The relationship of a married lover to a married lover. Relationship between a married man and a married woman: where is the catch

According to psychologists, adultery of married women is never unreasonable. If a lady is looking for a lover, then something does not suit her in her own marriage. The tense situation in the family, the rudeness of the husband, lack of attention - all these are provoking factors that can push you to cheat.

Dating married women most often support with colleagues or friends. Among these people, a woman is looking for a lover, or, most likely, everything happens by chance.

If the lover is bound by the knot of legal marriage, meetings take place according to a strictly thought-out scenario. There is no spontaneity in a relationship. Both lovers, as a rule, do not want publicity and carefully hide their betrayal.

A love relationship brings zest to the measured life of two unfree people. But can they have a continuation? How does the romance of a married lover and a married man usually end?

According to statistics, married men prefer to have married lovers. In such a relationship, there are fewer problems and the likelihood of exposure is low, since both lovers are forced to carefully hide the betrayal.

Relationship between married and married person. Do they have a future?

Nobody is immune from love. Often, acquaintance with a married woman develops into a whirlwind romance, which brings a whirlwind of emotions and a sea of ​​feelings. The denouement in this case is quite obvious. But love does not invade life so often. According to statistics, only a few marry a lover. In other cases, dating for married and married people is just an outlet that allows you to forget about all the problems for a while and plunge into a whirlwind of passions, after which the charge of optimism will last for a while. And what does such a relationship promise?

If lovers are not bound by real feelings, sooner or later such a union falls apart. The relationship of a married lover and a married man most often does not bode well.

The wife's behavior after the betrayal changes dramatically. All that the woman in the family did not receive, she more than makes up for on the side. If a woman is the mistress of a rich man, she tries to get more from life, not only emotionally, but also materially.

Unfortunately, as soon as the married lover of a married man is fed up with such a relationship or she ceases to be satisfied with something, the lovers will part without regret. Indeed, in fact, an open relationship without love does not promise anything at all.

Such a relationship implies betrayal of not one of the partners, but two at once. Consequently, the delicacy of the situation becomes much more palpable than with the classic love triangle.

A voiced intimate geometric figure can form for a variety of reasons, but psychologists distinguish five main provocateurs among them:

  • Family routine... This is especially true for couples who have a solid period of cohabitation. None of the partners thinks about divorce, so they are looking for a lover on the side with a minimum package of requirements. In this case, people who already have a soul mate are ideal for each other.
  • Arising mutual sympathy... No one is immune from the fact that he might like a ringed member of the opposite sex. Very often, office romances begin between unfree people who like each other. The development of such a connection depends on many factors, and it can be very problematic to predict them.
  • Searching for a soul mate... Especially at a young age, a couple marries solely because of the external attractiveness of the partner. With age, an understanding of the error comes and there is a desire to communicate with a person who has similar interests with a person who is disillusioned with family life.
  • Common social circle... Nothing brings people together like a company of like-minded individuals. It is in such groups that intrigues often begin between members of the opposite sex, who are in a civil or legal marriage. Most often, such a romance begins if in such a company there are no common acquaintances with a legitimate soul mate.
  • Double revenge... In some cases, deceived people can get close to take revenge on insidious cheaters. This happens more due to despair than from a sudden outbreak of passion. Revenge is a dish that is served cold, so there will be little sense from such actions.
  • Marriage of convenience... If you do not go into all the subtleties of such an act, then we can say with confidence that the voiced relationship resembles a colossus with feet of clay. A person is arranged in such a way that, in the absence of real feelings for his lawful spouse, he begins to seek consolation on the side. If both illegitimate partners legalized the relationship in the past solely for selfish motives, then their relationship becomes a natural phenomenon.
  • Guest marriage... The notorious love quadrangle can also arise for the sounded reason. This factor is common for some people, and some people consider it a serious test for their registered relationship. Being far from each other, spouses are able to start short-term relationships with also not free partners in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.
  • Sexual problems... In some cases, bending souls, and sometimes from a pure heart, lovers who are married complain about this aspect in their personal lives. A man turns out to have either a frigid wife or a wife who suffers from all possible ailments. The lady who is looking for adventure has a spouse who is untenable in terms of intimacy in conversations. No one is in a hurry to understand the veracity of the information, because both partners are not free and do not always dream of changing anything in the current situation.

