Is it possible to repaint from dark to light brown. Hair dyeing from light to dark. Choice of paint, primer and brushes

The rich black hair color makes the appearance bright and memorable. It is easy to achieve a shade, it is the most overlapping of the entire color palette due to its high pigmentation. In black, brown-haired women, blondes and even redheads can be dyed the first time.

Who suits black hair?

The classic black color of curls suits few women: just look at the photo "before and after dyeing" to see for yourself.

When choosing a paint, many are guided only by the tone of the face, which is fundamentally wrong. Moderately dark and fair skin blends equally well with all hair shades. Specifically, black is contrasting, so it emphasizes any rashes, wrinkles, pronounced blood vessels, and also makes the skin 1.5-2 tones whiter.

Natural brunettes are usually brown-eyed women with olive skin. Eyebrows are of great importance: they should not be faded and sparse.

Blue black curls are not suitable for natural platinum blondes, as well as girls with a problem face.

The palette of dark tones is extremely rich, so every woman can choose something for herself. There is no need to immediately turn into burning black, since it is difficult to get rid of such a bright pigment.

Dark shades make the face look thinner, and the hair visually more lush and thick.

At the same time, black has a clear drawback: it is not suitable for women with light eyes and soft, "pretty" facial features. This contrasting shade can spoil the initially pretty face, make it pale and expressionless.

Black shades overview

1. Shade - Crow's Wing 2. Shade - Dark Chocolate 3. Shade - Plum, 4. Shade - Dark Blue, 5. Shade - Ash Black

Basic shades:

  1. Crow's wing. Natural monochrome tone. If a woman has dark skin and black eyes, then this shade is perfect for her.
  2. Dark chocolate (bitter chocolate). Intense dark color with brownish tints. Suitable for girls with dark skin and brown, brown-green eyes.
  3. Plum (black tulip). Multi-faceted tone, can go into eggplant or red. Varies with lighting. Plum hair goes well with fair skin and light brown eyes.
  4. Dark blue (bluish black). It goes well with blue or blue eyes. Dark blue paint can radically change the image of a girl. You can get a bluish tint or blue hair effect under certain lighting conditions.
  5. Ash black. It is difficult to miscalculate with an ashy shade, since it is quite cold and calm. Suitable for almost all women, but will look best on blue-eyed "snow white" and dark-skinned women.

Light black can turn into brown (warm) or gray (cold). Cool shades are ideal for blue-eyed girls with fair skin, and warm ones for green-eyed and brown-eyed dark-skinned women.

The previously popular shade "crow's wing" is now losing ground due to its monotony and boringness. Therefore, it is recommended for natural brunettes to diversify their hairstyle. Dark hair colors go well with blue ends. You can also do highlighting (lighten some strands) or ombre (transition from dark to light).

Dye your hair black

How to dye curls at home? Correct staining is done in 3 stages:

  1. Apply dye to dirty hair. Black has a bright and overlapping pigment, so no pre-clarification is required. The paint must first be applied to the roots (for 5-10 minutes), and then spread over the entire length of the hair.
  2. You need to keep the dye on the curls no more than 30-40 minutes (depending on the initial shade of the curls and the quality of the paint). Rinse off with warm water.
  3. Final step: rinsing hair and applying conditioner. Dark dye can significantly dry out the ends of the hair, so it is strongly recommended to apply a nourishing mask for 15-20 minutes.

To make staining more comfortable, you need to get a brush, gloves (they do not always come with a dye) and a suitable container for diluting the oxide and paint in advance.

Best hair dyes

The palette of any paint includes dark shades, as they are basic and popular. But not all dyes are of decent quality and high durability. For women with weakened curls, it is better to purchase products without ammonia.

Interesting dark shades (purple, obsidian) are available in the L'Oreal Prodigy paint palette. This particular dye can dry out the ends a little and spoil the general condition of the hair.

