Original gifts for children for the new year. Electronic constructor Connoisseur "First steps in electronics". What to give your son for the New Year

Before you go for a gift for your child, pay attention to the rules for choosing a New Year's gift. Our tips will help you narrow down your preferences and make your purchase a success.

A gift for a child for the New Year: 5 important rules

  • Buy a gift for a child for the New Year worth in advance... Of course, today there is a huge selection of toys and gift items in stores, but with the holidays approaching, goods in warehouses are melting before our eyes. Therefore, try to purchase gifts as early as possible, including for financial reasons. Often, before the New Year, a very scanty selection of goods remains on the shelves, but the price for them is significantly overpriced.
  • A child should choose a gift for the New Year, taking into account his hobbies... Each person is different, including children. Some people like everything that is fashionable, others - on the contrary. Observe what the baby is interested in. Perhaps he most of all loves to draw or read interesting books, pay attention to which cartoons he watches. Thanks to this observation, you will be able to identify several directions for a successful search for a New Year's presentation.

  • The financial side of the issue is important... Calculate the amount you plan to spend on buying a New Year's gift for your child. It is necessary to understand that children do not value the gift according to its value; this component is not particularly important to them. For them, the main thing is attention and the fact that his desire was fulfilled. Think about what the baby would be more happy about: one expensive gift or several available surprises.

  • We write a letter to Santa Claus together... One of the ways to make the purchase of a gift for a child for the New Year successful is to write a letter to Santa Claus with a crumb. Let the kid draw a picture and write about what he would like to receive from him as a gift. Now they sell beautiful letterheads and even envelopes with the address: North Pole. Talk to your child about the existence of Santa Claus as often as possible, let him believe in a fairy tale and wait for the time when he comes to him. Agree, this is an indescribable feeling - to live in anticipation of a miracle.

  • Choose a gift for the New Year for a child by his age... The age of the baby should first of all be taken into account when choosing a gift for the New Year. After all, what would make a three-year-old boy happy will not make a huge impression on a five-year-old child.

Choosing a gift for a baby from birth to 3 years old

This age category of children differs from others in its pickiness and simplicity. Choosing a gift for such a child is a sheer pleasure, since any of the gifts will be to his liking. So, an excellent New Year's present for a baby can be:

  • clothes, preferably with the image of fairy-tale characters, a small carnival costume, which can be useful in a New Year's family photo session;

  • educational toys and constructors. The choice of such toys is huge, each has an age for the baby. For example, the designation "6 m. +" Means that such a toy will interest a baby who is more than 6 months old. Among the developmental toys there are many special ones that train the motor skills of pens, teach to pronounce sounds and letters;

  • a young artist can be presented with a rug for drawing with water. This will prevent the house from getting dirty with paints and will delight the baby;

  • girls - a doll, boys - a car. No matter how trite it sounds, but these gifts are classics, proven over the years. All girls 2-3 years old try on the role of a little mother. They are happy to carry tiny dolls in their tiny arms and sometimes sing funny songs to them. Boys of any age will need a new bright machine. By the way, there are never many such toys!

If there is no way to buy an expensive present, then do it yourself. You can tie a plaid into a stroller or mount a clip from children's photos.

What gift to please a 3-6 year old baby?

This age is the most suitable for new discoveries and exciting games. Gift ideas for these kids are as follows:

  • interactive animals. Such toys will not leave indifferent any child. They make sounds, sing funny songs, and even run and jump. Dogs can be driven on a leash, and cats can be stroked and brushed;

  • modern dolls, airplanes and radio-controlled cars. This is a kind of top gift ideas for kids 3-6 years old. The choice of such products is huge, for different tastes and financial capabilities. Baby dolls can say "mom", move their lips, suck on a nipple and make different sounds. Airplanes can fly in the air, float in water;

  • board game. At this age, it's time to develop logical thinking, so a board game will be a useful gift;

  • as a budget gift for a child of 3-6 years old, hand-made sweets and a response letter from Santa Claus can serve. In addition, snowballs are interesting, which, by the way, are inexpensive.

New Year's gift for a child 6-10 years old

The older the child gets, the more difficult it is to make the right choice of gift. Children very quickly switch in their interests and preferences, it is difficult to keep track of this. How to please children 6-10 years old for the New Year?

  • Interesting kits for creativity. For example, for making a plaster box with your own hands or a frame. Such sets can be selected according to the interests of the child: for the little magician, the researcher and why.

  • Sporting goods. As a gift for a child of 6-10 years old for the New Year, you can give a bicycle, a scooter, rollers or sledges, snowballs. Boys will be delighted with a skateboard, a pair of new soccer shoes.

  • Girls will love small fashionable handbags, baby cosmetics sets or a bright phone case. Boys will certainly appreciate a disc with a new computer game, an original computer accessory, and a sports backpack.

  • Tickets for a circus show, New Year's party, skating rink or dolphinarium will also delight a child of 6-10 years old.

Congratulations to children 11-14 years old

What are today's teenagers interested in? Of course, new technology and fashionable gadgets. If the budget allows, then why not?

  • A phone or tablet is a rather expensive New Year's gift for a child, but this is exactly what would delight a teenager. If you have the technique, then you can donate interesting and fashionable accessories to it: new headphones, a replaceable panel for a phone, a designer case for a tablet.

  • Clothing. At this age, girls and boys pay more attention to their appearance, trying to please each other. Present something: a warm sweater, a hat and a scarf, funny mittens, New Year's pajamas.

  • A ticket to a concert of your favorite band. If a child dreams of attending a concert of his idols, help a miracle come true, buy tickets for him and your family. Attending such events together will help you get closer and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

By choosing a gift for a child for the New Year, the main thing is to do it with love and care. Try to add notes of New Year's mood to the congratulation, wrap the gift in bright wrapping paper, put it in a special bag. Consider the idea of ​​a New Year's quest for searching, with snowflake-shaped pointers to where the child will be surprised.

Video review: 12 best gifts for a child for the New Year

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In the pre-holiday fervor, many have difficulties with choosing New Year's gifts, and you really want to please your loved ones. This article was created not only as a guide to action, but also as a collection of ideas that will help you come up with gifts for children for the New Year.

Children's desires are as simple and immediate as the children themselves. Often, desiring a car, yacht or an expensive doll, the kid describes his dream, the fulfillment of which he considers to be something like a miracle. So let’s be great wish-fulfillrs for our little ones. With just this attitude, it is easy to choose what to give your child for the New Year.

