Cream for removing venous grids on the face. Cooperoz on the face: causes, pepperconditions, treatment methods

The article describes in detail how to care for the skin affected by Cooperoz. What means you can use and what food is there. Using the tips below, you can make your skin gently and velvety, and say foot pathology.

Symptoms of the appearance of vascular grid

Vascular grid (cooperosis) - This is a pathological disease caused by circulatory disorders in capillary vessels. People who have dry and sensitive skin are susceptible to vascular grid. But this does not mean that women with another skin type are insured 100 percent of the disease. Cooperosis develops gradually. First, it may appear itching or irritation on the face.

Immediately there is a desire to scratch the face. These are the first symptoms to pay attention to. Then, "asterisks" appear. They cover the face - cheeks, chin, in some cases forehead. Looks all this very ugly. In addition, pink painful spots, bunting or swelling appear.

In addition to external manifestations, there may be such symptoms:

  • Unpleasant pain on the affected area.
  • Pulsation of the vessel.
  • Pigmentation of the skin.
  • Eveny.

Important!The vascular grid on the face is not a sign of the disease, but also it is impossible to ignore it.

First of all, it is not aesthetically, externally repulsive. A woman will have to use tonal cream to remove the visible manifestations of pathology. So why do "asterisks" arise?

Causes of Cupperosis

As a disease, a vascular grid, it is primarily a genetic pathology.

In addition, there are a number of reasons that contribute to the appearance of cooperosis.


  • Temperature drops.
  • Acceptance and hot food
  • Bad habits.
  • Long pastime in the sun, solarium.
  • Abuse of drinks containing caffeine.
  • Stressful situations.

These negative factors contribute to the occurrence of the disease. Capillary blood flow is disturbed, and can cause venous stagnation. Avoid sharp fluctuations in temperatures, protect the skin with cream - "bark", or ointment "Cooperoz A +".

Much attention is paid to meals, avoid acute and hot food. These are faithful companions of Cooperoz.

Smoking, alcohol negatively affect the operation of the circulatory system. Putting habits lead to the blockage of blood vessels, as a result, blood is badly moving on the veins and vessels. Red grape wine, for example, can render vasodilatory action. This will immediately affect the skin condition.

Ultraviolet is able to cause vascular fragility, it will immediately affect the metabolic processes of the body. Also, watch your emotional state. Frequent stresses, nervous voltages make themselves to know, and the first thing is the skin. Cooperosis can be inherited, it is akin to varicose veins, and causes the same anxiety.

Useful!At the first signs of the disease, do not despair, and worry. Modern medicine is ready to offer effective treatment methods. It is preliminarily to understand whether Cuperoz can be dangerous.

What danger carries Cooperoz?

Home Danger is fast aging and skin withering. The vascular grid itself does not represent danger to the life of a woman. External manifestations can be somewhat pouched by life. Red grids cause psychological problems. To get out of the house, you will have to significantly stand in front of the mirror, trying to hide the whole "beauty" pathology. The pathology itself is dangerous, the reason for her caused is dangerous.

To start the treatment, it is necessary to identify the reason for the appearance of "stars" at first, and then already start by their elimination. Cuperoz is able to cause significant harm to the skin. And for a woman it is important to have beautiful and young skin. If you run pathology, it will lead to a rapid fading of the skin.

The lack of oxygen leads to a gray, ugly skin, it loses its elasticity and healthy color. Previously, wrinkles begin to appear, and a woman in 40+ years will look like a shaky old woman. That is why, in obligatory, eliminate the reasons that caused pathological changes.

Many women seeing ill-fated grudges on their face, try to get rid of them, masking decorative cosmetics or addressing a dermatologist. External manifestations It is possible to remove "close, smeared", but here is no reason. And in order to get rid of Cover forever, you need to find out the reason for its appearance.

Important!Initially, visit the therapist, pass standard analyzes, and then proceed to cosmetic procedures.

Skin care at home

The skin susceptible to cuperose requires the right care. Therefore, learn to care for her. To support natural beauty you need:

  • Constantly clean.
  • Moisturize.
  • Supply.

Cooperous skin suffers from dryness, it does not get enough water, as a result there is dehydration, if we wash with soap, then lipid destruction occurs. That is, a special protective film that protects and protects the skin of the face. As a result, the depleted skin quickly responds to the loss of moisture.

To avoid such a problem, you need to use special means. They are acquired in a pharmacy or specialized stores. First of all, these are soft cream, which must be included: Vitamins P, C, K.

Important! Three components should be included in the cosmetic agent, or be accepted separately.

  1. Vitamin P - increases the resistance of the capillaries, reduces their fragility.
  2. Vitamin C - has a vesseloring effect.
  3. Vitamin K - reduces skin permeability, increases the density of blood vessels.

After cleansing the skin, it must be wiped with a tonic. It must contain components such as chestnut, juniper, hops ussuri, fir or chamomile.

Alone prepare the decoction from any component, it will not be difficult. The main thing is to purchase all the components in advance.

How to cook: 2 tbsp. Spoons of chamomile flowers pharmacy pour 0.5 liters with boiling water. Perform ½ hours and strain, then add 2 tablets of ascorutin.