Note! There are many reasons for the emergence of a love quadrangle, from which no couple is immune. However, in a family where trust and respect for each other reigns, such a situation is extremely rare.

Varieties of married and married couples created

In this case, a clear distinction should be made between the formed ties on the side, when both cheaters are not free. The romance of a married and married woman can often be characterized by the following scheme:
  1. Free Consent Communication... No one in this pair owes anyone anything, which is negotiated by both parties initially. There is usually little romance in such a relationship, but such a joint pastime does not bother anyone. The main thing in this case for people with a voiced model of behavior is conspiracy, which gives additional acuity to secret meetings.
  2. Family people on vacation... To some extent, the process of flirting of such vacationers is similar to an easy communication by agreement. The difference in these two factors lies in the fact that during the separate leisure time from their families, not free people clearly understand the term of their pleasant time together on vacation.
  3. Couple with nostalgia for the past... Very often, the first love ends with the rupture of the formed connection, because young people are not ready to grind to each other. Over time, they acquire families, but when they meet the former subject of passion, a spark again runs between them. The result is the beginning of secret meetings, which can develop according to different scenarios.
  4. ... A similar phenomenon occurs either when searching for the thrill of an adventure-hungry subject, or under the influence of intoxicating drinks. At the same time, unfree people enter into an intimate relationship, which nevertheless sometimes has its own unexpected continuation. This factor is especially true for impressionable persons who liked the sexual experience of a casual partner.
  5. Office romance between unfree colleagues... We spend a lot of time in the workplace, where sometimes there are many temptations for people in marriage. An outwardly attractive colleague and charming co-worker may well become lovers without destroying their families.
  6. Couple with platonic love... Love between married and married does not always imply an intimate relationship. In some cases, this connection was in the past, but in the present the main participants in the quadrangle remain physically loyal to their legitimate halves.

Prospects for the development of relations between married and married

A love conflict of this kind can end both peacefully and problems for all participants in the events taking place. In most cases, the intimate quadrilateral has the following ending, which is often expected by almost all affected parties:
  • Destruction of all families... If one of the lovers decides to change his life and start a new relationship with a secret partner, then this automatically affects his soul mate. In very rare cases, everyone is happy with such a verdict, because there will always be a person who has been mentally traumatized.
  • ... Leaving a family by slamming the door loudly is not difficult. In this case, I recall the love quadrangle "Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Dmitry Stryukov - Sergei Zhigunov - Vera Novikova". Many people during that period of time closely followed the development of the relationship of a new couple who left their spouses. Result - The Beautiful Nanny leaves her Shatalin, and he, disappointed in his partner, returns to his ex-wife.
  • Happy resolution of the situation... In fairness, it is worth noting the fact that there are rare exceptions when lovers create a new couple without hurting their former spouses. This happens when there are parallel extramarital relations in the second lawful halves, which they are quite satisfied with. Consequently, the break occurs in a civilized manner and with the consent of all participants in life's upheavals.
  • Risk of bruising... No matter how barbaric it sounds, but such a prospect may well become the outcome of events when exposing adventures on the side of secret partners. A lover, when revealing a deception, becomes a victim of a jealous husband, and a new lady of the heart should beware of revenge from a deceived and angry wife. In addition, both adventurers and thrill-seekers can suffer from their legitimate soulmates who find out about the betrayal.
  • Condemnation of parents by children... The child is always very sensitive to the negative changes that are taking place in his family. If one of the parents wants to unwind with the other partner, the psyche of an immature personality can be severely affected. As a result, children begin to either demonstratively show their dissatisfaction with the current situation, or withdraw into themselves for a long time.

Important! Destroying the old is easy, but building the new on its ruins becomes, in most cases, a difficult process. You should carefully understand all the possible consequences of your behavior, so as not to be left with a broken trough and without prospects for family happiness in the future.

