Marble - properties, characteristics, composition, extraction and use. Natural marble and its varieties

Marble(ancient Greek μάρμαρος - "white or shiny stone") is a metamorphic rock consisting only of calcite CaCO3. Dolomite marbles are formed during recrystallization of CaMg (CO3) 2 dolomite.

The movement of the earth's crust deep underground creates high pressures and extreme temperatures that turn the underlying limestone or dolomite into marble. This popular material is composed of calcite and various impurities. The presence of certain minerals affects its palette and pattern. The decorative properties of the stone depend on them.

Chemical composition: mramor consists of calcite (calcium carbonate) mixed with other minerals and organic compounds. Impurities have a different effect on the quality of marble, reducing or increasing its decorative effect. The color of marble also depends on impurities. Most of the colored marbles are variegated or striped. Iron oxide stains it red (sometimes the color is pink or (rarely) a tinge of rust), highly dispersed iron sulfide - blue-black, iron-containing silicates (especially chlorite and epidote) - green, limonite (iron hydroxides) and iron carbonates, and manganese - in yellow and brown tones. Gray, bluish and black colors can also be caused by impurities of bitumen or graphite. The pattern is determined not only by the structure of the marble, but also by the direction in which the stone is cut. The color and pattern of marble appears after it has been polished.

Physical properties:The marble is of medium hardness, while being easy to polish.

Density - 2650-2900 kg / m3.

Compression resistance - 500-2500 kgf / cm2.

Water absorption - 0.15 - 0.50%.

Abrasion - from 0.40 to 3.20 g / cm2.

The porosity is 0.6-3.3%.

Mohs hardness 3 to 4.

Structurally heterogeneous, they have low frost resistance: about 25 freeze-thaw cycles.

Features of education:Marble refers to metamorphic rocks formed as a result of recrystallization of carbonates (carbonaceous compounds) more than 2.5-4 billion years ago under the influence of high temperatures and pressure. During the recrystallization process in metamorphic marbles, as a rule, all traces of the original detrital grains or fossilized organic remains are destroyed. The composition of marble does not change during metamorphism. The initial carbonate rocks for the formation of marble, as a rule, in most cases are limestone or dolomite. Accordingly, marble is composed of calcite (calcium carbonate), or dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate), or both.

Extraction of marble: Marble is mined in special quarries, but there are also ways to obtain quality samples in deep mines. The stone cutting machine forms block monoliths. Also, the work uses a hammer-cutting technique, a wire saw, and many other special devices. Marble is mined in many countries, including Greece, Italy, Spain, India, Turkey, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and many others.

Application area:the history of Marble dates back to ancient times, it was used in such architectural structures as:

The Athenian Treasury - The first architectural structure that was entirely built of marble was the famous Athenian Treasury. The treasury was built under the democratic regime in Athens in the late 6th or early 5th century. BC. So it is considered a monument that expresses the triumph of democracy in Athens and the expulsion of tyrants

Parthenon - a little later, the famous all over the Parthenon temple was built, this world-famous building, full of beauty and harmony, is actually the temple of the Virgin (in Greek "Parthena") Athena. It was built in a prehistoric style of marble, became the main attraction of Athens, and was also recognized as one of the wonders of the world.

Andrian's Gate - worth noting among the landmarks of Antalya - a majestic white marble structure with three arches, built in honor of the great Roman emperor Andrian, who visited Antalya in 130 AD. e.

Taj Mahal is a monument-tomb in memory of the wife of Sultan Shah Jahan, built in the first half of the 17th century, standing among cypress parks on the banks of the Yamuna, and its majestic and perfect appearance is reflected in the water surface of the ponds. Marble facades sparkle with silver under the moon, shine with pink light at dawn and sparkle with fiery reflections of the setting sun.

The Victoria Memorial is a beautiful architectural structure of white marble, erected in the image of the Taj Mahal. It was built in the early twentieth century in memory of Queen Victoria.