How to use : Wipe the plots affected by Cooperoz, 2 - 3 times a day.

The second stage - applying masks on the skin.

The composition should include a mask or sheets with collagen. It softens well and prevents wrinkles. It is strictly forbidden to use any scrubs. For the exfoliating effect, you can use a white clay mask. It can be purchased ready or prepared independently.

How to cook: Use wooden dishes or glass. Larken 2 tablets of ascorutin, add 1 tsp. Green tea, 1 tsp. White clay. Mix it well, then add 1 tsp. milk or cream.

How to use: It turns out a homogeneous mixture. Apply it on your face and keep 7 minutes. Wash the tampon moistened with water. Give the skin to relax not more than 10 minutes. To places affected by Cooperoz, attach a cotton disk, soaring grape seeds. Mask Use daily for 2 weeks.

The final stage is maximum moisturizing and nutrition. First of all, it is a cream that contains a film yide. Perfect:

  • "AVEN DROPROYAL" - increases elasticity, moisturizes.
  • "Bark" - Russian cream, contributes to improving metabolic processes, absorbed instantly.
  • "Anti-member Plus" - improves blood circulation by vessels, reduces pathological redness.
  • "Dr. Tuffy" - well strengthens the vessels, relieves irritation and redness.
  • "Uyuzh" - has a good moisturizing effect, soothes the lesion foci, protects against negative factors.

The creams include natural ingredients - calendula oil, avocado, immortelle, vitamin C. By itself, the drug does not cause side effects, but individual intolerance to the components may occur.

Need to know!Homemade coercive skin care methods are able to slow down the formation of "stars", but completely not getting rid of it.

If chronic diseases were not detected, and vascular grids continue to appear, please contact a cosmetic clinic. There will hold a procedure for removing "stars". The procedure is carried out in several ways:

  • microsclerotherapy- A special substance is introduced into each nodule, which allows the vessel to glue;
  • electrothermocoagulation- Under the influence of high temperatures, the vessel is brewed, a minus is, a violation of the holistic cover of the skin. Rehabilitation takes a week.
  • laser therapy - The safest method, the light radiation occurs directly to the vessel itself. The skin is not disturbed, no scars remain, and rehabilitation is not required.

Important!By cons of all procedures, a possible relapse can be attributed if the occurrence of cuperosis is associated with a violation of organic processes or with chronic diseases.

In addition, there may be such procedures in the salons as:

Mesotherapy- Alternative medicine method. The injection injections are injected under the skin. The technique effectively strengthens the vessels, improves metabolic processes.

Fitotherapy -it will remove the redness, strengthen the walls of the vessels, will calm down. The herbs contain vitamins, organic acids, trace elements and essential oils. Such masks can be prepared at home. For example, sage can be used for especially pronounced "stars".

How to cook: 3 tbsp. Spoons of chopped grass sage, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes.

How to use : Apply a warm mixture on the face, cover gauze and keep the mask 10-15 minutes. Wash out warm water.

To calm the skin or itching, you can use a lavender mask and rosemary.

How to cook: in the wooden container, pour 3 tbsp. Lavender spoons, 3 s. Spoons of rosemary, pour the mixture ⅓ glass with boiled water (can be warm), and boil 20 minutes. Give cool and add flour for a density.

How to use: Apply for clean skin for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water, with a cotton swab.

Photorejuvenation- Light pulses of various lengths affect the skin. The procedure is used for different skin types. Penetrating on various depths, the waves eliminate Rosacea, the vascular grid.

Be sure after the procedures as often as possible, visit the fresh air, stick to special diets, take care of the skin of the face. All this in the complex will help avoid relapses.

Check out video with Elena Malysheva, where the method of laser removal of the vascular grid is described:

Many dermatologists are skeptical with respect to diets with pathological changes in skin. But still some products are able to sharpen the problem. These include:

  • Acute sauces and marinades.
  • Products containing cocoa beans.
  • Drinks with caffeine content.
  • Red wine.

Dietary food is able to work wonders and should not ignore it. To anti-dietary products, harmful to cooperous skin, can be attributed - cheese, liver, legumes, citrus, sour cream, bananas. All this food is a stimulator of the mucous membrane, as a result of which blood vessels are expanding.

Add food to the diet that will strengthen the walls of the vessels.

Recommended garlic, spices, such as dill, pepper, carnation. The most important component and the "wrestler" with Cooperoza, this is Vitamin K. Cabbage Sumy, Fresh, Brussels, Spinach - contain vitamin in sufficient quantities.

In addition, a large content of vitamin in some breams - buckwheat, rice. All these products eat in food daily. Vitamin C allows you to fight with cooperosis. It contains in large quantities in the greenery - parsley, dill, onions, cilantro, and citrus.

Need to know! Vitamin C in parschka is contained 4 times more than in lemon.

In winter, the skin must be further careed. Drink brands:

  1. 20 g - grass clutches;
  2. 40 g - violet tricolor;
  3. 40 g - elderberry flowers.

How to cook: 1 tbsp. Spooning the mixture with boiling water (200 ml.). Boil on a water bath - 20 min. Insist about 1 hour.

