It is necessary for a child in 4 months. Food on artificial feeding. When a doctor's help is needed

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The development of a child in 4 months of life is directed primarily to the improvement of emotions. He feels much better physically, the problems of the adaptation period, colic moved to the background. Now the baby enthusiastically knows himself, learns to contact with Pope and Mom, tries to actively know the world. The task of parents is to help him in this difficult business. The development of boys and girls at such an early age is not too different, which should not be surprised. Differences between the floors exhibit exist in the growth and mass indicators, and not always.

Physical development kid

In 4 months, there is no special difference between the physical development of children of both sexes. Is that a boy can be slightly larger and faster than the girl. On average, the infants is gaining 600 grams for this month, weighs 6.2-6.8 kg., Almost twice as much as the newborn. The kid is growing very intensively, it is pulled out by approximately 2 cm. The average height of four-month children is 62-65 cm. Indicators of the physical development of children can be different, which should not be surprised. After all, each kid develops according to his own plan, why your must be necessarily similar to others. Much depends on the genetics, in what conditions the infants live, what is his diet.

The fourth month of life is characterized by the appearance of new physical skills in the kid. It is already turning from the abdomen on the back and back. In some children it turns out to be done at the beginning of the month, others at the end. Boys sometimes turn over faster than girls, but not always. In no case cannot be left at this age of one on the big bed so that he does not turn over, and did not fall. Lying on the stomach Karapuz confidently holds his head, sometimes throws her back, it raises not only on the elbows, but also on the palms. If you take it for the handles and tighten, the baby can sit down. For a long time, it is not worth it, the muscles of the back of the crumbs have not yet risen. When the child takes under the mouse, he rises on the socks and tries to repel.

Hyperthonus in the hands of the four months almost disappeared, on the legs still persist. The baby's palms are no longer clamped in the cams, but almost always open. He can clap, confidently shove the finger in his mouth. Children at this age are already obtained by their own enough toys to hold for thirty seconds. Most can play with a suspension, they hit the toy handle and look carefully until the toys stop. This is one of the first skills of active knowledge of the world. Lying on the back the child can raise the legs enough. In the position on the belly, the baby is trying to crawl. True, half it turns out not to move forward, and back. When you take the baby on the handles, he tries to actively "help", strongly strains and diligently pulls his body, sometimes it sweats from tension.

So, with the result, what physical skills are characteristic of four months old children. This is what they have learned:

  • Most are able to roll from the back on the stomach and vice versa
  • In the stomach position, rest on the palm and raise the body, confidently hold the head
  • Sit if you tighten the handles
  • Stripped with legs from the surface when they are kept in a vertical position
  • Know how to get toys and hold them half a minute
  • Play with suspension
  • High raised legs lying on his back
  • Trying to crawl on all fours, if you lie on the tummy
  • Mom's actively help when she takes them on the handles

Vision, rumor and speech of a four-month-old baby

By the four months of life in children, the formation of an organ of vision is completed. They clearly see not only objects that are at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from them, but also those that are located at a distance of 3.5 meters. True focusing on distant angles children still do not work. A four-month-old child learns to distinguish between colors, he is most interested in bright contrasting toys and pictures. The kid turns his head and knows how to translate 180 degrees, especially good it turns out in a vertical position. Kroch confidently watches eyes behind different objects, accompresses them with a look. Taking a toy in her hand, the child first estimates her with a look, only then pulls into his mouth. He also distinguishes the face of Mom, Pope Grandma and reacts to the appearance of close smile. Begin to be interested in the kid moving objects, which was not before. He is pleased to follow electric train, cars, pets, senior brothers and sisters.

The child's rumor 4 months is also improving, becomes almost the same as in adults. He is already able to determine the source of noise and turns his head there. True before this, for a few seconds, it is conceived, the brain analyzes the information obtained. The baby begins to distinguish the voices of mom and dad. Four-month-old children really like to listen to ourselves, they experiment with sounds, they are walking that quieter, then louder, make loud cries.

Sometimes the child has a few seconds, then hesitates, aguchet and shrinks again. All this is a developing game, should not be afraid. Very interesting infants react to music. Merry melody they cause excitement, and calm on the contrary, soothes. At this age, children begin to divide on visuals and audials. The first is better perceived by visual images, the second - auditory. There is a stereotype that girls perceive the world with ears, and boys through their eyes. In fact, this is not the case, the type of perception is absolutely independent of the floor. What a child will give preference, sounds or images, depends solely on its individual characteristics.

The development of hearing in a child in 4 months of life is in parallel with the development of speech. Children can not only adversely and pronounce simple open vowels "A", "O", but begin to combine them with consonants. First of all, they learn to pronounce the sounds of "M", "P", "B". Sometimes they get to say the word "mother", "dad" or "baba", but more often the syllables of "Bo", "Ma", "HE", "C" are more often obtained. In the children's bowel, the peculiarities of the language on which parents speak are already being viewed. The child begins to actively communicate with his parents. He gladly "replies" by his mother, reacts to her intonation, although words still does not understand. If communication is suddenly stopped, the baby goes to cry. He is not afraid of other people's people, seeing a new person to take interest to him and trying to "speak." The speech development of a boy can be slower than girls. Although for the fourth month it is not so noticeable.

Let's summarize the main achievements of the baby at the age of four months, which are associated with the development of hearing and vision. This is what the kids managed to learn:

  • See objects at a distance of 3.5 meters
  • Well distinguish bright and contrasting colors
  • Follow moving objects
  • Change an angle of view 180 degrees
  • Determine the source of noise and turn the head there
  • Distinguish the voices of parents, their intonation
  • Proper to react to different types of music
  • Overflow
  • Children like to communicate with adults, they themselves show the initiative.