Today, marble can also be seen among the interiors of such famous buildings as the Palace of Versailles in France or St. Peter's Basilica in the capital of Italy.

Marble products are unique, and due to their versatility, marble is used to make both small interior elements (facing tiles, window sills, countertops, steps, balusters, railings, plinths, panels, rosettes, vases, jugs, etc.) and larger interior components (columns, wall panels, stairs, fireplaces, fountains, waterfalls, sculptures, monuments, etc.).


Natural marble is a representative of crystalline rocks, which were formed during the restructuring of the internal structure of dolomite or limestone formations.

Natural marble - This is a representative of rocks of a crystalline structure, which were formed in the process of restructuring the internal structure of dolomite or limestone formations.

Natural marble mined in special pits, but there are also ways to obtain quality samples in deep mines. The stone cutting machine forms block monoliths. Also, the work uses a hammer-cutting technique, a wire saw, and many other special devices.

Characteristics of marble

Marble- it is a carbonate conglomerate, carbonate breccia, dolomite of increased density. Organic matter is often present in its structure. All additional impurities have a different effect on the quality of the material; they can both increase and significantly reduce its decorative and physical and mechanical properties.

Natural marble has an average hardness, while it is easy to polish. The density of the stone is 2650-2900 kg / m3. Compression resistance is 500-2500 kgf / cm2. The indicator of water-absorbing properties is expressed in numbers from 0.15 to 0.50%. The abrasion of the mineral varies from 0.40 to 3.20 g / cm2. The porosity of this rock is 0.6-3.3%. Structurally heterogeneous, they have low frost resistance: about 25 freeze-thaw cycles.

Characteristics of marble say that the most durable stone with the best polishing properties is marble with a fine-crystalline structure, which has a serrated grain cohesion.

The color of this mineral is determined by the impurities in it. The overwhelming majority of samples are variegated. The shape of the pattern is influenced by both the structure of the stone and the direction that was chosen when sawing the monolith.

The use of marble in practice

This natural material is perfect for decoration. Since ancient times, it has been used in architectural buildings, its decorative qualities and plastic properties are especially appreciated. The fine-grained structure makes the material very easy to process. Unique property of marble - the mirror surface that appears after polishing makes it irreplaceable in construction. Thanks to the decoration of the elements of the facade of the building or the interior of the premises with this stone, you can see the whole palette of colors, the beauty of the layers and create a rich homogeneous exposition.

Marble mosaic compositions in various styles are widely used for decoration. A remarkable property of this mineral is the ability to take on a variety of relief and round shapes. Monolithic stone with a white color is very pliable in this regard, but monoliths of black and variegated colors are also processed. Due to a certain degree of transparency, a play of sunlight is formed on the smooth surface of a marble product, creating an effect of mystery and depth of space.

Marble surfaces

Natural marble widely used in the decoration of subway stations. Walls, columns, floors, steps, sides, handrails and other interior elements are finished with it. It is also used in landscape design, to a greater extent as a material for the manufacture of various sculptures and other decorations of the infield.

When is it produced interior decoration with marble, it is necessary to pay more attention to such features of natural material as the thickness of marble layers. First of all, this is important when purchasing tiled flooring and walls, as well as for countertops, stair railings and window sills.

The characteristics of the density of marble are also important. After all, everything is subject to the action of time. The stone reacts to moisture. The loose, fine-grained structure of the stone in a damp room is subject to more rapid destruction. If a cladding for a pool, a bathroom is chosen, then the destructive effect of water must be taken into account.

The design of the stone means a lot. The psyche of people is very sensitive to this natural decoration.

  • If the mineral has soft lines, a smooth blurry pattern, not a pronounced color scheme, then this is an ideal option for a place where a person rests without doing serious business.
  • When it comes to the office interior, or the arrangement of a state institution, a concert hall, a clear natural geometric pattern, broken lines, bright saturated color spots, peculiar and unusual natural stone ornaments are perfectly combined with the furnishings.