Preparing for the most magical winter holiday for kids, you can go in two ways: come up with ideas for New Year's gifts for children on your own, or fulfill the cherished dream of the baby.

Gift ideas for children for the New Year: how to find out what the child wants?

Some children, without stopping, talk about their desires, and give their parents ideas for children's gifts for the new year. Parents only have to choose an acceptable presentation option.

However, children may not talk about their dreams just because it is difficult for a kid to understand what he wants more - a set of construction equipment in a sandbox, an outfit of a favorite hero, or a magic wand that fulfills all desires? Here several tricks will come to the aid of parents at once.

  • "Letter to Santa Claus" is the most popular and effective method of reconnaissance in force. This option is very convenient - the baby learns to clearly formulate his desires and express them on paper. And the parents, having read the letter, will find out the secret desires of the child, all that remains is to realize them.
  • Cooperative play. Try to "play" the holiday, come up with a scenario, New Year's gifts. Listen carefully to what the child will "give" to himself.
  • Read a Christmas story to your child, watch a cartoon about winter, or play a board game you played last winter. Think back to past New Year's holidays and dream with your child about the upcoming celebration. Then act according to the situation - you can directly ask what to give the child for the New Year or wait until he tells about his desires, looking forward to a gift for the holiday.

Do you need a New Year's gift for the children of relatives or friends? You can always buy some kind of neutral present, entertaining or developing topics. Yes, and we will help you a little by throwing a few ideas.

Universal gifts for children for the new year

The choice of a gift should be made, first of all, based on the wishes and hobbies of the baby. Even the smallest child is already a person, with his own thoughts, aspirations and plans for the New Year holidays. Try to understand the child, standing in his place, and not just decide for the boy or girl what gift they want to receive for the new year.

We have selected several ideas of what can be presented for the New Year to any child, both a girl and a boy. By clicking on the links, you can see the sections with the proposed options and immediately place an order in the online store. This will save your time not only on the choice, but also on the search for a gift.

  • Congratulations from the real Santa Claus. Invite Grandfather and Snegurochka home or just make a congratulation in the form of a letter or video. A letter, for greater showiness, can be sent by mail in a real envelope. The addressee, of course, must be the baby himself.
  • Board games - the fashion for them has returned, and is not going to go away. The advantage of a gift in the form of a tabletop is a very wide range of prices, from expensive to quite budget. This gift should be chosen according to age, other games are interesting even for adults.
  • Constructors and puzzles. After books, this is a classic among gifts. You can donate both the legendary Lego and other types of constructors. For babies, choose wooden models or sets with large parts. Choose puzzles not so much by the picture, but by age - the more elements, the more difficult the level. For children under 3 years old, the puzzle usually contains up to 30 pieces, and for schoolchildren - several hundred.
  • In winter, accessories for winter games and entertainment will be excellent gifts. Depending on the budget, you can choose both an expensive and more budgetary option for a New Year's gift for a child. Snow scooters, skis, skates, ice and tubing - cheesecakes.
  • An older child can be given not only entertaining, but also practical gifts. You can donate a watch phone, an external battery or accessories for a mobile phone (headphones, cases, panels).
  • A starry sky projector is a lighting device that scatters multicolored stars on the ceiling and walls of the children's home. There are more expensive options that project a real map of the starry sky with all the constellations.
  • A T-shirt with your favorite cartoon character or with a superhero emblem can be a great gift for a child in NG. You can find ready-made or custom-made.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, then you can purchase the necessary item as a New Year's gift. For example, clothes, shoes, or interior items: a lamp, night light, or computer accessories. If it is necessary to give practical things, it is still worth making a small New Year's gift just for the joy of children. For ideas of inexpensive gifts for children, see the article below.

What to give a child for the New Year: gifts for boys and girls

The kid voiced his desires in a letter to Santa Claus, and adults have a headache. It is good if a childhood dream is achievable and parents can afford the options for a New Year's gift desired by the child. The only thing left is to find and buy a childhood dream.

But what if the dream of a crumbs is out of the parents' budget or the child wants the impossible? In fact, everything is solved very simply, except for those situations when a teenager asks for a gift, for example, a multifunctional electron microscope or other expensive but necessary device.

Consider gift ideas for the New Year separately for boys and girls. A specific present should be chosen, focusing on the age of the child, since now, within the same group of products, you can find copies for different age categories.

What to give a boy for the new year

Children rarely want expensive adult gifts. If a son asks to give Santa Claus a Bentley, this does not mean at all that one has to buy an original car. But a good model with spinning wheels and radio control will be just right. When presenting a gift to a boy for the New Year, do not forget to say that Grandfather Frost ordered him to practice on a small typewriter first, and the big one will be when the baby grows up.

If the letter to Santa Claus did not help you decide on a present, then here too we have options for what you can give your son for the New Year. All links are active and lead to examples of products in the online store, so you can not only view the product, but also buy it.

  • Sets for burning and cutting with a jigsaw. If a boy likes to work with his hands, then all gifts related to the manufacture of crafts will be received with a bang. In addition, such kits for creativity can be presented to children who do not know how to tinker. It is these kits for creativity that help develop the abilities of a DIY.
  • Trick sets. Usually it is the boys who want to become illusionists, and a good set containing all the attributes of a magician will help them in this. In the future, with the help of this gift, the child can arrange whole performances for his friends and relatives.
  • Electronic constructor. This super New Year's gift for any boy. Assembling a working mechanism on your own is a miracle for any child.
  • Kits for experiments and experiments will be of interest to middle school students who are already familiar with the basics of physics and chemistry. However, if you are engaged in early child development, then such gifts can be bought for children younger than recommended. Observe safety rules.
  • Sets for plot and role-playing games. For boys, you can buy lifeguard, firefighter and doctor equipment. Here you will also find a huge selection of tool kits in various configurations.
  • All boys love puzzles. Choose a gift based on the age of the child, pay attention to the complexity.
  • Some boys dream of only one thing - a radio-controlled typewriter. If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth fulfilling a childhood dream, even if it is the hundredth car in the toy fleet.
  • Electronic toys: interactive pets, robots, and even super heroes. Pay attention to electronic pets - this can be a great gift for kids. And a boy dreaming of a four-legged friend can be presented with a Tamagotchi for the New Year. Of course, electronics cannot replace a living being. Just explain to the child that this is a rehearsal, so that he learns to care for a living being.

New Year's gifts for girls

Often a child dreams of something magical. When a daughter asks Grandfather Frost to give her magical abilities, for example, like the heroine of her favorite cartoon, the baby broadcasts her desire to get into the universe she likes and experience unusual emotions.

