How to make your wardrobe stylish. How to combine basic things. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl's basic wardrobe

The Russian writer Teffi has a charming, ironic story called Life and the Collar. The bottom line is that the young lady acquired a collar (then invoices were in fashion), but when she returned home, she realized that she had absolutely nothing to wear it with. As a result, we had to buy additional clothes, a handbag and shoes for the collar. Then the collar style demanded to update the interior, and then the husband, and the whole way of life. What happened next? The collar was simply lost during the next wash, and the heroine remained in this world created by her, which turned out to be completely alien to her.

Of course, this is nothing more than a cute joke, but, you must admit, the risk of getting into a similar situation really exists if we begin to form our wardrobe from scratch, based on our momentary desires, without taking into account either our characteristics or our lifestyle. Among other things, an insane amount of money is spent on such spontaneous purchases, but the result is still not very happy.

So much it is wiser and more economical to choose your wardrobe thoughtfully and purposefully. But where do you start?

Each of us has a certain way of life. And when buying clothes, you need to focus, first of all, on him. You should not buy another beach outfit if you know for sure that you will not see any rest on the sea in the next year or two. Or buy a business suit if you are a housewife and do not plan to go to work in the office in the foreseeable future.

Analyze what you do every day, from time to time, sometimes or very rarely. For each item, you will have a specific list of activities, for example: work (be sure to take into account its nature), meeting with friends, visiting clubs and other similar places, housekeeping, communicating with family and children, playing sports, walking (it is important where and with whom they usually happen: walking in the park with a dog and dating a young man on city streets require different equipment, you must agree).

It is these activities that determine your real needs for this or that clothing. Moreover, the more time you devote to this or that business, the more clothes for a specific purpose you will need.

Having figured out the main directions in which our wardrobe will develop and be replenished in the future, we will proceed to one more important lesson: we will decide on the color scheme.

The selection of clothing parts by color can be done in several ways.

Method number 1.

It is the simplest one. We select all things of the same color, but in different shades. Let's say right away: as a result, you will look pretty boring.

Method number 2.

The things in your wardrobe have colors that stand side by side in the spectrum. This will almost certainly allow you to create an elegant and laconic look, provided that there are no more than three such colors.

Method number 3.

Choosing contrasting colors - this will help you become brighter, but with this approach, you should especially carefully select tones and remember that they are warm and cold for each color. Only shades of the same "temperature" look good together.

Method number 4.
This method will help to combine all the details of the wardrobe in the most organic way. According to him, four groups of colors are distinguished in your clothes:
Basic. It's great if you know your color type and begin to form a color scheme based on it. In this case, basic things are selected in the darkest color that suits you in tone. Needless to say, it should be neutral (shades of brown, blue, as well as achromatic colors - black and gray).
Light. These are the palest shades that match your color type. They are good for shirts and blouses, that is, things that are closest to the face and neck area. These colors work well with the base colors on the basis of contrast. And also this tone can be underwear, warm clothes, summer details of a business suit, as well as swimwear (if you have already sunbathed).
Bright basic. They can be used in going out, casual and sportswear. Quieter shades of bold base colors are good for business-style blouses, as well as scarves and hats.
Accentuating. The brightest tones for your color type. They can be used to pick up blouses, scarves and shawls, jackets, sweaters, and smart clothes. As a rule, if this color is the main one for a thing, it can be either small in size, or it can be bought for one season.

The rest of the colors can also be present in your wardrobe, without being, however, dominant. The share of things of non-basic shades should not exceed a quarter of the wardrobe.

It is clear that clothing used for one type of activity (work, for example) may be suitable for another (meeting with friends). Sometimes it is enough to shift accents, pick up other accessories - and the thing from everyday to turn into a weekend.

The more such things in your wardrobe, the more versatile it is, and, therefore, less expensive.

Clothes that can be used in most areas of your life will become the staple in your wardrobe. There are many recommendations about what kind of clothes should form the basis, but, following them, do not forget: the main criterion for choosing such things is the same as for the rest: your lifestyle.

Basic things can be freely combined both with each other, getting completely win-win options, and with an unthinkable number of other items of clothing.

