Extended rounded nails. The main forms of extended nails

Every modern woman strives to give her nails a beautiful, graceful shape in accordance with the fashion trends of the current season. However, not every one of us can afford to make, for example, stiletto-shaped sharp nails or long almond-shaped nails. Not every woman can boast of strong and damage-resistant natural nail plates. In some women, they are too soft and prone to delamination, in others they are fragile and very brittle. But thanks to new technologies and high-quality materials, artificial nails can be quickly made and the owner of not very strong natural plates can choose almost any form of extended nails for a fashionable modern manicure.

Useful tips from this material will help you choose the right form of extended nails that is suitable for your well-groomed fingers, and with the help of visual video tutorials and master classes with photos for beginners, you will quickly learn how to build gel nails at home. It is important to note that acrylic nails are still very popular today due to their special strength and resistance to damage, but, nevertheless, they let air and moisture through to the natural plate worse than gel nails. In addition, gel nail extensions are faster at home, and proper care and regular correction of any form of extended nails is quite simple.

Before correcting the shape of nails after extension, it is important to pay attention to the type of your fingers and palms so that the appearance of the manicure is in harmony with the characteristics of the parameters of your well-groomed hands. For example, for girls with plump and short fingers, it is best to choose a square nail shape with rounded corners. On such nails, a two-tone manicure (a good option is a jacket on gel nails) in dark colors with a contrasting pattern will look elegant. If you have a fairly large palm and thick fingers, then you should take a closer look at the sharp shape of the nails, which, after building up with a gel, will be more resistant to damage. Sharp nails visually lengthen the fingers, make them more elegant and thin. But it is desirable to increase the almond-shaped or oval shape of nails for owners of thin, long fingers.


Square shape extended nails:

The classic shape - a square with sharp edges is less popular today than with rounded edges. Square nails with rounded corners have gained especially popularity thanks to french manicure, which looks very impressive on extended nails with shellac (or any other high-quality gel polish). Also, this year's popular manicure can be attributed to the oval-square shape of the nails, on which the design with a subtle pattern or an elegant pattern looks stylish. For lovers of an extravagant, non-standard style, we can recommend square flared nails (with an extended free edge), on which or thematic airbrushing with paints according to the appropriate stencil.

Round or oval nail extensions:
Round nails are rarely extended with gel or acrylic, as this form is appropriate for short nails and is quite suitable for natural nail plates. And if you want to round the free edge on medium or long nails, then pay attention to the manicure of oval nails. If you use a gel for nail extension with a rounded tip of more than 4 mm, then in any case you will get oval and not round nails. Correction of the edge extended on the forms or on the tips is carried out by cutting the corners of the square using a coarse-grained nail file. By the way, a manicure with a rounded free edge visually aligns the fingers, corrects the irregular structure of the hands.

Almond shaped nail extensions:
"Almonds" are usually made pointed with a rounded tip, but now there is a manicure with almond nails, the shape of which approaches an oval. After building up with gel and correcting the shape of the nail, you can make a stylish design with contrasting shades of gel polish. Almond-shaped nails fit perfectly into any style of nail art, are comfortable in daily wear and perfectly repeat the shape of a natural plate. Most often, almond gel nails are preferred by mature, already established women.

Acute shape of extended nails:
An interesting solution for extravagant, self-confident ladies. To form "claws" in the form of "Peak" or "Stiletto" with gel, long nails are extended. The sharp shape of the nails is quite suitable for creating a bold, bright, original design. Gel polish is quite suitable for forming a manicure with contrasting shades on pointed "claws", and the top coat will securely fasten rhinestones or other elements from the nail art set. However, such a manicure cannot be called practical, since the sharp tips constantly cling to tights or thin fabric and can easily break.


This method of extension helps to improve the shape of natural plates, the free edge is easily correctable and the nails in general look very elegant and thin after the procedure. For gel extensions, special forms are used, which can be both disposable and reusable. In addition, you can spread the gel on both the lower and upper molds. It should be noted that the procedure lasts a little longer than nail extension on tips.


On tips, it is easy to build up a free edge with a gel for fairly large nail plates. The procedure is performed quickly enough and is quite appropriate even for brittle, weak nail plates. Tips are artificial flexible plates of different sizes that are glued to the nail and a gel is applied over the workpiece.

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There are several forms of extended nails, and choosing the perfect one can be very difficult.

Often, when choosing a nail shape, they are guided by the advice of manicure masters.

But what if there is no way to contact a professional?

Let's try to figure this out on our own.

