Wrinkles and their types. Causes of the early appearance of wrinkles. How do wrinkles form and how to get rid of them? First wrinkles: what to do

According to the medical statement, the skin aging process has been started since the age of 25. However, the first wrinkles are not a tragedy, but only a signal for action. You can resist aging with a variety of cosmetics, the main thing is that all manipulations are consistent with the age and nature of the problem.

It is necessary to start taking care of the face even before the moment when the first wrinkles appear in women. After all, female beauty and youth depend only on the degree of personal responsibility for the health and condition of the skin.

The causes of wrinkles

On average, a person notices the first pronounced physiological changes in the skin of the face by the age of 30. But there is no definite answer to the question of how old the wrinkles appear. It all depends on the genetics and individual characteristics of the epidermis. So, oily skin is characterized by a noticeable density, which allows it to remain smooth and elastic for a long time.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A .:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities have passed through me who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because science does not stand still, there are more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budgetary alternative.

For more than 1 year, there has been a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN on the European market, which can be obtained IS FREE... In terms of effectiveness, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see its most important action instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is fully restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more >>

Whereas dry and thin quickly "wears out", becoming flabby and dull. Due to the lack of natural elastin, such skin needs constant and more intensive cosmetic care.

In addition to biological factors, there are also other factors that provoke stretching of the epidermal cover, early appearance of wrinkles and visible signs of aging. These include:

  • Breakage or damage of connective collagen-elastic fibers due to hormonal disorders;
  • Smoking, including passive smoking;
  • Chronic illnesses;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • Inappropriate use of powder or foundation;
  • Sharp temperature changes in the air, an increased level of humidity or dryness;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Frequent chapping of the skin;
  • Intense tanning and prolonged sun exposure;
  • Frequent washing of the face is inappropriate;
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Weight fluctuations and a sharp decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Low fluid intake;
  • Incorrect distribution of work and rest.

In young girls, the first wrinkles may be the result of active facial expressions, improperly selected decorative or hygienic cosmetics, its abuse or incorrect use.

And even with all the ability of young skin to heal itself, it can be quite difficult to eliminate some of the formed epidermal folds. This mainly concerns deep mimic wrinkles in the eyes, bridge of the nose, forehead and corners of the lips.

"Geography" of wrinkles

The average age when wrinkles appear in women is considered to be 20-25 years. But often the first folds in the form of "crow's feet" or "grooves of laughter" can be observed already in adolescence. This happens most often due to the energetic facial expressions of young people who are trying to express their emotions as vividly as possible.

From 25 to 30, longitudinal wrinkles appear on the face. In comparison with youth, they are more static and more noticeable. The risk group consists of women with poor eyesight (myopia), and those who like to squint their eyes.

From 30 to 40 years old, wrinkles lengthen, connecting together into deep folds. Rictus forms, the so-called "grooves of sorrow," and pronounced nasolabial folds, giving the woman a sad look.

After 40, wrinkles spread to the chin, upper lip and neck. During this period, the skin needs special cosmetic attention. Without proper care, it quickly fades even in the presence of good genetics and natural youthfulness.

All wrinkles are classified by type and location. In this connection, there are vertical eyebrows, middle (at the level of the bridge of the nose), transverse, horizontal, nasolabial and others.

According to the specifics of the placement of wrinkles, it is possible to diagnose the state of health and the presence of certain pathologies.

Facial care methods

The face is not only a reflection of a way of life, but also a mirror of our attitude towards ourselves. Therefore, you need to take care of your appearance from a young age. Knowledge of the basic rules of skin care will allow you to keep it young and fresh for a long time, saving you from serious age-related problems in the future. Standard hygienic cosmetology is based on a set of sequential measures that step by step affect the skin. A typical list of mandatory procedures consists of:

  1. Cleansing. It is carried out with special tonics, lotions, foams for washing, cleansing gels and milk for makeup remover. This also includes peeling, scrubbing, and gomage technique.
  2. Moisturizing. It involves saturating the epidermis with moisture, maintaining the desired PH-balance in it and strengthening its protective mantle. Presented by a series of day cream and emulsions.
  3. Nutrition. It consists in saturating the dermis with useful substances and microelements, activating the production of collagen and elastin in the tissues. It has a more pronounced effect and is often included in the line of night creams.

This dogma applies to all skin types.

To achieve the best result, you can use cosmetic masks and massage.

The latter, regardless of how old the first wrinkles appear, is the most effective way to eliminate them. Today there is a large selection of massages that allows you to choose the most suitable option for your face.

Methods for solving age-related skin changes

There are many ways to combat wrinkles. The most effective, as practice shows, are salon techniques for facial skin care. What can you do with the first wrinkles? The top of the most popular and demanded procedures include:

Facial mesotherapy

It consists in the direct subcutaneous injection of nutrient or moisturizing components by hardware using a special roller or syringe.

Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, gives a visible smoothing of expression lines.

Botox or dysport injections

Reduces the activity of facial muscles and paralyzes nerve endings. They are performed by injecting the solution under the skin. They have contraindications and require high professionalism of the master.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Improves facial contours, initiates the production of young collagen and natural cell regeneration. They give a stable effect and have no contraindications to the frequency of use.


Fights dark spots, freckles and fine lines.

Contour plastic

It forms the basis of blepharoplasty and involves injections of hyaluronic acid, silicone, etc.

It is carried out in the form of a controlled chemical burn that stimulates the natural exfoliation of the stratum corneum. Significantly improves the condition of the epidermis and makes wrinkles invisible.

RF lifting

Has the highest efficiency rate.

The use of any of the presented techniques depends on the cosmetic parameters and the individual preferences of the patient.

Folk remedies in aesthetic cosmetology

Traditional techniques are not as fast-acting as salon procedures, however, if performed regularly, they give a good and, most importantly, prolonged result. In addition, they are completely safe and can be used regardless of the age at which wrinkles appear. These methods of folk cosmetology include:

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still in search of a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the sight of which you feel uncomfortable in the mirror.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from traditional methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is as follows:

All funds, if they did, were only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. in just a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE... You can read reviews about NOVASKIN here.

  • Massage;
  • Mask - pharmacy or natural;
  • Compresses;
  • Washing with herbal decoctions;
  • Gymnastics for the face.

You can use skin care products both in combination and separately. Success is guaranteed only if the procedures are applied regularly.

