Outline of a lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic: "Development of a game learning situation (ITS) for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture" Travel along the ecological path ". in the older group. Methodical development (middle group)

58. Objects of a corner of nature in senior and preparatory groups

Senior gr.The content of cognitive tasks about plants includes knowledge about some methods of their vegetative propagation, in particular, by stem cuttings. All this requires replenishment of a corner of nature with new plants: with a variety of stems (climbing, creeping or modifications of erect stems), having bulbs, corms, etc. These can be 2-3 types of Tradescantia, indoor grapes, climbing ivy, ficus, aloe, primrose, amaryllis, etc. When selecting animals for a corner of nature for older children, it is necessary to take into account the main program task - to ensure the formation of initial knowledge about the features of adaptation of animals to environmental conditions. In aquariums, it is good to keep thermophilic viviparous and spawning fish - guppies, swordtails, scalars, etc. Of the birds, preference should be given to those that breed offspring in captivity - canary, budgerigars. The growth and development of chicks, the care of adult birds for the offspring is the most valuable material for observation. It is good to place a turtle (any species) in a corner of nature for the older group. The selection of mammals is also more varied. In addition to a guinea pig and a hamster, you need a hedgehog and a squirrel. The squirrel, to a greater extent than other mammals in the corners of nature, changes its lifestyle according to the seasons. In the fall, the squirrel often hides the remnants of food in its pantry, in winter it is less mobile, in addition, it sheds twice a year. These changes are associated with the living conditions of animals in nature, which older preschoolers should be aware of.Prepare gr... In order for children to learn how to water various plants, depending on their living conditions in their natural environment, plants that differ sharply in their moisture needs should be placed in a corner of nature: cyperus, which grows for 10 months a year in very moist soil; cacti (1-2 species), requiring very little and rare peeling, tradescantia - with a great need for moisture; uzambar violets, which should be watered very sparingly, etc. Vegetative propagation of indoor plants is very diverse: by shoots (geraniums, fuchsia, roses, begonias, etc.); leafy cuttings (uzambara violet, river begonia, sansevier, etc.); aspidistra, asparagus and others reproduce by dividing the bush. Of great interest in children are the so-called viviparous plants - saxifrage, chlorophytum, bryophyllum, etc. Fish in aquariums (there should be 2-3 species) are also diverse: from local water bodies (any), as well as thermophilic (viviparous and spawning). Each of these groups requires special, although not very difficult conditions of detention. As with older children, it is better to select those that breed in captivity in the nature corner of the preparatory group for school, and in the summer to keep a family of chickens or a duck with ducklings on the site (depending on local conditions). Any animal can live in the corner of mammals. However, it must be borne in mind that animals such as the hedgehog can be kept in a cage only in winter. They must be released in the spring. Older children take care of the rabbitry at the kindergarten site.

Topic: "How animals prepare for winter"

Program content: to acquaint children with the concept of wild animals; encourage children to establish the simplest connections between seasonal changes in nature and the behavior of animals: a change in coat color, hibernation, supplies for the winter. develop ingenuity, imagination, coherent speech, listening skills; cultivate love for animals.

Materials: slides depicting animals: a hare (in winter and autumn), a wolf, a fox, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, look out the window, what time of year is it? (autumn)

Why did you decide that it's autumn outside? (that it became cold outside, the trees are bare, the sun rarely shines)

Well done! What has changed in people's clothing? What are you wearing today when you come to kindergarten? (People began to dress warmer, put on a hat, warm boots, pants, a jacket, mittens, a scarf.)

Guys, you said that it's cold outside right now, so we get dressed before we go for a walk. Show us how you will dress, what you will wear first.

The didactic game "Who will wear what"

Children mimic the movements of the donning sequence.

First, we will put on pants and boots, then we will put on a jacket and a hat, after that we will put on a coat and tie a scarf.

Right. Guys, you and I began to dress warmly, but how did the animals in the forest get ready for the cold? (answers of children are listened to). Let's go to the forest with you and see how the animals prepared for the cold weather.

Children together with the teacher go to the staged forest.

Physical education.

Guys, so that we are not bored on the way, we will hum a song, repeat after me:

Let's go along the path to the forest

Let's go around the puddles by

Let's look up to the sun

Let's look down at the grass

Let's jump over the brook

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

So you and I ended up in the forest, let's sit on a stump and behave quietly so that the animals are not afraid of us. (Children sit on chairs around in front of the screen)

Who can tell me what the animals that live in the forest are called. (Wild)

That's right, the animals that live in the forest are called wild. Now I’ll ask you a riddle, and you listen and tell me about who it is.