Mental and emotional development of the kid

The development of a child of 4 months of emotions and mental abilities is very violent. He learns to establish links between visual, auditory images and subsequent events. For example, many children it becomes clear that the kind of mother's breast means food. They quickly calm down, seeing the nipple, even before they take him into the mouth. The child's emotions are becoming much richer, he knows how to not only smile, but also a sliding laugh, which parents are unpromanded. The joy of joy at the appearance of a mother or dad, also thoroughly reacts to their sudden disappearance. It is excited as a favorite toy, pet, sounds of cheerful songs. Often squeals and growls from pleasure, actively waves with handles and legs. With the help of a rattle or bell, you can easily distract the baby, to achieve that it stops crying.

The needs of the child for the fourth month become more diverse than before. He signals not only about what he wants to drink and eat, write and caked. Now he is capricious, as it is bored, the baby shows curiosity at the sight of new toys, it is interested in new unfamiliar sounds.

Krocho begins to respond to his name, it perceives moms and dad votes in different ways. At 4 months, children like active games. They rejoice, if they are thrown, circling, engaged in gymnastics. More kids like to communicate with adults, not even familiar. At this age, they still distinguish their own and strangers, the fear of strangers will come a little later.

The child in 4 months of life begins intensive development of memory. He can recognize objects and toys that I saw a minute ago. Kroch knows all well anyone who lives with him (dad, mom, grandmother), but most attached to mom. He also perceives it as a whole, because it constantly needs tactile, voice contact. The visual image of a mother in a child is associated with the way it looks like, with clothes and hairstyle. Therefore, when changing the color of the hair or in a new dress, the baby may not know. Children like to study their own body, it takes most of their time. The kid often plays his own handles and legs, feeling the sponge, sponges, tummy, sucks fingers, terting eyes, trying to tighten the leg into her mouth. You can quietly watch the cloth until she sees. You can better know what the baby has already learned.

So let's summarize what a child learned in 4 months:

  • Begins to understand the simplest causal relationships.
  • The gamma of feelings expands, the child is experiencing fear, curiosity, joy, insult
  • In the emotional plan, the kid makes a big jump
  • Actively studies your own body
  • Find out on the face and vote of loved ones, it allocates, first of all, mom
  • Putting people perceive without fear, but with some alertness
  • There is an active development of memory.

Do not constantly look at the female forum or ask you constantly familiar to moms, which they have learned their children. Features of the child's development of 4 months are very individual. Different children are characterized by different skills, because it is not worth the row of all under one comb. Boys and girls are not too different from each other.

Four-month-old care features

The basis for feeding a four-dimensional child is still mixtures and breast milk. The child eats 5-6 times throughout the day, sometimes one or twice wakes up at night or early in the morning, which is not surprised. Children have a lot of energy spend on development and growth, so to withstand a long night break in food are still capable. As for the time of the introduction of dust, there are different opinions. Old table recommends that in this age giving babies fruit juices, porridge or vegetable puree. New rules argue that children on breastfeeding adorders need to be introduced not earlier than six months, and the babies on the mixture are 5-5.5 months. What is the power and feeding mode to choose, your pediatrician will better prompt better. He will inspect the child and will decide on it. Also, the doctor can ask for high-quality materials related to the nutrition of the first year of life.

Purchase the child is necessary when Mom has little milk. In this case, the child often gets up and shouts at night, asks for every 1.5-2 hours during the day. If you attach it to the chest, the milk drinks very greedily. The porridge may be excreted as the first appropriate, buckwheat or rice. Manna and oatmeal is contraindicated to feed babies, as they contain gluten, and corn is too rough for the kid. Vegetable mashed potatoes can be made of zucchini, pumpkins, colored cabbage. From fruit children give an apple, cut and rubbed banana. Socia and compote will suit any, except citrus, red berries are also unwanted. They contain many vitamins, which will soon be lacking baby. The lore is introduced by very small portions over two weeks. The first portion should be not more than half a teaspoon, with gradual revolution up to 100 milliliters. The menu for additional feeding should be selected individually, monitor the products to be allergic.


The need for a dream for the fourth month about 15 hours. Approximately 10 hours at night and three times 1.5-2 hours during the day. Stop the crumb to sleep in the period from seven to nine evening. Some kids at night still wake up to eat, it's fine. But there are those who calmly sleep until the morning. In the room where the child sleeps should be quiet, do not keep in any way, and do not turn on the TV or computer there. Otherwise, the baby will be restless, it will turn into a dream, and in the morning I will wake up tired and capricious, and your hysterics you have something. It is advisable to install sleep routine during the day, put the baby in the crib at the same time. If the baby refuses to fall asleep, it is possible to turn on it a quiet calm music or spoil the lullaby. For a good sleep and a normal appetite, walks are important. It is necessary to export a baby to the street at least two times, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

The child's skin care is still important. You should change diapers in time, every 2-3 hours, use quality baby cosmetics. Daily bathing is now turning into real entertainment. Buy Croche special toys for the bathroom, lengthen a little time of water procedures so that he can play with them.

The clothes of the baby should be made of natural fabrics, without unnecessary seams. It is important that it does not throw movements, and did not interfere, the size must correspond to age. Long strings, ruffles and buttercups to the baby should not be primarily functional. Sut the baby several times a day air baths, put your naked on the bed and play. It is not only useful for the skin, but also harnesses the baby, it helps better develop motor skills. On the fourth month, the baby lies, it should not be frightened, just a flush hair is replaced by ordinary.

