Stone jade and its extraordinary properties. Nephritis - Holy Stone of the New Life

Connecting into one silicate calcium, magnesium and iron, nature created a jade, - the properties that the mineral suits. The semi-precious stone consists of thin intertwine fibers, which makes it several times more stronger than metal. Nephritis will not succeed just to split, so the mineral was used in antiquity for the manufacture of weapons and home utensils.

Stone jade: Magic properties and to whom

Mineral has many shades:

  • dark green (contains a lot of iron);
  • cream (more magnesium);
  • multicolored (with splashes or stripes);
  • white;
  • the black;
  • blue (the rarest view).

The mascots have long been made from jade. Mineral stone has a powerful protective force, helps to make decisions, treats life. You should choose such chambers to be ready to change and improve.

Astrologers believe that jade is a stone of calves and all the marks of water. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for other signs. Mineral is useful to everyone, and in such cases it is only necessary to choose the appropriate color. A red stone will help the devies to succeed in the endeavors of any direction, blue or black will make a happy family life of fish and water, white jade is suitable for weights, and with a green tinge it is recommended to make friends Capricorn.

To the stone amulet from black jade worked, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • do not use for yourself stolen or taken by stones;
  • do not take as a gift from unfamiliar or non-confidence of people;
  • communicate with a stone, you can give him a name;
  • black jade should be smooth, without cracks and chips, homogeneous color.

Mineral, wearable with himself, helps careerists to achieve the goal faster, overtake competitors and firmly take their position. Warmings from white stone protect warriors from injuries, give the courage and victory in the battle. Jade bracelets help women to find family happiness and extend the lives of loved ones.

Black jade-stone: properties to whom fit

Representatives of esoteric teachings declare that black jade has a huge force. The energy of the stone is able to give it to the owner everything is about what he dreams, but only if his desires sincere.

In antiquity in the east, black mineral was assessed several times more than gold. Signs and healers used a stone for the treatment of many diseases, especially the kidneys. The sorcerers and psychics used the magic force of black jade in their rituals. In addition, the stones cut out products for hunting, figurines and decorations.

Astrologers and esoterics believe that black jade is suitable for all zodiacal signs, but it will be particularly valid for water people: fish, cancer and water bodies. People, insecure, black mineral carries harmony and helps get rid of problems. The stone will be a good mascot for those in a difficult position, will help strengthen its own energy and find peace in the shower.

Magic properties jade attributed ancient peoples. He not only treats diseases, but also cleans human energy. The stone does not just give vigor to the body, it protects against poisons and poisoning. Crafts and figurines from the black mineral are dismissed troubles, envy and misfortune. In the east, newborn babies wear jade jewelry, helping to protect children's health. Women with jade plates smoothed wrinkles and extended youth.

The nephritic stone considered in the article (the properties that suitable and which energy has), stand up on the right path and get rid of many ailments.

Nephrite refer to the category of semi-precious stones. The fine weave of crystalline fibers provides it such a unique property as very high strength. If, for example, compare nephrite for strength with steel, then the steel will give way to him twice. In comparison with granite, this mineral will be tightened five times. And this mineral is resistant to the effects of acids.

Useful properties of jade people discovered for himself in deep antiquity

Nephritis is considered one of the most ancient minerals that are known to mankind. This is evidenced by the fact that primitive people made topors and hammers from this stone.

Historical roots

Hotay - in Japanese mythology one of the "seven gods of happiness", the God of communication, fun and well-being

Ancient civilizations jade was well known. Archaeologists discovered jade crafts that belong to the era of neolithic. The dwellings of the ancient people were decorated with figures of the gods made from this mineral. He also served as an ornament, he was worn like an amulet.

In ancient China, nephite plaques were valued, which were equated with coins, and weights made of this stone were valued, served as a weight of weight when weighing gold. The ambassadors were marked with a credible driver on the jade plate.

