What is the number of retirement benefits for war veterans? War veterans pension: allowances to monthly payments. Examples of transport tax incentives

Military pensioners in Russia have a special status. The site for pensioners has prepared a detailed list of benefits for citizens who served in the Armed Forces, the internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and fire fighting, and the penal system.

After dismissal

Servicemen, upon dismissal from service upon reaching the age limit, state of health or in connection with organizational and staff activities, are entitled to a lump sum, the amount of which depends on the duration of military service (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 2700):

Less than 20 years - 2 salaries;
from 20 years and more - 7 salaries.

If the servicemen were awarded a state order or were awarded the honorary title of the USSR or the Russian Federation, the size of the lump sum is increased by one more salary.

Citizens whose military service under the contract was less than 20 years, after dismissal, can expect to be paid a salary according to military rank within one year.

Persons who have served 20 years or more are entitled to a seniority pension. The seniority pension is paid through the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. But a retired military man can also apply for the appointment of a second pension - insurance, through the Pension Fund, if he works in a “civilian life” and has official employment. Read more about this here.

In addition, military pensioners are entitled to the following allowances:

1) an increase in the size of the seniority pension for disabled persons:
persons who have become disabled as a result of a military injury (disabled persons of group I - by 300 percent of the estimated pension, disabled persons of group II - by 250 percent, disabled persons of group III - by 175 percent).

2) allowances for seniority pensions:
pensioners who are disabled of group I or who have reached 80 years of age - for caring for them in the amount of 100 percent of the estimated pension;
non-working pensioners who are dependent on disabled family members (for one such family member - 32 percent, for two - 64 percent, for three or more - 100 percent);

(in accordance with the Federal Law "On Pension Provisions for Persons Serving Military Service, Service in Internal Affairs Bodies, State Fire Service, Bodies for Control over the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Institutions and Bodies of the Penitentiary System, and Their Families").

Benefits for military pensioners


The state provides housing to those military pensioners who were registered as in need of better housing conditions. The benefit is implemented in the following ways:

In the form of a housing subsidy;
in the form of a specific residential premises owned by a federal or regional authority;
in the form of a one-time cash payment for the construction of an individual residential building;
in the form of a land plot for construction;
in the form of the right to an extraordinary entry into a housing construction cooperative;
in the form of monetary compensation for renting residential premises.

Tax incentives

Military pensioners are exempt from tax on one object of personal real estate (clause 7, article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and personal income tax from pensions, as well as from the amounts of material assistance received at the place of work, and from the cost of vouchers to medical special institutions (art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Civil pensioners also enjoy this benefit.

Treatment benefits

Military pensioners retain the same benefits that active military personnel have:

Free treatment in military medical institutions;
free production and repair of dentures;
free supply of medicines;
75% discount when buying vouchers to military sanatoriums;
free round-trip travel by any means of transport to the places of treatment and sanatorium rest once a year.

Benefits for the relatives of a military pensioner

50% discount on a ticket for family members of a pensioner to military sanatoriums;
free travel for family members of a pensioner to the place of treatment or sanatorium-resort rest once a year;
children of military pensioners are admitted without a queue to kindergartens, schools and general military schools;
wives of military retirees are counted in their seniority for grace periods of living with their husbands on the territory of military camps, where women could not get a job in their specialty;
in the event of the loss of the breadwinner, family members are entitled to an appropriate pension. If the death was due to a military injury, relatives are entitled to compensation for utility bills and housing.

Labor benefits

When looking for work through the labor exchange, military pensioners have the right to priority employment. By the way, the section "work for the elderly" on our website can help you with your job search.

A military pensioner has the right to retain his job in the event of the threat of dismissal from his job (to lay off), where he got a job for the first time.

(according to the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen").

Monthly cash payment

It is established and paid by the territorial body of the PFR to certain categories of citizens, indexed once a year from April 1, based on the inflation rate in the country for the previous year. So, they have the right to EDV:

Servicemen and persons of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, who have become disabled due to injury, concussion or injury received in the performance of military service duties (official duties);
combat veterans;
military personnel, including those transferred to the reserve (resignation), persons of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies and state security bodies, persons who participated in operations during the performance of government combat missions for the clearance of territories and objects on the territory of the USSR and territories of other states during May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951, including in combat trawling operations in the period from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1957;
servicemen of automobile battalions who were sent to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there to deliver goods;
servicemen of flight personnel who flew from the territory of the USSR on combat missions to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there;
family members of military personnel who died in the line of duty, in captivity or as a result of injury.

The size of the monthly income tax is different for all categories of citizens, for registration you need to contact the territorial body of the PFR.

(according to information from the Russian Pension Fund).

Additional monthly material support

This type of allowance in the amount of 1,000 rubles is provided to people with disabilities due to a military injury. At the same time, it does not matter in what period of military and equivalent service a citizen received a military injury.

(according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2005 No. 887 "On measures to improve the material situation of disabled people due to military trauma").

