How to get the attention of a 14 year old boy. How to please a boy? Simple effective methods. How to impress a boy

Everyone knows that girls mature a little earlier than boys. And at a time when the latter are still interested in everything except the weaker sex, girls are already actively beginning to learn how to please a boy, attract his attention and turn their eyes to their person.

If a girl wants to win the attention of a guy who belongs, for example, to a certain subculture, the tips provided in the article may not work, because such boys have a completely non-standard outlook on life. Most of the tips will come in handy for girls who are waiting for attention from an ordinary guy with classic priorities.


Probably the most common, but from this no less important advice on how to please a boy will be a hint that says that all men, both big and small, love with their eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to appear before the gaze of representatives of the opposite sex only in perfect condition. At the same time, everything should be perfect in a girl: a beautiful hairstyle, light makeup, well-groomed hands, clean and tidy clothes. It is also important to take care of your own gait, demeanor, correct speech. All these components act like a magnet for guys, constantly drawing attention to such a girl.


How to please a boy? Another piece of advice is to love yourself and those around you. Aggression, nervousness, antipathy - all these are the enemies of a girl who wants to attract the attention of a guy. A good attitude towards yourself, your actions, an adequate attitude towards others and everything that happens, and, of course, a constant sincere smile on your face is another way to attract a guy's attention.


When a girl tries to tell a guy that she likes him, this is a big mistake. You don’t need to do this, it’s better to look at guys through your fingers, as if not noticing them or simply ignoring them. It's so easy to get attention. But there is no need to be rude or offend the boys, this will only play against the girl herself.

General lessons

What needs to be done to please a guy? Find common hobbies with him. If he goes to the gym, it's also good to appear there, if he is a fan of the local football team, you should also start going to football, actively supporting the players. The more he manages to catch his eye, the better, because, after seeing a girl who has the same hobbies several times, a guy may think about whether to start a relationship with her.


Another tip on how to please a boy: you need to start helping him with something. Well, if you can become his assistant in mathematics or literature. So you can at least for a while win all the attention of the guy. And constant close communication often leads to the fact that people just fall in love with each other.


You can also ask how to bewitch the boy, although it is better not to do this. After all, it is clear that this is a distortion of the will of a person, a simple subordination of him with the help of higher powers. Such relationships will not last long. Moreover, there is a risk of doing everything wrong and simply harming the young man.

How to please a guy at school if he seems to be an inhabitant of Olympus and does not pay attention to you at all?

This game between girls and boys has been going on since the beginning of time, so you have at your disposal a lot of proven tools that have been successfully used by older sisters, mothers, grandmothers and more distant relatives.

Therefore, you are required properly assess the situation and then act according to the circumstances.

Why is this so important for girls?

Why is it important and beneficial for girls to receive positive attention from boys during their school years?

A gradual conscious perception of oneself as a future woman begins and attention from the opposite sex is necessary for the correct course of this psychophysiological process.

It is the best prevention of development of complexes regarding their own appearance, makes it easier to overcome the difficulties of adolescence.

Men's attention also has a positive effect on a social girl: it is easier for a person who is confident in his attractiveness to get used to any team.

When communicating with boys, girls learn to see them no longer as representatives of a different race with incomprehensible gaming hobbies, but interesting interlocutors and full-fledged participants various entertainment.

In the future, the experience of contacts will make it easier to find a common language with colleagues and even your spouse, your own sons.

Luggage from memories of compliments, courtship and pleasant communication, analysis of the features of the subsequent relationship after this, help you understand men better, will allow with dignity to accept compliments in adulthood.

How to please a boy at school? Simple Tips:

Can you get the attention of a boy who doesn't notice you?

The chances of success are quite high if you understand reason for ignoring and apply a number of thoughtful measures.

Take a closer look at the boy not as an object of sighing, but as an ordinary person with his own characteristics, interests and even problems.

And act accordingly. At the same time, you should not count on a quick romantic development of events in the spirit of girlish dreams.