1. Estel Professional ESSEX, 2. L "Oreal Preference, 3. Kapous Professional, 4. Syoss Oleo Intense

What is the best paint? You can safely advise such means as:

  1. Estel Professional. Most suitable range: ESSEX. The set does not include gloves and balm. Professional paint, shades can be mixed with each other. Medium durability (3 to 5 weeks). Product price: about 200 rubles per package.
  2. L "Oreal. The Preference line includes stunning dark shades: from hot to ashy. The paint is quite expensive (from 300 to 500 rubles), but persistent. The set contains everything you need for coloring, except for a brush.
  3. Kapous. This brand produces excellent professional hair dyes and care products. There are several dark shades in the Kapous Professional line. The cost of one package: from 250 rubles.
  4. Syoss. The paints from this company, as a rule, have a small palette, but very decent quality. The only unsuccessful line: Oleo Intense (low tenacity and poor hiding power). All other funds can be safely bought. The cost varies from 220 to 500 rubles.

To cover the red or red color, you need to buy paint with a bluish undertone.

How to remove black hair color?

It is quite easy to paint a dark color, but it is much more difficult to wash it off. Often, black shades are removed in several stages, since the pigment strongly eats into the hair (especially if the dyeing has been done several times). Dyed curls cannot be repainted in lighter colors, even with professional paint. You should not throw money down the drain and ruin your curls with unnecessary procedures.

There are 3 ways to get out of black:

  1. Clarification. Cons: severely spoils the curls, dries up the ends, the final color has a yellowish tone. After home lightening, curls often become spotty, so this procedure should be done in the salon.
  2. Removal of pigment. Cons: The final shade may be yellow. Various products (powders, creams, removers) from Estel and Kapous will help remove dark pigment from curls. You can do this at home. You need to use the funds according to the instructions. It has its own for each product.
  3. Replacing the shade. It is not necessary to resort to radical methods and lighten the curls. You can make a different shade of black, for example, change the classic color to bluish.

To care for dyed curls, you will definitely need a conditioner. It is advisable to buy a product for colored curls. 1-2 times a week, a woman will have to do nourishing masks. It is recommended to use paint and care products from the same manufacturer.

Does black hair age or not?

Classic black ages, but do not forget that this color is different and multifaceted. Warm shades fading into chestnut do not age. For older women, it is best to paint in warm colors, but a young girl can afford cold tones. Most of all, gray undertones and rich monochrome colors age.

If the hair is initially gray, then the dark paint should be kept for no more than 20 minutes. During this time, the product will completely cover the gray hair and will not give too pretentious effect.

Also, unnatural brunettes need to tint the roots regularly. Without tint, the hairstyle will look awkward and ugly. Do not forget.

If you have an old cabinet, cupboard or wall at home - do not rush to throw them away and buy new furniture. Old things can sometimes be very stylish and will look great in the interior if you update them quite a bit. To do this, you need to clean the surfaces from the remnants of old paint and varnish, and then cover them on top with a new layer of paint. At the same time, we always have the opportunity to experiment and pick up some completely new shade.

Today we will hold a small workshop on painting furniture at home. First, we will tell and show in sufficient detail how to update and paint an old shabby cabinet. And then we will give a number of other examples of painting a variety of interior items.

Painting in the light color of an old dark cabinet

This is what the curbstone looks like, which we will paint and give it a completely new look.

We decided to paint the curbstone in juicy light shades: ivory and light green. But first you need to clean the surfaces well. First of all, we disassemble the curbstone to the maximum, removing everything that can be removed from it: doors, handles, pull out and disconnect drawers, etc. For this we need various screwdrivers and other tools.

Preparation for painting furniture, cleaning surfaces

Now you can start cleaning the surfaces. The most important thing is to remove the varnish layer, paint residues, wax, grease and other dirt. The easiest way to do this is with coarse sandpaper. We take the skin and go through each part with sweeping wide movements along the fibers. Just don't make a lot of effort. Otherwise, you can wipe thin veneer and through! If suddenly this happens, you will have to putty the surface in order to heal the "wounds" inflicted on the tree. And this is extra work that we do not need at all.

After processing the surface with coarse sandpaper, brush it over with a wide brush. It is important! Be sure to use a brush, not a rag or rag. Why? Yes, because with a rag you will hammer some of the dust back into the micro-holes on the surface of the furniture.