War Veterans Benefits

A wide range of benefits is provided to combat veterans, which include the following categories of servicemen:

Servicemen, employees of the Internal Affairs Department and the authorities of the USSR who took part in hostilities while performing their official duties in the Russian Federation or the USSR.
- servicemen who served in automobile battalions delivering goods to Afghanistan during the period when hostilities were carried out there.
- servicemen who took part in hostilities and flight operations in Afghanistan.
- servicemen who were sent to work in Afghanistan in the period from December 1979 to December 1989, who worked the term set for the direction or were seconded ahead of schedule for valid reasons.

Benefits for war veterans:

Providing housing for war veterans in need of better housing conditions;
reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of housing premises (compensation for rent or maintenance of housing premises, compensation for 50% of the contribution for capital repairs);
preference in joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
preservation of the right to receive medical care in institutions to which servicemen were assigned during the period of work before retirement, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care in medical organizations (including hospitals for war veterans);
provision of prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products.

Benefits for veterans who served military units:

Preservation of the right to receive medical care and extraordinary medical care;
preferential provision of vouchers to health resort organizations;
preference for admission to horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
priority installation of an apartment telephone;
annual leave and unpaid leave;
provision of housing for disabled combatants in case of eviction from the office premises they occupy.

Benefits for veterans heading to work in Afghanistan:

Extraordinary provision of vouchers to health resort organizations;
advantage when joining a member of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha associations;
annual leave;
extraordinary right to install an apartment telephone.

(according to the Federal Law "On Veterans").

Tax incentives

Property tax exemption;
the right to a standard tax deduction of 500 rubles for each month of the tax period when calculating personal income tax in accordance with paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If citizens have received a disability, then the amount of the deduction is increased to 3000 rubles.

To apply for these tax benefits, you must apply to the tax office. In addition, combat veterans are eligible for a monthly cash payment (see above).

Also, military retirees can have transport or land tax benefits, which are determined by each region separately.

Note that this material did not indicate benefits for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The state pays pensions not only due to the onset of old age, but also in various other cases. Certain retirement benefits are also due for citizens participating in hostilities. The amount of such payments depends on a large number of very different factors.

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Where to go

The procedure for a participant in hostilities is a fairly simple procedure, but it has some nuances.

At the moment, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is engaged in the payment of this type of benefits. To register the receipt of this type of payment, you must contact the appropriate branch of the Pension Fund in advance.

A participant in hostilities will need to apply for a pension at the place of permanent registration - to the regional branch of the PFR.

Moreover, if for some reason there is no registration, it will be necessary to contact the place of permanent residence. For example, if you need to receive funds for a personnel officer who continues to serve under a contract.

It will be possible to submit all the necessary documents to the appropriate branch of the Pension Fund in different ways:

  • in person or through a representative;
  • through the Internet;
  • By mail of the Russian Federation - by registered mail with a list of attachments.

To receive a pension, certain essential factors must be fulfilled. It is worth familiarizing yourself with all of them in advance.

When registering a pension through a representative, it will be necessary to draw up an appropriate power of attorney. This document must be duly certified.

How to arrange

Today, the process of registering a pension for war veterans is covered in legislation. Moreover, the acquisition algorithm itself is completely standard. The only difference is the process of obtaining some special types of pensions.

At the same time, the registration of pensions for participants in the Great Patriotic War is no longer covered in the current legislation. The reason for this is the lack of the need for registration - at the moment there are only a minimum number of WWII veterans.

In the standard case, to register the type of pension under consideration, you will need to implement the following basic steps:

  • register with the military enlistment office - this will allow you to obtain the following necessary documents:
    • certificate of participation in hostilities;
    • combat veteran certificate;
  • the process of registration of a personal account is in progress - the easiest way is to implement such an operation in Sberbank;
  • apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place:
    • permanent registration;
    • permanent residence;
  • confirmation of the corresponding awards, medals, as well as other documents is carried out - they must confirm a certain length of service, the very fact of participation in any hostilities;
  • after collecting all documents, it is necessary to transfer them to the FIU in a way convenient for the applicant himself;
  • in the FIU, documents are considered within 10 days from the date of submission and, if the decision is positive, the corresponding pension will be charged next month.

The very procedure for confirming the length of service can be performed in two ways. According to the current legislative norms, citizens who have medals and have gained 20-25 years of experience (depending on gender) have equal rights with citizens who participated in the Second World War and who began their labor activity before the war. Moreover, in the second case, the experience before the onset of majority is necessarily taken into account.

To receive an appropriate pension, it will be necessary to submit the following documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photos of 3 × 4 format;
  • award documents - they give the right to a special procedure for considering the fact of the appointment of a pension (in some cases, the period is reduced to the very minimum);
  • documentary evidence of the fact of official work experience:
    • certificate from the place of employment;
  • confirmation of participation in hostilities or other documents giving the right to receive a pension of the type in question:
    • home front worker's certificate;
    • wWII veteran certificate;
    • certificate of a resident of besieged Leningrad;
    • certificate of a participant in hostilities;
    • documents confirming the presence of a disability group.