The marble pattern in the form of "fireworks" is perfectly perceived.

Natural types of marble

Depending on the color and decorative properties of marble usually subdivided into:

White variety of marble almost does not contain impurities, most often has a homogeneous fine-grained structure. It lends itself best to processing, therefore it is often used in sculpture. Sculpted white marble is the most expensive. White marble material is very picky about external conditions, so it is used mainly at home. Such a stone is poorly protected from yellowing and staining; under the influence of destructive natural processes, it quickly loses its beauty and luster. When cladding the facades of buildings, such a mineral should be used with extreme caution.

Gray marble rarely occurs with a uniform color, most often it has a layered color distribution. The gray variety is characterized by a "snowy landscape" or "cloudy" pattern. Like white, this kind of marble is easily polished and processed. It is used for both interior decoration and exterior cladding.

Colored marble differs in a wide color spectrum: from pink and yellow to green and black tones. The most rare specimens are blue-blue breeds.

Polishing marble on video:

Marble is a rock that is formed from calcite or dolomite as a result of metamorphism. Ordinary limestone, consisting of calcium carbonate (the same calcite), ordinary carbonate (a compound of calcium and magnesium with CO3) or both minerals, after exposure to high temperatures and pressure, changes its crystal lattice. This is how marble is made.

The starting material may contain impurities - for example, quartz, chalcedony, pyrite, kaolin. These impurities affect the quality of the marble and determine its color.

Characteristics and types of marble

There are many types of marble in nature. They are classified by color, structure, cohesion between grains, and place of extraction.

By color: conditionally dividing the breed into pure white marble and colored. The color depends on what kind of impurities are contained in the source material. So, in the red (or rusty) color marble is colored by iron oxide, the yellow color is obtained due to the presence of limonite or manganese carbonate in the composition. Iron sulphite paints marble blue-black. And admixtures of graphite or bitumen paint marble in all shades of gray, blue and black.

According to the grain size, fine-grained marble, marble with medium and large grains are distinguished. Fine-grained is the easiest to process, for which it is valued above its "brothers".

The difference in the types of marble at the place of extraction is purely arbitrary. It is difficult to say which marble is better - Turkish, Italian or, for example, Greek. It all depends on the quality of processing, on the price, on the method of extraction and even on the direction of cutting the rock. It is the cut that helps to reveal the pattern of the marble, and the color appears after grinding.

Marble is appreciated for the fact that this breed is easy to grind, since marble is plastic. After polishing, a wonderful gloss appears, which is appreciated in construction and interior decoration.

Also, marble is very durable, resistant to wear and tear. And its high heat resistance makes marble an irreplaceable material in the construction of, for example, fireplaces.

Marble deposits and mining

Marble is mined in all countries. Most often, an open method is used. Although the closed mining method is often used.

In Russia, marble from Karelia was first used. It is a delicate fawn color with a unique pattern. Karelian marble adorns the walls of the Winter Palace, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals in St. Petersburg.

Over 20 fields have been developed in the Urals. The most famous are Oktyabrskoye, Pochinskoye, Pershenskoye, Koelginskoye deposits.

More than 50 deposits are known in Siberia and Altai, but only three are actively developed: Pashtulimskoe (white marble with beautiful red-green veins are mined here), Gramatushinskoe (blue-pink marble) and Petenevskoe (gray-pink and cream stone).

The Italian marble quarried in Carrara is especially appreciated abroad. Deposits in Greece have been known since ancient times: the Pandelikon and Paros deposits.

The republic of Central Asia is rich in marble. In the United States, most of the marble deposits are located in the Appalachian Mountains. In Africa - in the northern and eastern regions.

Application of marble

Marble has long been used in construction: for cladding buildings, fireplaces, creating table tops, facing floors and walls, creating mosaic compositions and decorative interior decorations.

Another long-standing tradition is to use marble to decorate gardens and parks. Fountains, stair railings, gazebos are faced with this stone.