In such a situation, you can donate both costumes: wings, decorative magic wands and other attributes of a sorceress, and the magic world itself. Books, collections of cartoons, collector's editions and themed games will become a pass to an unusual reality. When giving a gift to a girl for the New Year, explain that a book, game or film is an opportunity to become a sorceress with the help of imagination, which is very easy to do.

If you are still having difficulty choosing a present, consider some great ideas for what to give your daughter for the New Year. Do not forget to look at the proposed options on the links, suddenly, something comes up, and you can buy it right away.

  • Sets for making candles or soap. Perhaps the girl will like the gift so much that, for example, soap making will become her hobby. Plus, homemade candles and handmade soap can be a great gift in and of itself. Tell your child that having mastered this skill, she can give her crafts to friends and relatives. And it will be an original, exclusive gift.
  • Weaving kits. Suitable for handicraft and assiduous girls. Depending on the interests of the child, you can choose a set for beading or weaving from elastic bands.
  • It is unsportsmanlike to give ready-made toys. And what can you give a girl for the New Year, you ask. Choose from craft kits and toy making kits as gifts. Usually girls are fascinated by such gifts, just now there was nothing, and here it is - a doll!
  • Even the smallest girls love to dress up. Present to your daughter on NG a set for making jewelry. Such gifts always have a double benefit - first, the process itself pleases, and then the result of labor. Moreover, the girl can wear the collected jewelry herself, or give it to her friend.
  • Girly sets for role-playing games: equipped kitchen, shop, doctor's and stylist's set. The division of plot games by gender in this section is very conditional, because even a little boy can dream of a children's kitchen.

Options for New Year's gifts for children inexpensively

When it comes to austerity on the budget, there is no time for wishes to come true. But this is not a reason to deprive children of New Year's joys. The following options will help you make your child an inexpensive New Year's gift.

  • Sweets and goodies. Sweets, chocolates, gummies and cookies. It doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is that it is not only tasty and beautifully decorated, but loved by your baby. Chocolate Santa Claus, a toy with sweets or a fruit basket - all these cute little things will be a great inexpensive New Year's gift for your child!
  • Hand-made. Make a beautiful toy or accessory for your baby. The gift should be simple, but functional, comfortable and quite fashionable in a child's environment. For example, if friends at school wear colorful bracelets, weave a similar piece of jewelry for your daughter out of beads or threads. Girls appreciate handicraft, especially if it looks really beautiful.
  • Multimedia. Modern information technologies make it possible to come up with excellent options for a gift for children for the New Year, in case of a limited budget. Create a selection of your favorite cartoons or create a playlist. You can strain a little more and make a New Year's collection of melodies, cartoons and films for your child. Refer to Soviet animation, in the middle of the last century, many interesting New Year cartoons were released.

Develop a small quest for going through at home, at the end of which the child will receive a small New Year's gift. Come up with interesting tasks, both for consideration and for the use of creativity. Several hours of fun will be provided. Invite your child to invite friends. Do the same quest for them, giving the role of the leader to your kid.

Original gifts for children for the New Year

New Year's trip to an interesting place

Young children prefer material gifts because they do not yet have much experience of a fun pastime. Older children are quite aware of the value of good memories.

A full-day hike in the winter forest can be a great New Year's gift for boys and girls of all ages. During the hike, you can ride a slide, play snowballs or build a fortress. It is important to think over the place of excursion, methods of heating and going to the toilet. A good option would be a family trip to a winter cottage.

Free participation in New Years and winter festivals

Every new year, various shopping and entertainment centers, educational and cultural institutions hold their own events for visitors. If there is no money for a large New Year's gift for a child, you can organize a visit to New Year's events in public places, where there is also a chance to get a present for free.

Each of the described methods has its own pros and cons. In addition, the list is not limited to the proposed options. You can always arrange a holiday by visiting friends or relatives.

In the 21st century, it is easy to come up with ideas for gifts for a child for the New Year, regardless of the state of the family budget. If your income does not allow you to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, modern technologies and social projects allow you to get out and have fun, forgetting about all the difficulties. And remember, a lot depends on the child's happiness, his faith in a miracle and in his family. After all, children are our future!

New Year's holidays are rapidly approaching. Many parents are beginning to worry about the question of what can be presented to their child for the New Year 2019. On this score, I have certain ideas, which I will definitely share in the article.

In anticipation of New Year's Eve, all children are eager to meet their most beloved fairy-tale character - Grandfather Frost. He always makes children happy, pleases with gifts and brings a lot of fun into the house.

Children who have learned to write write down their own wishes on a piece of paper and send a letter to Santa Claus. Caring parents, having read the letter, try to please and surprise the child in any way.

Parents want to choose a useful and developing New Year's gift for their child. It is not always possible to achieve such a result, and the gift that the child does not like is lying around idle. To prevent this from happening, heed the advice.

  • Traditional gifts ... If you don't want to rack your brains, buy an airplane, a radio-controlled car, a doll or a set of children's dishes.
  • Branded goods ... This category of gifts is the most common. Children and their parents watch ads and often end up in its networks. Unsurprisingly, many parents have stopped considering buying a Lego set, a Barbie doll, or a Hot Wheels car as waste.
  • Hobby gifts ... Any person has a certain hobby, kids are no exception. If a child is fond of studying ufology, collecting butterflies or something else, making a good gift is easy.
  • Board games ... This version of a New Year's gift deserves attention. However, keep in mind that any board game will have to be played with the child. If that doesn't scare you, feel free to buy lotto or table hockey.
  • Constructor or smart game ... Such gifts are chosen by parents who seek to instill in their child an interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge. Indeed, an electronic constructor or telescope is ideal for this purpose. I do not recommend giving them to very young children.
  • Electronics ... Parents are actively using the advanced achievements in the field of communication technologies and buy tablets, smartphones and netbooks for their children for the New Year. I will not argue whether it is worth doing this. I note that if you decide to take such a step, teach your child how to use the device correctly.

New Year's gift ideas for kids are generic. What suits the girl will not like the boy and vice versa. In further conversation, I will break the 2019 New Year gifts into categories based on the gender and age of the children.

On my own I would add that it is better for children to give not one big and expensive one, but several small gifts. Only in this case, the New Year's Eve will remain in the child's memory for life.

What to give a child to a girl for the New Year

So that the holiday does not disappoint the daughter, parents need to guess her dream. This will help reading a letter to Santa Claus or a neat conversation with your daughter. On New Year's holidays, I do not advise giving children shoes, clothes or sweets. Nowadays, children are not limited in this. For a gift to really surprise and bring a lot of joy, take into account the age of the recipient.

