Coconut milk for body skin. Mass for all types of hair. Indications for use and contraindications

Coconut masks refer to exotic procedures, as the coconut does not grow in our country, and brought from abroad. Although the coconuts themselves in our time can no longer surprise anyone. They can be purchased in almost every trading point.

More recently, we knew about the coconut only the fact that it was just "foreign delicacy." But it was not there! It turns out that coconut is endowed with the healing and cosmetic properties, which were made from the antiquity of the beauties of those places where this unusual walnut come from. They successfully used coconut in order to become even more beautiful and more attractive. Coconut Face Masks Help them struggle with aging of skin cover.

Studying the act of coconut on human skin, cosmetologist specialists have been established that most of all, coconut is suitable for care for fat and combined, problem skin.

Masks from coconut, as well as masks with coconut oil, have soothing, cleansing and dried properties. Promotes rapid rejuvenation and excellent moisturizing and moreover, eliminated the skin from the depressing fat shine on the skin. As a result of the use of this kind of masks, the skin acquires a handsome, younger, velvety look.

For the preparation of face masks, you can use the flesh, butter and milk coconut. All compound coconuts are equivalent to human skin. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

We take a whole coconut walnut, jumped from it with milk, and the walnut itself we divide into two halves. Next, with the help of a shallow grater, we rub the two tablespoons of the pulp. Add some coconut milk to the pulp, mix the mask and apply it to the face of 15-20 minutes. Complete the procedure, flushing a mask from my mineralka.

Super lifting face mask from coconut

Grind the flesh of coconut - 1 tbsp. A spoon and mix it with one tablespoon of a banana puree. If the mixture turned out thick, it can be dissolved with a small amount of coconut milk. The mixture is mixed and applied to the face. The procedure lasts can up to 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

In the ground of the coconut flesh - 1 tbsp. Spoon connect with bee honey - 1 h. spoon and fat cream or sour cream - 1 tbsp. lies. A mask to the skin surface with light massage movements with the help of finger tips for 2-3 minutes is applied. Withow the mask of 15 minutes and wash it with warm water, and then cold.

In the ground of the coconut flesh - 1 tbsp. Spoon connect with natural liquid honey - 1 h. spoon and low-fat kefir or yogurt - 1 tbsp. the spoon. We appline mask with massage movements, withstand 15-20 minutes and remove it with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the face is rinsed with chilled water.

With the help of a shallow grater, we rub the flesh of coconut - 1 tbsp. A spoon and connect it with sugar - 1 h. spoon and sour cream (can be used) - 1 tbsp. the spoon. Scrub is applied only on wet skin and necessarily massage movements. A coconut scrub is washed with warm water.

The mask, which is most popular in Yemen, was used by the most tsaritsa Sava. It is here that she once rules. From those times in vain, the secret of the beauty of the beauty of beauty-karitsa. This mask rejuvenates the skin, giving it some shine.

To make a mask, you should take only fresh coconut milk, which should be mixed with goat milk - 1 cup. Next, we divide the prepared mixture into two parts. The first part should be served in the morning on an empty stomach. The second part should be washing the face and the whole body. After the procedure, neither the face nor the body is necessary to rinse with water. The coconut milk mixture must completely dry on the skin.

Apply this procedure only once a week.

The preparation of the mask begins from the fact that we should mix oat flour - 1 tbsp. A spoon with natural honey - 1 h. spoon. Next to the resulting mixture, we add coconut milk and the stirring is brought to the mask before the creamy consistency. We put the mask on the skin with light movements, wait 10 minutes and rinse it with warm water.

Provide a good care for combined, normal and dry skin, a mask prepared from coconut milk - 2 tbsp. Spoons and pulp avocado - 2-3 tbsp. spoons. Such a mask is applied on the face of only a quarter of an hour and washed off with simple water room temperature.

If you need to moisten your skin, take advantage of a simple recipe, which includes only a slice of coconut pulp and coconut milk. To use such a mask, the surface of the skin should be wiped with a sliced \u200b\u200bof coconut pulp, moistened in coconut milk.

