Honey blonde hair color paint. Hair coloring in honey shades. Transformation to honey tone from blonde

If until recently platinum strands were relevant, now soft and feminine honey is at the peak of popularity. It is subject to him to transform any type.

Shades of golden caramel will give the image sophistication, romance, expressiveness

Shades of honey-colored hair: golden, blond, light brown, chestnut, red

Honey hair color is one of the most beautiful shades of red. It looks very natural, elegant and sophisticated. Similar to sweet nectar varieties, honey hair comes in different shades. They can be divided into:

  1. (sand, wheat, caramel). In nature, they are rare, they can be achieved only with professional staining;
  2. light brown, hazel), with a slight or intense shimmer;
  3. creamy palette (cream, mother-of-pearl, platinum, pearl);
Venetian blonde, which is a light variant of red

Who suits honey-caramel hair color

Natural honey strands are characteristic of the inhabitants of countries located in the north and west of Europe, which are distinguished by fair skin and eyes. But today, with the help of pigments, any woman can color herself in the one that suits her. How to define it?

The honey shade of hair suits the spring color type of women who are light chestnut, red, or wheaten. He harmonizes with light peach skin with a slight blush, and cornflower blue, brown, amber-green eyes. Its creamy palette suits dark-eyed blondes, and the Venetian blond looks good on owners of very light, marbled skin with a light pink.

Blonde Options

Ways to get a honey shade of hair: choosing a paint

Those women whom nature has not awarded with a fashionable color this season can get it with the help of pigmenting agents. Hair coloring in honey color requires a careful choice of shade:

  • Ladies who are cold are not suitable for soft golden tones - they contrast too much with the natural color of the skin and eyes.
  • Owners of platinum curls should not repaint them, it is better to use tinting agents that give the hair the necessary color and shine.
  • honey blonde will be invisible on dark strands. Even pre-lightening does not guarantee an exact hit in the shade. In addition to balancing the color, you can highlight a few strands around the face - this will soften the image.
Girls with swarthy skin and dark eyes suit golden brown tones.
  • Brunettes can achieve a honey-golden sheen by repeatedly coloring their hair. At the same time, each time they should use a pigment that is 1-2 tones lighter than the previous one.
  • Honey shades of hair can be made more pronounced by toning with a golden-pink pigment. To do this, make thin highlighting, using 3 colors of different intensities. The result should be a harmonious combination of strands of honey, apricot and golden tones.

Tip: since the line between honey shades is very thin, you should paint in salon conditions with an experienced master.


Hair care after dyeing in honey color

In order for the caramel color to be rich and shiny for as long as possible, the strands should be provided with supportive care. For this, specialized shampoos, balms, rinses are used to prevent the loss of pigment.

Tip: 1 time / week you need to do a mask, or other procedures for deep moisturizing the hair.

caramel color

The color of caramel, which won the hearts of fashionistas in 2016, allows you to make the image more feminine and romantic. Provide a variety of honey shades of hair dye, tinting agents. With them, you will feel as if you let a piece of the sun, sweetness and gold into your life.

Honey hair color has long been associated with a divine gift. Hairstyles of just this shade adorned the head of the Greek Aphrodite, and beauties with golden braids appear in the culture of most ancient peoples. A similar shade of light brown hair can soften the image, make it incredibly romantic and gentle, and therefore it is often chosen by girls with a calm and complaisant disposition.

By nature, honey shades of hair are characteristic of the inhabitants of the northern and eastern European territories, who have fair skin and the corresponding eye color.

Who is allowed to paint in such a tone?

Until recently, platinum curls were very popular. Today, an elegant, deep and chic golden-honey color has become the leader, the opportunity to paint in which any woman has, because the main thing is to choose the appropriate and high-quality paint.

Ideally, hair dye with the name "Honey color" is more suitable for ladies belonging to the "Spring" color type.