Ancient China was famous for carved products from this mineral. Vases and bowls are preserved to this day, the caskets, carved figures of animals and people are greatly value, as well as skillfully performed balls that are located in each other. Jewelry were popular. In the Middle Kingdom, the treatise was even written about this stone, which includes hundred volumes.

Uprite's musical instrument has been preserved to this day - Lithophone. By the way, the notorious confusion perfectly owned this tool.

According to some legends in the bedroom of the Chinese emperor Jing di, even jade pillows were even.

Very long time, almost until the second half of the nineteenth century, Russia received jade from China. So, the famous factory in Peterhofa acquired dark green stones. They cost a thousand rubles for PUD.

Eastern Sayans are one of the largest jade fields in Russia

But the second half of the nineteenth century was marked by the discovery of the deposit in Russia. Eastern Sayans were rich in this mineral. At first, boulders were found, and then the field.

It should be noted that the Peterhof Factory was famous for his jade, they were widely represented at the World Exhibitions and even received awards.

Indeed, the mineral is worthy of worship, it is very beautiful. Despite its strength, the stone is perfectly handled by carvings.

Nephrite Indians appreciated many more precious metals

Popular This stone was on the American continent. American Mineral Indians was known for more than three thousand years. They actively applied it in their everyday. Indians this stone was valued more than gold and silver. There is a legend that the leader of Aztec Montesum was surprised by the fact that white people are not interested in an amazing mineral and do not know anything about him.

South American Indians did the decorations from the mineral, which were fixed on the lips. "Jade Piercing" indicated that his owner would readily serve the deities.

In some tribes, the presence of suspension from this mineral meant a place in the hierarchical structure of the tribe. The more jewelry, the higher the status.

Hea-teak - powerful security amulet made of jade

The famous was this mineral and New Zealanders. So, in Maori's tribes from stone, a security amulet was made. Outwardly, he reminded the human figure. Amulet (called His Hei Tika) was transmitted from generation to generation. At the funeral of the last person in the family it was necessary to get buried amulet with him. Because of this stone between the tribes, there were even collisions.

Turkey believed that jade was. They were decorated with arms handles, and the warriors often wore jade sprout.

What are the varieties of jade

Blue Nephrite is very rare in nature

The most popular natural stone is nephritis of green. Recompute stones of yellow, red and white colors. It is even less likely to occur gray and black tones. But, the most rare color is blue. It is considered the most valuable and, accordingly, the most expensive.

According to the structure of the mineral, the following groups are allocated:

  • spotted;
  • frido-integrated;
  • mineral of a homogeneous structure.

Each group is divided into the degree of transparency: high transparency, medium and low.

Jade and Mystic

Different peoples at different times were attributed to jade certain magical properties. So in China, the White Nephritis was allowed to have only emperors, since it was believed that he would distinguish special nectar, which can only drink members of the imperial family.

Nephritis of the Green Color was intended for those who are inclined to adventures, for gambling players, as well as for sailors and people traveling to the far path.

Tamerlan Tomb in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Sarcophages of the departed was also made to decorate this stone. So, Tamerlane tomb and Alexander II were made from this mineral.

The stone was attributed to such a magic property: if under the corner of the house lay the jade plate, then the zipper will cost this structure. Such an action makes sense, since this mineral is a fairly reliable insulator.

According to the beliefs of different peoples, jade is a stone that can belong only to people with a clean soul. Amulet from this mineral will protect a person as long as the thoughts of his clean. If the stone loses his shine, fades, then the owner loses touch with a stone.

The magical properties of such an amazing stone, like nephritis, help a person to radically change his life, regardless of his zodiac sign.

Therapeutic properties of jade

Nephritis got very widespread in lithotherapy

Modern lithotherapy is widely used in its arsenal the properties of jade. It is considered one of the most effective minerals in terms of healing effects.

Yes, and the name of the mineral confirms this version. The stone was called so, because in its form it looks like a kidney (translated from the ancient Greek νεφρός - kidney). It is believed that this stone is able to heal the urinary organs.

Many nations have belief that the amulet from jade, which is constantly with you, has a property to relieve the body and prevent many diseases.