Effectively clean the skin can mask-scrub made of crushed coconut pulp - 1 tbsp. Spoon, rice flour - ½ tbsp. Spoons and coconut milk - 2 tbsp. spoons. Apply a mask on the skin should be lightly rubbing movements. Withstand the mask on the skin of a quarter of an hour. We wash off the scrub mask simple water room temperature.

Video bun for today.

Natural natural oils are a real storehouse of nutrients, nutritional compounds, indispensable trace elements. Therefore, many types of modern cosmetics are manufactured using such oils. Women from the most ancient times used nature forces to preserve beauty, youth and attractiveness. And today, folk recipes are still popular. For example, a face mask with coconut oil. It enjoys high popularity, many women apply it regularly, as it provides the skin with the necessary meals, optimal moisturizing and helps look fresh and young.

The source of this unique oil is coconuts. The pulp is removed from the shell, crushed and dried. Then the oil is pressed from the resulting raw material. Without cleaning, it looks like a yellowish mixture with a delicate coconut aroma. In normal temperature conditions, coconut oil has a liquid of cream. If you keep it in the cold, then it thickens. The unique composition of this fund makes it an indispensable assistant in skin care and hair. This product for long years can maintain its properties, it does not deteriorate and is completely safe for the human body, as it is completely natural and does not contain harmful chemical compounds, preservatives, etc. If you want to enrich your arsenal of cosmetic products, then you It is worth buying purified coconut oil.

The reason for the positive impact that has a coconut mask has a high content in this product of saturated fatty acids: Laurinovaya, Oleinovaya, Capric, Caparova, Palmitic, Miristinova, etc. Let you do not confuse a thick consistency of this substance, it does not interfere Excellent acid penetration inside the epidermis. Therefore, the effect of using such masks is already visible after the first procedure. The skin acquires silky smoothness, becomes soft and pleasant. This is especially noticeable if your skin was turning, damaged, irritated before the use of coconut oil, was peeling and looked dry and lifeless. The saturation of such skin with fatty acids immediately removes the most obvious signs of wilting - dryness, uneven complexion, flabby. The skin gets the moisturizing and nutrition necessary to it, as well as protection in the form of a special film, providing constant moistening of the epidermis and its protection against a variety of negative influence. If you use this product regularly, the rejuvenating effect will be noticeable, because the normalization of the power and the optimal level of moisture will lead to smoothing wrinkles and the restoration of the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Face mask with coconut oil at home can be used as a cleansing agent. In this regard, it is especially effective for hair. If you apply a mask before washing the hair, they will continue to be protected from harmful effects, such as damage from the calcination or drying with a hairdryer.

Another feature of this substance is protection. Your skin may not be afraid of ultraviolet if it is regularly indispensable with coke oven oil. Using this product, you can safely sunbathe and get a wonderful bronze tone of the skin without applying it harm. If you treat the skin with these oil after a tan, then irritation and redness will quickly pass, the skin calm down and cooles.

In addition to the above, this product also struggles with inflammation and microbes. Therefore, it can and you need to use women with tender, very thin and sensitive skin, prone to irritation and inflammation.

This mask can be done, even if your skin is in good condition. It perfectly warns inflammation, irritation, protects against negative factors, warns wilts. But at certain cases, the use of this product is simply necessary:

  • Condency, increased sensitivity, peeling, redness;
  • The appearance of microtrams, cracks, burns;
  • Appearance of wrinkles, loss of elasticity, decrees;
  • Loss of tone;
  • Long stay in the sun.

The most important advantage of this product is its hypoallergenicity and complete absorption into the skin. The oil does not block the pores and does not cause unwanted skin reactions, so it can be safely applied independently, without supervision of a specialist. You can use it differently: add to the usual cream, rub in pure form or in the composition of masks. You can also mix different oils. Coconut oil requires special preparation for use. It needs to be a little heated with a water bath. If you apply it in pure form, undiluted, then use it very small amounts. As soon as you apply the product on the skin, under the action of body temperature, it will quickly become liquid, will be well distributed and soaked.

You can use coconut oil not only for face care. You can spend your back, neck, neckline and whole body. At the same time, you not only saturate the skin with useful substances, but also use the aromatherapy effect, because this product has a very pleasant smell. Also with it, you can heal cracks on the heels and prevent their appearance. To do this, add it to your usual leg cream. Coconut oil can be mixed with any cosmetics: lotions, creams, emulsions, means for and after tanning. And also with it, you can carefully and gently remove makeup with eyes.

