Kiss Britney and Madonna. Britney Spears. New Dress Queen

There are many epic and cult pictures in the history of photographs made at different times and reflecting the different sphere of human activity. In our current list, you will see 10 cult kisses taken on the photo shirt:

10. Actress, passionately kissing soldier

In this picture, Marlene Dietrich passionately kisses the soldier who returned home after World War II. He was first published in the log of Life with the signature "Marlene Dietrich kisses the soldier who returned home while others hold her for the famous legs." Photo was made by Irving Haberman.

Marlene Dietrich is a separate curious story. She is a German actress and singer, who has become a star of Hollywood. During the war, Joseph Goebbels offered her huge money for shooting in Germany, but she rejected all offers. In 1939, the actress received American citizenship.

9. The bride and groom, being virgins, first kissed the altar

Christian Ryan (Ryan) and Shanna (Shanna) gave vow to preserve their virginity to the wedding itself. It concerned and. As soon as they were declared her husband and wife, the newlyweds brought the bonds of marriage the most awkward first kiss in the world. You can see it with your own eyes, because the kiss was filmed on the camcorder for a realistic show.

8. Women's football star kissed her wife after victory in the World Cup

After the victory of the American team in the final of the World Women's Football Championship in July 2015, Joyful Abby Umbach (ABBY Wambach), who scored more goals than any other football player of both sexes in the United States, noticed a familiar face in the crowd of spectators. It was her wife, Sarah Huffman (Sarah Huffman). Ubabi ran to her, and the smashing couple kissed. This scene was shown on national television.

7. The first kiss of gays filmed "Kisses" (Kiss-Cam) during the NHL match

At the beginning of this year, the crowd of viewers was brought to the madness during the game between the Hockey teams "Los Angeles Kings" (Los Angeles Kings) and Toronto Maple LEAFS, but this was not due to what happens on Ice. When a couple of gays got into the lens "Kisses" lens, and they close the lips in a kiss, the viewers of Staples-Center broke out with cries and ovations.

A native of Toronto Brad Parr (Brad Parr) and his partner Andy Evans (Andy Evans), as reportedly became the first same-sex couple kissed on the "Kissing chamber" NHL.

6. Scandalous Kiss Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilers on MTV

In 2003, in front of millions of television viewers and a shocked audience in the hall, Madonna kissed her colleagues in the workshop, Pop Stars Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Improvisation of the Queen of Pop Music on the 20th annual ceremony of MTV Video Music Awards instantly screwed in shock celebrities and spectators gathered in the New York City Music Hall (Radio City Music Hall), after which the hall recovered from what he saw And approvingly riddled.

Madonna, who is more than twice older than Britney and Christina, did not embarrass even the 6-year-old daughter Lourdes and who was sitting in the hall in the hall of Guy Richie, who had repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that his wife was too frankly, in his opinion, demonstrates His body in public places.

MTV operators immediately removed the face of Justin Timberlake with close-up (which at that time was Britney Spears boyfriend), who had experienced a certain sense of discomfort at this moment.

5. First Public "First Kiss" ("First Kiss") Lesbian in the Navy

In 2011, when the law was already canceled in the US, they will not be answered, "(forbidden to serve in the army of the homosexuals of both sexes, if they did not hide their sexual orientation), two sailor women became the first to merge in the" first kiss " .

Marissa Gaeta Marissa Gaeta Starmina (Marissa Gaeta) from California, returning after 80-day swimming on the ship USS Oak Hill, kissed from his beloved, the older class Sitlavlik Snell (Citlaric Snell) from Los Angeles.

The crowd, stood around the couple, screamed and waved flags while the 23-year-old Gaeta (in uniforms) was kissed with 22-year-old Snell (in a black leather jacket).

4. The most famous kiss of politicians

This socialist fraternal kiss, which was photographed during the greeting of Leonid Brezhnev and Eric Honekker, became famous for the whole world. A rare picture was made by photographer regime Bossu (Regis Bossu) in 1979 at the celebrations dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Education of the GDR. The snapshot appeared on the pages of magazines around the world with the only signature - "Kiss" ("The Kiss").