How to use: Use ½ cup 2 times a day.

In order for pathology to not spoil your face and mood, it is worth taking care of simple preventive measures. This is especially true of people genetically predisposed to the disease. It is worth constantly take care of the skin, and help strengthen the walls of the vessels. Vitamin Drinks eat every day.

  • Case of grapefruit Inhabit about 1 hour in boiling water. Such a decoction drinks instead of water. It is recommended to use constantly.
  • Swarite purified potatoesAnd use the decoction 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

All preventive measures themselves are not difficult, compliance with them must be in a habit, and then it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant red grid on the face.

So, take on the arms of these rules, and follow the following actions every day:

  • Daily face care with masks, creams. Selected drugs for sensitive skin with the prefix of the hypo.
  • Strengthening the walls of the vessels. This is the daily use of vitamins, making masks.
  • Permanent moisturizing skin. Going out of the house should be remembered before applying powder, the skin must be maximally moistened. Therefore, it is desirable to pre-apply a tonal basis or use it only one.
  • In winter, do the face several times a day. So much how much skin need. As the depths will be felt, immediately moist the skin.
  • In summer, be sure to use sunscreen products - SPF 15 and higher.
  • Follow the skin does not overheat.
  • Observe the diet, and eliminate the dishes from the diet, listed above.
  • Vitaminotherapy is a prerequisite for the prevention of copery. If the skin has pink acne (rosacea), then turn on zinc in the diet. Great content of it in carrots, broccoli, spinach, wheat, rice, oatmeal, lentil, sesame, peanuts. Do not eat marine extracts, iodine, salts that provoke acne and acne appearance.

Correct skin care, diet, generalized vitamin food, are able to work wonders. Cooperosis is a consequence of the abnormal functioning of the circulatory system.

Any problem is studied from the inside, and then it is already helping to get rid of pathological processes forever. Cooperoz, it is not a sentence, it is a call for decisive actions, the desire for perfection and health!

Question answer

Why is Cuperoz amazing the skin of people?

A bad environmental situation, constant stressful situations, improper nutrition leads to exhaustion of vessels and, as a result, "stars" appear on the face.

How to confront pathology?

First of all, you need to find out the reason for the appearance of the disease. Go to the therapist, pass tests. And if this is not a consequence of a serious illness, the cosmetology will come to the rescue.

Is the diet diet under Cooperose?

Yes, the diet is necessary in pathology. Because the disease goes from the inside. And it is important to use the right food so as not to cause additional allergic reactions.

What cosmetics can be used?

Olive oil, only in glass bottles. Tonic prepared at home, for example, decoction of chamomile, and cream with linoleic acid with a content of vitamin R, C, K.

What to remember:

  1. At the first appearance of the grid on the skin, please contact the therapist doctor.
  2. Constantly take care of the skin of the face - cleansing, moisturizing, food, strengthening masks.
  3. In the diet, include more products containing vitamins R, C, K.
  4. Avoid direct sunlight.
  5. Do not visit the bath, sauna, solarium.
  6. Do not worry with cold water.

Each woman, however,, like a man, will not be delighted, noticing one not the most beautiful day that does not disappear on the face of the vascular grid - Cooperoz. These red bodies on the face are not a disease, as many believe it is a cosmetic defect, which, however, is able to spoil along with the appearance of our mood.

Still: Red spots on the face, a mesh made of red capillaries, acne with a purulent tip - a pleasant little ...

However, before you in despair, you will begin to lure it with disgrace with creams, disguise as a powder, or with the help of any procedure to remove vascular stars, ask for the causes of the occurrence of Cooperiz, it is quite possible, finding one of them, you will find and solve your problem.

Causes of extended vessels on the face - Cooperosis

  1. First of all, the appearance of Cooperiz on the face is preceded by arising problems with vessels. In the subcutaneous layer, blood circulation is disturbed, small blood vessels are expanding, and on the face there are "on an ongoing basis" the areas of the skin of red. Moreover, most often this "beauty" acquire the nose, chin and cheeks - zones most actively exposed to the environment.

Most often, people having a thin, dry and sensitive skin-sensitive skin are faced with this phenomenon. Although the owners of oily, more dense skin can also notice single extended vessels, especially on the wings of their nose.

Therefore, if your vessels are weak, fragile and sluggish, lost their elasticity, the vascular grid on the face will not wait long.

  1. With incorrect diet, human "weakness" and an unhealthy lifestyle, internal organs begin to suffer, and well, if they only signal through this cosmetic problem, which is not in order with your body. And bad things that many often do not pay attention to such signals ...
  2. Endocrine diseases, disorders in the work of the stomach, intestines and liver, hypertension - all these problems can be "served a signal" through extended vessels on the face.

