The first days of pregnancy sensations. Is alcohol harmful after conception? How long does it take for real pregnancy symptoms to appear?

The development of a child in the womb is a miracle process, but what happens in the first days after conception? Women who dream of having children are very attentive to their bodies. Being a mom is a natural desire. In order not to miss the moment of the birth of a new life in her, a woman carefully monitors her well-being. She pays attention to the slightest symptoms of conception, reacting to any kind of ailment.

Be that as it may, the process of conception takes place invisible to the eye, leaving only signs by which it becomes clear whether this process was successful or not. There are two dates by which conception is calculated, namely: the first day of menstruation and the actual day on which the child was conceived. Although it is difficult to know when this happened, especially if the woman is sexually active, it is still real.

How does a woman's body change?

Conception is the fertilization of the mother's egg by the father's sperm. The fertilized egg moves to its destination, namely the uterus. This process is not called conception, it lasts about ten days.

At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, the first week of pregnancy begins. During the transition of the egg to a new place, slight bleeding may begin, which completely confuses the woman, and she does not even suspect that she is pregnant.

A fertilized egg is perceived by the body as a foreign body, which is why there is a great danger that the body will simply reject the embryo. Therefore, the first week of pregnancy is very important: at this time it is determined whether the child will begin to develop or not. After the embryo is fixed, the placenta begins to form - just the place where your baby will live for nine months.

After the implantation of the embryo into the uterus, the process of producing a special hormone in the woman's body takes place, which indicates the process of conception. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin. The presence of this hormone in the blood gives a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Very often, the tests done by the mother may be lying, but the blood test is not.

How to know by sensations, conception has occurred or not?

It is not always possible to directly check with a doctor, but by your own feelings you can easily find out whether a woman is pregnant or not. This is especially clear when the expectant mother is looking forward to her baby. But this news is not expected for everyone, and for this reason, women do not pay attention to their condition, but attribute everything to a simple malaise.

The first day after conception is characterized by the cessation of menstruation, but this manifests itself only after three weeks, but how to find out earlier? To do this, you need to watch yourself. There are several signs by which pregnancy is recognized.

When the implant is securely fixed in the uterus, it signals this by releasing blood. It may be just a few drops on your underwear. Sometimes a woman can confuse such a selection with the beginning of critical days. But soon everything becomes clear, because menstruation as such simply does not begin. If such a discharge appears after the diagnosis of pregnancy, then there is a serious danger to the life of the child. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another clear sign by which pregnancy can be recognized is an increase in body temperature and more. In the first days of pregnancy, the fact of a decrease in body temperature, as well as basal temperature, can be traced. It is measured by inserting a thermometer into the anus. With this one-day stage, the process of releasing the hormone estrogen occurs.

After a rapid decline comes an increase that is hard to miss. This state passes only on the third day. The hormone progesterone begins to be actively produced, this gives a high body temperature.

From the first day, a woman's well-being can change significantly. There is unjustified fatigue, drowsiness. Some women feel the first signs of a cold. This process is associated with the implantation of the embryo and the reaction of the body to a foreign body.

Many women make a serious mistake, starting to diligently treat ailments with medication, and doing this is strictly prohibited, because this can simply harm the child. Feeling unwell can be traced throughout the first trimester, so you need to gain strength.

This state of the body is associated with the production of the hormone progesterone and can last right up to the tenth week of pregnancy.

In the early days of pregnancy, the breasts are very sensitive. The slightest touch can cause pain. And there is a completely opposite process, when, on the contrary, you expect your chest to ache during menstruation, but this does not happen.

If you press on the nipple, colostrum may stand out, which is already gradually beginning to recruit. Yes, this fact can come as a complete surprise to the expectant mother.

Depending on the individual sensitivity of the body, a woman may already feel at the stage of implantation, as if something is pulling in the pelvic area.

An individual symptom may be tingling in the lower abdomen - a kind of discomfort, which is accompanied by a general weakened state of the body.

The first signs of toxicosis are nausea and vomiting at the slightest smell. Pregnant women often have individual intolerance to certain smells, even food. Such a reaction does not always occur to something new - it can even make you feel sick from your favorite dish.

But toxicosis is not manifested in all pregnant women. It depends on the individual health condition. However, there is nothing wrong with it, it is natural, and you should not worry.

Also, the above symptoms may indicate diseases of both the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary organs. For this reason, you should not self-diagnose yourself, but you need to see a doctor.

How to behave in the first days of pregnancy?

The fact of pregnancy is recorded from the moment of the delay of menstruation. Nothing will be known beforehand. Even a visit to the doctor will not bring results. It is worth waiting for the main symptom, and then go to the gynecologist. The embryo can be seen even on ultrasound, but starting from the third week.

If a woman plans to become a mother, it is necessary to start preparing for a new stage in life in advance.

In about six months, you need to give up bad habits and start leading a proper lifestyle.

You need to think about the pleasant and look forward to your baby. In the first stages of pregnancy, all the important organs of the child are formed, so you need to be extremely attentive to your health. The main thing is to observe relative peace, not to be nervous and not to burden yourself physically. Lead a normal life, but with the knowledge that you are pregnant.

The first days of conception are the most wonderful time in a woman's life, it is an incredible feeling that a small miracle will soon be born. Please the future father and start planning your new life little by little with one more family member.

Pregnancy is the process of giving birth to a new person. From the first days of a child's development, it is necessary to feel responsibility for a new life. The time has come when you need to think not only about yourself, but also about another person. Remember: babies in the womb look at life around them through their mother's eyes. If the mother is happy - and the baby grows cheerful.

Plan your pregnancy, and then it will not come as a surprise either to you or to the father of the child. Remember: every living being has the right to life. Do not deprive your child of the future!

Gynecologists distinguish between two terms of pregnancy - true and obstetric. How do they differ?

The true gestational age is the point at which actual conception occurs. It is clear that it is almost impossible to accurately determine it, this will require complex studies, therefore, in practice, female doctors talk about the obstetric term, i.e. the starting point of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation, although in fact, in this case, the woman is not yet pregnant for the first two weeks, i.e. fertilization has not yet occurred.

If the menstrual cycle is stable, then fertilization can occur in the middle, for example, if this period is 28 days, then ovulation and pregnancy occurs on the 14th day.

Mechanism of pregnancy

By the time of ovulation, one of the eggs is more ready for fertilization than the others. It is located in the so-called Graaffian vesicle, and protrudes above the surface of the ovary. By the beginning of ovulation, the bubble bursts, and the cell enters the abdominal cavity - this is ovulation. The cell is viable only for a day, and if fertilization does not occur, the egg does not meet with the sperm, it dies and after a certain time the next menstruation occurs.

If the cell is fertilized, pregnancy occurs.

What happens in the body in the first days of pregnancy?

As soon as the spermatozoon has dissolved the shell of the egg and penetrated into it, complex chemical and biological processes begin. Two nuclei - the egg and the sperm combine and form a new one, in which the genetic information of the parents is laid. This cell, the embryo, is called the zygote.

The sex of the unborn child is determined by what type of chromosome was in the sperm. If it was a sperm with an X chromosome, a girl will be born, if it was a sperm with a Y chromosome, a boy. Since the Y-chromosomal sperm has a shorter lifespan, the chance of having a boy increases if sexual intercourse coincides with ovulation. If it happened a day or two earlier, it is more likely that the unborn child will be a girl.

After the appearance of the zygote, the process in the uterus occurs rapidly. The cell begins to divide intensively and after 30 hours instead of one egg - two, after another ten hours their number doubles and after a week their number reaches 250. The embryo itself increases in size and looks like a ball with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm, and it is now called the blastocyst.

All this time, the ball moves through the fallopian tube into the uterus and after 3 days reaches it. If the cell is active and moving quickly, it reaches the surface of the uterus in time and attaches to it. If for some reason the embryo is not active, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, if it is too active and enters the uterus too early, it cannot always take root in it or attach too low, which can lead to complications of the course.

Attention! An ectopic pregnancy can develop at 4-8 weeks and lead to rupture of the fallopian tube, so it is important to identify it in time. Its symptoms are pain in the groin, dizziness, lightheadedness, and dark red vaginal discharge. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

For the first week, the embryo does not depend on the mother's body in any way and feeds on its own substances, but after it attaches to the surface of the uterus, it is introduced into its walls. The blastocyst begins to release villi that connect to the blood vessels of the uterus, a kind of "implantation" occurs. If it was successful, from now on the fetus will receive oxygen and all the necessary substances from the blood of the expectant mother.