Jade heights are widely popular, which are a bag filled with pebbles. Such a heater is capable of removing gastric pain and renal colic. The essence of such an impact is that the mineral can store heat for a long time and will never cool below its own temperature.

Jade massagers are becoming increasingly popular

Nephite massagers are currently very popular. Rejuvenating face massage, treatment of stretching and bruises, elimination of inflammatory processes - Here are the directions of massage the fruit-stone stones.

There is an opinion that with the help of white jade you can improve rumor and vision.

Magic properties of stone Nephritis for zodiac signs

Nephritis equally positively affects all zodiac signs

Astrology clearly believes that jade is a stone, which has magical properties, but he does not give any zodiac sign. An exception is for which astrologists recommend white jade as an overade.

The red jade amulet contributes to the preservation of happiness in the family and good luck in affairs.

Black and Blue Nephritis will help representatives of all the signs of the zodiac to attract wealth.

The green stone, regardless of the sign of the zodiac, will give a calm and confidence in his power, and also strengthens health.

Do you earn enough?

Check if it applies to you:

  • there is enough money from salary to salary;
  • salary enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take all that goes with great difficulty;
  • all progresses for the service get to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid at work too little.

Perhaps you are damaging for money. Remove the lack of money will help this amulet

Nephritis is a semi-precious diverse stone, in its composition there is a weaving of the crystalline fibers, due to which the stone has sufficiently unusual properties. Another feature is considered strength. It is 5 times stronger than granite and 2 times stronger than steel. It is absolutely impossible to break or split it without a special adaptation, and due to such a feature it is known for him since a long time. During the time of primarily, humanity used it as hammers and axes.

History nephritis

The stone was widely used in the ancient civilizations. In many cultures, his meaning was simply invaluable, since in some of them before mineral even leaned. Stone gained such popularity due to durability and processing possibilities.

Indians who lived in America used a stone in everyday life for several millennia. When meeting with conquistadors, the Indians were in bewilderment of the indifference of the alien to jade, as they did not even know about his existence. According to some historians, Montesum ruler Aztec learned from Cortes that the Spaniards are only interested in gold and silver.

In the southern part of America from stone made products similar to modern piercing, which were worn as decorations on her lips. Such products on the lips of a person testified to his readiness to be a servant of spirits. In some tribes, the number of such jewelry was a sign of a high position in society.

In New Zealand, Maori did from Jade Hea-Tika - an amulet in the form of a portrait or figure of a man who defeated his owner. The amulet was transmitted from generation to generation, and when the death of the last representative of the family was defeated, then the stone was buried with a man. This people appreciated jade so much that the war flared up between Maori tribes often.

The Turkish people decorated with a stone of rings, belts and arms handles, because they believed that jade brings good luck in battle.

In ancient China, entire treatises were devoted to this mineral. Some time, the stone together with metal coins was used as a monetary unit. Gold weighing was carried out only with the help of Guren from jade. The plates were made from the stone, which in the future wrapped various letters. In ancient China, they conducted contests between the warriors, and the winner was awarded jade.

Lithophones - musical instruments made from this mineral used in the imminent popularity. Among the greatest fans of such a tool was an ancient philosopher of Confucius. Some residents of the miserable jade made pillows. However, to afford such pleasure could exclusively members of the imperial family.

Ophritis colors

There is some misconception about the fact that nephritis is only green. However, the stone has a wide range of colors and shades. Nephrite is the following colors:

  • light green, has an uneven and inhomogeneous coloring and happens in a yellowish-green, light green and bluish-green shade;
  • bright green with spectacular and rich color with uneven color;
  • saturated green;
  • gray-green with blurred pattern and noticeable spotlight;
  • greenish gray color;
  • swamp color (greenish-brown) with streaks of greenish brown;
  • black with homogeneous coloring;
  • white stone, representing homogeneous jade with greenish, bluish, grayish and yellowish tint. Nephods in pure-white color in nature does not exist;
  • emerald green - "Imperial" is one of the most valuable types of nephritis;
  • blue color, has an unusual name "Dianit";
  • red jade is the rare variety of stone;
  • yellowish brown and brown color.