  1. 1-4 years... Very young girls are unable to fully form desires. They will be delighted with any toy. I recommend choosing educational toys or bright books with voluminous illustrations. A pet is considered a good gift. Having received a puppy or a kitten as a gift, the girl will feel like an adult and a responsible person.
  2. 5-7 years... To greatly please your daughter and make her happy, donate a bicycle, stroller or doll bed. You can cause real delight with the help of an interactive animal that can make sounds, go to the toilet and eat. Plus, girls of this age can be presented with a set of a doctor or hairdresser, a multifunctional kitchen or dollware.
  3. 8-10 years old... Young schoolgirls continue to play with dolls. Instead of a soft, unafraid baby hit, buy a porcelain beauty. The list of gifts suitable for this age includes wooden furniture for a toy house, a children's sewing machine, a puppet theater or a mosaic. If your daughter is a creative person, please her with ceramic figurines for coloring or a sculpting kit.
  4. 11-13 years old... By this age, girls develop a creative interest. Place a set under the tree to create decorations, bags, sand paintings, or painting boxes. At this age, girls begin to take care of themselves, so on New Year's Eve, congratulate your daughter with an original umbrella, a fashionable handbag or baby cosmetics. Let her feel like a true beauty and fashionista.
  5. 14-16 years old... Good headphones, branded player, computer speakers or laptop table. Among the gifts for girls of this age category there is a hairdryer, perfumery, lipstick, all kinds of jewelry, watches and fashion accessories. If you want the gift to be useful, opt for pajamas, a warm sweater or pretty tights.

In this part of the article, I reviewed New Year's gifts that are best for girls of different ages. However, this does not mean that you should unswervingly heed these recommendations. This is just a collection of ideas. If you have a good imagination, it will help you make the right choice and get the perfect gift. After all, only parents know the tastes and preferences of their daughters.

Ideas for original gifts for your daughter for the New Year

It seemed that the parents knew their daughter well, they knew her dreams and hobbies, but when choosing a gift, they often come to a dead end. This is due to a large selection and numerous ideas, because you really want the gift to be really worthwhile. In this case, ideas of original gifts will come to the rescue.

  • Perfumery set ... A young lady will surely like such a New Year's gift. Thanks to the set, the daughter will become a real perfumer and, by mixing various scents, she will make an excellent perfume. Plus, the kit includes a perfume history and step-by-step instructions.
  • A pet ... Usually, parents give their children a puppy or a kitten for the New Year. It’s hard to say why they don’t choose other animals or birds. It seems to me that the girl will be delighted with a parrot, a hamster or an aquarium with fish.
  • Named spoon ... This is not to say that this is a new idea, but it still remains relevant. It is customary to give a spoon made of precious metals to a child after the appearance of the first tooth, but such a gift is also relevant for the New Year holidays. On the one hand, you can engrave a name, and on the other, warm words.
  • Disco ball... Many girls, despite their young age, are very active personalities. If you also have to bring up a small "battery", please it with a disco ball. When the daughter gets together with her friends, they will arrange a fun disco.
  • Drawing on water ... Such a gift should please a young artist with exquisite taste. Invite the master home to introduce your daughter to this art. As a result, she will learn how to paint pictures of amazing beauty on the water.

It seems to me that these ideas are truly original and will help give your child a spectacular gift. To make your daughter pleasant and to evoke a lot of emotions in her, just activate your brain activity and dream up a little. At such moments, the most non-standard ideas appear in my head.

What to give a child to a boy for the New Year

It is difficult to find a child who is indifferent to the New Year. For kids, New Year's holidays are necessarily associated with long-awaited surprises and gifts that can be found under the Christmas tree. The kids are sure that Santa Claus brings presents, and teenagers know well that these are the tricks of loving parents.

Every child looks forward to receiving the gift they have dreamed of throughout the year.

  1. 1-4 years... Boys at the initial stage of life actively explore the world. They are happy to disassemble toys and pay special attention to examining parts and screws. As a New Year's gift to your son or grandson, present a constructor consisting of massive elements, a set of soft cubes with numbers and letters, an interesting book, a coloring book or a soft toy.
  2. 5-7 years... From the age of five, kids try themselves in the role of an adult. Naturally, they have fun using the appropriate toys. A six-year-old boy will be pleased to find a railway, a racing car or a toy weapon under the Christmas tree. If your child is trying to help dad in everything, buy toy tools, including a drill and grinder. Treat your preschooler with binoculars, a telescope, a harmonica or a telescope.
  3. 8-10 years old... Give more serious gifts to a boy who goes to school. These include a radio-controlled helicopter, a chasing kit, or a construction kit that allows you to assemble a car, robot or chair. A child of this age will be delighted with a stylish electronic watch in a fashionable case. If your toddler is interested in music, put a practice guitar or castanets under the tree.
  4. 11-13 years old... The list of New Year's gifts aimed at boys of this age is represented by complex constructors, radio-controlled car models, interactive toys and programmable robots. A young biologist will appreciate a small microscope, and a kit for conducting experiments will bring a lot of joy to the future chemist.
  5. 14-16 years old... The teenage category of children is the most demanding, this must be taken into account. Give a teenage boy a digital camera, stylish smartphone, game console or high-quality printer. At this age, boys are fond of computer games, so buy your son a computer mouse or a good joystick.

Now you know that you can choose a gift for your son, depending on age. Perhaps my little son has a certain hobby. Your hobby will help you acquire a little thing that will not only bring joy, but also benefit, which is important for further development.

Ideas of original gifts for a son for the New Year

When it comes to New Year's holidays, an original gift can be a pleasant surprise for the heir.

Practice shows that choosing and purchasing a really good New Year's present is extremely problematic, especially if you choose from inexpensive things. Solving a problem requires creativity, patience and a great desire to surprise. Ideas for original gifts will come in handy.

  • Computer mouse in the form of a car ... Children get acquainted with computer technology from an early age, especially boys. The son will be delighted if he finds a strong computer mouse under the tree.
  • Original bed linen ... If you have purchased a basic gift and want to add something to it, opt for bed linen depicting a football field, outer space or your favorite movie hero. Children love to bask in bed, and such a gift will make their pastime more comfortable.
  • Luminous shoelace ... Such laces are at the height of fashion. I am completely sure that the young fashionista will appreciate such an original gift. In combination with

Choosing gifts for the New Year is a pleasant experience. I especially want to please the kids. After all, children believe in miracles, in Santa Claus and for them New Year's gifts have a special meaning. There is only a month and a half left before the New Year holidays, and adults now need to think about what to give a child for the New Year 2019. Our TOP-100 best New Year gifts for children for 2019 will help you find interesting and useful ideas.