If you want to put in order a strongly flawed and dry skin, then you should use coconut oil in pure form. Just handle the problem areas with a small amount.

Coconut oil is a good choice for cold seasons, because it creates a special layer on the skin, preventing the negative effect of frost, precipitation, cold.

Coconut masks for leather. Recipes

In order for any mask to have their own action, it is necessary to prepare the skin to the procedure. Prerequisite - complete lack of makeup. Before the mask you need to clean the pores of the scrub, which you too can cook at home from the girlfriend.

If your goal is to give a tone and softening the skin, then you should use the following recipe: coconut oil melts and mixed with 20 grams of yeast. The resulting mixture should be reminded by the thickness of the sour cream. It is applied on face and neck. Action - 20 minutes. You can make a mask even more efficient by adding vitamin E, which can be squeezed out of the capsules for receiving inside. In order to remove the composition, use a cotton disk dipped in warm milk. The frequency of use is once every three days. High results will make it possible to achieve a course of 15 procedures.

Each person needs full nutrition and saturation of moisture. That is why the next recipe can be used to women with any skin type, but most of all it suits dry skin. Coconut oil should be used in a melted form in the volume of two teaspoons. You need to add as much honey to it. Egg protein beat and pour into a mixture of oil and honey. All components must be mixed to a homogeneous state. Three drops of cosmetic oil can be added to the composition suitable for your skin type. The mixture is ready. Leave it on the face for 15 minutes. Frequency of procedure - every other day. The recommended number of procedures is 12-15.

Cleansing and moisturizing is the basis of the proper skin care. And the mask of coconut oil will help to implement these tasks (1 art. L.) And dark chocolate (50 gr.) Both components are melted and mixed. The warm mixture is superimposed on the skin, a quarter of an hour. Increase the efficiency of the mask can be added by the oil solution of vitamins.

Normal skin will look shining and beautiful if it is regularly poured her mask: make mashed potatoes from one persimmon, add a whipped yolk. Mix on one teaspoon starch, coconut oil, honey. Two parts of the mask to connect and apply on the skin, for 20 minutes. After that, the face is treated with a chamomile infusion with calendula. In conclusion, moisturized with cream.

You can prevent the appearance and even get rid of smaller wrinkles that have already appeared using a coconut oil mask enriched with vitamin E. Conduct a light massage of the face with this mixture daily before bedtime.

Also, for rejuvenation, you can use the composition from honey, sour cream and coconut oil in proportions 1: 1: 0.5. Action mask - 20 minutes.

No less effective in the fight against wrinkles is an egg-coconut mask. Wear an egg to a foam condition. Whipping, pour honey in it (1 tbsp) and coconut oil (half a compartment). The mixture should be similar to cream. This cream can be used daily in the morning, inflicting a thick layer for 10 minutes. As a result, your skin will get full nutrition and will be saturated for all day. With daily use, it will acquire a shining and youthful look.

Very often, women are interested in means allowing you to effectively care for problem skin. Incorrect nutrition, poor ecology, influence of the sun or cold weather - in such conditions it is very difficult to keep the skin healthy. Even if you take all skin protection measures, clean it regularly and moisturize it, it does not guarantee the absence of pimples, inflammation and other defects, because the skin condition reflects the condition of the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, effective masks against skin deficiencies are highly popular. They allow you to take timely inflammation in a timely manner, clean the skin, warning the appearance of new rashes, moisturize it to eliminate peeling, etc. One of the best recipes is considered the following: coconut oil (1 tbsp. L.), Honey (1 tsp) , lemon juice (1/2 part) and lavender oil (2 drops) are mixed and applied to the face. Mask action - 10 minutes. Application frequency - twice a week.

Competent moisturizing is the most important condition for the preservation of the skin's youth. It is necessary to saturate the skin in moisture not only by applying creams. Additional moisturizing will never hurt, especially if we are talking about age-related skin. Therefore, regular masks for moisturizing are mandatory for all who seek to preserve the skin with fresh and elastic. The following composition was proved its high efficiency in solving this task: from avocado it is necessary to make mashed potatoes. In 2 tbsp. It is necessary to add this puree to 1 tbsp. Money and coconut oil. After a thorough mixing, the mixture is applied to the skin. There is a mask for 10 minutes.