White Nephritis

Winged beast of Ishou with a young. Xinjiang white jade. China, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

It differs from other varieties of this stone with its unusual magical abilities. It is valued mainly for high strength and attractive appearance. Such a stone is able to warm not only the soul, but also the body. White jade perfectly cleans thoughts from every negative, and also significantly strengthens faith and spirit. Thanks to such abilities, he is respected in many world religions.

He strengthens faith in his strength and gives his owner to pacification and calm. It is especially well affected by logical thinking and mental abilities, and also provides significant assistance in various disputes.

It has special mystical abilities that can help any person believe in a miracle. His unusual lines created by nature will not leave anyone indifferent, they seem to be tightened and fascinated.

If for a long time to look at the stone, calm, harmony and clear thoughts come to a person.

Stone can help anyone to find his own me and stretch out all the deeply related talents. With long-term wearing jade on the body as a decoration or talisman, you can understand your purpose in life and imperceptibly to start him to follow him.

It is often used in decorations, such products look mysterious and unusual. Some it seems that in such a stone, the whole eternity and the whole depth of the universe is hidden. From black jade, many incredibly beautiful and luxurious jewelry and things for interior decoration are created.

The stone gives his owner to harmony, wisdom and philosophical approach. It uses many people who need such qualities.

What kind of nephritis

Depending on the color and saturation of the color, the stone has 3 types of textures:

  1. Homogeneous;
  2. Spotty;
  3. Frido-lucked.

The homogeneous type of stone has a high level of shifting. Due to the presence of a bright color scheme, such jade are valuable jewelry.

As for the podhido-lucked and spotted jade, they are in their composition various minerals, such as chlorites, carbonates, magnetites, hydroxitis and iron. Thanks to the uneven distribution of inclusions and stains, the most unusual drawings on the surface are created. Such stones are often used for the manufacture of pyramids, cups, vases, caskets and facing material.

Where Nephritis is mined

The traditional mineral deposit was previously considered the Chinese province of Xinjiang, however, in the 18th century, the stone began to actively produce in Burma. Soon the jade field began to find all over the world. Jade is mined in East Sayan, namely in Ulahonda, Ospin and Borotol deposits.

For a long time, Birma was considered the only field. Nowadays, except China and Burma, jade are mined in Germany, Italy, Central Asia, India and Switzerland, as well as on Polynesia Islands and in Pamirs. In Russia, there are also mineral deposits, and they are in the Southern Urals. But basically only jade is mined there, having a greenish-gray color.

How much is nephritis

As for the value of this mineral, the exact price is very difficult to call, since it has a different color and structure. Also, an important role in this case plays a frame in which a stone is inserted.

During a multitude of millennia, the stone was used by humanity as a material for creating various cult, domestic and jewelry. In ancient China, the tomb of the kings and palaces, as well as sophisticated decorations for women who lived in the royal yard, were separated in ancient China. Masters from the Middle Kingdom did miraculous talismans and symbols of power.

Stone Jade: Magical Properties

Stone at all times occupied a significant place in the history of many peoples of the world, however, it was most appreciated in China, where he was considered "Divine." The magical properties of jade were compared with the most noble qualities of a person. His gentle shine was likened to compassion and kindness, the hardness was compared with courage, and eternity with long-suffering and excerpt.

In the subway, sincerely believed that jade in the form of a powder must be in the elixir of immortality, which cooked a rabbit yuet. There is a legend that this rabbit deserved immortality and still lives on the moon. Such a gift was made to him the goddess Chan - e, which is responsible for the night shining and living in the jade palace.

In the Eastern countries since ancient times, an opinion was existed, allegedly the stone gives a person harmony with the world and with him, has a beneficial effect on the mind and spirit, cleaning thoughts from evil intents and fuss.