Today, a complete list of all the documents required in this case is reflected in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the RF Pension Fund may require any additional. In some cases, pensions of this type are provided directly by the Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, it is possible to receive this payment not through the FIU, but directly through the military commissariat, to which a particular citizen of the Russian Federation is assigned.

The size

A preferential pension for war veterans depends on a variety of factors. For example, the average pension of participants in the Great Patriotic War for 2019 is 21.8-30.3 thousand rubles.

This value was achieved due to the annual indexation. So, since 01.02.15, the value of indexation is 11.4%.

Currently, not only the servicemen themselves, but also their relatives have the right to receive this type of pension. But this also requires the fulfillment of certain important conditions.

The widows of those who died in the Second World War are currently being charged in the amount of 21.8 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, combatants who have become disabled due to injury on the battlefield receive 30.3 thousand rubles.

The last time the indexation of the size of this type of pension was carried out on 01.04.15 - by 5.5% of the original amount. The average increase in the country, in various regions, ranged from 1.3 thousand rubles to 4.4 thousand rubles.

Moreover, in many cases, veterans receive appropriate services at home. For example, in 2019 alone, about 27 thousand WWII veterans applied for services of this type.

Today, all citizens who participate in hostilities in some way are divided into different categories.

The amount of payment of this type of pension is influenced by a large number of different factors:

  • length of work experience;
  • territory of war;
  • the presence of injuries, disability;
  • other.

A complete list of facts that in any way affect the size of the type of pension in question is reflected in the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

A close study of the legislation in force in this regard will help to avoid various kinds of difficulties and other points. The legislation on the special status of veterans was introduced in order to support, materially and morally, citizens who gave their debt to their homeland.

There is a specialized law that establishes the following social benefits for veterans:

  • a significant increase in the provision of a pension type in comparison with other citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • in some cases, combatants are entitled to increased;
  • during the indexation of pensions, their adjustment, it is the combatants who are the priority persons - the increase in pensions for them is mandatory.

To receive some special benefits, combat veterans will need to contact the appropriate agencies in advance.

It is important to remember that the size of the pension is significantly influenced by the region of residence of a particular veteran. Moreover, if a move is made to another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the amount of the pension will be changed without fail.

When re-registering at a new place of residence, it will be necessary to re-register the pension at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the military registration and enlistment office. Reregistered. This important factor should be taken into account.

Is there a surcharge

Today, all contract servicemen, upon reaching a certain age, are necessarily entitled to a pension.

Moreover, the larger the salary and length of service, the greater the pension. The situation is similar with regard to retirement due to participation in hostilities. At the same time, in some cases, a surcharge is mandatory to the total payment.

Its size depends on the regulations governing a specific case. They differ significantly for each region.

At the moment, a veteran of hostilities should carefully read the following sections of regulatory documents in order to receive a bonus:

  • Federal Law 03.12.07 “On Amendments to the Law“ On Pension Provision ””;
  • and Part 1 of Federal Law No. 319-FZ.

According to the NAP data, an additional 32% is added to the basic pension of veterans as a supplement.

At the same time, the right to this kind of allowance arises from 01.01.08 - almost immediately after the start of the above law. This increase is due in accordance with federal law.

But in some regions there are special multiplying factors. Therefore, the size may differ upward from the figure of 32%. Moreover, the size of the allowance charged in a particular region cannot be less than that established by federal legislation.

To register such a surcharge, it will be necessary to collect a certain list of documents. Some former servicemen, due to ignorance or for other reasons, did not submit the relevant documents for receiving benefits on time.

In this case, the right to such payments is not forfeited. Moreover, it will be possible to receive them for the entire period of time in full - from the moment the relevant law enters into force.

To receive payments for the past time, you will need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent registration with a corresponding statement and a link to the legislative norm.

All necessary funds will be transferred at the time of accrual of the regular veteran's pension. If, for some reason, the Pension Fund refused to pay this kind of charges to the veteran who applied, you will need to go to court.

How to arrange it

The process of registering a supplement practically does not differ from the procedure for registering the pension itself. To obtain such a benefit, everyone will also need to apply directly to the FIU at the place of permanent residence. This moment is reflected in the legislation.

In this case, it is imperative to collect the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book or other document confirming the length of service;
  • military ID with the corresponding marks on the passage of military service;
  • other documents confirming the fact of participation in hostilities.

Documents can also be submitted in any way convenient for the veteran himself - independently, by mail or via the Internet, by a representative.

You will need to attach a special statement to the list of required documents. It will need to refer to the relevant legislative provision.

There is no unified format for such a statement; it is drawn up in free form. But at the same time it is necessary to include in it the details of the applicant himself, affix the date and signature with a decryption.

Pension for combatants in Afghanistan

Today, according to the current legislation, citizens who take part in the military operation in Afghanistan are entitled to a fairly large number of various benefits, as well as a pension.

The most significant cash payments today include:

  • EDV - monthly cash payment, the amount of which is 2.2 thousand rubles;
  • 50% discount on repairs and maintenance of a single home;
  • increase to pension in the amount of 32%.