No less effective moisturizing recipe will require the presence of Hercules flakes in the number of three tablespoons. Flakes are flooded with chamomile influence (100 ml). The mixture should be left for a few minutes so that the flakes soften and absorbed the infusion. As soon as it happens, it is necessary to add cokeseed oil in liquid form (2 tbsp.), 1 tsp. Yoghurt without flavors, honey, juice cucumber. The mixture should be cooled in the refrigerator, and then apply to the face. The mask acts 20 minutes and perfectly eliminates inflammation, redness, relieves irritation.

These simple recipes will help you effectively care for the skin at home without excess costs!

Coconut is a well-known food product, but unfortunately, few people know that it can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Recently, a coconut face mask has become a very common way to efficient care. But, instead of buying ready-made branded products, you can prepare a mixture of the house in just a few seconds.

Everyone knows that the beautiful Tsarina Cleopatra to maintain its beauty and youth accepted dairy baths. But few know that it was a mixture of donkey milk with coconut oil. After all, coconut is just a miraculous plant for cosmetic purposes!

Coconet contains antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, fruit acids, minerals and coconut oil. The use of coconut has a stunning effect on the skin - it becomes a gentle, soft, velvety, elastic, smooth, fine wrinkles disappear. Thanks to antioxidants, the skin retains the youth longer. In addition, coconut soothes, disinfection, protects the skin from harmful environmental impacts and speeds up the process of skin regeneration.

Coconut is well suited for care for any skin type, and especially beneficial effects on fat, combined and problem skin.

How effective is the coconut masks for the face

First of all, it is worth saying about the most important effect that helps to achieve coconut masks. This is definitely the effect of rejuvenation. It is guaranteed by the chemical composition of the mask itself. The fact is that the coconut face mask contains such substances that are ideal for gentle and delicate skin care.

What substances enter such a mask?

- Tiamine. This vitamin prevents the aging of skin cells, protecting them from ultraviolet radiation and frosts.

- Pantothenic acid. She leads unequal battle with old age and wins in it: it is this substance that fights the first signs of wrinkles.

- Pyridoxin It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is also used everywhere in medicine in order to treat skin diseases.

- Folic acid Changes with eels, and together with thiamine enhances the protective reactions of the organism at the cellular level. Thus, the skin resists external stimuli.

- Ascorbic acid Helps to rejuvenate the skin.

- Niacin We are needed so that the complexion is always fresh. Moreover, this vitamin has a healing effect, and also has excellent properties of regeneration.

So, as you can see, the coconut mask for the face is a real miraculous means. It is especially relevant for the owners of dry or too sensitive skin, on which irritation or peelings often happen.

But also the owners of oily skin should not be desirable, because the coconut recipe that suits you and you can enjoy the miraculous power of this delicious walnut.

Coconut Mask Recipes

Recipe for a universal coconut mask at home

2 tbsp. Spoons of coconut milk.

2 teaspoons of honey spoons.

2 dessert spoons of crushed oatmeal.

Everything is well needed to mix, apply on face, neck and line neckline and after 15-20 minutes to wash off as always warm water

Coconut and Banana Mask for Dry Skin

Grind the flesh of coconut - 1 tbsp. A spoon and mix it with one tablespoon of a banana puree. If the mixture turned out thick, it can be dissolved with a small amount of coconut milk. The mixture is mixed and applied to the face. The procedure lasts can up to 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

First aid of faded skin


  • oat flour
  • coconut milk

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey. Dilute the mixture with milk to a homogeneous mass and apply on the face for only 10 minutes. We advise you to wash off the remains of warm water.

Mask from coconut pulp for any skin

2 tbsp. Spoons by satellite on the coconut pulp mix with 2 tbsp. Kiwi turned into spoons turned into a puree, add a little cream before receiving the casis and put on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off warm water, wash cool.