That is why you need to be very careful when buying them. Be sure to take into account several conditions:
They should fit you perfectly, and also look harmonious with each other.
These things are universal, that is, as if “out of style”.
The quality of such clothes must be impeccable. Buy as expensive as you can afford it.
It is better to choose a color scheme that is neutral and not too diverse (one color is still boring, and more than three will be too much).
What kind of things will be included in this core, around which your wardrobe will be formed in the future, only you can decide. Perhaps the most versatile items will be:
Skirt (pencil or A-line, depending on the type and condition of the figure)
Jeans of the most successful style for your figure (dark blue is best).
Regular-fit trousers
White shirt
V-neck jumper
Sheath dress

Of course, this is not the whole list of basic things. You will supplement it yourself, focusing on your needs, lifestyle and your taste.

A wardrobe consisting only of the base will be boring, expressionless, devoid of individuality. Therefore, we select clothes for the base in which stylistic and functional affiliation is more pronounced.

However, this process should not be chaotic either. Let's go back to the lists that we made, analyzing what kind of clothes we need. Now our task is to create so-called “wardrobe capsules” for each area of ​​life: a set of items that are ideally combined with each other. Their number can be from 6 to 12.

Despite such a limited number, due to careful selection, quite a few combinations can be created from one such capsule. At the same time, not a single thing will be unclaimed!

So, a business capsule can be compiled on the basis of a base, adding a jacket or blazer to it, several blouses of calm colors, but of different styles, as well as a number of knitted models.
A party capsule can include a fancy blouse, fancy skirt, spectacular cape or jacket, or a party dress.
The casual capsule complements the base with knitwear, shirts, jackets. It can also include ethnic style summer dresses and skirts.

Each capsule is selected separately:
various hats,
gloves and belts;
shawls, scarves, shawls;
bijouterie, glasses, watches.
and other accessories.

Ideally, outerwear should also be selected for each capsule individually, but you can choose universal things that are applicable for two or more capsules, for example, a coat of soothing colors (business and holiday capsules), a jacket (sports and casual capsules).

Of course, this is only a minimal set, and you can diversify it as you like, but taking into account the listed principles.

So we finally figured out what kind of clothes we need. We start to act.

How to build a basic wardrobe: the final stage

We conduct an audit of our clothes and sort them according to the system that we have developed. It will immediately become clear which of the available items will be included in the basic wardrobe, what can be included in the capsules, and which items are missing.
We make a list of necessary purchases. First, we buy the missing basic things, then - everything else, depending on the degree of necessity. Remember that things, especially neutral ones, bought out of season, will cost you much less.
When shopping for clothes, focus on your income and choose the best possible. At the same time, do not combine wardrobe items that are too different from each other in price and quality - this will be striking. Better to let them all be in approximately the same price range.
Consider the possibility of combining things that make up different capsules - this will greatly facilitate your problem of choosing clothes and will also save you money.
Too pretentious, ultra-fashionable and original things do not "get along" well with the rest of the wardrobe, unless, of course, you are not a fan of extravagant outfits and simply do not dress differently.
Always plan your purchases, don't try to update your entire wardrobe in one go, even if you can afford it.
Buy clothes in your size without hoping to lose weight or gain weight.
Don't waste money on clothes of the same (or very similar style). Let your wardrobe delight you with variety!
It will be better if, when you go shopping, you already have an approximate idea of ​​how this or that wardrobe detail you need should look like. Of course, there are situations when something that you never dreamed of suddenly comes across. Before purchasing "this beauty", think about how it will fit into your system. It is better not to make a purchase under the influence of an impulse, but to give yourself time to think (for example, until tomorrow) - in half the cases, it turns out that the desire to return to the store has disappeared.
And do not forget that, in addition to all of the above, every item you buy should please you! Then you will wear it for a long time and with pleasure.

All of us, both women and men, periodically ask ourselves the question of how to dress beautifully and correctly. At the same time, you need to create a wardrobe from scratch in such a way that it can be fashionable, business-like, and at the same time practical. Thoughts such as: "Do I look attractive", or similar, often lead to the fact that we buy things that are not so necessary for us, which then hang unnecessarily in the closet for years. Some of our inner doubts and uncertainties are often a hindrance in choosing the right clothes.

Difference between basic and capsule wardrobe

How can you make your own wardrobe correctly, what should be guided by, what should be taken into account in order to avoid unnecessary purchases and inappropriate costs? That's about this, the most painful for many women, we will talk today.