Classes with a child in 4 months

In order for the development of a child for 4 months to go correctly, you need to do with it. What can you teach it at this age? When the kid is awake, put it more often on the stomach. He will strengthen the muscles of the neck and back, will be able to more actively view the world around. Try to stimulate crawl. Put the toy in some distance from the child, let him try to reach out. If the crumb has not yet learned to turn over, help master this skill. When the baby lies on his back, laid it one leg on another and slowly flip on the side. In the same position, lay the hand to him under the back and shake out of side to the side. Lay the child on the side and lengthenly push himself to try to turn. Baby should not immediately repeat what you are trying to teach it. Take patience, a few days later he will surprise you with new skills.

Active games are very useful for a period of four months. Try raising the baby up and lowering down, circling. Some children like this exercise very much. Gymnastics and charging while passive, extension and bending of the handles, breeding the legs "Cyclik". You can try to pull the baby on the hands, so that he can be sidotigated. But long in this position it is impossible to keep it. Take the crumb under the mouse, in the vertical position of the kids active jumpers, they like to spring on semi-bent legs. To develop your fingertips, play with a karapuz in "Tosi Tosi", move it fingers, let's in the hands of toys of different shapes, with movable details. In the evening, be sure to make a relaxing massage so that the baby fell asleep well.

The kid at 4 months is already quite well developed vision, they distinguish the main colors. Therefore, show them pictures on which the figure, digit or letter is drawn. Play with endangered objects, slowly remove the toy from sight of the child, then return it to the place. More often to the child music, read books, children's poems, before bedtime, be sure to spill lullaby. Very important classes for the development of speech. Several times a day "Talk" with the baby. " Speak simple words, syllables with different intonations, repeat the speech exercises several times a day. It is always necessary to show joy and praise the crumb when he succeeds to repeat the sounds. If you do something with a child, comment on all your actions with words. Then the development of speech skills will go much faster.

The right feeding mode, the development and care of the child is very important, because in the first year the baby can learn a lot. But the only correct recipe, which is how it is worth teaching a baby at an early age is not yet known. Much more important to establish warm emotional contact with him and psychological understanding. What would you do not teach the crumb, rejoice even to his slightest successes. Praise the baby, he constantly should hear positive feedback. Positive intonations in the voice will support and encourage it, will become an excellent incentive for new achievements. Try to the stroller with the baby always beside you, even if you are doing our own affairs. Be sure to remove the first months of the life of the Karapuza on the video, so that he could look at himself a little.

The main lines and tasks of the development of the kid, the creation of a developing environment, which toys need a child in 4 months, which is able to a child in 4 months.

Child at 4 months: Features of the development of the baby, games and exercises, which kid knows how

Home Line Development Child in 4 months

The most important line for the development of the kid in 4 months is the development of its sensor engine activity. The child at this time learns to change the position of his body, which gives him additional opportunities for physical and mental development. It becomes more active. The baby captures and feels hanging rattles and toys, learns to intercept the object from the hand of Mom. Baby learns different properties of objects - color, surface nature (smooth, rough, solid, soft), sound, mass (light - heavy), swinging toys, shakes, hits, tries to taste.

Therefore, at this age, the baby needs a developing environment that will support the formation of these new skills and will contribute to the consolidation of already formed skills.

What toys need a baby in 4 months?

At this age it is very important to teach the baby to capture toys. Therefore, first of all, the child is necessary toys to capture and hold in hand (Rattles with a comfortable handle, rattles - pendants, rattles - rings, rings with buboins or bells).

The most comfortable handle is durable, round in cross section of rattles, similar to a wooden spoon handle. Alas, now there are not so many such rattles, and many moms make them themselves. The ancestor of such a rattle was a sharkoon - an old Russian toy from Berestov. Sharcunks have a very comfortable handle adapted to the size of a children's palm. Sound swear soft, rustling. Sharcuts still make masters and sell at fairs. But in stores they are no longer found.

Child development calendar:

In 4 months, toys for learning capture hang in the crib low above the baby's chest, so that he waving his hands, swept on them and began to attract them to himself, capture, feel. The distance from the toy to the baby should be equal to the elongated pen's handle so that he can reach them.

By 5 months, gradually, the toys begin to hang out not only so that the child can accidentally get them, but also a little left or to the right - so that he began to reach them, send the handles to them, could shift them, pull them.

By 5 months, the baby learns to take a toy from the hands of Mom (in the stomach position) and hold it in his palm for a long time (from 30 seconds to 1 minute).

Also the child is necessary toys for demonstration - Neva, multicolored plot toys, rubber toys. You show the toy, call it parts, actions, read the rhyme, sing a song about her. At the same time, the kid lies on the stomach. These toys should be voluminous, attractive, bright.

For the development of auditory perception Need toys with different sound. It can be a tambourine, metalphone, drum, bells, noise jars and boxes.

For the manufacture of noise boxes, take jars from baby food or from kinder surprises and put different fillers in them. In one - peas, to another - nut, in the third - beads, to the next - buttons. Tightly close and screw the covers of jars.

If you give noise boxes in the hands of the baby, then they must be safe for him. To do this, they must be sewn into the tissue bright case, so that even with an unexpected opening of the jar, nothing has fallen out. Otherwise, the baby may accidentally open the box and swallow the filler.

For the development of tactile sensitivity You can sew tissue pads from the fabric of different textures and different colors. At the same time, fill them with different sound fillers - to enhee a buberet or a beaded box of a kinder surprise or rustling packaging paper. If at 4 months old baby will only feel them and extract sounds, then in the future, when it is growing, you can find pairs of pillows in color, by sound, by weight (heavy - light). Pillows can be both one form (all square) and different forms (Christmas tree, house, fish, etc.).