Possible reasons that the boy “does not see you”, options for resolving this problem:

What can not be done to please a boy? About video errors:

In an effort to attract the attention of a particular boy, it is better to use methods from the field of psychology, and do not trust the advice of girlfriends. Firstly, the latter have little experience - male psychology is as much a mystery to them as it is to you.

Secondly, the most zealous adviser may have plans of his own for the same boy, so you will not expect any benefit from its implementation of its recommendations. Some girls may ask for advice from their mother or older sister - subject to a trusting relationship with relatives.

What to wear to school?

That, what suits you and what suits you.

If the chosen one is a lover of outdoor games and loves to saddle horizontal bars and run around at breaks, then it is most convenient to keep him company in trousers.

If you prefer dresses and skirts in any situation and you do not intend to go against your principles - stay true to yourself. You can’t climb the Swedish ladder in such an outfit, but who prevents you from saddling a suitable stump in order to follow your knight’s antics approvingly from there?

About accessories corresponding to your return, also do not forget. What boy does not appreciate the beauty of a chic bow, an interesting bracelet, badge or hairpin?

Bright accents in clothes are designed to sink into the soul and remind of their mistress.

How should you behave?

How to behave to please a boy?

  • active guys are interested in girls who are happy to participate in their fun;
  • calm and thoughtful the peasant will appreciate the enthusiasm for some subject related to the sphere of his personal interests;
  • do not hit the boy you like with a book on the head or with a briefcase on the back - learn to express affection in less barbaric ways;
  • try to use as an ally not worth it. Actively accommodating other boys in front of "YOUR" boy, you can only cause him neglect. This is especially likely in cases where the boy is not very interested in you anyway.

How to talk to him?

What to do to please a classmate?

  1. Try it first interact with him outside of school so that classmates do not annoy you with children's teasers out of envy.
  2. Don't forget about your own appearance: Nice accessories, matching hairstyle and cute outfits will help you to be confident and attractive in his eyes.
  3. Don't be fooled by adult cosmetics: shadows and eyeliner are more appropriate on the face of an older girl. Moreover, even not all older girls can use such things correctly.

    But with lip gloss and interesting colors of nail polish, you will definitely do your best and perfectly emphasize your beauty.

  4. Be sincere interest in his hobbies.

A guy from a parallel class or a classmate at all pays no attention to you?

Are you sure it is?

What if he is surreptitiously watching you, would like to be friends, but does not know which horse to ride? Anyway, ruin the situation for you.

How to dress for school?

Even clothes corresponding to the canons of a specific youth movement must be:

  • comfortable;
  • emphasize advantages, mask disadvantages;
  • match the age, the occasion and the current season.

Remember that the adequacy of your outfit is always taken into account. And especially catchy or grotesque wardrobe options are good only at preschool age, at the celebration of All Saints' Day, costume parties.

What to do if you goth, emu or someone else?

In order not to really annoy teachers, even if the school has a free uniform, choose something to study as neutral as possible- if you do not want to look in the eyes of the class and the guy clowness, because of which the teachers are always on edge, constantly make comments to you and partially blow off steam on the rest of the guys.

One or two interruptions of the lesson to read morals to you looks funny, but more frequent cases will start to annoy even classmates.

How to behave?

Older boys rarely pay attention to the "little ones".

But this attitude can be used to your advantage: ask once, twice, three times for a little help.

For example, say you can't restart your phone, change a light bulb in a classroom, or take drug samples to the chemistry lab.

In these infrequent moments of personal contact, show your sense of humor, flatter him, admiring strength or dexterity. Just don't be too pushy - the role of your personal rescuer can quickly bore your prince.

Try not to ask for help in front of his classmates. At the beginning of taming the Mustang, attention to the process from outsiders can interfere with your plans.

And of course, do not brag to your girlfriends about a small victory won. If you do not want to run into an unpleasant conversation and contempt from a high school student you like. Although, perhaps, this is an unnecessary warning - people rarely talk about really valued relationships on every corner.

How to communicate with a guy?

Ease and naturalness are your main trump cards. Puppy devotion in the eyes, the desire to fulfill the whims and wishes of an adequate guy will cause bewilderment and a desire to avoid the circus that begins when communicating with you.