This period is very responsible, because. if a woman's body during this period is exposed to some unfavorable factors, the fetus may not find the strength to correct the situation and die.

That is why a woman planning her pregnancy should seriously prepare for it - monitor her health, avoid the use of medications, and even more so, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. After all, life that has already been born can die, and conception will end in a miscarriage at an early stage. Many women do not even have time to find out that they were pregnant, they just have their periods with a slight delay.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the early days?

Most women believe that the main sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation, although by this time the pregnancy can reach 2 weeks. Those who are more attentive can recognize the signs that they have become pregnant much earlier, almost immediately, several symptoms indicate this. These are changes in basal temperature, discharge, etc.

Basal temperature

Many women use the so-called, which allows you to correctly determine the time of ovulation. If fertilization occurs, this is indicated by a decrease in basal temperature for 1-2 days, and then it rises again.

This is because during fertilization in the body of a woman there is a sharp release of the hormone estrogen, which affects the temperature drop. This happens within a day, after which the production of progesterone begins and the temperature rises again.

Those women who build a graph of basal temperature can see a sharp dip on it, this is the moment of fertilization, and if you don’t even notice anything unusual in your feelings, you can visually easily determine the date of conception of the unborn child.

Bloody issues

At the time of "engraftment" of the embryo to the walls of the uterus, the appearance of mild bleeding may indicate, they are called implantation bleeding. Very often, these discharges are mistaken for monthly.

If your pregnancy is planned and even established, don't take lightly on discharge that persists for one or more days. You should immediately consult a doctor, because. may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. At the same time, each organism is individual and not all women may have discharge during embryo implantation.

Feeling unwell

A slight malaise can also be observed precisely in the true terms of pregnancy. The fact is that at this moment the immunity of a woman is reduced, because. the body is busy “fighting” with an embryo that is still alien to it, which is trying to take root on the surface of the uterus. As soon as this happens, the body will perceive it already as "its own".

At this time, symptoms may appear that resemble a mild cold - a runny nose, sore throat, slight chills. Most importantly, if you are planning a pregnancy, do not take antibiotics, etc., which can harm the embryo. If you feel unwell, use harmless folk remedies - tea with honey or raspberries will help fight a cold and will not harm your unborn child.

If the temperature is 37.0-37.5 C or higher for more than one day and stubbornly does not want to subside, be sure to contact your gynecologist or therapist, they will determine if there is a viral infection and, if so, how to deal with it.

Increased fatigue and weakness

This is due to the fact that in the body of a woman there is a serious restructuring of the activity of all systems. The production of progesterone increases, this will occur until 10 weeks of pregnancy, when estrogen begins to be produced. To better survive this period, walk more, sleep, eat well, and soon you will feel much better.

Pulls the stomach

Rarely, but there may be disturbing sensations in the uterus in the form of a slight tingling or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, slightly. If the condition does not improve within a few days, contact your doctor and describe your condition.

It may appear, which is explained by the fact that the swelling uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder. In principle, this is normal, but if there is a burning sensation or any other signs of discomfort, tell your gynecologist about them, he should rule out the possibility of a urinary tract infection.

Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands

This condition appears in many women before the onset of menstruation, however, with the onset of pregnancy, they can last longer and flow more brightly. There is nothing wrong with this, not all women have it and it also depends on individual characteristics. It often happens that the breast does not hurt, just by chance a woman begins to notice that light discharge appears from the nipples - this may begin to produce colostrum.

Early toxicosis

Some women may develop - nausea or vomiting, intolerance to certain foods or smells, and, conversely, a sudden craving for others. There may be a desire to eat a piece of chalk, a herring with sweet tea, or other strange food cravings. There is nothing wrong with them, with time it passes, and you should not worry about this.

It should be emphasized once again that all these symptoms of pregnancy in the early days are purely individual, and what one woman feels, the other will not necessarily feel.

What should a woman do when signs of pregnancy appear in the first days?

The fact that a stork brings children to happy families or they are found in cabbage has been known since kindergarten. In childhood, the study of this topic, as a rule, took place in secret corners, in the absence of parents and adults.

How exactly conception occurs, the “experienced” elders described in bright colors, with intriguing and exciting details, savoring the details.

And now, in practice, this sacred action has been consolidated. So to speak, from the idea to the birth of the finished "product". In fact, it turned out to be more and more mysterious and sensual.

But there are circumstances, the occurrence of which unsettles, destroying plans. This is, you guessed it, an unwanted pregnancy.

What is ovulation and how to determine it?

Nature endowed the weaker sex with the ability to bear children. They can regulate this process by their desire or lack thereof. However, the body determines the readiness for fertilization of the egg solely by itself. To do this, a magical preparatory process is started, which ends with ovulation.

According to a conditional command given by the stars, a mature egg appears from the ovarian follicle and “pronounces” a phrase understandable for the female soul: I am ready!

The follicle is one of the components of the ovary, which consists of connective tissue epithelial cells (the layer of cells that line the surface) and the egg itself.

Conception and ovulation are inseparable and harmonious phenomena. It is during this period, and not in any other, that the egg is ready for fertilization.

Perhaps you should not convince you that at this stage, families who want to have a baby need to increase the frequency of love contacts. And if this alignment of events is highly undesirable, then, in order to avoid problems, you need to temporarily protect yourself from getting pleasure or switch to the use of contraceptives.

A woman is able to determine the onset of ovulation not only by her exclusive calendar, which takes into account menstrual cycles, but also by certain signs.

These include:

  1. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Vaginal discharge that becomes stringy and viscous.
  3. It is possible to change not only their color, but also the appearance of small veins.
  4. The attraction to the opposite sex intensifies, and the process of intimacy becomes more desirable.

This is a physical symptom. However, there are other methods to determine the onset of ovulation:

  1. Basal temperature control.
  2. calendar method.
  3. Ultrasonography.
  4. Test method.

The above methods are good tips for individuals who have an irregular menstrual cycle.

What day is conception possible?

This question is relevant in both cases, both in family planning and in order to prevent an undesirable event.

Looking ahead, it is worth mentioning right away that there is no such day that is guaranteed safe or, conversely, favorable for starting a new life.

Two facts support this assertion:

  1. The released sperm cell lives in the body of the future woman in labor for 72 hours. Imagine for a moment - it's three whole days. And every second this "cheerful guy" is ready to make happy or upset his owner.
  2. Ladies who determine the onset of ovulation using a calendar are at great risk. For the shift in the menstrual cycle is influenced by many subjective causal factors: stress, physical activity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, taking medications. After all, the body is a holistic mechanism in which everything, absolutely everything is interconnected.

But not everything is so hopeless.

A relatively safe period, with the key word being “relatively”, are two days before and the same after menstruation. But again, we preempt from self-confidence. The menstrual cycle should be guaranteed to be cyclical, as they say, day to day.

So, if your cycle “loops” for 28–30 days, then the probable peak of conception falls on days 14–15. But this, we repeat, in an ideal physical condition. Be aware of subjective factors.

In order to accurately determine the day, get a personal calendar. But the period of observation of one's condition should cover at least a six-month, and preferably a year period. This will allow you to log in more accurately.

  1. Let us take the shortest cycle in terms of periodicity. Subtracting the number 18 from it, we get the result from which the high-probability period of fertilization starts. Let's take an example to illustrate. The shortest menstrual cycle recorded is 25 days. Subtract the recommended 18 and get 7, that is, the most favorable or dangerous time, depending on who thinks and how. This stage begins on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Next, we take the longest cycle and subtract 11 from it. This is the day when the “problem” or “controllable” period ends. Let's call them so conditionally. Let's go back to the same example. The longest cycle was 29 days. Subtracting 11, we come to the number 18.
  3. So, we draw a general conclusion: the most probable period is from the 7th to the 18th day of the personal calendar.

Sorry for the clarification - this is for those who are confused in terms. The countdown of the cycle starts from the first day of the beginning of menstruation. That is, from the beginning of the previous to the beginning of the next.

The following information will be useful to those couples who wish to have a baby.

There is an erroneous opinion that in order to guarantee the appearance of an unborn child, it is necessary not to leave the machine for days during a favorable period. Well, you understand what we are talking about.

This is a gross delusion. In any case, this is what Kaylen Silverberg, a well-known reproductive specialist from Texas, says. On the contrary, such a "Stakhanovite" method significantly reduces the chances.

The body of a man needs up to 48 hours to accumulate the necessary supply of sperm. And unrestrained sex, in its tireless desire to achieve results without fail, only dries up the strength of both the man himself and the spring of the future life - the spermatozoon.