What do children usually find under the tree? Sweets, books and toys. Whether it is worth giving the child sweets and chocolates, what books he likes - parents do not need advice here. The toy issue is more complicated. Choosing them as a gift, we hope that they will not only be interesting to the child, but also useful. And for the toy to be useful, it must correspond to the age of the child and the activity that is important for him at this stage of development.

100 best gifts for the New Year 2019 for children of different ages and genders

When choosing a gift, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Don't delay your purchase until the last moment, try to get the gift a few weeks before the holiday. Otherwise, you run the risk of simply not finding the gift you need because of the bustle of the New Year.
  2. If the child is small and still believes in miracles and fairy tales (and knows how to write), and the parents do not know what their child dreams of, invite him to write a letter to Santa Claus or draw a gift that he wants to receive. The kid will probably tell his grandfather what he dreams about, and the adults will only have to make his dream come true.
  3. With children over 9-10 years old, discuss what they want to get for the holiday... If you want to surprise, have your child suggest several options.
  4. Choose quality and practical things... Toys, vehicles or electronics should last as long as possible. If a thing breaks quickly, then instead of joy, you get one frustration.
  5. For kids over a year old, choose a present taking into account gender... At this age, toys can no longer be universal.
  6. Even simple gifts don't have to look cheap.... The manifestation of taste and a sense of style is important.
  7. New Year gifts must be appropriate for the age of the recipient... It is also important to pay special attention to safety. The toy must be made of quality materials and have a certificate. For babies under three years old, choose toys that do not have easily separable small parts, protruding threads, elements that can injure a child.
  8. Don't forget about packaging... The colorful packaging creates a festive atmosphere and allows you to prolong the joyful anticipation when the gift is unwrapped. If the store does not provide packaging, wrap the present yourself in gift paper and tie it with ribbons.
  9. The child will remember your gift if it is unusual and useful for him... Ordinary items such as clothing, school supplies, etc. are unlikely to surprise today's children. children like everything bright and this must be remembered.
  10. Consider the child's tastes and interests when choosing a gift... It is unlikely that your child will be delighted if you give him a thing that you yourself dreamed of in childhood or that you yourself considered necessary and useful, without taking into account the needs of the recipient.

Many people think that you can give children sweet gifts for the New Year, but for sure, they have already received a bag of sweets, having visited school or the "Christmas tree". The winter celebration is already connected with the festive table, which is usually full of goodies, and, frankly, children expect completely different surprises from their parents.

Children are all different - some are not even a year old, some are three years old, and some are already in school, but they are all waiting for a special gift from their parents, grandparents, because on this magical New Year's Eve the most secret dreams come true ... Let's look at what gifts can be given to children depending on their gender and age, so as not to miscalculate. Look at the gift lists and choose the option that works for your child and doesn't already have.

Choosing gifts for babies up to a year

Kids up to one year old actively learn the world, and they will be interested in any present: a rattle, a ball, a pyramid. It is best to ask the parents how you can please the baby. Maybe young dad and mom would prefer to get a set of diapers or a package of baby food for the New Year 2019. If you want to make a surprise, then a good gift for your baby can be:

  • Electronic swing or chaise longue for babies. The swing center is a great gift. The baby is comfortable and calm in it, and the parents will free their hands and have more free time;
  • A set of dishes for babies. Manufacturers create beautiful and safe sets of dishes that will help the baby to eat independently. You can choose a sippy cup, beautiful plates, spoons that change color under the influence of high temperature;
  • A business board is a development board that contains a wide variety of entertainment for kids: from lacing to counting material: rings, cubes, beads that can be moved and counted. Such a board will captivate the child for a long time and will serve him for at least 2-3 years. (We read the article about);
  • A toy wheelchair or a toy stroller for a girl. Toys that can be rolled on a stick or on a string are adored by kids. In addition, the gurney with a stick-holder is an indispensable "trainer" for those who are taking their first steps. With this "support" the baby feels more confident;
  • Developing rug. A rug with attached rattles and toys is also a good way to keep your toddler occupied and entertained. And it will surely become a favorite place to play;
  • Educational toys. Now you can find many educational toys for every taste. These are pyramids, soft cubes, musical toys and much more. Such products are very popular with children and contribute to harmonious development.

When choosing a gift, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the product. The main thing is that the toy does not have small parts that can be swallowed, shoved into an ear or mouth, as well as elements that can injure a crumb. The product must be certified and hypoallergenic. The product must be safe. If the toy says “from 3 years old”, you shouldn't give it to a baby, even if you don't see the obvious danger ...

A child under one year old does not need toys by themselves. The leading activity of this age, which determines all mental development, is communication with an adult. A toy is just a tool for developing some skills under the guidance of an adult. For example, a rattle is not intended to simply rattle: it helps to develop visual and auditory orientation responses, and later - manipulations. At this age, the child does not need dolls, cars, or toys with a lot of functions. If you really want to buy something, let it be, for example, a mini-piano or another toy with easy-to-press buttons or keys that the kid can handle even without the help of adults.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

Gifts for children from one to three years

Babies grow up quickly, and even one-year-olds already understand that the holiday has come. The kids are happy with their parents, admire the decorated Christmas tree and, of course, are waiting for gifts and miracles. Developing gifts are also suitable for babies from one to three years old, but now they will be more difficult than gifts for the little ones. You can choose:

At the age of one to three, children are already beginning to identify themselves as a girl or a boy, they also have individual preferences. Maybe the boy should be presented with a locomotive or a car with an interesting backlit, which makes various melodies and sounds. Or a talking steering wheel that makes you feel like a real motorist. And for the girl - a new doll, a set of dishes or a house.

When buying toys, pay attention to quality. Check the certifications to make sure the toy is strong enough and does not fall apart as soon as the child picks it up. The product should not have an unpleasant odor and shedding.

