New data on the impact of caesarean section on the child. What are the seams

Hello, dear readers! Today, the method of birth by caesarean section is becoming more and more popular. More recently, this method of delivery was a dangerous operation that could bring a lot of undesirable consequences. Today, surgical intervention is reaching a new level, so it does not pose a particular danger to mother and child. But! There are still risks... Consequences after caesarean section for the child and mother is the topic of our article today.

Is a caesarean section dangerous?

Talking about the dangers of the operation today is less and less. Modern technologies, high-quality and proven anesthetics - all this contributes to the fact that artificial birth is becoming more popular and safer. However, behind a cloudless veil, negative consequences are hidden, which are not customary to talk about loudly. What are the consequences? I propose to consider below.

In any case, you must understand that the operation should be performed only if there are medical indications, the banal fear of childbirth is not a reason to endanger the health of the mother and baby.

In what cases a similar method of delivery is shown, can be found in the article:

The consequences of caesarean for the mother

What are the consequences after a caesarean section for women?

  • longer postpartum recovery process;
  • lower contractility of the uterus associated with damage to its walls;
  • high risk of developing inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • possible damage to nearby organs;
  • the need for blood transfusion in case of heavy blood loss, if it is impossible to stop the bleeding, they may resort to removal of the uterus;
  • blood poisoning;
  • often there is a feeling of discomfort in the seam area;
  • during the operation, increased blood clotting is observed, which can lead to the formation of blood clots;
  • problems with GW;
  • severe pain in the first days after surgery;
  • divergence of the edges of the seam in case of non-compliance with the prescribed rules;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, which may not go away with time;
  • development of the adhesive process;
  • the risk of complications during the next pregnancy increases (premature abruption of the placenta, its presentation), the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is also high;
  • if pregnancy does not occur between 2-5 years after cesarean, then the likelihood of uterine rupture increases;
  • in the future, there is a high probability of developing concomitant gynecological problems.

One of the serious disadvantages for the mother is the problems with planning and carrying subsequent babies. After 2 or 3 surgeries, a woman may be offered a tubal ligation. Since you can give birth in this way no more than 2, in rare cases 3 times.

Due to the fact that the process of the appearance of the baby for the mother remains incomplete, psycho-emotional problems may arise. Often, against this background, a woman develops, which worsens the already difficult period of postoperative recovery.

Separately, I would like to talk about the complications arising from the use of anesthesia.

In the case of an emergency caesarean section, doctors resort to the use of general anesthesia. The consequences of general anesthesia for the mother:

  • on the first day, the woman feels rather bad, headaches, dizziness, nausea, less often vomiting, clouding of consciousness are observed;
  • irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa due to the use of a tracheal tube;
  • negative effect of anesthetic drugs on the cardiovascular system.

After using the spinal or many women complain of constant pain in the back, a periodic feeling of "numbness" of the legs. In addition, it is necessary to entrust this manipulation only to an experienced anesthetist, otherwise you can get a serious injury.

The consequences of a caesarean section for a baby

How does caesarean section affect the health of the child?

Basically, complications in a child occur in the postoperative period, but there are also those that manifest themselves after months and even years of your child's life.

The consequences for the baby include:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • it is not uncommon for pneumonia or asphyxia to occur in newborns after cesarean section (during natural childbirth, this situation is excluded, since the remnants of amniotic fluid are removed under pressure from the birth canal);
  • often these children have weakened immunity;
  • have breathing problems;
  • recent studies trace the relationship between the development of autoimmune diseases and the surgical method of childbirth;
  • higher risk of developing bowel problems.

What are the consequences in the future for children after caesarean section?

Despite the fact that scientists are still conducting research on the effect of caesarean section on the further development of the child, today they are talking about its negative impact on the psycho-emotional background, as well as on the immune system.

No, we are not talking at all about the fact that cesareans get sick more often than babies born naturally. For example, in the process of natural childbirth, the child passes through the birth canal of the mother, from where his intestines are populated by the first bacteria. Then the baby is laid out on the mother's stomach, where there is close tactile contact and the colonization of bacteria continues. In the process of this contact, the baby sucks his mother’s breast, which, firstly, contributes to the active colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora, and secondly, “fixes” the success between mother and child in childbirth, i.e. creates a strong psycho-emotional connection, and besides, it is a trigger in the work of the crumbs' immunity!

Thus, cesareans who have not gone through all these stages are more prone to developing problems with the digestive tract, both in the first months of life and in the future.

The next point - scientists are talking in earnest about the relationship of autoimmune diseases with caesarean section. So, according to the results of studies, it was noticed that with the growing popularity of caesarean, the incidence of autoimmune diseases increases, when the child's immune system perceives its immune cells as "strangers" and fights them.

It has also been said for a long time that cesareans often have problems with memory, concentration of attention, their thought processes are worse developed. The character is characterized by capriciousness and nervousness. Perhaps all this is due to the negative influence of anesthetic drugs.

Here is another consequence that is negative for both mother and baby - the inability to immediately start breastfeeding after a cesarean section. Read more on this topic in the article:

In this article:

Obstetricians and gynecologists consider the natural way of resolving pregnancy to be the best for the child and mother - both adapt to new conditions faster and more efficiently. But there are situations when a caesarean section is the only right choice and prevents severe birth injuries. In Russia, operative delivery is carried out only if there are medical indications, and not at the request of the woman.

Many mothers who have had or are expecting this operation worry about how a caesarean section affects their baby's health. Do you need any additional measures and care for the baby to adapt normally?

Influence of the method of birth on the condition of the child

During natural childbirth in children, all systems are gradually activated. Passing through the maternal pathways makes it possible to adapt to new living conditions, allows the microflora to settle in, and the lungs to open.