1. How to make square and rectangular shapes

Square and rectangular nail extension is the simplest technique, and with a number of advantages: the square shape is suitable for nails of any length and will never go out of style.

To build nails of this form, you need:

  • Treat the cuticle and the free edge of the nail.
  • Install the modeling template.
  • Apply degreaser, then primer. After that, lay out the modeling material and let the gel harden under a UV lamp.
  • We strengthen the stress zone with a new layer of gel and dry the nail again under the lamp. We remove the sticky layer from the nail with a special tool, file the free edge and remove excess material, aligning the plate to the desired shape of the extended nail.
  • We apply a gel finish and dry the result under the lamp.

2. Sharp shapes

For sharp shaped nails, the principle of operation is similar to the previous description, however, in this case, tweezers are additionally used to file the nail, clamping the form under the desired bend. The tips of the nails must be made a little blunt so as not to cling to the surrounding objects with the nails, and also to extend the life of the nails.

3. Extravagant forms

Now in the arsenal of every fashionista there are a lot of ways to make unique extended nails: various colors of varnishes, sparkles, rhinestones, nail piercings, various techniques and designs. If extravagant extended nails are not to your taste, then you can stop at a French design.

For short nails, the best file shape is oval: short nails of this shape look neat and delicate. You should also remember the obligatory rule - all nails are cut to the length of the shortest nail so that all nails are the same length.

It is worth noting

To choose the ideal shape of extended toenails, you need to imagine it mentally. If you can’t do this, then cut out the desired shapes from a regular A4 sheet and “try on” them to the toenails. Remember that the more you round the nail, the shorter it will look, and long and sharp nails visually lengthen the fingers.

Nail extension with gel or acrylic: what to choose

So, you have decided to make extended nails, but the choice arises - to do nails with gel or acrylic? Both methods have their pros and cons.

acrylic nails

  • Acrylic is a surprisingly reliable material - such nails are much more difficult to spoil when doing housework.
  • To remove acrylic nails, you only need a special liquid, a cotton pad and very little time.
  • Acrylic extensions at home are easier for beginners
  • An acrylic nail is much more susceptible to negative environmental influences than gel nail extensions.
  • Nails with acrylic coating necessarily require restoration after extension - this material is toxic and negatively affects the nail plate.

gel nails

  • As a rule, gel extended nails visually seem more natural, and with proper extension, they are identical to natural nails.
  • The gel does not have any odor and is also non-toxic.
  • You will have to sacrifice the length of the nail: gel nails cannot be made as long as in the case of acrylic nails.
  • Making gel nail extensions at home is much more difficult than acrylic ones, so it’s better to go to the salon.

How to prolong the life of extended nails

In order for extended nails to remain beautiful and well-groomed for as long as possible, several rules should be observed:

  • do not use extended nails as an opener;
  • do not cut the cuticle from the nail; instead, push it back with a special stick;
  • keep your nails clean;
  • do housework only with rubber gloves;
  • immediately go for correction if you notice that the gel from the nail is a little behind.

What types of extended nails to choose: extended nails are sharp, square, almond

Another important aspect that needs to be decided is which type of extended nails to choose. The number of options is constantly updated thanks to the rich imagination of fashionistas. We list the most popular types of extended nails:

  • Square and soft square

square nails look best on hands with not very thin fingers, otherwise such extended nails will visually “shorten” the fingers. French designs are often made on square nails.

  • Almond and oval

oval shape- This is a classic extended nails that will suit almost everyone. It should also be noted that the oval shape is an excellent springboard for design experiments. Any drawing on them will look advantageous.

Tonsil shaped nails usually longer than oval and form a narrowing towards the end of the nail. This type of extended nails will suit any fingers. It should also be noted that this form of nails is quite convenient and does not interfere with various tasks.

  • Stiletto and bridget

Extended stiletto nails quite long and pointed towards the end of the nail: visually, this lengthens the nail plate and makes the fingers thinner.

However, this type of extended nails looks extremely outrageous: if you like to stand out from the crowd, then be sure to try the “stiletto”.

Bridget nails pointed, with two faces converging at one point.

To make the shape of bridget extension nails amazing, you need to use only high-quality materials, give the special paper template the desired shape and correctly install the template on the nail. The "bridget" shape is very similar to the "age" shape, in which the tip of the nail is pointed more distinctly.

  • cat claw and blade

"Cat claw" is a form of extended nails that is often mistaken for a "stiletto".

A distinctive feature of the "cat's claws" is their curvature, while the "stilettos" are straight.

