Diet "4 table" - features, nutritional recommendations, menu. Diet "4 table" - features, nutritional recommendations, menu Diet menu number 4

The intestines can be called one of the most sensitive organs. Its work is influenced not only by the general state of health, but also by the quality, quantity and chemical composition of the food consumed. In addition, the lower gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is sensitive to changes in the psycho-emotional state of a person, responding to stress with acute constipation or sudden diarrhea. Diarrhea indicates a disorder in the functioning of the digestive tract, and the purpose of the appointment of the fourth table is to eliminate the dissonance that has arisen and its causes.

Who is prescribed treatment table number 4

Problems with the intestines can be infectious, autoimmune in nature, and may occur due to diseases of other digestive organs. The result of all these processes is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines, as well as the sigmoid and rectum. Often, the inflammatory process leads to a violation of absorption in the intestinal lumen and an increase in its motility. As a result, severe diarrhea develops. Indications of diet number 4:

  • enterocolitis;
  • colitis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • postoperative period after manipulations on the intestines.

A common indication for the use of a diet for all of these pathologies is profuse diarrhea. This is a very frequent passage of copious amounts of watery stools.

The peculiarity is that this treatment table can be used in the acute and subacute phases of the pathological process, in the chronic course of the disease, during the recovery period, as well as when returning to the standard diet. In addition, a special diet is used during the period of obvious manifestation of dyspeptic disorders. It is not forbidden to prescribe a diet if the patient has concomitant pathologies of the digestive system:

  • diseases of the stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

Due to the variety of problems that can occur with the intestines, diet number 4 (table number 4) has undergone adjustments. To meet the specific needs of patients in the gastroenterology department, its subtypes have been developed.

The fourth table refers to limited diet options. It is not able to cover the daily human need for nutrients. For this reason, only a doctor can prescribe a special mode of cooking and eating for a strictly defined period.

Action on the body

If the inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, then additional irritation of their coarse, fibrous and indigestible food only leads to an aggravation of the situation. The purpose of the prescription of treatment table No. 4 is to provide maximum rest for inflamed mucous membranes. This will require:

  • eliminate mechanical stimuli- coarse dietary fiber, hard dry crusts, large pieces of vegetables, fruits, other food;
  • eliminate thermal stimuli- hot and cold food, drinks;
  • prevent chemical irritation- for example, carbonated drinks, alcohol, organic acids;
  • prevent putrefactive and fermentation processes- you will have to give up starchy and hard-to-digest food;
  • ensure proper digestion- it is necessary to exclude the ingestion of undigested food particles into the intestines;
  • prevent over secretion- it is impossible to allow jumps in the acidity of gastric juice, stimulation of the secretion of pancreatic juice, bile;
  • contribute to the restoration of the intestinal mucosa- you will need to organize a diet with a sufficient amount of enveloping and protein substances.

The fourth table allows you to remove inflammation from the mucous membranes, restore physiological motility and the absorption capacity of the intestines. With a sparing approach to nutrition, the load on other digestive organs is reduced, which allows you to adjust their work as well. The use of the right foods favors the restoration of intestinal microflora.

The fourth diet is also useful for people with a chronic tendency to diarrhea, as well as those with various concomitant diseases. Varieties of table number 4 allow you to safely return to your usual diet for the gastrointestinal tract and even organize the nutrition of people with special needs - gluten sensitivity and intolerance.

General nutritional characteristics

The specific fourth diet involves reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrate foods in the diet. This is carried out in order to reduce secretion and fermentation processes in the intestine, to provide optimal conditions for the restoration of the state and functioning of the mucosa.

The diet should not contain sweets, legumes, sources of coarse fibers, spicy and sour sauces, dairy products. That is, everything that stimulates the secretion of juices, requires an abundant amount of enzymes for digestion, irritates the intestinal walls by mechanical action. This happens when the fiber swells and gases are released during fermentation.

Steaming and boiling are the preferred types of cooking. Grind food should be to a liquid, puree-like state, which will ensure its fastest and most complete absorption. It also prevents the passage of undigested food particles into the intestines. Diet contraindications include bile stimulants - acidic foods, vegetable fats.

The chemical composition of the daily diet with a medical diet number 4:

  • vegetable protein - 35 g;
  • animal protein - 65 g;
  • vegetable fat - 25 g;
  • animal fat - 45 g;
  • carbohydrates - 250 g;
  • salt - 6-8 g.

The recommended calorie intake for an adult is 2000 kcal. The energy value of foods per day can be reduced in accordance with the age, health status and energy needs of the patient. It is important to observe the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). A special diet for bedridden patients, elderly patients and children must be agreed with the doctor.

If you follow a special diet, meals with a small amount of portions are preferable. A fractional diet is recommended - up to six times a day. You need to eat strictly at the same time. At the same time, it is important to drink the required minimum of water - 1.5 liters - in order to avoid dehydration and concentration of digestive juices.

The principle of operation of dietary table number 4 is a sharp decrease in the load on the intestinal walls in order to ensure their intensive recovery in a few days. After following the diet, they switch to the second table or a specialized version of the fourth.

Prohibited Products

The fourth table refers to strictly limited and low-calorie food systems. He puts a taboo on all snacks, sweets, pickles, smoked meats. The list of what not to eat on diet number 4 is quite impressive:

  • first courses - it is forbidden to use strong broths from fatty meats, soups containing cereals and vegetables, noodle dishes, borscht;
  • bakery products- limited to crackers from first-class bread, everything else is not allowed;
  • meat and fish products- you should abandon excessively fatty meats, offal, sausages, canned food, everything that is prepared in one piece;
  • dairy products and eggs- almost all products based on milk, fried with a crust, raw, hard-boiled eggs fall under the ban;
  • cereal products - the use of pasta and dishes with legumes is prohibited;
  • vegetables and fruits - all raw and unprocessed fruits and vegetables are excluded from the diet;
  • drinks - you can not carbonated drinks at a low temperature, hot drinks diluted with milk.

The list of excluded products includes all sauces and spices, herbs, as well as any flavoring additives. It is also forbidden to consume saturated animals, refined and unrefined vegetable oils.

What can you eat

Despite the large number of restrictions, the patient will not remain hungry. The list of what you can eat on diet number 4 can also be called extensive. You can get acquainted with it in more detail in the table of products proposed for use as part of dietary table No. 4.