A lump of fluff

Long ear,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots

Who are these guys? (bunny)

Well done! What does a bunny do in the forest in winter? (running, jumping) (Slide with a picture of a hare)

That's right, and from whom is the bunny hiding in the forest? (from a wolf and a fox) (a slide with a picture of a wolf and a fox)

That's right, and you guys know what color the bunny's fur coat is in winter? And what kind of fur coat in the summer? Maybe someone can tell me why? In summer, the hare is gray, it is easier for him to hide in the grass. In winter, it snows and everything is white. To prevent the fox and the gray wolf from finding the bunny, he changes his fur coat and puts on a white one like snow. (Slide with a picture of a white and gray hare)

Now listen to another riddle:

She is clever today

I brought the cones to the pantry,

Yes, on sharp little bitches,

Weighed the mushrooms.

Who is this? (squirrel) (squirrel slide)

What does a squirrel do in the forest? (jumps on trees, collects cones and mushrooms)

Well done, but where does she put them? (to the house)

Belkin's house is called a hollow, the squirrel carries its supplies in a hollow, which is located on a tree so that in winter it will not be cold and hungry.

Guys, look, what's behind the tree, behind the bag of needles? (hedgehog) (slide with a picture of a hedgehog)

What is he doing here? (Carries leaves)

Where is he taking them? (children's answers are heard)

Yes, the hedgehog carries leaves to make himself a mink, warm and soft, in which he will sleep all winter.

Now listen to another riddle:

Sly head

Red cheat

Fluffy tail - beauty,

Who is this? (fox) (fox slide)

Well done... WHAT IS THE FOX DOING IN THE FOREST? (children's answers are heard)

The fox has a keen sense of smell, even through the snow she feels where the minks of hedgehogs and mice are, so she hunts them, and even manages to scare the bunnies. Where does the fox live? (In the mink.)

Here's another riddle for you:

He's big and awkward

Clubfoot and funny

He lives in a dense forest,

He loves fragrant honey very much. (bear)

Where is the bear, why is it not visible in the forest? (sleeping)

Where does the bear sleep? (in a den) (slide with a picture of a bear in a den)

Yes, guys, the bear walked through the forest, walked, there is no raspberry or strawberry here, what should he do? Nothing. So the bear decided to go to bed for the whole winter. He brought dry leaves there so as not to freeze and fell asleep.

So we saw how the animals are preparing for winter. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Let's go along the path to the garden

Let's go around the puddles by

Let's look up to the sun

Let's look down at the grass

Let's jump over the brook

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Well, here we are and the kindergarten are back. Did you like the forest? Who did you see there? What were the animals doing in the forest? How did they prepare for the cold weather? (Answers of children are heard)

I liked the way you answered, listened attentively. Well done!

I was pleased to communicate with you. Thanks!

Topic: "Acquaintance with animals of hot and cold countries."

Age group: senior group.

Target: Expand children's ideas about wild animals: reindeer, polar bear, monkey, camel.

Tasks: 1) To acquaint children with natural and climatic

zones: tundra, desert, arctic.

2) Teach children to determine the place of its habitat by the appearance of the animal.

3) Enrich the vocabulary of children noun. -moss, tundra, desert.

adj. - white, warm, long, strong legs, curved.

4) Broaden the horizons of children.

5) Foster curiosity, respect for nature.

Space-time resource: hall, 30 min.

Scientific and theoretical support: "Welcome to ecology" childhood press 2006.

Methodological support: Chairs, pictures of animals (camel, monkey, polar bear, reindeer.), Fishing rods, audio recording of the song (Chunga-Changa), cap for a stewardess, steering wheel for the pilot.

Planned result:


1. know the natural and climatic zones: tundra, desert, arctic.

2.know the place

habitats of wild animals of hot and cold countries.

2. know and use new words in their speech.


1. know how to recognize natural and climatic zones in paintings.

2. are able to determine the place of its habitat by the appearance of the animal.

2. are able to use new words in their speech.


1. show interest.


perceive new material, show


2. are happy with the result.


Guys! Do you love to travel?

And what can you travel on?

Would you like to go on a journey with me to animals of hot and cold countries? (Answers of children)


We will build the plane ourselves, we will fly over the forests, we will fly over the forests, and then we will return to our mother.

Well, to fly I

I propose to build an airplane. (They construct an airplane from chairs)

We have built an airplane.

Can a plane fly without a pilot? (Answers of children)

Then I suggest choosing a pilot.

Okay, the pilot is selected.

Do you need a stewardess?

Then can I be a flight attendant?

Since I am a stewardess

I ask you to take your cameras with you, go to the aircraft cabin and fasten your seat belts, start the engine, take off.

Our plane

flies up to Africa. The nature of Africa is diverse, continuous tropical forests, vast expanses of deserts, where there is no shrub or greenery. Our plane is landing and we will meet animals - camels and monkeys.

But before you get off the plane, you need to take off your warm clothes, as it is very hot in Africa. And here are the children and the camel.

Educator: let's take a look at the camel. We see

a big beast with long legs and

uneven back.