Its representatives have the following natural data:

  • Eyes turquoise, cornflower blue, hazel, blue or greenish amber;
  • Light-skinned lips;
  • Native shade of hair, close to light chestnut, red or wheat shade:
  • Warm skin tone close to peach, natural beige, soft pink or ivory;
  • Natural blush on the background of fair skin.

Now we offer tips on how to achieve natural honey hair color for women of different types:

  • A golden and soft tone does not suit ladies of a cold color type, because it provokes too noticeable a contrast between the resulting shade of curls and the natural color of the skin and eyes;
  • Blondes with platinum hair are better off using special toners that can give shine;
  • On dark curls, a caramel-honey, natural-looking hair color will not work if you do not pre-lighten them. Even so, the risk of platinum reflections remains high. To soften the image, it is recommended to lighten the strands at the very oval of the face;
  • Owners of dark eyes and tanned skin can be advised to paint in a brown-golden tone shining in the sun, which at the same time can make the strands more saturated;
  • Brunettes can be advised to try to achieve goldenness by repeatedly staining, and each time you will need to look for a remedy that is a couple of tones lighter than the previous one. It should be painted only in the conditions of the salon, and be sure to do a wash.

It just so happens that the vast majority of women are owners of dark curls, and they have to go through many trials before they join the ranks of blondes.

This idea is about lightening hair, which is done in several ways:

  • Sparing - implying the use of lemon and hydrogen peroxide;
  • Chemical - using artificial dyes with the additional ability to neutralize such a hated yellow tint.

Shade Options

Different paint manufacturers offer their own variations on the golden blonde theme, and you can choose between:

  • Beige tones;
  • Golden hues, such as: light brown medium and dark golden, hazelnut, etc.;
  • A creamy palette that is perfect for dark-eyed blondes;
  • A rare color called " Venetian blond". This color was previously common among the ladies of ancient Venice, who had very fair skin with a slight pink.

If you believe the stylists, then golden honey, as natural as possible hair color, can be made even more fashionable by adding a hint of rose gold. To achieve this effect, very thin highlighting is done with the involvement of honey, apricot and golden hues.

Whatever paint is used to obtain the desired color, golden brown or light brown curls need to be looked after with specific balms, shampoos and rinses.

All these tools will prevent the primary color from fading. In addition, those who want to make their image romantic by dyeing the strands will have to treat their hair once a week in order to fill it with moisture.

General style and makeup

Those ladies who are artificially created honey hair color should reconsider their wardrobe and makeup. The fact is that such an image does not accept vulgar outfits, bright lipstick or catchy eye shadows.

Warm tones need warm tones, so here are a few tips to follow:

  • Eye shadow should be all shades of green, gold, brown or peach, regardless of whether they have to harmonize with blue or brown eyes;
  • Eyeliner should also be taken chocolate, green, bronze, but not black;
  • It is recommended to use brown, blue or green ink;
  • In terms of blush, we can say the following: this cosmetics should be beige with orange highlights, light pink, peach or completely orange.

Owners of caramel-colored curls are rich and bright clothes, designed in dark purple, grassy green, turquoise, tomato, orange and gold tones. All blondes, without exception, can wear blue, blue, black, pastel and dark green outfits.

At one fine moment, I was impatient to get out of the black. The most interesting thing, I didn’t even think that I was so dark) In the photo, the hair has been dyed for half a year (to level 6 !!!) with professional paint (first matrix, Then Brelil Colorianne Prestige), length per 1.9% oxygen, roots on 3% . The hair has accumulated pigment and voila, the color is already level 3.


The first bleaching took place in a beauty salon (April 2018), since I myself would not dare to leave the brunette. Two girls in four hands worked on me. Hair thick, porous and long They soaked up the powder like a sponge. So the second time they applied the mixture to me, without even tightening the previous one. In places, the paint did not want to come off, mainly on the back of the head, where they worked on the hair with 9% oxide. But for the most part, everything went well, thanks to the fact that I dyed my hair for a short time, and only two types prof. low oxide dye. And this is what happened:

After toning (I think it was also Londa roots 8 plus drop 7, length 9 plus 7).