Marble boards are widely used in electrical engineering - instrument panels are made of them. Marble flour is used in agriculture.

Natural marble is one of the most beautiful and demanded finishing materials. It embodies the color, sophistication and grandeur of nature itself. In the old days, decorating a house with marble was the lot of noble and wealthy people only. Now such a luxury, despite its high cost, is available to anyone. As before, marble is a symbol of grandeur and natural beauty.


Natural marble is a crystalline rock formed from dolomite or limestone that has been subjected to pressure and temperature changes. The stone is believed to have bactericidal properties.

It was not for nothing that it was used in Ancient Greece for decorating baths. And it is known for certain that marble products have a positive energy that feeds their owners and neutralizes negative influences from outside.

Marble has a medium hardness. Thanks to this, it can be easily processed with grinding tools and polished well. After polishing, the true beauty of natural stone is revealed.

Marble, which has a relatively homogeneous structure, tolerates temperature changes well. Its porosity is 1-4%. It depends on those impurities that are included in its composition. In the presence of loose and unstable impurities, the porosity and frost resistance of marble deteriorate. The water absorption of the stone does not exceed 0.5%, which indicates its positive qualities as a facing material.

General information about marble - grades and texture:

Types of natural marble

No wonder it is believed that any stone is a living being. It can be warm or cold, weightless or massive, soothing or energizing. Different types of marble have their own inherent properties.

Natural marble can be of almost any color. It depends on the impurities included in its composition. The pattern obtained after polishing the stone depends not only on its structure, but also on the direction of its sawing. The varieties of natural marble are listed below.

Marble is a crystalline rock, the main constituent of which is calcite. is carried out on marble deposits and requires large financial costs.

White. This type of marble is also called sculptural marble, as it is ideal for making figurines and sculptures. White color indicates the absence of impurities. The stone may have veins of various colors. This type is the easiest to cut and grind.

Photo of white marble

The black. It is a volcanic sedimentary rock. Contains a high percentage of graphite or bitumen impurities. Black marble with golden streaks or blotches is especially appreciated. The presence of iron sulfide gives black marble a blue sheen.

Photo of stone - black marble (on silver)

Lunar. This is a bluish-silvery stone with a kind of internal glow. It is relatively rare in nature.

Gray. There are two types of gray natural marble - coarse-grained and fine-grained structures. As a rule, in the total mass of gray material, darker or lighter blotches stand out.

Photo of gray marble

Green. This color is given to the material by iron-containing silicates. Green marble is often used as talismans and charms.

Red. An original and valuable grade of natural marble. Iron oxide present in the rock gives the red tint.

Beige. Limonite and manganese influence the creation of a warm and pleasant marble shade.

Pink. It is considered the best option for finishing a bathroom. The saturation of the pink color depends on the concentration of iron oxide in the rock.

Blue. It is one of the rarest minerals. The blue color is created by a special impurity - blue diopside. Color saturation depends on its concentration. Marble can vary in shades from blue to purple.

Blue. The original color of blue marble is due to the presence of blue veins on a white or light background. The higher the concentration of veins, the more intense the color of the mineral.

Brown. Such an original color, combined with the presence of light patterns, attracts the eye. The hue appears in the material due to the presence of manganese, iron carbonate or a high concentration of limonite in the rocks.

Other types of natural marble in decor:

Pros and cons

Like any building material, marble has both positive and negative aspects of its use.