What kind of mountains does he have on his back? (Answers of children)

Yes, children are a hump, in which a camel has the entire supply of fat and food.

Educator: Well done children! Now let's let go of the camel and get acquainted with other inhabitants of this country - monkeys.

Monkeys are always cheerful and cheerful animals. They love to have fun, dance and invite us to dance with them.

Educator: We danced merrily, but it's time for us to refuel and fly back. Let's get back to the seats on our plane. Let's start the engines, take off.


So our journey has come to an end, where have we been with you today?

(Answers of children)

we visited the cold North and hot Africa, as well as the tundra and the desert.


While you and I are flying back

let's play, I will name the beast for you, and you will name the country in which he lives. (Play the game)

Teacher: Well done!

And now, dear passengers, our journey ends, and the plane lands in kindergarten. I would like to suggest that when you return to kindergarten, do not forget to develop your films and print your photos .. And I thank you and say goodbye.

Elena Sycheva

Topic: Life of forest dwellers in the winter time.

"Journey to the winter forest"

Goal: Formation of elementary ecological ideas of children 3-4

years through acquaintance with nature and education of the correct attitude

sheniya to objects of nature.

1. Give initial ideas about the inhabitants of the forest: bear, squirrel, hare, their appearance, lifestyle features.

Teach children to make simple inferences, conclusions, analyzing the distinctive features of the appearance of animals;

To form in children ideas about the rules of behavior in the forest (do not make noise, do not break trees, do not take animals out of the forest);

Teach children to use schemes.

2. To develop visual and auditory perception, attention, imagination, memory, to promote the activation of speech, to develop the communication skills of children;

Exercise in the performance of imitation movements, accompanied by a poetic text (the game "Winter Walk", develop general and fine motor skills (d / and "Help the squirrel to make out the supplies").

3. To bring up in children a respectful attitude towards nature, the gifts of the forest, to cause in children a sense of empathy for animals;

Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in the group.

Health-saving technologies:



Breathing exercises.

Activity progress.

Children freely enter the group and sit on high chairs.

Replay : Guys, look, today the sun came into our group.

What it is (warm, affectionate, yellow).

And it also gives us a good mood, gives off its warmth and care. Let's say hello to the sun and our guests:

Greetings (communication game).

Hello Sunshine!

Hello pens! Clap-clap-clap.

Hello legs! Top-top-top.

Hello cheeks! Splash-splash-splash.

Chubby cheeks! Splash-splash-splash.

Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack.

Hello spout! Beep beep beep

Hello guests! Hello everyone!

Replay : I am in such a good mood that I want to have fun, to play. And you? (children's answers).

See how the sun shone with its rays. It is it that invites you and me for a walk in the winter forest. Do you agree?

It's winter outside now

Colds set in.

But we don't care about frost

We'll go for a walk with you.

Let's get ready for the road.

Children get up from the chairs, sit freely.

Rhyme game "Winter Walk".

Very cold in winter (children cross their arms over their chests and lightly pat their shoulders with their palms)

But we will go for a walk with you ("run" fingers over the thighs)

I will put on a fur coat (run your palms from your shoulders down your chest)

I'll put on a hat (stroking my head with both hands)

I will put on a scarf and another scarf (stroking the neck with one palm, then the other)

And then beautiful, warm, fluffy

I will pull the little mittens on the handles (stroking their hands in turn, as if putting on mittens)

And although I am small, I have felt boots (put their legs alternately, on the heel)

Replay : (moving in a flock) So we ended up in the winter forest.

How nice it is in the winter in the forest!

Take a deep breath, smell the pine scent.

How easy it is to breathe in the forest!

Oh, look, stump. And on it ... (basket).

Let's see what's in it (they fit and see a hare's tail in the basket)

I wonder whose tail it is (they consider, determine the color, size) Probably someone has lost it. Who? (answer options). Who else lives in the forest?

Well, let's go look for the owner of this tail.

Physical education.

We walk through the snowdrifts

On steep snowdrifts. (children walk, raising their legs high)

Raise your leg higher

Make a way for others.

We walked for a very long time

Our legs are tired.

Now let's sit down and rest (sit down and stroke their feet

palms up)

And again let's go for a walk.

They come to an impromptu bear "den", indicated by a card-scheme.

Replay : Look, is someone's house here? Who do you think lives here?

(pay attention to the card)

The teacher lifts the fabric, the children see a sleeping bear.

Replay : Yes it is Mishka sleeping, sleeping in a den. The bear's house is called

And a bear sleeps in a den.

Hush, hush, do not make noise!

Why not make noise?

Replay : The forest is home to many animals. The forest has its own rules, and we must not break these rules. How should one behave in the forest? (quietly, do not make noise, do not break branches, do not take animals from the forest).

The teacher and the children squat down and quietly examine the bear.