The result is good, no spots, BUT... I didn't want to be red or golden, I was afraid to see any shade of orange or yellow on my head. Therefore, 2 days tossed about, what should I do next. Eventually faded Londa Professional 10.16 which was recommended to me in the store ( consultants are not to be trusted.), she gave a barely noticeable pastel shade. Repeated everything 2 days later 9.16, again, the effect is almost 0, since it was necessary to take a shade darker than the original base.


All my toning in shades 8-7 took place within 2-3 months. Then I decided to wash off the color by at least half a tone and this mask helped me with this:

- 1 tbsp. kefir

- 2 tablespoons cognac

- juice from half a lemon.

I applied it for an hour about 3 times, but she only washed the ashes, and the tone remained.


And then I decided that 3 months ... It's time to lighten your hair again with powder. But since in the salon it is very expensive for the first time, the second time I did all by herself.

And fixed the result washing the head with blondoran, oxide, GO shampoo and water for 20 minutes. Here's what happened:

I was satisfied with the resulting lightening background. Let's get to toning. This is where I made a mistake.

Color taken for length is 10.81 (60 gr.) + 9.16 (30 gr.) + 8.81 (15 gr.). Here everything is more or less monotonous, but the yellow was a little translucent, it was necessary to start immediately from the 9th level.

Here are the roots... 8.81 on a clean white background of lightening ... They turned out gray with lilac spots.

The next day I took the shampoo "Intensive Cleansing" and after two washes the roots were no longer so purple, but still diverged in warmth with length. Arriving at the store for a new portion of paint, and asking for advice from a consultant, how can I get rid of all the tact of gray-lilac roots, I was told that this severe case, and only discoloration will help. I still took 8.71 for the roots and 9.73 for the length.


On the same day, I tinted the roots 8.71 (30 gr.) + 7.7 (15 gr.). The result pleased me, if only because I did not turn green, and I managed to get away from the gray color.

I went through with such hair for 3 days and realized that the cold platinum blond was not at all mine (oriental roots make themselves felt). And a day later (by that time the thinnest hairs began to break off) I tinted the length 9.73 (60 gr.) + 8.71 (30 gr.).

The shade of the hair became warm and I finally felt at ease. Only the roots are reddish and lightish, next time I will take 8 and 7 1:1 on them.


- Hair bleaching went well, but over time, in the next two weeks, the hair will show its reaction.

- The paint is good and I'm not going to change it. I compensate for the scarcity of the palette by mixing different shades.

- Yes, the paint is without ammonia, but you apply it with a large amount of oxygen, and it somehow spoils the hair, so you don’t need to do this often.

I have not yet achieved the desired shade tinted hair almost every day for a week. Hair noticeably suffered, but more from powder than from toning. Here conditioners and strong masks, fillers to help. With proper care after such bullying, my hair does not look like straw and there are almost no split hairs.


Honey hair color is one of the most beautiful shades of red. Today, many girls prefer to create it.

It looks seductive and suits all owners of brown eyes, swarthy, olive or fair skin. Honey hair color, like many other tones, has many shades, which we will talk about today. It is believed that the golden-honey hair color is great for women with a spring color type. However, golden curls are a kind of standard of female style. Honey shades of hair are all beautiful in their own way. Juicy honey hair color today can be obtained using a variety of dyeing products.