  1. Cooperosis can appear at hormonal imbalance, as well as after you have taken hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Fans of active and in, you need to know that it will not only finite and dries the skin, contributes to the loss of elasticity, but also affects the walls of the vessels, which entails the appearance of Cooperosis. Ogorodnikov This problem often also does not bypass.
  3. Many lovers stayed for a long time, through time they will be able to notice on the face that the grid vessel appeared on the face due to excessive exposure to high temperatures. From this are not insured and the lovers themselves are bathe, and the buyers, as well as cooks of restaurants and dining rooms, workers of the hot shops.
  4. Not only hot air, but also cold, wind, frost provoke the expansion of capillaries on the face. This suffer from many merchants and everyone who spends a lot of time in the fresh cold air.
  5. We also will not "reset" from accounts either of the genetic predisposition. If your parents are brightly pronounced Cuperoz, it is likely that such a "feature" of the skin inherited and you ...
  6. To everyone who is fond of various and especially aggressive cosmetic procedures, it is important to understand that their skin can be dehydrated, thinning, the vessels may be injured, the sensitivity of the skin and capillaries increases the effects of the environment.
  7. Surely know that Tobacco adversely affects the heart and vessels (including the smallest capillaries on the face), only they think little about it, tightening the next cigarette ...
  8. Alcohol. Who is not familiar to the appearance of the thoughtful face of the "professional" alcohol lover with a pronounced vascular grid on the skin? Although it is not necessary to encourage "non-professional" - even a moderate amount of alcohol often contributes to the appearance of a vascular grid on the face.
  9. And a few more reasons for the appearance of cooperosis:, acute and too hot food, as well as silicon deficiency.

Silicon - with the help of this brain mineral, the brain team expand and narrow themselves on their intended purpose, that is, the vessels "hear" them. If the body is missing silicon, calcium is occupied by calcium, which is "deaf" to the brain teams. In addition, due to the lack of silicon, the vessels are fragile, brittle, lost elasticity. Here you have another weighty cause of Cooperosis.

Based on these 12 reasons, the cuperosis treatment becomes more meaningful. If you find that the appearance of the mesh vessels on the face contributed to internal health problems, cancel all your cosmetic procedures, they will not bring any effect, you need to get rid of your underlying disease.

5 steps in the treatment of cooperosis

  1. Determination of the causes of cuperosis and their elimination. In this situation, it is worth contacting several specialists, they will help to deal with the reasons.
  2. Change and normalization of nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Remove without regrets of your diet, spicy dishes and seasonings, chocolate, canned foods and pickles, products, alcoholic beverages, including beer, limit yourself to oily food, cheeses, sour cream and liver.
  • Move a lot, you can do fitness.
  • Refuse smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not be in too hot pair or sauna, do not take a hot shower and try not to be long on a strong frost.
  1. Accepting special preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes aimed at strengthening vascular walls. Such drugs must contain, C, P, polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega 3, silicon. To strengthen the vascular walls and improve the state of the vessels, you will be useful to: Rutin, grape seed oil, collagen, extracts of plants such as Echinacea, blueberries, Mimosa, Chestnut, Mirut.

Food with Cooperose It should also include Topinamburba, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat cereal, corn, beans - these products are rich in silicon.

To strengthen the vessels every day, eat something from this list: tomatoes or spinach, or rosehip, color or Brussels cabbage, cherry or blueberries, black rowan rowan or sweet pepper, walnuts, currants or oranges. If they are used with the skin, your body will get more vitamin R.

  1. The use of funds that give the opposite effect - masks, creams, serum.
  • Any procedure with an extended pore should be carried out with caution, gently affecting the skin. It is not suitable funds, which contains alcohol, mint, aloe, menthol, carnation, honey or eucalyptus. Do not care for the skin with creams containing fruit acids, as well as masks films.
  • Do not rub your face - this is contraindicated when Cooperose!
  • Apply the masks in which clay is located, with caution.
  • Apply any tool with finger tips, watching the reaction of your skin.
  • After washing the face rinse the towel, and do not wipe.
  • You can make a good choice in favor of collagen masks, they will not only make the skin more elastic, but also remove mimic wrinkles.
  • Scrubs and peelings apply rarely.
  • With Cooperose, give up manual cleaning of the face, face mass makers, steam inhalations. But the lymphatic drain massage for the treatment of cooper is very good - it will reduce the redness of the skin, improve blood outflow.
  • Going out into the sun, be sure to protect the skin with creams with the SPF filter.
  1. Extended vessels can be removed using procedures: laser geracies, photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, electrocoagulation, ozone therapy.

Treatment of Cooper Plan at home

If you are to the above tips add folk remedies from Cooperosis, you will add and strengthen the effect of treatment. You can, of course, can eliminate visible vessels on your face, but it is still necessary to strengthen them. If your capillaries are elastic, in a tone, your blood flow will be within the normal range and no mesh and red skin on the skin will appear. To do this, you can make masks with your own hands, as you will be sure to choose enough:

Night Mask from Cooperosis

In the same proportions, take: dandelion root, sofor, calendula (flowers) - all in the form of extracts, mix with the same amount of grape grains and distribute the resulting mask throughout the surface of the face. With the help of a soft napkin you can delete too much.

Daily Mask from Cooperosis

In the same proportions, take: Cypress Seeds, Mimosa Flowers Extract and Blood Berries, Calgana Roots, Shelter Sheets and Grape Grain Oil, All mix well and apply on the skin. Water the napkin in hot water and cover her face with a mask. The mask is washed off with warm water, after the skin your usual cream is applied.