Not a very good morally guy will take advantage of the opportunity and make your life hell.

What to do to please a high school student?

  1. Be a friend first. But make sure that the relationship does not develop into familiarity. In this case, the feminine essence in you will no longer be seen and will be perceived as your boyfriend wearing a skirt. How to prevent such a development of events? For example, occasionally pull a guy out for a company to shop for fashionable clothes and show him options for clothing combinations on yourself.
  2. Sometimes, if a guy is a school or yard star and spoiled by universal reverence, "cold tub on the head" in the form of an opinion about his not entirely correct behavior, it can help draw the attention of the chosen one to you.

    But this is a very dangerous method of influence - it can lead to undesirable results.

What do you need to be to please a guy? And how do you let him know that you like him? About it in the video:

How to avoid mistakes?

Does all of the above seem too complicated for you? It is possible that that's not how you want that boy.

If a girl decides to attract the attention of an interesting guy, one way or another she will achieve her goal.

The main thing is that after a while she does not want to find a magical remedy that will help to erase from the memory of those around her the techniques that the girl used for her goal. So the main advice is: never lose your head!

What mistakes should be avoided in order to please a guy at school? Find out from the video:

How to please a boy at school who doesn’t like you in 1 day, I’ll consider it especially for readers of “Popular about Health”. School years are one of the most interesting periods in the life of children. This time will always be remembered with joy, because it is a period of carelessness.

For a girl, this is not only education, but also an opportunity to find friends, meet the first sympathy, and maybe even love for the rest of her life. There are situations when the first school love subsequently develops into family life. And the guy and the girl from the school bench begin to spend their lives together.

As you know, falling in love comes unexpectedly, without asking age, it can be at 11 or 12 years old, maybe even earlier or, conversely, later. Every girl wants to please a boy, especially the one she likes very much. They see each other every day, participate in school activities, maybe go to school the same way.

When else to meet, if not at school? School companies are the most cheerful and strong, you can have a good time together. First love is often experienced within the walls of the school, when young people first feel a sense of sympathy.

How to please a boy at school?

To please a guy at school, in the first place, of course, will be the appearance of the girl, it is she who is the main weapon of a woman, thanks to which he will pay attention to her. Many boys do not like defiant appearance, they like natural beauty, that is, it is worth applying a minimum of makeup.

In addition, the young man will pay attention to clothes, he likes dresses and skirts, but you need to make sure that they are not too short, because you need to please the boy, and not look defiant. You should communicate with him quite simply, without arrogance, remember that simplicity is power!

Communication should be natural, smile more often, be friendly and easy, be in a good mood, remember that a cheerful girl causes more sympathy than a gloomy one. With a sociable girl I want to contact. A sincere smile will definitely make a guy pay attention to a pretty girl again.

You should not be intrusive and constantly get the boy your attention, you need a golden mean. Do not try to pursue him, as such behavior will definitely push him away from subsequent communication with you. If you study in parallel classes, then try to overlap more often, but do not overdo it.

Try to surprise him and always be different. For example, one day be dreamy, then thoughtful, then mischievous and fun. You should not think that if a girl is not the first beauty, then it is impossible for her to attract the attention of a young man. Often very beautiful girls have a high opinion of themselves and behave arrogantly, so that the guy does not even know how to approach them.

Remember that love is not for beauty, but for a good character, this is truly the dignity of a girl. Do not ignore self-development. You must be an interesting conversationalist, have charisma. Try to develop the intellect, always improve the personality. Working on yourself will definitely help to interest a guy. It is worth finding out what his favorite films are, what games, and so on, in order to be in the know and be able to keep the conversation going.

Color is a strong enough energy. Previously, lovers gave each other clothes of the same color, such as scarves, shawls and even outerwear. You can also follow this example and give the boy you like some thing that you will also have. Try to build your communication in a competent way. If you have already begun to communicate, always praise the boy, show him that you admire him. But try to do it unobtrusively.

Patience is very important, and if you have not started talking yet, then be able to wait a bit, it takes some time for the guy to show interest in the girl. Be sure to believe in yourself, do not dwell on shortcomings. Always focus on your strengths. Many guys like confident girls.