Love quadrilateral: options for exiting the maze

The desire to dot the "Y" and break an unnecessary connection can arise both in one of the partners and in both participants in the melodrama that has arisen. In the second case, everything will happen quickly and painlessly for all the actors of the soap opera. The situation is worse if one of the secret partners wants to get freedom from relationships that are no longer necessary for him, and the second is categorically against such a decision.

Independent actions to break the existing connection

In some cases, a person himself is able to get out of the vicious circle that he himself created. If one of the main participants in the love quadrangle is determined to end the extramarital affair, then he should take the following measures:
  1. Termination of interpersonal contact... It is always easier to say than to carry out the intended action. However, sometimes it is better to completely break off relations with a partner than to indulge him with unfounded illusions for a long time. You should be extremely careful when the lover is a nervous and hysterical person. Such subjects, out of revenge, are ready, even if they have their own family, to significantly harm the relatives of the initiator of the separation.
  2. ... Nothing influences the human psyche like a reasonable and factual word. The relationship between a married woman and a married man initially implied the formation of a love quadrangle. Consequently, secret partners are responsible not only for the emotions they feel for each other, but also for their family members. In an essentially difficult conversation, it is necessary to emphasize precisely this factor, which in many cases works.
  3. Disclaimer of hyperresponsibility... You cannot be good exclusively for everyone, so the initiator of the destruction of the intimate quadrangle should be consistent in his decision. Indeed, at the inception of such an intricate relationship, he did not think about what could hurt his legitimate soul mate. Consequently, in the goal set, it is necessary to go to the end, if extramarital relations have become burdensome.

Psychologists' advice on getting out of the love quadrilateral

The experts did not disregard the voiced problem, because a fairly large number of people are faced with it. To help the poor fellows who seek to break off relations on the side, they have developed a number of recommendations of the following plan:
  • Definition with choice... To rush in this case with the thoughts “it is necessary - it will decide itself - maybe wait” is the worst of evils in the situation that has arisen. Psychologists advise to clearly set all priorities in order to cut the Gordian knot as quickly as possible.
  • The "scenario of further relationship" method... During a confidential conversation, you can invite an already unwanted lover to voice the ending of an existing relationship outside of legal marriage aloud. Some people who are against the termination of an easy connection on the side are at a loss for such an offer. They automatically turn on the mechanism for assessing prospects, which do not always look rosy.
  • ... This action sounds a little fantastic, but very often it works in relation to a person who is trying hard to maintain unnecessary relationships outside of marriage. Psychologists advise in this case to offer the stubborn a frank conversation with the whole friendly four, who inevitably became connected in intimate relationships. An adequate person will refuse such an extreme experiment and may think about the advisability of further communication with the generator of such crazy ideas.
Watch a video about the relationship of not free people:

The psychology of the relationship between a married man and a married woman is a delicate bond that requires a serious attitude towards itself. A person always has the right to decide his own destiny, but one cannot use other people for selfish purposes. In order not to become in the future a toy in the wrong hands, it is necessary to avoid the possibility of becoming a manipulator in relation to a sexually attractive object in marriage.

Adultery is a very common, relevant and discussed topic, especially in recent times, when more and more married couples appear, looking at the adventures of their partner "through their fingers". And in some cases, betrayal of a partner is even welcomed, the adventures of a partner are discussed together, and such spouses consider themselves to be the most advanced in comparison with other couples adhering to traditional views on adultery in marriage.

It should be admitted that not only married men cheat, but also married women. And according to statistics, there are more and more such pairs, i.e. such a problem exists and there is no point in turning a blind eye to it. Therefore, let's try to understand the intricacies and reasons for such betrayals, what they conceal in themselves and what they lead to.

Why is the role of a mistress attractive?

Why are secret meetings with a married man so attractive? What is their highlight?

  • Firstly, this is an easy relationship, where no one owes anything to anyone. At the same time, you do not need to devote all the time, special efforts or other resources to your passion / macho. Those. relationships where there is no sense of duty, and, therefore, the feeling of guilt, which is important.
  • Secondly, such a relationship is most often pleasant communication and unusual sex. Such a connection can sometimes even give an impetus to one of the partners to self-development and improve their own life.
  • Thirdly, this is the absence of everyday troubles and problems that require time and effort to solve them. They stay in the family, and here is a celebration of freedom and romance.
  • Fourth, it is an opportunity to show and experience pleasant and often long-forgotten feelings. And no claims to you, and accusations of callousness and insensitivity, only romance, only positive, only an eternal holiday.
  • And fifthly, such a connection is also a valuable experience of a new relationship, especially if it lasts long enough. Each such partner has the opportunity to see himself with different eyes, to understand where and in what he is mistaken. And try to fix it.