Stylists warn that choosing a honey shade of hair, it is important to take care of post-hair care. In particular, it is important to use tint balms in order to maintain a bright shade for a long time. However, in the summer, care should be even more active, because it is at this time of the year that the hair burns out and loses its natural shine due to dryness. To prevent this from happening, stylists note that it is important to moisturize the hair in time, as well as to carry out procedures to improve the hair.

shades of honey hair color

All honey shades of hair are warm and evoke positive associations. Let's discuss the most popular honey hair shades that women around the world are choosing this year.

honey blond

A pleasant, light, radiant blond with a honey tint looks so seductive that almost no man can resist it. This year, honey shades of hair are at the top of popularity. Honey blonde is a light hair color with golden undertones. He looks very organically paired with blue, brown and even gray eyes, swarthy or fair skin. This is a bright and memorable summer shade of hair.

honey caramel

Golden honey hair color photo

Honey color for your hair

Leafing through photos of glossy magazines, you can see that honey hair color has become extremely popular lately. Indeed, this tone is very attractive for its softness, femininity and amazing ability to decorate any type: whatever the color of your eyes or skin, golden caramel paint will make them more bright, expressive, contrasting.

If we talk about the color type, then initially the honey hair color belonged to the type called "spring". Remember the photo of Nicole Kidman or Gisele Bündchen, their curls were, the most that neither is, real honey in their hair.

You can make your hair shine with a golden honey tone, and if you are a natural blonde, and if you are a brunette. Of course, the paint is selected and used in these cases a little differently, but the result is similar and equally harmonious.

By the way, speaking of paint, it is worth noting that you should not choose a household dye from a supermarket, make a choice in favor of professional products, for example, the Russian company Estel.

Transformation to honey tone from blonde

If you have blond strands, and you cherish the dream of finding a fashionable, as if in a photo from the press, honey hair color, then there is nothing easier. It should only be clarified that it will look most attractive if you do not dye your entire hair with it, but color your head with strands, focusing on the ends. In this case, the roots can be left intact, or they can be given a darker shade for contrast. Do not be afraid to mix tones and shades, the only thing to consider is the fact that paint of different colors can be combined if one manufacturer, for example, Estel, worked on its creation.

Coloring can be done using the amber technique or simple coloring, the main thing is that the golden-wheat strands make your look natural and natural. Estelle hair dye can create such an effect if you try dyeing with golden brown, vanilla clouds, cappuccino or amber tones.

Brunette coloring

Often, honey hair color is obtained when it is planned to lighten hair to the state of ash blonde, but, for obvious reasons, this does not happen in one go. The fact is that the transition from dark to light always goes through red, and getting rid of this red is very difficult, even when using professional tools like Estel. Therefore, the best way to keep the hair healthy is not to persistently etch the pigment from the hair shaft, into the creation of a beautiful tone that can ennoble the redhead.

Achieve honey hair color in a very simple way. First, all hair is gradually lightened along the entire length or with a smooth transition from darker roots to light tips, and then covered with a soft tone on top. At the same time, take into account the fact that the paint should be as light as possible, otherwise, the porous hair will absorb a darker pigment after lightening, and the golden tone will not appear.

Folk methods

Homemade coloring recipes are methods that have been tested by more than one generation. It is important to remember that bleached hair should not be dyed with folk cosmetology, because, firstly, they were not originally designed for this, because at the time of their creation, peroxide was not created. And secondly, they can give unexpected shades on bleached hair. Therefore, if your hair has been bleached, it is better to stay true to chemical dyes like Estel.

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Chamomile infusion gives hair golden notes.

Turmeric effectively and permanently colors the hair

Saffron has coloring properties

See also the article: Beige hair color

Caramel-colored dye is applied to bleached or blond hair and a golden-red color is obtained. This complex shade is the most sought after among girls and women.

Golden caramel hair color

This refers to the wheat shade. The caramel note is added with a tinted hair dye. Looks natural and fresh.

Honey caramel hair color

This color resembles wheat, but has a more pronounced red tint. Caramel honey hair color is a rich color with a golden sheen.

Chocolate caramel hair color

This shade is similar to milk chocolate and differs only in the presence of red notes. Chocolate hair color is popular among celebrities.

Dark caramel hair color

Dark caramel color is suitable for basic wheat or light blond hair color. Dark caramel hair color belongs to the warm type and contains a brown-golden-red tint. Coloring is recommended for light hair.

