The skin around the eyes became flabby. What to do? Dry skin near the eyes: what to do? Thin skin under the eyes cosmetology

What if the skin is naturally thin and sensitive? How to preserve its beauty and attractiveness for many years? How to strengthen such skin, make it thicker and denser, and therefore younger and more elastic? All these topical questions will be revealed, be careful and remember!

What information will you learn:

Signs of thin skin

Sensitive and thin skin

With age, our skin type can change depending on lifestyle, climate, bad habits, dietary habits, professional conditions, cosmetics used, past diseases.

Thin facial skin can be easily tested with a regular tissue. Applying it to the face, you will never see traces of fat, since this type is prone to excessive dryness. This condition is caused by a decrease or complete absence of sebum production. It leads to loss of elasticity, firmness, premature aging and the appearance of a noticeable amount of wrinkles. In addition, this type of skin is distinguished by pronounced capillaries that can give the face a red and unhealthy tint due to the thinness of the epidermis.

As for the skin around the eyes, it is dry and thin in all women, without exception, due to the lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue. If you start proper care from an early age, you will save and also noticeably improve her condition for many years without the need for radical and aggressive rejuvenation techniques.

Features of care for thin skin of the face and around the eyes

Thin skin requires regular care

The thin type of skin does not tolerate washing with soap, thinning and dehydrating even more each time. However, if you cannot do without this usual procedure, use soft water that has gone through the boiling process. Soap can be used once a week, not more often. As a cleaning agent, you can use egg yolk, rich in valuable vitamins and minerals, white bread crumb infused with milk, steamed oatmeal, sour cream.

The area around the eyes before washing is best lubricated with a thin layer of olive oil or any other vegetable-based oil.

Never rub or stretch such leather. Perform all movements easily and accurately, eliminating the appearance of irritation and wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise to clean it in the morning with special products in the form of milk, lotion, thermal water, which are not able to remove the lipid protective layer created overnight. They must be completely free of alcohols and components that dry the epidermis (acids, abrasives), otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Try to stay out of the sun less, since ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of dryness, early aging and thinning of the skin layer.

If exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, be sure to use protective equipment containing special filters that reflect directional rays and prevent the aggressive, destructive effects of the sun on the cells of the epidermis.

In winter, before going outside, be sure to lubricate the skin with nourishing creams containing a large percentage of fats and natural oils that tighten and tone up turgor.

Everyday evening massage of the face and the area around the eyes can significantly improve blood circulation and, as a result, the nutrition of thin skin. You need to perform it with your fingertips after cleansing the face and before applying caring cosmetics. Movements should be neat, light, directed from the middle of the face to the temples, that is, strictly along the massage lines.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain the following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, which is involved in the regeneration (renewal) of cells, improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, support of elasticity, appearance of elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and tightens turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of youth and beauty vitamin - E (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (repair damaged cells, prevent dryness, irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, healing, production of own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use.

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For owners of sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from the available ingredients 3 times a week, best in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, and also if they are applied to clean, makeup-free and pollution-free skin.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and chopped parsley in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, turned into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Based on starch. Potato starch in an amount of 30 grams is mixed with 15 ml of high-fat cream, the mixture is left for 30 minutes. Then add to the composition 30 ml of vitamin E oil concentrate (in ampoules) and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint, parsley and mix thoroughly.

Do not forget that a varied diet, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits can positively affect the condition of your skin!

Receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, the skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

VIDEO: Mandatory steps for home care for thin, sensitive facial skin

Since childhood, I have thin skin under my eyes, and they always look tired. Plus, there are constant bruises. At a young age, this problem did not bother me too much, since it was not so noticeable.

Now I'm 30 and ... the slanting eyes of passers-by who think I'm malnourished or sleep deprived. It just angered me, and I seriously set about fighting this disease!

Thin skin under the eyes is found in many women, children and girls, you can get rid of it with both cosmetic and folk methods. I combined these two options.