This type of extended nails becomes very impractical as a result of curvature - nails are quite easy to break.

Very interesting blade shape. Nails with this form of manicure have the shape of a butterfly wing, which visually gives the fingers additional lightness and elegance.

  • Pipe, Lamborghini and Concorde

A completely new phenomenon in nail fashion - extended nails forms of "concord"(aka Lamborghini). Extended nails "concorde" repeat the curves of the famous model of the airliner and at the same time similar in shape to the famous car brand. In their form, "concord" resemble "pipe", only in the latter the tip of the nail is smoother.

The ideal shape and length of extended nails: filing technology "12 lines"

Many people think that beautiful nail extensions can be made, guided only by their vision of the shape of the nails.

Nevertheless. this is not entirely true.

The ideal shape and length of extended nails is the result of the application of special knowledge and filing technologies.

Consider the professional filing technology "12 lines", which, if all the points are correctly followed, will help you create perfect extended nails at home without visiting specialized salons.

With the technology of filing "12 lines" you need to act as follows:

  • Line number 1 we draw vertically through the middle of the finger - this will be our guideline for creating symmetry of the nail.
  • Line No. 2 perpendicular to line No. 1: where we mentally draw it, the length of the nail will be limited there.
  • Lines No. 3 and No. 4 are perpendicular to line No. 2. These two lines exit the stress zone. Now we file the edge of the nail until the desired shape is obtained.
  • Line No. 5 parallel to the cuticle: the beginning and end of this line correspond to the right and left sides of the stress zone. At this stage, we start filing again: we have to file about one third of the nail bed. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Lines No. 6 and No. 7 are parallel to line No. 1. These two lines pass through line No. 2, exiting on the right and left sides of line No. 1.
  • Line No. 8 actually a point, not a line. It is located on line No. 1 in the center of the corrected nail. In this place we will leave the thickest layer of modeling material (about 1-2 mm). The area between lines No. 6 and No. 7 is cut down from line No. 8 (that is, points) to line No. 5.
  • Line No. 9 parallel to line No. 1 and located between lines No. 6 and No. 7. Line No. 9 begins at a point (conditional line No. 8), and ends at the intersection with line No. 2. The zone designated by us is filed from a point (conditional line No. 8), descending to line number 2.
  • Line No. 10 located between lines No. 3 and No. 4 along the edge of the nail. Remember that this line must necessarily intersect with lines No. 3 and No. 4 at the same level, otherwise the ideal length of extended nails will not work.
  • Line No. 11- this is a repetition of line No. 2: with its help we check the resulting symmetry of the surface of the nail, if necessary, we make corrective strokes.
  • Final Line No. 12 already shapes the free edge of the nail. As a result of correctly performed steps, you will get the ideal length of extended nails.

The choice and application of certain manicure techniques is an important decision that can be reflected in the appearance of a fashionista. Even those who are far from manicure art understand that an important step in creating beautiful nails is the right choice of their shape. The shape of the base of the nail, the length and thickness of the fingers, the structural features of the hand, as well as your lifestyle and taste preferences play a role. To finally decide, you need to know what forms of nails are and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Let's try to figure it out.

Circle - the most popular shape (with photo)

The most popular form among those who cannot afford long or sharp nails. These are mothers of small children, doctors and nurses, female musicians, athletes and those who work hard at a computer keyboard.

The circle implies the length of the free edge of the nail only up to 3 mm and the absence of sharp corners. Often the edge of the nail is made parallel to the edge of the nail bed. However, often the nail bed is not the same on different fingers. In this case, the edge of the nail should still be the same, so it is better to use an opaque varnish so that the difference is not visible.

Look at the photo for such a nail shape as a circle, a variety of design options are offered:

The oval is quite practical

This is the same circle, only on longer nails. This design is often chosen when building a nail plate with acrylic or gel, but a natural oval manicure is quite practical. The oval is suitable for women for whom safety is important, but due to short fingers and a small nail bed, short nails do not suit them. Nail art on oval nails can be anything - the style of manicure depends on it. You can apply a polish of one color or a complex ornament with many halftones, a classic jacket or a geometric print, pastel shades or neon polishes.

The square looks elegant

The square looks great with a long nail bed, it is able to visually balance very long fingers. The square looks quite elegant, especially in combination with a French manicure. If you like and like this option, but sharp corners cause inconvenience in the form of snags on clothing and accidental scratches, you can round them slightly, resulting in a shape called a soft square. If the nails are thin, when growing a long square, that is, a rectangle, the edges will begin to bend, forming a kind of tube called a pipe, it is easy to recreate it when building up.