Coconut Eye Mask

To maintain the skin around the eyes in good condition and to prevent early wrinkles, it is necessary to pay attention to this zone, not forgetting to pamper it with various masks and creams.

Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with a small amount of vitamin E. If you purchased vitamins in capsules, then the pair will be enough. Apply a mask before bedtime

Mask, for those who for 40

Agree, because rejuvenation is the main goal, to those who are over 40. It is a coconut mask to cope with this problem very effectively, and it is very simple in its preparation. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of nut oil, 1 teaspoon of honey. In order for us to get a thick mask, we should add oat flakes, a little. We apply on the face, and we are waiting for 25 minutes. This mask moisturizes your skin, and restores it.

Cautions contraindications

Attention! There is one contraindication - do not try to apply coconut oil on the skin of the face and the body before you decide to go to the beach to sunbathe or at all, you know that you have to be in a strong sun for a long time.

Coconut oil contributes to a strengthened tan - under the rays of the sun, the production of sebum saline with saline glands is enhanced. Sgorite in seconds! If summer is in the yard, then use this product only in the evening, so as not to aggravate the situation.

In our age of high technologies and virtual reality, we still trust the natural methods of skin care and hair. Therefore, we are increasingly acquiring creams based on honey, herbs and oils. Logic is simple: natural product can not harm, but can help restore or keep natural beauty and health. Coconut hair masks are now included. What are their charm and whether they are effective?

Briefly about the essence

The time of intensive development of the cosmetological and therapeutic agents has come. Every year new developments and technologies appear on which millions of dollars are spent. However, natural remedies remain in priority, as they are tested by time and confirmed by millions of results. However, you can hardly find a modern woman who makes the face with olive oil, uses citric acid instead of air conditioner, and the hair brightens through the usual kefir. Rather, women acquire in pharmacies and cosmetic stores with natural ingredient, adapted and flavored.

A lot was said about the beneficial properties of coconut and its uniqueness in home care, but there are only more questions. For example, is it really useful to coconut mask for hair growth? What are its varieties? Are there any nuances in applying and whether oil will not leave fat traces on hair or skin?

Product Properties

Coconut oil is universally, as it penetrates into the structure of the hair, restores it and nourishes. Thus, it does not give shampoos and other detergents to wash off the hair of the protein. The best oil is suitable for long hair. As for the skin of the head, it can climb its pores, which leads to hair loss. As part of the oil is full of polynaturated fatty acids necessary for a person. You can only get them from outside, and coconut oil is the perfect source of these substances.

Also as part of a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins. This composition allows you to preserve beauty and youth. The oil is very useful for dry, damaged and brittle hair. It promptly improves the appearance, makes the movement smooth and shiny, increases the elasticity and softness of curls, strengthens the bulbs and thus prevents falseness, and still removes the fragility, restores the structure, protects against external detrimental effects and, according to women, removes the thought of dandruff .

Why make masks?

To care for hair, you can use the product itself without any auxiliary ingredients. For example, a slightly oil on the hair makes it easy to lay down, and a small dose of curl tips removes the cross section. But for frequent use, oil masks are ideal, as coconut oil is well combined with other oils, such as mustard, castor, peach, repeal and others.

Coconut Hair Mask Recipe Basic has a simple but effective, and also amenable to adapt to the ingredients of your home aid kit. Masks are slightly warmed by making massage movements. So you can simply connect all the ingredients and warm them in a water bath. The result will be noticeable even with such a simple recipe.

How to make a choice?

So, a coconut mask for hair will appear in your beauty diet. At home, make it quite real. The main thing is to choose high-quality coconut oil. The name of the company in this choice has no fundamental importance, but some moments are worth paying attention to them. In particular, the price for good coconut oil cannot be low. It is important that the product is unrefined and cold spin. The markings will be on the packaging about it, so find out this will not be difficult.

Heating oil enhances its efficiency. Remember that cooking a coconut mask for hair is needed before applying hair. If you decide to make a course of beauty, then give up time from various gels and varnishes. It is not worth it to use the oil, as the hair has the property to be overtaken. Therefore, make them courses and let's rest hair and skin.

Any hair mask with coconut oil returns the hairlessness, smoothness and glitter, even if you simply apply heated oil on the hair 30-40 minutes before washing the head.

