wreath Of blue flowers, Gathered water in the river,
So that she can drink. "Igo-go!" - said the pony. “Very kind palms!”

- application "WREATH" -

She walked through a pine forest,
An old raven slept on a branch. The sun shone brightly, The doll gave a hat. I gave a candy wrapper to a magpie, a handbag to a chipmunk, shoes to a mouse and a beetle. The doll walked for a long time,
She sang and played songs. And when it got dark
I realized that I got lost. And when the moon rose
Scared to be alone.

(The teacher talks with the children about the rules of behavior in the forest and how to behave if you get lost or lost, activates the children for a voice game - “Au-AU!”)

(musical accompaniment at the choice of the teacher)

Hey animals, well done! They came to the aid of the doll. And they escorted me home, And put me to bed!

(children with a teacher put the doll in a crib)

- finger game "ZASYPALOCHKA" -

On the pillow head - connect palms under the cheek I stroke, I stroke my forehead . - according to the text I close my eyes, I fall asleep soundly. PHYSICAL CULTURE: 1. Fix the ability to walk on an inclined board. 2. Coordinate your movements with the movements of other children. 3. To improve the long jump from a place and throwing at a distance from behind the head. 4. Contribute to the education of courage, dexterity and independence MUSIC: 1. To form the ability to intonate a melody, memorize words. 2. Learn to perform a song in a round dance, coordinating the performance with movement in a circle. 3. Improve the ability to perform dance movements in pairs, coordinating the movements with the text. 4. Teach rhythmic performance on musical instruments (tambourines, bells). 5. To form the ability to run away on a signal (with the end of the music). APPLICATION: Topic: “Wreath” 1. Learn to stick ready-made forms in a certain order. 2. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, parts of a birdhouse. 3. Develop fantasy, imagination. READING ART LITERATURE: E. Mikhailenko's poem "About Katya" 1. Learn to listen to the work, promote memorization. 2. To form the ability to understand the content. FINGER GYMNASTICS: Topic: "Porridge", "Washer", "Backfiller" 1. Coordinate movements with the text. 2. Develop rhythmic hearing and fine motor skills. VOICE GAME: Topic: "Au-au" 1. Learn the correct onomatopoeia. 2. Learn to pronounce vowels, pronounce syllables loudly. DESIGN: Topic: “A car for Katya” 1. Learn to build a car from a plate, a cube, a brick. 2. Cause joy, interest, good feelings for the character. MOTOR EXERCISE: Theme "Machine"

1. Develop rhythmic ear, the ability to coordinate movement with the text.

21 "Katya Doll's Birthday"

(Based on the poem by E. Mikhailenko "The Ball at Masha's Doll")

The teacher greets the children warmly, they sing a greeting together

- greeting song "LADUSHKI" -

(melody at the choice of music director)

Hello pens! - clap their hands Hi Hi! - open and close cams Hello legs! - pat legs Hi Hi! - open and close cams

(the teacher can invite children to say hello to different parts of the body:

nose, eyes, etc.)

(the teacher invites the children to the doll that sleeps in the crib)

Hush, hush, kids! Our doll Katya is sleeping... We love our doll very much, We don't wake our doll.

(the teacher invites the children to shake the doll to the lullaby melody,

accompanying the action with lulling: "Bayu-bayu." "A-a-a")

The sun has already risen, it's time for our doll to wake up. Doll Katya wakes up, Washes herself with icy water. Water, water, wash my face. To make the eyes sparkle, To make the cheeks blush. So that the mouth laughs, To bite the tooth. (Russian folk amusement)

- finger game "WASH" ​​(according to L.B. Gavrisheva) -

We will lather our hands, - stroking one or the other hand Look, look! - show open palms And above the handles, like clouds - wave their arms over their heads Bubbles, bubbles! - " flashlights"

- the song "ABOUT VODICHKA" to lyrics by N. Mikhailova, music. V.Zhubinskaya -

Guys, today is Katya's birthday! She is so elegant, beautiful, but for some reason sad ... Today is Katya's birthday! Why is she sad? No guests, no congratulations, Alone sits. Suddenly a plane rushed in, he took Katya in flight!

Poems about cars for children of all ages: moreover, they will be interested, both kids 2-3 years old and 6-10 years old will also find interesting and cool ones for themselves. Collected poems by different authors, written in different time windows, which allows you to choose what you like for your child or yourself. The works are collected with different emotional contexts: from funny and cute to serious and strict.