Ways to prevent skin aging

  • Review your non-verbal behavior and try to control facial expressions.
  • Depending on how old the wrinkles appear around the eyes and how pronounced they are, always use adequate skin care measures. At an early age, it can be a light hygienic massage, moisturizing creams and light herbal lotions; in a more mature one - permanent cosmetic facial treatment with the use of massage therapy, toning, skin nutrition, etc.
  • Choose high-quality and correct cosmetics in accordance with age and skin type. Properly remove and apply makeup.
  • Protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, especially in the summer. To do this, you must use sunglasses and day creams that contain UV filters.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and eat a balanced diet.

The first wrinkles on the face appear at about 25 years of age. They are very small and not yet so conspicuous. But their mere presence on her face already instills in a woman the fear that very soon there will be no trace of her beautiful and young skin. But dear ladies, do not panic ahead of time! If you notice the first signs of wrinkles on your face, then you just need to take proper care of your skin, which will prevent its rapid aging. And what exactly needs to be done, you will now find out.

If you notice the first signs of skin aging on your face, then you need to:

  1. Monitor your emotions. After all, they are the reason for the appearance of mimic wrinkles. If you laugh often, they appear around the eyes (called crow's feet) and mouth. If you frown often, but they appear, as a rule, on the forehead and on the bridge of the nose. Therefore, try to show your emotions as little as possible. This will already be the first step towards eliminating expression wrinkles.
  2. Stay less in the sun. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the condition of the skin, making it sagging and wrinkled. Therefore, when the first wrinkles appear, it is necessary to constantly use sunscreens.
  3. Watch yours. In this case, it is very important. The more you consume fresh vegetables and fruits, the more vitamins your skin will receive. And this will very well affect her condition.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Water is life and not only for a person, but also for his skin cells. With a lack of fluid in the body, the cells begin to dry out and break down, as a result of which the skin becomes flabby and wrinkled. Therefore, you need to drink as much as possible. But at the same time, the consumption of tea and coffee should be reduced to a minimum. They contain substances that lead to metabolic disorders.
  5. Do it every day.
  6. Use moisturizers and nourishes regularly.
  7. Do it 2-3 times a week.

Effective cosmetics for the first wrinkles

Today in cosmetic stores you can find an incredible amount of products that promise to get rid of wrinkles once and for all. Alas, many of them only moisturize the skin and have no anti-aging effect. As a result, you are simply wasting money and time. Highly effective creams and serums are available on the iHerb website. Thanks to a detailed description and real reviews, you can quickly and easily find a product with the desired effect. At the same time, I am very pleased with the affordable price (even taking into account the delivery).

The best sellers among the first wrinkles are:

  • ... Suitable for all skin types, especially with loss of elasticity and the appearance of the first wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid promotes the natural disappearance of wrinkles, improves the condition and color of the skin.

  • ... Due to the high percentage of vitamin A in the composition, the cream effectively removes wrinkles and protects the skin from age-related changes.

  • - a unique product for all skin types. Can be used as a day and night cream. It contains fruit and glycolic acids, which stimulate collagen production and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells. The cream also contains bee propolis, vitamin C and royal jelly - ingredients that fight age-related changes and give the skin a healthy color and shine.

  • ... This remedy has been popular all over the world since 1994. Today the manufacturer has changed the packaging design, but left the effective formula unchanged. The cream contains powerful antioxidants, white tea and lemon, which soften, moisturize and nourish the skin, protect against age-related changes by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

  • ... This product is formulated with Baobab Water and Super Collagen to intensively nourish the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Only on iHerb you can purchase exclusive products from the well-known brand Madre Labs. To get rid of the first wrinkles will help:

Gymnastics for the face from the first wrinkles

You can get rid of the first wrinkles with the help of special gymnastics, which includes the following exercises (each must be repeated 10-15 times):

  1. Say the letter "O", while trying to lower the jaw as low as possible. You should feel your skin tightening.
  2. Inflate your cheeks, closing your lips tightly. Start rolling the "balloon" in different directions.
  3. Frown your brows while raising them as high as possible. The eyes should be wide open.
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and push them forward.
  5. Close your lips, dropping their corners down. With this exercise, you should feel the tension on the lower part of your face.

These exercises should be done every day for several months. After performing them, the muscles of the face will warm up and it will be possible to apply an anti-aging cream or a rejuvenating mask to the skin.

Recipes for effective masks for the first wrinkles

- the best prevention of the first wrinkles. Their action is aimed at the regeneration of the skin, their nutrition and hydration. They are prepared from different ingredients. Let's consider the most effective ones.

Cucumber mask

The best . Cucumbers contain antioxidants that provide epidermal cells with good protection against negative environmental influences.

Preparing the mask is very simple. You need to take a cucumber, grate it along with the peel, gently apply the resulting gruel on the skin of the face, and cover it with a gauze cloth soaked in some oil on top (in the fight against wrinkles, it is better to use olive oil). This mask should be kept for about 20 minutes. After that, its remnants should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of chamomile or string.

To increase the effectiveness, you can add fatty cottage cheese, sour cream or cream to the cucumber mask.

Bread mask

Fighting the first wrinkles can be done with a bread mask. To make it, you need whole grain bread crumb. Soak it in warm milk and let it brew a little. You should have a gruel, to which you should add a little olive oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin in a thick layer for 15 minutes.

Aloe is a unique plant that will help you not only get rid of the first wrinkles, but also eliminate age spots. To prepare the mask, you will need aloe juice. It is squeezed out of the pulp of the leaves. But before you do this, you need to place the aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, wrapped in a thick cloth.

The resulting mixture must be mixed in equal proportions with honey and added to the resulting mass by ½ tsp. oil solutions of vitamins A and E. This mixture is applied to the skin for about 20 minutes.

Sour cream mask

Good fat sour cream is a product that is able to provide skin cells with the necessary nutrition and hydration. At the same time, it perfectly whitens the skin and inhibits the aging process.

Sour cream can be used neat. To do this, apply it to cleansed skin in a thick layer and hold it for about 30 minutes. Or you can mix sour cream with chopped parsley. This mask should be kept for no more than 20 minutes.

Egg mask

The first signs of wrinkles on the face can be eliminated with an egg mask. To prepare it, you will need raw yolk, which must be mixed with olive oil (1 tsp) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tsp).

This mixture can also be used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. It is applied to the skin in a thick layer and kept for half an hour. You can wash off the mask with cool water, but it will be much better if milk or some herbal decoction is used instead of water.

To prepare the mask, you will need 1 tsp. oat flour. It should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with liquid honey and combined with the whites of one egg, beaten to a stable foam. Apply the mask to the entire face area, leaving it to dry completely.