Cosmetical tools

You can use mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid or laser facial rejuvenation. I used the second method.

Laser rejuvenation- a fairly effective procedure that helps to eliminate bruises under the eyes in one session. Another advantage of the procedure is that it is painless. A special cream is applied under the eyes, thanks to which the pain is almost imperceptible. The skin under the eyes is smoothed, becomes elastic, bruises disappear. I do this procedure regularly on the recommendation of a specialist.

After the procedure, it is advisable to purchase a cream with hyaluronic acid.

Important! Before you go to a beauty salon for laser rejuvenation, consult with a specialist in this field.

Askorutin- an excellent remedy for very thin skin under the eyes. It can be bought at a pharmacy.

Also a good option is to use venotonic. It acts instantly, perfectly normalizes the work of blood vessels. The composition includes unique components that smooth and strengthen the skin under the eyes. (just keep in mind that many venotonics dry the skin - ed.)

Powder with concealer- also a good option to make the eyes look alive and fresh. I chose the perfect option for myself - powder from Mary Kay. If you do not use powder, then you can use a dense foundation, which are sold in jars (for example, MaxFactor,).

Folk remedies

Every morning I do for my eyes" cold and hot shower". First cold, then warm water.

In the evening - compress from, sage, parsley and sour cream, which strengthen the thin skin under the eyes. Preparing compresses is easy, you just need a little effort and time.

Skin around the eyes- requires special care, because our eyes are one of the greatest treasures given to us by nature. It is with the help of these sense organs that we receive basic information about the world around us. In addition, for every woman this is the most important decoration, bright, radiant and sparkling. But over time, the clean cut of this jewel loses its appeal. Wrinkles appear around the eyes. And because of the regular load, they still suffer from bags and circles under the eyes.

With the modern pace of life, there are quite a lot of such problems:

The skin near the eyes is very thin, there are no fatty layers, which means it is more prone to dryness and dehydration than the rest of the body. That is why, whatever your problem associated with this area of ​​​​the face, it should be solved through proper care, which we will discuss below.

Rules for skin care around the eyes

Very often, all our knowledge of the rules for skin care around the eyes is in one picture, which depicts a girl with cucumber circles on her eyes. But it is not at all necessary to turn to expensive plastic surgeons in order to get rid of an ugly and aesthetically unpleasant phenomenon. First of all, you must remember that this attack is much easier to prevent than to treat it for a long and painful time. So you should know in advance the basic rules for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes:

  1. Accustom yourself never and under no circumstances to rub your eyes, not to stretch the delicate skin. In no case do not pull your eyelids, do not rub various products and creams with intense movements. The only possible way to apply cosmetic and medical preparations can be light tapping, driving in with fingertips, so you do not injure the epithelium, and activate blood circulation in this area.
  2. Apply all cosmetic and caring creams, oils and other products only to the area under the eyes and under the eyebrow. The upper, mobile eyelid should become an untouchable area for you.
  3. Change your skin care around the eyes depending on the season. Summer and winter methods should be different from each other. So in summer, cosmetics should be lighter, moisturizing, in winter, focus more on protection and nutrition.
  4. Be sure to remove your makeup before bed. And it is better if you remove decorative cosmetics from your face as soon as you return home. Even the best cosmetic brands can produce decorative products that interfere with full breathing and blood circulation of the skin, namely, during sleep, the body is cleansed, toxins are removed from the epithelium, and the skin is saturated with oxygen. Do not use ordinary soap to remove makeup, it dries the already dry skin around the eyes.
  5. Do not use a facial cleanser for this area. As a rule, they are more “heavy”, use only those specifically aimed at caring for the area around the eyes.
  6. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of a healthy diet and a normal sleep pattern negatively affect your entire body in general and the skin of the eyes in particular.
  7. Get used to the idea that sunglasses are an accessory not only for the summer season. Wearing this item should become mandatory at any time of the year, because the habit of wrinkling does not paint anyone, but only provokes the appearance of mimic wrinkles even more.
  8. Perform special facial gymnastics exercises every day that will not take you much time. But the benefits from them will not be an example more.