Also, for the development of tactile sensitivity, you can hang the bells on the transverse crossbar or cord, tieting the cords of different textures and a different cross section to them. The baby touches the cords, pulls behind them and hears a melodic chime of bells.

Toys It is advisable to buy natural shades - wildlife colors - sky, tree, sand, herbs (blue, yellow, green, orange). The sound of toys should be diverse.

On the fifth month of life, you must easily lay out the baby on the tummy and put the toys near the child, so that he stretches to them, changed the position of the body, took them away, and not just lying on his back accidentally threw them (as it was on the fourth month of life).

Toys need to be changed every 2-3 days, as a familiar toy no longer attracts the attention of the baby. For this, the entire "arsenal" toys can be divided into four parts and offer them in turn (change). You should not give all the toys at once - it dissipates his attention.

All toys (including those that we demonstrate to him) must be given to the baby in the hands so that he listened to the sound, he looked, stroked, tried to taste, sniffed. The more active the kid in the knowledge of the world, the better it develops.

You probably noticed that I don't write anything about the so-called audio and video-educational programs for infants, which are written that they are recommended for children from 3-4 months for their learning and development. Why? Because in fact, these programs do not develop the baby and do not teach it, but rather, on the contrary, we tire and cause difficulties in further development. Studies have proven that the main developing incentive in the first year of life for the child is the speech of mom! And the quality of this speech determines the success of the child in the future - and not only the level of its speech development, but also the level of intellectual development. Moreover, the baby is developing. Mom's speech, not audio recording or video of someone else's voice, as the baby distinguishes mother's voice from other sounds from very early age. Therefore, it is important to talk with a child during the laying of sleeping, waking up, dressing, swimming, games and exercises, use Pestus and Pestech, Lullaby.

What a child knows in 4 months

  • The kid confidently holds his head as lying on his stomach, and in the vertical position of the body when he was worn on his hands. When a child lies on his stomach, he rests on the forearm. It is necessary to ensure that the kid rests on not on a compressed cam, but on the open palm.
  • The child lifts his head in the layout lay on his back.
  • He feels his hands, plays with them, considers them, takes the toy invested in the handle in the mouth (the development of the coordination "mouth - hand"). The child swells the toy sticks, the edge of the blanket or pillows, drives his hands on the toy (the development of tanging).
  • By the fifth month, the cam is revealed, so the baby can freely take a toy from the hands of Mom and hold it in his hand. The kid examines the toy embedded in the hand.
  • He knows how to purposefully reach to the toy (hanging over his chest or in his hands in his mother), capture and hold it, manipulate it (the development of visual motor coordination).

In 4-4.5 months, the child can take a toy with two hands, sometimes with one hand.

If at three months the child came out for suspended toys, then in four he captures, feeling and examines them. And by 5 months he will have the ability to grasp the toys - it will clearly take a toy from the hands of an adult.

Of course, you need to follow the toys for the baby at this age were convenient for capturing.

When the kid stretches to the toy, he looks not only on her, but also on his handle. At 4 months he is already able to estimate the distance to the toy. But the ability to grab a toy is still not enough, and the baby often goes to a toy not "direct route", but "bypass", making loop-like movements, rejecting into another direction.

In addition, the child still gets all the toys equally - pressed her fingers to the palm. In the future, by purchasing the experience of setting up toys and objects of different shapes, the baby will begin to capture the items in different ways depending on their shape.

  • The child is interested in different toys, their sound.

  • The baby emotionally responds to different intonations of mom's speeches (affectionate, cheerful, strict), on a different character of the musical melody (distinguishes and reacts in different ways to dance or calm music)
  • The child rejoices at the sight of Mom, learns her. He can learn a close adult from a distance of two or three meters, being on the hands of another adult. He recognizes mom and dad and vote. It distinguishes close people and unfamiliar, reacts in different ways to them. By 5 months, reacts to a new environment, it can cry at the form of other people, they are long considered.
  • The baby laughs in response to emotional communication with him Mom. May cry, if mom speaks a dissatisfied tone with him.
  • The child monitors the moving object or concentrates its view on a fixed subject in different positions of the body: on the hands of an adult, lying on his back, lying on the stomach.
  • He finds the invisible source of sound (music, toy, mom) - turns towards the sound of his head and finds a sound source with eyes.
  • Child in 4 months singers gulit. In the rushing, the baby learns to pronounce vowel sounds consistently native language, trains speech skills. During the fifth month of life, the rigging becomes more diverse - singery with different intonation.

The kid in 4 months is Gulit for a long time in response to Mom's speech, when viewed by toys, during wakefulness. If a child hears mom's voice, then the buzz becomes longer and diverse. The humor is manifested only when a child has a good health and emotional state.

By 5-6 months, the bustling will be changed by separate syllables - a baking sheet: Mamama, Baba, Dad, and others. The lept will indicate that the child hears the sounds of speech adults, hears himself, reached a certain level of development of the articulation apparatus and auditory concentration.

In order for the child to develop preparatory speech skills, it is very important to create silence at home so that the child heard his walking itself. He really needs to learn to hear himself. If a TV is constantly working in the house, then this background prevents the full development of the child and his auditory concentration.