Mineral magical abilities were attributed to Europe, New Zealand, as well as in America. Many nations used jade for various rituals that were associated with communication with the other world.

In Mesopotamia, they believed that jade could protect the Earth from hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning, protects from the epidemic of the plague, the evil eye, contributes to family happiness and facilitates difficult labor.

Healing properties

Modern lithotherapists are widely used by jade as a healing stone, since it has long established itself with one of the most active medical materials. The stone was named jade, because he was very similar to human kidney. That is why it best copes with the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Many ancient peoples preferred to constantly wear this stone on the body, because they believed in his ability to protect a person from diseases.

As a heater was used jade pebbles when the person had problems with the kidneys and the stomach. Nephritis has the ability to maintain heat as much as possible, and if it is placed in cold water, it will save its temperature.

Who comes up jade on the horoscope

Most ancient sources say that the zodiac sign is not important for this stone. And this means that jade is suitable for absolutely everyone. But this is only subject to a person's readiness to sharp and greater changes. But some astrologers argue that the mineral is most suitable, and especially if it has a white color.

The rest, before purchasing such a stone for yourself, should compare the combination of the color and sign of the zodiac. So, the red nephritis is great, he will give this man happiness in family life and success in any endeavor. Blue and black jade astrologists advise wearing and. And it is worth paying attention to the stone with a green tint.

However, even despite the universality of jade, it is still not desirable to wear it.

The jade stone refers to semi-precious diverse minerals. His name happened from the Greek word "νεφρό", that is, "kidney", allegedly his appearance resembles this body. This mineral with antiquity is the subject of admiration, it is attributed to the properties of the sacred stone. He also has other names: Zhag, Maori.

Stone Description

Semi-precious jade on clearance consists of intertwined crystalline fibers that give it a unique view among other stones.

It is durable, superior in this characteristic granite. It makes a variety of products with details of unusual accuracy. Nephritis is popular due to durability, and also because it is well processed.

Historical information

Archaeologists find jade, which can be attributed to the era of Neolithic. These are figures, amulets, tools of labor, hunting items. All things have special strength. Ancient Egypt extensively applied jade to create female and any other jewelry, including household items. Small green stones were put on clothes, as well as the plates of structures and columns for them.


In the course of history, the jade stone was often used to make the symbols of power.

And it liked the people, because the shades of the green mineral were pretty. From a long time to today, this is a sacred stone for China. They believe in his ability to change the habits and behavior of a person.

The properties of the stone were compared with human qualities, the nobility of people. In the east, this is a symbol of harmony, getting rid of the fuss. In Europe and many other countries, it was used for magical purposes.

Physical properties

By chemical composition, nephritis includes iron, magnesium, vanadium and chromium impurities. Also, it is present in silica or silicon oxide. At the same time, the breed is distinguished by viscosity and steel strength.

From physical properties, you can list the following:

  1. Stone coloring is from gray and white shades to green and blue. There is also black jade. The brightness of the color variable depending on the chemical composition of the sample, the presence of Feo-acids of iron. The most valuable samples are pale, with significant transparency (translucent), having a fat shine.
  2. Hardness ranges from 2.90 to 3.02.
  3. Density - 3.5.
  4. Jade hardness can be compared with glass, but it is softer quartz.
  5. Transparency is different levels. Often it is generally absent in the stone, if not cut it on thin plates.
  6. Due to the high heat capacity, nephite is used to treat areas of stomach and kidneys, long warming these organs (as a heating).

Place of Birth

Such jade minerals are formed as a result of the injury of magma in sedimentary rocks. Many studied deposits were formed by this. As well as through intrusion intrusions (magma) in serpentines.

Nephritis is found among marble and shale. It is mined in rivers and streams in the form of painters, as well as in careers. On each continent, nephite deposits were found. Industrial sources are an Ospinskoye deposit (East Sayan Group), spent Ulan-Khodinskoe, in the Polar Urals, in Kazakhstan and Tuva.