Initially, it is necessary to draw a line between two similar, but differing concepts: basic and capsule types of wardrobe. What are the main differences:

A basic wardrobe is a certain minimum set, as a rule, of a classic cut of things, with which you can create several (up to ten) different looks for every day.

A capsule wardrobe is also a set of things for composing images, only in this case the images are already finished and composed in such a way that things from the “capsule” cannot be used for another image. Therefore, we can conclude that the basic wardrobe is more profitable than the capsule one.

But in the basic wardrobe, one or two capsules can also be present, for example, evening looks.

Action plan

First of all, it is worth working out a clear plan of your actions. As a result, you will have the opportunity to save your time and money. You need to decide on the purpose of shopping, which makes it possible to understand why you actually need this or that new thing. The need to buy a new thing may be due to several reasons: a change in weight in one direction or another, a change in job, seasonal purchases, changes in lifestyle and much more. All this has a huge impact on us, forcing us to make changes in our appearance. If a person gets from one communication environment to another, accordingly, under the influence of a new environment, his tastes and outlook on fashion may change. It would be nice to decide on the style that is most preferable for you. But, if it is difficult to do this, give preference to the classics or the English style.

Second life of old things

Before going for new clothes, it will not be superfluous to carefully review the filling of your closet, which can help in buying new clothes. While performing this process, you may stumble upon a thing that has never been worn by you. Realizing that it is of excellent quality, has not yet gone out of fashion, it suits you that you can combine it with other things and enjoy wearing it for a long time, perhaps you will give up unnecessary costs.

Having turned on the imagination, you can experiment with accessories for it, pick up a handbag, a scarf, perhaps something from jewelry. Throw away insecurity and fantasize, dilute bright colors with more calm ones, combine them with each other, and then your old things will again take on new life and sparkle with new colors. Changing parts of different sets of clothes with each other, you can create a unique image, catching the admiring glances of passers-by. Undoubtedly, any person in the closet has a couple of things that are absolutely unnecessary to him, which only uselessly take up space, and the term for wearing them has long since expired. Feel free to get rid of them without any regret.

We buy new things

Before purchasing a new thing, you need to carefully examine yourself in the mirror, objectively assessing the merits and demerits of your figure. It is a huge rarity when the proportions are perfect. An honest look at yourself will allow you to figure out what is worth emphasizing and what, on the contrary, to hide, masking the flaws of your own body. Self-esteem plays a big role here. For some, it is too underestimated, which makes it difficult to emphasize their attractive sides. People with high self-esteem often tend to overestimate the merits of their figure, which is a disadvantage in choosing the right clothes.

Another of the important steps in the competent compilation of a wardrobe for a girl is the correct selection of the size. A thing that is not picked up in size can completely ruin a person's appearance, disfiguring his figure. If the purchased item is not cut according to the figure and is smaller than yours, then your proportions will not look in the best light.

Clothes that are too loose can add a couple of extra pounds, making you look baggy. It is easy to imagine that buying clothes that are not your size is fraught with a lot of disadvantages for you. The question immediately arises about its alteration: stitching, shortening, etc. Why create such problems for yourself? Choosing the right size clothes for yourself, you will be happy to wear them and do not spend extra money on altering them.

Arriving at the store, it is difficult to resist the temptation to buy the thing you like, but take your time, you can ask the seller to postpone it so that at home you can revise the contents of the cabinet again in order to understand whether it is worth purchasing. If the item is very expensive, consider if you can wear it next year. Having doubts during the fitting? Chances are it's not your model. If at first sight you did not fall in love with this thing, then it is better not to buy it at all. What is important to us? Feel stylish, confident and comfortable in the clothes that we choose for ourselves.

An important nuance in choosing things for a wardrobe is the color scheme and pattern. For example, clothes in dark shades will look better on women with a full figure, since dark always slims, and light colors, on the contrary, give fullness. Fat people should not wear clothes in a horizontal strip, as well as in a cage, but a vertical strip will add harmony.