Why does a married woman decide to commit adultery?

Why is there a betrayal of a husband with a married man? Yes, for men, it seems, everything is simpler: polygamy is inherent in their nature, and they usually do not consider sex to be cheating, but rather just relaxation, at least at the beginning of secret intimate meetings.

In women, the specificity of infidelity is somewhat different. If you do not take into account nymphomaniacs and harlots, then most women do not decide to commit adultery immediately, but only after they begin to feel some suddenly flared up feelings for another man, which they began to miss in marriage. Only after this does a married woman decide on intimacy with a married man.

But why does she still go for it, risking the loss of her family? After all, this is the most important thing for most of us, what we women strive for - to create a family with a worthy man and raise children with him in love and harmony. Does it mean that this love is no longer enough for us, or do we cease to feel it? Let's see together.

Features of the behavior and character of the husband

When a husband behaves rudely and unceremoniously with his wife, the woman begins to look on the side of understanding and acceptance. But it also happens that the isolation or external sullenness of a man are some features of his character. Perhaps he loves his wife, but considers the manifestation of emotions a weakness, not worthy of a man. Therefore, she does not show tenderness, his deep feelings for her, affection and tenderness, and it seems to a woman that her husband is an insensitive blockhead. And she begins to look for the manifestations of feelings that are missing for her in another man.

Lack of attention

Excessive hobby of a man for a car, fishing, football, men's gatherings, etc. against the background of inattention to his wife. The self-esteem of a woman in the family falls, but as soon as a man appears next to him who is able to give it to her, she finds herself in his arms.

"Point for point"

Women rarely forgive an insult, especially from infidelity. Therefore, wishing to take revenge, they indulge in "all bad". Why? Yes, because cheating on a husband for a woman is a very strong mental pain, which is beyond the power of many of us to cope with and get out of depression. Therefore, many deceived women find it easier to compensate for this pain from the betrayal of a spouse with a similar revenge. At the same time, some even manage to preserve the marriage, but the former trust in the husband is no longer there.

Desire for romance

Quite often, female infidelity is associated with a lack of romance in relationships and family. This happens especially often with young couples who have not even lived for a year, with immature personalities or overly romantic people who are in the clouds. They can often become easy "prey" for real ladies' men who know how to approach and seduce a woman from the first meeting.

Dissatisfaction with sex

Sexy lingerie, candlelit dinners, a rose petal bath - all the efforts of a woman do not lead to results. No foreplay, no pleasure, 1-2 minutes and that's it. The husband considers this to be normal. And the woman has no choice but to seek satisfaction on the side. And our growing up as a person lies in gaining experience, in the ability to correctly assess reality and people.

Benefits of a married lover for a married man

Why is a married man and a married woman the “ideal” combination, according to many?

It seems because there are much more advantages from meeting a married mistress. See for yourself.

Less risks

Yes, in the case of an affair with a married woman, the risk of rolling scenes, scandals and leaving the family is much lower than in the case of an unmarried woman. A married lover, meeting with his passion, does not seek divorce in principle. And she, as a rule, also does not seek to take him away from the family, call continuously at work, ring her friends about her romance or relationship with him. She is interested in keeping this connection secret. And a relationship with an unmarried woman is always a risk. It is not known what the mistress will come to mind and when. And it's no secret that 99% of unmarried mistresses seek to take a man out of the family. And the main thing for them is the result, so all means are good: these are calls to their wife, and tossing of intimate items in the car and pockets of their beloved, and provocative behavior in crowded places and other "delights" of such a novel.

Below requirements

It's much easier with a married mistress: forgot about your birthday, it's not scary; did not congratulate on March 8, he will also understand; you rarely call - I don’t want to arouse suspicion of my husband, I’m worried about you, don’t I? So I am empathetic, loving and caring. Such "excuses" do not work with an unmarried woman. After all, she seeks to get everything at once.