Table - Allowed foods on diet number 4

Product CategoryDishesCooking featuresFrequency of use
First mealSlimy soups with pureed meat or steamed meatballs made from finely ground minced meat- Prepared on the third broth of lean fish or meat;
- add a decoction of rice or semolina;
- add a decoction of vegetables
Daily at lunchtime
BreadCrackers prepared for a day from 200 g of wheat bread of the first grade- A piece of bread is cut into thin slices;
- dried in the oven, without frying or browning
Meat- Chicken;
- rabbit;
- turkey;
- veal without tendons and ligaments
- Minced meat is prepared, after removing all hard parts and skin;
- prepare cutlets or meatballs with the addition of boiled rice;
- soufflé is prepared from boiled meat
FishAny river or sea non-oily- Steamed or boiled in pieces;
- prepare minced fish;
- prepare fish soufflé
Few times a week
Dairy products, eggs- Only fresh cottage cheese;
- a couple of eggs per day
- Cottage cheese is consumed only in grated form or after the preparation of a steam soufflé;
- soft-boiled eggs;
- prepare a steam omelet
1 time in 1-2 days
Vegetables and fruits- Only vegetable broth from all vegetables;
- currant;
- dogwood;
- quince;
- pear;
- apples (only they can be eaten raw)
- Kissel or jelly is prepared from fruits;
- the apple is ground into a homogeneous puree before use

Of the fats in the diet, only butter is allowed. It is used in the amount of 5 g, adding to the finished dish immediately before use. From drinks, the diet includes green tea, black coffee, cocoa on the water. Everything should be moderately strong.

The recommended products also include fruit juices, which are squeezed before use and diluted with water (with the exception of plum, apricot, grape juices). The main recipe for preparing any dishes is grinding the product until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Ideal for soufflés and purees.

Varieties of the fourth menu

Under various scenarios for the development of intestinal pathology, it may be necessary to follow one of the specific therapeutic diets that table number 4 combines.

Elimination of fermentation processes

Diet No. 4a is designed to eliminate fermentation in the intestines during sudden and severe exacerbations of inflammatory diseases. It is a therapeutic diet with a reduced calorie content (1600 kcal per day). At the same time, there is a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Diet menu for the day:

  • morning meal - steam omelet from proteins, on water, weak tea;
  • snack - fresh cottage cheese with a high content of calcium (about 100 g per serving);
  • lunch - pureed soup on vegetable broth with grated meat, steamed chicken meatballs, blueberry jelly;
  • afternoon snack - herbal decoction, or bran;
  • dinner - steamed fish meatballs, grated, tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of fat-free yogurt.

During the day, it is allowed to consume about 30 g of sugar, adding it to drinks or cottage cheese. Also, 200 g of bread crumbs are stretched for the whole day.

According to doctors, the most stringent diet option is applicable in the first three days after an exacerbation and is most often used in a hospital setting. Extending the diet for a longer period is not advisable due to the imbalance and monotony of the diet.

Balanced diet

Diet No. 4b is a variant of the fourth table, designed for people with stool disorders, chronic and acute bowel diseases, which are accompanied by gastritis, pancreatitis, or diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The diet is not as limited as in the standard version of the fourth table and can be used for a long time. The liquid and puree-like consistency of the dishes is preserved. Daily menu options:

  • breakfast - boiled pieces of low-fat fish, mashed potatoes, rice porridge on the water (ground into a homogeneous substance), black tea;
  • snack - a portion (100 g) of freshly prepared cottage cheese with a high content of calcium;
  • lunch - soup with the addition of grated carrots in meat broth, boiled meat with grated buckwheat porridge, blueberry or apple jelly;
  • afternoon snack - egg white steam omelette, rosehip broth;
  • dinner - well-boiled beef tongue and grated carrot salad, a serving of calcined cottage cheese;
  • at night - a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

The radical difference of the specialized menu of the therapeutic diet No. 4b is the ability to eat snacks: hard cheese, soaked herring, meat aspic. The patient can afford strong tea and red wine. The portion of breadcrumbs also increases - up to 300 g, grated fruits and berries can be used - about 300 g.

Switching to a normal diet

Therapeutic diet No. 4c is used after the application of diet No. 4b. It is used to smoothly transition to a normal diet or to ensure long-term remission of intestinal diseases. The diet is balanced, includes a standard amount of BJU, and the total calorie content of the daily diet for an adult is about 3000 kcal. Sample diet menu No. 4 in a lightweight version:

  • breakfast - rice porridge with milk, steam scrambled eggs, tea with milk or cream;
  • snack - an increased portion of fresh cottage cheese with a high content of calcium (150 g);
  • lunch - cauliflower soup with chicken broth, boiled beef with rice porridge, green apples;
  • afternoon snack - boiled rabbit or chicken pieces, rosehip broth;
  • dinner - meat roll, carrot salad with green peas, cottage cheese pudding, fruits, berries, tea with milk;
  • before going to bed - a fermented milk product.

A significant difference between diet No. 4c and the standard fourth table regimen is the absence of the need to puree and grind food. Grinding and high-quality cooking of cereals and light vegetables that do not stimulate the discharge of bile is allowed. Dairy products and whole milk are also introduced into the diet. Eliminates the need to dry bread. Now you can eat yesterday's pastries.

The last and most specific diet of the fourth table is considered option No. 4ag. This is a gluten-free meal plan designed for people with celiac disease (celiac disease). The main provision of the diet is considered to be a complete rejection of gluten-containing foods and the preparation of a balanced diet, taking into account the patient's energy needs from the remaining list of products.

Treatment table number 4 implies many restrictions for the patient. However, their observance will not be long-term, since such a meal plan is not used for more than five days. Further, the patient will be transferred to a more varied type of diet, and proper nutrition after the end of treatment will help to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Reviews: "The benefits are noticeable from the first day"

My child spent the holidays with his grandmother. What grandmother does not want to please her beloved grandson and, of course, she could not do without pies, all kinds of sweets and soda. Upon returning home, the child had constipation, an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. I turned to a gastroenterologist for advice, he advised me to exclude harmful foods, but it’s better, of course, to follow diet No. 4 for at least 5 days, and then switch to 4b. 3 weeks passed from the beginning of our dietary treatment, the child's stool returned to normal, his swelling stopped, his tummy slept, and the child became more active and cheerful. Watch the nutrition of your children, because this is the secret of their health.