Caramel black hair color

List of light golden shades

  • Paint "beige gold";
  • medium blond, dark golden, hazelnut, caramel, honey blond;
  • a creamy gold palette perfect for brown eyes;
  • rather rare shade "Blond Venetian". This shade was very popular with girls in Venice, due to the fair skin tone.

If you believe the stylists, then the honey blonde can be as close as possible to the natural color, if it is slightly supplemented with rose gold. To get this effect, very thin hair highlighting is done with the addition of honey-blond, pink or apricot and golden tones.

But no matter what dye you use to get the desired hair color, in any case, golden blond and blond hair require specialized care that cosmetics can provide.

Who suits caramel hair color

Caramel hair color is very beautiful, it draws attention to itself, forcing you to look back after its owner. But before you dye your hair in this shade, remember that you need to take into account the complexion and hair length in order to achieve the perfect result. Caramel hair looks very beautiful and chic, especially when done right. The very name of this shade sounds delicious and sweet. If you're looking to give your dark hair a whole new look and want to try out the perfect shade that's neither too light nor too dark, then caramel hair color is the way to go. However, this beautiful color is not for everyone. There are certain factors to consider when choosing a caramel hair color.

Ideal candidates for caramel hair color can be women with hazel or hazel eyes. The caramel shade is very beautifully combined with such eyes, emphasizing their natural beauty. However, there are women with blue eyes who can also dye their hair caramel. These are women whose natural hair color is only one or two shades different from caramel. Caramel hair color suits natural brunettes better than anyone else.

If you have dark hair, red or black, you also have a chance to use caramel hair coloring. However, this may require additional effort. To achieve the right caramel shade on dark hair, sometimes you need to lighten your hair.

How to do it? Here are some tips:

Tip 1: If you don't want to severely damage your hair, use gentle bleaching methods. For example, you can either lighten your hair with lemon or use hydrogen peroxide.

Hair bleaching with hydrogen peroxide at home is carried out if you need to lighten your hair by no more than two tones.

Tip 2: Be careful when bleaching your hair. This is especially true for colored hair. In this case, instead of white, you can get the most unexpected shades.

Tip 3: If you use chemical dyes to bleach your hair, then choose products that help neutralize the yellow tint.

Tip 4: Burning brunettes can use strong bleaching agents to bleach their hair. As a rule, brunettes need to bleach their hair eight shades to get white hair. In this case, the hair bleaching agent must be kept on the hair for at least 45 minutes.

After you have bleached your hair, you can start dyeing it honey. As already mentioned, there are many honey shades.

Which shade of honey suits you best?

When choosing a honey shade, you should, first of all, consider the color of your eyebrows. Light honey hair color will look unnatural if you have too dark eyebrows. In this case, you are advised to give preference to dark honey shades.

The difference in color between hair and eyebrows should be minimal.

Also consider the color of your eyes. As a rule, honey hair color can make a great pair with any eye color, with the exception of gray. Gray-eyed girls are recommended to wear reddish hair.

Some shades of brown are also suitable for them.

Material from the site http://gorodskaya-moda.ru/

Caramel hair color with a bunch of different shades

In order to get caramel hair color, you need to mix several colors. You can guess that this is an artificial hair color, but it looks very cool on women's hair.

Companies that produce hair dye constantly offer a huge range of colors, with a touch of caramel, but sometimes they are very different from each other. Each girl sees the caramel color differently, sometimes the first time, it may not even work to imagine it.

Caramel hair color, looks like a mixture of brown and yellow, with a reddish tint. Caramel color is never light, but despite this, various hair dye manufacturers may offer the following colors: caramel blond or light brown caramel.

What kind of girls will caramel hair color suit?

This color has warm undertones. Caramel hair color should not give cold shades, for example, dark blond or black. It's all about pure, natural caramel color.

Caramel color, perfect for girls with swarthy skin color, as well as with brown eyes. The red shade, in turn, will look good on a girl who has fair skin.