This will certainly lead to the fact that at an important moment, when ovulation occurs, the amount of sperm for fertilization simply may not be enough.

Therefore, upon the onset of fertile, i.e., the most probable time for fertilization, doctors recommend having sex once every two days.

The process of egg fertilization in detail

The process of fertilization is such an amazing and unique process that it is just right to compare it with the Big Bang that led to the formation of the universe, or with the birth of life on our planet.

It's not uncommon for readers who aren't quite knowledgeable to ask quirky questions like this one: Can fertilization be felt?

I mean by this a very definite action.

As if during a man's orgasm - "fuck-bang" was felt and happened under the exclamations: "Oh heavens, I flew!". Of course not - it's much more difficult.

During evolution, mother nature was able to form such an algorithm that in some 9 months, just think about it during this period, a person is formed and born.

And, mind you, the procedure is thought out to the smallest detail and calculated almost by the minute.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, which depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, a sort of beautiful marriageable girl appears from the ovary, that is, an egg cell ready to meet the groom (fertilization). In such a suffering ready state, it can not be long - from 12 to 36 hours.

If during this time the date did not happen, then she dies and leaves the body along with menstrual bleeding.

In a word, with a general readiness, the desired meeting takes place in the period from 1 to 3 days.

The female body during the period of ovulation can form several eggs. In this case, the likelihood that not one, but several lives will be born.

After the ejaculation, which we compared to the Big Bang in the universe, the spermatozoa that escaped to freedom have a long way to go, consisting of difficult steps.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that not everyone will reach the end:

The path we have traveled has been very helpful. Spermatozoa changed qualitatively and became capable of fertilization.

Finally, the goal is reached, the path is passed.

fertilization process

A beautiful girl appeared before the eyes of the applicants - a mature egg. But again, the testing didn't end there. They have to break through the protective membrane - the last obstacle (see photo).

Here, nature has thought of everything, coming to their aid. She "armed" the head of the spermatozoa with an acrosome - this is such a membrane vesicle with a liquid that can dissolve the membrane.

Under the influence of a biological enzyme, the egg loses its strength and elasticity. Cracks form in it.

And God's providence sends only one spermatozoon the opportunity to become a desired betrothed. The messenger gets inside and the sacred sacrament takes place. By fertilizing the egg, he breathes new life into it.

More clearly the whole process of fertilization on the video:

What happens after fertilization by day?

To slightly touch the universal mystery of conception, you need to look into the divine workshop or stellar kitchen, as you please. At the same time, for the depth of perception, it would be nice to make a cut of each period. And note that the ongoing changes are continuous and dynamic, without downtime, smoke breaks and breaks "to rest."

Not quite well-read ladies can get confused in the calculations of fetal development. Especially in such concepts as "day" and "week".

In this process, each woman has her own calendar cycle. The beginning of a new life is counted from the first day after menstruation.

For example: the next month, on the settlement day, regular menstruation did not occur. Already with a high degree of probability we can talk about the occurrence of a touching event.

Therefore, the next day after the "extreme" menstruation will be the starting point. Obstetricians consider the first day of fetal development from here (an adjustment will then be made by ultrasound).

Based on the calculations of favorable periods for conception described above, it is easy to guess that the first month will consist of 18 days.

Stages after fertilization of the egg by day:

daysProcess description
1 Fertilization.
2 By fusing the male and female genome, a zygote is formed - a cell with a complete double set of chromosomes. The beginning of the separation of the embryo and the assessment of its quality in terms of shape, size and fragmentation.
3 As a result of division, 9 cells were formed.
4 The formed egg takes on a different shape, vaguely resembling a blackberry. It continues to move towards the uterus. During this period, the basis of the main elements of the future little man is formed for subsequent development. During movement, new cells are synthesized - blastomeres, the so-called. embryonic cells at the stage of zygote division.
5 A blastocyst is formed - an embryo that has made a significant number of divisions. Its development already allows implantation into the wall of the uterus.
6–7 A fertilized egg, already in the form of an embryo, enters the uterus and is fixed on its walls, merging at the sacral level with the maternal essence. This process can take up to 40 hours. There was a significant increase in hCG levels. This unique hormone has a difficult name for the layman - human chorionic gonadotropin.
8 At this stage, the embryo has completely penetrated the endometrium. His nutrition is carried out exclusively through maternal blood, since his own "food warehouses" by that time were completely impoverished.

Is it still worth explaining to expectant mothers who love only themselves what happens in a newly born life when alcohol, nicotine enters the bloodstream, or what is completely detrimental - drugs?

9 The fetal egg is completely enveloped by the mucous membrane of the maternal cavity.
10 On the 10th day after conception, the implantation process is completed.
11 The cells of the placenta secrete a significant amount of hCG, which is necessary for the development of the uterine site. By the way, it is after the onset of this stage in the blood that the presence of gonadotropic hormone can be accurately recorded, an objective biochemical analysis can be carried out and highly sensitive tests can be used.
12–13 There is an increase in the level of hCG.
15 Further development of the fetus is observed - a primitive intestine and a chord appear.
13–17 This period is characterized by the formation of the amniotic sac and placental circulation.
18 This day is significant with a stellar action - a tiny heart begins to beat.

It is worth noting that medicine focuses on the first dangerous period - this is from the 7th to the 14th day of the development of the future fetus, when a fundamental restructuring of the body takes place. And expectant mothers with poor health should especially refrain from emotional and physical exertion. We are not talking about tobacco and alcohol at all.

Are there early symptoms of conception?

Here the question already quite logically pops up: how to determine whether conception has occurred?

There are a number of signs that may appear before and allow us to ascertain with a high degree of probability the first signs of a “flight”.

Feelings in the stomach

Undoubtedly, the extreme manifestation of discomfort is toxicosis. But even before its appearance, already at an early stage, a woman feels bloating and increased gas formation with a possible belching.

The explanation for this process is quite simple - hormonal changes in the body lead to a weakening of the intestinal muscles and, as a result, to flatulence (gas formation).

In addition, expectant mothers may experience strange sensations in the abdomen or in the lumbar region that were absent before. This may be a feeling of heaviness and squeezing in the lower abdomen or discomfort in a sitting position.

Don't overlook anything. Increasing or tingling pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic conception or the threat of fetal loss. Do not hesitate and do not wait for a denouement - this is an occasion for urgent medical attention.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days can be determined by basal body temperature. Be sure to take control of this indicator. Basal body temperature is the lowest daily body temperature. The body reaches this state during the night's rest.

You need to measure the temperature immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. If you are in an interesting position, then in the early morning hours your body temperature will rise above 37 degrees. This is due to the intense release of progesterone into the blood, which is responsible for temperature regulation.

But body temperature can drop sharply for one day. This condition is called implantation retraction. All this is due to qualitative changes occurring in the body of ladies.

Basal temperature in early pregnancy

Can the chest hurt?

A change in pigmentation and an increase in the volume of the mammary glands with some pain is not a defining visual symptom. And vice versa, these same signs are present in 100% of future women in labor. Here it is so ornate, this area of ​​human life - the birth and birth of a new life.

Already at an early stage of the "piquant" state, the expectant mother feels that not only her favorite bra is already small for her. Former caresses, kisses on the chest and even a gentle touch on it, cause painful sensations.

This is a natural process, nothing terrible happens and everything finds its explanation. Just at this stage, the spouses and especially the husband need to understand that the birth of a new life is not painless. This must be taken into account when adjusting relationships, shifting the “male” accent towards greater attention, sensuality, tolerance, tenderness and understanding.

It is worse if only one breast is enlarged and inflamed. This is an alarming signal and a reason to immediately contact a mammologist.

What determines the level of hCG?

The incomprehensible abbreviation hCG has an even more incomprehensible interpretation - human chorionic gonadotropin. Knowledgeable people call it the hormone of pregnancy. For some, the news of its increased content in the blood is a long-awaited joy, while for others, such news is shocking, leaving them speechless.

But be that as it may, gonadotropin is an important hormonal protein that is produced by the tissues of the fetus after it attaches to the cervix. Its main purpose is to stimulate the development of the placenta (the baby's cradle in the womb).

As the fetus develops, up to 15 weeks, the level of hCG increases all the time, almost every week.