New Year gifts for children from 3 to 6 years old

Children from 3 to 6 years old already go to kindergarten, actively study the world around them, know how to speak well and can themselves tell about what they want to get for the New Year. If possible, then ask the child, if it does not work, consider the universal options presented below:

  • Constructors. Choose the number of parts in accordance with the age of the child: the older, the more. Now you can create any designs from parts: pirate ships, princess castles, cars, airplanes, etc ..;
  • Kinetic sand with a set of molds;
  • Children's tent. Children love to build houses and will be delighted with a ready-made corner for games and relaxation;
  • Sets of toy dishes and children's household appliances for girls;
  • Fashion dolls for girls: Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born;
  • Cosmetic or hairdressing kits: hairpins, elastic bands and hair bows, a mirror, hygienic lipstick and other "girly" accessories in a beautiful cosmetic bag;
  • Winter transport. Sleds, ice-cream, "cheesecakes", snow-scooters - all this is perfect as a New Year's present. In winter, all children love tobogganing, but a snow scooter with a rudder is much cooler and will conquer even an older child;
  • Radio-controlled cars. Children over three years old already perfectly "drive" radio-controlled cars. Such a gift will suit both boys, by the way, and young auto ladies also like cars at radio control. Any child will be delighted to receive a car as a gift for the New Year 2019, especially if it is radio-controlled and, in addition to standard functions, will delight the crumbs with flashing headlights, moving elements (doors, hood, body) or a sound signal;
  • Toy weapon. Pistols, rifles, machine guns with sound and light effects (no bullets!), Safety bow;
  • "Fishing" with a magnetic rod and a variety of marine life;
  • Cartoons on disks. Choose discs with classic or popular modern cartoons;
  • Picture books. You can donate both educational books and fiction. Pay attention to the illustrations: they should be colorful and expressive, this is important, because preschoolers do not yet know how to read;
  • Thematic sets (policeman, cowboy, knight);
  • Children's tool kits - children really like any toys that repeat things that adults use;
  • Children's tablet with an interesting design for boys and girls, with several learning modes, containing about 40 educational games, drawing programs;
  • Specialized cars that match the originals will be an excellent present for boys. Good options are: loader, tractor, or roller;
  • Kits for creativity and modeling, coloring, cutouts, plasticine, crayons, pencils and paints;
  • Children's 3D backpacks and bags. An excellent option for a New Year's gift is unusual 3D backpacks in the form of animals or your favorite cartoon character. Such a gift will delight your child and will certainly become his useful toy, which he will not want to part with for a long time.

Since in this period the predominant activity for children is role-playing, most children play with dolls with great pleasure. Among the TOP models: Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born. If a girl already has a favorite doll, a wide variety of products and accessories will be relevant, from strollers and cribs to fashionable things, houses, horses and carriages. They are very fond of babies and soft toys, among which interactive kittens, puppies and bears will be especially popular in 2019.

Present your child with such a thing that will allow him to play with his peers: a doll kitchen, a set for playing a doctor or a young mechanic, a board game. The opportunity to play with other children is invaluable: it not only develops, but also socializes, allows children to unite.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

New Year's gifts for elementary school students

Children grow, and their needs grow. Often, a first-grader asks Santa Claus for a personal laptop or iPhone. It is appropriate to give such gifts only to parents and closest people. But you can please an elementary school student with other gifts:

  • Winter sports items: skis, hockey or figure skates, transport, snowshoes, etc.;
  • Sets of children's cosmetics and perfumes for girls;
  • Auto tracks or garage complexes with a set of cars;
  • Spy kits (usually include binoculars, invisible ink, listening devices, and other interesting gadgets and gadgets);
  • Toy railway;
  • Snezhkolep;
  • Collections of constructors LEGO;
  • Board games (football, hockey, billiards);
  • Transformers robots;
  • A beautiful, fashionable doll. Be sure to check what dolls are now in fashion among modern schoolgirls (Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born);
  • Head dolls for weaving braids and creating hairstyles;
  • Interactive toys. There are now many interactive toys that can speak or perform simple actions;
  • Volumetric puzzles;
  • Set for home puppet theater;
  • Sports equipment for active boys and girls - skates, skis, balls, a beautiful tracksuit, football boots, jump ropes, hoops, punching bag or exercise machine;
  • For the development of creative abilities - an easel, watercolors and oil paints, a large sketchbook, a set of paintings by numbers for coloring, a set of polymer clay, plasticine. Musically gifted children can be given a children's electric guitar, a singing and recording microphone, a synthesizer, disks with their favorite musical compositions and songs.

Girls and boys at this age want to become the owners of roller skates, skateboards, bicycles or geroscooters.

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Here gadgets cannot be avoided: now first-graders also have smartphones and tablets. Children do not part with them and in many respects assert themselves due to the presence of a "cool" toy. This needs to be limited, controlled and regulated. When a child looks at the screen all day, it harms his vision, psyche, emotional-volitional sphere, and his relationships with peers, because the child replaces live play with virtual reality. I'm not saying that all gadgets are harmful, but you can donate not a tablet or a smartphone, but a gyro scooter, a children's camera, a microscope, a telescope, a robot.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

You can also find unusual kits for creativity. These are models that are created from paper and cardboard, wooden spoons or nesting dolls for painting, sand frescoes and much more.

What you shouldn't give away are school supplies. Holidays are a time of rest and entertainment. In addition, the child probably has a pencil case or briefcase, perhaps of better quality than you were going to present.

And one more piece of advice. Before heading to the store, take a look at what's hot among junior high school students (read the articles and watch the video). Last year it was spinners, this fall - foam planes. A fashionable toy will surely delight the student. Junior schoolchildren are very vulnerable and highly dependent on public opinion. Therefore, it is important to choose a present that classmates will approve.

Choosing a gift for a child for 9-12 years

Children of this age do not need to give frankly "childish" gifts. They may be offended by a doll or a set of cars. After all, the guys themselves consider themselves to be teenagers. It is best to ask the child what kind of present he wants to receive. At this age, schoolchildren often have a well-established hobby, which will become a hobby of his whole life. If you are unable to pre-communicate with the recipient of the gift or want to make a surprise, choose from the following options:

  • Portable music speaker;
  • Constructors (electronic, magnetic and other "complex" models, LEGO);
  • Transport for downhill skiing (cheesecakes, snow-scooters with controls);
  • Cool New Year's mask, vampire fancy dress, scary or funny mask;
  • Experimental kits;
  • Board, logic, strategy games suitable for a child by age;
  • Trendy teenage jewelry for girls. Earrings, pendants, beads;
  • Scientific instruments (microscopes, telescopes, binoculars);
  • Table soccer;
  • Games for PC and game consoles;
  • Paints or felt-tip pens for painting T-shirts (at the same time, you can donate a white T-shirt for experiments);
  • Interior items for the nursery (nightlights in the form of helmets, locks, domes, figurines or figurines, etc.);
  • Figure skates, children's ATV, punching bag, children's sports center;
  • Radio controlled water, land and air transport (quadcopters and air cushion boats are in trend).