Diet number four "A" was prescribed to me in September 2015 by a doctor after poisoning and an associated bowel disorder. I was on a sparing diet for five days, during which I completely restored the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet and dishes, of course, do not shine with variety, but the benefits for the body are noticeable immediately from the first day. The food is quite light and not plentiful, after the disorder it is well distributed throughout the intestines, on the second day the sounds and rumblings stopped, on the third the stool returned to normal. I won’t write about weight loss in detail, since it’s difficult to understand how much it took during the period of illness and recovery on a diet, but I still haven’t gained the three kilograms shed then.

Taisiya Alexandrovna,

Diet 4 table is a therapeutic diet, the main purpose of which is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and is prescribed for acute and chronic intestinal diseases, which are accompanied by diarrhea, bloating and other digestive disorders.

Diet table 4 is prescribed for a short period of time (from 3 to 7 days) for the following diseases:

  • acute gastroenterocolitis;
  • chronic colitis and enterocolitis in the acute phase;
  • intestinal tuberculosis (first week of treatment);
  • dysentery.

There are also varieties of dietary nutrition, such as table 4B, which is prescribed for exacerbation of colitis against the background of concomitant diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia), and table 4B, which is indicated for remission of gastrointestinal diseases.

Diet principles

Diet 4 restrictions apply to foods high in fiber (vegetables and fruits), which contribute to dyspepsia, abdominal pain and the development of an inflammatory process in the intestines.

Also on diet number 4, the amount of animal fats consumed is limited, the breakdown of which causes increased production of bile and pancreatic enzymes, which exacerbates inflammation in the small intestine during colitis.

The basic principles of the 4th table diet are as follows:

  • compliance with the calorie content of the diet (about 2050 kcal per day), in case of exhaustion or diarrhea, the daily calorie content can be increased to 2500-3000 kilocalories;
  • consumption of 100 g of proteins per day, including 70% of animal origin, 250 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of fats (of which 50 g of butter);
  • restriction of salt (for 10 g), sugar (up to 40 g);
  • daily consumption of 1.5 liters of water;
  • cooking only by stewing and boiling;
  • eating food in liquid and grated form;
  • fractional meals (4-5 times a day).

The development of acute and chronic colitis is accompanied by a violation of the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, therefore, on a diet No. 4, vitamins C and B vitamins in tablets should be taken daily.

For the same reason, foods containing iron, calcium and other essential trace elements are included in the diet.

Cooking features

In order to improve the condition of the intestines, reduce inflammation and the disappearance of symptoms of the disease, on a 4-table diet, you should follow the rules of cooking, which are as follows:

  • In the process of preparing soups, you can use vegetable and not strong meat broths.
  • Porridge is allowed to cook only on water and broths. They prefer slimy and frayed cereals.
  • Meat dishes can consist of whole cuts of meat, fish or minced meat (meatballs, meatballs), prepared by stewing and steaming.
  • Vegetables are consumed after heat treatment as part of soups or as mashed potatoes in limited quantities. With constipation, the amount of vegetables consumed can be increased to 300 grams per day.
  • Fruits and vegetables are prepared in the form of jelly, jelly, compote, puree, etc.
  • It is recommended to consume 1 egg per day mainly in the composition of meals.
  • It is forbidden to cook fried and baked dishes.

What can and cannot be eaten on a diet 4 table (table)

Diet 4 table helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the stool by eliminating food from the diet that causes excessive secretion of bile and digestive enzymes.

Products What can What is not allowed
flour products Yesterday's white flour bread, white bread crumbs Fresh bread, rye flour bread. Sweet pastries, pancakes, pancakes
Meat and poultry Beef, veal, chicken, turkey. Liver Lamb, pork, goose, duck. Sausages, ham, smoked meat, canned meat
Fish Pike perch, carp, perch, carp, pike, cod and other low-fat varieties of fish, salted caviar Fatty fish. Salted, smoked, marinated fish. Canned fish
Fats Butter, vegetable fats Other animal fats
Dairy Low-fat and non-acidic cottage cheese and milk, soft mild cheese Whole milk, sour cream, cream, kefir, spicy and fatty cheese
cereals Rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat Millet, barley, pearl barley. Legumes
Pasta boiled pasta Pasta casseroles
Eggs 1-2 eggs per day Fried, hard boiled
Vegetables Boiled like puree Raw vegetables
Fruits Thermally processed fruits and berries of non-acidic varieties up to 100-150 g per day Raw fruits and berries, dried fruits
Beverages Tea, coffee, cocoa (on water and without sugar), fruit and berry compotes, juices diluted with water Cocoa and coffee with milk, undiluted juices, carbonated drinks

To reduce fermentation processes in intestinal diseases, you can limit the intake of sugar, sugar-containing foods, as well as sweet fruits and berries, since glucose in combination with other nutrients can cause bloating.

Menu for the week

A full weekly menu for diet table 4 is formed from cereals, meat and fish dishes, vegetable soups. In this case, it is necessary to diversify the diet as much as possible to obtain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, a sandwich from yesterday's bread with cheese, tea.
  • Lunch: berry jelly.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meat broth, cabbage rolls with pork and rice.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese, compote.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese mass with a baked apple, coffee.
  • Lunch: compote of apples and pears, white bread crackers.
  • Lunch: zander fish soup with croutons, zucchini puree, beef meatballs with steamed rice.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese soufflé with berries.


  • Breakfast: sandwich with boiled ham and butter, cocoa without milk.
  • Lunch: fruit and berry jelly.
  • Lunch: green cabbage soup with egg, steamed rabbit meatballs, viscous rice porridge with carrots.
  • Dinner: lazy dumplings with rice flour.


  • Breakfast: viscous buckwheat porridge with butter, tea with white bread crackers.
  • Lunch: baked apples.
  • Lunch: cauliflower vegetable soup, steamed fish soufflé, rice.
  • Dinner: cheesecakes with steamed rice.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with boiled berries, butter sandwich, tea.
  • Lunch: thick fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: broth with minced chicken meatballs, vegetable puree (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower), buckwheat.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese soufflé.


  • Breakfast: steamed cottage cheese and berry soufflé, coffee.
  • Lunch: sandwich with boiled chicken and butter, tea.
  • Lunch: borscht with pork, buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots.
  • Dinner: lazy dumplings, compote.


  • Breakfast: sweet rice porridge with butter, tea with a sandwich.
  • Lunch: fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: perch fish soup, rice porridge, carrot puree.
  • Dinner: baked fruits (apples, peach) with cottage cheese.