Because of the operation, this does not happen or does not happen enough - after a cesarean section, children abruptly fall into an environment that is unusual for them.

However, difficult natural childbirth can be the cause of birth trauma - when the brain (and in some cases other internal organs) is affected, sometimes irreversibly.

In the process, cerebral hemorrhages, ruptures of the pontine veins, cerebellar occlusion, skull fractures and much more are possible, which subsequently leads to an increase in intracranial pressure, damage to the cranial nerves, hydrocephalus of varying severity, brain atrophy.

These pathologies, in turn, are the causes of developmental delays, paralysis (central, peripheral, infantile cerebral), mental retardation, hearing loss, loss of vision, and many others.

Difficult childbirth also negatively affects the condition of the woman. They can lead to pathological divergence of the bones of the pubic joint, severe ruptures of the cervix, perineum and vagina, extensive bleeding, pituitary infarction.

All together, this threatens with multiple pathologies that can lead a woman to a deterioration in the quality of life, infertility, and disability.

In disputes between what is better for the child - a conventional delivery or an operation - doctors express their opinion: a successful natural birth is better than a cesarean section, but operational ones are preferable to severe spontaneous ones.

Myths about babies born by caesarean section

There are many myths about children who came into this world with the help of an operation. They are based on ideas about the methods of caesarean section, which were carried out several decades ago. Modern medicine has stepped far forward and can now offer improved surgical techniques that have a minimum of negative consequences.

Myth 1

Children after caesarean section are born weakened, as their internal organs do not have time to mature by the time of the operation. This may be true in emergency situations where the condition of the mother and fetus requires urgent action.

Ultrasound allows you to determine the degree of term of the child with great accuracy - for each woman this period is individual. Without the need, when the fetus still needs maturation, doctors do not perform the operation.

If the condition of the child and mother allows you to extend the gestational age, obstetrician-gynecologists are willing to take this step and the planned caesarean section is carried out closer to the expected date of birth.

In some cases, if the situation and the qualifications of the doctor allow, they wait for the natural contractions of the woman and during them promptly deliver.

Myth 2

Children after caesarean section in the first days are in drug shock, as anesthesia negatively affects the brain.

Currently, in most cases, spinal or epidural anesthesia is used, which allows you to immobilize the lower half of the body of the woman in labor (she herself remains conscious). In these cases, the penetration of anesthetics into the bloodstream is minimal, and they are removed from the mother's body quickly and do not have time to affect the child.

However, even if general anesthesia was used (in case of urgent emergencies), its effect on the baby’s brain is not strong: now modern high-quality drugs are used that slightly depress the child’s respiratory and nervous system for a short time.

Myth 3

Children after caesarean section do not take the breast, they are "lazy" to suck. Breastfeeding is a process that can be influenced by a variety of factors (time of first feeding and frequency, physiological characteristics of the mother). An important role is played by the early attachment of the child to the breast. The use of epidural and spinal anesthesia allows the woman to remain conscious, immediately after the operation, hug the baby and feed him.

Even if this did not happen in the first minutes after birth, feeding can be carried out in intensive care units, where mothers spend the first hours after surgery: in most maternity hospitals, midwives bring babies there.

A child who, after birth, satisfies the need for suckling from the mother's breast, and not from the nipple, as a rule, rarely experiences problems with feeding later.

Myth 4

All children after caesarean section receive the mixture for several days, as the mother is forced to take many antibiotics in the postpartum period.

In maternity hospitals, those antibacterial drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding are used. And improved technologies for this operation have now reduced the use of drugs to a minimum.

Myth 5

Psychologists say that there is a break in the emotional connection between children born through surgery and their mothers. There are no objective studies in the scientific world that would confirm this assumption: these statements are the personal opinion of a certain group of people.

The establishment of emotional contact between mother and child is influenced by many psychosocial factors: care, bodily interaction, subsequent verbal and non-verbal communication, participation in the life of a daughter or son. All this is possible to give, regardless of the method of delivery.

Consequences for a child born through surgery

The consequences for children after caesarean section are determined by several factors:

  • maternal health and characteristics of the course of pregnancy;
  • method of administration of anesthesia and its quality;
  • the conditions of the operation (planned event or emergency);
  • actions of the medical staff.

In some cases, the child may experience problems with the vessels - due to the pressure drop during extraction. Breathing difficulties may also begin - due to the fact that the lungs did not have time to open up to the end. As a rule, these pathologies are diagnosed immediately.

Children after a caesarean section may suffer due to negative processes occurring in the intestines: severe gas formation, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the baby's body did not have time to populate the mother's microflora.

In this case, it is important to attach the baby to the breast - together with milk, he will be able to fully receive all the necessary bacteria. Also, do not forget that the development of one's own flora in a child born in any way can be problematic in the first months - it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In some cases, girls born by caesarean section may suffer in the first months from vulvovaginitis - for the same reason as from intestinal disorders (lack of colonization of microorganisms).

All cases are not irreversible and are corrected with the help of well-chosen treatment.

Indications for caesarean section

The operation is indicated for women in labor in the presence of:

  • placenta previa or abruption;
  • mechanical obstruction in the birth canal (neoplasm of the uterus or ovaries);
  • severe preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • clinically narrow pelvis or its deformation;
  • symphysite;
  • transverse intrauterine position of the fetus;
  • exacerbation of genital herpes,
  • critical oligohydramnios, etc.

In some cases, caesarean section is used at the discretion of the doctor in case of multiple pregnancy, the presence of a breech presentation of the fetus, multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord, various diseases of the woman (some cardiovascular, endocrinological, neurological, ophthalmological, musculoskeletal, as well as hemorrhoids, kidney pathology).