Potato mask

To prepare a mask for the first wrinkles, you need to take raw potatoes, grate them without peeling them (do not forget to rinse them thoroughly before that). The resulting gruel must be combined with boiled milk in a 1: 1 ratio and a little wheat flour must be added so that all the ingredients are combined with each other.

The resulting mass should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 15-20 minutes. It is best to wash off such a mask with cold water.

Strawberry mask

It is not only a delicious treat, but also an excellent anti-aging agent. To make a mask from it, you will need to mash 5 berries with a fork, mix them with olive oil (1 tablespoon) and add a little liquid honey.

Such a composition should be applied to the skin of the face with a thick, even layer. Keep for about half an hour.

Now you know how to remove the first wrinkles. If you adhere to all of the above recommendations, then you can preserve your beauty and youth for many years!

Who among us does not want to always remain young and beautiful? However, the first wrinkles stubbornly appear, as they say, when you don't even wait - already at the age of 25, the problem of crow's feet around the eyes is more than relevant ..

This article is mostly intended for women 25-35 years old, however, it is important for young girls to remember that it is in youth that the foundation is laid for how a woman will look in the future - whether pigmentation spots, vascular network, wrinkles appear on her face, i.e. how soon she starts to age.

The better you care for yourself when you are young, the later you will need anti-aging products.

Over the years, the processes of metabolism and cell renewal slow down, the production of collagen decreases - in a word, we begin to age.

The time comes and every woman asks the question: "When to start using anti-aging cosmetics and resort to the services of cosmetologists?"

Of course, all this is very individual, but exactly Experts call the age of thirty the borderline when it is time to introduce into daily care products to combat the first signs of aging.

Anti-wrinkle fitness

  1. Creams

There are many ways to combat aging. And the first thing we usually resort to is anti-age creams.

Most anti-aging cosmetics are designed for mature skin, which tends to be drier and thinner than the skin of younger women.

Accordingly, such creams are too heavy for young skin with well-functioning sebaceous glands.

In addition, young skin can simply ignore those expensive components of the cream that are not intended for it.

At the first wrinkles, do not immediately resort to anti-age creams - it is better choose the most moisturizing oil-free cream, gel or serum for yourself.

In addition to moisturizing, the product must have protective functions, i.e. be sure to contain the SPF factor and be able to shield the skin from other negative environmental factors.

Also in your cosmetic bag should appear antioxidant cream that nourishes the epidermis and helps the skin to regenerate under stress.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyelid area, as the skin under the eyes is very thin and it is there that the first mimic wrinkles appear.

Only eye cream should be applied to this area - a regular face cream can only do harm here.

Creams specially created for the skin of the eyelids, treat this delicate area with care and have special toning and smoothing ingredients.

They also have no spreading oils that can irritate the eyes.

Useful remedy

Beauty injections

  1. Fitness for face

5 ways to beat your first wrinkles

Unfortunately, wrinkles appear first of all in people with pronounced facial expressions.

It's time to pay close attention to your facial movements - we're not encouraging you to laugh less, but from the habits of frowning and squinting, you can probably give up.

The face should be relaxed most of the time.

There are special exercises for the face that help the skin maintain its elasticity for years to come.

This simple face aerobics can be done while sitting in the car during the next traffic jam or working at the computer.

In principle, these exercises can be done anywhere and anytime, if you do not care about the opinions of others.

Exercise for the neck and chin

Sit up straight, tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Keeping your lips closed, chew.

You will immediately feel how intensely the muscles of the neck and chin are working. Repeat 20 times.

Lip Exercise

Sit up straight, look in front of you, mouth closed. Now smile as wide as possible without opening your lips.

5 ways to beat your first wrinkles

Maintain your smile for 5 seconds, then "release" it and sharpen your lips in a kiss. Hold the "kiss" for 5 seconds, then relax your face. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise for the cheeks

Pull in your cheeks, then inflate them. Hold each position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise for the eyelids

Sit up straight with your eyes open - look in front of you. Look up and down without moving your head. Repeat 10 times.

Then, while also keeping your head still, do this exercise looking to the right and left.

Forehead Exercise

Frown as hard as you can, pull your eyebrows together. Then raise your eyebrows high with your eyes wide open. Repeat 5 times.

These are the simplest exercises that are easy to remember and can be performed without any tools at hand, in almost any situation.

There are many textbooks on aerobics for the face, such as Carol Maggio's Aerobics for Skin and Facial Muscles.

In addition, do not forget to apply creams that will help your skin maintain youthfulness and elasticity, because modern innovations can act on skin cells and work miracles.

Useful remedy

Professional help

  1. Botox

5 ways to beat your first wrinkles

For many years, Botox has held the leading position among anti-aging skincare products.

Beauty injections are the most demanded cosmetic procedure in the world. Most Hollywood stars use Botox, but not everyone likes to talk about it.

Recently Friends star, 44-year-old Courteney Cox said she used Botox and ... she didn't like it. The actress complained that the procedure made her unhappy.

In an interview with a well-known women's glossy magazine, Cox admitted: “Botox is fantastic, but also terrible. Use botox with caution.

Once I went to the doctor and he suggested that I inject Botox everywhere. I felt unhappy. After all, I am an actress and should be able to control my face.

When people get addicted to injections in the forehead, their eyebrows become immobilized, and it looks strange. So I tried Botox and I hate it. "

The actress is proud of her husband, David Arquette, who believes that Courtney becomes more attractive with age.

Botox is a substance obtained from botulinum toxin type A. Interestingly, botulinum toxin is a real poison that leads to botulism (a disease that leads to death without timely medical intervention).

However, for cosmetic purposes, small - and therefore safe - doses of this toxin are used.

Botox paralyzes the muscles of the face, which leads to smoothing of wrinkles and lifting of the skin. The effect appears 3-7 days after drug administration and lasts from three to four months.

Thanks to subsequent repeated procedures, the muscles atrophy and become thinner, which leads to a longer anti-aging effect.

Unfortunately, incorrect administration of the drug leads to such an unpleasant effect as drooping of the eyelid.

Attention! Experts say botox can lead to new wrinkles.

The fact is that people who have used Botox, without even realizing it, are trying to restore mobility to the muscles of the face, paralyzed by Botox.

This leads to the fact that neighboring muscles begin to compensate for the lack of mobility, which is a prerequisite for the appearance of new wrinkles.

If you consider such measures too drastic or risky for yourself, nowadays you can find a sufficient number of cosmetics that help prevent the signs of aging.