Recipes for delicious dishes

Despite the fact that nutrition is limited by the list of allowed and prohibited foods, as well as the method of preparation, there are many recipes that can be used to diversify the 4th table diet menu for intestinal diseases for both children and adults.

Turkey pate

For the pate you will need: 400 g turkey fillet, 50 g butter, 1 carrot, onion, salt.

First you need to boil the turkey fillet in salted water. After boiling, reduce the heat and remove all the foam on the broth. 5 minutes after the meat has boiled, onions and carrots are added to the broth and boiled for another 35-40 minutes.

The finished fillet and vegetables are cooled and then chopped with a meat grinder or blender. Oil is added to the pate and mixed thoroughly to achieve uniformity. Depending on the desired consistency, add 3-5 tablespoons of broth to the minced meat. Next, the pate is laid out in a mold and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Turkey pate is served with vegetable and cereal dishes, and is also used as an ingredient for sandwiches.

Steam cutlets from the liver

Ingredients: 300 grams of chicken liver, 1 carrot and onion, 1 egg, salt.

Preparation: chop the liver and vegetables into minced meat using a meat grinder or blender, add salt and egg, mix thoroughly. Cook the formed cutlets in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Cutlets are served with buckwheat porridge.

stuffed apples

For dessert you will need: 1 kilogram of apples, 400 grams of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 150 grams of sugar, vanillin.

Wash the apples, cut out the middle and spread on a baking sheet on parchment paper. Grind cottage cheese with eggs, sugar and vanilla. Place cottage cheese in the center of each apple. You should also pour a small amount of water (50 gr.) into a baking sheet. The dish is baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes and served hot.

Cottage cheese soufflé with berries in a double boiler

To prepare the souffle, you will need the following products: cottage cheese (250 gr.), Low-fat sour cream (2 tablespoons), semolina (2 tablespoons), sugar (6 tablespoons), eggs (three pieces), 100 grams of berries (raspberries, currants , blueberries, strawberries, etc.).

First, the whites are separated from the yolks. In a separate bowl, mix the yolks with cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar. Beat the whites with a mixer at maximum speed for 4-5 minutes to form a hard foam.

Gently mix the beaten proteins and curd dough. Next, the dough is placed in a steamer mold. Souffle berries are washed, dried with a paper towel, and then placed on top of the curd dough.

Cottage cheese soufflé is cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Also, curd soufflé can be prepared with pieces of peach, banana and other fruits. In the absence of fruit, the finished dish can be decorated with jam on top.

Indications for diet No. 4: acute and chronic intestinal diseases during profuse diarrhea and pronounced dyspeptic disorders, condition after intestinal surgery.

Indications for diet No. 4b: chronic colitis and enterocolitis in the phase of mild exacerbation, acute enterocolitis in the improvement phase; in cases of a combination of these diseases with damage to the stomach, pancreas, liver and biliary tract. Diet 4b is prescribed as a continuation of diet 4. Below are examples of diet meals.

Recipes for diet 4

Soups for diet 4

Rice soup with meat broth for diet 4

Sort rice, pour fat-free hot meat broth, cook until completely boiled, then strain without rubbing, add hot water, bring to a boil, salt.
Rice 40 g, meat broth 300 ml, water 100 ml.

Pearl barley slimy soup in meat broth

Sort pearl barley, rinse, pour fat-free hot meat broth and cook until pearl barley is completely softened. Strain the soup, do not wipe the pearl barley. Bring the slimy broth to a boil and add butter.
Pearl barley 40 g, meat broth 650 ml, butter 5 g.

Rice soup mashed with meat broth for diet 4

Dilute the prepared fat-free meat broth with a small amount of water, boil and strain. Sort the rice, rinse and cook in meat broth until tender. Then wipe, dilute with the broth in which it was cooked, and bring to a boil. When serving, put a piece of butter in the soup.
Rice 30 g, meat broth 400 ml, water 200 ml, butter 5 g.

Chicken soup with rice for diet 4

Sort rice, rinse, pour hot water, cook until completely boiled and wipe with liquid. Pass the flesh of boiled chicken without skin and bones three times through a meat grinder. Add prepared poultry meat, salt and heated oil to the broth with mashed rice, bring to a boil.
Chicken meat 100 g, rice 20 g, water 600 ml, butter 5 g.

Meat broth for diet 4 with egg flakes

Strain the prepared fat-free meat broth, salt, add butter. Break the egg and stir, put through a colander into the boiling broth just before serving the soup.
Meat broth 500 ml, 1/2 egg, butter 5 g.

Meat dishes for diet 4

Steam meatballs with rice

Turn the prepared meat through a meat grinder 3 times. Sort the rice, wash and boil. When cool, rub through a sieve and combine with minced meat, salt and beat well. Cut the mass into balls and steam in a special form.
Beef 100 g, rice 20 g.

Steam chicken cutlets with rice for diet 4

Turn the chicken fillet through a meat grinder 3 times. Sort the rice, rinse and cook a viscous porridge. When cool, rub through a sieve and combine with minced chicken, salt and beat well. The mass is cut into cutlets and steamed in a special form.

Chicken dumplings for diet 4

Pass chicken pulp (without skin) through a meat grinder 2 times, add bread soaked in water and squeezed out and pass through a meat grinder again. Add the egg to the mass, gradually add the milk, mix well, salt and knock out. Cut the dumplings with two tablespoons, put them in a saucepan greased with vegetable oil, pour them with cold water and boil.
Chicken fillet 100 g, wheat bread 10 g, egg 1/3 pc., milk 25 ml, vegetable oil 10 ml.

Boiled chicken pudding

Boil the chicken, separate from the bones and crank through a meat grinder 3 times. Rub the boiled rice through a sieve and mix with minced chicken. Add milk, butter, salt, egg yolk, mix well and add whipped egg whites. Put the prepared mass into a special form, greased with vegetable oil, and steam it.
Chicken 120 g, rice 50 g, egg 1/4 pc., milk 50 ml, butter 5 g, vegetable oil for greasing 5 ml.

Fish dishes for diet 4

Pike perch with butter

Steam the fish for 30-35 minutes. Serve ready to serve with melted butter.
Pike perch 120 g, butter 5 g.

Steamed fish meatballs from carp fillet

Pass the carp fillet through a meat grinder, combine with wheat bread previously soaked in water and squeezed out, add an egg, salt, knead, pass through a meat grinder, beat well. Cut the meatballs and cook for a couple.