Now we go over the surface of the part again, but with fine emery paper. Especially carefully you need to process hard-to-reach places, which were difficult to reach with coarse-grained skin. Brush the surface again.

Another important point. Before painting the parts, the room must be thoroughly cleaned. This is done in order to avoid the ingress of small dust particles and debris on the surface of the furniture during dyeing or immediately after the end of the process.

We wipe the surface of the parts with a damp, freshly wrung out clean cloth. Then we wipe it again, dry.

Choice of paint, primer and brushes

In this case, we decided to use acrylic paint and the same primer. This paint is odorless, can be easily diluted with water when thickened, it can be mixed to obtain the desired shades.

We will paint with brushes. So it is more convenient to get a uniform color over the entire surface, including in hard-to-reach places. Avoid using cheap brushes, as the result may not be successful at all.

With a primer, everything is simple - if we take acrylic paint, then the primer is the same. In this case, the paint will adhere much better.

Parts painting process

First, apply a thin layer of primer. There is nothing complicated here, but it is better to read the instructions on the bank of material beforehand. The primer can be applied gently with a roller. You can use a brush to cover some areas.

Initially, it was conceived to paint the curbstone in two colors. I managed to buy an ivory paint in a store, but to get the right shade of light green I had to mix white and green paint.

First, paint all the details with a lighter paint. In our case, it is ivory. You can paint in one layer, or in two. Before applying each layer, you need to wait until the previous one is completely dry.

After painting the furniture in the first color, you need to glue the parts that you will not paint with the second color. You can not glue them completely, but only along the contour. And after that, we paint the required surfaces in light green color. If we want - then apply the second layer. After drying, remove the paper stickers.

After the paint has dried, carefully apply acrylic varnish on top. We will apply it with a foam sponge. It is advisable to apply 2-3 layers of varnish. Before applying each, we wait for the previous one to dry.

After the varnish has dried, screw on all the handles. We collect furniture completely. And now individual elements can be gilded. As a result, we get such a wonderful view in the style of "Provence":

Examples of repainting furniture

And now - some interesting examples of such repainting of different pieces of furniture.

Repainting a dark chest of drawers in a wonderful light green color. The handles were also not forgotten to be gilded!

The dark blue table was pretty cute anyway. But when the interior was changed, it had to be repainted in a milky-creamy shade.

A dull wood-shaving chest of drawers has become a completely different piece of furniture! Note the gray moldings and silver handles.

Another example of giving an old chest of drawers a bright and rich Provencal style.

And here we have from an old chest of drawers turned out to be a thing in a sort of "techno" style.

You can also repaint the chair!

And even a chair! Dare and experiment, good luck!

The decision to change the image is often accompanied by a radical change in the hairstyle, and now yesterday's brunette becomes a blonde. However, in order for this step to bring only positive moments to life, and not become an unexpected problem, dyeing dark hair in a light color must be taken seriously.

What is the danger of drastic lightening of black hair

There are many ways you can get light color on dark hair. However, the incorrect, thoughtless use of dyes is very harmful to the hair and scalp: the hair becomes dull and lifeless, brittle ends appear, the strands resemble bunches of straw. To avoid such dire consequences, select a dye based on the condition of the hair, its type and structure, and also follow the lightening procedure.

There are quite aggressive brightening agents on sale that can turn a brunette into a blonde in one application and solve the problem of a radical change in the image. But having decided on such a drastic transformation, you should know that in the end you can get not only blonde hair, but completely burnt strands. You can try this option with caution when you want to lighten the very ends of dark hair. In this case, they can always be cut off.

How to lighten hair at home

In the presence of dark hair that is not of a natural color, but obtained as a result of dyeing, to achieve a light shade, it is optimal to use a wash. A wash works on dark colored hair and will do less damage to hair than bleaching, especially if done by a professional at a hairdresser.