Useful remedy

One of the most popular ways to get rid of wrinkles

  1. Salon procedures

5 ways to beat your first wrinkles

In addition to Botox injections, there are other salon treatments aimed at skin rejuvenation.

One of these procedures is photorejuvenation. With the help of photorejuvenation, you can restore skin elasticity, get rid of rosacea, acne, and wrinkles.

A special apparatus directs a broad-spectrum light wave to the deep layers of the skin, activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Thanks to this effect, the skin becomes taut and elastic.

The procedure is painless and absolutely non-traumatic, and also has no rehabilitation need - right after the procedure, you can apply makeup and go about your business.

True, for photorejuvenation to work, it should be followed by a course that includes several procedures.

Another popular salon remedy for skin rejuvenation is chemical peeling. It is the process of removing the surface layer of the skin using various acids.

Chemical peels can be superficial, medium and deep, depending on the problem being solved.

With a superficial chemical peeling, only the horny cells of the skin are removed, which means that it is more gentle. Peeling is carried out using fruit acids and glycolic acid.

The skin around the eyes occupies a leading position in sensitivity. Therefore, the first one takes a blow - the appearance of wrinkles. Is it possible to protect the skin of the face from early aging, and how to deal with the first wrinkles around the eyes, interests most girls.

Causes and factors contributing to early aging

The first wrinkles under the eyes can appear as early as 25 years old. However, don't panic. It is better to consider the reasons for their appearance and prevent their deepening. What influences the premature appearance of the problem at such an early age?

  • Health disorders, genetic predisposition to early aging.
  • Excessive facial expressions - first of all, constant squinting from the sun, due to poor eyesight, grimacing and grimacing.
  • Lack of proper care of the skin around the eyes, frequent use of decorative cosmetics, poor quality.
  • Tanning abuse without special sunscreens (creams and glasses).
  • Stressful situations, smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep - negatively affect the tissues of the face.

Before dealing with the first wrinkles around the eyes, try to prevent their appearance and eliminate harmful factors. Start with prevention and lifestyle changes.

Preventive measures against early aging of the facial skin:

  • use cosmetics according to the age category and of high quality;
  • the action of the cream should be directed strictly to the area around the eyes, general action creams are not suitable;
  • nutrition and hydration of tissues - be sure to age at any age (both at 25 and at 40);
  • the sun's rays greatly exaggerate the risk of defects, so it is recommended to stay in the sun less (preferably in the shade of trees and at home);
  • massage, gymnastics and proper care are the key to beauty and long-term youth of problem areas;
  • a healthy diet and lifestyle will do 20% of the work of getting rid of wrinkles.

How to remove the first wrinkles at home

As soon as you notice wrinkles under the eyes, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate them:

  1. start by preparing anti-wrinkle cosmetics from natural ingredients;
  2. study massage techniques and gymnastic exercises, if necessary, consult a beautician or masseur about this;
  3. organize your day so that in addition to regular massage and quality facials, there is enough time for a healthy, full sleep (7-8 hours).

Mask recipes, which will remove early wrinkles and preserve the youthfulness of the face for a long time:

  • a three-stage remedy for defects around the eyes consists of crushed oatmeal (2 tbsp) with olive oil extract (1 tbsp), natural honey (2 tsp) and grated apple, 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice with sour cream (2 tbsp .l). The skin around the eyes is steamed and each pair of ingredients is gradually applied at intervals of 7 minutes. As a result, 7-10 minutes after applying the third group of components, the face is washed, slightly soaked with a paper towel. From above, wipe your face with cool mineral water, wait until it dries completely.
  • a honey mask is prepared from yolk, honey (1 tsp) and oatmeal flour (1 tbsp), applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. After that, the residues are necessarily washed off with water.
  • a moisturizing mask can be prepared from the yolk and 1 tsp. natural vegetable oil (as an option - castor or olive). The yolk-oil mixture is applied around the eyes and washed off after 20 minutes.

Many masks and compresses can be prepared from the following pairs of ingredients: honey and strawberries, sea buckthorn oil, cocoa powder and vitamin E capsule, olive extract with chopped fresh asparagus juice, cornflowers decoction and natural oil liquid from olives or almonds. To perform compresses, soak cotton pads in the mixture and place them on the eyelids and under the eyes for 20 minutes. Then remove and wash with warm water or diluted herbal decoction.

Massage and gymnastics of facial tissues - activate a number of processes inside the cell, accelerate the production of collagen fibers, and ensure the rapid flow of nutrients and elements into the cells. After the first session, you will notice a healthy complexion, elasticity and tone of tissues, skin tightening.

However, do not neglect the massage technique. In this case, the order, direction of movement, force of impact are extremely important. The following techniques may be useful to you: Ayurvedic facial massage, relaxing facial massage, honey facial massage, etc. All of them provide a gentle and effective targeted action on the area near the eyes.

As for gymnastics, it is much easier here. Individual exercises can be performed anywhere (at work and at home). Gymnastics for lifting the face oval, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck provides a whole range of exercises that strengthen the muscles and tissues of the face, tighten the contours and transform the skin color.

Early wrinkles are easy to self-medicate with folk remedies. There are no restrictions on the components, but what should be considered when treating with home remedies:

  • do not apply medicinal cosmetics to uncleaned skin;
  • use masks and scrubs 2-3 times a week, not more often;
  • add vitamin E to the composition of the remedy, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles;
  • to achieve the maximum effect of massage, exercises should be performed according to the instructions and recommendations of experts in this matter. If you are unsure of a sufficient skill, consult with a specialist or entrust him to teach you this.
  • when preparing nourishing masks and creams, take into account the peculiarities of your type of epidermis;
  • in the presence of wounds, injuries, rashes on the face with massage, peels, it is better to wait.

Store funds

Store-bought creams and masks are also suitable for treating skin blemishes. The main thing is that they are of the appropriate quality, correctly selected and do not contain alcohol additives that are detrimental to young skin.

Never buy anti-aging cosmetics. For 25-30 years, it is not yet needed, the skin itself copes with the production of elastin, it is only necessary to properly nourish and moisturize it.

However, keep in mind that no one can guarantee the quality of the components, their freshness and effectiveness of the action, in contrast to the funds prepared on their own.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes in the salon

It is not necessary to resort to drastic measures to treat the early signs of skin aging. Limit yourself to mesotherapy, ozone therapy, peeling and massage aimed at young skin.