Almond is acceptable on long and medium nails

The most difficult form for a non-professional to perform, while the most elegant and stylish. Almonds are made on long and medium nails, ideally the free edge should be no shorter than the nail bed. Such a manicure owes its name to the similarity with the nut of the same name, the edge should be pointed, but not too much, it is very important to keep the proportions exactly. You need to start cutting the nail approximately from the middle of the free edge, making smooth movements from the sides to the center.

This form of nails can be slightly modified if the chosen style of manicure requires it. Almonds are acceptable if a woman has sufficiently strong and well-groomed natural nail plates.

Stiletto is suitable for artificial nails

This form is spicier than almonds. You need to grind off the nail from the first third of the free edge. The sides are almost straight, like the sides of a triangle, and the tip itself is still rounded. Such a nail is quite fragile, since the area of ​​the nail plate is noticeably reduced, so the stylet is most often performed on artificial nails. A natural nail, if it is soft, and also dry, can bend down or even up at the tip, or twist in a spiral.

The stylet shown in the photo below is more suitable for artificial or extended nails:

Pica - an impractical nail shape

This is a rather impractical and extravagant nail shape that resembles a stiletto. However, the spike is sharpened straight from the base of the nail in straight lines, and the tip remains sharp. Such nails should be long - then they look as impressive as possible. It is easy to injure yourself and others with such a manicure, so think carefully before choosing the peak. For natural nails, the peak option is not suitable, since even the healthiest nail will be incredibly weak and brittle.

Nail extension is becoming more and more popular among modern women. But before you decide on the procedure, think in advance what form you want. After all, then you can’t file it, you can’t redo it. And a lot depends on the shape: the comfort of wearing, the strength, the beauty of the hands, and your image. What are extended nails?

Classic nail shapes

The classics include such familiar shapes as square, oval, almond and stiletto.

Square nails are the most popular option. They look spectacular and are well suited for all sorts of stylistic tricks. This form suits the owners of long fingers, because it visually shortens them a little. Usually the square is chosen by young girls and women who want to look modern, but do not want to go too far.

Square nails have variations: sharp shape (with strictly 90-degree angles), soft (slightly rounded), trapezoid and beveled (when one edge of the nail is shorter than the other).

The square has one significant drawback - such nails are not very practical. Especially if the length is long. It is easy to catch on something with sharp edges, besides, they cannot withstand heavy loads and can break, for example, when untying a knot.

Oval nails are the most practical option. Very comfortable to wear, no problem. The oval is more often chosen by middle-aged women or those whose lifestyle, image and character require a classic manicure. Oval nails will lengthen short and wide fingers, and a graceful handle will make it even more elegant.

The downside is that in terms of design, you can’t clear up here.

Almond shape - similar to an oval, but somewhat narrower towards the top. It's also a practical option. Almonds significantly lengthen the fingers. Suitable for those with chubby hands.

Stylet. A long nail is sharpened so that its edges meet at one point, causing associations with a cat's claw. Stylets can be both long and very short. They are chosen by young girls and women who strive to be extravagant, amaze, stand out and feel like predators. Nails of this form are quite strong and wearable, and aggressive - only in appearance: it is almost impossible to scratch them.

The stiletto elongates the fingers. And it has the following disadvantages: firstly, others may be frightened at the sight of such nails, and secondly, if an extended nail in the form of a stylet breaks, its owner will almost certainly be injured.

Creative forms of building

Trying to please the clients and impress their imagination, the stylists came up with something! What forms of nails you will not see in modern women! If you are not afraid to experiment, then here you are:

Form "edge" ("blade", "angle", "rib"). It is a nail, divided in the middle by a rib. The form absorbed all the best of the classics and added creativity. From the square she has clarity, from the stylet - elegance, from the oval - practicality and convenience. Looks "edge" well on any hands. In some magical way, she makes long fingers shorter, and short fingers longer. On such nails there is where to play out fantasies in terms of color and design. But making them is not easy. Only an experienced master virtuoso can handle it.

Shape "pipe" (tube). It is a mixture of square and oval. The edges of the nail seem to be concave inward, which makes it look like a tube. Nails look very neat. "Pipe" is also not for every master.

Bridget form. Translated as "construction" or "bridge". It is somewhat reminiscent of a stiletto, only the edges of the nail are not two, but three. There is a tapered free edge. Bridget is based on a square. The nails look extravagant, but they are completely impractical because they are too sharp. "Bridget" is suitable for special occasions, but they are not suitable for ordinary life.