At home, you can wash off the dark color from the hair with a special tool or use the available options: kefir, beer. Use an industrial wash from a store strictly according to the instructions, the wash quickly gives the maximum effect in removing dark dye, but its active ingredients are unsafe for hair. Folk remedies will have to be used longer to remove the dark color, but the hair becomes strong, its structure improves. Rinse the curls with kefir or beer 1-2 hours before washing your hair. Depending on the type of dye on the hair, the dark color disappears in 1-1.5 months.

The so-called grandmother's recipe can also be used as a wash. Take 150 grams of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, strain after 2 hours and dilute the broth with 60 grams of glycerin. Apply the resulting composition to your hair and keep it under the film for 2 hours, then rinse and rinse your hair thoroughly. After the end of the dark paint remover, if the natural shade does not suit you and you want even lighter curls, proceed to dyeing your hair blond.

Gentle hair lightening option

If you want to get a hair color 1-2 tones lighter than a natural strand, you can immediately dye it with paint without prior bleaching. This option is safer for the hair. Painting is performed repeatedly, once every 3 weeks. In this case, the hair is dyed with paint a couple of tones lighter. Please note that the paint is the same palette as the desired color. The staining result will be visible after 3 or 4 times, so the desired shade can be obtained after 3 or 4 months.

If you have highlights on dark hair, then you can become lighter using folk remedies. To do this, after each washing your hair, rinse it with a decoction of chamomile medicinal. Repeat this procedure regularly for 1-2 months. To achieve faster results, mix equal proportions of chamomile and nettle and prepare a rinse decoction. With this method, dark hair does not lighten much and not quickly, but the curls do not deteriorate, but on the contrary are strengthened, look healthy and shiny. Not only highlighted, but also light blond strands brighten very well this way.

How to safely bleach black hair

If you want to lighten the hair by more than 1-2 tones, your natural pigment will have to be removed by bleaching the hair. Therefore, it will be necessary to radically repaint dark hair in white in two stages: first, the hair is bleached, and then it is dyed in the desired shade. It is also advisable to entrust this difficult procedure to professionals in order not to get completely spoiled curls or an unwanted shade of hair.

If it is impossible to visit a hairdresser, you can turn from a brunette to a blonde on your own. Purchase paint of the desired color and lightener. Read the instructions for both products and follow them carefully during the repainting process. Protect your hands with rubber gloves, and lubricate the skin of the face at the border of the hair with petroleum jelly.

Apply the bleach prepared according to the instructions to the hair so that there are no unpainted places. Work the roots first, then the tips. It is advisable that someone help you. Withstand the remedy for the allotted time.

Don't try to keep the clarifier longer for more effect, even if it seems like it would be better. You risk burning your hair. Similarly, do not use too aggressive drugs that lighten up to 8 tones at once, the result will be unpredictable. For safe dyeing, products that make curls 3-4 tones lighter are suitable. If such clarification is not enough, you will have to do this procedure again after 1-2 weeks.

After obtaining a sufficiently light background, it is the turn of the paint application. But before the next exposure to active chemicals, the hair and scalp need to rest again. Wait about 2 weeks for the scalp and hair structure to recover slightly. During this period, treat your head with special nourishing balms and masks every day.

Prepare the coloring composition strictly according to the instructions and apply it to the head using a brush and a rare wooden comb. Work hair from the ends, working towards the roots, as evenly as possible. Soak the product for the prescribed time and wash your hair with a regenerating shampoo. Blot your hair with a towel and dry it without a hairdryer. Bleached hair requires increased maintenance. Feed them regularly with masks, oils and balms, do without hair dryers, curling pans and other negatively influencing devices.

Comment on the article "How to dye dark hair blonde"

How to dye dark hair blonde. Girls, with my hair coloring is it worth it. Coloring - coloring the entire mass of hair with strands of different colors. Balayazh - lightening or discoloration of only the ends of the hair.

How to dye dark hair blonde. Can you tell me if it is possible to wash off the dark color from the hair, dyed it average helped me, wash my hair with laundry soap! Yes Yes! I just lathered it with a household one like shampoo 5 times in a row, and honestly! the paint has become ...