The increase to the pension is drawn up in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468-1 of 12.02.93. The amount of the additional payment at the moment is only 1.1 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the retirement of war veterans is carried out upon reaching a length of service or a certain age. But, at the same time, the corresponding payments as a participant b / d. rely immediately after their completion.

For veterans b / d in Chechnya

According to the current legislation (Federal Law No. 5-FZ of 12.01.95), combatants in the territory of the Chechen Republic have the right to receive a pension. Its size in 1995 was 1.6 thousand rubles. For more than 20 years, such payments have been indexed. The pension is over 10 thousand rubles.

Moreover, at the moment, the amount continues to be indexed annually. A large number of different factors influence the size of the pension for Chechen veterans. This includes the regional coefficient - the place of residence of the veteran himself.

Are the parents of the deceased

According to the above-mentioned normative legal document, the parents and some other relatives of the deceased in the Republic of Chechnya also have the right to receive the corresponding pension payments.

Other relatives may be a spouse, as well as native, adopted children (until they reach working age).

If, due to participation in hostilities, a serviceman has been assigned a disability group, then he is entitled to an increased pension. It depends directly on the disability group.

Also, the pension is subject to an additional payment in accordance with the amendment to the legislation introduced in 2019. The amount of this additional payment is 2.4 thousand rubles. This moment is regulated by the law "On Veterans".

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The categories of citizens who can qualify for increased social benefits include, first of all, war veterans. This is provided for by law No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". The amount of such assistance from the state can differ significantly from the standard pension accruals.

War veterans - who belongs to them

To understand what kind of pension will be accrued to veterans of hostilities in 2018, it is necessary to clarify the information about who can qualify for a social benefit of this category.

The increased amount of pension accruals is due to the following persons:

  1. Employees of the armed forces of the Russian Federation belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Office of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments and other bodies of the Russian Federation, in these institutions are responsible for the state of security of the state. These individuals had to stay for a certain period of time in hot spots on the territory of the Russian Federation or on the territory of other countries.
  2. VTB includes employees of government agencies of the Soviet Union. For example, those citizens who served in the Soviet Army or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for an increased pension. Individuals were required to undergo a post-war clearance program, which lasted from 1945 to 1951. This category also includes sailors engaged in combat etching between 1945 and 1957.
  3. Drivers of vehicles who were involved in the transportation of goods in Afghanistan can apply for an increased pension.
  4. Other types of military involved in hostilities in Afghanistan, including during combat missions.
  5. Individuals who have taken part in hostilities in Syria since 2015.

Thus, the pension for veterans of military operations in 2018 will be awarded to these categories of citizens. The amount of charges is determined by several laws based on acts regulating military pensions and insurance charges.

They are equated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, so they can count on a higher social payment from the Russian Federation. These include citizens who worked in hot spots as road transport drivers, pilots and pilots, and members of the crew of military air transport. The same category includes employees on the territory of Afghanistan sent on a business trip to a hot spot on duty.

Not all veterans will receive the increased amount

The main types of military pensions

Pension for veterans is calculated in three directions. The basis of social payments is the insurance part. Additionally, a social pension is charged from the state.

The insurance part of the pension, which is guaranteed by the laws of the Russian Federation, depends entirely on the work activity of the citizen. Individuals can apply for additional payments that are charged by local governments. These bodies include regional and federal institutions.

In the event of a disability, a military veteran can apply for a social pension. State pension charges are directly dependent on the number of years of service in hot spots.

Types of military pension

Rules for the formation of social payments

In order to form a pension payment for a war veteran, it is necessary to obtain information about the length of service and his age category. The minimum length of service for receiving a pension is 20 years. To receive social subsidies from the state for a combat veteran, his age must reach 45 years. Additionally, you will need a total work experience of 25 years. The minimum duration of military service is 12 years and 5 months.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, including veterans of military operations, can get it upon reaching 60 or 55 years of age. Women retire five years earlier than the male population of Russia. For insurance experience, you need to have an indicator that is equal to 8 years. The individual coefficient as of today is 13.8 points.

Who is entitled to monthly payments

How much WBD get

The 2018 war veterans pension can be influenced by a variety of factors. The first and most important thing on which the amount of the accrual of VDB depends is the place in which he served.

Please note that since the pension benefit consists of several parts, it will be individual in nature. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact of the size of the calculation of the labor pension, social benefits and additional assistance from the state.

If the total length of service of a combat veteran is more than a 20-year term, then you are entitled to another 50% of the salary. For a period exceeding 20 years, an accrual of 3% of the base amount is due for each subsequent year. Additional payments can be up to 85%.

Payments to WBD

Mixed means that a citizen has 25 years of experience, which includes different types of activities. In this situation, a veteran of military operations is entitled to a 50% bonus, for each following year of presence in a hot spot, he should be given another 1% bonus. The funds are received through the pension fund of the Russian Federation. The amount of the monthly cash payment will be based on what category the combat veterans belong to.

The 2018 military veterans pension, like any other social payment, must be indexed. The size of the index has not been published yet. According to preliminary data, war veterans should expect an increase in their social benefits by 3-4 percent.