These masks need to apply once every 2 days two months in a row.

We make winter masks from Cooperosis

Mix the vegetable oil (, peach, or from the bone of grapes) with Lanolin (everything is taken on 1C.L.), add Talc to the mixture or starch in a small amount. The resulting Cashitz impose on the face for 15min. Washed off or simple warm water, or a chamomile decoction. Such masks need to be applied before entering the street.

Cooking a mask with raw potatoes from face redness

Take 1 crude potatoes, clean it and grind it with a blender or soda on the grater. Apply the resulting cleaner to 10min. The mask is removed by the chamomile decoction or calendula.

We make masks from fresh berries from vascular mesh on face

1h.l. Potato starch is mixed with fresh berries (strawberries, lingonberries, raspberries,). On pre-cleaned skin, the resulting mixture is generously applied to 20min.

Cupperosis cream at home

There is absolutely difficult in the preparation of such cream. Even if you do not have a special cream from Cooperosis, you can take your usual day cream for the skin of the face and pour into it a well-chopped tablet of ascorutin (in the composition of Vitamin C and Rutin - Vitamin R).

Tonic for every day from extended vessels on the face

Chamomile (2st.l.) is brewed 500 ml of water, insisted, flickering and becomes cold. Then take two tablets of ascorutin, thoroughly grind them and pour them into decoction, stirre and use the tool as a tonic in the morning and in the evening.

Compresses from Cooperoz

  • Scratch boiling water Parsley, squeeze juice from it and mix it with milk. In the resulting mixture, wet a piece of gauze and impose 30min on the skin. A day later, apply such a compress - this will help strengthen the small vessels on the skin.
  • Mix 200ml boiling water and 3st. Dried chamomile, let it cool with infusion and skip it through the siete or gauze. Humming in the infusion piece of simple fabric, impose it to the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion from Cooperoz

Fill in thermos 1l boiling water 1st.l. Berries of black rowan rowan, 2st. Omel leaves and the same number of hawthorn flowers. Let the infusion stand for some time. Use it for 100ml. Three times a day. It will also help strengthen the small vessels on the skin. You can still wipe the face every day Aloe leaves - such a procedure will strengthen the effect.

It is not necessary to hide from an unpleasant vascular grid on the face, because it is one of the most painless signals of internal health disorders. They should do if you do not want a short time after a short time all your attention has been occupied by treating more serious problems than Cuperoz.

Beauty to you and health!

If a pink or a bluette mesh from the smallest blood vessels appears on the skin of the face, it signals the vascular disease of Cuperoz. This is not just a cosmetology defect that provokes a change in skin coloring on the face, but also a serious pathology that is accompanied by a disruption of deep layers of dermis in the place of damage. Treatment of closely located vessels is carried out using hardware techniques, proper nutrition, intake of vitamins, minerals, immunostimulants.

Causes of closely located vessels on the face

The dominant cause of the pathological condition is a violation of blood circulation on the surface of the skin - in the upper layers of the epidermis. Due to congestive phenomena in capillaries, their wall due to excessive load is thinned, becomes fragile and breaking.

Important: The factors contributing to the development of pathology include genetic predisposition, bright shade of skin cover, high skin sensitivity to external influence (sun, frost, etc.).

If the vessels on the face are close to the surface, the reasons can be wounded in the following diseases:

  • Hormonal Balance Disorder in the body. Perhaps this pathogenesis is most common in the modern world. The imbalance is developing not only as a result of various pathologies, but also during a child tooling, after its birth, when receiving contraceptives, hormonal drugs. Additionally, there are symptoms: a change in body weight, not related to nutrition and physical activity, emotional lability, sleep disorder;
  • Insufficient functionality of the germ. This reason is often observed in boys and girls in a pubertal period;
  • Resistant An increase in blood pressure indicators. The decrease in blood "pressure" leads to a reduction in the number of vascular stars. However, the disease requires control of the doctor to prevent such complications as swelling of the lungs, heart attack, stroke;
  • Disorder of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis;
  • Phlebeurysm, kidney disease, a tendency to the development of allergies, etc.

Along with the causes, provoking factors are distinguished, as a result of which the vessels on the face appear too obviously. These include sharp drops of temperatures, aggressive climate, harmful food habits, excessive consumption of caffean-containing drinks.

Modern methods for removing cooper apart person

In the modern world there are a large number of hardware techniques, drugs and folk agents aimed at combating vascular stars. What to do in one situation or another, decides the doctor after studying the clinical picture.

To note, the basis of all methods is the gluing of capillaries or the change in the structure of the connective tissue.

With the difficulties of choice, first of all, what to do is to choose the most gentle techniques that are not accompanied by side effects. If fails, you can move to stronger methods.