Period (week)CHC index (mU/ml)
1 20–150
4 2.5–82 thousand
5 Up to 151 thousand
6 Up to 233 thousand
7–10th20.9–291 thousand
16 (level drops)6.1–103 thousand
20 4.7–80 thousand
21 to 392.7–78 thousand

Doctors monitor this indicator throughout the entire period of gestation. For a decrease in the level by more than 50% of the norm may indicate an ectopic or, which equally indicates pathology. In addition, it can be a threat of a breakdown, placental insufficiency, gestation of the fetus, or, worst of all, its death at a later stage.

Elevated levels of hCG may also indicate the development and identification of the following problems:

  1. Incorrectly set deadline (more than expected).
  2. Presence of vesicles. This occurs with an increase in the uterus and a high probability of bleeding.
  3. Multiple pregnancy (twins or more).

How long does it take for real pregnancy symptoms to appear?

Throughout the conversation regarding this phenomenon, one constantly has to talk about polar emotions from this event. Therefore, the objective symptoms of women meet differently.

Well, what to do - this is life.

It's been a week - how do you feel?

So, in the blink of an eye, a week has flown by, Our “smarts” during this time manage to run to the uterus and “snuggle up” to their native body.

And here, in the first days, signs of pregnancy begin:

  1. Tingling in uterine region.
  2. Slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Implantation bleeding.

The last sign is not such in the literal sense. It may be a slight pink or yellowish discharge that is found on the underwear.

This is due to the fact that the fetal egg, in its quest for life, when squeezed into the wall of the uterus, can slightly damage small vessels.

However, this is more the exception than the rule. Many women don't even notice this.

Exciting signs of the second week

If the embryo has entered the uterus, but has not yet attached, then the beginning of the second week will pass without any changes.

If, as one great figure said, “the process has started”, then by the time the 10th day comes, changes will actually occur in the form of:

  • headache;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • heaviness, fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • breast compaction and enlargement, colostrum secretion.

Depending on the individual female “construction”, these changes can occur in different ways: in one, gradually, in turn, while in the other, all at once and in an extremely painful form.

But do not immediately undermine and run with horror or joy to the pharmacy for a test. Hold up.

Well, if it’s unbearable, then do a blood test for hCG. This method is still the most objective for early diagnosis.

Third week - everything is clear

The third week is the period when not only doctors speak, but the woman herself understands that it has happened.

The body gives quite definite signals that motherhood is ahead of you.

The woman feels:

  1. Slight nausea, although severe toxicosis is not excluded already at an early stage.
  2. Unusual tingling in the uterus.
  3. Head spinning.
  4. Elasticity of the nipples and increased sensitivity.
  5. Painful exacerbation of the sense of smell.
  6. Craving for unusual, previously unusual sensations.

Previously familiar odors can now cause irritation, and sometimes vomiting.

But at the same time, some oddities may appear in the weaker sex: a desire to chew the wood resin of stone fruits, chalk, sponge, foam rubber, crumble an eraser with your teeth or rub foam on glass.

In addition, the future woman in labor may experience weakness of the body. Previously familiar morning activities already require additional volitional efforts.

Being in the kitchen is disgusting. Cooking turns into a terrible ordeal.

Due to bloating, the stomach can no longer "take" its usual place. There are frequent urges to the toilet, reminiscent of cystitis, only without pain.

Reddening of the face in the evening, fever, darkening of the body around the nipples, increased gas formation - all this indicates that the development of the unborn child is underway and everything must be courageously endured.

Development of a new life. Video:

The sacrament of fertilization, development and the birth of a new life requires from a woman not only the presence of minimal knowledge. An extremely responsible attitude to this divine process is needed. There can be no trifles and conventions here, because the expectant mother acts as a guarantor of a new life.

The very first weeks are a truly memorable and very exciting period in the life of every woman. However, in most cases, it is during this period that she is in the dark, trying to detect the very first signs of pregnancy in herself.

A clear sign of pregnancy is the absence of menses and the appearance of two clear lines on the test.

But the woman is still trying to determine the conception earlier, to find out what sensations at the beginning of pregnancy are her evidence. After all, the body of a woman “signals” about conception much earlier than it can be accurately determined. That is why women who believe that they have become pregnant often ask their acquaintances: “ What were the first signs of pregnancy you had?”, and also try to “listen” to their own body and notice a variety of signs: heaviness in the uterus, tingling in the nipple, hunger and other harbingers. But still, it should be remembered that secondary signs are not a 100% guarantee of pregnancy.

In addition, such symptoms of pregnant women are not always worried and not all. But these manifestations occur in most expectant mothers. You can find out how to get confirmation of an “interesting” situation in a short time, after what time the first signs of pregnancy appear, see below.

Signs of pregnancy: subjective feelings

Ovulation - This is the process when an egg ready for fertilization comes out of the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation occurs around day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that conception is most likely. However, there are certain reasons for delayed ovulation, they can be associated with stress, diseases of the genital area, imbalance etc. But even in this case, fertilization can occur. In some cases, it is necessary to accurately set the time of ovulation in order to increase the likelihood of conception.

Sometimes during the period of ovulation, a woman shows certain signs. In frequency, some women have lower back pain at this time, tingling in the ovary, an increase in mucous secretions, bloating,. There are also minor discharges - blood during ovulation can be released only in small quantities. Some women claim that they felt pain in the lower back after ovulation, when conception occurred. But a week after ovulation is too short a time to test. Moreover, on the 4th day or 5th day, the gynecologist will not be able to determine the pregnancy.

At this time and, and the reasons nausea most likely not related to pregnancy. But on about the 7th day, sensations that are uncharacteristic for a woman are already gradually beginning to appear. It is advisable to carry out the test no earlier than 10 days after ovulation. During this period, the cervix, if conception has occurred, gradually becomes looser. More abundant discharge also appears if conception has occurred.

Those who are interested in how many days after conception pregnancy occurs should take into account that on what day pregnancy occurs after conception depends on the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus. This period is from 7 to 10 days. Accordingly, after implantation of the egg in the uterus, changes begin in the body, when a number of symptoms new to the expectant mother appear.

After how many days other unpleasant phenomena begin, it depends, first of all, on the characteristics of the female body. For example, women tracking basal temperature note unusual basal temperature charts.

Most expectant mothers are interested in what first signs of pregnancy before a delay may appear in a woman. But keep in mind that early symptoms, when there is still a week before menstruation or 4 days before menstruation, are subjective. Since after conception, even during the period when there are 2 days or more before menstruation, grandiose changes are already taking place in the body, special sensations in a woman can be noted, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Often, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation can actually be symptoms of a pronounced one. But the same primary signs are possible immediately after conception. If PMS is not a characteristic condition for a woman, then she perceives the initial signs as an unusual phenomenon, and when such symptoms appear, she thinks about whether it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

Early signs of pregnancy before a missed period may include:

  • Feeling unwell. A week before menstruation, there is a feeling that it is developing cold with no respiratory symptoms. There is a feeling of weakness, in the early stages the woman gets very tired.
  • Emotional destabilization. Constant changes in mood, a change of joy with tears are also subjective signs of conception before a delay. Similar signs are often noted in women prone to emotionality.
  • Drowsiness, poor sleep. Those who are interested in how to determine pregnancy before a delay should pay attention to the manifestation of drowsiness, a constant feeling of lack of sleep. There are clear signs of lack of sleep, even if the woman has slept for 12 or more hours. It can also overcome: the expectant mother suddenly wakes up very early and cannot fall asleep again.
  • Change in sex drive. Libido throughout the entire period of pregnancy can change in one direction or another. At the same time, the earliest changes in libido are noted as early as 2-3 weeks after conception.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvis. This feeling occurs as a result of a more active inflow to the pelvic organs. Therefore, a woman who is interested in how to understand that pregnancy has come, perceives this phenomenon as a heaviness in the uterus. The feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen may also disturb. At the same time, the feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen does not disappear even after going to the toilet.
  • Tingling in the uterus. Periodically, tingling is felt in the uterus or in its area.
  • Pain in the lower back. Such harbingers are also likely: tingling in the back, backache in the lower back, radiating to the legs. Tingling in the uterus can be noted already in the first weeks of pregnancy, before the delay, and feel like a slight tingling before menstruation or after ovulation. The causes of tingling in the uterus are associated with hormonal changes, attachment of the embryo. You need to understand: if it tingles in the uterus, then this is a physiological phenomenon. As the fetus develops, lower back pain often worries, as the growing uterus presses on the internal organs. Sometimes the lower back hurts after conception, on days when the delay has just begun. You may also feel heat in the lumbar region.
  • Migraine, headache. The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are also manifested by a headache, which can disturb throughout the day and subside only at night. The headache begins to bother you already in the first weeks, so the answer to the question of whether a headache can be one of the signs is in the affirmative.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. The sensitivity may increase to such an extent that even the slightest touch causes pain in the chest. Most expectant mothers have chest pain. Moreover, a woman sometimes cannot even touch her breast, since she can feel pain after the lightest touch. How the chest hurts depends on the individual, although this symptom is taken into account when an early determination of pregnancy is made before the delay. In some cases, on the contrary, there is a loss of sensitivity of the mammary glands. This is typical for those who have always noted an increase in the sensitivity of the breast before menstruation.
  • Fever and chills. A feeling of heat, which is replaced by chills, manifests itself several times a day. In this case, an increase in body temperature may not occur. This is an internal feeling that does not depend on the influence of external factors.
  • Increased appetite or a strong desire to eat a certain food. Often, almost in the second week of pregnancy, women notice a significant increase in appetite (pregnant women very often write about this in every thematic forum, answering the question “ How did you feel at the beginning of your pregnancy?"). In the process of eating, they do not feel full. It also happens that you are drawn to a certain food product. It is also characteristic that pregnant women, as a rule, have a craving for that product or products that were previously absent from the menu.
  • Nausea. Many women are interested in whether it can start and whether it can feel sick at the earliest possible date. The beginning of such sensations in pregnant women is individual. Nausea worries more often in the morning, sometimes there is vomiting. There is a sharp rejection of certain foods, even the thought of which provokes nausea. Often develops at an early date. Pain in the intestines and stomach is also likely. How the stomach hurts, the woman herself determines with difficulty, because it is rather a pulling sensation, heaviness. Whether the stomach hurts in the first days after conception depends on individual characteristics - this does not always happen.
  • High sensitivity to odors. Many women who write to the forum and share their experiences, answering the question: “ How did you feel that you were pregnant?”, talk about sudden changes in the sense of smell. There is an aversion to those smells that previously seemed pleasant, for example, to the aroma of food, perfume, etc. At the same time, some chemical smells may seem attractive. It happens that a woman feels an uncharacteristic aroma when smelling food - for example, it may seem to her that the food has the aroma of acetone. Whether such changes can be felt immediately after conception depends on individual characteristics. As a rule, increased sensitivity to smells is observed already a few days after conception.
  • Feeling uncomfortable while sitting. Already in the first days after conception, the expectant mother finds it difficult to find a comfortable position in a sitting position.
  • Allergy. Allergy as a symptom manifests itself in the early stages. As a rule, this is an allergic reaction, which was not previously noted in a woman.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy allows you to find out if conception has occurred, even if there are no signs described above. But the definition of such subjective feelings in oneself helps those women who ask if it is possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay. Although the most accurate data on pregnancy can only be given later - hypersensitive test . But even the most sensitive specimens can end up being interpreted as a weakly positive test if a pregnancy test is taken too early. The earliest term for determining conception is 20-21 days from the date of the last menstruation. That is why most women are trying to figure out how to find out if there is a positive result, how to find out if conception has occurred.

If a woman kept a BT schedule, then is it possible to understand that she is pregnant, the basal temperature will help, which does not decrease during pregnancy as it happens before menstruation.

There are a number of other signs that a woman is interested in in order to find out that she is pregnant, she “searches out” in herself already in the first days after a probable conception. Reading articles that there are 33 signs of pregnancy or a different number of them, she notes as such allocation , thrush , acne . But all these manifestations may also indicate the development of the disease, and not pregnancy. For example, discharge during the conception of a child can be the same as with thrush. What kind of discharge appears after conception, as well as what are the most accurate signs of pregnancy, can be told by a doctor who should be asked how to identify the exact signs, and how to understand that you are pregnant.

External changes during the first days of pregnancy

Even before the delay, the first signs of pregnancy after conception appear almost every day with external changes. Despite the fact that only a few women claim that they had certain strange sensations after ovulation, if conception occurred, external changes occur in almost everyone.

Talking about what sensations they experienced during the conception of a child and after that, many women note that they developed thrush , and after thrush - cystitis . As a result, the question arose whether due to thrush there could be a number of signs similar to those of pregnancy.

And if, before the delay of menstruation, the woman herself can rather feel certain internal sensations after conception, then those around her notice external changes.

Even before nausea appears after conception, such external signs of pregnancy may be noted:

Laboratory and physiological changes in the first days of pregnancy

Trying to determine what signs of pregnancy in the early days indicate conception, a woman pays attention to the physiological state. How to determine pregnancy, while the test does not yet show it, some physiological manifestations, as well as laboratory indicators, will “prompt”. Trying to understand everything about pregnancy from the first days of conception, expectant mothers, concerned about certain manifestations, turn to doctors.

Almost in the very first days of pregnancy, the following signs may indicate:

  • Early pregnancy factor. A special substance is found in the blood or in the mucus of the cervix of pregnant women - it is determined 28-48 hours after conception has occurred. Studies show that this factor can be detected in 67% of cases after pregnancy. Its growth is noted during the first months. But at present, this diagnostic method is used very rarely.
  • Increasing hCG hormone. The onset of pregnancy allows you to determine . HCG is determined by tests or analyzes, and its level indicates that conception has occurred and that the gestation of the fetus is proceeding normally. The growth of this indicator also occurs before the delay of menstruation, when a very short period is noted.
  • Vaginal discharge with blood. Sometimes women are worried about what to do if pinkish or yellow discharge of a smearing nature appears from the genitals. As a rule, such discharge and discomfort in the uterus appear 7-12 days after the conception has occurred, and indicate that the embryo is fixed in the uterus. Also, the uterus can bleed if the woman once had erosion. Due to the increased blood flow, an increase in bleeding occurs.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Since, after conception, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases, and constipation also worries, hemorrhoids can worsen in the first weeks after conception.
  • The basal body temperature rises. After conception, the basal temperature always rises. In the first weeks after conception, until the placenta began to function, the basal temperature rises to above 37 C. If during the period of menstruation the basal temperature is more than 37 degrees, then this indicates either pregnancy or a delay due to late ovulation. Also, after conception, body temperature may rise. It should be noted that basal temperature is not the temperature of the vagina, but measured in the rectum.
  • Elevated temperature. Sometimes there is a constant temperature of 37 as a sign of pregnancy. Whether the temperature can be lowered depends on the physiology of the body.
  • Leg (calf) cramps. Cramps and pain in the legs disturb at night, disturbing sleep.
  • pressure drop. The most pronounced pressure decreases in people who have previously had hypotension. Often in such women, the pressure drops to 90/60 mm Hg. As a result, weakness , sometimes - fainting . Even if the period is very short, such manifestations occur as a result of being in a stuffy room, transport, a long standing position. Low pressure is also noted in those who previously had these indicators in the norm. Whether it is possible to feel such signs in the first days depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Decreased immunity. Primary symptoms can manifest themselves in the form of a cold - as a result of a decrease in immunity. In particular, it is possible runny nose , complaints that the throat hurts. The pregnant woman believes that she is developing a common cold. Reviews of pregnant women indicate that a cold as an initial symptom manifests itself quite often.
  • Strong salivation. What a woman feels in the first days after conception is individual. But increased salivation is usually accompanied by nausea. The active separation of saliva worsens the feeling of toxicosis. The condition of a woman also depends on what sensations in the stomach appear in the first days after conception. Sometimes nausea, bloating, or abdominal discomfort is also accompanied by excessive salivation.
  • Vaginal discharge. The discharge before the delay becomes more abundant, as there is an increased production of vaginal secretions. Whether white discharge can be after ovulation depends on the physiology of the woman. But white discharge as a sign of fertilization is a fairly common phenomenon.
  • Thrush. Since the secret of the vagina is rich in hydrogen ions, it actively reproduces candida mushrooms . If itching, curdled discharge is noted, then thrush develops, which must be treated. Thrush as a sign of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. But if thrush develops, whether it can be evidence of conception, it is impossible to immediately know. Regardless of whether thrush is a sign of pregnancy, it must be treated.
  • Increased frequency of urination. Since there is a hormonal restructuring of the body, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and the active functioning of the kidneys, urination becomes more frequent both day and night. Frequent urination is noted during the entire period of gestation. Also, women during this period may be disturbed by cystitis. Whether the stomach can hurt, whether discomfort is felt, depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Regardless of what the girl feels, it is better to consult a doctor with signs of cystitis.
  • Delay of menstruation. Despite other harbingers, it is the delay that is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. Nevertheless, a development of events is also possible, which can be characterized: "Delayed menstruation, but not pregnancy." Depending on how many days the delay has already lasted, measures can be taken to confirm or deny conception. Sometimes after conception, a delay in menstruation and a temperature of 37 are combined.