Children's short and long poems about cars

I'm the helmsman today
I have a swarm of machines.
I roll them on the carpet -
I invite my mother to visit.

I have a lot of cars
There are red ones and green ones.
And every day I go to kindergarten,
I wear it for my friends to play with.

In my toy collection
Cars are hard to count.
But in the children's toy store,
I still go again.

My sister plays with dolls
And I'm working with cars.
But when Dasha asks me -
I will share my machine.

My fleet is being repaired today
The sound of sirens and the squeal of wheels are not heard.
That's the reason dad is at work,
He did not bring tools for repair.

Stand back! I am machine!
And inside me - a spring!
And in the morning she always
Busy for the whole day.

Truck A. Barto
No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.

Airplane A. Barto
Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.

boat A. Barto
Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river

And the frogs jump
Behind me
And they ask me:
— Ride it, captain!

Automobile Olga Chernoritskaya
I am a light car
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu.
Mom, dad, daughter, son
I drive in droves.
And it also happens to me
Load two dogs
Or dad is driving
Light and easy.

A car
Rushing along the road.
And behind him thick dust
The cloud swirls.

Andrey Usachev
The car howled under the window,
All night she asked to come into the house:
- Why did they leave one-y,
And don't come to window-y?

K. Chaliev
Rustling along the roads
funny tires,
Hurry on the roads
Cars, cars.
And in the back - important,
Urgent cargo...
cement and iron
Raisins and watermelons.
Chauffeurs work
Difficult and complicated
But how is it for people
Needed everywhere!

Kazyrina T.
I'm driving my car
Very long rope.
I stand at a red light
I'm going to green.
And I decided that very soon
I will become an uncle's driver,
Learn to drive
Very long without rope.

This place is for kids Jafar Chuyako
I got on the tight bus
Together with my grandmother.
Sat comfortably.
Everybody knows -
This place is for kids.
I'm sitting by the window
I look with indignation -
Grandma is shaking
And no one notices...
There will be a sharp turn
And the old woman will fall!
Some careless
Ignorant people!

N. Naydenova
In the car, in the car
The driver is sitting.
car, car
It goes, it buzzes.
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!
In the car, in the car
Full of children.
Let's go children.
They look out the window.
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!
Here is the field, here is the river,
Here is a thick forest...
The children have arrived. Machine, stop!
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!

Class! I drive the car
On electric drive.
Batteries, wires
So it jumps over the bumps.
Happy car indescribably
He did not part with her in the bathroom.
If only I knew that water
Very harmful environment.
From riding so underwater
She suddenly became completely useless,
And now doomed
It's in manual mode.

Helicopter hooked I. Melnichuk
A helicopter hovered near the clouds.
Igorek looked, surprised:
“He, grandma, caught on there,
Or does he take water from a cloud?

Locomotive Tatiana Volgina
Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo, choo-choo!
I will go far!

Transition Viktor Kozhevnikov
To teach the pedestrian to order,
They lined the asphalt like a notebook.
Stripes go across the road
And lead the pedestrian.

What does it sound like Ekaterina Bendrysheva
We're going to visit grandma!
Get out, people.
The bike is carrying us:
And the car is good
Let's go, let's go slowly:
We traveled by train:
Grandma came to
Let's knock on the window:
Let's wait a bit:
Ding Ding!
Ding dong!
Grandma, let us in the house!
The clock is running fast
Children are called for dinner:
You guys hurry up
Hurry up and sit down at the table:

Song about cars
This is for those who walk-roam
Where the rustle of tires is heard.
This song fits
For car lovers.

Like the car
Everyone knows it
Drive on the road
Or on the highway.

The wheels are spinning
And the motor hums.
A drives a car
Uncle driver.

By the highway on the branches
The snowmen are jumping.
Along the forest path
Zhiguli are coming.

And behind the Zhiguli
Quietly rides the Volga
She doesn't have a headlight
Here it goes for a long time.

And right behind the Volga
Dark blue jeep.
And the driver got out
He saw a mushroom.

We are with you too
Let's go and eat.
Mom at the window
Dad is driving.