Hardware treatment:

  1. Electro-generation. This method legs symptoms, so it cannot be called in the literal treatment. Through weak current discharges, visible vessels on the face are removed. The blood vessel no longer "works", respectively, it is not visible. The number of sessions depends on the degree of lesion. Sometimes one procedure is sufficient, in some cases it is necessary to carry out several at certain intervals.
  2. Photographing is also due to the impact of light rays, but they have another wavelength. Manipulation is characterized by gentle influence, therefore it is permissible to apply on fine areas of the skin. You can get rid of the problem in one procedure.
  3. Laser treatment It implies the use of light of a certain wave. It takes its absorption of blood, as a result of which the vessel is "brewed". Over the course, it is absorbed, nearby fabrics are not affected.
  4. Mesotherapy - a series of injections for a minor depth. Drug components are delivered directly to the target. Such treatment is an alternative to ointments, creams, gels, etc. means that cannot penetrate connective tissues.

Treatment of close vessels by folk remedies

In alternative medicine there are many options that allow you to get rid of vascular stars without harm to your health. Adherents of folk treatment are recommended to use juice from green tomatoes. It is applied to your cotton swab, reddening is rubbed twice a day. The duration of the course of therapy is to the complete disappearance of "stars".

Folk recipes:

  • Put aloe leaves in the refrigerator for a period of 10 days. After cutting the sheet, squeeze the juice on your cotton disk, apply to the affected area. It is necessary to do every day, 10 procedures are enough;
  • Pour one tablespoon of fresh crushed parsley boiling water in a volume of 100 ml, insist for 15 minutes. Filter, add 200 ml of warm milk. Lower a gauze napkin into a solution, impose on a cosmetic defect. A row is on the face for 20 minutes. Repeat every day to visible improvement in skin;
  • Mix on one teaspoon of crushed yarrow and natural honey, add four drops of lemon juice and one egg yolk. To impose a mixture on the problem area, keep a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water (not hot, not cold);
  • Pour boiling water 2 glasses of dry birch earrings. Insist for forty minutes, wipe skin 3 times a day. Course of treatment from 1 month.

Hardware techniques have certain advantages. They help get rid of close vessels for one or 2-4 procedures. The minuses include high cost, the appearance of bruises (for example, after photomultivation).

Folk remedies act gently, so it is not recommended to count on a quick effect. This is minus. The advantages include efficiency, lack of adverse reactions and health safety.

How to remove capillaries if the vessel burst on the face? Many people do not hurt to seek help from experts and do not even realize that the expanded capillaries on the face are the cause of the pathology of blood vessels. In medicine, this phenomenon is called teleangectasia.

Causes of appearance

The vascular grid on the face speaks of a violation in the body of blood circulation and the stag of blood in small capillaries. They suffer from the disease and men, and women.

Important! Do not begin to treat the disease, without specifying, for what reason it arose!

The reasons for the appearance of cooperosis (extended vessels) are the most diverse.

  1. Abuse of bad habits - alcoholic beverages and smoking badly affect the whole organism.
  2. Wipe and temperature drop.
  3. Unhealthy environmental atmosphere.
  4. Disorders in the circulatory system (heart disease).
  5. A person works a lot and relates little.
  6. Depression, apathy.
  7. Overheating (long stay under the scorching sun)
  8. Disruption of the work of the thyroid gland (problem with hormones).
  9. Heredity.

Important! The appearance of small mesh on the face is the result of diseases of some organs, and to cure, you need to know the reason.

Cooperosis is characterized by the appearance on the face of small vessels in the surface layer of the skin due to the violation of blood flow and wear of the walls of the capillaries. It can warn about serious violations in the body and besides this makes the face aesthetically unattractive.

People belonging to the risk group by the disease:

  • Large mother.
  • Newborn children (lack of subcutaneous fat).
  • Worker in harmful production.
  • Working in winter on the street.
  • All who have an overpriced body weight.
  • With high arterial pressure.

The reason for the appearance of small vessels can be the usual physiology, for example, a woman, shelters a child, childbirth and the onset of menopause - vessels burst on the face on the face and red spots are formed.

When a person in age suffers from this disease, it is not necessary to apply special measures for treatment. The body's fabrics are aging over time, and the vessels become fragile. For prevention, they are advised to drink vitamin C and other polyvitamins, prescribe a diet and special creams.

In order not to exacerbate the cooperosis process, you need to eat correctly, to observe the mode of the day, refuse smoking and alcohol.

How to remove noticeable capillaries?

  1. After washing, do not wipe the face with a towel, let it dry alone or gently flow, not rubbing. This action does not overcame the skin, and it will be sufficiently moistened during the day.
  2. Do not apply the cream before going out, especially in the cold season. It is necessary to lubricate the skin in 30 minutes, it is better to purchase a protective cream to protect the skin from harmful effects.
  3. In hot weather in summer, use sunscreen with a level of protection not lower than 30 SPF.
  4. Holders of thin skin should not use scrubs.

If there is a tendency to the appearance of cuperosis, consult with a beautician, which makeup is preferable.

Treatment of Cooperosis

The first way to eliminate the burst vessels on the face is a comprehensive doctor examination. Drug therapy of the disease is an additional method in the treatment of a disease with a hardware way. This includes drugs that affect the vessels and strengthen them. Here is the following list:

  1. Well increases the elasticity of alpha-linoleic acid Omega-3. Incoming fatty polyunsaturated amino acids remove sclerotic plaques in vessels.
  2. The drug Askorutin helps to reduce the penetration of vessels into the surface layer of the skin and reduce their fragility. The cream includes vitamin C and R.
  3. Alpha Tokaferon, Pinogen, Gingo-Biloba. These antioxidants help to remove harmful decay products from the body.