The minimum pension for that can be accrued to a citizen is about 10 thousand rubles. The allowances at various levels will be about 15 thousand rubles. For the disability group, they give from 2 to 3 thousand rubles additionally.

In Russian legislation there is a separate category of citizens who are entitled to a hanged pension - these are veterans. In order to take care of them, the Russian Federation adopted a law (in 1995) No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". Pensions for combatants are established in a different amount and procedure than for ordinary, ordinary citizens.

Who are the veterans of the fighting

In Article 3 of the Law "On Veterans" you can get the following information about who belongs to the WBD:

  1. Employees of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Directorates of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments and other state bodies responsible for the security of the Russian Federation, who were at one time or another in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities that took place in Russia or in other foreign states.
  2. Employees of certain state bodies of the USSR, for example, the Soviet Army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, who were direct participants in the post-war mine clearance program, which took place from 1945 to 1951. In addition, naval sailors who were engaged in combat trawling from 1945 to 1957 are also included in the WBD.
  3. As for motorists transporting goods in Afghanistan, as well as on missions in the region, they are also eligible for a veteran's pension.
  4. Other military personnel in Afghanistan who made combat missions, etc.
  5. Persons carrying out special assignments and tasks in Syria, starting from the end of September 2015.

These persons, according to Russian law, can count on.

Pension coverage for veterans of military operations is based on a number of other legislative acts:

  • Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, which deals with military pensions;
  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, regulating insurance pensions.
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Types of pensions for veterans

At the moment there are only 3 areas in which pensions are accrued to war veterans.

These include:

  • , which allows WBD to receive their statutory retirement pension. At the same time, citizens have the right to all existing allowances - regional, established at the federal level;
  • ... This kind occurs when establishing IAP disability;
  • pension from the state. It is its size that has a variation in percentage, which depends on the places of military service during hostilities.
It is important! The pension will differ from payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and others. They all have an individual character.

Formation of payments

The size of the pension of combatants and the right to its appointment, as indicated earlier, depends on a number of factors.

These may include the following indicators and conditions:

  1. length of service, which must be more than 20 years;
  2. the age of a citizen is equal to 45 years, as well as the existence of a mixed experience of 25 years. At the same time, a very important point is that 12 years and 6 months is the minimum period for military service.

If we are talking about the insurance part of the pension for veterans, then in this case, you should inform about such conditions:

  • the age for the male population of Russia is 60 years, and for women 5 years less - 55 years;
  • the minimum indicator is 8 years for insurance experience. This applies to 2017;
  • individual odds - 11.4 points for 2017.

The amount of pension provision

If, according to preliminary data, a citizen has the right to receive a pension for WBD, it is worth knowing what amount a veteran can expect. It is worth noting for a start that the provision (additional payment) of this category of persons is of an individual nature.

For example, there is such a thing as length of service. If a citizen has the right to a pension for this indicator, then its size may look like this:

  • with a 20-year term of service, a veteran may be entitled to 50% of the calculated salary. A plus to it is 3% for each year over and above those 20.
Attention! It is worth considering that 85% is the maximum in the total amount of additional payments.
  • mixed experience assumes the presence of 25 years of such. In this case, there is the same 50% and in addition only 1% for the next worked year, etc.
It is important! WBDs, who have been civilians in various military operations, receive their funds through the FIU.

You also need to know about the (EDV), the size of which depends on the veteran's category.

For example, in 2017, those with disabilities received a little more than 5,000 rubles a month as a monthly income. And VBD is only about 3,000 rubles.

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Pension supplements in percentage terms

There is another type of supplement - 32% to the pension of combatants.
This allowance may be for:

  • WBD, including veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • those who went to concentration camps and similar institutions of the Nazis;
  • siege of Leningrad;
  • disabled people who, while still in childhood, were injured during the Second World War.
Important! Since the process of indexing the pensions of the population of our country periodically takes place, then, accordingly, the increase in 32% increases.

Payments to participants in the Chechen campaigns and Afghanistan

A relatively new status is a military veteran who has been in the Chechen war, which has taken place in the history of our state since the 90s of the 20th century. The pension is due in the following cases:

  • if the citizens were soldiers, officers of the given military campaign;
  • if they have been seconded to this territory;
  • purposeful direction of certain employees to the Chechen “hot spot”;
  • all other persons who took a direct part in this war on the territory of Chechnya on legal grounds.
It is important! To count on a pension as a veteran of hostilities in Chechnya, you must have an appropriate document - a certificate.

The amount of the total accruals is made up of allowances, additional and social payments and amounts to a total of about 15,000 rubles. In this case, the presence of wounds received during hostilities is also important. Such allowances depend on the group of disabilities received and range from 1,700 rubles to 3,500 rubles.

  • road transport drivers;
  • pilots and pilots, crew members of military air transport;
  • posted employees to the territory of Afghanistan.
Attention! The pension for Afghans is calculated according to an algorithm developed for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There is only one distinguishing feature with regards to seniority. So, one year of experience is equal to 3 years worked.