You can give some more tips for choosing blouses, jackets and blouses and some other types of clothing. In order to hide a rather voluminous chest, it is necessary to choose blouses with flounces running vertically, as well as ruffles, with their help, the silhouette becomes more elongated. A flowy material with a simple cut will create the same effect. And in order to visually enlarge small breasts, it is preferable to choose blouses with small folds, draperies, lush collars, pockets on the chest. The fullness of the arms can be hidden by clothes with sleeves that are extended towards the bottom. If you have a full tummy, then give preference to long blouses with a masculine cut. Full thighs can be hidden under a shirt or blouse that reaches mid-thigh, for this purpose loose-fitting clothing is suitable. For those with narrow shoulders, it is recommended to buy clothes with shoulder pads.

This is just a small list of rules that will help you build your wardrobe, but it is not enough to properly design your wardrobe.

A clear understanding of what things you better refuse, what and what to combine with, will do a good job in choosing the right clothes for your wardrobe.

It is also important to know what and where to wear. For example, it is unreasonable for women of age to wear short, tight tops in the office, from which sagging breasts are visible, tight-fitting jeans (especially ripped ones), from which a flabby tummy hangs down. It is worth giving up teenage clothes, because it will not only not give you youth, but only put you in an unfavorable light in front of employees.

There are many office clothing options for going to work. Without a doubt, in your closet there are skirts, blouses and jackets, albeit not new, but taking into account our advice, you can skillfully combine them with each other using accessories for them.

Must-have items for any woman's wardrobe

These things should be present in any woman's wardrobe:

Small black dress

Black dresses in the basic wardrobe of many women are not accidentally present. A universal black dress of a simple cut, without unnecessary decorations, interspersed with other colors, makes it possible to always go out. If you can only buy one dress, then make it black. This will provide the opportunity to create dozens of different looks by changing accessories, different combinations with a jacket, cardigans, bolero, stole, fur collars. Even a change of shoes with pantyhose in combination with a black dress will bring newness and freshness to the whole look.

Classic Pants & Jeans looks

Trousers of a classic cut will help out for any occasion, when a skirt, a dress cannot be put on. Basic trousers can be gray, beige, but black will be preferable, as they decorate and slim any girl.

Every woman has jeans, but you need to buy jeans in your basic wardrobe in which you will look just fine.

Nowadays, skinny jeans with a low waist are in vogue, but this style does not adorn everyone, therefore, as the main element of a wardrobe, a pair with straight legs, medium waist is needed. These jeans are easier to match to the top.

Dress shirt and top looks

If you think a white shirt is boring, then imagine the sheer amount of wardrobe items you can pair with! A classic shirt is a must-have in the basic wardrobe of every girl who wants to look stylish and elegant. The main thing is to choose the shirt that will emphasize your strengths, and also will not stick out your flaws.

Every woman in her basic wardrobe should have a universal top that will look good on its own, take on a respectable look with a jacket and be combined with jeans and a skirt. In this top, you can hold a business meeting, then come to a family celebration, then take a walk in a nightclub with friends. At the same time, you will look stylish and unbeatable everywhere.

Daily dress

A dress in a neutral color, such as gray or beige, is perfect for a work or casual setting. Having such a dress in your basic wardrobe, you will avoid repetition of the "pants-skirt" cycle at work in the office, as well as endless jeans in everyday life. If you wear it only a couple of times a week, you will experience a pleasant variety.

Skirt and jacket

A feminine skirt is suitable for many situations, it can be flirty or businesslike, so it is also desirable to have it in a basic wardrobe. For example, if you are not an office worker or there is no strict dress code at work, then you can purchase a basic classic denim skirt.

A jacket should be chosen carefully, it should not be masculine or emphasize figure flaws. An improperly fitted jacket can visually enlarge the shoulders. Choose the model that perfectly accentuates your shape and follows the line of your waist. The length of the jacket needs to be selected individually, it can correct flaws: with a short torso, choose a jacket that will reach the buttocks (this is also suitable for those who have a lower part less than the upper one), if your waist is not very pronounced, then choose a short fitted jacket ... Jackets should be present in any basic wardrobe for the simple reason that they are combined with trousers, skirts, jeans, dresses, shirts, tops.

Trench coat and cardigan looks

A trench coat (trench coat) is a double-breasted raincoat with an average length. Trench coats can be short or maxi length. This item is a must-have in a basic wardrobe, because classic trench coats will never go out of fashion. It is ideal in the off-season, when the weather is not set, it can be combined with any clothing. Moreover, a trench coat is a very comfortable and versatile piece that you can wear anywhere.