Replay : Do you think Mishka lost his tail? Why?

What color is the bear's fur coat (brown)

And what ears? (round, small, brown)

And the ponytail?

So this is not Mishkin's tail.

Replay : (covers the bear and quietly leaves) Let him sleep, rest, gain strength. He has only one concern in winter: sleep well and wait for spring. Wakes up strong, rested.

They stop at the Christmas tree marked with the "hollow" card (squirrels).

Replay : Tzok-tzok-tzok ... Hear, someone greets us.

Whose house do you think this is?

What is the name of the squirrel house? That's right, the squirrel's house is called a hollow.

So this squirrel greets us - click, click, click. Let's say hello to her as well: Hello, squirrel, clink-clap-clap.

Do you think this squirrel has lost its tail? Why?

Let's check.

What color is the squirrel's fur coat? (redhead)

What fur coat feels like, stroke the squirrel. (soft, fluffy)

What are the ears of a squirrel? (small, tassels at the ends)

And the tail (long, fluffy)

Replay : We see, squirrel, it's not you who lost your tail. Guys, the squirrel wants to tell us something. (the squirrel whispers in the teacher's ear). The squirrel asks us for help. Her playful squirrels scattered all the winter supplies, everything was mixed up and cones and nuts. The squirrel asks you to help her sort out the stocks into baskets: cones in one, nuts in another.

Children sort out the supplies, discuss with the teacher that the cone is large, prickly, and the nut is small, smooth.

They say goodbye to the squirrel, she thanks the guys for their help.

We walk on snowdrifts, on steep snowdrifts.

Raise your legs higher, pave the way for others.

Children come up to a bush, on it the designation is the "house" of a hare.

Replay : Whose house do you think this is? (hare)

Something you can’t see. Is it a hare's tail?

What color is the hare's fur coat? (white)

What are the ears of a hare? (long, and the ponytail? (white, short)

Bunny, did you accidentally lose your ponytail? (bunny crying is heard)

The teacher shows a tailless hare, he is sad. The guys are mourning him, and the teacher quietly pins the tail.

Replay : Don't cry, bunny, we found your tail.

Bunny: Thank you guys. (the hare is having fun, he is happy)

Replay : Bunny was so happy about his ponytail that he wants to start dancing. And we will dance with you.

An outdoor game "Little White Bunny Sits".

Replay : How we had fun playing with the bunny. Tired. Time to rest.

Relaxation "Zaychata".

Replay : Take the rugs, spread them on the clearing, lie back more comfortably. The arms and legs are free, relax and close your eyes. Listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are little bunnies. The little rabbits were very tired, they ran over, played enough and lay down to rest. You dream of a blue sky, a warm, affectionate, gentle sun. The sun warms you and everything around. Now the sunbeam has touched your palms. Feel the warmth of the sun. A ray of sunlight rises higher and higher up your hands, reached your shoulder, touched your cheeks, tickled your nose. Feel how warm, cozy and calm you are in a forest clearing.

Quiet music sounds.

Replay : Now open your eyes, get up calmly. And now you are no longer za-chat, but little guys.

It's time for us to go back. And let's take the bunny with us to kindergarten, we will have fun with him. (children's answers)

Look, the bunny is sad. Why?

Think about it, is it possible to take animals from the forest and bring them into the house? Why? (reasoning about home, about mom)

Better we will play with the bunny next time when we come to the forest for a walk.

Goodbye, Bunny. Take care of your ponytail.

We walk on snowdrifts, on steep snowdrifts.

Raise your legs higher, pave the way for others.

Replay : Well, here we are at home. We are greeted by a gentle sun.

Let's tell the sun: where we were, what we saw, what we learned.

Where we were?

Who did we meet in the forest?

Let's show the sun in which houses the animals live in the forest.

An easel opens with diagrams of houses. Children should accommodate the animals. A bear in a den, a squirrel in a hollow, a hare under a bush.

Replay : We also did a good deed. What (they returned the tail to the hare, helped the squirrel to disassemble the supplies, did not wake the bear)

Did you enjoy walking in the woods?

Remember guys, the forest is home to many plants and animals.

Therefore, the forest must be protected, preserved and protected so that animals can live there, and people can walk and breathe fresh air. And in the forest you can also find a lot of different natural material: cones, nuts, twigs, leaves.

Magic music sounds.

Replay : Look guys, a miracle happened. In our basket there are toys, and not simple ones, but from natural material (cones). This forest thanks you for your kindness and care, and presents you with its gifts.

Guys, the sun warmed us with its warmth and affection, the forest gave us its gifts. Let us and we share a good mood with our guests and give them our smiles. So that they can take with them a piece of our warmth (children blow the mood off their palms).


(according to S.N. Nikolaeva).