Even if there is a delay of 1 day, a woman may already suspect that she is pregnant, guided by other signs. For example, she has white discharge, unusual sensations. But with a delay of one day, the test may not show conception.

If there is a delay of 2 days, and white discharge appears, as well as other signs, conception can be suspected. But two days of delay is a period when it is still too early to consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy.

Women who have a 3-day delay in menstruation often have a test. But even if after three days of delay the test is positive, this is not a guarantee of pregnancy, as the test may turn out to be false positive.

What happens after 4 days of delay depends not only on objective factors, but also on the degree of emotionality of the woman. More emotional individuals believe that a 4-day delay in menstruation accurately indicates pregnancy, and they find in themselves a number of signs of conception.

Since the signs are more pronounced during the first pregnancy, after 5 days of delay, a woman can already be almost sure that she will have a child, as she determines the obvious symptoms of conception, regardless of what happens on day 5. If the delay is already 5 days, and white discharge continues to bother, ladies often turn to doctors to determine conception. But even on day 6, the doctor cannot say with certainty that the patient is pregnant, regardless of what happens on day 6 and what signs she shows.

If the period is delayed by 7 days, then it makes sense to take a test or consult a doctor. A delay of 1 week, which is combined with other signs (white discharge, sleep and appetite disturbances, a cold as a sign of pregnancy, etc.), is already a reason to suspect that conception has occurred. But during this period it is still impossible to determine exactly what gestational age is taking place. On the seventh day after conception, information can only be obtained by determining hCG.

Since white discharge and other signs can be pronounced on day 8, at this time many women are already taking the test. And about 12 days after conception, there may be slight bleeding, as the embryo is attached in the uterus. How to determine if this is really the so-called implantation bleeding , the doctor will tell you.

You should not put off a visit to the doctor for too long if you suspect that you are pregnant, or if the test has already shown two lines. If there is a 2-week delay in menstruation, you can visit a doctor to confirm the pregnancy, and also, already at a period of two weeks of delay, find out about how long after conception, how the pregnancy proceeds.

In case there is a delay of 3 weeks, it is important to obtain confirmation that uterine pregnancy . After all, with the same signs are noted as with its normal course. But this condition is very dangerous for a woman's health.

During this period, the doctor can already approximately determine how long after conception takes place. However, three weeks of delay is not yet the time when you can get a lot of accurate information about the development of the fetus.

Often women ask a gynecologist about how to feel that conception has occurred. But in fact, an early visit to the gynecologist is important in terms of excluding diseases of the genital area, as well as determining the general health of the expectant mother. After all, all diseases of the mother can subsequently negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Thus, it is best to visit a doctor in the first month of pregnancy after periods have stopped and the first symptoms after conception appear. After all, 1 month is in many ways the most dangerous period, while the woman is not yet completely sure which pregnancy symptoms in the first days of delay should be considered accurate.

Having visited a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to tell him in detail about what pregnancy symptoms were noted in the first weeks, what sensations bothered you in the first weeks. It is important to report exactly when your last period was. Also, the doctor can examine the chest, ask about what sensations you are currently experiencing, whether certain symptoms bother you (cold, unusual discharge, chills at the beginning of the delay, etc.).

In the first two weeks, the doctor will not only conduct an examination, but will ask you in detail about what sensations you experienced during weeks 1 and 2.

You should go to the first appointment with a gynecologist before the time when the first signs may appear toxicosis . That is, it is best to plan the first visit to the doctor for 2 months, when the discomfort is not yet so strong. The fifth week is a suitable period for such a visit. The doctor may ask a number of questions about how the woman feels. It should be borne in mind that at week 5, the basal temperature remains stably elevated, and if a woman measures it, you can tell the doctor about it.

Less often, women postpone a visit to the gynecologist for 3 months, when the exact symptoms are already pronounced, there come times when the tummy gradually increases. Nevertheless, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor for 3, and, moreover, for 4 months.

The gynecologist always conducts an examination. It is important for him to assess the condition of the uterus, because the uterus before menstruation is hard to the touch and dry. The position of the cervix before menstruation is always low. The indicators of how much the uterus increases before menstruation and how much it becomes larger during pregnancy differ significantly. That is why, according to the state of the uterus, a specialist can judge the onset of pregnancy.

The doctor evaluates how the uterus looks, and, depending on how many days after the delay the woman came to the appointment, she can determine the conception or ask the patient to come later if signs of pregnancy and an increase are not yet noticeable. In how many days you need to visit the doctor again, he will definitely inform.

It is important to know for sure that the pregnancy is developing normally. After a woman is registered, she visits a gynecologist every month.

First week of pregnancy: signs and sensations

Since 1 week is still, in fact, not a pregnancy, at this time a woman, as a rule, does not yet determine those syndromes and symptoms that are evidence of a successful conception. In rare cases, some expectant mothers say that already on the first day of conception, long before the test was carried out, they felt certain strange sensations. But still, the sensations during fertilization, on the first day after it, when a woman determines something unusual in the body, is rather. an exception. Also, in rare cases, on the 2nd day or 3rd day, the corresponding symptoms appear. That is why it is difficult for a woman in the first days (on day 4, on day 5) to understand what is happening.

Many women are unaware of what are the earliest signs of pregnancy in the first week. But already during this period, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first week: the stomach pulls, discharge appears, etc.

Whether there are certain symptoms at 1 week after conception, and when more pronounced signs occur, depends on the woman's body. If the delay is 6 days, it is still difficult for the doctor to determine how long. Thus, the first week against the background of a developing pregnancy, signs rarely appear, and a woman, as a rule, does not know about her condition.

Symptoms in the second week after conception and later

The 2nd week of pregnancy is a period when new sensations can manifest themselves more clearly. Often for a period of 10 days or 12 days, that is, at 2 weeks, women are already conducting a test, relying on the fact that they have new sensations. The second week of delay is the period that may already be accompanied by nausea, appetite disturbances, and drowsiness. However, only the doctor, and not the expectant mother, can determine how long for 12 days of delay based on her feelings.

At 2 and 3 weeks after conception, many pregnant women lose weight, as they show a certain intelligibility in food and other unpleasant sensations. The second and third weeks - the period when pregnancy after conception is manifested by changes in the mammary glands - the beginning of pregnancy is marked by the fact that the breast becomes very sensitive. Later, when the fourth week comes, the breasts will become heavier, also the 4th week is the period when you can feel the first signs toxicosis .

What other signs are there, and on what day they appear, can be found in the relevant literature. And about how the fetus develops, it is worth watching a video that will help a woman realize how all the processes occur after conception.

It should be noted that the early signs of a second pregnancy may be atypical and manifest differently than the first time. In the early stages, their absence is possible - everything happens without signs of pregnancy. It should be noted that the so-called hidden pregnancy is asymptomatic, so a woman may not suspect for a long time that she is expecting a baby.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay

If there is a delay in menstruation, the woman is actively interested in what first signs of pregnancy in the early stages may occur, and in what week these signs appear. During this period, expectant mothers often turn to a thematic forum that discusses various features of the first weeks - are there signs or no signs, what are the earliest symptoms that develop, etc., how do a number of signs manifest themselves in multiple pregnancies, etc. .

Most often, women note that already in the first days they either have an increased appetite, or no appetite at all. Other signs are also noted - a low temperature and shivering, strange sensations in the abdomen and the navel itches, a constant change of mood. Some women describe only the main symptoms, some find 25 signs in themselves.

But even if a woman notes a number of signs that may indicate conception - lack of appetite, a slight cold, tearfulness, chills without fever, etc., you do not need to run to the doctor on the second day after the delay.

But later, during a visit to the doctor, it is important to tell him about what symptoms are taking place. After all, the first weeks of pregnancy, and the first, and second, and subsequent, are a period when the risk of interruption is very high. It is important to inform the doctor that there are tingling in the uterus, pain, as before menstruation, other discomfort in the uterus, tingling in the ovaries, etc.

In addition, the doctor can also be asked important questions for a woman: can there be a temperature in the period after conception, can menstruation occur during early pregnancy, the signs of which are already taking place, how many days after conception it starts to feel sick, etc.