Financial spending

A married woman will not call, demanding money for a new car, because she broke the old one. With her, there is no need to "impress" or win her in prestigious clubs, pay long bills for designer clothes or buy a studio apartment. These charms are usually counted on by unmarried mistresses, they are the ones who believe that if a married man loves, he must "prove" it with appropriate financial investments.

Health risk

In connection on the side, there is always a risk of catching a certain disease. Agree that with a married lover, this risk is much lower. A married mistress will not change partners, like gloves, if only out of fear if her husband finds out. And then she doesn't have much free time and energy to have several lovers at the same time. And the reason for the emergence of a connection on the side of her is different than that of her free "colleague".

What are the advantages of a married lover over a free one? Why do married women prefer the former over the latter?

Why do women in marriage prefer married lovers?

The relationship of a married woman with a married man is not accidental and has a number of significant advantages over bachelors.

Lack of scenes of jealousy

Jealousy in a married lover, of course, can arise for his passion, but he is unlikely to allow himself such a luxury as a scene of jealousy, especially in public. Why? Because it is not profitable for him to destroy the woman's family, because then he will have to risk his own family. The same cannot be said about a free lover. He has nothing to lose, so he can afford to show jealousy anywhere and in any way.

Sex frequency

Here again, a minus to a bachelor, because any man, and a free man, moreover, wants pleasant sensations from sexual pleasures more often. And he has plenty of free time, unlike a non-bachelor. And it is difficult for a married woman to constantly find time for sexual pleasures, because she has family concerns that take away both strength and time. Therefore, it is much easier with a married man: after all, he also needs to somehow find time for intimate meetings. Therefore, they are not so frequent. Another positive aspect of this connection is associated with the frequency of meetings - there is less opportunity to get bored with each other or see a sexual partner “without a mask” and be disappointed in him.


For an unfree woman, dating a married man has a number of advantages. A married lover will not give preference to a spontaneous impulse to meet his passion for work or to carry him home. He will not demand to go to a crowded place together. What can not be said about a bachelor, here the risks from such surprises are much higher.


If you have to leave, then it is easier to do this with a married than with a single lover. A married man will not throw a scandal, he will not sort things out in public and constantly call his passion or discuss with a friend. With a bachelor, a woman always has such a risk.

Perspectives of the novel of not free people

Is there a prospect in such a relationship? As a rule, no. And, as in any relationship, such a connection has its own phases, i.e. the phase of romance and passion is replaced by a phase of cooling of the relationship. According to statistics, the novel of unfree people lasts about 3 years. True, there are exceptions up to 8 and even 10 years. But they still end. In 70% of cases, one of the partners, and sometimes both, understand that a family, a well-established life, their own children are more valuable than a partner on the side and other people's children. Moreover, three years is often a sufficient period to see the partner of your romance real, and not who he wants to appear at the beginning of the relationship. Therefore, as in any relationship, there is also a reassessment of values. And often in the direction of improving relations in their family. The factor of "novelty" is also at play here. Now your husband or wife may seem new and interesting to you, and you also start to miss the familiar and cozy family joys. In most cases, the experience of relationships on the side helps people to better understand their real feelings and desires, in what is really important to him.

Again, according to research and experience of communication with many married couples, men only in 5-8 %% of cases decide to leave the family for a new passion. Therefore, a woman should not hope for a new marriage with her lover: if you are counting on the "legalization" of relations, then, perhaps, such a decision as to leave a married man herself will be the best. Then you do not have to condemn yourself to excruciating suffering from expectations and spend years of your life on it.

In the tandem of unfree lovers, there is another hidden threat to women. In such a relationship, there is a significant imbalance of power: a woman gives her warmth and love to another man, taking this resource from her own family. And the man in this pair receives an additional resource, which he often spends on strengthening his position in the family and society. Therefore, such a relationship will not last long.

Why do romances between married and married people happen?

But, if there are no prospects for such a connection, only some advantages and then for a short time, why are such novels not uncommon?