Do you remember that hair grows? Two weeks later, black roots will break through. Because whatever dye it is, when the hair is bleached, it will discolor the skin and look. Thank you, but no depilation is needed, the hair is thin and sparse anyway. It is exactly the clarification that is needed.

Section: Hair care (bleached hair splits). Dry hair after bleaching and split ends. Cut and dry hair can be cut with hot scissors. How to restore lifeless hair at home.

Care for black hair. Recently, for the first time in my life, I dyed my hair, became a brunette. Brunettes with what paint do you dye your hair? How to dye dark hair blonde. ++ What to do with gray hair for a brunette.

HB and hair lightening. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Breast-feeding. Girls who dyed, or rather lightened hair with full GV? Is it even possible? Today I painted the roots with a lightening paint, retreated from the scalp, as far as I could ...

Although on my hair, even if dyed black, there will probably be redhead (they explained that the pigment of the hair is such) Your hair color: how to choose? Hair coloring in the salon or at home. Hair dye, highlights and gray hair: tips from a star stylist.

I have long wanted to dye my hair light brown. This is not possible without lightening with my hair. In a hairdressing salon for me now. And it was just now.

Thin sparse hair. Hair care. Fashion and beauty. And you can experiment with dye with your hair. But for the author with henna-based paints, the main thing is not to paint in contrasting skin colors, black / dark chocolate, they emphasize rare hair.

I want to change my hair color .... Hair care. Fashion and beauty. You need a banal decapage to wash off the paint and a restorative hair mask. It is better to re-color it a little later, so that the hair does not finally kill.

How to dye dark hair blonde. If you have highlights on dark hair, then you can become lighter using folk remedies. for several years I have been dyeing my hair a lighter color, my usual light brown, thin Color And I’m at home for her ...

You cannot wash your child's hair more than once a week. The sun's rays dry out your hair, so don't forget about the panama hat for how to care for dry hair. How to dye dark hair blonde. pumkin. How to lighten hair at home.

Lighten hair for my son? :). - get-togethers. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attendance at kindergarten and relationships with educators, illness and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years old.

How to revive your hair? I have been lightening my hair for 15 years already. It is naturally dark (not a burning brunette, but dark hair). I really don't want to be dark, I would like some highlighting, but not complete discoloration / lightening on blond.

How to dye your hair yourself at home. How to dye the growing roots to n. Hair care. It is difficult to do this at home. And in salons, when dyeing in a light color, a dark color is applied to the roots, but lighter than their own ...

I dyed it with henna, but my hair is probably too light, so it turned out to be a very red color. Probably, the texture is also similar. The hair is thick but rather fine. In registration, the hair is dyed with chemical. paint one tone darker than its own color.

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Lightening the hair on the legs. In the winter, I wrote a long post about my 10-year-old daughter's self-care questions. But it is more budgetary and more effective to buy a special composition for bleaching in a hairdresser's store. It is more vigorous and more in volume per unit of money. Well, how ...

After lightening, few pigments remain in the hair, therefore, before applying the desired color, the hair should be: 1. wash your hair and apply a large amount of treatment, after which the hair can be dyed with Elumen Goldwell paint, but this is only in the salon.

How to dye bleached hair dark. How to dye dark hair blonde. Painting luminaries, please explain how to paint the canvas. In general terms, I know, I'm interested in specifics: -we have white linen of 9 cents, I want to get even ...

Dyeing your hair a dark color is easy because you don't need to bleach it first. When dyeing, you can achieve a wide variety of shades, from natural to bluish black. Getting the color you want can be tricky, but when done right, the color will turn out exactly the way you want it.


How to choose and prepare paint

    Choose a desaturated black for a natural looking color. Desaturated black looks more like dark chestnut than black, especially against a backdrop of black clothing. However, desaturated black is still black, and this shade looks as natural as possible.

    • It is best to start with this particular shade. If you want to darken your hair, you can always dye it a darker shade later.
  1. Try dyeing your hair a rich black for a gothic look. Since this color is very dark, it can look unnatural, especially if you have fair skin. Sometimes black paints have a light shade - bluish or burgundy. Hair dyed in this color looks black under different types of light, but in bright sun it can appear bluish or burgundy.

