Makeup like Dita Von Teese. Dita Von Teese makeup. Makeup in the style of Dita Von Teese: how to do it right

The previous marathon was successful, and this time we chose the fatal beauty, the queen of burlesque - Dita Von Teese. Were we able to replicate her image?

At the mention of Dita Von Teese, bright red lipstick, perfect arrows and a black front sight on her cheek immediately come to mind. But for a complete transformation, it’s not enough just to make a beautiful make-up - you need to feel like the very fatal beauty that thousands of women want to be like. And today we tried to some extent to reincarnate as Dita, but whether we succeeded or not is up to you.

I cannot single out for myself the author who did the best, because all the girls, despite the external difference, look great in this image. All make-ups, despite the set standard, turned out to be completely different, but at the same time they were able to convey through the photo the very atmosphere that was required of them. What do you think?

Write in the comments which image you liked the most, as well as which images and reincarnations you would like to see in the next editions of the beauty marathon.

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Dita Von Teese is famous for many reasons, not the least of which is her flawless retro beauty. “This is not a woman - this is a work of art,” many say. She made a real revolution in the modern beauty industry, reminding everyone of the long-forgotten classic image of a Hollywood diva with scarlet lips and soft waves on her hair. We've read the burlesque beauty's new book Your Beauty Mark: The Ultimate Guide to Eccentric Glamour, cover to cover, and prepared for you Dita Von Teese's top 10 beauty tips.

Use pure coconut oil as much as possible

The antifungal, antioxidant and antibacterial effects make coconut oil the best makeup remover. It is also effective as a hair conditioner and shaving cream due to its moisturizing properties. Make sure the oil does not have any impurities and is completely natural.

Find out your skin type with this test

All you need is blotting paper or a Starbucks tissue paper. Take the paper and press it on the cleansed dry face. Oil spots indicate that you have oily skin, the absence of any spots indicates that it is dry.

Drink lemon water

The best thing you can do when you wake up is to drink a glass of cool clean water. It's even better if you add squeezed lemon juice to the water, which is rich in vitamin C, which is good for skin and bones. Lemons are a natural diuretic and help in the elimination of waste and toxins.

Take care of your cleavage the same way you take care of your face

If something is good enough for your face, then it is good enough for your cleavage. Taking care of your breasts should be as much a daily routine for you as brushing your teeth. Rub the cream into the skin in circular motions in the morning and evening.

Apply perfume to those parts of the body that you consider worthy of kisses

One of the basic rules of Coco Chanel really liked Miss Von Teese. The dancer sprays perfume on her wrists, then applies a drop to the back of her head and the base of her spine. Knees, inner thighs as well as ankles are an integral part of this process, especially when a girl has a particular foot fetish. To refresh the scent throughout the day, apply perfume to your comb.

Patience and approval are the main trump cards in successful eye makeup.

You must be very confident and correct in drawing the arrow on the first eye, as it will serve as a template for the second. Step away from the mirror for a few minutes and come back with a fresh look. With a little rest, you will be able to better cope with the task. Use a hand mirror to evaluate the arrows from different angles. Symmetry is very important, but Von Teese does not believe in spending hours in front of a mirror in order to achieve superhuman perfection.

Use two different mascaras at the same time

Eyes without mascara are like champagne without bubbles, don't forget that. Can't decide between a firming mascara and a thickening mascara? Use both! Professional makeup artists often experiment to get what they want. Cover your lashes from root to tip, always wipe the brush with a cloth before applying a second coat, and gently draw the product onto the brush from the sides of the tube to prevent excess air from entering it. Before using another mascara, make sure that the previous layer is completely dry.

Use a lip liner one shade darker than lipstick

To achieve a beautiful visual effect, a pencil slightly darker than the shade of lipstick will help. This method will add depth to the color and increase durability.

Do not wear lipstick for more than 4 hours

Remove all traces of lipstick at least twice a day (more often if possible) as needed. Re-apply a fresh layer and you will feel something akin to rebirth.

Apply hair masks with heat

Von Teese swears by doing hair masks twice a week for many years. For deeper penetration, an oil-based product is rubbed into the scalp, a shower cap is put on, and warm air (hair dryer) allows the formula to really moisturize the hair shaft.