  • The kid can attract attention to himself. This skill appears in the child only when it is constantly communicating, talking. If this is not, then the baby does not show interest in adult and does not attract his attention.
  • The child plays a roll with mom. How to play a rollback you will learn from the second part of the article (games and exercises)
  • In 4 months, the child learns to turn from the back on the barrel. This skill comes to the baby not immediately, not "suddenly." At first he rises high at the forearm as if it would soon be turned over. And then already makes the first turn. When the kid lifted this skill, he begins to learn to turn from his back on the stomach. This will happen later - about 5 months. However, already closer to 5 months of life, many kids appear prerequisites for such a turn - they begin to turn over the back on the tummy "block" (i.e., simultaneously turning his head, shoulders and pelvis).

The first turns of the baby are very rapid, fast, sharp, unexpected, so you need an eye for children! And only then the baby will learn how to make them smoothly.

ATTENTION: Very important! The child in 4 months can not be left unattended, even if he still does not know how to turn! It can turn very unexpected for you (for example, will lose you out of sight and starts looking for you) and fall.

  • The child holds his mother's chest or a bottle with his hands, with the introduction of the dust for 5 months, it begins to eat with a spoon.
  • The kid distinguishes the colors (which is why we use colored ribbons of different color to hang up toys in the crib, and the toys themselves for games and classes with the baby pick it up so that they are different colors).
  • A child at sipping hands is trying to rise and sit down. But the baby at this age is still not sitting and it is impossible to plant it forcibly! Also at this age it is impossible to plant a baby on the pillows, leaning against the wall. Why not? A child who does not know how to sit, can not yet change the position of his body, even if the posture he became uncomfortable. This adversely affects the condition of the child's spine, the further development of movements.

What are the regulatory indicators of the child's development? What will he be able to by the end of the month, that is, by 5 months?

By the end of the month, the baby knows how:

  1. long lie on the stomach in support of the palm,
  2. firmly leaving straightened legs about the table (in a vertical position) with the support of the mouse - it is exactly, steadily,
  3. can turn from the back on the barrel,
  4. it takes good toys and items (purposefully attracts and captures a toy from the distance of an elongated hand from a convenient body position), keeps the toy in hand from 30 seconds to a minute. In the event of failure, he repeats the attempt to grab and keep the subject without motivating mom.
  5. distinguishes new toys from acquaintances,
  6. manipulates toys, actively explores them
  7. distinguishes close people from strangers, including vote (speech, singing)
  8. features affectionate intonation from angry,
  9. actively gulit.

If the kid can not know how, then you should not be upset. Just need to do with it exercises, and everything will work out. Most often, the child has difficulties, if they just did not work with him because. Parents were in ignorance about the fact that even with such a crumb need special exercises, massages and games. When you start to study and play with the child, everything will work out, let him later later.

You also need to know that every child has its own norm. One will begin to turn over a week later, the other week before. It depends on the child himself, and on whether gymnastics and massage and many other factors are held with it. However, there are very disturbing symptoms that show that the baby needs help from experts. What should I pay attention to?

Anxiety symptoms in the development of the child in 4 months

It should be advised with specialists and take on time to help the baby, if a child is 4 months old

  • lying on the stomach, can not raise the torso, leaning on the forearm,
  • the baby's head deviates back when you raise it into a vertical position from the position lying on the back.
  • does not try to rely on the tips of the fingertips when the baby is supported under the mouse and hold in a vertical position,
  • i don't smile when my mother speaks and does not express joys when they play and communicate with him (indifferent to communication with close adults).

Unknown about the famous. The secrets of lullaby songs are the first textbook of life for a child.

What should they be? How do they affect the baby and on mom? What is their developing role? How to use them correctly to develop a child? What is the value of folk lullaby songs?

The method of the development of infants will be honed with many generations and centuries.

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What knows the baby in 4 months?

In four months, the behavior of the kid may change. He will become a capricious, slumping, will drag everything in the mouth and try to "chew". Check the gums of the Karapus in the lower cutters area. Perhaps he cuts a teeth. If a

on the gum appeared redness, swelling and the baby does not allow for this place to touch - it makes itself felt the first tooth. In addition, at this time the appearance of rashes and irritation around the mouth (due to abundant salivation), poor sleep and premature awakening, decline in appetite, liquid chair, cough, and even increase temperature.

1. Periodically, let the kid special "teether" for teeth.

2. If you are very worried about the baby, you can lubricate gums with special ointments or gels, previously consulted with a pediatrician (dentinox, solkoceril).

3. Briefly close the nails of the child so that it does not accidentally scratched the gums during sucking.

4. Wash your hands regularly.

Physical development and motor activity of a four-month kid

The muscles of the back and neck of the baby have already become so rushed that he can hold his head in the position lying on the belly up to 1 minute. At the same time, it relies on the forearm and elbows stretched forward and bent in the elbow joint at the right angle of the handles. The chest is raised above the support, and the legs are divorced to the sides.

If you suck the baby, carefully supporting the handles, it will calmly keep his head.

Karapuz already tries to independently turn over the belly on the side, on the back and even from the back on the stomach. Also, the child tries to crawl independently. Many children have better fall backward than moving forward.

The toddler is purposefully stretched by handles to the interest of his object and captures it. He fell into the hands of a toy he begins to wave and shake. And during feeding, he already holds her mother's chest or a bottle.

The child has many times and the same actions with different objects: pulls in the mouth, turns, shakes, throws. Sometimes he performs stereotypical movements - swinging from side to side or knocks his hand.

1. Expand the complex of physical exercises of the baby due to the introduction of passive exercises with their hands, turns of the body, the development of grabbing.