Jeep Nastya Dobrota
One summer in a field of rye
The bear found a great jeep.
The car is just amazing
A hundred times stronger than a camel.
The bear exclaimed: “In business!
I will overtake the eagle now
Both a rabbit and a fox.
Who will doubt it!
I'm in a car like this
I can go to another forest.
What a miserable forest there!
I'm going to the pampas.
Jeep if I want
I'll get to Antarctica.
I'll say, "Hi, penguins!
I brought you oranges.
Such a car is not afraid
Potholes, holes, boulders.
Will go anywhere
My steel breed friend.
I will ride on it
And discover continents.
And it will be, I will not hide
The whole world is proud of me!”
While the bear was dreaming with might and main,
Jeep shook and purred
And, as if for fun,
He left the bear.

Poems about special transport of emergency services

Ambulance Incona E.
In a white car with a red cross
The doctor will rush to the sick in every house.
The car will go with a siren, flashing,
This service is urgently needed!
Other cars give way to her.
All citizens know first aid!

“Wah! - the car is moving.
And the car has a red cross.
She works at a hospital,
And she is familiar with any entrance.
“Wah! - SIREN sings, -
Wah-wah! ”... And all at once
Give the car without fail
Race in the opposite lane!

Step aside! Way! Way!
An ambulance flies to help.
Guard's order: "Stop! No move!
Only for the ambulance Green light!”
There's been a big problem somewhere.
The ambulance rushes over there.
We did it! We've arrived! Here is this house.
Meet the car with the red cross.
Mom is in despair, grandmother is crying:
Lying - barely breathing their little boy.
Whether he ate too much, or caught a cold,
And maybe something
did he get infected?
- What about him?! - In hysterics, dad screams.
- Calmly! Now the doctors will figure it out.
- So. Everything is clear, - doctors say, -
It's all about the chocolate.
Poor Andryusha - a lover of sweets -
Accidentally ate a whole bag!
If his appetite is not appeased,
The ambulance will come again.

Who is calling 103?
Louder address speak!
Measles? Angina? Who is sick?
Wait for the doctor with me
I'll bring it in two bills,
It's my job!
The doctor will give an injection!
Where is the patient?
Get under the table!

The car is moving fast
"I'm taking the patient to the hospital,
And everyone who calls me
I will deliver to the doctors quickly!”

If someone gets sick
The doctor needs to be on time.
"Ambulance" will drive him,
The doctor will help heal.

Mom bought me an ambulance Olga Chernoritskaya
I need help all the time:
Then I suddenly get offended, then I get lost,
I'll scratch my hand - I'll cry,
Then the ball will roll into the far corner.
Then I will cling to a prickly knot,
The spider will scare me.
Even if you can't sleep all night,
If a mouse rustles somewhere with a crust.
Mom bought me an ambulance.
- If you cry again, you moan,
If you cling to the knot again,
Or a spider will attack you,
If you lose candy again
Tell the good doctor about it.
Ambulance will rush to you -
And he will not leave Andryushka in trouble.

Police car
police car
A blue eye flickers to us,
And her sirens sound
Heard all around.
The one who fights wants to join the police,
The one who yells and sticks to everyone,
The one who scratches and spits
He takes everything and beats the little ones.
He still has to ride.
She will take him straight to the police.
I really need a car like this.
When such a child grows up -
Dad and mom are on his shoulder,
Two fists, a cigarette and a cap...
Everything in the world does not matter to him.
Now he screams and fights harder
He threatens with a gun and waves a knife.
The police will immediately deal with this:
He is very dangerous and armed.
He'll have to, he'll have to ride
In a car with a grill instead of a window.
She took him straight to the police station.
I really need a car like this!

If suddenly you have a problem,
Call 102 now!
If suddenly a thief got in,
With him a short conversation -
You should call me
I will come to save you
From the robber and the thief, -
Oh, this pack will get it.

Fire engine
The fire engine is red.
Well, think about it, why do you need it?
Then, so that everyone, seeing, runs
To the side and go would not interfere with her.
Terrible speed! A beep, like a howl.
"Stay where you are!" - the guard whistles.
Only red car
Passage is allowed straight along the avenue.
Firefighters in helmets sit in two rows.
The circus is on fire. They are going there.
The roof is on fire and the arena is on fire!
Firefighters got to work immediately.
Only heels flash up the stairs,
Dive into the fire daredevils without looking back.
Rescuing a camel, bringing an elephant out...
This is where skill and strength are needed.
Fireman under the dome as an acrobat:
There are two monkeys screaming in fear.
A monkey sticks out under each armpit, -
He took them out and came back.
Fire has been defeated. He calmed down and went out
And the circus will be renovated and opened for us.
Red fire engine
And thanks to the brave firefighters for this!