We can enter into such a connection under the influence of an impulse or impulse, especially if we have been experiencing a strong negative for a long time, which we want to get rid of as soon as possible. I mean in the family to my legal soul mate. Sometimes such an impulse is a desire to break out of the state of "fog": the goals are not visible, the direction is not realized, nothing is clear, I myself do not know what I want, but the soul "asks" for happiness, celebration, lightness ... People under the influence of an impulse, often find themselves in difficult and confusing situations, from which it is not easy to find a way out. Those. one problem is getting bigger.

Confidence in your exclusivity

Everyone will be bad, but I will certainly be fine! But an exaggerated sense of self-importance does not solve problems, but only adds them. And, as practice shows, a lot.

In the grip of illusion or ...

The desire to embellish reality, to overly romanticize our married "macho", to paint him up to the ideal, is more characteristic of us women. There are exceptions, though. This is especially true for young, inexperienced men.

But where does this desire to embellish, not notice, to paint the picture of reality and a new lover to the ideal come from? The main reason is the immaturity of the personality. After all, it is not so easy to determine your own complexes and limitations that prevent you from enjoying life, accepting all its gifts and colors. It will take time and effort. It is much easier to rely on a “gift of fate” that will be able to resolve all your problems and soothe all mental pain and anguish. Moreover, when I am sure that you are the one who deserves it.

It seems that living in illusions is easier than perceiving reality as it is and being ready to change. Easier, but only for the time being. Why? Yes. Because illusion is food for addiction. Painful addiction to a married man. And the verification of the correctness of the last statement is very simple: evaluate not his promises and words, but his real deeds in relation to you.

In conclusion, it remains for me to summarize what has been said.

A married woman and a married man, becoming lovers, as a rule, are not particularly inclined to analyze the situation - they are only trying to be happy. Yes, the desire to change your life for the better is correct. But in what way and how much joy will you get from this action and how much pain other people?

Therefore, knowing and feeling yourself and others is very important.

But it is equally important to know what you are doing and why. And also be able to call things by their proper names.

But it's up to you to decide what to do in any case.

Loyalty to each other is exemplary, but what happens when people who have loved each other suddenly find themselves another partner on the side?

No one is immune from a love triangle, because cupid's arrows can hit both a married woman and a married man.

The society is of the opinion that the mistress is a young unmarried girl with an attractive appearance. Only a wealthy man can afford to have such a passion. Such a doll, but alive, so it is imperative to take care of it. A respectable boyfriend gives his young sweetheart various expensive gifts. In return, he receives a woman's affection and warmth, he feels good with her. Next to her, a man is resting and relaxing from the routine of family life. This model of behavior is shown to us in films, books and other media.

And why is no one considering options with a family lady? In life, everything is much more complicated and the connections between the sexes are more diverse. In most cases, the ringed guy does not need a living toy, he wants a girl near him who will caress, support, and help to relax. Next to her, the lover feels like a full-fledged person, and not the father of a family, from whom something is constantly required.

Extramarital relations are struck with a simple friendship of the sexes, then slowly everything develops into something more.

Guys, in search of support and understanding, pay attention not only to girls, but also to their peers or to those who already have some life experience behind them. This category of female representatives is already married. A family lady will not be in a hurry to divorce her faithful because she has met a "prince", therefore, at the beginning of secret meetings, intimacy is often present and only then deeper relations develop between a married man and a married woman.


A woman who has agreed to the role of mistress unknowingly tries on her boyfriend as a future spouse. It is easier for Lovelace with a married mistress, because she already has a husband, and she hides this desire very deeply, living an ordinary life: home, work, friends and a secret relationship. Before changing something, she will think it over very well and only then make a decision, since changes in life in this case will affect every member of the family.

Thus, people in official relations are comfortable meeting secretly, since no one demands anything from each other. Lovers think not only of themselves, but also of their families, and therefore the relationship between married can last for a long time.