Massage for the skin around the eyes

The beauty of the eyes has always excited and will excite every girl, and in the struggle for this beauty, massage can be a wonderful tool. Properly performed massage will restore the elasticity of the skin, save it from premature aging and give it a fresh and healthy look. It activates the metabolism and promotes the excretion of metabolic products through the skin. Massage in the eye area is a fairly effective method of eye care, the high effectiveness of which has been proven for centuries.

The main movements that can be massaged are stroking, kneading, tapping and vibration. It should be remembered that this procedure must be performed strictly along the massage lines in order to avoid a negative effect and harm to delicate skin.

The main areas in which it is worth doing facial massage for the health and elasticity of the skin in the eye area can be considered as follows:

  1. From the outer corners of the eye to the inner corners of the lower eyelid.
  2. From the outer corners of the eye to the inner corners of the upper eyelid.
  3. From the bridge of the nose to different points of the hairline.
  4. From the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  5. Under the eyebrow from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose.

Before starting the procedure, thoroughly cleanse your face, it is advisable to even steam it a little. To do this, throw a handful of dry chamomile into a basin, pour boiling water over it and lower your face over the container, stay in this position for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, apply your favorite massage agent to your hands, it can be a cream or oil, and proceed directly to the massage.

There are several ways to apply this facial skin care method:

  1. Raise the eyebrow with the finger of one hand, and press the points from the end of the eyebrow to the beginning of its growth with the finger of the other hand, holding the finger for five seconds. Then, with your index fingers, raise your eyebrows in the direction of hair growth, hold and blink a few times, then release.
  2. Close the left eye, then with the thumb of the left hand fix the skin in the outer corner of the eye. Gently tap the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner corner for 10 minutes, repeat on the other eye. After that, massage the right eye in the same way.
  3. Place the index finger of one hand on the point between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. Massage this area clockwise for 10 minutes, then counterclockwise.
  4. Place the pads of the three fingers of each hand in the center of the forehead, then move to the temples in circular massage movements.

During the massage, try not to stretch the skin in particularly delicate areas, patting with the fingertips along the massage line will be much more effective, and instead of rubbing the product, use light strokes. Spending every day in self-care with a facial massage for at least ten minutes, you will notice the first positive results in a month.

Folk remedies for dark circles and bags

Folk remedies for dark circles and bags will suit every person. Indeed, unfortunately, almost every girl is faced with such a sad phenomenon, and therefore you should definitely know how to deal with them:

By the way, very often dark circles under the eyes arise just from lack of sleep, so you have a reason to combine the useful with the pleasant, and take a good nap under the guise of cosmetic procedures.

As for folk remedies for eye skin care that fight bags under the eyes, we can advise you on the following remedies:

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Folk remedies for the skin around the eyes, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and fighting existing ones, or rather their diversity, is evidence that in all ages people have taken care of their own beauty and appearance. And, since plastic surgeons did not exist at that time, the girls used the gifts of nature for beauty. And courts based on chronicles, frescoes and paintings were used quite successfully. That is why we will try to use their experience to our advantage:

  • Oils will become your true friend and comrade-in-arms in the struggle for beauty. To use them to fight wrinkles near the eyes is in this form: chop parsley, sage; pour it with cold-pressed olive oil and stir; Pour mixture into ice cube trays and freeze. Then wipe the problem areas every evening.
  • Ice, in principle, is able to reduce the manifestations of approaching aging and improve skin tone. Make healing ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs and wipe your face with it every morning, paying special attention to the area around the eyes.
  • Honey masks can be very useful against crow's feet. Mix a spoonful of honey with a teaspoon of olive oil, crushed on a coffee grinder with chamomile. Apply the mask to the problem area for half an hour.
  • Another good way for the disappearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will be masks from the yolk, which would be nice to enrich with medicinal herbs, crushed into powder, and oils.