2. Diverse massage techniques: Along with strokes, use lightweight seizures of kneading, rubbing and patting.

3. Increase the airbag time to 6-8 minutes.

4. Finish bathing with water by water for 1 degree cooler.

5. In the summer, gradually carry out sunny baths in the shade of trees up to 5-6 minutes.

6. Remove the toddler from the zone reach all sharp, heavy and fragile items. Do not allow the child near boiling water containers, hot objects (pans, iron, heater), open fire.

Neriva-mental development and education of a child of 4 months

To the joy of all households at this stage, the baby appears a longer night's sleep.

He likes major bulk toys painted in natural colors: green, yellow, blue, red. Toys, emitting sounds, bring it to delight. He listens to them, makes short-term pauses while shaking a toy. The child is already able to memorize events and impressions for a while. Therefore, he carefully considers various objects, follows the behavior of adults, draws attention to the intonation of the voice.

The baby is much better follows the subject, focusing on it, the distance determines the distance to it and therefore does not flush when it tries to grab his hand. He is already looking for an eye-needed eye (mother, toy, sound source) and finds.

Karapuz frankly rejoices when they appeal to it. He shows his joy by revival, loud laughter, smile, groaning, a variety of sounds, humus. And also actively protests if they cease to communicate and go.

When the baby is upset and crying, he already appears in the eyes of his eyes.

1. Talk as much as possible with the child. Call objects around.

2. accompany the conversation with gestures, faithful, intonation, actions.

3. When contacting the baby, call it by name.

4. Support positive emotions and good mood.

5. Let's give him bright, colorful, eating toys, which are easy to hold in their hands (rattles, squeakers, hammer).

6. You can place a child in a playpen with toys for a while.

7. Play with him in the ball, in hide and seek.

8. Organize the sandbox for the Karapuza at home. To do this, put a little cereal in a small basin and let it go through with your hands.

Results of the fourth month of the kid

Now your baby has become not just an observer, but an active participant of events. He began to take the initiative in communicating with people, and also learned to get it yourself and take objects.

The four-month kid pleases the parents by the emergence of new skills and discoveries. He grown and fastened, began to wake in a bright day of day. Some changes appear in the routine of the day compared to. It is still alternating sleep periods, feeding, daytime hotel and hygiene. Main changes will affect only the duration of these time intervals.

Approximate day of the day for 4 months of life

At four months old, a small man clearly distinguishes faces and voices of adults. Among those around him, he will easily find out his mother. Sleep time has decreased from 16 to 14 hours, and wakefulness - increased by 1-2 hours. The child grows, gaining weight and growth in a special rhythm programmed by nature.

The routine of the baby's day undergoes changes, and in four months it looks like this:

Time Regular processes
7 C.Awakening, first feeding, hygienic procedures (wash, diaper change)
7 h 30 min. - 8 h 30 minGames in the crib, wakefulness
8 h 30 min. - 9 h 30 minMorning Son.
9 h 30 min - 10 h 30 minSecond feeding, games and communication with mom
10 h 30 min - 12 hSleep (preferably in the fresh air)
12 h - 14 hoursThird feeding, gymnastics, easy massage and adoption of air baths
14 h - 16 hSleep during the daytime walk in the wheelchair
16 h - 18 hFourth feeding, wakefulness, listening to children's songs, pastime with adults
18 h - 19 hSleep
19 h - 20 hoursTime of wakefulness, calm communication and games
20 h - 21 hBathing in the bath, fifth feeding, preparation for sleep
21 h - 7 hNight sleep

The crumb is already distinguished by the bright and darkness of the day, and for feeding wakes up at night more and more rarely, preferring to fall out until the morning. In the afternoon, he is able to play and spend time without sleep for about 3 hours in a row. The baby is already not interested in lying without a case, he likes to listen to the conversations of adults and is enlivened when they turn to it. In the daytime wakefulness, the baby studies the world through touch, considers the surrounding items and listens to new sounds.

Cross 4 months: (Mom's experience):

Baby Sleep at 4 months

The need for long-term sleep in children at a given age remains at a high level. After receiving food, the infants willingly fall asleep and can take a closer in the evening. Sleep mode by itself will be established no later than six months, while mom does not always be predicted, in which its child will fall asleep. Remember that the crumb is still too small, and not in every situation it is advisable to follow the time schedule. It suffices to comply with the necessary total duration of daily sleep.

Norma daytime sleep

Answering the question how much the child should sleep for four months, it is worth noting that in a dream, Kroch should spend at least 14-15 hours a day. At the same time, on daytime sleep, it takes at least 5 hours, the remaining 10 hours - on the night's sleep. Duration of day wakefulness from each week increases, changes with this and sleep mode. Some children have four daily recreation periods.

On a note! If you see that the child wants to sleep, then do not wait for the right hour "according to the schedule" and lay it. For the baby's nervous system, it is useful to burn it at the first signs of fatigue than trying to do this after time, without giving the child to meet the need for rest.

Food child in 4 months

Feeding mode, installed in a 4-month infants, assumes a smooth transition to food five times a day. This is the main difference between the routine of the day from previous weeks. To date, mothers have the ability to choose a nutrition for his baby - by breast, mixed or artificial feeding.


The most suitable food for children of this age is breast milk. Baby need to feed every 3-4 hours. At night, the interval between applying to the chest is becoming more - about 7 hours. The day of the day on breastfeeding is most often adjusted not earlier than 5-6 months, because The baby still prefers to eat not by the hour, but on demand. Meanwhile, the number of food meals on GW is reduced in comparison with previous months.

On a note! Contrary to many opinions, a 4-month-old baby on breastfeeding does not need the introduction of dust. Until the sixfold of the mother's milk nutritional nutrition for healthy development and grinding is quite enough.