Additional benefits

Love between a married gentleman and an unfree lady has its advantages:

  • Diversity in sex life. It is the new sexual sensations that cause strong sympathy. During intimacy, both partners have a sexual experience. Everyone is calm about sexually transmitted diseases. Whatever the relationship, both remember their families, and STDs are not at all what both need.
  • An intrigue with a married lady to a non-free gentleman does not hit the wallet hard, because in this case it is difficult to present expensive things as a gift. The legal spouse can demand an explanation from her, and the wife of the traitorous husband will also be interested in where the big sum has gone. You cannot come up with an explanation on the fly, so there is a high chance of exposure, which will lead to litigation, divorce, division of property and others. Thus, a secret relationship with a married woman is extremely beneficial.
  • The secrecy of what is happening with a married woman will last much longer than with a young free lady. A lover who has a family is as interested in secrecy as her boyfriend.

A married man will be able to save on gifts for his passion. He likes to keep everything secret and partners get new experiences in bed.

Why women associate with other people's spouses

It is generally accepted in society that it is the males who are adventure lovers. In most cases, getting carried away with something new is problematic, and the search for adventure is transformed into climbing a ladder career or getting another position. Having an affair with a new passion can give a guy a sense of his own worth.

For women, this process is much more complicated. There are adventurers out there, but for the most part, intrigue with someone else's spouse is a bold move that few can take. And, most likely, there were very good reasons for this. The reason may be:

  • Strained relationship with her husband. Often spouses who live together for a long time lose interest in each other. As a result, the spouse does not show any signs of attention and intimacy occurs only on holidays. Cheating is pushed by female dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.
  • Spouses may have different outlooks on life that are at different levels of the social ladder. The reason is the difference in intellectual development.
  • If a girl got married early and she has no life experience at all. Over time, her outlook on some things changes, she gains experience and looks at her marriage in a completely different way.
  • Revenge for betraying your own spouse. Quite often, this is one of the main factors in creating a love affair with someone else's husband.

What is the danger

There are great dangers in an affair between lovers. The main thing is the psychological trap that a married woman and a married man fall into. This happens as a result of betrayal of one of the married couple, when the other half wants revenge. A fleeting hobby develops into great love and people begin to value each other no less than their own family.

They are looking for a way out of this difficult situation, since an unfree lover is no less valuable than a family. A feeling is created that it is with this person that another pure and true love is possible, the one that they dream of all their life and that they write about in books. But in most cases, these high feelings that arise between unfree people disappear over time. What's going on?

Development of intrigue

An extramarital love affair, according to statistics, lasts on average about three years. First, passion, then cooling sets in, and after three years the union is broken. The understanding comes that the most valuable thing in life is your own family unit. They reconsider life with their legal spouses, trying to improve it. The experience gained on the side helps to seal the marriage.

If it so happens that you have an affair with someone else's husband, try to enjoy it. There is no need to try on the role of a wife, because this will only end in disappointment.

Better to avoid intrigues with unfree people. This romance has no prospects and will continue as long as passion and love smolder in the chest, but as soon as you grow cold towards the object of your sympathy, everything will become a thing of the past.


The intrigue between people in marriage is different in that no one owes anything to anyone. Secret meetings cannot be called romantic; most likely, they look like spy games. Conspiracy is the main link that attracts lovers.

Often the so-called first love leads to the end of family ties. A young couple is getting married, but from time to time memories of past love come up. And when fate brings someone back together, feelings appear. As a result, new relationships arise that develop into a secret intrigue.

Thrills can lead to romance. People who are married are looking for something memorable and unusual. At the same time, just intimacy often develops into a long-term union.

Office romance is a form of extramarital affairs. Flirting at work between colleagues develops into intimacy. This is mainly due to the fact that future lovers spend a lot of time together in the workplace, which is why employees have sympathy for each other.

Rarely, but it happens that such intrigues end successfully, a new strong family unit is created, and at the same time, divorce from the former is painless, since the union with the husband or wife has exhausted itself. Husband and wife disagree by mutual agreement. But this is an exception to the rule. Most likely, everything will end prosaically.

For an unfree lover and married lover, the psychology of relationships is complex and contradictory. In some cases, an extramarital union restores the fading feelings of a married couple, but often leads to the fact that it is easier for the spouses to part than to revive the past. It is especially difficult to resolve such a situation if there are children who are especially acutely aware of the imbalance in the life of their parents.