Steamed fish soufflé from pollock

Pass pollock fillet 3 times through a meat grinder. Prepare white sauce from flour and milk, cool, salt, mix with fish mass, add egg yolk and mix well. Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form and carefully fold into the fish mass, mix lightly. Put the mass into a special form, greased with vegetable oil, and steam it.
Pollock fillet 100 g, milk 30 ml, wheat flour 5 g, egg 1/2 pc., vegetable oil 3 ml.

Meatballs from zander

Cook viscous porridge from rice and cool. Pass the pike-perch pulp together with the porridge twice through a meat grinder, add 5 g of melted butter, beat well, make meatballs and bring to readiness for a couple.
Pike perch 120 g, rice 15 g, butter 15 g, water 50 ml.

Boiled cod with Polish sauce

Peel the cod, divide into portions and boil in salted water with parsley. Dry the flour without oil, dilute it with fish broth, let it boil for 5 minutes and put a finely chopped hard-boiled egg into it. Put the cod on a plate and pour over the sauce.
Cod 100 g, parsley 5 g.

For the sauce: fish broth 50 ml, wheat flour 5 g, egg 1/4 pc.

Egg and cottage cheese dishes for diet 4

Soft-boiled egg

Wash the egg thoroughly, dip in cold water and cook until tender (up to 3 minutes). After boiling, dip the egg in cold water (to facilitate cleaning).

Steam protein omelet

Beat two egg whites with water, salt, pour into a greased mold and cook in a steam pan.
2 egg whites, water 50 ml, butter 10 g.
Curd soufflé with blueberry jelly

Cook semolina porridge from semolina and cool. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with semolina, add the yolk, granulated sugar and melted butter. Grind all this well, add whipped protein, mix slightly, put in a greased form, and bring to readiness for a couple.
Boil jelly from blueberries and pour over hot soufflé.
Cottage cheese 120 g, semolina 10 g, butter 10 g, granulated sugar 15 g, egg 1/3 pcs., blueberries 100 g, potato flour 5 g.

Cereal dishes for diet 4

Liquid semolina porridge on water

Gradually pour semolina into boiling water with constant stirring, add salt, granulated sugar, cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. When serving, put a piece of butter on the table.
Semolina 50 g, water 250 ml, granulated sugar 5 g, butter 5 g.

Viscous rice porridge

Sort the rice, rinse in cold water, pour into boiling water and cook until thickened, add salt, sugar and bring the porridge to readiness with a slight boil. Serve at the table with butter.
Rice 40 g, water 250 ml, granulated sugar 5 g, butter 5 g.

Liquid rice porridge mashed in meat broth

Sort the rice, rinse in cold water, pour into boiling meat broth, cook at a low boil until tender. Wipe hot liquid porridge, add sugar, salt and heat again. Serve at the table with butter.
Rice 40 g, meat broth 250 ml, granulated sugar 5 g, butter 5 g.

Vegetable dishes for diet 4

Mashed potatoes

Rinse the peeled potatoes, boil in salted water until tender, then drain the water. Mash and mash potatoes, add butter and dilute with hot water, mix well.
Peeled potatoes 200 g, butter 5 g, water 50 ml.

Drinks, jelly for diet 4

Rosehip decoction

Rinse dried rose hips with cold water, grind in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 4 hours in a cool place, then strain.
Dried rose hips 20g, water 200 ml.

Dried blueberry drink

Rinse dried blueberries with cold water, add hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave to infuse for 3-4 hours, then strain and add sugar.
Dried blueberries 20 g, water 250 ml, granulated sugar 15 g.

Kissel from dried blackcurrant

Rinse blackcurrant, sort and pour hot water, boil for 10-15 minutes, then let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Add sugar to the strained broth, bring to a boil. Then introduce potato flour diluted in cold water, while constantly stirring with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil and pour into glasses.
Dried blackcurrant 15g, granulated sugar 20g, potato starch 10g, water 200ml.

Blueberry jelly for diet 4

Sort the blueberries, rinse, rub with a wooden spoon, squeeze the juice and strain. Pour the pulp with hot water, cook for 10-15 minutes. Strain the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour in the starch diluted with squeezed juice, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and add the rest of the squeezed juice.
Blueberries 35g, granulated sugar 20g, potato starch 10g, water 200 ml.

Recipes for diet 4b - soup recipes

Noodle soup vegetarian

Finely chop onions, carrots, parsley root, stew in a small amount of vegetable broth with butter, then add vegetable broth, finely chopped potatoes, cook for 10-20 minutes, add salt. Rub the vegetables through a sieve and put back into the soup. From flour, eggs and water, knead a stiff dough, roll it thinly and dry it on the table. Then chop the noodles, dry and sift the flour. Pour noodles into boiling soup, cook until tender for 10-15 minutes.

vegetable broth 450 ml, carrots 15 g, onion 10 g, parsley 5 g, butter 5 g, potatoes 50 g.

For noodles: wheat flour 40 g, egg 1/4 pc., water 10 ml.

Meat broth with meatballs

Prepare beef broth using finely chopped onions, carrots and parsley root, salt and strain. From lean beef and bread, prepare minced meat, cut meatballs, boil or steam them. Serve hot broth to the table and put boiled meatballs.

Meat broth 450 ml, onion 5 g, carrot 5 g, parsley root 5 g.

oatmeal soup with finely chopped vegetablesin meat broth

From meat and roots (onion and parsley root) prepare meat broth. Peel carrots and potatoes, rinse and grate on a coarse grater. Pour oatmeal "Hercules" into boiling meat broth, add carrots, potatoes and cook until tender. When serving, top with sour cream.

Meat broth 450 ml, onion 5 g, parsley root 5 g, Hercules oatmeal 20 g, potatoes 50 g, carrots 15 g, sour cream 10 or 15% fat 10 g.

rice soup with zucchini in meat broth

From beef, prepare a low-fat broth using onions and parsley root. Salt the broth and strain. Grate the prepared carrots and zucchini on a coarse grater. Sort rice, wash, put in boiling meat broth, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then add carrots and zucchini. You can also add finely chopped tomato to the soup and cook until tender for 10-15 minutes. When serving, top with sour cream.

Meat broth 450 ml, onion 5 g, parsley root 5 g, carrots 15 g, zucchini 60 g, tomato 20 g, sour cream 10 or 15% fat 10 g.