Play educational situations with analog toys

Analogs: these are toys that depict objects of nature: specific animals or plants. There are many toy analogs of animals, they exist in a wide variety of designs (soft, rubber, plastic, clockwork, etc.), There are not so many toy analogs of plants - these are plastic Christmas trees of different sizes, trees and shrubs from a flat theater, mushrooms, Sometimes foam fruits and vegetables.

IOS with analog toys can be used in all age groups. Analogous toys can be included in any IEE, in any form of ecological education of children: observation, educational activity, labor in nature. They can be taken on an excursion to the nearest natural environment, combined with reading cognitive literature, watching slides, videos. In all cases, they will help in the formation of clear realistic ideas about nature in children.

Analog toys are didactic toys, they should be collected and stored in a teaching room. It is advisable to have sets of fish, birds - they will serve as handouts in the course of educational activities in any age group. Large soft toys that convey nature well (lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, etc.) are excellent objects for play activities.

Experimental (search) activity methodology.

Fundamentally, the question of the use of research activity in work with children was studied by L.M. Manevtsova. The author identifies four stages in the formation of elementary research activity in preschoolers.

The first stage - begins with the formulation of a cognitive task by the educator and acceptance by the children (it is possible to set the task by the children themselves) - the problem.

Second phase. At this stage, a primary analysis is carried out and assumptions are made - a hypothesis (for example, there are puddles on the asphalt, because it was raining, the janitor was filling it).

Stage three. At this stage, together with the children, the methods of assumptions put forward by the children are selected, a check is carried out - research (the roofs of houses and the leaves on the trees are damp ...)

Stage four. Analysis of the results obtained, formulation of conclusions - solution (it was raining on the puddles on the asphalt).

Gradually, as research activity develops, children develop the ability to independently formulate search tasks.

Experiments are one of the most common forms of organizing research activities in a preschool educational institution.

There are several approaches to defining the concept of "experience". Psychologists note that experience is a sensory-empirical knowledge of objective reality based on practice.

According to the definition of teachers, experience is observation that is carried out in specially organized conditions.

In the kindergarten, experiments are carried out with objects of inanimate nature, plants.

The following components are distinguished in the structure of experimental activity:

1. Acceptance or advancement of a cognitive task by children;

2. Her analysis and suggestions about the possible course of phenomena and its causes;

3. Selection of methods of verification;

4. Verification of assumptions;

5. Formulation of conclusions.

In order for the experimental activity to bring positive results, the educator, when organizing it, must comply with a number of requirements:

Clarity of formulation of goals and objectives of the experience;

Providing children with maximum independence and activity in resolving a problem situation;

In order for the results of the experiment to be realized by every child, it is advisable to repeat it twice;

When conducting experiments with living objects, it is necessary to make sure that the experimental activity does not harm, damage the experimental object.

Recording experience.

During the experiment, the teacher maintains interest in him by fixing the most characteristic stages in the observation diary (in the form of drawings, models). At the same time, it helps to note the state of conditions and to establish the reasons for changes.

Thus, research activity presupposes high activity and independence of children, ensures the process of obtaining by children not only new knowledge, new information about the natural world, but also new ways of cognition.

3. Modeling in the ecological education of preschool children.

1. The essence and significance of the use of models and modeling activities in the environmental education of preschoolers.

2. Types of models.

3. Methodology for using modeling in work with preschool children.

1. The essence and significance of the use of models and modeling activities in the environmental education of preschoolers.

Modeling is considered as a joint activity of the educator and children in the construction (selection or design) of models.

Models are material substitutes for real objects, natural phenomena, reflecting their signs, structure, relationships between structural parts or between individual components.

Demonstration of models allows you to teach a child to highlight the essential signs and components of the observed natural phenomena, to establish connections between them, and therefore, provides a deeper understanding of the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The process of demonstrating model material in environmental work with children should be considered as a stage of preparation for the independent creation of models by children. The process of creating models by children independently or with the help of a teacher is called modeling activity.

The purpose of modeling is to ensure the successful assimilation of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects, schematic images, signs.

The availability of modeling activities for a preschool child has been proven in the studies of L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.M. Manevtsova, N.N. Poddyakov, I.A. of a preschooler child, the main path of development is empirical generalization, which consists in integration into a single whole obtained on the basis of sensory experience

information. Such a generalization is carried out with the help of visual-figurative means (sensory standards, symbols, signs).

2. Types of models:

1. Subject models reproduce the structure and features, internal and external relationships of real objects and phenomena. These include various items, designs. An example of such a model is an aquarium that simulates a miniature ecosystem (reservoir biome). The simplest object model is a clockwork toy goldfish, with the help of which you can form an idea of ​​the appearance and movement of a fish in children.

The model-layout recommends using SN Nikolaev to assimilate the concept of "mimicry" by children as a manifestation of methods of protection from enemies. This is a sheet of cardboard, painted in two colors. By superimposing color images of various geometric shapes on it, they draw the attention of children to the fact that when the color of the field and the geometric shape coincide, it becomes invisible. This model helps children understand the meaning of protective coloration in animals.