What else is important for young skin

  • Nutrition. Healthy foods for preventing aging at an early age are fresh ripe tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, all dairy products, sea fish and honey. Their constant use will increase the immunity of cells, activate important functions, provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, relieve the lack of moisture and early wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Healthy sleep. Eliminate bulky pillows, do not sleep on your stomach and in the same position. The duration of full sleep is considered 7-8 hours at least.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Get rid of smoking, alcohol. Even the smoke from cigarettes has a negative effect on the skin of the face.
  • Sport. Go in for fitness, yoga. Walking in the fresh air is also beneficial for young skin.

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How many times does every girl and woman wonder with horror why wrinkles appear around the eyes? Perhaps a lot. To dispel these fears, we will study them from the inside, arm ourselves with the knowledge of how to deal with them.

Usually the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. At first, these may be small lines, which, if you do not pay enough attention to them, eventually turn into deep folds, spoiling the aesthetic appearance and aging a person.

What is the cause of wrinkles around the eyes?

Why do the first wrinkles appear around the eyes? The reason for this vulnerability of this area of ​​the skin is its dryness and almost complete absence of muscles. When a person experiences certain emotions and experiences, this is fully reflected on his face. Therefore, the skin around the eyes suffers the most from the manifestation of emotions - it has a huge load.

Interestingly, you can get rid of deep wrinkles on the neck.

When people express their feelings through facial expressions, they tense certain muscle groups, as a result of which the skin above them contracts and stretches. In her youth, she copes with this task more easily, but with age, when elasticity is lost, returning to its original state becomes more difficult. This is why the first wrinkles appear. Therefore, the cause of the first wrinkles around the eyes can also be excessive mobility of the face.

Also, some people have a habit of squinting in the wind and sun. In such cases, it is recommended to wear sunglasses, which will reduce the vulnerability of the eyes. However, it is necessary to choose glasses only from glass, because plastic does not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and wearing such low-quality glasses will only bring harm, not benefit.

No skin cream will save you from age

The main cause of wrinkles is biological aging, when irreversible processes occur in the human body that affect all organs and systems. The skin, being one of the human organs, gradually fades with age, which is due to the following reasons:

  1. deterioration in blood circulation;
  2. weakening and partial cessation of the performance of the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  3. deterioration of the regeneration process;
  4. decrease and partial disappearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  5. a decrease in the amount of elastin and collagen in the dermis of the skin, etc.

At what age do the first wrinkles appear?

Dermatologists claim that the aging process of the skin begins at the age of 25. As a rule, the first wrinkles appear at the age of 25-30, when the aging process begins in the skin, it becomes less elastic and elastic, and loses moisture. However, sometimes the first wrinkles can appear even at the age of 10-20 years.

Why do wrinkles appear sometimes at an early age? The cause of premature wrinkles can also be frequent stress, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and excessive amounts of coffee), unhealthy diet, lack of mobility, lack of sleep, adherence to strict diets, etc. All these factors reduce the firmness and elasticity of the skin, dry it out, resulting in a violation of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Read more about how small and furry lychee fruit is good for you

How to avoid the appearance of wrinkles?

To avoid premature wrinkles, you need to monitor your health, eat right, avoid bad habits, and get enough sleep.

Try to drink as much water as your doctors advise - about 2 liters a day. Lack of moisture can also cause wrinkles around the eyes.

It is also necessary to properly care for the skin of the face, in particular around the eyes. It needs to be properly cleaned, nourished, moisturized. It is recommended to make masks. You can start using light creams at a fairly early age - now the market provides a wide range of special light creams designed for young people. It must be remembered that the skin around the eyes is very vulnerable and requires special care. Therefore, in no case should you use a face cream for her, as it may turn out to be too heavy.

You need to sleep as much as your body specifically requires. We are all individuals.

Do not overdry the skin, in particular with an abundance of decorative cosmetics, abuse dusting. Keep track of how much makeup you put on your face and what quality it is.

You also need to watch out for facial expressions - do not grimace too intensely. Try to keep track of how many times a day you do a certain facial expression and why. You need to try to control your emotions and the level of their display on the face.

Following these rules, you will give your skin health and beauty, and yourself confidence and irresistibility for every day!

Today 29.03.2018

The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. When, at what age do wrinkles appear? How to get rid of? How to remove wrinkles? Many people know that wrinkles can tell us about the human character. However, few people know that they are used to judge the state of health.

Wrinkles on the face. I would not like to upset you, but wrinkles, over time, appear in everyone. When exactly they appear depends on the type of skin. People with thick skin do not have wrinkles for a very long time, while people born with thin skin have wrinkles much earlier.

Wrinkles are not always pests. The fact is that, very often, precisely by the location of wrinkles, one can determine that some kind of disease has "settled" in the body. Which one - you can find out by passing the examination and consulting a doctor.

So, let's talk about what wrinkles are.

Cheekbone - chin wrinkles signal hypofunction of the pancreas and stomach. If the wrinkle (transverse) is at the level of the chin, there is congestion in the pelvic area and liver.

Vertical glabellar wrinkle on the right means you have gallbladder or liver dysfunction. If the vertical line between the eyebrows is on the left, you have problems with the spleen. A wrinkle at the bridge of the nose(middle) reports stomach problems. Transverse wrinkle- a sign of osteochondrosis.

Vertical(shallow) wrinkles located above the upper lip are exclusively in women, since wrinkles of such an arrangement indicate some kind of gynecological diseases. A sign of gastritis and a predisposition to problems with the pancreas is wrinkles (vertical) from the corners of the mouth down.

Nasolabial wrinkles(folds): drawn in relief - gastrointestinal dysfunctions; symmetrical on both sides, deep - failures in the gastrointestinal tract; a very deep groove on the right - something is wrong with the gallbladder or with the liver.

Wrinkles on the face. When, at what age do wrinkles appear?

How and when are wrinkles born? They may appear already in 10 - 20 years old... Wrinkles that appear at this age are called mimic. The reason for their appearance is the very frequent contraction of the facial muscles. How to prevent their occurrence? No need to laugh hard, make grimaces, make faces, wrinkle your forehead and nose.

The earliest(first) wrinkles - "focus" wrinkles (vertical wrinkles on the forehead) and "worries" wrinkles (horizontal wrinkles on the forehead).

Age 15 - 20 years old... “Crow's feet” (“laugh lines”) are born - these lines appear at the outer corners of the eyes.

By the age of thirty, wrinkles (longitudinal) on the upper eyelids become even more noticeable. They appear most quickly in those women who often squint their eyes and in those who suffer from myopia and do not wear glasses.