In addition, there are other factors that affect the size of a citizen's pension provision, in addition to length of service:

  • amount of military service time:
  • position as a participant in hostilities.
Important! If the accrued pension does not reach the level of the subsistence level in our country, then the state provides a number of allowances and benefits for Afghans.

As in the case of veterans of the Chechen war, disability matters. If such is formalized and received due to participation in hostilities, a citizen (veteran) can count on additional payments. WBD in Afghanistan with disabilities of the first group can receive a threefold increase in seniority pension. For the second group, a twofold increase is provided. And for the third group of disability - 1.5 times.

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Last changes

In 2018, the indexation of pension payments was carried out in January.

For pensioners of law enforcement agencies, the amount of monetary allowance was raised by 4%. Accordingly, the size of pension payments also increased. The amount of money allowance, which is taken into account when calculating the military pension, has not changed and amounted to 72.23%.

War Veterans Benefits are established by Russian legislation, but not all persons in this category are familiar with their full list. This article will help you to study in more detail the types of benefits and understand the order of their registration.

War Veterans Act

The Federal Law "On Veterans" of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ is considered the main normative act regulating the position of all categories of veterans, as well as containing a list of benefits for war veterans and other types of social support that is provided to them.

Whom does the law classify as combat veterans?

According to Art. 3 FZ of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ, the following categories of citizens belong to combat veterans:

  1. Persons who are military personnel and persons transferred to the reserve or retired, as well as persons liable for military service who were called up for training, and employees of the Internal Affairs Department or the authorities of the USSR. These persons must take part in hostilities while performing their official duties in the Russian Federation or the USSR.
  2. Servicemen, including those transferred to the reserve or retired, as well as persons who are among the rank and file of the ATS. To be eligible for benefits to war veterans, these categories of citizens had to take part in government combat missions related to the clearance of the territories of the USSR and other countries in the period from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951. It is also possible to refer a citizen to a veteran if he participated in combat sweeping or the destruction of mines by carrying out blasting operations from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1957.
  3. Servicemen who served in automobile battalions. We are talking about battalions that delivered goods that were sent to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there.
  4. Citizens who are among the military personnel of the flight personnel who flew from the territory of the USSR to Afghanistan. Such operations were to be carried out during the period of hostilities in Afghanistan.
  5. Persons who were involved in servicing Soviet or Russian military units located on the territory of foreign states during the conduct of hostilities. These persons, in order to be considered veterans, should have been injured, injured or contused. Also among the veterans are citizens who received orders, medals of the USSR or medals of the Russian Federation, issued in connection with participation in the provision of hostilities.
  6. Citizens who were sent to Afghanistan for work between December 1979 and December 1989. In this case, these persons must work for a specified period or be seconded ahead of schedule for valid reasons.
  7. Persons performing special tasks in the Syrian Arab Republic, starting from September 30, 2015, provided that they have worked the deadline set during the dispatch or, for good reason, are seconded ahead of schedule.

Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the annex to the law establish a list of territories and the period of time during which hostilities were fought there.

How veterans' rights are regulated

Persons eligible for benefits for combat veterans may be:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
  • stateless persons who permanently reside within the Russian Federation.

The above categories of persons are subject to the provisions of the Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ. The rights of foreigners and stateless persons who temporarily reside or stay in the territory of Russia are regulated by international treaties.

Certificate of a veteran (participant) of military operations

Participants in hostilities, as well as other persons listed in Law No. 5-FZ, are issued with a certificate of a veteran of hostilities to confirm this status. This must necessarily have citizens claiming the right to receive benefits for war veterans.

The form of the veteran's certificate can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.12.2003 No. 763. The standard attributes of this certificate are:

  1. Title of the document.
  2. Full name of the state body that issued the certificate.
  3. Document series and number.
  4. FULL NAME. owner of the certificate.
  5. Photo of the veteran.
  6. Personal signature of the owner of the document.
  7. The list of the rights and benefits due to the veteran.
  8. Date of issue of the document.
  9. Signature of the official who issued the certificate.

The veteran's certificate is sealed by the seal of the state body where the veteran received the document. The seal must be present on the right and left inner sides of the card.

How to get an ID

The procedure for issuing certificates to veterans is regulated by the norms of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 05.07.2004 No. 282 and the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2288 dated 11.08.2012. The certificate is drawn up in the name of the citizen on the basis of his application and title documents. The application form for issuing a war veteran certificate can be downloaded in the article below.

Documents for issuing a veteran certificate

The list of supporting documents establishing the right of citizens to benefits for war veterans depends on the status of the person applying for a veteran certificate.

So, among the papers confirming the rights of a citizen who took part in hostilities, it should be noted:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Private bussiness.
  3. Certificate of injury.
  4. An extract from the order for enrollment in a military unit.
  5. Premium materials.
  6. References from archival institutions.
  7. Flight books.
  8. Archival certificates that certify the fact:
  • participation of a person in hostilities while performing official duties on the territory of foreign states;
  • participation of a citizen in military demining operations during the period established by law;
  • participation of a soldier in combat trawling during a period specified by law;
  • service of a person in the composition of automobile battalions sent to the territory of Afghanistan during hostilities;
  • service of a person in flight personnel who flew to Afghanistan during hostilities.