2. Graphic models (graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey in a generalized (conditionally) way the signs, connections and relationships of natural phenomena. An example of such a model can be a weather calendar, a table for fixing the length of the day, etc. For example, when forming the concept of "fish" in the older group, a model is used that reflects the essential, visually perceived signs of this systematic group of animals: environment a habitat, the shape of the body, body cover, gill breathing, a peculiar structure of the limbs (fins), in which the adaptation of fish to the aquatic habitat is manifested.

Preparing for the excursion.

The educator, when planning an excursion, precisely determines the topic and purpose of the excursion, concretizes the program content, and outlines the object of the excursion. It is important to choose a road to a place that would not be tiring, would not distract children from their intended goal. Determining the place of the excursion, he clarifies the route, finds the necessary objects. After that, he outlines the sequence of observations, the content and volume of the knowledge that children should receive about this circle of phenomena; establishes where they can independently observe and rest.

To make the excursion interesting, the teacher selects in advance poems, riddles, proverbs, which he then uses in his work. Before the excursion, the teacher carefully thinks over what material should be collected for further work in the group and what equipment should be taken with him in this regard.

A few days before the excursion, the teacher conducts a small conversation with the children in order to arouse their interest in the upcoming lesson, to revive impressions and representations that can be useful during the excursion, informs its purpose. When preparing for the excursion, you need to pay attention to the clothes of the children.

Work after the excursion.

The knowledge gained during the excursion is expanded and consolidated in educational activities, in games, in observing the objects brought in in a corner of nature. Immediately after returning from the excursion, the collected material must be placed in a corner of nature (put the plants in vases, flower pots) and organize observations.

2-3 days after the excursion, the teacher conducts classes using handouts, drawing, modeling, didactic games with natural material, reads fiction, hears the stories of children about where they were and what they saw. In conclusion, a generalizing conversation is held.

When planning a conversation after an excursion, the educator must put the questions in such a way as to restore the entire course of the excursion in the memory of the children, to emphasize the most important educational and upbringing moments, to lead them to the establishment of connections between phenomena.

6. Types of educational activities and their role in the environmental education of preschool children

1.Primary introductory type of occupation

2. Generalizing type of occupation.

3.In-depth cognitive type of occupation

Primary introductory type of training. Throughout the preschool period, a significant share of the initial environmental information about various aspects of nature's life and human activity in it is passed on to children in the classes of the primary familiarization type. Most often, these classes are devoted to familiarizing children with the species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitat, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be learned through observation. Their main component is various demonstration and tutorials, i.e. visibility, allowing children to form clear and correct ideas.

The topics of the classes can be domestic and wild animals, inhabitants of the forest and the North, tundra and hot countries, a pond and the sea, as well as the activities of people on an agricultural farm, in forestry, in the field of nature management and nature protection. In classes of this type, children get acquainted with the appearance of animals and plants, learn to recognize them, learn about their habitat, about their adaptation to it, about seasonal life, about various features of their behavior.

Teaching children in primary orientation classes is carried out through looking at pictures and talking. Often their component is reading children's literature, examining illustrations, watching a film strip or slides, and a teacher's story.

In all versions of these lessons, the verbal method of environmental education acquires paramount importance - the teacher's words (his questions, explanations, their system and sequence) determine the success and quality of children's perception of new images presented visually, as well as understanding of the connection between events, the connection of objects. A thoughtful and planned word of the educator organizes the content of the lesson, ensures a successful learning outcome.

Primary introductory classes take place in all age groups. The teacher introduces younger preschoolers with the help of pictures to domestic animals, while using pictures of the "portrait" type, with a simple plot. He asks children questions like "who" and "what", with the help of which he designates large objects, creates their image, asks to show them in the picture. Then he draws the attention of children to events, to the actions of animals (with the help of questions "what they are doing", "what is happening"). In younger groups, it is good to supplement the teacher's word with different movements, play actions (“treat the rooster with grain,” “give the cow hay,” etc.), onomatopoeia, outdoor games in which children depict animals.

In the middle group, the teacher activates the speech of children: asks for more detailed answers to various questions, includes questions such as "what", "how much", "how" in the conversation, suggests speaking in simple phrases, teaches to notice the relationship of objects, their connections. Just like in the younger group, he diversifies the lessons with play techniques, includes poems and riddles in them. In classes of this type, familiar play characters are of great help - against the background of play, they encourage children to talk.

With older preschoolers, classes of the primary introductory type, as a rule, are much more difficult. With them, you can look at pictures of nature that are far from their experience, "go" beyond the depicted plot, look at several pictures at the same time - this is facilitated by some experience that children already have, and a range of ideas.