Food on artificial feeding

On artificial feeding, the power is carried out exclusively adapted by a mixture or a mixture and maternal milk, the amount of which does not exceed 200 ml per day. At this age, the child fits the start (initial) mixture with the marking "1". The required amount of the mixture depends on the weight and health status of a small chad. Based on these data, the doctor calculates approximate volumes and frequency of food intake per day.

An exemplary power supply diagram of a 4-month baby on artificial feeding looks like this:

Important!If my mother seems that her child is not enough breast milk, you should not immediately try to feed the adapted mixture. To begin with, you should seek advice from a pediatrician or to a consultant for GW. The specialist will tell you how to strengthen the lactation and recognize whether your carapuz is fought.

First lure to Yves

Children feeding with a mixture, first lure is introduced in 4 and a half months to fill the body by all the missing substances. Familiar to the "adult" food pediatricians are recommended with caution, gradually introducing one-component puree from vegetables into the diet, then porridge without milk and gluten, and after already fruit juices for baby food.

Permissible products for the introduction of children of children over 4 months old:

The reaction of the baby's baby is of paramount importance: the product must be in taste. Starting with ½ tsp New food, its number increases daily by 1 tsp. Ten days later, the volume of the component entered must be 120-150 ml. So, four feedings per day remain exclusively milk, and the fifth is replaced by the new product.

Baby lore from 4 months - to pay attention to:

The mode of day on artificial feeding has its own characteristics:

  • As a rule, the milk mixture is digested by a children's stomach longer than maternal milk. Consequently, the swelling infants remain longer, and the routine on the clock with such kids to establish easier.
  • In babies to Yves, with a correctly selected mixture of 4-4.5 months, collect, thanks to which children sleep at night many times calmly their peers.
  • Milk mixture consumption may differ from reception. The baby ate 160 ml in the morning, and did not master at lunch and 120 ml? It is normal and can not be connected with the lack of appetite, but with the time of day or even the mood of the crumbs.

Mixed feeding

Mixed feeding mode implies that the baby gets breast milk (minimum 1/5 of the daily volume) and the adapted mixture. If the four-month crumb is on mixed nutrition, it needs to be fed upon request. Pediatricians in this case advise to give a divorced mixture from the spoon, and not from the bottle - addictive to it can badly affect the GW. To drink from the bottle is easier, and soon many children flatly refuse to take the chest.

Walking with a child

Karapuz begins to show an active interest in the world around. During the walk, try to tell him about everything that is found on the way: playing balls, animals, plants and transport. Going on fresh air with daughter or son you need at least twice 1.5-2 hours a day.

The child's mode in winter and late autumn may vary depending on weather conditions - in a strong frost, wind and pouring rain better stay at home. Also, the child's mode in the summer can be adjusted in too hot days, which are safer for the health of the baby to spend in a ventilated room.

Pros and cons walk at different temperature modes can be seen in the table below.

Outdoor air temperature Features Walking
-8 ° C and belowBabies still have a rather weak nasophack. Walking at low air temperature may result in respiratory diseases. If the exit to the street is necessary, then take care of the warming of the air inhaled by the child. Wrap a crumb into the fur envelope with a hood, creating an airbag near the lyrics. We can be on the street with the baby at such a temperature you can not more than 20 minutes.
From 0 ° C to -8 ° CLong-term 30-minute walks will help the baby to sleep tightly. Take care to protect the baby from the wind - use a warm blanket or warmed winter envelope for a stroller. Before leaving, apply on the cheeks and the nose of a small special protective cream from the frost.
From + 1 ° C to + 8 ° CWith such a temperature of the air, it is time to arrange long and a half hours long walks. Children are wonderful in conditions of fresh cool air, mothers can also relax and walk in the park with a carriage without a rush.
From + 8 ° C to + 15 ° CThe air temperature is comfortable and has to walk. You should pay attention to the fact that the small does not sweat from the unnecessary layers of clothing. Do not ride the karapus, better in case of an unstable weather to cover it in the wheelchair spare blanket for insulation.
From + 15 ° C to + 20 ° CIn sunny weather it may seem that on the street it is hot, but in the shade and in the presence of wind is still far from summer. Take into account before going into the courtyard with the child, all factors - whether the sun is shining or overcast, whether the wind blows. Do not dress the crumb too easy, in +16 it is still quite easy to frozen, especially while without movement in the stroller.
From + 20 ° C to + 25 ° CFilled with the sun and warm days are good for long festivities with infidel. But direct sunlight can be dangerous for defenseless children's skin. Choose thin breathable clothes, and unprotected parts of the body lubricate 0+ sunscreen.
From 25 ° C and aboveA safe period for the exit to the street is up to 11 am and after 15 hours of the day. In such a heat, the infants will need an additional liquid, so it is necessary to take drinking water with you. Walking with a carriage, create a shadow in it, dropping a hood and opening the "window" with a grid for airing. If the festival passes at mom in his arms, then a headdress and a thin, but closing body from sunlight clothing.

Physical development kid

The strengthening and development of muscles in a small child is important to do regularly and pay this time not only in the morning. Gymnastics with a baby is an important step towards the preparation and development of the skills of turning and crawling. Pediatricians consider the optimal 5-7 minute load performed using mom in the morning, day and evening.