Instead of a trench coat, you can buy a sweater, everything will depend on your personal preferences, however, every girl should have a similar basic classic, warm, elegant piece of clothing.

It is better to get a classic cardigan with buttons, which has a medium length, which can be worn over a shirt, top, or on your own.

He will be able to help you out in cold weather or on a fresh spring evening.

Classic pumps

These shoes are a must in your wardrobe. It is desirable that there are two types of it: pumps for the evening (black, with high heels made of leather, lacquered or nubuck, to which an evening clutch bag made of the same material is matched) and for every day (preferably beige with low heels with matched under them accessories, say, a handbag, a scarf, gloves or a belt).

The importance of such shoes can hardly be underestimated. They make the leg visually narrower and slimmer, never look massive and fit almost any style of clothing.

Mandatory accessories

Accessories are not the least important thing in creating style. This includes shoes, and a variety of jewelry, as well as hairstyle and your mood, which reflects the state of mind. All this together creates a unique image. If you walk in the same strict suit for ten days in a row, but every day you add to it, then a new handbag, then a scarf, complement it with different shoes, etc., then those around you will have the impression that today you are dressed completely different, not like yesterday, every day there is a new outfit.

Do not forget that shoes are a very important part of our wardrobe. It needs to be given special attention, it is not worth saving here. Consider wearing an inexpensive blouse or trousers, but your shoes should be perfect. It is not recommended to wear it for more than four days in a row. frequent wear can worsen her condition and adversely affect the health of her feet.

When choosing any clothing for your wardrobe, pay attention to its quality. The fabric should not be stretched or faded, the seams should be neat and even, impeccably finished. In order to check the product for defects, you should fold it in half, this will help to make sure that it is symmetrical.

Wardrobe is one of the most important women's problems. A woman always needs to look inimitable. But not all representatives of the fairer sex know how to make a wardrobe, which things must be included in it, and which ones are better to refrain from. After all, it was not without reason that it was said that "They meet by their clothes ...". Indeed, clothes are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet. And the first impression that will be formed about you upon meeting depends on how you are dressed. You can be taught the correct choice of clothes at shopping courses, and you can look for clothes here - a wide choice allows But if want to learn on your own - read this article.

Before you start putting together a wardrobe, you need to understand some of the nuances. The wardrobe can be divided into basic and capsule.

A basic wardrobe is a certain set of things, as a rule, they are all classic cut. These things allow you to create several images by combining them with each other. You need to know some rules on how to choose a basic wardrobe in order for the images to turn out to be successful.

A capsule wardrobe is also a certain set of things, but the capsule wardrobe includes already completely finished and composed images, things from which cannot be applied to another image. Having a capsule wardrobe, there is no need to create an image every day. But the basic set of things is much more economical, because the capsule one is expensive.

The main thing is to start

If you decide to update your wardrobe, then, first of all, you need to decide on the reason why this decision was made. You may have gained or lost weight, changed jobs or changed company. All of this affects what things prevail in your closet. For example, if you have not worked for a long time, and now you have got a job in a reputable company, then you need to get classic suits and high-heeled shoes. After all, if you show up for work in sneakers and jeans, then you will not last long there. Or, if your weight has changed, then full figures will stand out in covered things, and a thin girl will look ridiculous in shapeless clothes.

If you find it difficult to decide on the style, then stop at the classics - this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe.

New life

Before choosing a wardrobe, open your closet and review the contents. It is possible that there are several gizmos that can still be worn. Perhaps they just need to pick up beautiful accessories or shoes. This will help save time and money. After all, why get rid of things that have not yet gone out of fashion and fit well on you. But do not get carried away and give a second chance to things that have already served their purpose. You need to muster up the courage and get rid of your favorite sweater, which your grandmother gave you, and the comfortable pulled sweatpants.

Right choice

Getting into the store, many women begin to try on things that first came to hand or those that are now at the height of fashion. This is the main mistake of fashionistas. After all, things from the catwalks are not for everyone. After all, the main thing is not to dress in the most fashionable things, but to have your own style and periodically supplement it with some new elements.

Take a close look at yourself and your body. Pay attention to your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. You need to do this by removing your pride in order to be able to objectively assess yourself.