Soup from prefabricated vegetables in chicken broth

Prepare chicken broth using parsley root and carrots. Rinse the cauliflower, divide it into small balls, pour over hot meat broth and bring to a boil, add finely chopped potatoes, grated carrots, finely chopped tomato and cook until cooked for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe the vegetables through a sieve, put back into the broth and boil.

Chicken broth 450 ml, potatoes 50 g, cauliflower 50 g, carrots 15 g, onion 5 g, parsley root 5 g.

Diet Recipes 4 - Meat and Poultry Dishes

Steam meatballs from chicken and beef

Turn the prepared chicken fillet and beef meat through a meat grinder 2 times, mix with bread soaked in water and squeezed out and pass through the meat grinder again. Mix the cutlet mass well, form meatballs and boil in salted water, adding dill and parsley.

Beef meat 50 g, chicken fillet 50 g, wheat bread 20 g, parsley and dill 5 g.

Steam cutlets from turkey meat

Turn the turkey meat through a meat grinder. Cook rice and mix with minced meat, salt, add an egg, a little milk, beat well and form cutlets. Steam in a special form.

Turkey meat 100 g, rice 15 g, egg 1/4 pc., milk 20 ml.

Vermicelli pudding with boiled pureed meat and carrots

Boil beef meat, turn 3 times through a meat grinder. Boil vermicelli in salted water and drain in a colander. Boil carrots, peel and grate. In a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, spread the vermicelli in an even layer, then the meat mixed with carrots and pour the mixture of milk and eggs. Bake in the oven.

Beef 100 g, vermicelli 70 g, milk 50 ml, egg 1/4 pc., carrots 20 g

Veal soufflé

Turn the veal through a meat grinder 2 times and add milk sauce to the minced meat. Then beat and add the protein. Salt the resulting mass and knead well, transfer to a special form greased with butter and steam.

Milk sauce, dry flour, grind with butter, dilute in a small amount of hot milk, add the rest of the milk, boil and strain.

Veal 100 g, egg (protein) 1/4 pc., Butter for greasing 5 g.

For the sauce: milk 50 ml, wheat flour 5 g, butter 5 g.

Recipes for diet 4b - Fish dishes

Haddock stewed

Peel the haddock, wash it, cut it into portions, put it in a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and pour a small amount of water, adding onions, carrots and parsley. Salt and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Haddock 120 g, carrots 5 g, onions 5 g, vegetable oil 5 g.

Boiled hake

Cut the prepared hake into portions, put in a saucepan and pour a little water. When the water boils, salt and put parsley and dill, bay leaf, cook until tender for 15-20 minutes.

Hake 120 g, parsley and dill 5 g each.

Steam fish cutlets from mullet fillet

Pass the mullet fillet through a meat grinder, add wheat bread soaked in water and squeezed out, salt, add an egg, mix well and form cutlets. Lubricate a special form with vegetable oil, put cutlets and steam, adding parsley to the water.

Mullet fillet 100 g, wheat bread 20 g, egg 1/4 pc., vegetable oil for greasing 5 ml, parsley greens 5 g.

Grass stewed with carrots

Peel the greenling, cut into pieces and put in a deep saucepan, greased with vegetable oil. Peel carrots, onions. Cut the carrots into round thin slices, finely chop the onion. Put the fish in a saucepan, onion and carrots on top, pour a small amount of water. When the water boils, salt and add a small amount of milk, cook until the fish and carrots are fully cooked. Let stand on the stove for 30 minutes so that the fish is saturated with the taste of vegetables.

Greenling 120 g, carrots 70 g, onions 20 g, milk 30 ml.

Recipes for diet 4b - Dishes from eggs and cottage cheese

Steam omelette

Beat the egg, add milk and water, a little butter, salt and put in a special form, greased with vegetable oil, steam.

1 egg, 30 ml milk, 20 ml water, 5 g butter, 5 ml vegetable oil.

curd paste

Rub the freshly prepared cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little sour cream and granulated sugar.

Cottage cheese 100 g, sour cream 10 g, granulated sugar 15 g.

Lazy dumplings from low-fat cottage cheese

Rub the cottage cheese, add the egg, salt, sugar, flour, mix thoroughly. Roll out the resulting mass with a layer 10-15 mm thick, cut into strips 25-30 mm wide. Cut the strips into pieces of 10-15 g, dip into boiling salted water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, remove with a slotted spoon after 5 minutes. Serve with fruit jelly.

Cottage cheese 100 g, granulated sugar 10 g, 1/4 egg, wheat flour 15 g.

Recipes for diet 4b - Dishes from pasta and cereals

Porridge from cereals "Hercules" viscous on the water

Pour Hercules grits into boiling water, add salt, sugar, cover with a lid and cook until tender. Serve porridge with butter.

Oat flakes "Hercules" 50 g, water 200 ml, granulated sugar 5 g, butter 5 g.

Buckwheat porridge liquid mashed on water

Pour the prepared buckwheat into boiling water, add salt, cook over low heat under a lid until tender. Wipe the hot porridge, add sugar and bring to a boil again. Serve porridge with butter.

Buckwheat groats 50 g, water 220 ml, granulated sugar 5 g, butter 5 g.

boiled vermicelli

Boil the vermicelli in salted water until cooked, put in a colander, let the water drain, transfer to a saucepan and season with butter.

Vermicelli 60 g, water 350 ml, butter 5 g.

Diet Recipes 4 - Vegetable Dishes

Mashed potatoes with cauliflower

Peel potatoes, wash and boil in salted water. Rinse the cauliflower, cut into stalks, and boil in salted water. Grind boiled potatoes and cauliflower thoroughly, add butter, a little hot milk, water and steam.

Potatoes 100 g, cauliflower 100 g, butter 5 g, milk 30 ml, water 30 ml.

Cauliflower in a protein omelette

Boil cauliflower in salted water, cut into small pieces. Then put the koshki in a special form, greased with vegetable oil, pour egg whites whipped with water and steam. Serve at the table with butter.

Cauliflower 200 g, butter 5 g, eggs (2 proteins), vegetable oil for coating the mold.

Steamed potato croquettes with meat

Boil the meat and turn through a meat grinder. Boil potatoes, rub through a sieve, add salt, egg, butter, mix it all well, roll in flour and make cakes. Salt the prepared minced meat, spread it on cakes, form balls and transfer them to a special form, greased with vegetable oil. Cover the form with a lid and bring the croquettes to readiness.