Dita Von Teese's wardrobe is a true legend. Probably no one has so many stone-encrusted gloves, lace corsets ( over 400 ), shoes, bags and jewelry. Herself Dita says that what she likes most about clothes is not to put them on, but to take them off. And this is absolutely true - presenting yourself in clothes is only half the battle, and another 50% is the ability to get rid of it enchantingly!

Burlesque (Italian burla - joke) is a special kind of show that combines elements of theatrical performance, clowning, erotic performance and dance... Crazy cocktail!

People always demand surprise and delight! In a completely logical way, burlesque, popular at the beginning of the 20th century, surfaced in my memory. Now images of burlesque divas - Lydia Thompson, Tempest Storm, Bettie Page, Lily St. Cyr, Gypsy Rose Lee are experiencing their second birth. Corsets, sexy lingerie, stockings with garters and the legendary tassels on the nipples all captivated the audience. Well, our favorite Dita Von Teese and completely turned the passion for burlesque into a sustainable trend.

How to do your hair like Dita Von Teese.

Dita Von Teese often told reporters in her interviews that she always does her own makeup and hair styling for all parties. In confirmation Dita posted photos with step-by-step actions on her official website.

To create a hairstyle like Dita's you will need:

  • hot rollers with a diameter of 2.5 cm,
  • lightweight styling spray
  • strong hold hairspray.

  1. First, part your hair in a side parting. The parting should be very deep, almost at the very temple (this is how it was fashionable in the 40s, when this hairstyle was at the peak of popularity).
  2. Then take a small strand of hair, comb it, spray it with a spray and wind it on the curlers inward. And so with each strand. The thinner the strand, the more elastic and obedient the curl will turn out.
  3. When the rollers are completely cool, take them off and put your head down. In this position, comb your curls and spray them with hairspray.
  4. Raise your head and with the help of the comb, start to form a wave, making your hair smooth. In order for the main wave of the face to be clearer, fix each of its bends for 5-10 minutes with invisible ones.
  5. Make sure that all curls are wrapped inward. When the wave shape is achieved, apply strong hold hairspray to the hair.

How to do makeup like Dita Von Teese.

Snow-white skin, clear arrows, scarlet lipstick and burning black hair - the queen of burlesque Dita Von Teese has an impeccable image!

The basis of her makeup:

  • puppet look
  • jet black arrows,
  • eyelash volume,
  • perfectly even skin relief,
  • bright red lipstick
  • shy blush.

1. First, you need regular mineral powder to even out all skin imperfections. Start applying powder with a sponge. From the cheekbones, move to the T-zone and end with the chin.

2. Take an eyeshadow palette and focus on dark brown and black. With a special eyebrow brush, apply shadows to the entire eyebrow, starting from the end and slowly moving closer to the center of the forehead. Go a little beyond the limits of their natural growth, as in Dita Von Teese's makeup, the eyebrows should stand out clearly and brightly.

3. For moving eyelids in the same palette of shadows, choose neutral tones. It is a light brown shade, cream or beige, it is possible with a light mother-of-pearl. They will help emphasize rich arrows.

4. Paint over the entire space between the eyelashes with a pencil so that voids and irregularities do not form. And to get rich bright arrows, use a helium eyeliner. You can also use a felt-tip pen or liner, but not a pencil. Take a black liner and draw a line from the inner corner of the eye, bringing it to the outer. Then open your eye and add curve and thickness to it at your own discretion.

5. For the next step, take mascara for volume or for the effect of false eyelashes, and apply it in two layers, if there is no such mascara, take the usual one, but pre-wipe the eyelashes. False black eyelashes can also be used.

6. To get rid of fading (or dark circles) under the eyes, use a liquid corrector. Apply it evenly with a brush under the eyes and blend. In extreme cases, on the finger and, as it were, drive it into the skin.