The red car is rushing
Turning off the headlights
To serve in a dangerous
Hurry to put out the fire!

Fire trucks rush.
They are brave men
Going fast to the fire
Conquer fire and heat.

Who is talking to me?
What's happened? Where is it burning?
What house? Whose apartment?
I'm leaving immediately!
Made it very timely
And the house didn't burn down.
If somewhere the house is on fire -
101- call me!

Collection of poems about heavy vehicles and other vehicles for children

Truck John Brilko
The truck brought us the goods:
Three ears of corn
Half a brick
Two punctured balls
Rusty carnation, copper basin -
Unloaded for an hour.
But even if the body is empty,
Truck from the word "cargo".

Zamaraev E.
The truck puffs in the garden:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
I bring you apples
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
In the field the truck buzzes
Protects grain from rain.
And picking potatoes
Delivers to shops.
The truck is at work everywhere.
Cargo to carry his concern.
Rides at night, rides during the day
Rides with the sun, in the rain.
You, baby, then you will understand:
You can't live without work.

Olga Chernoritskaya
Groaning new truck
He is not used to work.
He is not used to work.
He is crying and tormented.
Don't be sad truck
You are not the first newbie.
Driving on big roads
I wonder if together.

Truck carrying sand
The people are surprised
“What kind of miracle - miracles?
It has sand under the sky!

I'm a truck worker
I'm used to carrying loads
How many different cargoes do you want
Load faster in the body:
Bricks, sand and clay,
And a washing machine
Furniture, frames, pipes, boards
Suitable for transportation.
Both the cow and the goat,
Anything you need, I'll bring.

dump truck Olga Chernoritskaya
Through the wilds and ravines,
An army of dump trucks is coming.
And why, tell me, snags
We go around with you.
We carry sand and clay
To build a new house
We are special machines
We are building construction!

From the body of the sand - a collapse!
That car is a dump truck.
They brought sand to the workers,
To build a house to help them.
Can load a lot
In a powerful dump truck body.
He will take everything you need.
Fast, fun and friendly!

A dump truck lived in the world A. Barto
A dump truck lived in the world,
He visited the construction site
Rolled up in the morning to the gate.
The watchman was asked: “Who is there?” —
The dump truck replied:
— I brought a great slag.

Youth dump truck,
Where has he been!
He carried bricks and gravel,
But, alas, stuck in a ditch!

He skidded, skidded,
A dump truck got out.
He says: Don't touch me
I'm in the middle of a renovation today.
My frame is dented!

- Alexei! Mom said. —
Did you manage to get into the ditch?

The point is that the dump truck
There was Alyosha, a nice fellow.
How old is he?
Years six!

The dump truck beeps loudly:
- I'm broken now.
But in the morning I'm on the road again.
“Okay,” Mom said.
But for now, be Alyosha!
Drink some milk and go to sleep!
Well, Alyosha had to become!

Where is Alyosha? Sleeping already
Sleep at home, not in the garage.

Bus Olga Chernoritskaya
A strange house rolled up on tires made of rubber.
He rattles, breathes gasoline -
Like a fiery horse - with fire
Stop empty -
Everything is inside the house.
Wow, now it's half the battle -
Take everyone home.

All day - home and work
Carrying people is his concern!
Precise, timely and smart
I'm coming to a stop.
Everyone entered, the door closed, -
You are passengers now.
All! We've arrived! Hooray!
Get out, it's your time!
Young passenger
Present your ticket!

I sleep in the garage...
Enough sleep already!
I will refresh myself with gasoline
After all, at the beginning of the day
Passengers are waiting for me.
Enough space for everyone in the cabin
Pay for the fare.

Train Olga Chernoritskaya
I'm going, I'm going, tu-tu-tu.
Heard, heard a mile away!
It can be seen from afar!
Below me is a high slope,
And behind the slope is a dense forest,
Ahead of the team "Stop"!

Choo-choo, choo-choo.
The train is rushing
In full spirit
The steam locomotive puffs.
- I'm in a hurry! - hums -
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry
I'm in a hurry!