Choose those clothes that would hide your flaws and emphasize your merits. The thing you like may not suit you in size or style. Remember that large size will make you shapeless, and too small will show all your flaws. It is also worth paying attention to the color and print of the clothes, these details are also of great importance.

What to emphasize and what to hide

Clothing, its color, shape and pattern all matter. You can't buy only what you like, you need to buy what will look good.

The color must be chosen correctly, dark clothes are suitable for a plump woman, which will make her slim, and light tones, on the contrary, give volume to the figure. The same applies to patterns, large colors, a horizontal stripe and a cage give fullness, but a vertical stripe slims.

But not always everything depends on the type of clothing. The age of the woman and the place for which the wardrobe is selected are of great importance. A full or middle-aged woman will look ridiculous in tight tops and skirts, transparent blouses. And young girls should not choose their teenage clothes.

Irreplaceable things

There are things, the presence of which is simply necessary in a woman's wardrobe. Such things must be present in the wardrobe.

Why exactly black? This is because black is versatile and can be combined with a number of other colors. This dress should be bought first. For example, not all women have the opportunity to buy different outfits, and a black dress with a simple cut will allow you to create many looks. It can be combined with various accessories, bags, shoes. And each image will turn out to be special and unique.

If you still don't know how to choose the right wardrobe, then you can start with classic trousers. This is one of the main elements. Such trousers or jeans will perfectly replace a skirt, will be appropriate at work, a business meeting or an interview. It is better to choose neutral colors: beige, gray, but black is best. Black trousers will play well with the figure and will be appropriate for any option.

A classic shirt is a white shirt with a simple cut that does not have any additional decorative elements. Every woman should have this shirt. We can safely say that this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe. It should be so versatile that it would be possible to go to work, to a meeting with friends, a date and even attend a quiet family dinner. The shirt should correspond to the phrase "From the ship to the ball".

But when choosing this element of the wardrobe, you need to remember about your advantages, which need to be emphasized and disadvantages, which are better to hide.

Trousers and skirts are important parts of a wardrobe, but they are annoying. The dress will add variety. It should be a dress in a neutral color, without a bright print. In it, a woman should feel comfortable at work or on a normal day.

The skirt is suitable for a variety of situations and images, it gives a feminine touch. A classic strict skirt is suitable for office workers, a denim skirt will be appropriate in a casual look or in an enterprise where there are no certain frames in clothes.

A jacket is a must-have item in your closet. If you still don't know how to put together the perfect wardrobe, then start with a jacket. This item is combined with many others: skirts, trousers, jeans and dresses. But the choice of a jacket should be taken seriously. An improperly fitted jacket can enlarge your shoulders or hide your waist. The jacket should fit the figure, emphasize the waistline, if the waistline is poorly expressed, then the jacket should reach its level.

A trench coat is a double-breasted coat that is either medium length or maxi. This thing has always remained and will remain in fashion, so it is a must to have it in your basic wardrobe. This piece is very popular at a time of the year when the weather is uncertain. You can combine it with any clothing. A cardigan or a sweater can be a good substitute for a trench coat, but a sweater is not as versatile and may exist as a part of one image and not at all fit another.

Shoes for a woman are very important. Women of fashion often have a lot of pairs of shoes for all occasions. But classic boat shoes should be bought first. They perfectly emphasize the business and evening look, and they will look equally appropriate in the office and in the restaurant. One of their advantages is that they visually make legs slimmer and fit any style of clothing.


When it became more or less clear how to choose a basic wardrobe, you should devote time to accessories. Accessories are an irreplaceable part of the look. It is they who set the mood of the image, bring some zest. The same clothes can look different if different accessories are chosen.

Accessories include not only jewelry, but also shoes, a bag, and a hairstyle. All this creates and complements the image. Particularly great attention should be paid to shoes. It should always be made of quality material and match the style of clothing. You also need to have several pairs of shoes for each season. If you wear the same shoes all the time, they will quickly deteriorate, and your leg will get tired.

When choosing clothes, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric. Make sure the garment doesn't stretch or lose shape or color after a few washes. Check the quality of the seams so as not to get into a situation when a hole appears on your favorite blouse at the most crucial moment.