Potatoes 120 g, meat 50 g, butter 15 g, egg 1/3 pc.

Carrot-apple soufflé with cauliflower

Peel and wash carrots and cauliflower; cut the carrots into cubes, and divide the cauliflower into balls and simmer in water, then add finely chopped apples, bring to a boil, add semolina, boil for 5-10 minutes. Then cool the mass, add sugar, butter, egg, mix well. Put the prepared mass on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven.

Carrots 60 g, cauliflower 60 g, apples 60 g, water 40 ml, semolina 15 g, egg 1/3 pc., butter 5 g, granulated sugar 5 g.

Diet Recipes 4 – Drinks, compotes, kissels

Rosehip infusion

Rinse dry rose hips, pour boiling water over it and insist in a thermos for 10-12 hours.

Dry rose hips 20 g, water 200 ml.

Pureed fresh apple compote

Peel apples, finely chop, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Then wipe, add sugar and boil again.

Apples 50 g, granulated sugar 20 g, water 200 ml.

Kissel from rhubarb

Wash the rhubarb, peel and cut into pieces, boil until softened. Then rub the rhubarb, and add sugar to the broth and bring to a boil. Combine rhubarb puree with strained broth, bring to a boil, pour in potato starch diluted with cold water and bring to a boil again.

Rhubarb 30 g, granulated sugar 20 g, starch 10 g, water 200 ml.

Kissel from apricot juice

Bring the water to a boil, pour in the potato starch diluted with cold water, then pour in the apricot juice and bring to a boil.

Apricot juice 60 g, granulated sugar 20 g, starch 10 g, water 130 ml.

Cherry Kissel

Sort the cherries, rinse, remove the pits, rub, squeeze the juice and strain. Pour the pulp with hot water, cook for 10-15 minutes, strain. Prepare a syrup from the broth and sugar, pour in the starch diluted with cold water, bring to a boil and, stirring, pour in the squeezed juice.

Cherry 30 g, granulated sugar 20 g, starch 10 g, water 150 ml.

other diets for diseases and recipes can be found here

In the 20th century, the generally recognized Soviet doctor Pevzner developed 15 therapeutic nutrition systems aimed at restoring the body in the treatment of specific diseases. Modern qualified doctors successfully prescribe various tables, recommending patients to adhere to appropriate diets.

Table No. 4 is advisable to use for intestinal pathologies that occur in an acute form and for exacerbation of chronic conditions that are accompanied by intense diarrhea. Below we will consider the features of the diet table 4, using the table of what can and cannot be consumed within this system.

About Medical Diet

The main task of table number 4 is to provide the body with all the necessary biologically active substances, while minimizing the irritating load on the gastrointestinal tract and reducing inflammation.

The inclusion of foods with astringent properties in the diet, for example, quince, bird cherry, dogwood, blueberries, herbal teas, jelly, allows you to normalize bowel function with acute diarrhea syndrome.

Basic Rules

Table No. 4 is recommended during the period of exacerbation, therefore, it provides for strict adherence to the diet - fractional portions, frequent meals, meals 5-6 times a day. Meals, pureed and pasty, prepared from permitted products, provide restoration of the inflamed area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, without irritating the mucous membrane either thermally, or biochemically, or mechanically.

In the daily diet of table No. 4, the total amount of proteins remains at the usual rate (up to 90 g / day), but fats and carbohydrates are sharply limited (up to 70 and 250 g / day, respectively). The norm of table salt is up to 10 g / day, drinking water consumption is about one and a half to two liters / day, the total calorie content of the diet is 1950-2000 kcal.

All dishes of the 4th table diet must necessarily be in a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, therefore, steamed or boiled food is brought to a pasty state, that is, wiped. Slimy dishes are welcome.

The temperature regime of food is from 15 to 65 ° C (only warm dishes, excluding both hot and cold). Hard, heavy, fatty, smoked, fried, sinewy, rich in dietary fiber and thick foods are strictly contraindicated.

Who is assigned to table 4?

Patients with dysentery, exacerbated enterocolitis, colitis in the acute and chronic phase, other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by severe and prolonged diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen and general malaise, this diet is prescribed.

Diet table 4 - what you can and cannot eat (table)

With a diet table 4, the list of products that cause an increase in the secretory function of the digestive tract is excluded.

It is strictly contraindicated to eat food that causes fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines, for example, cabbage, sour cream, cheeses, grape juice, plums, apricots, dried fruits, carbonated drinks, etc.

The diet is made up on the basis of allowed foods - for more details on what you can and cannot eat, see the table.

Approved Products
(you can eat)Cereals are prepared from cereals on water or a weak broth without fat: oats, semolina, rice, buckwheat. Mucous decoctions from the listed cereals are useful.

From fruits and berries, it is desirable to cook compotes, jelly and jelly: blueberries, quince, dogwood, bird cherry. Apples and pears are baked or rubbed.

Mashed potatoes are prepared from vegetables, fruits are added to liquid dishes: beets, zucchini, carrots, potatoes.

Of the dairy products, only fat-free or lean calcined cottage cheese in the form of a soufflé or mashed is acceptable.

From fish, only low-fat varieties are used: steam cutlets, dumplings, products from minced meat passed through a meat grinder, meatballs, meatballs, soufflé.

The same dishes are prepared from lean meats as from fish. Permissible: lean rabbit, dietary turkey and chicken, lean veal. Stringy meat is not used.

From bread: wheat crackers.

From drinks: cocoa (boiled on water), green and black tea, infusions of quince fruits and dried rose hips, blueberries, currants.

Eggs (no more than 1 pc. / Day) are cooked in the form of a steam omelette in water or boiled soft-boiled. It is possible to add eggs to the recipe of liquid dishes.

Fresh butter in an amount of not more than 5 g / day (add to ready-made cereals or first meals).

Prohibited Products
(can't eat)All products not listed above are completely excluded from the diet. When cooking, spices and spices are not used. Any sauces are contraindicated.

Sample menu for a week of diet table number 4

First day

Table 4 diet for children provides for the first day only non-carbonated water and tea. Adults on the first day are allowed, in addition to unsweetened black tea, to eat wheat bread crackers and slimy rice porridge.

Second day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, soft-boiled egg, tea.
  • Snack: rice pudding.
  • Lunch: watery potato-zucchini puree, softened boiled hake fillet, apples.
  • Afternoon snack: quince jelly.
  • Dinner: unleavened cottage cheese with applesauce, cocoa on the water.
  • Before going to bed: infusion of wild rose.