Documents for participants in the Chechen conflict

Persons who performed military missions during the conflict in the Chechen Republic, applying for a certificate and benefits for veterans of military operations, can submit:

  1. Extracts from orders of chiefs.
  2. Entries in identity cards.
  3. Records in military cards.
  4. Records in work books.
  5. Travel certificates.

Documents for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who participated in the North Caucasian operations

Interior Ministry officers who participated in military operations of a counter-terrorism nature in the North Caucasus, issuing a veteran's certificate, in addition to the application, should have extracts from the orders with them (must be issued in accordance with the RF Government Decree No. 65 dated 09.02.2004).

Filling out the certificate

If, in the process of filling out the veteran's certificate, authorized employees of the state body made the presence of inaccurate or incorrect entries, then such a form must be destroyed. When destroying a damaged form, authorized persons must draw up an appropriate act.

Registration of the certificate

The finished document is issued to the applicant for signature. Each of the certificates issued to citizens is registered in a special accounting book.

In the accounting book, civil servants registering certificates note the series and number of the document, the full name of the recipient of the certificate, his address, the number of the pension file and the date of issue of the certificate.

The registration record is confirmed by the signature of the person who received the veteran's certificate.

Issuance of a duplicate identity card

In the event that the certificate for some reason becomes unusable or is lost by the owner, he, if he has documents of title confirming his status, can receive a duplicate.

War Veteran Medal

Such a veteran medal was established on 19.02.2005 in accordance with the regulations adopted by the coordinating council of the committee for internationalist soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS member states.

Who is eligible to receive the Veteran Medal

This medal can be awarded to such persons as:

  • veterans of local wars;
  • veterans of military events outside the USSR.

In order to receive a medal, these persons must have an appropriate certificate confirming their participation in hostilities or combat events.

Veteran medal appearance

The award is made in the form of a golden circle with a diameter of 32 mm. The circle on the obverse has an engraved image of the globe crossed by several parallels and meridians. In the central part of the circle there is a laurel branch in a crosshair from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The outer area of \u200b\u200bthe circle at the top contains the words "Honor", "Glory" and "Courage". At the bottom of the circle is a five-pointed star.

On the reverse side of the award there is an inscription with the name of the medal, complemented by an ornamental stripe and the image of a five-pointed star. In the area between the inscription and the ornamental strip there is a free space for engraving the medal number.

The ribbon on which the medal is attached is red, reminiscent of the color of the USSR flag. There is a gray stripe along the red background, which is bordered by blue lines.

Benefits for combat veterans 2018 - 2019. What war veterans are entitled to

The legislator provides for a wide range of benefits for war veterans. For military personnel and conscripts listed in sub. 1-4 p. 1 of Art. 3 FZ of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ, which took part in hostilities, there is a separate list of benefits, namely:

  1. Benefits for veterans of hostilities on tax payments (for example, under Article 217 of the Tax Code, monthly cash payments received by veterans of hostilities under Law No. 5-FZ are not taxed).
  2. Benefits for veterans of military operations on pension provision in accordance with the norms of the law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1.
  3. Providing housing for citizens in need. Persons who registered with the state before the beginning of 2005 can count on the provision of housing and support in paying for housing (including in terms of contributions for major repairs), as indicated in Art. 23.2 ФЗ dated 12.01.1995 No. 5-ФЗ.
  4. Payment for half of the occupied total area in a residential building or living space in a communal apartment. Family members of veterans who live with them have similar rights.
  5. The right to unscheduled installation of an apartment telephone.
  6. Advantage when joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives. Also, veterans are given an advantage when joining dacha, horticultural and horticultural associations of a non-profit nature.
  7. Preservation of the right to medical care in those organizations to which citizens were attached before the onset of retirement age.
  8. Emergency medical care.
  9. Provision of prostheses (with the exception of dentures), as well as prosthetic and orthopedic products in accordance with the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.04.2008 No. 240. Veterans who purchased prostheses at their own expense may be paid monetary compensation.
  10. Annual leave, which is provided at a convenient time for a citizen, and the right to leave without pay for 35 calendar days.
  11. The preemptive right to use communication services, as well as services of sports and recreation, cultural and educational organizations.
  12. Extraordinary purchase of tickets for all types of transport.
  13. Vocational training as well as additional vocational education paid by the employer.
  14. Provision of funeral services. State bodies guarantee reimbursement of expenses:
  • to transport the body of a deceased veteran to the place of his burial;
  • burial of the body;
  • production and installation of a gravestone.

What is required for combat veterans who served military units

The list of social benefits for veterans who served Soviet and Russian military units includes:

  1. Preservation of the right to medical care in institutions where a citizen was served before retirement.
  2. Emergency medical care.
  3. The pre-emptive right to provide vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations in the presence of appropriate medical indications.
  4. The pre-emptive right to join country, horticultural and vegetable gardening organizations.
  5. Extraordinary installation of an apartment telephone.
  6. Annual leave at a convenient time and the right to 35 days of unpaid leave.
  7. Additional vocational education and vocational training at the expense of the employer.
  8. Providing housing.
  9. Funeral services.