These are the basic rules on how to properly create a wardrobe, if you follow them, then you will be able to create your own unique and stylish image. Rely on your taste, but do not chase fashion trends, they do not suit everyone. Consider the peculiarities of your figure, choose such clothes that will be appropriate in the places you visit.

Not everyone has the ability to have all the basic wardrobe items they need. This is not necessary. Sometimes, just a few pieces are enough to have a stylish look. The main thing is to be able to correctly combine them with each other, to select appropriate accessories, shoes and to be able to present this image to others.

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2015-04-15 Maria Novikova

I decided this morning that I would spend the day building the perfect wardrobe. As the saying goes, "boiled"! It's time to sort out all your junk and put everything on the shelves. Moreover, the summer season is ahead and I want to meet it "in all its glory." I don't have a lot of clothes, about like an ordinary girl. But this is not important, but it is important to be able to correctly combine things with each other in color and style.

Oh, idea!

Putting together my perfect wardrobe, I had a wonderful idea to take pictures of all the sets of clothes I have created. The goal is to create a separate album where I can choose the right kit for the occasion. Such an album will save time and nerves, as well as master the styles of clothing. To study the direction of styles in more detail, I suggest taking a look, here it is.

Most of the things presented in this album are my own works. I am glad that I can design, cut and sew clothes of any complexity, this is the best in the world for me!

Going through my wardrobe

First of all, I took all my clothes out of the closet and chose those things that fit in size and which I wear most often. The first thing that caught my eye was my favorite corduroy suit. I just love it! Moreover, such a color is now in fashion, and what colors are in trend now you will learn from my past.

You can wear it with a bright chiffon blouse, both together and separately. Just great!

Or with a light, turquoise short-sleeved blouse, also with a wrap. So what do you think?

You can also, here's an option:

or like this:

I also have a summer denim suit that I call "pajamas"! Does it look like it ?!

It can also be combined with different things, for example with a knitted skirt:

Or with a knitted sweatshirt:

Another great option is a chiffon blouse and trousers.

How about this rock-style costume for you ?! I love him, he is so extravagant!

Previously, it was a suit: a jacket and a skirt, but over time the sleeves worn out and I decided to make a vest out of the jacket. How this happened, you can find out from my previous one.

Now, the vest can be worn with a dress:

or with a tunic and leggings:

By the way, a tunic without a vest also looks very stylish!

Simple knitted sheath dress, can be complemented with stylish accessories:

and also worn with a knit cardigan:

I also really like to wear shorts, and at any time of the year. They are very comfortable and you always feel comfortable. If you want to learn more about how to choose shorts and what to wear with them, then read my article, here on this one.

Stylish and warm version with a natural mink vest:

Indispensable in my wardrobe is a jersey maxi skirt. Unfortunately, apart from the jumper, I could not pick up anything. It will be necessary to resolve this issue!

This dress always helps me out in any situation.

Parsing my wardrobe, this is just the beginning! Ahead of me is waiting, a bunch of different clothes, including my collection of jeans. Believe it or not, my soul even became somehow calmer. Psychologists say correctly that by throwing away unnecessary things and putting in order the house, we get rid of unnecessary garbage in our head. Fashion is changeable and capricious, it comes and goes. Therefore, you need to learn to choose the important and be able to resist the temptation.

Every important task requires a planned framework. And since no woman would call buying clothes unimportant, a plan is all the more necessary. But this is not about how expensive new shoes will cost and how much the unnecessary, but such a cute new T-shirt costs. Wardrobe planning should start much earlier than you go shopping and in front of the shining windows you forget about all the promises to think about new things, save money and generally not buy anything extra. I don’t argue, it’s difficult. But you can avoid disappointment if you put together a basic wardrobe correctly, thoughtfully and rationally.

The importance of a basic women's wardrobe is not in the slightest doubt, and its absence is simply nonsense, at least in the opinion of professional stylists. For example, fashion guru Evelina Khromchenko considers a basic wardrobe to be the basis of the basics and a prerequisite for everyone who wants to learn how to dress stylishly and generally find their own style. Clothes of the basic wardrobe do not erase individuality, but release from unnecessary things and far-fetched problems. All you need to do is create a basic wardrobe correctly, which will become your guiding star on the way to the impeccable style of clothing.