The third day

  • Breakfast: rice porridge on the water, 100 grams of lean mashed cottage cheese, tea.
  • Snack: quince jelly.
  • Lunch: turkey quenelles, liquid semolina, diluted apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack: blueberry decoction.
  • Dinner: steam omelette, hoki rice and fish meatballs, rosehip infusion.
  • Before going to bed: warm jelly from pears.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: semolina, scrambled eggs, tea.
  • Snack: dogwood jelly.
  • Lunch: rice, potato and carrot puree soup, veal meatballs, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: warm oatmeal jelly.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with pear puree, fish meatballs (fillet pureed in a blender + white cracker softened in water), tea.
  • Before going to bed: carrot juice (diluted).

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: rice soup on the water with wheat croutons, berry juice.
  • Snack: baked apple.
  • Lunch: slimy soup with oatmeal and egg flakes, pollock fillet steam meatballs, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: semolina pudding.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese and rice casserole, oatmeal and blueberry jelly.
  • Before going to bed: infusion of wild rose.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: viscous buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, green tea.
  • Snack: cherry berry jelly.
  • Lunch: semolina soup with meatballs from chicken fillet, croutons, mint tea.
  • Afternoon snack: rice broth.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese pudding, soft-boiled egg, jelly.
  • Before going to bed: pear-apple juice (diluted).

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: rice pudding with egg flakes, cocoa.
  • Snack: warm blueberry and bird cherry jelly.
  • Lunch: potato-semolina soup-puree, boiled rabbit, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: buckwheat pudding on the water.
  • Dinner: calcined fat-free cottage cheese, steam omelet, cocoa on the water.
  • Before bed: chamomile tea.

The diet is moderately strict, without deviations from the proposed diet, but it is easily tolerated due to regular meals by the hour and the intake of all necessary nutrients. Diet table 4 with diarrhea for a week allows you to normalize the stool, eliminate pain in the epigastric region and relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Be healthy!

The intestine is an important link in the human digestive chain. Most of the vitamins, minerals and other useful substances are absorbed into the blood precisely on this segment of the path from the foods taken in food.

It's no secret that children's bodies are much more tender and sensitive than those of adults. The culture and principles of nutrition instilled in a child in childhood will affect the digestive processes in the future.

If the work of the child's intestines is disturbed for some reason, it is easy to fix it with the help of a special diet. Table number 4 is the name of the therapeutic and dietary nutrition scheme created by nutritionists specifically to normalize and restore the function of the children's intestines.

The purpose and indications of the diet table number 4

The work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by many factors:

  • heredity;
  • general health;
  • psycho-emotional background;
  • quality and physico-chemical characteristics of food.

If there is a malfunction in the lower gastrointestinal tract, problems such as bloating, intestinal colic, diarrhea or constipation occur. The goal of diet number 4 is to improve the functioning of the intestines by eliminating irritating factors. Table No. 4 is prescribed for children from 2 to 4 years old who have the following diseases and symptoms:

In addition, profuse diarrhea is a direct indication for prescribing diet No. 4 to children. This is a condition characterized by repeated watery stools mixed with mucus.

Varieties of diet number 4 for children

Nutritionists divided table number 4 into three subspecies: 4a, 4b and 4c. Each of them is prescribed by doctors, taking into account the overall picture of the child's health:

Eligible Products

To make a menu for the period of diet, you must have a list of products that are allowed in the diet of a sick child. You can eat:

Prohibited Products

If the doctor prescribed a diet Table No. 4 for a child, then the list of taboos includes:

  • fresh berries, vegetables and fruits;
  • purchased sweets and jams;
  • spices, sauces, canned food;
  • fried and raw eggs;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • sausage, frankfurters, semi-finished products, fast food;
  • legumes;
  • some types of cereals - barley, wheat, corn, barley;
  • soups on steep undiluted broths;
  • whole milk, fatty cheeses and cottage cheese;
  • fresh wheat bakery products, rye bread;
  • pies, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings.

All these products are excluded from the menu. They activate fermentation and putrefactive processes in the baby's intestines, and are also aggressive in their chemical composition.

Sample menu for a child for a week

To make it easier for the baby to endure restrictions, it would be nice to plan a diet for a few days in advance. With a list of do's and don'ts for Diet Table 4 kids, it's easy to make a table of a rough menu for the week.

A ready-made nutrition scheme can greatly facilitate the life of the parents of a sick child.

Days of the weekBreakfast1st snackDinner2nd snackDinnerBefore bedtime
Mondayoatmeal porridge on the water, cottage cheese, compoteblueberry jellysemolina porridge, boiled chicken fillet, diluted juiceherbal tea, crackersteam omelette, grated rice on the water, pear compoteherbal decoction (rosehip)
Tuesdayvegetable cream soup, boiled egg, green teamannasteamed chicken cutlets, buckwheat porridge, compoterosehip decoctionapple puree, fat-free cottage cheese, berry juiceberry kissel
Wednesdayvegetable soup, croutonsrice puddingsteamed fish, oatmeal, jellyegg whitechicken and rice meatballs, diluted apple juicegreen tea
Thursdaysemolina, cottage cheese, compotecurrant jellyliquid mashed potatoes, steamed fish cakes, herbal tearice waterbuckwheat soup on the water, chopped lean beef, berry compotelow-fat broth
Fridayrice porridge, quince jellycottage cheese and applesaucevegetable broth with meatballs (chicken breast and rice), cocoa (water with milk 3:1)steam omeletgrated porridge, fish cutlet, compotecrackers, herbal tea
Saturdayliquid semolina, cottage cheese and fruit pudding, compotecrackers, currant jellyrice soup, chicken steam dumplings, herb decoctionapplesaucefish broth with vegetables and boiled egg, compotefruit puree
Sundaybuckwheat porridge with chicken broth, teaberry jellylean beef meatballs, vegetable soup, compotepear pureemashed potatoes, boiled chicken, herbal teacompote, crackers

Some recipes for children's diet number 4

Semolina porridge of a thin consistency on water is a simple and quick recipe, always a fresh dish for a diet table. The ratio of water and cereals: 1-1.5 tablespoons of semolina per glass of water. Pour the cereal into cold water and cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat. Add salt at the tip of a teaspoon and a little sugar. After 15-20 minutes, the porridge is ready.