After rest

Paradoxically, but after a good vacation, our hair needs rest. After all, they experienced round-the-clock pressure from the sun, wind, styling and sea salt. You literally show the restoring coconut mask for hair. Reviews about such a means are very good, since the recipe is variable, and the result is noticeable immediately.

The proportions of oils can be changed, focusing on the length of the hair. If everything is done correctly, the mask returns elasticity and soft curls, returns them shine. So what is the recipe? In addition to coconut oil, you will need a teaspoon of olive and argan oils, as well as 8 drops of chamomile oil, lavender or ylang-ylang plus 5 drops of vitamin A and E. All ingredients need to warm in glassware in a water bath and apply on the hair, a little Rates from the roots.

From above, coconut hair masks need to be insulated with a polyethylene bag and a conventional warm hat. So you need to leave the mask for two hours or better for the night, and after washed with shampoo twice. The procedure should be done weekly until the chapel will be completely restored. Next, the procedure can be done for prophylaxis.

For nutrition

And if you have been hurting for a long time, then your body exhausted entirely, including hair. They need nutrition. The easiest way to prepare a nutritional mask for damaged hair is. Such coconut hair masks are perfectly suitable for winter when the hair suffers from dry air in apartments. All wine heating, cold frosty air and sharp temperature differences. You will need a tablespoon of coconut oil, a tablespoon of Shea oil, 3 drops of vitamin A and E. All ingredients need to be mixed and warm, and then apply on the hair and insulate. The mask should stay on the head of about two hours, and then it must be washed and rinsed the hair.

For long rehabilitation

If you lay in a hospital or were in a protracted depression, you will need combo weapons from strengthening and nutrition. Highlight your day for leaving procedures, and let the whole world wait. In deep dishes, connect half the glycerol teaspoon with 40 grams of oil, one yolk and 10 milliliters of wine vinegar. Heat the mass and apply to the scalp. In the root zone, do not get carried away, otherwise there is a risk of not to wash the mask to the end. Be sure to warm the head with polyethylene and towel. If you wish, you can even even phenome a hairdryer, as they advise some ladies.

And now the battery element is to disline the banana fork and connect it with cream (1.5 tablespoons) or fatty sour cream in the same proportion. Add to Cashitz 40 grams of coconut oil. This is an excellent demonstration of how to facilitate the subsequent washout of the oil from the hair, because it is harmoniously connected with a heated fermented fermented and then leaving the chapel.

And if you need to moisten?

Can it organize such an effect of a hair mask with coconut oil? Reviews confirm that there is nothing impossible. Such a procedure is good before leaving when you want to look excellent, spending the minimum of effort and time. While you hastily collect a suitcase, coconut oil moisturizes curls, and the secret ingredient in the form of jojoba oil will envelop every hair with a protective film, protecting against the harmful effects of the environment. Mix the ingredients in the ratio of 1: 1, and after warming up in the water bath. Mask apply for hair for several hours and warm well. After waving your head 2-3 times.

You can use another type of this mask, where the whole secret is lighted in the presence of kefir. It forms a protective film on her hair, and due to its microflora prevents hair loss, strengthens them and restores the hydrolyphid balance of the scalp. You will need half a cup of kefir, a tablespoon of coconut oil and one yolk. Mix all, warm and apply for about an hour. Such a mask for prevention can be done once a week.

Is it worth it?

Recipes can be a lot, but still what is the advantage of such hair masks? First, coconut oil is so universally that even at home you can carry out a full-fledged leaving procedure, saving a bunch of money and a car time. Secondly, such masks are completely natural, and therefore safe. You have a priori cannot start falling out hair, dry dryness will not be found and sequencing tips will not appear. Thirdly, using coconut oil, you can do different masks every time. So many stores do not get screamed. Fourth, having spent once, you will use a lot of time to use the oil, because it is consumed extremely economically, and the result is visible immediately.

Secret Lifehaki

If you like the coconut hair mask, how to make it for maximum effect? Add honey to the mixture and a couple of droplets of essential oils to not only take care of the hair, but also to engage in relaxation. Do not forget to warm your head and give yourself a little relaxing while you make a mask. Use more milk products for as well as more vitamins A and E, which have incredible hair benefits.