7. Choose a blush of delicate pink shades, and apply with a voluminous brush on the cheekbones.

8. The finishing touch will be bright red lipstick, best of all - classic red. Define the contour with a lip liner in the same shade or slightly darker. Line your lips first, extending slightly beyond the line to add volume (if you have narrow lips). Apply lipstick, blot your lips with a tissue. To give a glossy shine, you can use a regular transparent lip gloss or the default red gloss without mother-of-pearl.

9. In order to become even more like Dita Von Teese, draw a small mole on the right under the outer corner of the eye with a black liner (or pencil).

And finally, makeup by Dita Von Teese.

The collaboration between ArtDeco cosmetics brand and Dita Von Teese was marked by the release of the new ArtDeco makeup collection Dita Von Teese Classics.

To create the style icon Dita Von Teese, you need to achieve a retro make-up: scarlet lipstick, deep black liner for artful cat eyes, natural shadows with matte and pearly finishes, plus blush and flawless nail polishes. All this is in the new collection in packages with vintage design and “Dita” painting.

Beauty box in which you can put your selection of neutral shadows.

Matte shades: Brunesque, Sepia, Mink, Petticoat, Veuve Noir and From Fleece.

Mother-of-Pearl: Night Porter, Opulence, Wisp, Spotlight, Gilded Lily and Plush.

Gel eye liner, waterproof, deep black. To him - a brush for a high-class stroke.

Eye styler - pencil, black shade.

A volumizing mascara that lengthens and separates lashes in deep black.

Compact powder for a porcelain complexion, translucent with a frosted finish that absorbs skin oils well and removes shine.

Blush, in four shades:

  • Starlet (delicate pink)
  • Ingenue (apricot),
  • Ivresse
  • and Paramour (both pink shades).

Lipstick ART COUTURE, shades.

Heather Rene Sweet was born in a small American town in the family of a machinist and manicurist. At the age of four, the baby got into a ballet studio and soon overshadowed her rivals with her talent. Already in her teens, she knew everything about retro style and dreamed of a career as a Hollywood stylist. But at the age of 19, instead of dressing, she came to a strip club. It was on the stage that the real Dita Von Teese was born with feathers, veils, gloves and corsets. A joint performance with Carmen Electra and a meeting with Playboy owner Hugh Hefner increased Dita's success - and now she flaunts on the cover of the magazine.

In the 90s, Dita Von Teese revolutionized striptease by becoming the queen of burlesque, the theatrical erotic show. She gushes with ideas and amazes even the most sophisticated viewer: she dances in a huge martini glass, jumps out of a giant tube of lipstick, covers herself with fans and splashes in a waterfall with swans.

The smallest details, makeup and hairstyles came out from under her hands as true masterpieces. Even without stylists, she knew how a retrodiva should look like, and surrounded herself with elegant outfits and decorations.

Having become famous, Dita Von Teese acts in films and videos, participates in shows of world-famous fashion designers and poses for lingerie photo shoots.

Her extraordinary appearance attracts men, attracts like a magnet, and sinks deep into the heart. So it was with the outrageous Marilyn Manson. They met at a vintage fashion show, and the rock hero was shy to be around his idol. Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson were a strange and unusual couple.

They met for several years, and in 2005 they got married, which became a high-profile event of the decade. It seemed that the bride and groom - the characters of a Gothic film, escaped into reality.

The marriage did not last long, and a year later Dita filed for divorce, tired of terrible rumors, noisy parties and constant cheating on her husband.

Dita Von Teese without makeup: photo

The star has repeatedly mentioned that Armenian blood flows in it. True, in her youth, Dita Von Teese without makeup is the owner of a pretty face with freckles and wheaten hair.

Dita is the embodiment of elegance, sexuality, style. But an impeccable appearance is the result of hard work on oneself.

In her youth, the star dyed her wheaten hair a rich black color and borrowed styling waves from actresses of the 40s. It seems that Dita Von Teese is frozen in one era, because for decades she has not changed her style and makeup.

Her calling card is snow-white skin, highlighted cheekbones, bright red lips and charcoal arrows.

The image is far from natural, but causes admiration and imitation. Loyalty to one's own traditions has played a role: the dancer stands out from the others and always remains recognizable.