Ahead is an electric locomotive,
He took wagons
This train is very fast
Rushing forward at full speed!
And he whistles, and knocks,
No, he's not angry at all!
Passenger at the window
Looking out the window at the world.

No, I'm not a train and yet,
We are a bit like him, -
Rail transport, special,
We both ride rails.
Hey, on the rails! Do not snooze!
You see - the tram is rolling!

Rhombic thin on the roof
I'll raise it a little higher
He searches a little.
I have a happy look: give the current as soon as possible,
Because I am a tram!
I'm spinning wheels
And I rumble along the rails.
Very fast, very smart!
Stop guys, stop!

I am a trolleybus, smart transport,
Fast and almost silent.
I don't hit the rails
I spin the wheels
I go without gasoline
I work all day for you.
Here's the trouble! Light off -
I can't move without light.

You see checkers - a taxi!
You ask a taxi driver, -
He's quite free
Will take you anywhere.
It's so nice to ride
But, however, not free!
It was fun on the way
So pay the meter!

I don't have a chessboard
Driving is out of the question.
What do you! I am not a chess player
I am a taxi, and here is a taxi driver.
And on the roof of these cages
Everyone knows, even children.
Ask them about me
They will immediately say: "Here is a taxi."

mail car M. Pogarsky
Blue car with white stripe.
She delivers mail in summer and winter
It contains many magazines, letters and newspapers.
And she brings you a fiery "hello"!

electrical machine
This machine will always help
Change burnt wires
Hang lanterns for the holiday
Get the balls that have flown away.

watering machine
This is a special
Watering machine.
And not just for beauty.
She hung her mustache.

With an orange side, with an orange light,
The car will pass through the streets in the summer.
She sweeps and cleans and washes.
And the snow removes, but only in winter.

I don't like dirty streets
Dusty, weedy, ugly!
And avenues and boulevards
pavements, sidewalks,
Squares and lanes -
Here before the morning walk
I pour water
And my brush to shine!

machine washes K. Kubilinskas
KrugloOka and important
Filled with water
Trickle to the left, trickle to the right
They beat in a cheerful sequence,
As if for children to have fun
Wipers splash water...
This is a washer.
Must wash.
I'm standing in love
I look at the car.
I'm sad - what a pity
That there is no such house!

Liner Heinrich Sapgir
Takes off for flight.
Liner -
Passenger plane.
With a three-story house.
you will fly
And you
On him,
Even if you're not mature enough
To his big wheels.

Accident L. Rashkovsky
Four days without a wheel
I have a car.
Her whole body is dented,
And the headlights don't shine anymore
Broken glass,
Left wing bent...
And mom and dad say
That it's all my fault,
That I'm still a bad driver
That I rush to the red traffic light.
I agree with them completely
And I promise dad
- Buy another car for me,
I won't break another one.

Train Maria Manakova
Us to other cities
Rushing along the rails of the train,
All the way, knock-knock, knock
A clear thump is heard.
Passenger from the window
The new area is visible
And when the night comes
The passenger does not mind sleeping.
And, not tired at all,
The driver leads the composition.

Ahead is an electric locomotive,
He took wagons
This train is very fast
Rushing forward at full speed!
And he whistles, and knocks,
No, he's not angry at all!
Passenger at the window
Looking out the window at the world.

I am in all my glory
I'm running down the runway
I'm rushing, rolling and far away
I'm off the ground.
The earth is removed
Like rugs - fields,
And skyscrapers-houses,
Like books.

Look into my eyes -
I'm not a dragonfly at all
We are a little like her,
I am bigger and stronger.
If I only want
I will fly up without acceleration,
Vertical takeoff is important,
I'm a helicopter guys.

Steering wheel, four wheels
Yes road lane
The wind blows on my glass.
I'm lucky today
I look happy
I'm fed and washed
They gave me a lot of gasoline
The road was good.