However, there are initial symptoms after a missed period, which can be considered accurate signs of a conception that has occurred. The most accurate signs are as follows:

  • positive test, which was done at least three times, and, between the time the earliest test was carried out and the last one, several days should elapse. After how many days pregnancy appears on the test, depends on its type. But it is better to do it at least a week after the delay begins.
  • Gynecological examination on chair. Doctors clearly know how long the exact signs of pregnancy appear. When the gestational age is 6 weeks, the cervix becomes soft, its hue is cyanotic, as the blood flow is activated in it, and during this period a woman may complain that she has pricks in the uterus. There is also a softening of the isthmus between the uterus and the body, an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Increased hCG levels in urine and blood. Even if there are no external signs, this indicator not only indicates conception, but is also perceived by a specialist as an indicator of the course of pregnancy. In the first month, hCG doubles every two days, later - every 4 days.
  • The results of the ultrasound of the uterus. After an ultrasound examination, an implanted fetal egg can be detected for a period of 5 weeks.

Women who have experienced a delay and who are actively interested in what day the symptoms appear, what the signs are, and when more pronounced manifestations begin, should be aware that for a period of 4-6 weeks there is a high probability of spontaneous . Therefore, it is important to "listen" to the body and be careful.

Signs of conception of a boy and a girl

Most future parents would very much like to know from the very first days whether the birth of a girl or a boy awaits them. That is why future mothers are looking for a variety of signs that could indicate the birth of a baby of a certain gender. For example, the difference in the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy or a girl is discussed, the condition of the skin - whether acne appears or not, etc.

But after the test showed two stripes, all the signs that indicate the conception of a boy or girl cannot be considered accurate, and parents should remember this. But still, many mothers talk about the fact that they had certain symptoms indicating the birth of a baby of a certain gender, and ask their friends: “Do girls have a certain sign, do boys have it? Menstruation stops, and certain signs gradually appear that indicate the birth of a boy or girl.

Signs of conception as a boy

You can notice the proven signs of pregnancy as a boy in the first weeks after conception. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, these features can be determined by carefully listening and looking closely at her body. But what symptoms “for a boy” a woman would not find in herself, one must remember that they do not guarantee the birth of a male baby 100%. What are the signs of mothers bearing boys?

External signs Appearance improves - the skin becomes matte and clean, the condition of nails and hair improves.
Leg temperature The legs may be cold, while the inside feels hot in the legs and arms. A pregnant woman may be worried about why she throws herself into a fever, but there is no temperature.
Appetite We are expecting a boy - we eat a lot: from the first days, the appetite increases. At the same time, a woman prefers all possible meat dishes. The "boys" also have other taste preferences.
Nausea Pregnancy passes without nausea or only slight nausea is noted.
Mood Features There are no mood fluctuations, activity and efficiency increase, there is no feeling of depression, weakness.
Stomach Its lower part is rounded in the form of a bulge, after what time such signs appear, depends on individual characteristics, but, as a rule, this feature is noticeable in the later stages.

Signs of conception by a girl

The proven features of pregnancy “for a girl” are described by almost every thematic forum. But what signs of pregnancy with a girl are accurate is also an ambiguous question. Some women notice what signs a girl shows during pregnancy in the first weeks. But sometimes the signs during pregnancy are almost the same for both a boy and a girl. Therefore, it must be taken into account that it is not always what kind of belly a pregnant girl has that is information that will help determine who will be born.

What are the symptoms if the expectant mother is pregnant with a girl?

Appearance Already in the third week after conception, the appearance changes for the worse. The lips may swell, the skin swells, the face turns pale.
Leg temperature May feel chills in the legs, but the temperature of the skin of the legs and hands will be elevated.
Appetite Appetite is reduced or absent from the first weeks. There is a desire to eat sweets, citrus fruits.
Nausea From which day it starts to feel sick, it can also be a sign of the sex of the fetus. If this is a girl, nausea appears a few weeks after conception, and most of all nausea in the morning.
Mood Features Characters abrupt mood swings. Strange thoughts are disturbing, a woman commits chaotic actions.
Stomach It does not increase for a long time, sometimes it even sinks, which is associated with manifestations of nausea and lack of appetite.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Sometimes, during ovulation and conception, several fetuses begin to develop in the body at once. There are some characteristic symptoms of conception if two or more fetuses develop. It is hardly possible to feel any signs of this phenomenon immediately after conception, but after a few weeks, if conception has occurred, such symptoms appear.

If symptoms of pregnancy after conception indicate a multiple pregnancy, a woman should tell her doctor about this at her first visit. The following signs are likely:

Appearance It worsens, as a very serious hormonal restructuring occurs in the body, and nausea is also constantly worried. An acne rash appears on the face.
Frequent urination Describing what signs of multiple pregnancy may be, frequent urination should be noted, since the uterus is already enlarged in the third week.
Appetite As a rule, you want to eat in this state all the time, although nausea is bothering you. The weight is gaining quickly.
Nausea It is important to note how many days after conception it begins to vomit. With a multiple pregnancy, you feel sick strongly and very painfully almost from the first week, this condition worries you throughout the day.
Mood Features Due to constant drowsiness and weakness, the mood is often depressed, and performance deteriorates.
Stomach Since the uterus grows rapidly, the abdomen is rounded already in the first months, rounding is uniform.

Is it possible to conceive before menstruation?

Is it possible to conceive a child the day before menstruation - the answer to this question depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the female body. After all, the menstrual cycle is often not regular, not only in girls. Those women who have irregular menstrual cycles cannot predict when ovulation occurs. Therefore, it is difficult for them to predict the date of the approaching menstruation. Therefore, conception can occur at almost any time. And if a woman is waiting for menstruation, but they are not, this may indicate that conception has occurred, despite the fact that she did not have sexual intercourse on the days of the alleged ovulation. The days of ovulation sometimes shift and hormonal imbalance .

If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, how to find out that you are pregnant can be "suggested" by external signs. In this situation, it is important, first of all, to listen to your body.

Sometimes, after a delay of 5 days, the expectant mother feels a little sick, white discharge appears, as thrush aggravates or yellow discharge appears before menstruation. The fact that the conception of a child has occurred is also evidenced by an increased basal temperature of 37 per week or 5 days, 6 days. In addition, you should pay attention to such signs:

  • enlargement of the abdomen, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • strong appetite, but at the same time sick;
  • intermittent high fever (there may be a temperature, but sometimes it throws you into a fever, but there is no temperature);
  • breast changes (high sensitivity, darkened nipples);
  • discharge (if you are pregnant, it often worsens or thrush begins), etc.

However, not all of these symptoms appear in everyone. And if a woman is interested in when to do the test, doubting whether she will show the test a week before menstruation or 2 days before menstruation pregnancy, it is better for her to wait a bit with such a check.

Advising how to determine pregnancy, experts say that the test should be carried out at least 3 times. For example, 4 days after the delay, 7 days or 8 days, and 3 more days after the second positive test. If two stripes appeared three times, it can be assumed that the conception took place.

If a woman assumes that she will soon become a mother, she has a lot of questions about why she gets hot during her period, can there be nausea in the first days, why the body swells, how many days weight increases and much more. All of them can be assigned to a specialist.

Is menstruation possible after conception?

Many women also ask if menstruation is possible after fertilization has occurred, for example, is menstruation possible a week after conception.

As a rule, conception occurs after menstruation on the 12-15th day, during the period of ovulation. Those who are interested in whether menstruation can go after conception should take into account that the onset of pregnancy can entail the so-called ovulatory bleeding when a vessel is damaged during ovulation. When the embryo is fixed in the uterus, perhaps the so-called implantation bleeding . During this period, the woman is already interested in whether nausea can be a sign of pregnancy, whether the thrush passes - that is, she gradually feels the signs of conception.

However, sometimes the sensations, as with menstruation, and spotting indicate a threat. It is especially dangerous if the bleeding is profuse, chills and other unpleasant sensations are disturbing. Premature periods during pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage.

Pregnancy during menstruation is also possible with injuries, hormonal failure. Sometimes meager periods are noted - 2 days. Whether there can be pregnancy in this case can only be determined by analysis. If menstruation is noted after a delay and in subsequent months, then the so-called color pregnancy . Noticing certain signs, a woman may think that she has a cold or other illness.

Ectopic pregnancy and monthly at the same time - also a possible phenomenon. In any case, if a woman suspects pregnancy during menstruation, she will not be helped by a thematic forum, but by a specialist consultation.

Sometimes spotting during pregnancy is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: a woman is shivering, her temperature rises, low pressure is noted even if low blood pressure is uncharacteristic for her. In such a situation, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor, who needs to be told what signs during menstruation in pregnant women were observed.