WITH 25 years wrinkles of the face are already beginning to appear at the place of the "dimples" at the cheeks. And by the age of forty, these wrinkles become longer and join, in a deep fold, under the chin. After 30 years, women develop “folds of sorrow” (rictus) and wrinkles (in the nasolabial areas). Rictus ages any woman, as her face looks sad and dull. You can avoid deepening the "mournful lines" if you often keep your jaw open.

TO 40 years“monkey” wrinkles appear (on the chin and on the upper lip of the face). Neck wrinkles will appear, first of all, in those who read in bed and sleep on a high pillow. They can also appear when a person has an incorrect posture or sedentary work, which makes him often tilt his neck. In order to maintain the elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to wash your neck in the evenings and then rub it thoroughly with a terry towel.

Wrinkles on the face. The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

What other causes of wrinkles are there?

  1. Second hand smoke.
  2. Long exposure to the sun.
  3. Chronic diseases.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Frequent dusting and washing of the face
  7. Long exposure to the wind.
  8. Increased humidity and dryness of the air.
  9. Temperature fluctuations in the air.

How to get rid of? How to remove facial wrinkles? How to prevent their occurrence?

Can facial wrinkles be prevented? Sure. Now, about this, we will tell you in detail. Preventive “work” should be started at the age of thirty. If time is lost, then at forty. The main thing is to start!

And start, perhaps, with salt procedures. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and pat it on your neck and face for five minutes.

In the fight against wrinkles forehead, a strip of smooth thin paper (cellophane, parchment, tracing paper) will help you. Lubricate the strip with cream and place it firmly in the center of the forehead. Before the procedure, lower your eyelids and smooth out wrinkles with your hand. Cover a strip of paper with gauze or an elastic bandage. At first, keep this bandage on the forehead for 20 minutes. When you do it for about the fifth time, keep it for a longer time. If you decide to try the effectiveness of this procedure on yourself, do eye exercises for several weeks. Do it so as not to wrinkle your forehead at all.

Thanks to such a bandage, the folds on the forehead lose their bulge within three weeks. Women over thirty-five years old should definitely use paraffin wax after a paper dressing. A course with a paraffin procedure must be taken several times a year, in the autumn or spring.

Strengthen forehead muscles while doing this exercise. Pull your eyelids down and, without wrinkling your forehead, lift them. Do this exercise every day (twice a day). For the exercise to be more effective, support the wrinkles with your hand while moving your eyes.

Self-massage- a wonderful tool. Swirl your face gently with your fingertips (for five minutes). It strengthens the skin and improves blood circulation.

Masks anti-wrinkle:

  1. Zheltkovo - buttery. Mix castor or camphor oil (one-second teaspoon) with egg yolk.
  2. Sour yeast. Dissolve sour cream and 25 grams of yeast with water. Let stand until fermented.
  3. Zheltkovo - honey. Mash the yolk from one teaspoonful. spoon of glycerin and teaspoon. a spoonful of honey.
  4. Protein - lemon. Whisk in the egg white. Add lemon juice and salt (on the tip of a knife). Stir this mixture thoroughly.

NS continuation follows:

Laser facial rejuvenation. Reviews. Double chin.

Aging facial skin? > Smoothing wrinkles.

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The problem of aging, "return of youth" and prolongation of life, have been of interest to a person since ancient times. Nature has endowed a person with a short life span, but his physiological resources, his reserves, a margin of safety are designed for more. The following facts are known: an old man lived in Iran, who at 195 was still working without glasses, and in Bolivia, one woman was able to work at 203. In 1925, in Hungary, a married couple died when he was 172 and she was 164. There are many examples of longevity in the Caucasus, but the average life expectancy of a person remains low: 60-70 years, and in some countries up to 40 years. Some researchers believe that 30% of people who have died over the age of 85 died not from diseases, but from the loss of the ability to resist disorders that would cause minimal changes at a young age.

The above examples of longevity are examples of physiological old age - a natural biological process, morphological and functional changes in the body. These changes take over the internal organs and systems, as well as the tissues that make up the external appearance of a person.

Along with the inevitably advancing physiological old age, an illegal process often takes place - premature old age, which occurs early, as a result of pathological changes and conditions. There are known examples of premature old age, which occurs before the full maturation of the organism.

Before setting out the structural, anatomical and functional age-related changes in the face, it is appropriate to give the characteristics of the face of an elderly person.
-Soft facial tissues become flabby, bone structures are more clearly manifested;
- cheekbones stand out more and accentuate sunken cheeks;
- the cheeks "fall through" due to loss of skin elasticity, weakening of the chewing muscles and loss of teeth;
-the chin protrudes forward and upward;
- the lips lose their volume, become thinner and "fall through", especially with the loss of the front teeth or their abrasion, the number of vertical wrinkles on the lips increases;
-the distance between the tip of the nose and the chin decreases, the relief of the nasolabial fold is softened, and the nasolabial fold becomes more pronounced;
- due to the weakening of the circular muscle of the mouth and other labial muscles, the general appearance of the oral slit changes: it visually "compresses", and the corners of the mouth descend;
-the tip of the nose thickens and becomes tilted downward;
- hair appears in the nostrils;
- due to the weakening of the cartilaginous structure, the outlines of the nose lose their clarity;
- wrinkles, folds and age spots are visible on the skin;
- the whiskers become flat, sometimes sunken, which is associated with atrophy of the temporal muscle, the outlines of the saphenous veins and arteries may appear;
- the eyebrows become stiff, bushy, their hair can move down or up from the eyebrow line;
- the skin of the eyelids loses its elasticity, becomes flabby, this is especially noticeable on the upper eyelid, transverse wrinkles or large folds are formed on it; due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, it is possible to push forward the bundle of the eyelid, as a result, the appearance of the middle part of the upper eyelid changes;
- numerous wrinkles are formed around the outer corner of the eye, around the lower eyelid, sometimes reaching the temple;
- eyelashes thin and lose their shape;
- fatty deposits and fluid accumulate in the lower eyelids, as a result, bags are formed, in addition, the swelling of the lower eyelids may be associated with some diseases;
- the eyeballs sink into the orbital sockets, the contours of the eyes change, which is associated with a reduction in adipose tissue in the orbital region;
-the crease of the eyelid is reduced due to the weakening of the muscle lifting the eyelid and the circular muscle of the eye;
-the pupil is reduced;
- the iris slightly changes color, which is associated with a decrease in the amount of pigment;
- thin convoluted capillaries may appear on the conjunctiva;
- due to the infiltration of lipid substances, the sclera becomes yellowish;
- the cornea loses its luster and clarity, which is associated with a decrease in the amount of tear fluid;
- the lens becomes denser, acquires a yellowish tint, it becomes clouded;
- the auricles lengthen, due to the loss of elasticity of the cartilaginous structure; the earlobe sags, vertical wrinkles and folds appear on it; hairs appear on the inner surface of the tragus, at the entrance to the external auditory canal;
- in front of the tragus, thin vertical wrinkles are visible (in men, they appear earlier than in women);
-the wrinkles behind the auricles are marked more clearly;
-hair becomes thinner, turns gray, thinns or falls out; this process begins in the frontotemporal regions and at the crown;
- in women during menopause (over 50), hair may appear on the face, usually above the upper lip and on the chin.