Don't give your kids clothes; they may have tastes that don't match yours. Also, school supplies and other useful and practical things are not needed. Schoolchildren have a slightly different idea of ​​the benefits and practicality. Don't forget, New Year is a holiday. Give something that will bring positive emotions, items for games, for hobbies or entertainment.

You can also give an exciting adventure. It can be a quest, a horse ride, a visit to a panda park, a trampoline center or a water park, riding from slides on cheesecakes, give a ticket to an amusement park, a go-kart pass, an invitation to an exciting adventure on ATVs. All this can be gifted to teenagers.

New Year's gift for a teenager

Picking up a gift for a teenager is a difficult task. The tastes of children at this age change very quickly, they are influenced by fashion and the opinion of authoritative peers. A win-win option would be various gadgets: tablets, cameras, camcorders, smartphones, players, laptops, computers, game consoles, 3D pens and printers, etc. etc ... You can donate a scanner, printer or music speakers for your computer. Of course, all these are quite expensive gifts that not all parents can afford. The category of mega-popular and mega-expensive also includes geroscooters, which every boy dreams of today…. You can also please a teenager with the help of the following gifts:

  • High-quality headphones (it is better to choose an unusual, interesting design);
  • Popular games: "Twister", "Monopoly" and so on;
  • Radio-controlled water, land and air transport (quadcopters and air cushion boats are in trend);
  • Selfie tripod. This accessory will be useful for everyone who is fond of photography or dreams of becoming a blogger;
  • The 3-D pen is a modern super-gadget for creative people;
  • Virtual reality helmet;
  • Games for PC and game consoles;
  • Various manipulators for game consoles and PCs;
  • Flash drives and more capacious external drives;
  • Accessories for an existing gadget;
  • Mat for dancing, yoga, gymnastics or martial arts;
  • Mugs with a photograph of the recipient or other personal items;
  • A popcorn machine for full movie screenings with friends;
  • Subscription for fitness, swimming pool, language courses or other training programs depending on interests.

Gift cards, certificates, or money can also be presented to teens. At this age, children themselves will be able to choose the thing they need. In addition, such a gift will emphasize that you see them as an independent, responsible person, which will undoubtedly be pleasant to the child.

Any gift will be well complemented by a sweet surprise: elite chocolate, a set of sweets, oriental sweets. But you shouldn't take sweets as a separate present. As a rule, children receive enough sweet gifts for the New Year 2019, and they expect more “material” gifts from loved ones.

Personal video greetings from Santa Claus

Create a 100% personalized video greeting for your child.

In it, Santa Claus will address the child by name several times, look at and comment on his photographs, and praise him for his personal achievements. With the help of the magic book, Santa Claus will assess how the child behaved this year and give instructions for the next year.

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Prepared an article instruction on how to create a personalized video greeting step by step -

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we are in a hurry to buy presents for all our loved ones. But the most important thing is to prepare a New Year's gift for the child, because the kids believe in miracles so much and are waiting for the moment when Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will bring long-awaited presents. They write either to Santa Claus, then they count the minutes until the boxes with the long-awaited surprises appear under the tree.

For adults, it can be difficult to choose what the baby will really like and will delight him for a long time. To make this task easier, you can simply read this article and choose the option that is really closest to you.

The best ideas for inexpensive yet original and edible surprises

At the end of December, we are all preparing for the fact that we will need to spend almost all our savings on gifts for the New Year. More than anyone else in the world, little ones are waiting for surprises, because they believe so much in miracles and the fulfillment of desires, for them it does not matter at all how much a thing costs, the main thing is attention and love.

Inexpensive gifts for children are also important and necessary, because they rejoice at every little thing presented on a magical New Year's Eve by Santa Claus. Among edible presents for the New Year, sweets, chocolate figurines of Santa Claus, tangerines, bananas and other sweets undoubtedly remain in the first place. But a child, for example, can be presented with a more unconventional edible surprise:

  • A cup with merry Christmas images or with your favorite characters. You can also put a tasty and healthy drink or a drink in the cup.
  • Children's thermos or thermos mug.
  • A bottle of baby champagne decorated with a New Year theme.
  • Homemade cookies in the form of various animals or other forms.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such edible or semi-edible presents, the main thing is to know the preferences and tastes, because there are some guys for whom gifts from candies for the New Year are not at all suitable. There are also babies who simply cannot eat certain foods because of allergies.

Budget Paper Gift Ideas

Gifts for kindergarten, as a rule, need small and inexpensive, but memorable. Children most often enjoy surprises made from paper:

1) Magazines, books, most suitable for age:

At a young age, it is best to give cardboard or large-format books with bright illustrations;

For preschoolers, fairy tales or tasks to prepare for school are suitable.

2) Children's photo frames with your favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons.

3) Stationery with unusual design or execution (notebook, pen, pencil case, folder, etc.).

4) Kits for paper crafts (origami, ready-made applications, etc.).

New Year's gifts for your favorite pastime

To present a gift for the New Year to a child and please him as much as possible, you just need to know what the kid loves to do the most, for which toy he spends a lot of time:

  • toy camera;
  • children's musical instrument (piano, guitar, xylophone);
  • board games;
  • puzzles (soft and small - for the smallest, more difficult - for children 5-7 years old);
  • sets for weaving bracelets from elastic bands, beads and other crafts;
  • sets of hairpins for weaving.

Options for interesting surprises

Inexpensive gifts for the New Year can be just as interesting and unusual, memorable for a child, as more expensive options:

1) Important little things with images of your favorite cartoon characters - Peppa pigs, Fixies, Masha and the Bear (keychain, badge, notebook, pen, puzzles and other stationery). For children from 1 to 3 years old, cartoon characters in the form of rubber toys with whistles for the bathroom or soft puzzles are suitable.

2) A piggy bank in the shape of a favorite cartoon character is suitable for children of any age. It is better if the piggy bank for a baby up to three years old is made of durable shatterproof materials.

3) Pillows with a Christmas theme or with images of your favorite cartoon characters.

4) Repeating toys (hamster, owl, Masha and others).

Necessary Inexpensive Surprises

School-age children are becoming more picky and picky, but for them you can easily pick up children's gifts for the New Year, which will undoubtedly be to their taste and will be useful in everyday life, and will not be expensive for you:

  • if the kid is not indifferent to cooking homemade food, then you can present him with a children's kitchen set (an apron with unusual prints, towels and an oven mitt);
  • a set of high-quality baby cosmetics;
  • soap of an unusual shape with pleasant aromas;
  • baby bath foam (many children love to bathe in scented foam);
  • beautiful unusual pajamas;
  • scarf or beautiful scarf;
  • for those children who cannot imagine life without their pets, you can present unusual accessories for a cat, dog, parrot or guinea pig;
  • backlit children's watch;
  • headphones, radio;
  • small box or beautiful basket.