Often the need for surgery arises already in the process of childbirth - when labor activity is weakened, fetal hypoxia is detected, the impossibility of its passage along the paths, the umbilical cord prolapses, etc. In this case, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Prenatal activities

To prevent possible problems, a future mother who already knows about a planned operation is advised to discuss the choice of anesthesia with the doctor: it is better to give preference to spinal or epidural anesthesia.

You also need to first find information about breastfeeding (if the mother wants to breastfeed), enlist the support of a lactation consultant or pediatrician.

Otherwise, the preparation for childbirth is almost no different from that which is expected with natural resolution.

Feeding your baby after a caesarean section

Feeding children after caesarean section does not experience any restrictions: all drugs used during such childbirth and the recovery period are compatible with breastfeeding.

In some cases, the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the newborn if general anesthesia was given, complications appeared during the operation, or the woman does not feel well. In this case, the staff of the maternity hospital supplements the baby with a mixture.

In those hospitals that support breastfeeding (and now there are more of them), this is done through a syringe without a needle, and not through a bottle. This is due to the fact that the child, having tasted the nipple earlier than the breast, may subsequently refuse to suck on mother's milk.

However, do not despair if this still happened: in the first weeks, if you wish, you can try to retrain the baby.

If the child was born prematurely, weakened and forced to be in the neonatal intensive care unit, the employees of the maternity hospital usually feed children after a cesarean section with mother's milk: for this, a woman needs to express herself regularly.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to establish breastfeeding, this is not a reason for frustration, since modern mixtures have a composition that is as close as possible to mother's milk. The main thing is the warmth and care that a woman can give to her child.

Is there any special care needed for a baby born through surgery?

There is nothing special about caring for children after a caesarean section from caring for children born naturally (in the absence of serious pathologies). Their umbilical wound heals in the same way and on time, they receive vaccinations according to a single schedule.

Doctors at regular examinations monitor the developmental features of such children, evaluate their breathing, cardiovascular activity. If violations are not detected immediately or within a month, then the likelihood that they will appear later is small.

So, operative delivery is an alternative way out in the presence of pathologies in the health of the mother or fetus, and sometimes the only one. Children after a caesarean section may experience difficulties in the first months that are associated with their intestinal activity, breathing, blood vessels.

However, these problems are rarely detected and can be successfully compensated by a doctor. An important issue is the establishment of breastfeeding - if the mother wants to feed naturally, she should study this issue in advance.

Useful video about caesarean section

Caesarean section is not such a rare procedure: according to statistics, the proportion of children born in this way is about 15%. The expectant mother simply must know what she needs to be prepared for, since it is impossible to fully insure against such an operation and be sure that the child will be born on her own.

The reasons for a caesarean section can be both on the part of the woman in labor and on the part of the fetus. Indications are divided into absolute (when childbirth is physically impossible in a natural way) and relative (in which childbirth is possible, but with a threat to the life and health of the mother or child).

The condition of the woman in labor

  • Incorrect placenta previa (children's place) and other disorders of placentation. When the placenta is attached low - so that it blocks the entrance to the uterus from the outside - there is a threat of bleeding and miscarriage. Premature aging of the placenta and its detachment are dangerous with hidden and obvious bleeding, inability to breathe and feed the fetus.
  • Absolutely narrow pelvis. The situation when the pelvis of the woman in labor is anatomically and clinically narrowed, and the passage of the child through the birth canal is impossible.
  • Multiple uterine fibroids and other malignant neoplastic diseases of the internal genital organs.
  • The threat of rupture of the thinned wall of the uterus after multiple births or the divergence of the seam during repeated caesarean section.
  • The complete absence of labor activity, not amenable to medical correction.
  • The narrowness of the pelvis is clinical. It turns out on the patronage of a gynecologist during pregnancy.
  • Age over 35 in a nulliparous woman.
  • Diseases of the woman in labor (severe visual impairment, the presence of artificial organs, genital herpes in the progressive phase, bronchial asthma, diabetes, hypertension, divergence of the pubic bones, varicose veins). We are talking about serious diseases in which the pregnant woman is observed by the relevant specialists.
  • Complications of pregnancy, not amenable to treatment.
  • Severe perineal tears after previous births.
  • IVF, long-term infertility, a history of fetal fading in combination with other pathologies.
  • Previous caesarean sections.

Fetal condition

  • Severe violation of placental nutrition, lack of oxygen (hypoxia). It is found out with the help of ultrasound and CTG diagnostics.
  • Placental abruption at any stage of pregnancy.
  • The transverse position of one or more fetuses is almost always the basis for surgical intervention.
  • Prolapse of the umbilical cord (leads to blocking the oxygen supply to the child).
  • Incorrect entry of the baby's head into the birth canal.
  • Hypotrophy, FGR of the 2nd and 3rd degree.
  • Excessively large (more than 4 kg) or small (less than 2 kg) fruit.
  • Breech presentation of the fetus, especially male.
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of the mother and child, in which hemolytic disease of the fetus (destruction) can develop. The child's body gets poisoned by decay products, which results in the occurrence of jaundice in newborns.
  • Defects in the development of the fetus.

Stitches after surgery

After this procedure, the woman is guaranteed to have a seam. It will most likely last a lifetime.

What are the seams

According to how the incision is made, the seams are divided into:

A vertical incision (from the navel to the pubic bone) is made during the so-called corporal surgery. They are carried out when an urgent (emergency) delivery is needed. For example, when:

  • bleeding;
  • acute hypoxia in the fetus;
  • varicose veins in the lower abdomen;
  • low attachment of the placenta;
  • presence of a vertical seam.