Symptoms of falling in love with a busy gentleman

Female representatives know exactly how to fall in love with a male. The characteristic features of the beginning of the emergence of tender feelings will be light touches, unexpected meetings, long nighttime conversations or correspondence, and so on. You can often hear: “I like a married man and I don’t know if it is mutual. I want to understand. "

An unordered guy will feel free and uninhibited, but with gentlemen in marriage, everything is different. Behavior depends to a large extent on moral qualities and how much a person respects his family. A spouse who wants to save his family will only look languidly, try to touch with his hand or sigh sadly at the meeting. It will not be easy for a decent family man to show his feelings. He will fight within himself, as he is ashamed in front of his legal spouse, but at the same time he wants to be close to the object of his sympathies.

First signs

It is difficult for a married man to seriously fall in love with someone, since he is not ready to leave his family, but he also cannot show love for a lady. You should pay attention to the hidden signs with which a married man will show sympathy for a married woman.

He usually:

  • Writes for any reason.
  • Being around becomes cheerful or thoughtful.
  • Always trying to be the first to help.
  • The body of the body is turned towards the object of sympathy, even if it is talking with another person.
  • Makes attempts to catch a glance.
  • Smiles for no reason.

The cavalier tries to maintain a distance, but at the same time there is a desire to get closer.

A sign of sympathy for a girl is the behavior of a student who first fell in love. These are ridiculous phrases, reddening of the cheeks, embarrassment. This is how a married man shows love.

If you've already known the ringed guy for a long time, it's easy to find out if there is sympathy for your person. A man in love tries to curry favor with the person he likes, this awakens the gentleman to be better than he really is.

There are many reasons why a married man thinks about cheating. Sometimes it’s a chilling to his wife or just a desire to try the thrill. Guys are owners by nature, and when they find out about the infidelity of the second half, they will not cheat in response, they will simply part, since they cannot allow the woman to belong to someone else. But at that time, he can calmly get himself a mistress on the side.

Having a mistress for a male most often means having fun. Perhaps this is bad, from the point of view of morality, but extramarital affairs have existed for a long time and will not disappear anywhere as long as a person lives on earth.

The situation is quite common and problematic, so everyone who wants to get advice on their problem can write about it in the comments.

Married and unmarried mistress of a married man how to keep, how to behave, psychology of relationships

If both of you are not free, you should not take such a relationship seriously, so that later it will not be so painful when parting, which will come inevitably. Treat it like a fleeting romance, a pleasant fairy tale in your life. Don't try to be a second wife to him, just enjoy the moments when you are together. The situation when you are free, and he is married is a little different. You undoubtedly want to be the only one, but this is almost impossible. Don't demand anything in return, don't try to hold back.

Married lover and married lover are pregnant, fell in love, at work what to do

Everyone should decide for themselves what to do with pregnancy. Preserve and live in betrayal, or get rid of and regret all his life. Falling in love passes like a fog, this feeling is not serious. If this does not destroy the family, continue dating, or you need to break up.

Why married men have mistresses older or younger than themselves, the same age psychology of a married man

A lover younger than a man is needed so that a man can feel younger.

The lover is older, most often this relationship speaks of serious feelings.

At the same age, nothing concrete can be said, maybe a man is just a womanizer, or maybe this is an ordinary affair or true love.

Relationship between a married man and a married woman

For a man, such a union is very successful, a woman is less demanding, she does not need to be taken to a restaurant, cinema, theaters. She will not be able to cause any trouble, so as not to harm herself. For a woman, this relationship is convenient because there is no need to explain anything. And short meetings will always remain a vivid impression, without having time to turn into routine.

Psychologists say that you don't need to take this relationship seriously.

How to get rid of love for a married man who likes, whom you love to tears

It is impossible to stop loving only at will. Try to think less about him, get busy with work.

A married man and a married woman love each other at a distance what to do, another woman has appeared

Love at a distance tests true feelings. If she has not passed a year later, there is every chance of staying together forever. When another woman appears, you need to fight for your love.

How to marry a married man if you love what to do

Hit this man. Surprise with your abilities, for a start, it is enough to show your best side in bed, so that he wants you again and again. Then surround them with care and attention.