Age-related changes are determined by the time of their appearance, and depend on the speed and degree of change in individual signs. The degree of aging is considered to be the totality of age-related changes in the body at a given moment.

These changes occur constantly, and at certain intervals, the same signs will have different severity, depending on the rate of aging. Thus, the rate of aging is the change in the rate of aging per unit of time.

The human body is aging according to the same physiological laws as the body of other animals. Senile changes in a person and his appearance, in particular the face and neck, are considered a manifestation of complex interrelated processes occurring in the body, depending on a decrease in the activity and functional ability of many organs and systems. These processes are defined at the macro and micro levels. An example of morphological changes at the macrolevel are age-related changes in connective tissue and blood vessels, which gave rise to the well-known saying: "A person has the age of his blood vessels." Changes at the micro level relate to cellular processes that directly or indirectly depend on genetic information that is encoded in the DNA base sequence of germ cells.

It is well known that in recent decades in economically developed countries, the average life expectancy of people has increased dramatically. But this increase is not a consequence of aging deceleration. Sociologists and demographers attribute this to a sharp decline in childhood mortality, a decline in fertility, and the success achieved in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Statisticians argue that mortality among people of the elderly and senile age, at present, does not differ significantly from the mortality rate of people of this age in the last century.

Physiological old age is a natural, biological process of structural and functional changes in the body, proceeding for a long time and unevenly. The speed of these changes, leading to the premature aging of a person and his appearance, depends on many factors closely related to each other. The physical and mental state of the body is certainly reflected in the external appearance of a person and especially on his face, which is figuratively formulated in the expression: "A person's face is a mirror of his soul and body." Excessive positive or negative psycho-emotional overstrain (stress), causing vasospasm and disruption of trophism, predispose to premature aging and can cause early age-related changes in the skin, in particular the appearance of wrinkles and folds.

Under the influence of the above reasons and environmental factors, the most pronounced changes occur in the soft tissues of the face and neck, which depend on the condition of the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles. Since these tissues, together with the bone-cartilaginous skeleton, mainly play the role of a plastic material of the face, any changes in them are reflected in the external appearance of a person. Their structure, turgor, elasticity, spatial orientation, color and other qualities determine its architectonics and expressive properties. The activity of mimic and chewing muscles, the preservation or absence of teeth, and the peculiarities of articulation play an important role in the features of the structure of the face. With age, all facial tissues are rebuilt, as a result of which its shape and expressiveness change.

The subcutaneous fat layer, at first hypertrophying, gradually atrophies and is replaced by coarse collagen fibers. Its localization is also being redistributed. If in adolescence the fat layer predominates on the cheeks, then with age it atrophies and is deposited most of all in the chin region. In this regard, the shape of the face changes - it lengthens. If baldness is added to this, then the face appears even longer. Muscle tone and function is weakened, their density and volume decrease. A decrease in the motor activity of the muscles impoverishes the facial expressions and plastic expressiveness of the face, which becomes mask-like, the circular muscle of the mouth atrophies, the lips become thinner and wrinkled, their mucous membrane becomes thinner, the Cupid's line is smoothed out.
Paired muscles take part in the shaping of the face - the chewing and temporal muscles themselves. In youth, they give the face a rounded shape, and with age, due to their atrophy and thinning of the fat layer, the cheeks and temporal regions sink. The mimic muscles themselves are relatively thin, so their role in the shaping of the face is insignificant. However, due to the peculiarity of their attachment, they play a major role in facial expressions during dynamic movements (conversation, smile, laughter, facial expressions), in the movement of the facial skin, which predetermines the early appearance of wrinkles and facial folds. Due to the fact that they are mainly grouped around the natural openings - the eye sockets, mouth, nose, ear, these areas are earlier than others and undergo senile changes.
Even more pronounced morphological changes occur in the skin, which is associated with a thickening of elastic and a decrease in collagen fibers, a change in fat distribution. In addition, the skin of the face grows much faster and over time much longer than the facial skeleton. An increase in skin mass and structural changes associated with these factors lead to the formation of natural folds, a change in the shape of the soft parts of the face and, ultimately, to a coarsening of its features.

Structural, anatomical and functional age-related changes in the tissues of the face and neck lead to pronounced morphological signs of aging, manifested first of all in the form of wrinkles. In some places they are formed transversely (forehead, neck), in others - radially (outer corner of the eye), in others - in parallel (upper lip, cheeks). The appearance of certain folds on the face reflects not only age-related changes, but also captures the imprints of a person's character in a peculiar way. By the predominance of certain folds on a person's face, one can recognize the features of his character, the transferred emotional experiences. So, with excessive activity of the "attention muscle" on the forehead, lateral folds form early, giving the face an expression of concentrated attention and surprise. If in a person the pyramidal muscle ("muscle of the proud") was functioning most actively, then transverse folds appear prematurely in the region of the bridge of the nose and the inner corners of the eyebrows descend, fixing an expression of severity, discontent, severity on the face.

The ability to manage emotions and facial movements helps to delay the manifestations of age-related changes.
Despite the fact that age-related changes in the face are individual and diverse, scientists managed to systematize them, highlighting the main and secondary signs. The first include a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues, dryness and thinning of the skin, its wrinkling (folding), senile deformity. The second - edema and pastiness around the eyes, porosity of the skin, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia and others. At different age periods, they can manifest themselves to varying degrees and do not coincide in time. But the main four signs are sure to be in all people, and the secondary ones are only possible. Their phased appearance is described by many authors, but approximately they coincide. II Kolgunenko (1974) presented them as follows. First of all, the elasticity of soft tissues decreases, which manifests itself in their increased displacement relative to the skeleton. A similar lethargy of the tissues of the entire face or parts of it in many people occurs as early as 25-30 years. Clinically, it is manifested by the porosity of the skin. In the age group from 17 to 25 years old, the porosity of the skin appears from 18-20 years, and sometimes even earlier. Another major sign of aging is wrinkles and folds, which may or may not be due to skin laxity. In the early period (at the age of 20), they are formed with a dynamically active state of the face (laughter, smile, conversation) and for a short time, completely disappearing. At the age of over 25, they are no longer completely smoothed, and thin dry skin is more likely to age. The order and time of the appearance of wrinkles are more or less natural. The severity of wrinkles is determined either by a descriptive method (initial, medium, pronounced and sharp) or in millimeters. In addition, wrinkles are categorized in order. The first order wrinkles include the frontal, nasolabial and corners of the eyes. For wrinkles of the 2nd order - interbrowbrow, pregrain, cervical; 3rd order - on the earlobes, on the bridge of the nose, on the upper and lower lip. 4th order wrinkles cover the entire surface of the face. In men, wrinkles appear 2-5 years earlier than in women, although their facial expressions are usually richer.