The vertical seam after a caesarean section looks very untidy, after a certain time it becomes thicker, more noticeable.

The reason for this is the imposition of interrupted sutures, which are necessary for a stronger connection of tissues.

During the Pfannestiel laparotomy, the incision is made transversely over the pubic bone. The scar is almost invisible, as the incision is located inside the skin fold. Yes, and a cosmetic suture is applied here, which after a while will resolve on its own, without requiring removal.

How to process a seam

After the operation, the doctor stitches all layers of the abdominal wall. The skin after a caesarean section is sutured with a non-absorbable (insoluble) suture, which is usually removed on the eighth day after the operation. On the first day, a bandage is applied, which promotes wound healing after cesarean. You can’t soak it, so if you want to take a shower, of course, you need to cover the seam with a towel. When dressed, you should take care that the wound and the surrounding area are perfectly clean. Otherwise, it can lead to infection, inflammation, and even rupture of the suture after a cesarean.

The skin should be washed with water and intimate hygiene gel at least three times a day. You can also use unscented liquid soap. After washing, the seam is gently wiped dry with a disposable towel (there are too many germs on cotton, even if they are freshly washed). Then you can wipe it with alcohol or salicylic acid or a ready-made swab dipped in alcohol.

Until the wound is completely healed, wear light, breathable underwear. Pants can injure the seam after a caesarean. The best are loose trousers made of cotton, with a fairly high waist. You should also remember to take good care of your intimate hygiene and wash your hands after every use of the toilet. Fecal bacteria multiply rapidly and can easily move into the area of ​​the wound, causing the suture to become inflamed.

Consequences for the mother

Certain risks and consequences are associated with a caesarean section:

  • 1/3 of women after caesarean section have operational complications.
  • Risk of infections of internal organs (uterus and neighboring organs).
  • Danger of large blood loss with the need for a blood transfusion.
  • Unforeseen reactions of the body to anesthesia (for example, a rapid drop in pressure).
  • Weakening of the intestines.
  • Recovery, even with a successful postoperative course, is slower than after natural childbirth.
  • Discharge, light bleeding will last 4-6 weeks after surgery.
  • Soreness of the suture may persist for several weeks after surgery.

If the pain is very strong, you can discuss with your doctor the advisability of using painkillers - choose those medicines that will be safe when breastfeeding.

Risks for the child

Is it possible to give birth normally after a cesarean?

Regardless of whether a woman wants to give birth to her next child naturally or is ready for a second operation, in any case, the first two to three years must be protected. Contraceptive methods can be discussed at the antenatal clinic (as a rule, these are hormonal pills, a spiral or condoms).

It should be remembered: a new pregnancy is not yet desirable. The minimum break is a year and a half.

But at the same time, one should not think that the more time passes after a cesarean section, the better the suture will heal. The scar is formed within a year, and then nothing qualitatively new happens to it. If, for example, the scar is thinned, then it will remain so. And too long a break between pregnancies (10 years or more) is also undesirable - at a later age of the patient, doctors prefer not to risk it and, perhaps, just in case, they will do a cesarean. It is necessary to avoid abortions - after all, curettage of the uterus thins the scar and can make it defective.

If, after a new pregnancy, a woman has passed all the necessary examinations and is convinced of the usefulness of the scar, no special precautions are required. If a mother wants to try to give birth to a child herself, she should inform the local obstetrician-gynecologist about this. It is better to ask for a referral to a good maternity hospital or a clinic at a scientific institute, where the woman in labor will be examined and prepared for childbirth.

You need to understand that the case is not easy and you should not allow childbirth “on the stream”. In the hospital, shortly before the birth, doctors conduct a final assessment of the situation: they examine the scar and monitor the condition of the birth canal - if the cervix softens and opens according to the timing, this is a favorable indicator. An important role is played by the size of the fetus: it is better not to risk it with a very large child.

A woman with a scar on the uterus, as a rule, is satisfied with a planned birth. She is hospitalized in advance, and at a period of about 40 weeks she is pierced by a fetal bladder and induce labor. This is done for maximum safety, so that the patient gives birth in the daytime, when the entire team is on site. The operating room must be in full combat readiness - at the slightest danger, the woman in labor will be given an emergency caesarean section. What is this danger?

The only and very formidable possible complication is rupture of the uterus along the scar.

This is extremely rare, but it does happen. It is because of this threat that doctors are reluctant to take the risk of spontaneous delivery after a caesarean section.

For mother.

1. Cosmetic defect - a scar on the abdomen. How noticeable or invisible it will be depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's skin and how well the doctor has sutured the tissues. Naturally, the scar will be less noticeable if it is located along the bikini line, transverse. Most of the delivery operations are now performed with the imposition of just such a suture. Another plus of the transverse incision is that such a caesarean section is unlikely to have significant negative consequences. The risk of complications is minimal.
I would like to note that it is impossible to “smooth out” the scar with the help of any ointments and creams. It is useless to spend money on expensive products. However, if in the future the woman has another cesarean, then the doctor will excise the tissue with a scar and, quite possibly, apply a more accurate suture.

2. Formation of adhesions. This is not only, but also other operations performed in the field of gynecology. Spikes tend to hurt. And you can diagnose them with high accuracy only if you see them with your own eyes. This is possible with laparoscopic surgery. At the same time it will be possible to remove them. Sometimes the adhesive process can be so severe that it leads to intestinal obstruction. A milder consequence of caesarean section, which led to the formation of adhesions, is constipation. Severe constipation, which is very difficult to correct with laxatives. Adhesions can also form in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes, which leads to tubal infertility. And if the uterus becomes in the wrong position, then the woman is threatened with algomenorrhea - painful menstruation.