Sometimes you have to take the initiative first if the girl is not shy, but it happens that the girl is not able to come up and talk to the guy first, she just has a fear of this action. In such a situation, you will have to wait for the first steps from the boy, but it is worth remembering that not every young man will also take the first steps, perhaps he will also be shy.

If you feel that you yourself cannot be the first to approach, and also that the boy does not dare to be the first to make contact, then you can find mutual friends and try to start communication through them. Perhaps they will invite you to a general meeting, where there will be a relaxed atmosphere and you will finally begin to communicate.

Often imagine how the guy you like invites you on a first date. Such dreams can become quite a reality, while it is worth making some efforts on your part, as well as being patient and waiting a bit. Imagine your first conversation often, literally, rehearse what you will talk about on a first date.

You can consult with older friends who have already experienced a similar experience. Surely, they will help the young girl with their wise advice on how to behave so that the boy pays attention.


Video "How to please a high school student at school?"

Every girl dreams of a wonderful guy - smart, caring, handsome and funny. Especially if this guy is a high school student and a ringleader, and you are a girl who wants to win his affection. How good it is for those girls who study with him in the class, they see him for 6 hours a day, listen to him with their mouths open, and you just have to look for meetings in the school corridors and dream that he suddenly invited you to a disco slow dance ... And here you are, in new trousers and a blouse, walking past him and looking sideways, looking or not - after all, such a beauty is swimming - no, she is busy talking with other girls of the same kind. Oh, how would you be in their place?

This is where you should think about how to please a guy at school? So you look at him out of the corner of your eye and think: “No, he won’t look at me, I’m not his type, I have no chance!”. This is where your mistake is. Your happiness is in your hands. The most important thing you need is the desire to achieve the goal. Nothing is impossible, and soon you will be surprised, skipping classes with him, that you were so timid.

Think about your abilities - you can sing, dance, draw well. You need to make sure that he notices you! Surely there are competitions in the school. competitions, KVN. This is your chance! Be sure to sign up for a support group if there is one. If you have good diction, you can run contests, then he will definitely notice you.

Just imagine how a guy can like it if you are all so beautiful and gorgeous standing on stage and broadcasting, and even better performing an incendiary dance, or maybe singing beautifully. Or maybe you will prepare together for the next KVN, then you can get to know each other.

If you join the organizing committee, then you can plan all school affairs related to creativity: concerts for the holidays, humor, fairy tales, etc.

Surely the school goes on hikes. Well, it's just a great place to meet people. On outings, as a rule, competitions between classes are also arranged, so you can have a great rest and finally meet the guy of your dreams. Prepare a delicious cake in advance, so that it is enough for many. And just treat everyone, demanding comments on the dish. Of course, he will also say something, you will answer, and a conversation will start. Be at ease, do not show that you like him, and all your dreams are about him, and the pillow knows all your secrets and grievances. Be yourself, get him interested in something, ask him to help him with a test or a task, do everything to make everything seem as simple as possible. You can even notice that you did not see him at school, he will be extremely surprised and his pride will be hurt - how can they not know him? He is the first in the football team and in the director's office! Give him the opportunity to talk about it, this is a great opportunity to communicate. He will talk about himself. And you listen nicely.

Remember one simple rule to know that in school you also need to be the center of attention. If you “graze the rear” and sigh quietly in the corner, then you will never achieve anything - you will be one of the gray mice of your school. You must become a leader, you must be different and stand out! But to stand out not due to a short skirt and red vulgar lipstick, but with her manners, style, energy, charm, versatility, mystery. You need to go to everything and to understand how to please a guy at school too.

If you are still tormented by the question of how to please a guy at school, then you can find out his last name and search on social networks. You don’t have to think about how to please a guy in contact, you just send him an invitation somewhere, comment on a photo, mark it on an interesting video. In this way, people also communicate and, I must say, quite promisingly. And if he finds out that you are in the same educational institution, it will generally be fine.

If you are thinking about how to please a guy at school, then feel free to offer him help in algebra, physics or other terrible subjects, maybe he will appreciate it. The main thing is not to be afraid, act, and be confident in yourself and your success.