Do not give up, because a well-groomed face at any age will be the most spectacular indicator of your health!

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around the eyes is an indicator of youth and health.

The skin around the eyes is thin in structure, there is practically no adipose tissue under it, which is why our eyes are so vulnerable. As a result of any, most often unfavorable, changes in the body (stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep), the blood supply under the lower eyelid deteriorates. Accordingly, the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the capillaries is disrupted. Blood in the capillaries stagnates, as a result, this area appears darker. And the skin is thin, so all this blue is translucent. This bad process exacerbates the lack of moisture if you drink less than 1.5 liters of water per day.

By the way, some people are lucky by nature: no matter what they do, bruises under the eyes do not appear. This is due to the special structure of the skin, in such people it is thicker. But for everyone, without exception, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner with age.

Causes of problems

Frequent lack of sleep and overwork. As always, there is not enough time for everything. We will share with you a secret: as soon as you start to get enough sleep, there is time for everything (this is due to the faster completion of all tasks after rest).

How to fight: Get enough sleep, just get enough sleep. And “do not accumulate fatigue”, that is, find time for outdoor activities and walks.

Constant work at the computer

How to fight:

- do eye exercises once or twice a day,

- more walks in the fresh air,

- put a cactus or ficus near the computer,

- periodically make a mask with parsley.

Poor skin care around the eyes or none at all.

How to deal: After consulting with a beautician, purchase suitable cosmetics for the eyes.

Frequent exposure to the sun without appropriate glasses

How to fight:

- do not forget to wear sunglasses, all the time (even going to the store for bread),

- use cosmetics suitable for thin skin(The sun dries out the already delicate skin around the eyes).

Poor quality cosmetics

Such a reaction can be to low-quality mascara and shadows or to allergy-causing eye makeup.

How to fight: Do a special mask twice a week until the bruises pass, drink antihistamines (if you have allergies). And, of course, it is best not to use cosmetics for a week.

Chronic diseases (primarily kidney and heart)

Even in such a sad situation, the strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations will maintain the stability of your condition and improve your appearance, including by reducing the blue around the eyes.

Be irresistible! Your eyes reflect the whole world!

Sometimes just one expressive look can reflect the inner world of a person. However, it is much more difficult to express your emotions with your eyes when the skin around the eyes dries out. Why is this happening? How to fix the situation? We will touch on this topic on the site Under the

Applying makeup for most women is a daily routine. We paint the lips, even out the tone of the face, emphasize the eyes. It is not surprising that after numerous experiments, the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids suddenly becomes dry and inflamed. But many of us do not even think that it is this part of the face that is most vulnerable to external factors. And you need to take care of the skin of the eyes with special attention in order to push the moment of the appearance of the first wrinkles as far as possible.

Why does the skin around the eyes dry?

The causes of dry eye skin are not only associated with the use of decorative cosmetics and facial skin care products, but also indicate health problems.

Dry skin that is flaky, cracked and inflamed may indicate the presence of diseases such as chronic blepharitis, inflammatory processes in the cornea, infection, ciliary mite infection. The skin under the eyes dries - you may have dermatitis!

There are other factors too:

  • reactions;
  • heredity;
  • insufficient production of tear fluid;
  • weather changes: dry air, cold, UV radiation;
  • skin care products for the face and eyelids of poor quality;
  • an overabundance of decorative cosmetics on the skin of the eyelids (this applies especially to you if the skin on the upper eyelid dries).

It happens that a woman changed her eye cream to a new one, and the skin instantly reacted to the new composition. In this case, we can safely say that the new cream was not suitable for her skin type. But if the skin of the eyes dries as before, even after changing the cream and temporarily abandoning cosmetics, then it can be suspected that the problem is associated with the development of pathology in the tissues of the eyelid or cornea. In this case, a visit to the eye doctor is necessary. Only he can determine with certainty what is the cause of excessive dryness of the skin of the eyes.