3. When talking about the consequences of a caesarean section, they always mention anesthesia and its role. Until recently, general anesthesia was practiced almost everywhere in Russia. It is much easier for the anesthesiologist to make it. They said about spinal or epidural anesthesia that it only adds to the negative consequences of caesarean. For example, that it provokes a violation of the umbilical blood flow and can lead to hypoxia in the fetus and even death. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.
It is known that epidural anesthesia often provokes very severe postoperative headaches. This is true. These are often the consequences. However, anesthesiologists know a way to avoid this.

But the advantages of spinal anesthesia are numerous:

  • early establishment of contact between mother and child, early attachment to the breast, which contributes to the rapid establishment of lactation;
  • quick recovery after surgery;
  • no need to take drugs;
  • small blood loss, in comparison with the operation performed under general anesthesia;
  • the possibility of taking fluids almost immediately after surgery and eating habitual food after 4 hours;
  • early rise to the feet, immediately after the restoration of sensitivity.

The consequence after general anesthesia during caesarean section may be a longer separation from the child, problems or even loss of lactation, a certain amount of narcotic medications will enter the child's body.

4. Problems with subsequent pregnancy and childbirth, the need to postpone the birth of a child for at least 2 years. Usually this is the first thing doctors say to their patients in response to the question "what are the possible consequences of a caesarean section." Not always after the operation, especially if the incision on the uterus was made vertical, and not a transverse incision, a full-fledged scar is formed. And with an inferior or insolvent scar, pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous due to the divergence of the uterus. This is a deadly complication for both the expectant mother and the child. Consequences of this kind are more common than as a result of the first operation on the uterus. And this is easily explained - more scars on the uterus (internal, not external) - more risk of organ rupture.

5. Formation of postoperative hernia. Observed at. Often associated with surgical errors. It can lead to the formation of an umbilical hernia in a woman, problems with digestion, the spine, and provoke prolapse of internal organs, including the uterus and vagina.

6. Problems with breastfeeding. This is especially true when using general anesthesia. A woman is not given a baby immediately after birth, so the lactation process is delayed. Breast milk comes later. The baby does not receive the first drops of colostrum. Psychological contact with the mother is not immediately established. It is not uncommon for children to refuse to take their mother's breasts at all, since it is easier to suck on a mixture from a bottle.

Rather, these are additional unpleasant consequences of a caesarean section for a child, since he is already born not as adapted to the environment as children who were born naturally, and artificial feeding also adds problems. No, even very expensive, mixture can not be compared in quality with breast milk. Very often, mixtures provoke constipation, regurgitation and other digestive problems.

Other possible consequences for the child, especially if the operation is performed before labor begins (real contractions appear), are lung problems, some children cannot breathe on their own immediately after birth. Caesareans gain weight worse, develop more slowly, get sick more often and suffer from allergies.

These are the problems that may arise after this operation. To avoid at least some of them, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist in the postpartum period, carefully protect yourself from pregnancy for the first two years after the operation, and regularly show the child to an experienced pediatrician.

Recently, many young mothers deliberately go to childbirth with the help of a caesarean section. It seems to them that they are less painful, faster. But few people think about how the operation will affect the newborn.

I have two daughters. The first birth was natural, the second - caesarean. Unfortunately, the daughter sat on the pope the entire pregnancy. I wrote more about childbirth, we talked and. Now I want to tell you what difficulties I had to face after the second birth.

Child and anesthesia

A caesarean section is an abdominal operation, which means that the mother is given anesthesia, which also affects the child. They say that epidural anesthesia is safer, by the way, I chose it. And yet, it is anesthesia.

It is believed that the use of muscle relaxants and analgesics during anesthesia entails changes in the vital processes of newborns, respiratory depression and the central nervous system. That is why children after cesarean are very lethargic at first. It's hard to say if this is true, but my daughter was constantly crying.

Physiological features of children after caesarean section

Naturally, the pathology of the mother, which led to the decision to conduct such childbirth, can lead to pathology in the baby. It happened to me. Due to the wrong position in the womb, she showed torticollis.

For the first month, my daughter slept on an orthopedic pillow, wore a splint, she was given a massage, fortunately, everything went quickly.

It is believed that such children are more likely to suffer from hyperactivity syndrome.. Everything can be, but both of my daughters were diagnosed with this. It has now been removed from my youngest daughter. But in this regard, there are problems with the eldest daughter, although there were natural births.
A sharp pressure drop between the mother's womb and the environment can lead to microbleeding in the brain. Yes, I noticed that children born as a result of cesarean are more likely to have intracranial pressure.

Unfortunately, my daughter did too. But timely treatment helped. Previously, she often had a headache, she wrapped her arms around it, cried. This rarely happens now.

It is also believed that these children usually do not gain weight well. I know at least five children after caesarean section. And no one had problems gaining weight, neither did we. Although the younger daughter gained weight worse than the eldest, but in principle, within the normal range.

Their immune system is much weaker, they get sick more often. I fully agree with this. I don't know why this is happening, but that's the way it is. All familiar children get sick much more often. And I noticed that under the same conditions, the youngest daughter is more prone to various diseases.

Caesareans are more likely to have allergic reactions to food. And this, too, oddly enough, coincides. At six months, I could not start complementary foods in any way, all products were rejected immediately. Now my daughter is 1.5 and there are practically no allergic reactions.

Psychological characteristics of children after caesarean section

So far, it is difficult to verify what doctors say about the psychology of children born by caesarean section. But some points are already noticeable.

It is believed that they suffer from attention deficit. My youngest daughter is more drawn to me or dad, she cannot be alone in the room.