Outside of the Russian Federation, you can call New Zealand with a high (first-class) quality of minerals found, beautiful coloring, transparency. As well as Canada and USA, California, Washington, Montana and Alaska. Mountain terrain of China (Pamir, Cuen-Moon) also have deposits where mining is being done.

Varieties, colors

The popular opinion is that nephritis is only green. In fact, his palette is quite extensive. These are bright, saturated and swamp shades of green, and there is also red (fiery), black and white jade. Some stones have impurities in blue or yellowish colors.

We list typical color varieties:

White Nephritis

It can not be in the form of a pure stone, it has light yellow, greenish and gray shades.


He is credited with the most powerful mystical properties. With its contemplation, a person can reveal his abilities, gaining peace, a peaceful state.

Black jade

The basis for original jewelry. Women is suitable for solemn events.

In addition to differences in color, there are types of jade, characterized by type painting:

  • homogeneous, which are bright and transparent, are highly appreciated;
  • spotted;
  • with inclusions.

This texture is possible due to the presence of carbonate, iron and other substances. Sometimes patterns are viewed on the nephrite surfaces than jewelers are successfully used.

Medical properties

With deep antiquity, nephritis used for healing from various diseases. For the diseases of the bladder and the kidneys, he was considered an excellent tool. A good effect is observed and on the digestion area. Nephritis eliminates the insomnia, nightmares in sleep, various alarms.

The high heat capacity of the stone allows menu to make warming compresses for the kidneys and a stomach of a person. On the touch jade is constantly warm, so it is used as a heating in the back area, pre-heating.

Many healers apply jade balls for massage, including cosmetic. The condition of the skin is improved.

Magic properties

Nephritis is very often used in magical rituals. A number of its valuable abilities are allocated. This is a symbol of land and sky, as well as wisdom and eternity. The confusion philosopher argued: the stone helps to show prudence and humanity, reveals mental abilities.

East considered the stone of the holy, able to save the owner from evil intents, to show respect for people. In the set of peoples of the world, nephritis was used to communicate with otherworldly worlds during magical rituals. Some believe that this mineral can stop hurricanes and other natural disasters, acting on the scale of the planet.

Stone protects the owner from, bad company and enemies. Family relationships will be well.

Who comes up jade on the sign of the zodiac?

In fact, nephritis can approach any zodiac sign. But the condition should be fulfilled: readiness for sharp changes against the background of everyday life. He is most favorable for Weighs. In this case, it is good if the color will be white.

Deva Red varieties will bring happiness in the family and love. And the fiery nephritis will help any initiatives in the profession.

Cracks, fish Choose black or blue as the most favorable, giving energy, strength. Capricorn Green is recommended, the most common for jade. Then the stone will temper the impulsivity, will reduce the aggression, and can also lead to the implementation of the goals.

It is better not to use nephritis as their zodiac talisman.

Talismans and wubbles

The jade stone will protect the owner from any misfortunes, failures. Lonely people are encouraged to wear white-colored amulets, which make a change in the search for well-being in and marriage unions.

For a child, the image of a lock, carved on jade, is considered successful, which dresses it on the neck. It symbolized communication with life.

Good talisman - ring, ring with white jade insert. They help in professional activities, optimally combining it with family well-being.

This mineral can enhance the beneficial effects of other amulets. It is good as a symbol of military courage, mind. If nephite decoration is small, a person will quickly achieve his goals, overtaking others. For warriors it is quite suitable.

Blood-red varieties of stone protect housing from nature elements.


Humanity throughout history made a variety of jewelry decorations. These are cult, domestic, jewelry crafts. As well as talismans and symbols of power. Beautiful small figurines. Stone instances look good for rings, in the form of beads and pendants, bracelets.

Another use of stone

Nephrite applies for medical purposes (for example, in healers) for massage, warming up. Pebbles warmers hold warm long, in connection with which they are treated with radiculitis, kidneys. From it you can make parts of furniture and furniture itself, many household items.