What is required for combat veterans who were sent to work in Afghanistan or Syria

Persons who worked in Afghanistan from December 1979 to December 1989 or in Syria from September 30, 2015 and recognized as veterans can expect:

  • for extraordinary provision of vouchers to health resort organizations;
  • advantage when joining a member of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha associations;
  • annual vacation at a convenient time;
  • extraordinary installation of an apartment telephone;
  • provision of funeral services.

Providing land to war veterans. Is there a free allocation

Many are interested in how to get a land plot for a war veteran. We must say right away that at the moment, in connection with the adoption in 2004 of the so-called law on monetization, many benefits were abolished and in the new edition of the laws "On veterans" and "On the status of military personnel" no longer contain provisions regarding the free provision of land for individual construction, etc. There are only some exceptions concerning, for example, Heroes of the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory, etc. Participants in hostilities are not included in this category, however, if they entered the queue for receiving land before 2004 year, that is, before the adoption of the law on monetization, then the right to such a benefit is not lost by them.

Also, regional authorities are not prohibited from developing their own provisions on the allocation of land to participants in hostilities. If there are no such provisions in your region, then you can get land only in a general manner and only if it is used for its intended purpose, for example, for building a house, planting a garden, etc.

Tax incentives for war veterans

Tax benefits for veterans are provided in the form of:

  • tax relief for the payment of property tax in accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • receiving a standard tax deduction of 500 rubles. for each month of the tax period when calculating personal income tax in accordance with sub. 2 p. 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (if a citizen has received a disability, then the amount of the deduction is increased to 3,000 rubles);
  • reduction of the tax base for land tax by a tax-free amount of 10,000 rubles, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • transport tax benefits that may be established by regional legislation.

How to get the required benefits

Each type of social support is formalized in relation to a veteran by various government agencies. State structures establish the procedure for the provision of social services to veterans in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation.

How to apply for tax incentives

You can apply for tax benefits by applying to the tax office. Since such benefits are of a declarative nature, they begin to apply only after the receipt of an application and title documents from a veteran.

You can submit papers for benefits both in person and by mail or contacting a multifunctional center. You can also submit documentation in electronic form through a special service located on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

How to apply for pension benefits

Pension benefits are issued by the bodies responsible for calculating pension payments, based on the application of the veteran.

If the application is filled in correctly, and the submitted documents fully confirm the validity of the application of benefits, then the authorized bodies make a decision on their application in relation to the applicant.

Holidays for war veterans

Benefits for veterans are provided in the form of annual vacations at a convenient time, as well as vacations for no more than 35 days without pay. Leave of 35 days is provided to persons who participated in hostilities, on the basis of clause 11. part 1 and paragraph 4 of part 2 of Art. 16 ФЗ dated 12.01.1995 No. 5-ФЗ.

35-day leave is granted to war veterans once a year, in addition to the basic annual leave, which is given to the veteran at a convenient time.

Additional leave for combat veterans

In accordance with the norms specified in clause 5.1 of Art. 11 of the Law "On the Status of Servicemen" of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, persons recognized as veterans of hostilities can count on additional paid leave. The vacation time in this case is limited by the legislator to 15 days.

Cash payments to combatants in Chechnya and other territories

Who is Eligible for Veteran Welfare Benefits

Monthly cash payment (MCA) is charged to the veterans listed in sub. 1-4 p. Art. 3 FZ of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ, as well as to family members of the fallen veterans of military operations. The transfer of such payments is carried out regardless of the grounds for their establishment. The exceptions are cases when the payment is transferred in connection with radiation exposure.

Amount of money transfers for war veterans

Monthly cash payment for a person recognized as a veteran, according to sub. 3 p. 4 art. 23.1 ФЗ dated 12.01.1995 No. 5-ФЗ, has a size equal to 1,699 rubles. This amount increases annually after the indexation procedure. In 2019, it is 2,973 rubles.

How to issue an EDV

The establishment and payment of monthly cash transfers are the responsibility of the regional offices of pension authorities.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2012 No. 353n contains the basic rules for the provision of services related to the establishment and transfer of monthly cash payments to veterans. This normative act indicates that an application for the payment of monthly incomes can be submitted both on paper and in the form of an electronic document.

Pension authorities accept applications from eligible veterans and their representatives. When submitting an application, a citizen must have with him a complete set of documents confirming his right to social assistance. In addition, along with the application for the appointment of payments, the citizen has the right to apply for the delivery of cash payments.

It is necessary to submit documents to the pension authority at the place of residence. Persons who do not have registration documents can apply to the FIU at the place of stay.

The decision on the appointment of payments or on the refusal of the appointment of a monthly income is made by authorized officials within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application.

Thus, in relation to war veterans, Russian legislation establishes a fairly wide list of social benefits. In addition to benefits, veterans can receive additional payments, transferred monthly.