Classes of the primary familiarization type are of great importance in acquainting older preschoolers with the nature of their native land.

The task of the collective of each kindergarten is to collect illustrative materials (clippings from magazines, postcards, photographs, pictures of nature written by master artists), as well as literary and folklore materials and to develop training cycles for senior and preparatory groups. The cycle may include 3 - 4 lessons, their topics may be approximately as follows.

1. "My native land - I live here."

2. "Reserved places of our region".

3. "Crafts of our land".

4. "I love you, my native land."

In-depth cognitive type of occupation. In-depth cognitive classes are based on a variety of specific knowledge gained by children during observations in everyday life of natural objects from the immediate environment, on which the educator supplements knowledge with new information, deepens them by demonstrating adaptive dependencies, ecological ties in the natural community. For example, a cycle of observations of a goldfish was carried out with children of the younger group.

In classes of this type, the teacher uses pictures, models, dummies, makes vivid messages, reads informative literature to preschoolers. On the basis of the same specific sensory knowledge, the educator can plan various in-depth cognitive-type lessons of different content. The in-depth cognitive characteristic of each of these activities is as follows.

In the first of the designated classes, the teacher examines with preschoolers the features of the movement of birds through the air, their adaptability to life in a ground-air environment. Draws attention to the properties of air: it is inconspicuous, light, loose, a person cannot lean on it and take off. Birds are adapted to travel through the air: they have a light, streamlined body, eat often and little by little; repelled from the air by a large surface of spread wings and tail; the body is covered with light feathers - flight feathers and down feathers, flight feathers have a dense surface and a hollow shaft.

In the second lesson, the teacher discusses with the children the composition of wintering birds, distinguishes among them herbivores (siskins, bullfinches, goldfinches), omnivores (sparrow, crow, pigeon, jackdaw) and insectivores (tit, woodpecker, nuthatch). Shows what kind of nutritional characteristics allow them to stay for the winter.

The topic of the third lesson provides for a comparison of the lifestyle, behavior of wintering and migratory birds, their adaptability to seasonally changing conditions.

In the fourth lesson, the teacher expands the children's understanding of budgerigars using the example of those living in natural conditions: he shows their habitat (Australia), the way to move and feed on trees, camouflage among the leaves. Tells that we have these birds live in captivity, are decorative (breeds were bred with different bright colors of feathers).

Classes of an in-depth cognitive type are built in different ways: they can use various visual material, demonstrate models, include the teacher's story, problem situations and questions - it is important that they are based on specific sensory perceptions of children, expand and deepen them, allow to establish adaptive relationships of objects in nature.

Generalizing type of occupation. Systematic work in everyday life to familiarize children with various phenomena and objects of nature in the immediate environment allows them to accumulate a large amount of specific knowledge based on sensory examination and perception.

Over the course of a number of years, young and middle-aged children have been thoroughly familiar with vegetables, fruits, trees, indoor and herbaceous plants, domestic animals, wintering birds, and seasonal natural phenomena. This allows in older preschool age to form generalized ideas about homogeneous objects and natural phenomena, which happens in a generalizing type lesson, when the goal is set - to highlight a number of significant signs (essential and characteristic) for a group of familiar objects and, on their basis, form a generalized idea.

The formation of generalized ideas is carried out in the process of a special conversation, the core of which is a system of questions. Their specificity is as follows: the formulations are of a general nature, since they cover not one, but a number of specific phenomena; the content of the questions is aimed at identifying those essential and characteristic features on the basis of which a generalized presentation is built; each feature has a specific question. An important place in the conversation is also occupied by the formulation of conclusions (conclusions), i.e. the actual construction of generalizations: particulars for each significant attribute and then general, which corresponds to the generalized representation.

The formation of a generalized view takes place on the example of 2-3 well-known animals. The teacher hangs pictures depicting, for example, a cow and a dog, then builds the conversation as follows: asks the children to name the animals, asks which ones - domestic or wild - they can be attributed to. Informs: “Today we will find out which animals are called pets. Then you yourself will be able to figure out the different examples. " Asks a question that corresponds to the first attribute of the generalized view: “Who do the cow and the dog live with? (Answers.) They live with a person: a cow - in a cowshed, a dog - in a booth in the yard of the owner's estate (in the city - in an apartment). A cow and a dog are pets because they live with a person. "

In children 5 - 7 years old, it is possible to form generalized ideas of different content. For example, about birds in general, about wintering birds (if the winter feeding of birds is well organized and the children watched them a lot), about decorative (if parrots, canaries live in kindergarten), about domestic birds (if children have experience of communicating with chickens, geese, ducks , turkeys). Of course, generalizing classes about the seasons should be conducted with preschoolers, while it should be borne in mind that different changes are significant signs of transition periods (autumn and spring) (for example, in the fall the day decreases all the time, the cold increases, etc.). An important component of these activities is nature's calendars, which the children maintain with their caregivers (see earlier). Three pages of the calendar at the beginning, middle and end of the season reflect various changes in the state of inanimate and wildlife. Viewing the calendar allows you to see the entire season with all its changes and components, which makes it possible to fully build generalizations.