Frontal wrinkles become noticeable from the age of 20. By the age of 30 they are more pronounced, and at the age of 50 the frontal wrinkling becomes sharply expressed (Fig. 52).

Rice. 52 Timing of the appearance of wrinkles

The nasolabial folds appear at the age of 20-25, and by the age of 35 they deepen and turn into a furrow, sharply expressed at 45-50 years.
The folds at the corners of the mouth begin to deepen at age 35.

Infraorbital wrinkling appears by the age of 25 as well as wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes ("crow's feet").
Pregranular wrinkles become noticeable in men at the age of 30-35, in women at 40.

Neck wrinkles appear from the age of 25, going down and anteriorly with age, and glabellar wrinkles - at a later age (50-55 years).

3rd order wrinkles are easily identified at 55-60 years of age. Earlier facial wrinkling is promoted by professional and characteristic habits, the condition of the dentition, the height of the lower third of the face, which decreases with erasure of teeth, deep bite and defects in the dentition. In addition to the formation of wrinkles, other facial appearances also change with age: the configuration of the hairline, the eyebrows increase in width and drop, the swelling of the upper eyelid disappears, the red border of the lips becomes thinner, and the corners of the mouth drop. By the age of 50-55, the width of the face increases, its height in the bite decreases, and the profile of the face changes.
Age-related changes in the shape of the face (senile deformity) occurs in the later stages of life. But some of its parts are deformed as early as 30-40 years old (for example, eyelids). The descending soft tissues of the face change its oval, emphasize the nasolabial and cheek-chin folds. Deep wrinkles at the corners of the mouth increase the size of the mouth and exacerbate the impression of drooping corners. The redistribution of soft body mass and a change in the axes of orientation leads to the fact that with age, the face acquires an expression of severity, severity and sadness. The described picture is aggravated by the absence of teeth and thinning of the alveolar processes, which serve as support for the lips and cheeks. In this regard, the lips are puckered and sunken, emphasizing the protrusion of the nose and chin.

A number of other signs are also attributed to age-related changes:
- brown age spots ("senile buckwheat" or "senile freckles");
- yellowish seals on the skin, possibly cysts;
- Convex pigmented skin lesions that look like warts;
- constant bruising, bruising;
- reddish vascular formations in different areas of the face - on the lips, ears, etc.;
- capillary nets on the nose, cheeks and other places.
The constitutional and architectonic features of the face are most of all manifested with age, therefore they are used in the classifications of age-related changes. I.I.Kolgunenko (1974), basing this classification on three features - a decrease in soft tissue elasticity, wrinkling and senile deformation, identified five types of early stages of aging and one type of late stage.
She attributed premature aging and an early form of natural aging to the early stages. Among them, the first type is characterized by a "tired face", i.e. a decrease in the elasticity of the soft tissues of the face and neck; the second type is a "wrinkled face" with fine wrinkles; the third type is a “deformed face” with senile deformity of the face and neck; the fourth is a combined type with the inclusion of the three previous features; the fifth is the muscular type.
The late stage of aging includes the middle and late forms of natural aging, forming the sixth type, in the form of "senile emaciated face".

According to the first type, people age with an average position between a wide and narrow face, with normal in youth and moderately dry skin in middle age, with an average severity of the subcutaneous fat and muscle layer. During this period, tissue fading begins, but there are no permanent wrinkles yet. The shape of the face remains unchanged, although its youthful roundness is already disappearing.

For the second type of aging, wrinkles are the main ones. It is characteristic of narrow oval faces of asthenics, with poorly developed subcutaneous fat, dry thinned skin of the face. Constitutionally, these people are not inclined to be overweight, and therefore have a stable weight at the age of 35-45.

The third type of aging predominates in persons of a pyknic nature, with oily, porous skin and large facial features. Constitutionally, they tend to be overweight already at 35 years old. Since these people have an increased subcutaneous fat layer, they retain the roundness of their faces for a long time, and there are no wrinkles. However, over time, gravity moves the fat layer to the lower part of the face and neck. At the same time, the cheeks sag and drop, changing the oval and configuration of the lower part of the face; in addition to this, the area around the mouth is deformed, deepening the nasolabial folds; a second chin is formed. Changes are also found in the shape of the upper part of the face, especially around the eyes. Therefore, the dominant feature of this type of aging is pronounced deformation of soft tissues, leading to a change in the shape of the face.

Facial aging according to the fourth (combined) type occurs, as a rule, in people with moderate subcutaneous fat, moderate thinning and dry skin.

The fifth type of aging is characteristic of persons with developed facial muscles, moderately moist and moderately oily and elastic skin, difficult to displace with respect to the underlying tissues. Due to the fact that the aging of the face in them proceeds according to the type of hypotrophy and atrophy of the skin and muscles, bypassing the stage of hypertrophy of the subcutaneous fat, these people age later than others. According to this type, the Japanese, Mongols, inhabitants of Central Asia, etc. are aging.

The sixth type of aging begins after 75 years of life, when both the main and secondary signs of aging are pronounced.

The age-related changes described above in the bone skeleton and soft tissues of the head and face significantly change the shape of both its parts and the general appearance. Cheeks, eyes, mouth and temples sink. Against this background, the nose, chin, zygomatic and superciliary arches protrude significantly forward. The proportions of the face change - the lower part decreases, and the nose and ears increase. Atrophy of adipose tissue and a decrease in the height of the bite lead to sagging of the stretched skin around the mouth and cheeks. The nasolabial and cheek-chin folds and wrinkles of all kinds are sharply distinguished. Lips become thinner, change shape and color. All this ultimately causes deformation of the face, changing its shape beyond recognition.