What is a basic wardrobe? Tasks and rules of the main wardrobe
All girls are different: blondes and brunettes, tall and petite, athletic and fragile, curvy and thin ... Then why do they all buy the same jeans, skirts and shoes so persistently? Not surprisingly, the results often fall short of expectations. However, there is only one way to solve the problem: to create a basic wardrobe. At first glance, this is illogical, because just the basic wardrobe is considered a standard selection of things. But it is precisely such a foundation that miraculously systematizes thoughts and ideas about what you need and what you don’t need to wear personally for you. Convenient, isn't it? In this sense, a basic wardrobe is the basis of your style and a template for creating consistently successful fashionable images in all possible situations.

Putting together a basic wardrobe can be a challenge in two ways: you don’t like classic-style clothes, or you don’t know what to focus on. The first usually passes with age, when a matured girl realizes how beautiful and graceful classic things can be. And the second is easily resolved with the help of the "golden" rules of the basic wardrobe:

  1. The versatility of the basic wardrobe is the first and most important rule for the sake of which it is worth making a basic wardrobe. Basic things should be combined with each other in different combinations and complemented with accessories without any problems. Imagine that this is a kind of "constructor": if the base of the pyramid is strong and stable, then all the details will be located on it correctly and firmly.
  2. The relevance of the basic wardrobe. The basic wardrobe does not become outdated - this is its convenience and the second key principle. Some things don't go out of style and are popular with people of different ages and lifestyles. It is these things that make up the basic wardrobe and are considered the embodiment of good taste.
  3. The color harmony of the basic wardrobe ensures that the first two conditions are met. So that the variegation does not confuse, it is worth compiling a basic wardrobe in several beautiful and clean colors, complementing them with bright accents at will and mood.
It may seem that the basic wardrobe consists of the same items for all women without exception. This is absolutely not the case: individuality is always present even in simple, laconic and traditional things. Two small black dresses may be completely different from each other, but they will equally help you out at the right time. Yes, you yourself will see this as soon as you start making up your basic wardrobe.

Where to start a basic wardrobe? Basic wardrobe of 10 items
Based on the above, we can decide that the motto of the basic wardrobe is “Less is more!”. And this will not be a mistake, because it is really better to compose a basic wardrobe from a small number of items in which you are confident than from a scattered set of seemingly good, but low-quality things. As for the number of clothes in the main wardrobe, the opinions of stylists differ upward or downward, but on average, you can make up a basic wardrobe of ± 10 items:
There are few shoes and no outerwear in this list, as well as clothing for sports, outdoor activities and other specific tasks. But the listed things are necessary for everyone, while not all people are engaged in fitness, sunbathe in a bikini and / or live in a climate with a pronounced cold season. Depending on your own needs, you can create a more extensive basic wardrobe for winter, autumn, spring and summer, include more light clothes and / or exclude the attributes of an office dress code. But 10 key things of the basic wardrobe are better left unchanged - they will certainly justify themselves.

Basic wardrobe rules. How to complement the basic wardrobe?
Please note that the composition of the basic wardrobe is like a list of things to take on a long, but not detailed trip. With such a set of clothes, you can always choose a suitable set - as they say, for all occasions, and borrow the missing accessories and jewelry from a companion or a roommate in the cabin. What else is worth knowing about a basic wardrobe?

  • The quality of the clothes. Short-term savings can be tempting, but only solid ones, which means that not the cheapest things will pay off over time. They should be included in the basic wardrobe, which is made up for a long time.
  • Sales. Let the fashionistas hunt for the latest news, but wait for the seasonal discounts, thanks to which you can afford a high quality item that does not go out of style.
  • Accessories- this is the field for creativity and satisfaction of impulses. Pamper yourself with bright scarves, straps, tights and other smart, noticeable, but not too expensive little things.
These guidelines will help you not to get lost in the vast expanses of fashion and in any case, steer you on the right path of style and good taste. A smart basic wardrobe is not only a healthy habit, but also an expression of character, self-respect, and beliefs. Only a woman with a subtle aesthetic flair is able to put together a basic wardrobe correctly and simply, while easily changing clothes depending on current trends and always accurately considering the appropriateness of one or another toilet. Isn't that a worthy example to follow? And putting together a basic wardrobe is the first and necessary step towards this perfection.