You can lead children to generalizations based on the type of food. Predators (wolf, cat, dog, pike, hawk, etc.) have strong, sharp teeth and jaws, they can track their prey, catch up with it and deal with it - they are strong and agile. Herbivorous animals (elk, hare, squirrel, caterpillar, crossbill, bullfinch, woodworm beetle, etc.) are arranged differently, they have different forms of fitness.

In general, generalizing classes allow intensively develop the intellect of children - the ability to compare, contrast, analyze, draw conclusions, conclusions, develop speech and abstract thinking of preschoolers, i.e. carry out their deep intellectual preparation for school.


1. Illustrative and visual material helps to consolidate and clarify the ideas of children, obtained in the course of direct perception of natural phenomena.

2. With the help of illustrative and visual material, knowledge is formed about objects or natural phenomena that are not available at the moment.

3. Illustrative and visual material allows you to give children ideas about long-term phenomena in nature (H: growth, development of plants and animals, seasonal natural phenomena).

4. With the help of illustrative and visual material, the knowledge of children is generalized and systematized, connections and relationships in nature are established.

5. Aesthetic perception of nature, enrichment of aesthetic impressions and feelings is formed.

Requirements for illustrative material

1. The realism of the depicted objects, natural phenomena, the clarity of the artist's intention.

2. The artistic expressiveness of the material, presented in unity with the cognitive content.

3. When using illustrative and visual material, take into account the age characteristics of children.

4. Animals or plants in the paintings should be shown in close-up, in natural conditions.

5. Videos and films should not have a complex plot, showing nature in a vivid and imaginative form.

Types of paintings:

Subject- these are those in which there is one or more objects, phenomena where there is no action.

Subject, which reflects the events taking place in a certain time sequence with some heroes. These include single paintings and series of paintings"Domestic animals", "Wild animals", "Animal world", etc.

Artistic paintings - it is a type of fine art created by an artist, these include landscapes and still lifes

Requirements for questions when looking at paintings (sequence):

1. Name. How would you call this picture? What (Who?) Is depicted in the picture?

2. Revealing the characteristic features of an object or phenomenon. What colour? What size? The form? How many?

3. Questions aimed at the purpose and relationship of parts of an object or object. What is the stem for the plant? Why is the kitten lying next to the cat?

4. Questions for generalizations. What season? The painting shows: animals graze in a meadow, a house in the distance, what kind of animals are we talking about?

MDK.03.03 Theory and methodology of environmental education for preschoolers

Questions for the qualifying exam:

1. Types of game learning situations in familiarizing preschool children with nature.

2. Methodology for organizing experimentation in acquainting preschool children with nature.

3. Modeling in the environmental education of preschool children.

4. Observations and their place in the environmental education of preschool children.

5. Conducting nature excursions with older preschool children.

6. Types of educational activities and their role in the environmental education of preschool children.

7. The use of illustrative and visual material in the environmental education of preschool children.

8. A corner of nature in kindergarten, its meaning, organization. Selection of plants, their turnover.

9. Games with rules and their role in the environmental education of preschool children.

10. Using the calendar of observations of seasonal changes in nature in the older group.

11. Ecological trail and its role in the formation of ideas about the surrounding nature in older preschool children.

12. Final conversations in the formation of ideas about nature in older preschool children.


1. Types of game learning situations in familiarizing preschool children with nature(according to S.N. Nikolaeva).

1. Definition of a game learning situation (ITS) and its importance in the environmental education of preschool children.

2. Types of ITS and the organization and implementation of ITS with toys - analogs, with literary characters, such as travel

1. Definition of a game learning situation and its importance in the environmental education of preschool children.

Play as a method of environmental education - This is a game specially organized by the educator and introduced into the process of knowing and interacting with nature. This form of educational game of the teacher with children, which has a certain didactic goal, can be called game learning situation (ITS).

IOS is a full-fledged, but specially organized role-playing game. It is characterized by the following points:

It has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy tale or literary work that is well known to preschoolers;

Equipped with the necessary toys, paraphernalia; space and subject environment are specially organized for it;

The game is conducted by the educator: announces the name and plot, distributes roles, takes on one role and performs it, maintains an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

The teacher supervises the entire game: monitors the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role relationships; saturates the game with role-based dialogues and game actions, through which the didactic goal is realized.

Several types of IEE can be distinguished, with the help of which various program tasks of acquainting children with nature and their ecological upbringing are successfully solved.

Types of ITS and the organization and conduct of ITS with toys - analogs, with literary characters, such as travel