How much is nephritis? It depends on the quality of stone, coloring, structures. Rim and decoration can be made of various metals, which predetermines the price of the product. For example, the cost of rings with green jade begins from 600 rubles.

Caring for jade

In connection with the durability of jade, it does not need special care. This shockproof material, he is not too scratched scratch. However, storage it is recommended to be carried out in a separate box, trimmed inside with a soft cloth. Or apply a tissue bag.

Purification is produced by a soap solution, rinsing with running water at the end of the procedure. You can simply wipe jerky softwater cloth or even graze it.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

In addition to natural jade, there is still a pressed and its fake from plastic.

There are several ways to distinguish it:

  1. Due to the large hardness of natural stone, he will not damage the need for a needle. On an extruded copy, scratch will remain, and on natural - no (except low-grade instances).
  2. If you make a real stone to face, it is originally cold. And absorbing heat, he holds it for a long time.
  3. Sound check. If you knock the beads about each other, the effect must be melodious.
  4. When looking at the clearance, intertwing fibers should be visible.

What stones are nephritis combined?

Good combinations of jade with mountain crystal, lunar stone () and. It is better not to combine it with, Malahit and Sardonix. And also doubtfully his combination with, which is also sometimes appropriate to exclude.

Artificial jade

As mentioned, nephritis is manufactured by pressing crumbs, chips and dust remaining from stone processing. Artificial plastic is added to this mass, so the magical and therapeutic properties similar to natural stone are most likely not like this.

People with antiquity applied jade to treat diseases. Massage with balls, rods can be done at home. This will improve blood circulation, promotes regeneration, relieves fatigue. Wearing green beads normalizes heart rhythm. And nephite balls are used for exercises that develop injured brush hands.

Nephritis is a semi-precious stone. He is one of the most ancient minerals that people opened. Archaeologists discovered the tools of labor of primitive people, made of jade. It is known that this stone was widely used in ancient China. Of the jade, the figures of the gods were performed, measures for determining the weight of gold, jewelry, etc. From this mineral, even a musical instrument was made, the name of which is a litophone. It has survived to this day. Until now, in China, nephritis is very popular.

In the 19th century, the stone gained incredible popularity in Russia. His deliveries went from China. Tossed predominantly green jade. Later, the stone deposit was found in Russia and the need for its imports disappeared.

This mineral has enjoyed great popularity in other countries. The fact is that people have long understood that nephritis has magical properties. Therefore, it is used as a talisman for decades ago and continue to do it so far.

Nephritis has different color. Mineral shades affect its magic properties. Different stones are manifested in different ways. Here are the types of this stone:

  • White jade.
  • Despite the name, in nature there is no pure white stone. The jade of light tones with a yellow, gray or green tint occurs. Such a mineral attaches confidence in its own power. In addition, the White Nephritis frees consciousness from negative thoughts and helps tune into a positive way. White shade mineral instructs the owner on the right path. The stone improves the work of the brain. In addition, he develops logical thinking. White jade also helps the owner to build a career.

  • Black jade.
  • This is a stone that is very popular with jewelers. This mineral is customary to wear women for solemn events. Black jade has magic properties. First of all, he gives the owner of wisdom. In addition, black jade develops logical thinking in humans. Thanks to this mineral, man thinks first, and then does. Consequently, black jade protects the owner from the commission of rapid acts.

  • Green jade.
  • This is the strongest charm, from the point of view of magic. He protects against evil forces and evil witchcraft, soothes and helps to find a peace. In addition, this mineral contributes to the development of hidden creative abilities. Also, the stone helps to understand the sense of life. Nephritis of this shade helps the owner to achieve the goal and power all the obstacles arising from its path.

  • Red jade.
  • This is the rarest mineral from similar stones. It helps get rid of negative character traits and strengthen positive features. He develops compassion, sensitivity, sympathy and softens the character of a person in man. In addition, he "quit" anger and aggression.

  • Blue or blue jade.
  • Such a stone has a different name - dialinit. This mineral is just like red, it is very rare. This is one of the few stones that contributes to rejuvenation. However, not everyone can wear it. The fact is that Blue Nephritis sends the test owner, which not everyone can withstand. However, they contribute to the spiritual growth of man.