    • If you are unsure of what a color will look like on you, go to a wig salon and try on a pair of wigs of a similar color.
  2. Choose paint and 3% color activator (10 vol.) if you prefer not to use a ready-made staining kit. If you bought a kit, everything you need will already be there: paint, activator, conditioner, gloves, and more. If not, you need a tube of paint and a bottle of 3% activator.

    • Buy gloves, a paint brush, and a non-metallic bowl.
  3. Prepare paint according to the instructions if you have a kit. Most paints are sold with instructions for use, but if your paint doesn't have instructions for use, don't worry - it's usually pretty straight forward. Pour the paint into a large bottle of activator. Close the lid and shake it to mix the liquids thoroughly. Cut off the tip of the applicator on the bottle.

    If you have a kit, stir the paint and activator in a non-metallic bowl. Pour into a bowl just enough activator to completely cover your hair. Add the same amount of paint and mix thoroughly with a non-metallic spoon or paint brush. Stir until you achieve an even consistency and color.

  4. If you have bleached hair, add a protein filler to your dye. You will need a protein filler as bleaching causes the hair to lose pigment. If you try to dye your hair after bleaching, the color may not work out as you want, or it may lie unevenly. Sometimes, when stained, a greenish tint appears.

    • If you have not dyed your hair before, do not add a protein filler.
    • Read the instructions on the bottle carefully to find out how much filler you need. As a rule, half of the package is sufficient.
    • Protein fillers are colorless and tinted. The toning filler will give your hair a light shade that will be visible in the sun.

Can a brunette get lighter? Maybe. I must say right away that to go into a lighter shade, you will have to use a clarifying powder.

Paint does not lighten paint

Is it possible to get a lighter color without lightening or washing off? If you have dyed hair, the answer is no. Remember, paint does not lighten paint. And, in order to apply a lighter dye to your hair, you first need to pull off the dark color.

This procedure must be done with a powder (if you want to be lighter by 2 or more tones) or with a wash (when you need to lighten the hair by a tone).

Remember, lightening and sculpting will not necessarily damage your hair. It all depends on the literacy of the chosen specialist. Of course, after the procedure, they will become a little drier, but good care will quickly return them to their excellent condition.

How to go to a lighter tone

The scheme of transition to a lighter tone is always the same: first, they will apply a lightening powder, then they will tint your hair to give it the desired shade. The procedure is not cheap, but it guarantees the result.

Another option is highlighting. It is considered to be more gentle, since it does not affect all hair, and is capable of blurring the color by 2 tones. Please note that after highlighting the hair must also be tinted with a dye, otherwise it will be damaged and look untidy.

Is it possible to lighten hair at home

Often, girls try to get out of dark tones at home. This is absolutely not worth doing.

As practice shows, lightening hair evenly on your own is a difficult task. In addition, there are often cases when they work with different solutions on different parts of the hair so that the dark color disappears evenly.

Important: transitioning from a dark shade to a light shade is best smoothly, in order to allow the hair to rest and recover.

Editor experience

In search of my image, I often experimented and tried to find the hair color that would be to my liking. In the process of searching, of course, I had to lighten my hair.

My last transformation was driven by a desire for spring and change. It sounds, of course, trite, but it is true. This is what I came to my master with.

Initial data: porous, wavy hair that is easily damaged. Color - chestnut.

What I wanted: lighten hair 2 tones, give it a warm natural shade of medium tones.

In order not to injure the already brittle hair, my master decided that we would not completely lighten the hair, but we would do highlighting. Highlighting was done with a powder of 6% oxidizing agent for the length and 3% oxidizing agent for the root zone, where my own hair had already grown.

I will say right away that my hair lends itself well to lightening. Therefore, there were no difficulties with this stage.

Next, they dried my hair and let it rest for 20 minutes. After - the stage of toning. In order for the color to be uniform, the master dyed with different formulas of dyes on the roots and along the length, since dyed hair rarely lightens evenly.


About hair condition: hair remained in good condition, no broken ends, dryness too. Therefore, I am 100 percent satisfied with the result.