It is necessary to seek help to an experienced cosmetologist, which can offer the following manipulations:

  1. Laser therapy. This salon procedure is inexpensive, but in running cases will have to pay more.
  2. Photorejuvenation. To cure, a complete course of therapy is needed, and for the first effect there are enough several procedures.
  3. Ozone treatment. Very effective way of therapy in the serious course of the disease. The procedure is not very pleasant, as ozone is injected under the skin. To eliminate the vascular mesh on the face, you need to go through the full course of therapy in the clinic.
  4. Sclerotherapy. This treatment depends on the species of affected vessels. If the capillaries of blue, it happened due to the increase in Volet.

Home methods of deliverance

If the treatment of burst vessels with a laser does not completely eliminate the problem, they need to be strengthened. To improve the condition and strength of capillaries on the face, at home you can cook masks.

Day mask

Take the following ingredients:
Blueberry berries extract, mimosa, needle leaves, corpering of the colts, cypress seeds and grape oil. Components are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. After cooking, lubricate the face of the mask, you can apply a napkin on top, pre-wetted in hot water. Wash off a mask, apply a special cream. The duration of therapy is two months.


Vascular plexus and sprockets on the face removes the compress from the squeezed parsley juice with the addition of milk. Marla moisten in solution and apply to an affected area for half an hour. They advise you to make a bummer every two days.

Night mask

It consists of a sapor extract, dandelion root, calendula flowers, grape bone oil. Mask distribute exactly over the entire surface of the face, bite the excess cream with a napkin.

Treatment of juicy

For cuckoo, fresh cabbage juice is used, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Because of the bitterness, he is a little unpleasant, it can be diluted with carrots juice. You can use plum juice, it contains vitamin P, which strengthens the vessels.

Flowers of daisy flowers and calendula (marigolds) are suitable for cuperose. These solutions are suitable for daily washing and rubbing the skin of the face.

Aloe helps to strengthen the vascular wall, you can also take the following infusion:
Take a spoonful of arony, two tablespoons of the hawthorn (flowers) and the leaf of mistletoe. Fold the ingredients in the thermos and pour boiling water. Take half a cup of three times.

To treat the problem in a child is quite problematic, since children may have allergies to medicinal plants.

Prevention of the disease

A person suffering from the expansion of vessels and capillaries on the face should comply with preventive measures to eliminate the defect. First you need:

  • Proper and balanced to eat.
  • Remove the detrimental habits.
  • Less visiting the solarium and is under the scorching sun.
  • the use of scrubies and peels, as they scratch the surface layer of the skin;
  • lotions that contain alcohol, this additionally overcourses the skin;
  • the cream containing honey and menthol.

Gymnastics for face

The vessels on the face were bursting - ordinary gymnastics will help to cope with this task and most importantly, it is necessary to choose the proper nutritious cream.

Perform a daily such gymnastics complex:

  1. Lips roll into the tube, hold 5 seconds.
  2. Wider open the mouth, as if yawning. Make five repetitions.
  3. Run the cheeks with palms, first lift, then lower.
  4. Make a light spot massage on the lines.
  5. Long smile and briefly fix the grimace.
  6. Inflate your cheeks strongly, and then blow away. Repeat up to five times.

If the vessels burst on the face, there is a slightly warm water for washing, it is impossible to rub the skin with a towel.

In the cosmetology office it is better to choose a surface peeling for the face. Useful to use masks with collagen content, thermal massage, phytotherapeutic procedures.

Proper skin care will help get rid of the vascular grid, and the burst vessels will not disturb.

But before starting treatment, it is worth finding out the cause of the disease, as self-identity can entail the appearance of other health problems.

The perfectly clean, smooth and "porcelain" face has always been, there is also the ideal to which all women seek. However, this ideal is not always achievable. That acne will jump from where it does not take, but the wrinkles will begin to appear. If with these minor cosmetic disadvantages somehow it is possible to fight, then with the capillaries on the face there is much more serious.

Capillaries on the face are small blood vessels under the skin that lost their elasticity and expanded. Due to such large and wide blood channels, the capillaries are visible to the naked eye and are quite a serious cosmetic problem. Capillaries are a medical term called "Cooperoz" - a long expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels. Cooperoz is only a symptom of the disease, and not the disease itself. If the capillaries are expanded on the face, you should pay attention to your bloodstream and possible failures in it. The appearance of capillaries may be a call to a more serious disease, so it is impossible to leave Cooperoz without attention. And even more so, to relate to it only as a cosmetic defect.

But today we are interested in the aesthetic side of the issue. How to get rid of the shallow blood mesh, which is quite difficult to disguise with decorative cosmetics? What will you need? To begin with, let's try to figure out why the capillaries on the face become expanded and explicit.

Causes of the appearance of capillaries on the face

Almost always, the capillaries are visible on the face - cheeks, nose, chin. This is explained by the fact that weak vessels are in contact with the external environment and do not withstand temperature drops. Most often, the capillaries appear in people working in the cold. Even after the change of work, such people observes a characteristic red face on the face. Cooperoz is a constant satellite of weak frostbite.