If the optometrist and dermatologist have reassured you, and there are no serious reasons to worry about the health of the eyes and the skin around them, then you should reconsider your attitude to the skin of the eyelids. Start by treating her more carefully and attentively. And these simple rules, which most women already follow, can help you with this:

  • Cleanse your face and eyelids daily to remove make-up residue. It has a detrimental effect on the skin, blocking access to air and clogging the pores. As a result, the skin in the corners of the eyes and on the eyelids dries.
  • Before applying the cream, wipe the face and skin around the eyes with a tonic or lotion. Pay close attention to the composition - there should not be aggressive agents, alcohol, otherwise the skin can, on the contrary, be dried out.
  • Do not forget to moisturize the skin with a regular nourishing or moisturizing cream. The best option is to purchase a cream or gel specially formulated for the delicate skin around the eyelids that is suitable for daily use. It will help girls to prevent early wrinkles, and mature ladies to smooth them out.
  • In no case do not apply products that are not intended for this to the area around the eyes. Masks or scrubs containing an abrasive can damage delicate skin and dry it out.
  • To remove the dirt accumulated over the whole day and the remnants of cosmetics, you can safely use a special milk instead of a facial wash. It works more gently.
  • Set the soap aside. Any, even for children or with low Ph, dries out the skin, especially in the eye area.
  • Observe the drinking regime. The skin of the eyes dries very quickly with a lack of fluid in the body. 10 glasses of healthy drink a day is the norm. Ideally, if it is pure water without gas or green tea without sugar.
  • If you decide to treat cracks with pharmaceutical products, it is worth remembering that lanolin-based preparations can cause allergies. The same Bepanten, which heals wounds perfectly, in this case will only aggravate the situation.
  • If the skin is also irritated, you can replace the water with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. These herbs perfectly soothe the skin and promote rapid cell regeneration.

Moisturizing eyelid skin at home

There are so many recipes for moisturizing the skin, including around the eyes, that any woman will definitely find something suitable for her skin type among this variety. If the skin around the eyes dries, one has only to look in the kitchen or in the refrigerator.

Here is a list of products, masks from which perfectly moisturize and nourish dry skin of the eyelids:

  • , namely the yolks - for nutrition and hydration.
  • Fatty sour cream or natural yogurt without additives - for nutrition and softening.
  • Honey - to saturate with vitamins and nutrients.
  • (avocado, peach, jojoba, wheat germ) - to soften and nourish.
  • - for moisturizing.
  • Banana - for softening and nutrition.

From these ingredients, you can prepare a variety of mixtures to combat dryness and flaking of the skin of the eyelids.

How to eliminate dry skin of the eyelids with the help of cosmetics

What to do if the skin around the eyes dries? Start taking good care of her. The skin of the eyelids is very thin due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, so it is prone to stretching and rapid loss of elasticity. In order not to become the owner of reddened and flaky eyelids, cosmetics should be chosen very carefully and carefully.

  • Purchase cosmetic milk, hydrophilic oil or micellar water to remove makeup residue around the eyes. They usually have a gentle composition with a hydrating property, aimed at effectively removing dirt without losing moisture.
  • For those who have dry skin from birth, an eye cream is best, always with a hydrating effect.
  • Those with normal or oily skin types can replace the cream with a gel that has a lighter texture. However, the older you are, the more preferable is the cream.
  • The composition of the product should be hypoallergenic to reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction (however, everything is individual!).
  • It’s great if the cosmetic product contains natural oils and extracts of cornflower, calendula,.

The key to an expressive look is not only healthy eyes, but also well-groomed skin around them. The solution to the problem of dry eyelid skin is always found either on store shelves or in a green pharmacy.