Psychologists believe that these children acquire certain character traits: fear of change; distraction; irascibility and anxiety; lethargy; isolation; excessive touchiness; low self-esteem.

I would like to believe that with proper upbringing, such traits will not appear in my daughter.

They are either more aggressive than the rest, or overly passive. It's hard to say, but it seems to me that in this regard, my daughter is all right. Yes, she sometimes fights, but who does not fight at all? Yes, and I would be glad if she was sometimes more calm.

Such children find it difficult to come into contact with new people. This is the absolute truth, the daughter will not go to strangers in her arms, she is wary of those whom she has not seen for a long time or sees for the first time.


I really want to highlight this topic. When my eldest daughter was born, I had no idea what it was. But already in the first days after the birth of my second daughter, I realized that everything would not be so simple.

Every day in the evening she began to scream, bend her legs .... It was clear that it was colic. I was on a strict diet, it turned out to be a reaction to the antibiotics that all mothers inject after surgery. As a result, the intestinal microflora is disturbed in the child, colic, problems with stools occur.

It was very difficult to fight. They gave plantex, dill water. They massaged and put hot diapers on the stomach. And still, for about 30-40 minutes she screamed non-stop. It ended at about 4 months.

And I believe that most often colic occurs in children after a caesarean section. Many friends had this problem after the operation.

It is difficult to say exactly how this method of delivery will affect the development of the child. After all, the above complications can be in any naturalborn baby. Disputes on this topic will always be relevant. Moreover, each child is individual.

It is established by nature that, when born, a child must go through the difficulties of birth, and having overcome the birth canal, fall into his mother's tender embrace. This is a natural way of delivery, and it is optimal for the baby, both physically and mentally. When this natural order is violated, undesirable adverse consequences appear, so children after a caesarean section need special care.

What is the difference between caesarean children and babies born naturally, what does special care for a child mean, and how to care for caesareans? We'll talk about this.

· Consequences of caesarean section for a newborn

When a baby is in the amniotic fluid in the mother's womb, he experiences a certain pressure, similar to that of a scuba diver at depth. In the case of natural delivery, the process of “rise from the depths” is carried out slowly, without harming the baby. Completely different situation at (ks)

, newborn cesareans rudely and abruptly removed from the maternal womb dissected by the surgeon have a hard time. Most of them are left with some sort of barotrauma. Children after caesarean are physically weaker and need more help.

In addition, childbirth for a child is, in principle, a serious stress. During natural delivery, the mother has the opportunity to take the baby in her arms, put it on her chest and soothe the sound of the heartbeat that is familiar to him, and of course attach the baby to the chest. The gentle hands and gentle voice of the mother give the child a sense of security and safety, and the children of Caesarea are deprived of all this. Torn from their usual conditions, kids experience shock and fear from the unknown and loneliness. That is why it is so important to correct the consequences of this fear in the future. Psychologists have revealed the relationship between the attitude towards the child in infancy and his character in the future: if no one approaches a crying baby for a long time, leaving him to scream all alone, then traits such as cruelty and coldness subsequently appear in his character. Also with cesareans, the stress experienced can affect their psyche in different ways, among the worst consequences are mental deviations, the development of neuralgia. Therefore, the attitude and care of the newborn after the CS should be special and require more care, attention and warmth.

· C-section care begins before delivery

If a caesarean section is planned, take better care of your child while he is in the womb.

Discuss with the doctor what kind of anesthesia will be used, if possible, this should be epidural anesthesia . This type of anesthesia has fewer undesirable consequences, both for the baby and for the mother. First of all, because its action is shorter and the woman is conscious all the time of the operation, so she can take the baby immediately after birth for feeding. Secondly, with epidural anesthesia, the child receives fewer drugs, and, consequently, the negative impact on his body is minimal. The ability to attach the baby to the mother’s breast immediately after birth helps to smooth out the psychological consequences of traumatic unnatural childbirth.

The expectant mother should prepare for breastfeeding immediately, because thanks to this, the child's body will be able to start adaptive processes and form the necessary protection, usually formed during natural childbirth. About the benefits of breastfeeding it is generally unnecessary to speak, but for cesareans it is simply necessary.

· Features of caring for a child after cesarean

About, how to care for cesareans medically how often to conduct examinations, what tests to take, etc. we will talk in another article. Here we will touch on the topic of what home care for a newborn after a cop should be like, and how a mother should behave:

  1. Caesarean children need adaptive bathing and swaddling longer and more,
  2. Children after caesarean require more attention, they are often restless, especially at night,
  3. Such babies are more sensitive to the transition to their own bed and need to sleep with their mother for a longer time,
  4. Often, cesareans gain weight more slowly than other babies, so breastfeeding is an important part of caring for a newborn after CS,
  5. Be sure to do gymnastics with a cesarean, they especially need support for physical development and the formation of the immune system,
  6. Studies have shown that babies born by caesarean section often have psychological problems, such as anxiety, fear of change, short temper, absent-mindedness, difficulty with self-control and planning. Knowing this, pay attention to manifestations of problems of this kind and help the child overcome them.

HOW TO FEED A CESAR. Children after caesarean especially need direct contact and breastfeeding. You should start breastfeeding your caesarean as early as possible and keep breastfeeding as long as possible. At first, the baby may be weak and eat poorly, so you will need to apply it to the chest more often until he gains strength and weight. It is more convenient to do this lying down, so as not to disturb the postoperative sutures with additional loads. The closest contact that occurs between mother and baby during feeding is very important, it will help him survive the experienced stress without negative consequences. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the majority of cesareans subconsciously live with the feeling that the world did not want them to be born, no one loves them, no one needs them. Close contact with your mother helps to prevent such thoughts. During feeding, it is recommended to gently stroke the baby, to say kind words to him. In general, try to tell your child more often that his birth has been expected for a long time, that he is loved, that he is your joy.

HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH CAESAREN. As a rule, upon returning from the maternity hospital, they begin to take baths and go for walks with a cesarean later, unless, of course, mommy has a good assistant. However, new sensations and a change of scenery are not always good for a cesarean, they can remind the child of the fear experienced at birth, so everything that concerns the new and unusual should appear in his life gradually and accompanied by a gentle mother's voice or touch. During walks, experts recommend changing playgrounds and routes more often, giving you the opportunity to get used to changing circumstances and places. This will help the child overcome the fear of change. You should not insist on your own, if the baby is clearly protesting, it makes sense to first calm him down, console him, give him time to get used to. Forced transfer to a crib is also not recommended, such a step can cause children's nightmares. Children after caesarean sometimes really need a feeling of mother's warmth, the smell of milk, the sounds of her heartbeat. Often, silence, peace, mother's hugs for such babies in the future are much more valuable than fun and toys.

MASSAGE AND GYMNASTICS FOR CAESARAT. An important role in the care of the child after cesarean plays gymnastics and therapeutic massage . Try to start taking your baby to a massage therapist as early as possible, and at home often stroke and knead on your own. At any opportunity, for example, changing clothes, stroke, massage, play "magpie-crow". It is desirable to do this in conditions that are comfortable for the crumbs.

HOW TO BATH A NEWBORN AFTER A COP. Water, as you know, has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the nerves, so the “water” care after a cesarean section should be frequent and long, allowing the baby to swim, relax and feel protected and calm, similar to those that were in the times of his stay in his mother's tummy. It is desirable to bathe a newborn cesarean in a thin diaper so that splashes from involuntary movements of the handles do not frighten him.

In fact, there is nothing special about caring for a child after a cesarean - only love, care and patience, which a loving mother always has in abundance for her child. With proper care, the possible adverse effects of the operation will disappear without a trace. The baby will grow up healthy and happy. The main thing is to let him feel security and love.

Home " Food " Consequences of caesarean section for the child. Problems of the child after caesarean

As we already understood, caesarean caesarean strife: if a woman was operated on only on the basis of the presence of a scar on the uterus or because of an anatomically narrow pelvis, then the child has nothing to do with it! On his part, there were no indications for a caesarean section, and by some parameters he may even be ahead of other children born naturally, but seriously injured in childbirth.

And yet, even in the case of a minimal time of exposure to anesthesia, "Caesarites" have time to "sip" narcotic substances. Yes, the consequences of "post-anesthesia withdrawal" are leveled with age, and matured "caesarites" do not differ from their peers who were born naturally, due to adaptation. But at an early age, the difference is quite noticeable, and adaptation to the external environment requires more stress from the child's body. Here are the problems that arise:

  • in the case of a planned caesarean, the child is not born at the time stipulated by nature; psychologically - does not actively participate in childbirth, is passive;
  • under the influence of anesthesia, it is more difficult for him to adapt to an energetic life in the early days - to active breathing, sucking, screaming;
  • often the baby has less bodily contact with the mother (who cannot be lifted);
  • it is more likely to become an “artificial” one, since lactation (the formation of breast milk) in an operated mother is more difficult to establish, including due to the use of antibiotics and late breastfeeding.

Even if you were prescribed antibiotics after surgery, this does not mean that breastfeeding should be stopped. If we evaluate all the risks for the child, then it’s better to “treat” him with milk with antibiotics for several days, but keep the possibility of breastfeeding for him for the next year and a half. If you are afraid of "overfeeding" your baby with milk with antibiotics - express, but keep lactation!

Early attachment to the breast after caesarean section is even more important than during natural childbirth: for normal contraction of the uterus and the formation of a sufficient amount of milk in the mother, as an early psychological and physiological adaptation of the child. Often, mothers "caesarean" complain that babies cry for no reason in the first days and weeks after birth. This may be due to increased intracranial pressure or the ingress of a certain amount of anesthesia into the child's body. Pediatricians advise you to muster up courage, enter the position of a baby and, as they say, do not give up. "Kesarenok", of course, will cope with difficulties, but, rather, not thanks to, but in spite of the operation.

If the situation of caesarean is still inevitable, parents need to pay attention to this issue as early as possible. Firstly, to prepare and live the child's birthday as a joyful holiday, even if it is associated with an operation, and, secondly, to start adapting to this experience as early as possible, which is not easy for both parties.

Most mothers whose children were born by caesarean section complain of a breakdown, the appearance of apathy and even the development of deep depression in the first weeks and months of life with a baby.

The term "postpartum depression" is coined for a reason - even after a natural birth, this happens to some women. And our grandmothers even had a saying: "The first drops of milk come with mother's tears." Modern biochemists have proven that this is a consequence of a change in the hormonal background: in the first days after childbirth, the level of prolactin and oxytocin rises. Responsible for the production of milk, these hormones, among other things, increase the emotional susceptibility of a woman. But the hormonal background quickly stabilizes, and, as a rule, after a few days - a maximum of a week - the mood of the young mother returns to normal.

With a caesarean section, things are a little different. The decline in mother's mood exacerbates the limitations of physical abilities: after a cesarean, as doctors say, "you can't lift anything heavier than a newborn baby", it's hard to sit, walk and stand...

Another aspect of caesarean section concerns the psychological consequences. In natural childbirth, the mother, as they say, inwardly feels how the child passes through her, she pushes, helping him to be born, feeling him more than ever, both physically and psychologically. He goes to the goal, through an obstacle, with the help of his mother, through resistance - to success, feeling a threat to his life and getting to know what life and death are. After all, childbirth is a transitional stage between Life and Death. There is no pregnancy, and the child has not yet been born. And the woman at this moment is born as a Mother.