Consider again carefully the photo, re-read the characteristics ... And you can go to the salon. By the way, the master will also definitely advise you something.

Let your nails have the most successful shape!

It is very important for any woman to have a beautiful, well-groomed manicure that will tell others about her sense of style. Even on the busiest days, she finds time to follow the latest innovations in the fashion industry.

Modern trends in extended design

In 2019, natural manicure is gaining great popularity. These are short or medium nails of almond or oval shape. The lacquer finish should be beige light pink flesh or brown. Natural, natural forms are coming to replace long extended nails. Everything is also in the top classic French and moon manicure. But the classic white color this year can be replaced with more saturated, eye-catching tones. It would also be a good option to add decor in the form of small rhinestones, or to perform a gradient transition. These types of manicure are absolutely suitable for any style and image. But still, despite the popularity of naturalness, beautiful extended nails of maxi length do not cease to be very popular.

Common types of building materials in 2019

This year, manicure masters offer different methods and materials for nail extensions. There are two types of material to build: acrylic or gel. Acrylic is more practical and durable material. But nails made with gel have a more transparent look and glossy shine. As for the extension methods, here it is also worth choosing between tips and shape. It is worth considering the anthropometric data of the fingers for a more suitable method.

Varieties of forms of extended nails

Nail fashion has its own trends regarding the shape of the nail plate. This year, not only oval is popular, but also square, almond-shaped. Bridget is a combination of a stylet with narrowed squares and two ribs. Pipe - with this form, the nail has a rectangular appearance, and the tip smoothly turns into an almond-shaped appearance. Edge - the base is in the form of a narrowed square, but the stylet should have a clearly one facet.

Extended nail designs for every shape

The classic oval shape is the most practical, as it receives less damage and at the same time has a beautiful, neat look.

The almond shape is an incredibly feminine shape that visually makes the fingers thinner and more elegant, but it is still best to choose this shape for short or oval nails.

The sharper almond is an interesting and attractive shape. It is worth noting that it is not very convenient for everyday life.

Popular square - this shape is also best for medium length nails. This form requires careful and special care. A soft square is a traditional square, but with slightly rounded edges.

The rounded shape is also one of the most popular and sought after shapes. Its main advantage is that it is suitable for absolutely any length.

Extended nails: photo of chic nail art

For housewife girls who are always busy with household chores or those whose job is typing, long nails will not be the best option. This year's trend is double and single moon manicure. In such a manicure, a transparent hole is made at the base of the nail or painted over with a different shade. For short extended nails, such a manicure is the best option. It is worth paying attention to the gradient that goes from one nail to another, or geometric motifs in the form of different shapes and hieroglyphs that will look appropriate for any length.

French on extended nails

Extended nails with a jacket have been popular for a very long time. This type of manicure has a lot of advantages. With this design, the nail becomes much stronger, the appearance of the manicure does not lose its beauty. After a certain period of time, you can perform a correction and continue to wear extended manicure further.

The extended jacket looks very feminine and elegant. It does not have to be done in the traditional white tone. A great option is to decorate with any other color or even shiny. Of course, the more common classic version of the French manicure, but the masters advise the girls to be relaxed and implement more daring ideas, add an accent, dare to take bold steps closer to fashion trends.

Extended nails - 2019 with the addition of sparkles and rhinestones

Sequins and rhinestones are a very bright, attractive and spectacular element of decor. Use large stones to apply them to the ring finger over its entire area, and place small sparkles on the rest of the nails. If you want to create an image of a gentle and sweet princess, opt for oval-shaped nails, decorated in pink, with the addition of rhinestones on the rim of the ring finger, and one pebble at the top of each finger. For daring and extravagant beauties, rhinestones or black sequins are perfect.

Black extended nails

For girls who prefer extravagance, fashionable extended nails made in black will be the best option. It is desirable to diversify such a coating with decorated rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, confetti. But just a plain black version looks incomparable.

Extended nails with white coating

White manicure for extended nails in the new season is rarely used in monochrome. More and more masters of nail design prefer the combination of a white coating with other shades. A white-color combination with a rhinestone decoration looks especially impressive on extended nails.

Extended nails: red nail art

The red design is very popular this year and is often seen in fashion shows. By adding an extended manicure in red with snow-white flowers, a mesh or lace, you will get an unusually attractive and sexy style.

Adhering to all the tips for extended nails in 2019, every girl will be able to fascinate, and maybe even shock with her fashionable extended manicure, which literally came down to us from the TV screens from the popular Claws series.