DIY gifts

Children's gifts for the New Year will also be very pleasant if you make them yourself:

  • a picture drawn by you or a child with a frame;
  • unusual embroidery with cartoon characters;
  • a collage or calendar of favorite photos and images for a child;
  • an album for photos, decorated in a children's style;
  • modeling clay and a set for decorating;
  • homemade Christmas tree decorations, wreaths, Christmas trees.

Original New Year's gift

Finding such a thing that would suit the taste of a child and will be remembered for a long time is a rather difficult task, because to please, you can simply get by with a package or a box of delicious sweets and other sweets. But sweet gifts, as a rule, are eaten very quickly, and only the packaging remains, while there are more unusual gifts for the New Year that will delight and surprise the child for a long time:

1) A small bowl-shaped aquarium that will be easy to maintain. The greatest joy for children is the appearance of living beings in the house, and if the issue of the appearance of a cat or a dog (especially in an apartment) is rather controversial, then an aquarium is a more acceptable and prudent option. He will not only delight children every day, but also calm adults.

2) A set for growing a plant. This kit already contains everything you need for growing (pot, soil, water and seeds). For a child, such a gift is not only an exciting process of observing how a flower grows, but also an opportunity to learn a lot about plants.

3) Monitor wiper in the shape of a cute Pug dog. This is not only a beautiful soft toy, but also an object with which you can easily clean dust off a monitor, laptop or TV screen, because its tummy is made of a special material that, in addition, reduces static electricity, which reduces surface contamination. The plus is that it will be interesting and fun for the child to clean up together with his soft friend, and he will be able to gradually get used to order and cleanliness.

4) Unusual tray service. A set that includes a plate in the shape of a house, a cup in the shape of a cloud, a sun, and a fork and spoon with a handle in the shape of a herringbone. Such a tray will not only please the child, but also the parents will no longer have to persuade the kid to eat at least one spoonful of porridge. Such a gift will be especially appropriate for those children who cannot stay in place for a single minute.

To make unusual New Year's gifts from fruits for children, you can purchase or cut out unusual eyes and attach them to treats on the holiday table.

Toys from 1 to 4 years old

It would seem very easy to present toys as gifts for the New Year, but still it is necessary to take into account the age and hobbies of a particular child. After all, a one-year-old baby can even be damaged by toys that are intended for older children, and teenagers will not be happy with a soft toy at all.

At the age of 1 to 4, children rejoice at everything new that appears in the house, but especially their favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons. A wonderful New Year's gift for a child - a soft toy - a symbol of the year or a cartoon character. It is necessary to take into account the child's mobility and donate a book, educational toys for diligent girls and wheelchairs, strollers for fidgets.

Now on the market you can buy a wide variety of gifts for the New Year. Toys that will undoubtedly delight any young lady are dolls, strollers, kitchen sets with utensils, a mini-wheelbarrow for joint purchases in the supermarket.

New Year's gift for a boy

Boys from 1 to 4 years old usually like to disassemble and assemble, study and build, so they will be suitable for:

  • construction set with large details, which will be safe for a one-year-old child and interesting at the age of three, four;
  • ordinary cars, dump trucks and self-transporters;
  • cubes with numbers and letters, with which you can not only build something, but also absorb information.

Christmas tree presents for children 5-7 years old

It is especially important to choose a New Year's gift for a girl at this age. 5 years is such an age when the child already understands everything perfectly and is looking forward to the holiday and gifts under the tree with great impatience, but still believes in Santa Claus and miracles. Fortunately, there are a huge number of options for a baby gift, for example:

1) A big baby doll that needs to be watered, fed, put to bed on time, and he can even talk to the child, sing songs and walk.

2) Many girls like toys for boys. In this case, as a New Year's gift for the child, you can put both a radio-controlled car and a railway under the Christmas tree.

3) Kitchen set (modern toy kitchens have accompanying sounds during cooking and washing dishes in the sink - the murmur of water).

4) Washing machine, ironing board, iron will teach the baby to be clean and tidy and bring joy.

5) For girls and boys who are in constant motion, roller skates, a bicycle, a skateboard or an electric car would be an ideal gift.

Boys at the age of 5-7 already like to play team games, so you can present:

  • soccer, volleyball or basketball;
  • hockey stick;
  • table football or hockey;
  • darts.

The boy will also be delighted with weapons, a water pistol, binoculars, a telescope, an electrician or construction kit.

Gifts for the New Year for children 8-10 years old

You need to think carefully about gifts for the New Year. 8 years is the age when you want something unusual, original and at the same time exciting and interesting. In fact, the choice for girls of this age is huge, the main thing is to know the preferences and hobbies of a young lady:

1) A toy sewing machine for those girls who love to create and create new things with their own hands.

2) Useful educational games (puzzles, creativity kits).

3) Canvas, paper for drawing in different formats, paints. It is better not to give coloring pages, because they kill the child's imagination.

4) For creative people who love to perform, you can present a set of primitive costumes for a toy stage, a puppet theater.

For boys, cars or a complex constructor, a set of tools for creating furniture are also suitable.

An original New Year's gift of candies

Candy gifts for the New Year are the gifts that adults usually resort to when they are confused and do not know at all what to choose for a child. But even a sweet gift can be made original and memorable:

1) Buy a beautiful and unusual packaging in the form of a Christmas stocking, soft toy - a symbol of the year, a house, or create it yourself.

2) New Years New Years Gift Ideas for New Years in the form of candy pineapple or a bottle of baby champagne with candy attached. What could be better and more original, especially if such a gift is made with your own hands.

3) A candy bouquet, you can order it on the Internet or make it yourself (take a box or a beautiful flower pot, a vase and decorate it to your taste, put foam rubber or polystyrene inside, string candies and paper on skewers or wire, stick the resulting flowers into the base bouquet).

4) A wreath of sweets or a horseshoe. Such a wreath or horseshoe can be made using a strong wire or a cardboard base as a frame, on which you can attach candies and decorate it with tinsel and decorations on top.

Candy gifts for the New Year in kindergarten will also become more original and memorable for kids if they are made in the form of a tree, a horseshoe for boys or a bouquet for girls.