big Adventure Olesya Emelyanova

We walked along the path
And our legs are tired.
They don't go any further
And they are sitting - the trolleybus is waiting.
He is an iron machine
He has tires on his paws -
On each side, two
And horns on his head.
But not to fight with others,
And hold on to the wires -
The current runs along those horns,
And inside the motor hums.
Plenty on their wheels
He carried the passengers.
If we are on the way with him,
It can also take you.
What a delight -
Sit on a soft seat.
Sat down. Let's go. Suddenly trouble:
The wires broke.
But we won't be sad for long
Bored on the sidelines.
The bus opened the door for us
We are going in it now.
He is a trolley bus, but without horns.
To run down the road
Goes to the store
He buys gas there.
And then he minute by minute
Drives exactly on track
Past parks and houses
Past the chimneys and their smokes.
Even goes past the warehouse
We just don't need to go there.
And turn - and do not ask.
Then we go by taxi.
It's a whole science
Reach out to the car
For her to understand
That you need her.
And then this car
Will take you to the end of the world.
They say there on it
Travel for many, many days.
Only we are on a long journey
A barrel of juice will come in handy,
Ten boxes of chocolates
And with a jam buffet.
Know that the car needs a body
For big heavy loads,
After all, do not take a puppy with you
With a booth without a truck.
Enough space for things.
What about friends? You can't take them.
It will be boring. Without friends
We don't go to the museum either.
To travel seriously
We need it before it's too late
And while there are tickets,
Board the passenger train.
Gives a lot of impressions
We have a railway
And as long as it's not dark
We will look out the window.
Run after run
The locomotive pulls wagons.
If we suddenly start to yawn,
Here is the pillow, here is the bed.
Sleepers steam locomotive believes
Too bad it doesn't fly in the sky.
If there is a mountain on the way,
So it's time to leave.
On a cloudy road
Not even the legs will help.
Yes, they got into trouble.
We urgently need a helicopter!
He chirps with his screw
And flies where he wants.
Loudly we shout: "Hurrah!" -
There is a mountain behind.
And behind her we are on the mountain
The great sea has spilled.
No, the journey is not over!
Let's get on the boat!
The ship does not notice
That his wave shakes.
To all those left in the port
Loudly he buzzes: "Tu-tu!"
They settled us in Utah,
Each in his own cabin.
Ship cook cook
Bake a festive cake for us.
Together we counted the seagulls
And then they disappeared
We are far from the earth
They went to the blue sea.
And in the end, as in the beginning,
We also received seagulls.
And in a completely different port
The steamer hummed: “Tu-tu!”
To get where you want
And don't waste weeks
We boarded the plane
And they took off.
Though we do not wave our hands,
And we fly above the clouds.
Look out the window from above
Better than going to the movies.
Down there, palm-sized fields,
Cities as make-believe.
So I want them - Grab them! -
Take it and play.
You can drink the sea with a cat,
To tear down a mountain with a tablespoon,
Bring the forest to the desert
So that he can grow there.
We have seen this,
Only there is no end of the world.
And then we decided
That there is somewhere the edge of darkness.
Who said that children
Do not fly on a rocket?
We would only like to
We can fly everything.
We flew on a rocket
The stars in the sky were counted.
But until the edge of darkness
We couldn't get there.
Our feet rested
And we turned back home
'Cause now we're all the way
Let's go on foot!

Opening this book
And we call the pictures
There are exactly five pictures
We will read a book.

Here is the first picture
And on it is a machine:
Here is the cockpit, steering wheel and body
She needs a body for cargo.

The bunny is sitting in the back,
He looks at the wheels.
The machines are spinning
All four wheels.

Here is another picture
And she has a car
But not cargo
Passenger car

Here is the trunk, here is the salon -
This is a small wagon.
Here is the hood, and there is the engine,
The driver will take him.

Here is the third picture
And again the machine!
It's a jeep all-terrain vehicle
It will pass without a road.

And the wheels are big
And the wheels are winding,
He runs fast, fast
He hums loudly.

Fourth picture -
Another machine!
This is a bold all-terrain vehicle
He will go everywhere, everywhere:

Through the swamps, through the mountains,
Through ravines, through forests.
It's a strong car
And it has a big cabin.

He walks on caterpillars
Loudly he starts the engine,
He walks and walks everywhere
By land and by water!

Here is the fifth picture -
And the fifth machine!
The tractor is called
Spinning, rolling:

Back and forth, back and forth
Like this, like this, like this, like this.
Tractor turned suddenly
And went around the whole circle.

He's pulling a trailer in the back
Crawl up the hill with him!
Tractor rumbles loudly
Trak-ta-tarrr! - he is screaming.

We read poems together
And we counted the cars:
There are only five cars here!

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the best poems about cars for children. On this page you will find quatrains about an ambulance, a fire and police car, a truck, a dump truck and others.