And in the case of caesarean - there is no birth of the Mother. There is no creative torment, co-creation with a child, creation of a new life... Sometimes women after a caesarean section complain about some alienation - there is a feeling that there was no childbirth, that "it was as if she had not given birth to her child."

But, as psychologists say, do not cultivate a sense of guilt in yourself!

How the baby grows up depends entirely on the efforts of loving parents. After all, no matter how difficult the conditions of his birth may be, the consequences of even the most difficult experiences (or the absence of the necessary “birth stresses”) can be corrected with warmth and affection, proper care and attentive upbringing. Moreover, as pediatricians say, the first year of a child's life is the time of the highest adaptive capabilities of the body, and during this period a lot can be corrected.

Caring for a baby after a caesarean section

Compared to natural childbirth, a caesarean section is very quick - 30-40 minutes. Babies born in this way almost instantly face a new environment for themselves, and the crisis of separation from the mother (from the moment the umbilical cord was cut) is experienced by them very painfully. At the same time, babies are also exposed to anesthesia. ^ It is clear that these babies need special attention, which in the first days of life they should be provided in many ways by experienced maternity hospital staff. But time flies very quickly, and in 5-10 days you need to go home.

When you are discharged home from the hospital, prepare for the fact that at first your family will have a hard time:

  • the baby often cries - it is not known what worries him, and therefore doubly anxious;
  • Mom, for sure, still has pain after the operation and breastfeeding will not work out in any way;
  • daddy doesn’t really know how, to whom and in what he needs to help, if sometimes everyone cries ...

What is the most important thing in caring for a cesarean in his first weeks after birth? Mode? Nutrition? Dream? Or something else?

The most important thing is love. The baby was born so quickly - without your joint efforts, without learning to fight and win. Perhaps he is offended by you for this and thinks that you betrayed him. It's up to you to prove otherwise! Love your baby, caress him, talk to him, carry him in your arms - because he now lacks this so much!

Don't give up co-sleeping with your baby, because he needs your warmth much more than ordinary children.

The dream of a cesarean is sensitive and disturbing; it is believed that this is due to the fact that the baby often has disturbing dreams. Therefore, your close contact with the baby creates for him a sense of reliability and protection, which undoubtedly helps to relieve the consequences of the strongest overstrain of the nervous system caused by a "lightning" jump from a calm "mother's world" to a new unfamiliar and sometimes such a terrible world.

Do not rush to dress up a Caesarian in adult clothes, swaddle him for at least 2 months,- he does not mind being in a cramped space (apparently reminding him of life in his mother's stomach).

Take a break from bathing too. in an adult bath; in a small baby bath he will be more comfortable for now. When he gets used to it, you better go on a big voyage together.

Some mothers worry that in the absence of the help of loved ones, they do not have time to pay due attention to the child.

Breastfeeding is also a powerful factor in adapting the baby to the outside world and strengthening its immune system. This is unity with mom, and the intake of necessary nutrients into his body.

Take care of the physical development of the baby - regularly conduct massage and gymnastics classes with him. Of course, at first it will be simple, uncomplicated exercises, but gradually the baby will master more complex ones.

Features of education

So the first, most difficult days passed. Your baby is growing, you have surrounded him with care and attention, you have learned to understand him, and in return he gives you his toothless smile. Now is the time to pay attention to the features of the child's adaptation to a new place. Do not forget that he himself did not prepare for the "exit" to a new life, he was simply unexpectedly "stuffed with medicines" and "taken away" from the safe and comfortable mother's world. The fear of "rapid changes" and "huge spaces" was recorded in the memory of his small "biocomputer". These negative records will be systematically erased by you.

Gradually take the baby out of the cramped bath, stroller, balcony into the "big world" - this, according to psychologists, will be the first step in the fight against "fear of change." But remember that all changes and innovations should evoke positive emotions in the baby.

To start try a change of scenery: rearrange the furniture in the room, take the baby for a walk to the new playground.

When it's time to "feed" offer the baby the most varied children's menu. Participate with him in tasting new dishes, tell and show him how delicious it is!

Give the baby objects and toys for games that differ in color, shape, material. Sound toys, musical instruments for kids are well suited.

Remember to praise your baby and say how much you love him. When it is necessary to scold the baby, do it very carefully, something like this: “I love you very much, but now you are behaving badly /”. Remember that a constant feeling of parental love is very important for a cesarean.

Experienced psychologists can distinguish caesareans from a group of children according to the method of self-expression (self-affirmation). Some Caesareans are distinguished by pronounced hyperactivity, which is a consequence of the "attention deficit" syndrome: they are engaged exclusively in what interests them, "go ahead", without thinking about the consequences; they are not able to adapt to others; they redo what they started many times. Other Caesars, on the contrary, are very weak-willed, do not have their own opinions, prefer to “walk by the hand”, endlessly weigh all the pros and cons, not daring to take action. But both of them have one thing in common: they have a very hard time making decisions. Even as adults and consciously overcoming their problems, they are extremely rarely satisfied with their own successes. Another aspect that parents need to consider when raising a cesarean is the likelihood of a tense relationship with him. The attitude to “winning love” laid down at the time of birth often pushes the child to “dictatorship” in relations with parents, which can sometimes turn into lust for power.

In resolving such situations, the best helpers are patience and love, and sometimes the help of an experienced psychotherapist.

Over time, you will definitely cope with all the problems caused by the characteristics of a caesarean section, help the baby develop the missing qualities in yourself.