However, some manifestations may be signs of a normally developing pregnancy. For example, sometimes it throws you into a fever at night, and a woman is also interested in why she is shivering, why her face swells, etc.


Thus, there are many signs - external, physiological, laboratory, with the help of which one can initially suspect, and later confirm fertilization. How and when such symptoms appear, after how many days they appear after conception, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

With the test, you should wait a bit: on the 7th day immediately after conception, even a supersensitive test will not determine anything.

When the first signs appear, you should “listen” to the body and know what symptoms may indicate conception. When such signs begin to appear, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor. It should be clearly understood whether there is a delay, that is, wait "through menstruation."

If you suspect that conception has occurred, many questions arise. So, some women are interested in why they are shivering before menstruation, are the fever in the abdomen, back pain, colic in the uterus signs that fertilization has occurred. Some ladies are also interested in how to feel that conception has occurred.

But even if there are no periods for 37 days, before talking about pregnancy, you need to accurately confirm fertilization. And if so far the lady is not sure about conception, and questions arise whether there may be a delay in menstruation with a cold or a temperature due to a cold, and the test showed fuzzy stripes after the first time, it is important to be conscious about your own health. For now, questions should not arise whether it is possible to drink beer or other types of alcohol.

How else to call the state of bearing a baby? This is a period when a woman is responsible not only for her health and life. The health of the unborn baby must be taken care of even before conception, and in the first weeks of his intrauterine life, this should be done especially carefully.

In a woman's life, there comes such an exciting moment when she can't wait to find out about her "interesting situation", but the period may be quite short to make an accurate diagnosis.

How is the meeting of the uterus
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In order to understand in more detail, consider the main signs in the first days of conception, which may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

The first signs of an interesting situation

After conception, the fertilized egg starts moving towards the uterus on the very first day to begin development. This time is not yet pregnancy and is about 5-10 days.

The main early sign before a missed period is an increase in body temperature

During this period of time, it is very difficult for the expectant mother to diagnose any sensations in herself, since the egg takes the first steps towards the pregnancy itself.

After the egg has settled securely in the uterus, the process of formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins - this moment can be safely called the true onset of an “interesting position”.

In the first days when the implantation of the embryo occurred, after conception, pregnancy symptoms such as:

  • swelling, soreness of the breast;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • early toxicosis;
  • minor discharge;
  • the temperature rises;
  • fatigue;
  • minor discomfort.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the symptoms.

  1. Immediately after conception, swelling and soreness of the breasts appear - these are the first symptoms of hypersensitivity of the mammary glands. A barely noticeable touch can become painful. In the early stages, colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples.
  2. Painful heaviness in the pelvis - there may be slight discomfort, there may be sensations of fullness of the uterus. For the body of every woman at such an early date, sensitivity to a new position manifests itself very individually.
  3. Early toxicosis - the expectant mother already feels unwell, nausea, she may not like food that seemed tasty before pregnancy, taste preferences may change. There may be an exacerbated reaction to familiar and new odors.
  4. Discharge - you can find a slight discharge of a brown, reddish or yellow hue, they appear in the first days of conception, and pass through the day. This indicates that the embryo has attached to the uterus.
    But it is also important to know that such a sign may indicate a possible threat of interruption of the "interesting situation" if the discharge is plentiful and accompanied by pain. In this case, an urgent appeal to a specialist is necessary.
  5. Violation of the temperature regime - in the first days, the body temperature can drop sharply, and then rise until the placenta begins its active work after conception. The first three weeks, an elevated body temperature of up to 37 degrees can be considered the norm. Such a jump occurs due to the release of a large amount of estrogen during pregnancy, which leads to a decrease in temperature, and then the release of progesterone, which leads to an increase in body temperature.
  6. Fatigue and malaise - the reason for this is reduced immunity, fever, general weakness. So the woman's body reacts to the embryo as something foreign, and tries to fight it. According to statistics, this period of malaise lasts the first 2 months, then with greater production of estrogen, the condition of the expectant mother returns to normal.

Each week is characterized by growth and the next stage

Early baby development

Although pregnancy did not officially occur from the first days of conception, these days are the most significant and make a huge contribution to the development of a new life. The child begins to form internal organs, nervous, respiratory, digestive systems. What happens in the first days with the embryo after conception - we will consider it step by step.

  1. After the zygote is formed, the development of the unborn child begins. From the first day of conception, a fertilized egg begins to make a difficult path to a source of nutrition, where it can fully develop. The ovum makes its way through the fallopian tubes, moving with the help of villi located on the inner surface of the fallopian tubes.
  2. On the second day, the egg is still moving towards its target, the process is accompanied by continuous cell division at a very intense pace.
  3. On the third day, the number of cells reaches 9.
  4. By the fourth day, the fertilized egg takes on the shape of a berry, similar to a blackberry. The egg is still moving towards the uterus. It is from this day that all vital systems, as well as the internal organs of the unborn baby, begin to form through embryogenesis.
  5. With a continuous process of cell division, cells - blastomeres - begin to form inside the fetal membrane. Their enzymes play the role of dissolving the uterine lining, helping the embryo adhere firmly to the uterine wall. On the fifth day, the fetal egg enters the uterus, is fixed there by launching its fibers into the endometrium, merging with tissues and blood vessels. Increases the level of the hCG hormone.
  6. On the sixth, seventh day, the level of progesterone in the expectant mother rises, the body temperature rises. The child continues its continuous intrauterine development, but still feeding only on its own resources.
  7. By the eighth, ninth day, the neural tube begins to form in the fetus, the placenta develops, which will be transformed for the next twelve weeks.

Complete reunification of the embryo with the uterus occurs on the fifth day within forty hours. The strongest connection between the body of the mother and the unborn child occurs on the twelfth day, when the baby begins to fully receive placental nutrition.

Possible dangers of the first days

The most crucial period throughout pregnancy is the first trimester - it is he who needs to be given special attention in order to prevent unwanted risks.

In the early days of conception, the main dangers are:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • improper development of the embryo;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The following pathologies can provoke these risks.

  1. Cold.
  2. SARS.
  3. Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted.
  4. Alcohol, smoking.
  5. Discharge from the vagina, accompanied by pain.
  6. Severe pain in the pelvis.
  7. Stress.
  8. Physical activity, trauma.

HCG - the "hormone of pregnancy" appears in the blood of absolutely all expectant mothers

Therefore, it is so important to take care of yourself in advance and be extremely sensitive in the very first days of pregnancy.

To prevent threats, in the first days after conception, you should walk a lot in the fresh air, avoid overheating, hypothermia, stress, eat right, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

How to find out about the "interesting situation" in the early stages?

It is extremely difficult to determine an “interesting position” in short periods - only a week after conception. In the first days after conception, you can listen to internal sensations.

Consider the main ways to check pregnancy:

Method for determining conceptionDescription
Pregnancy testThe probability that this method will show the correct answer is high on the fifth day - then there is a sharp release of the hCG hormone. It is important to understand that from the first day of conception, using a pregnancy test, you can hardly see a second strip on it - the hCG level is still low, which will not give an accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory study (blood test for hCG hormone)With the help of an analysis for the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, it is possible to more confidently diagnose the presence or absence of an “interesting situation”.
Examination by a gynecologistWhen the uterus prepares to receive the embryo, it enlarges and swells. The cervix acquires a bluish tint, becomes loose, moist. This method of determination is valid for 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.
OvulationFirst you need to determine the possible days of conception from the menstruation calendar. To determine the starting point for a possible day, subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To determine the end of your fertile period, subtract 12 days from your longest period. This interval will be the most favorable for conception.
Possible individual sensations

Toxicosis can occur a week after conception, and after a few weeks

Every pregnancy is different for different women. Finding out if pregnancy is present on the first day after conception is almost impossible. But you can listen to your inner feelings and intuition.

  1. There are such rare cases when, due to their high sensitivity, some expectant mothers can observe signs of conception of an embryo even in the first days. They seem to feel the presence of a baby inside themselves, so they are firmly convinced of this.
  2. Not everyone has symptoms such as nausea, nervousness, apathy - they may not be at all throughout the entire period. In the early days, they also cannot unambiguously indicate the reliability of conception.
  3. If, however, the symptoms manifest themselves in a far from favorable way: severe pain, prolonged discharge with blood, then you should immediately consult a doctor - this can threaten the unborn baby.
  4. Attention!

    The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!