Also provoke the appearance of capillaries can and high temperature. Frequent visits to the baths and saunas, constant to the sun, solarium - all this dries the skin, the epidermis loses its elasticity. If the skin of a woman is very gentle and sensitive, then the impact of external factors is intensified at times.

But the capillaries can expand not only from external factors. Incorrect lifestyle, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, abuse of smoking and alcohol - all this is expensive to a decrease in the tone of the vessels.

Another factor in the predisposition to the formation of capillaries on the face is heredity. The tone of the vessels depends in many respects from genetics. Therefore, if your mother has traces of cooper apart, you should be extremely attentive. In this case, preventive measures are needed that can prevent the expansion of capillaries on the face.

Treatment of Cooperosis

If there is a grid of small capillaries on the face, this suggests that you have problems with the cardiovascular system or respiratory authorities. In this case, tests should be passed and refer to the doctor with the results. After all, how many do not treat a cosmetic defect if the reason inside is to no avail.

Cuperose treatment is to take preparations that strengthen the walls of the vessels and make them more elastic and strong. In a complex with drug treatment, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin with the help of folk recipes and masks, as well as salon procedures. About each way to combat capillaries Let's talk in more detail.

There are several procedures that allow you to quickly and efficiently get rid of Cooperiz in the Cosmetology Cabinet.

Laser therapy
This is one of the most popular ways to get rid of the capillaries today. The popularity of laser therapy lies in the fact that this procedure is safe, comfortable and very effective. The laser beam affects the walls of the vessel, gradually gluing and restoring it. Thus, the capillaries become much less noticeable. One procedure lasts about 40 minutes. If there are several damaged capillaries on the face, it is better to carry out 2-3 sessions, but it should be observed between them between the time interval at 3-4 weeks. The lack of this therapy is that the laser does not improve the elasticity of the vessels, and therefore does not eliminate the cause of the defect. Over time, the capillaries may appear again and new laser therapy sessions.

This is a procedure in which a cosmetologist with a thin electrode causing vascular stars. The method is very effective, but has its drawbacks. After the procedure at the site of the asterisks, microtraumas of the skin may arise - small pigment and scars.

Ozone therapy
This is another popular and effective technique that contributes to getting rid of capillaries. The essence of the method is that with a very thin needle, a special ozone-oxygen mixture is introduced into the vessel. This method helps to completely get rid of the shallow mesh on the skin. Ozone therapy is used if the lesions are quite serious and the laser can not cope with them.

The principle of the method is similar to ozone therapy. However, in this case, an ozone-oxygen mixture is used to enter, but special preparations that glue the walls of vessels. Usually sclerotherapy is designed to eliminate large capillaries.

This principle of treatment is a directed beam of high intensity light. The result of the procedure will be noticeable only after several sessions. Photocoagulation fully affects the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic, due to which the walls of the vessels are strengthened.

After the sessions described, all prescriptions of a beautician doctor must be observed, which will tell how to care for the skin after a particular procedure.

Masks, lotions, tonic and compresses made from natural herbs and components are also very effective in combating Cooperose.

  1. Take a white cabbage and leopa leaves in equal amounts. Grind the composition in the blender. It turns out a juicy green flesh that you need to apply as a mask on the areas affected by Cooperoz. Leave the mask for 30 minutes, after which we rinse the face with cool water.
  2. Very effective against vascular stars pulp green immature tomatoes. Grind the tomato on the grater and impose a mask on the face as in the previous recipe. Green tomato perfectly affects the subcutaneous layers of the skin, strengthening the walls of the vessels.
  3. To narrow the capillaries, they need to be wiped with ice cubes. And in order to strengthen the effect of several times, we will use not just water for freezing, and the decoction of nettle. Fold from fresh or dried nettle saturated decoction and fill it into molds. Wipe the face in the morning and in the evening with cooked ice cubes. After a week, you will see a real result - the capillaries will become much less noticeable.
  4. Strengthen blood circulation in the vessels will help the Badyag, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is divorced by water and in the form of Cashitsa is applied to damaged areas. With strong tingling, it is necessary to immediately wash off the mask - this means is not suitable for those who have fine and sensitive skin.

Prevention of capillaries on the face

To prevent the appearance on the face of repeated capillary grids, it is necessary to comply with the principles of proper nutrition. After all, elevated cholesterol is the path to weak vessels devoid of elasticity. You must exclude from the diet all fat, roasted, smoked, salty, sharp. Very detrimental effect on nicotine and alcohol vessels.

You need to eat more products that contain silicon. This is buckwheat, oatmeal, beans, peas. To saturate the body with vitamins C, K and P, you need to eat more citrus fruits, currants, walnuts, dairy products, cabbage, grapes, dill.

Active sports will help reduce cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, saturate oxygen vessels. It should be remembered that when Cuperose is contraindicated peeling and deep cleaning of the face. It is necessary to protect your skin from direct sunlight.

When complying with these simple rules, you are provided with a beautiful, smooth and monophonic person who will be proud of!

Video: how to get rid of the vascular grid on the face