  • Pink jade.
  • Such a mineral is considered a stone of lovers. He helps to find his soul mate, as well as protects family relationships. Mineral protects against quarrels, scandals and change.

  • Yellow jade.
  • Such a mineral is especially revered by the Chinese. In nature, he meets very rarely. Stone helps to gain harmony with himself and with the surrounding people. In addition, jade yellow shades helps to find a way out even of the most difficult life situations. In addition, it improves the financial condition of the owner and contributes to his career growth.

Nephrite mineral is monophonic, with splashes or with stains. The first are most often used to create jewelry. Stains and splashes, as a rule, are used to create figurines, interior items, etc.

Magic properties jade

There are magical properties that manifests any jade and no matter what the mineral looks like. It is believed that such a stone extends life. There is an opinion that it is precisely that the magicians make the notorious elixir of immortality. If wearing a mineral for a long time, he gives longevity.

In addition, jade reveals the entire potential of man's mind. With its help, the owner begins to think more clearly, apply non-standard methods in work and it is better to show their abilities. Nephritis does not allow you to make stupid errors and rash deeds.

This mineral helps the owner to forget the mistakes of the past and start a new life. In addition, he gives protection against evil forces and any evil witchcraft.

This stone is especially revered by esoterics. The fact is that people associated with magic believe that he awakens the gift of clairvoyance and opens the doors to otherworldly worlds. Therefore, mineral is often used for various rituals and rituals.

Many esoterics believe that nephritis is able to calm the raging elements. It prevents hurricanes and earthquakes.

Therapeutic properties of jade

The jade stone has not only magical, but also therapeutic properties. First of all, this mineral positively affects the work of the kidneys, in particular, and the genitourinary system as a whole. Even the name of the stone says that he has a relationship to this body. The fact is that the word "jade" is translated as a kidney. Therefore, it is believed that therapeutic properties of the mineral, primarily affect the given body and the urinary system.

Specialists in the march recommend using air rains with jade with abdominal pain. They are rag bags filled with these minerals. The feature of the heating with jade stones is that it preserves heat for a long time. The fact is that the temperature of the mineral never falls lower than the natural temperature of the stone. Such a height should be applied to the patient and after some time a person will feel much better.

Massagers made of jade are very popular. They help to cope with stretching, accelerate the healing process of soft tissues and remove the inflammatory process occurring in the body. In addition, such massages contribute to rejuvenation, so they are often used for the face.

Nephritis improves eyesight and hearing, and also prevents the emergence and development of many pathologies. However, therapeutic properties of the mineral are manifested only under the condition of its regular use.

Who comes up jade on the sign of the zodiac

Astrologers believe that the stone as a talisman should be chosen only according to the horoscope. To whom nephritis fit, and who should not wear it, the data will be shown in the table below.

Compatibility jade with zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign of the scales immediately "will find a common language" with this mineral. They can wear a stone of any shade. However, white jade will fit the best weights. Such a stone gives representatives of this zodiac sign health and longevity.

The zodiac sign can also use jade, but in this case, astrologers recommend green, red or black mineral. Wearing a stone to representatives of this zodiacal sign recommended in the bracelet, and put it on the wrist of the right hand. Then the talisman gives good luck and help build a strong family.

Fish, cancer and scorpions are suitable yellow mineral. In addition, astrologers are recommended to wear black jade cancers and fish. Such stones are given a powerful charge of energy and vitality that will help them easier to move all the difficulties hung up.

Black jade is also suitable for Capricorn and Tales. Representatives of these zodiac signs can be wearing green shades mineral. However, only black jade gives a powerful energy charge.

White jade, as well as mineral blue shades recommended for water and twins. Such stones will protect these zodiac signs from any negative impact.

Nephritis is a universal talisman that suits all the signs of the zodiac. The main thing is to choose a stone suitable color and believe in his magic properties.