In a white car with a red cross
The doctor will rush to the sick in every house.

The car will go with a siren, flashing,
This service is urgently needed!

Other cars give way to her.
All citizens know first aid!

Incona E.

“Wah! - the car is moving.
And the car has a red cross.
She works at a hospital,
And she is familiar with any entrance.
“Wah! - SIREN sings, -
Wah-wah! ”... And all at once
Give the car without fail
Race in the opposite lane!

Step aside! Way! Way!
An ambulance flies to help.
Guard's order: "Stop! No move!
Only for the ambulance Green light!”
There's been a big problem somewhere.
The ambulance rushes over there.
We did it! We've arrived! Here is this house.
Meet the car with the red cross.
Mom is in despair, grandmother is crying:
Lying - barely breathing their little boy.
Whether he ate too much, or caught a cold,
And maybe something
did he get infected?
- What about him?! - In hysterics, dad screams.
- Calmly! Now the doctors will figure it out.
- So. Everything is clear, - doctors say, -
It's all about the chocolate.
Poor Andryusha - a lover of sweets -
Accidentally ate a whole bag!
If his appetite is not appeased,
The ambulance will come again.

The car is moving fast
"I'm taking the patient to the hospital,
And everyone who calls me
I will deliver to the doctors quickly!

If someone gets sick
The doctor needs to be on time.
"Ambulance" will drive him,
The doctor will help heal.

Police car

police car
A blue eye flickers to us,
And her sirens sound
Heard all around.

The one who fights wants to join the police,
The one who yells and sticks to everyone,
The one who scratches and spits
He takes everything and beats the little ones.

He still has to ride.

She will take him straight to the police.
I really need a car like this.

When such a child grows up -
Dad and mom are on his shoulder,
Two fists, a cigarette and a cap...
Everything in the world does not matter to him.

Now he screams and fights harder
He threatens with a gun and waves a knife.
The police will immediately deal with this:
He is very dangerous and armed.

He'll have to, he'll have to ride
In a car with a grill instead of a window.
She took him straight to the police station.

I really need a car like this!


The truck brought us the goods:
Three ears of corn
Half a brick
Two punctured balls
Rusty carnation, copper basin -
Unloaded for an hour.

But even if the body is empty,
Truck from the word "cargo".

John Brilko

The truck puffs in the garden:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
I bring you apples
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
In the field the truck buzzes
Protects grain from rain.
And picking potatoes
Delivers to shops.
The truck is at work everywhere.
Cargo to carry his concern.
Rides at night, rides during the day
Rides with the sun, in the rain.
You, baby, then you will understand:
You can't live without work.

Zamaraev E.

Groaning new truck
He is not used to work.
He is not used to work.
He is crying and tormented.

Don't be sad truck
You are not the first newcomer.
Driving on big roads
I wonder if together.

Olga Chernoritskaya

Truck carrying sand
The people are surprised
“What kind of miracles are miracles?
It has sand under the sky!

dump truck

Through the wilds and ravines,
An army of dump trucks is coming.
And why, tell me, snags
We go around with you.

We carry sand and clay
To build a new house
We are special machines
We are building construction!

Olga Chernoritskaya

From the body of the sand - a collapse!
That car is a dump truck.
They brought sand to the workers,
To build a house to help them.

Can load a lot
In a powerful dump truck body.
He will take everything you need.
Fast, fun and friendly!


A strange house rolled up on tires made of rubber.
He rattles, breathes gasoline -
Like a fiery horse - with fire
The stop is empty
Everything is inside the house.
Wow, now it's half the battle -
Take everyone home.

Olga Chernoritskaya

All day home and work
Carrying people is his concern!
Precise, timely and smart
I'm coming to a stop.
Everyone entered, the door closed, -
You are passengers now.
All! We've arrived! Hooray!
Get out, it's your time!
Young passenger
Present your ticket!