  • In 4 months, children strive to independently turn over to the "tummy" position. Strengthening back muscles, you can speed up the learning process. It is useful to play with the baby in the "ball". Racing baby on the tummy and back, accompany the occupation of a fairy tale that he became a ball and now wants to place far away. This exercise makes flexible abdominal muscles in children.
  • The exercise for strengthening the spine and arms will prepare a crumb to the skill of the seating. Choo grabbed the index fingers of an adult; Then the parent is careful and low pulls the baby on itself. After counting to ten, we lower it back to the lying position.
  • For stimulation to crawl, an adult can apply a hand under the heel of infants when laying out on the tummy. Karapuz will use the palm as a support - trying to push off the legs, he will try to move forward. So that your children's efforts are not in vain, make the surface convenient for crawling - it can be covered with a plaid or a blanket floor.

Gymnastics and possible exercises with baby (video):

Games and development in 4 months

Four months old children awake at least eight hours. A selection for his baby interesting developing classes can be a good help for a young mother for every day.


Baby like spending time at mom in his arms and view everything around. Sut the younger family member walking around the house. Traveling by the parents in their hands, he replenishes his passive dictionary to the names of various items. All the information heard from adults is postponed by the baby in memory, in which it will be possible to make sure that you will turn your head towards that subject that was mentioned in a conversation.

"Funshit - ringing"

Small motility and tactile sensations contribute to the development of intelligence. Crocha is useful to acquaint with objects / toys having a different textural surface. Children gladly rustle paper, crushed a teddy bear and study a rattle with holes. It is important to make an emphasis on the material, and not on color - oversaturated toys dispel attention.

"Musical Minute"

Rhythmic music is something that leads four-month children delight. A simple slamming in your hands in the tact of melodies helps to form a "from the diaper" a sense of rhythm. Just take a child on the handles and dance with him for trigger music - such an occupation improves the mood, develops memory and coordination.

"Forty - Beloboka"

Little is very fun tooling finger scene games, such as "ladies", "hide and seek", "goes the goat horns" and various game actions with their legs and handles. In combination with ridiculous face strokes, brain centers are activated - they are responsible for the preparation of the articulation apparatus, and in the future, speech.

The baby is no longer so gaining weight. If in the first 2-3 months of life, he could even add 2 kg per month, then by the fourth month the rates of additives are noticeably suspended. This is a normal phenomenon, because it becomes more mobile, it spends more energy and, accordingly, the weight gains less. Growth rates remain at about the same level (about 1-3 cm per month).


By the fourth month, most problems with infant colic usually passes, and the child arrives almost all day in a positive mood. He still does not know how to move independently, so a lot of disorder can not bring. However, the child is very happy to communicate with you.


♦ Learn to roll over the back on the stomach and can turn over from the belly on the back.

♦ In the stomach position pulls the handles, leaning on them and lifts the housing, pulling the breasts from the horizontal surface.

♦ Clearly distinguishes familiar and not familiar people, familiar people emotionally allocates.

♦ Actively smiles in response to new sounds published by adults.

♦ Lovely, simple syllables can appear in the bowel.

The child at this age will know the world with the help of tactile sensations. All new items found in the area of \u200b\u200breach, he immediately pulls into his mouth. That is how he recognizes the world.

Make sure that in the field of the child's game the game did not turn out to be small items, so that the child could not be able to breathe. In general, the baby is considered safe toys and objects that cannot pass through the bushing from toilet paper. Remember that the game first should be safe.

How to organize a child's life in 4 months

The kid has a fairly fairly formed mode. That is, he distinguishes the day and night. At night, he periodically wakes up for feeding and immediately falls asleep. Day allocated 2-3 (sometimes 4) sleep, between which it is awake. The wakeful period is about 2 hours, after which the child falls asleep, even if 20-30 minutes. Usually, children of this age stands out one long daytime sleep and somewhat short.

Four-month-old children walk up to about 2 hours. But it is not necessary to strive for "contrary to everything" for a walk for 2 hours. You can break walks for somewhat smaller. If the baby is sleeping on the street, then you can put a walk for one of the short dreams, so that a long sleep he sleeps at home. This is the time that Mom can use for themselves and home affairs: sleep, cooking, cleaning.

At the age of 4 months, it is necessary to introduce waste rituals to night sleep: a bathtub, lullaby. The daily ritual will help the child calm down and tune in to sleep, and subsequently fall asleep.

How to play

The emotional development of the child is what it is worth emphasis on 4 months. Different hugs, tickles, new sounds, funny faces - what your baby loves, and what will make him smile or even laugh.

4 months is the period of formation of tactile sensations. You can stimulate their development by various materials. You can offer a child to touch a variety of textured fabrics, such as artificial fur, silk or cotton. Remember that most likely the kid pulls them into the mouth, so do not leave it alone with these developing homemade items.

The child will be interesting to play with a unbreakable mirror. Attach it to the bed wall and watch it will look at its reflection and build grimaces.

What can you teach

Education of children up to 4-5 years should be held exclusively in the game form.

The kid clearly clearly sees items at different distances and focuss looks well. He can long consider the toy that is in his hand.

The child is continuous. I hear a speech of an adult, it begins to communicate more actively. Every day he pronounces all new and new syllables. If in this (or any other) to limit communication with the child, then it rolled back to simple agukania.

Primary development of speech

The first syllables appear about 4 months. They are not yet conscious, it is only a preparation for a full-fledged speech. In most cases, the child does not know how to double the syllables (yes, ma-ma, ba-ba). This age is becoming another way to communicate with adults.That is, the baby learns not only shouting and crying to attract the attention of an adult.

What feels and how the child behaves

4 months - one of the calm periods of the child's life. Colic already ended, and teething has not yet begun. Try to rest, get positive emotions, meet with friends and keep in every way to communicate with the outside world.

In an unfamiliar atmosphere, the kid will first look closely to new persons, and when accustomed, - smile to new people (while remaining in your hands). For a child, you are a guarantor of security.