Dita Von Teese rarely appears in public without makeup. Even when she goes to the gym, she puts on foundation and bright lipstick. But resourceful paparazzi are trying hard to take a photo of Dita Von Teese without makeup. And sometimes they succeed.

The star answers numerous questions that she is not afraid to appear without makeup. Friends and loved ones claim that Dita Von Teese without makeup is fresh and young.

Of course, age takes its toll, and close-up photos of Dita Von Teese abound with wrinkles, but the dancer fights them with the help of cosmetology.

I hate it when people publicly lie about their plastic surgery.

Dita Von Teese after plastic surgery

Dita Von Teese never hid the fact that at the age of 21 she enlarged her breasts. Dita has a positive attitude towards plastic surgery and believes that beauty can be created if it was not possible to be born attractive.

And Dita herself adheres to this principle. The queen of burlesque stuffed her signature mole on her face in the salon. A thin waist is the result of wearing a corset. When she tightens it, the waist is only 42 cm. However, some surgeons claim that this was not without the intervention of colleagues.

The dancer willingly tells recipes for attractiveness:

  • moderate and healthy eating;
  • protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation with glasses, an umbrella, cosmetics;
  • regular physical activity;
  • the correct mode, good rest;
  • love for yourself and your shortcomings.

The star encourages you to work on yourself, to improve. She is sure that anyone can look perfect if they take care of their appearance. Natural data is a template from which perfection is created. The star is not trying to pretend that she is completely natural, but thanks to the work on herself, Dita Von Teese without makeup is also good.

Dita Von Teese does not use the services of stylists and makeup artists. Even in her youth, she began to admire the dancers and actresses of the first half of the 20th century, this influenced the formation of her style. Recognizable pin-up accents in the guise of a woman who is recognized as the queen of burlesque, it seems, have always been. Dita Von Teese makeup is a good option to go out if you want to try on the classic look of a Hollywood diva. All the characteristic features of this image are easy to repeat on your own.

The lightest tone

Dita Von Teese skillfully creates the effect of porcelain skin. A similar result is your first and most important task. Before applying tonal means, it is necessary to use a primer with a matte effect. Use spot-on concealer to hide imperfections. Choose the lightest shade of foundation you have. Blend it, paying due attention to the neck and décolleté so that there is no sharp contrast with the tone of the face.

Dita Von Teese's make-up is not characterized by the use of bronzers and highlighters. You should not emphasize the cheekbones with the help of light and shade correction. But you can use light shades of blush. This will give the face freshness and will not spoil the concept of the image.

Dramatic brow shaping

Eyebrows need to be graphic along the entire length. Use the darkest shade possible for your appearance color type. Eyebrows should look expressive. A soft shape without a break is preferred in this image. The easiest way to create the desired effect without correction is with a pencil or eyebrow lipstick.

nude eye makeup

Shimmery and satin shades of shadows are not the best option for such makeup. But a palette with matte tones will definitely come in handy. Apply a light beige shade to the entire moving eyelid and under the eyebrow. The crease of the eyelid needs to be emphasized with dark brown shadows. Pay attention to shading. There should not be clear boundaries between shades.

One of the "highlights" of this image are the arrows. They give the look a flirtatious expression. The shape of the arrows drawn by Dita Von Teese is quite simple. You need to draw a not too wide line, starting from the inner corner of the eye. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer corners, a noticeable bend must be made. The arrowheads should point upwards. For accurate drawing, it is convenient to use an eyeliner in the format of a felt-tip pen.

Please note that in this make-up, a harmonious combination of eyebrows and arrows is important. Use mascara for extra volume. If you want to enhance the expressiveness of the image, it is permissible to use false eyelashes, as Dita Von Teese herself often does.

Scarlet lips

The classic red shade of lipstick successfully complements the transparent lip gloss. Alternatively, you can use a rich cherry tone lipstick. However, in any case, do not forget about the clarity of the contour. Before using lipstick, be sure to circle your lips with a pencil, the shade of which completely matches it.

Finishing touch

Dita Von Teese's makeup is somewhat retro-styled. He never goes without a fly under his left eye. You can do it with eyeliner. This detail will make your image playful and recognizable at the same time.