School is the place where modern teenagers spend most of their time. They not only study, but also communicate there, and romantic relationships are often established. At a young age, girls often wonder how to please a boy who likes you.

It is advisable to do this in one day so that he immediately invites you on a date. Even if you fail to achieve your goal in such a short time, then you can make sure that he definitely pays attention to you and begins to gradually fall in love - you can.

If a guy from the class left an indelible mark on his heart, I really want him to notice you too, start thinking about you and always look for you when he enters the class.

Some tips how to please a boy at school and achieve what you want:

  • The surest way to please a person of the opposite sex is not to try to achieve this with all your might, but to behave as naturally as possible.
  • When the change begins, you can start a conversation with him yourself - while it is recommended to laugh at his jokes, you can also tease the boy a little, but in no case make fun of him.
  • It is worth dressing fashionably, but not defiantly, appearance plays a significant role in such situations, so you must always look attractive.

How to please a boy at 12

Most girls in love begin to behave defiantly - it seems to them that this is how it is worth attracting attention to themselves. Actually this is a mistake.

Any guy will like a nice girl who knows how to behave decently and attracts attention not with eccentric behavior, but with good manners.

To please a boy, you just need to be yourself, maintaining your naturalness, kindness and lightness.

If the boy has a friend, and not one, you can get close to them - the guy will understand that you are really cool after his buddies appreciate you. Besides, it will be a good way to get into his company.

Another positive thing is that friends will unconsciously help you get closer to the object of your sympathy.

How to please a boy if he is older

To please an older boy, you need to know what he is interested in - perhaps you have common interests. For example, if he is a fan of a certain group, you can share this hobby with him.

This is a great opportunity to strike up a conversation with him and attract attention. Would you like to see him more often? A handsome guy will definitely be interested in a girl who looks attractive and knows how to take care of herself.

The main thing is not to overdo it with cosmetics and not look vulgar, this will only repel a potential boyfriend.

Ways to please a boy at school in 1 day

In order to interest the boy you like at school as quickly as possible, you can apply a few tricks:

  • Asking him to help with homework is a very romantic way to study together, and it's also the easiest way to bond.
  • Take part in all school activities in which he participates.
  • Ask him to take him home after school, citing the fact that it’s scary to go alone.
  • Ask him for advice on some important matter - any boy will be flattered by such attention.

How to please a boy if he doesn't like you

Just because a guy doesn't like you from the start doesn't mean you should forget about him. The mission is quite feasible, if you make some efforts. First you need to figure out if he really feels only negative towards you?

Boys are a very strange people, and they often show their emotions exactly the opposite. This means that any of his nitpicking at school or on the street, jokes and pulling pigtails is just a way to draw attention to his own person.

Or, in this way, he is trying to mask the feeling that he begins to have in relation to you.

How to please a guy

Most guys appreciate the following characteristics in a girl:

  • Spectacular appearance (by no means vulgar).
  • The ability to be yourself.
  • Naturalness in any situation.
  • Sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself.
  • Intelligence and upbringing.
  • The ability to listen carefully.
  • The ability to empathize and willingness to help a friend.

It is not necessary to try to please all the guys at once, especially since this is impossible. It is enough to attract someone who himself shows a serious interest in you.

How to like a pen pal

Oddly enough, it is much easier to attract the attention of a young man by correspondence than in real life.

On the Internet it is much easier to be sincere, not to complex, here you can hide your excitement and not worry about not having the most attractive appearance.

It is quite possible that if a guy becomes seriously interested in you, attracted by an open character and other internal qualities, then external parameters will no longer be of decisive importance to him.

The main thing in correspondence is to always be an interesting interlocutor, write correctly, be interested in his successes and support him when necessary.

What to do if you are a complete girl

The main answer to this question - try to still lose weight. Go in for sports, walk more and eat right. If you are already in the process of losing weight, but you are still far from ideal, just stop worrying too much about this.

Many boys do not pay attention to the figure if the girl is cheerful, sociable, sincere and self-confident. You can look attractive even if you are overweight, you just need to choose the right wardrobe.