First, let's list the advantages of natural marble:

  • The plasticity of marble makes it easy and efficient to work.
  • Internal structure strength. During processing (polishing, cutting, drilling), the material retains its integrity without changing its properties. Mechanical stress does not lead to the formation of internal cracks, fractures and delamination. Many are surprised that incredibly complex and sophisticated bas-reliefs, frescoes and marble figures can be created.
  • The incredible durability of natural marble makes it possible to say that it is placed "for centuries". According to the reviews of people using marble cladding, this material is generally not subject to any temporary changes, retaining its original appearance for decades. Marble will never turn yellow, even if it is outdoors all the time.
  • Low water absorption results in increased frost resistance of natural marble.
  • Over time, marble does not change its structure, that is, it does not become loose or brittle.
  • The material is resistant to corrosive chemicals.
  • Marble is absolutely safe in every way. There is no discharge even when the stone is heated. The material does not conduct electric current and does not accumulate static charge. Marble is perfect for flooring in many rooms with high humidity.
  • The bactericidal properties of natural marble have been scientifically proven. No bacteria accumulate on the surface of the stone. The air in a marble room will never be stale or stale. Eyewitnesses claim that, being used in a bathroom or in a bath, marble helps to create an ideal microclimate in a room that is comfortable for humans.
  • High environmental friendliness of the stone, based on its completely natural origin.

Marble is an unusually beautiful, shiny, soft and plastic material. But over time, it begins to fade and lose its color, crack. therefore

The meaning of the word marble, the name of the stone, translated from ancient Greek, means "white", "shiny stone". Marble - This is a rock, mostly consisting of calcite, as a result of more than one stage of crystallization of mountain limestone.

Marble is easy to polish, this is due to the fact that calcite, represented by grains, is well connected to each other. For example, in construction and other industries, marble is considered to be any stone that is more or less well polished. In the process of metamorphism, i.e. certain physical and chemical transformations of the purest limestone, marble is formed, because the only real possible change in calcite is more than one crystallization.

Marble is white, yellow, brown, pink, green, blue, gray, black, which speaks of the silicates included in its composition. This material is often used in architecture and for making figures. Most of the marbles are brightly colored, in which case the pattern can only be identified by the direction of the cut. The varieties of marble are identified by their grain size, some of them are fine, others are coarser.

The chemical composition of marble and its physical characteristics

The hardness of marble is from two to three units, the density is from 2.5 to almost three. Lime marble boils violently, while dissolving in non-concentrated acids, dolomite marble comes to a boiling state only in the form of a powder. The purest marble is dielectric and has good electrical insulating properties.

Production sites in the Russian Federation

Marble exists in many Russian regions. The use of this stone began with a Karelian mineral - eternal, beautiful and durable, it has a delicate fawn color and an admixture of pink, it was mainly used in the design of the Kazan and St. Isaac's cathedrals, the mineral from the Juvenian deposit adorns many cathedrals in the northern capital. The largest mining sites are located in the Urals, there are more than twenty of them, but only eight are actually used.

Application of marble

In the construction site, all stones that can be polished and have a medium hardness are considered marble. It is a mineral of noble origin, it is easy to process and looks very good in many applications. Russian stone workers made everything out of it, down to the figures of the Ancient World, portraying them very lively and realistic, in all traditions of art and architecture. Most of all in those days marble used in decorating palaces with sculptures, everything was marble, from columns, fireplaces and ending with buildings in general. Marble is widely used as a material for the manufacture of monuments and tombstones, marble boards are used in electrical engineering: switchboards, shields. Marble chips with the addition of sand form plaster and mosaic, and marble flour is used in agriculture. Many buildings have marble cladding in various shades.

The healing properties of marble

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the mineral has a positive effect on the internal state of the body, and especially the digestive tract. This stone will help calm down, relieve insomnia and stressful situations, it is actively used during massage sessions, for joint pain. When wearing marble products in the form of beads, you can get rid of cardiovascular diseases and throat diseases. And those who wear bracelets and rings will relieve excessive sweating.

Marble in magic

The use of marble in magic was known before, the ancient Greeks believed that this stone was created in honor of the goddess Aphrodite, shrines in her honor were also built from this stone. The Greeks believed that the stone would help in love and marriage, childbirth. And the Romans built entire houses only because they believed in salvation from evil spirits. As for the horoscope, this stone is suitable for all representatives of the zodiac, it quickly makes contact with a person and takes on the functions of protection. It would be especially good to have a talisman or amulet made of marble for those people whose activities involve risk.