Take note!

If you have no relationship with coconut oil, then you may be interested in hair mask with coconut milk. This ingredient has a delicate aroma and sweet taste. Milk is recommended to use girls with damaged, dry and brittle hair. Apply such a product is very easy. You can, by analogy with oil, apply on the hair directly, and can be connected to components that enhance the wellness effect.

The milk has a plus in front of the oil in the fact that it is flicking easily from the hair easily, although it contains fat. Milk can be combined with clean water and apply on the hair, and wash off in five minutes. The mask is incredibly simple, but how it is effective!

Try also a mask based on coconut milk and lime. The preparation will leave less than a quarter of an hour, and as a result, the curls will become shiny and elastic. You will need a jar on 80 ml of milk and half a lime, which can replace a third lemon. Milk grind a bit and connect with Lyme juice. After mix and apply on your hair with a ridge. Warm your head and leave a mask for an hour. Wash off the usual shampoo.

Like bananas, coconut gradually leaving in domestic stores. If 10 years ago it was very difficult to find anywhere, now this exotic product can be purchased in any less large supermarket. With the advent of affordable cocos, the range of homemade facial masks has expanded. Now you can pamper your skin not only, but also its water with the flesh.

Coconut as a cosmetic agent is a storehouse of all the most useful. Its juice and pulp contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP, pantothenic and folic acid. It also includes potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and selenium. Such a wide range of active elements makes the flesh and coconut juice with one of the most sought-after products for maintaining the youth and skin health.

Masks with coconut pulp and water significantly improve the condition of any skin, but especially they are good for dry, sensitive and fading. Thanks to its natural properties, coconut carefully cares about the skin:

  • nourishes and moisturizes it
  • increases cell regenerative abilities,
  • stimulates the recovery process
  • removes irritation and dryness,
  • smoothes
  • reduces the depth of wrinkles and reduces the speed of their appearance,
  • softens and gives a shining appearance.

Coconut water

Coconut water can be obtained not only by footing it from coconut, but also by purchasing bottles. Thanks to the special technology of extracting and bottling, it retains the lion's share of useful properties. In the netropic latitudes, coconut water in bottles is the best option than the extraction of the liquid directly from coconut. The thing is that the driving nuts are often very old and their juice is no longer as useful as fresh.

The eyelid mask, eliminates the dark circles under the eyes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes and stimulates the reduction of wrinkles. Dimel two cotton swab in coconut water and attach to centuries a total of 20 minutes. Do not forget to re-wet the tampons every 5-7 minutes.

A mask with coconut and clay for the face, carefully cleans, pulls the sulfur face, nourishes and tones. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of blue, green or pink clay to be operated by coconut water to the state of thick sour cream. Distribute mask to face with a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Mask with oatmeal and coconut, intensively nourishes, narrows and clean the pores, has a light peeling effect, fighting with a wrinkle and prevents the appearance of new ones. In the blender grind 2 tbsp. Oatmeal (or immediately take oatmeal if you have this), add coconut juice to it so that the viscous mass is turned out. Take it on the skin.

Coconut flesh

For the care of the face best suits fresh coconut flesh. Unfortunately, it can be obtained only from young coconuts, while in hot countries on vacation or permanently living there. In those nuts that they bring in our latitudes, the pulp is already old and resembles a hardened sponge.

Peeling masks with coconut chips

Grind a small piece of meakty to get 1/2 C.L. shavings. Then mix it with 1 tbsp. Sour cream and distribute the face. After 20 minutes, massage the face and wash the mask.

Instead of sour cream, you can use the same number of dilute water of clay or crushed fruit (banana, kiwi, avocado, apples, pears, peach). Mask with clay will have a greater cleansing and tightening effect, the fruit mixture ensures improvement in the color of the skin, its moisturizing and toning.

Nutrient mask with a young pulp

If fresh flesh is available to you, then you must use it to make a nutritional mask. It will restore the skin after the tan, well moisturizes it, give well-kept appearance and radiance.
The easiest recipe includes one pulp of pulp. Just quicked it with a thick layer in the face, you can and around the eyes, leave for 20-30 minutes, and then wash.