Fire engine

The fire engine is red.
Well, think about it, why do you need it?
Then, so that everyone, seeing, runs
To the side and go would not interfere with her.
Terrible speed! A beep, like a howl.
"Stay where you are!" - the guard whistles.
Only red car
Passage is allowed straight along the avenue.
Firefighters in helmets sit in two rows.
The circus is on fire. They are going there.
The roof is on fire and the arena is on fire!
Firefighters got to work immediately.
Only heels flash up the stairs,
Dive into the fire daredevils without looking back.
Rescuing a camel, bringing an elephant out...
This is where skill and strength are needed.
Fireman under the dome as an acrobat:
There are two monkeys screaming in fear.
A monkey sticks out under each armpit, -
He took them out and came back.
Fire has been defeated. He calmed down and went out
And the circus will be renovated and opened for us.
Red fire engine
And thanks to the brave firefighters for this!

The red car is rushing
Turning off the headlights
To serve in a dangerous
Hurry to put out the fire!

Fire trucks rush.
They are brave men
Going fast to the fire
Conquer fire and heat.


I'm going, I'm going, tu-tu-tu.
Heard, heard a mile away!
It can be seen from afar!
Below me is a high slope,
And behind the slope - a dense forest,
Ahead of the team "Stop"!

Olga Chernoritskaya

Choo-choo, choo-choo.
The train is rushing
In full spirit
The steam locomotive puffs.
- I'm in a hurry! - buzzing -
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry
I'm in a hurry!

Ahead is an electric locomotive,
He took wagons
This train is very fast
Rushing forward at full speed!
And he whistles, and knocks,
No, he's not angry at all!
Passenger at the window
Looking out the window at the world.


No, I'm not a train and yet,
We are a bit like him, -
Rail transport, special,
We both ride rails.
Hey, on the rails! Do not snooze!
You see the tram is rolling!


I am a trolleybus, smart transport,
Fast and almost silent.
I don't hit the rails
I spin the wheels
I go without gasoline
I work all day for you.
Here's the trouble! Light off -
I can't move without light.


You see the checkers - a taxi!
You ask a taxi driver
He's quite free
Will take you anywhere.
It's so nice to ride
However, it is not free!
It was fun on the way
So pay the meter!

mail car

Blue car with white stripe.
She delivers mail in summer and winter
It contains many magazines, letters and newspapers.
And she brings you a fiery "hello"!
M. Pogarsky

electrical machine

This machine will always help
Change burnt wires
Hang lanterns for the holiday
Get the balls that have flown away.

watering machine

This is a special
Watering machine.
And not just for beauty.
She hung her mustache.

With an orange side, with an orange light,
The car will pass through the streets in the summer.
She sweeps and cleans and washes.
And the snow removes, but only in winter.

I don't like dirty streets
Dusty, weedy, ugly!
And avenues, and boulevards,
pavements, sidewalks,
Squares and lanes
Here before the morning walk
I pour water
And my brush to shine!

The machine washes.
KrugloOka and important
Filled with water
Trickle to the left, trickle to the right
They beat in a cheerful sequence,
As if for children to have fun
Wipers splash water...
This is a washer.
Must wash.
I'm standing in love
I look at the car.
I'm sad - what a pity
That there is no such house!
K. Kubilinskas


I am a light car
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu.
Mom, dad, daughter, son
I drive in droves.
And it also happens to me
Load two dogs
Or dad is driving
Light and easy.

Olga Chernoritskaya

A car
Rushing along the road.
And behind him thick dust
The cloud swirls.

Rustling along the roads
funny tires,
Hurry on the roads
Cars, cars.
And in the back - important,
Urgent cargo...
cement and iron
Raisins and watermelons.
Chauffeurs work
Difficult and complicated
But how is it for people
Needed everywhere!
K. Chaliev

I'm driving my car
Very long rope.
I stand at a red light
I'm going to green.
And I decided that very soon
I will become an uncle's driver,
Learn to drive
Very long without rope.
Kazyrina T.

In the car, in the car
The driver is sitting.
car, car
It goes, it buzzes.
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!
In the car, in the car
Full of children.
Let's go children.
They look out the window.
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!
Here is the field, here is the river,
Here is a thick forest...
The children have arrived. Machine, stop!
Bi-bi-bi! Bi-bi-bi!
N. Naydenova


Four days without a wheel
I have a car.
Her whole body is dented,
And the headlights don't shine anymore
Broken glass,
Left wing bent...
And mom and dad say
That it's all my fault,
That I'm still a bad driver
That I rush to the red traffic light.
I agree with them completely
And I promise dad
Buy me another car
I won't break another one.
L. Rashkovsky

Stand back! I am machine!
And inside me - a spring!
And in the morning she always
Busy for the whole day.