3. The guy who tried to calm his girlfriend with a kiss during mass riots

In 2011, Scott Jones (SCOTT JONES) and his girlfriend Alex Thomas (Alex Thomas) photographed kissing surrounded by police during unrest, provoked by fans after defeating the Team "Vancouver Caneks" (Vancouver Canucks) in the Stanley Cup final. Illuminated spotlights, they looked as if they were filmed for the poster of some film (their embraces even compared with the cult image of lovers kissing on the beach, on the first time for the 1953 film "From now on," (from here to Eternity)).

However, the video published later showed that the guy and the girl were on Earth after the strikes of the police. Jones tried not so much to force the heart of the girl to fasten in an arms and a passionate kiss, how much to keep it under control.

2. Canadian sailor, who entered the history of the navy thanks to the first gei kiss

Senior sailor Francis Legare (Francis Legare) entered the history of the Navy of Canada in February of this year, welcoming his partner Corey Vautou (Corey Vautour) after the HMCS Winnipeg frigate moored in the port of Victoria. The couple embraced in a welcoming kiss, which became the first "first kiss" (sorry for the tautology) between a seamar who returned from the flight, and his male partner.

"The first kiss" is the sea custom sanctified by the centuries when the draw is determined to whom the seafarers will be allowed to leave the ship after a long stay in the sea to their beloved person.

This time the choice fell on the legacy, and he got the right to go away from the ship and kiss Vura after 9 months spent away from home.

1. Kiss celebrating the completion of World War II

On August 14, 1945, Alfred Eisenstadt (Alfred Eisenstaedt) took a snapshot of a sailor kissing with a nurse on Times Square, a few minutes after the surrender of Japan.

Two weeks later, this snapshot was published in Life magazine. Photo "Victory Day over Japan, 1945, Times Square" became one of the most famous photos of World War II and is a vivid reminder of what people feel, having learned that the war was finally ended.

Today is one of the most romantic days a year - a kiss day is celebrated around the world. We believe that this is a great reason to congratulate your relatives and loved ones and kiss them, we collected the most unexpected manifestations of love on stage - we didn't expect such such stars!

Madonna (59) and Drake (31)

In 2015, on the last day of the Music festival "Coachella" in California, truly surprised her fans. During a joint speech on Ohm singer, unexpectedly kissed him for everyone! According to Raper's reaction, the audience understood: it was not part of the show. The kiss recording quickly scattered throughout the Internet and has long been discussed in the media.

Charlize Theron (42) and the winner of the auction

Do you know how much a kiss is? 140 thousand dollars! This amount paid the winner of the auction at the onexone charitable evening, on which the actress and put her kiss.

Sandra Bullock (53) and Scarlett Johansson (33)

In 2010, the newly discussed news after the MTV Movie Awards premium had no results, but the kiss Sandra Bullock and right on the stage. At that time, Scarlett was married to Ryan Reynolds - a partner of Bullock on the shooting of the comedy "Offer", so everyone regarded what happened on stage as a well-thought-out joke.

Madonna (59), Britney Spears (36) and Christina Aguilera (37)

Madonna again, and again MTV Movie Awards! In 2003, on the stage of the award, she, together with Christina Aguilera, performed the hit "Like a virgin". Then Madonna caused a particularly violent reaction of the hall, kissed by both girls. And they, apparently, were not against!

Rihanna (30) and Britney Spears (36)

Looks like Britney Spears attracted not only Madonna in due time. At Billboard Music Awards in 2011, she first made a duet with Rihanna, who at the end of the speech kissed Spears. And, even though the kiss in its effectivity was strongly inferior to the fact that the audience saw earlier, he caused a lot of protests and outraged censors.

Tina Kandelaki (42) and Ksenia Sobchak (36)

Our celebrities also did not remain aside! In 2007, after the GQ Prize Ceremony throughout the Internet, a video was divided by a video on which Ksenia Sobchak kisni - and not just in a friendly! "And what? I liked this kiss, "then Sobchak said.

Holly Berry (51) and Andrian Brody (45)

In 2003, as last year's winner in the nomination "The Best Actress" presented "Oscar" Edrian Broodya. But instead of the prepared speech of the winner, those present watched his kiss from Holly Berry, who was a complete surprise for her! By the way, in a couple of years, Brody tried to repeat this trick with Charlize Theron, but this attempt was not crowned with success.

Alex Luts (39) and Monica Bellucci (53)

Another sudden kiss we watched quite recently: at the opening ceremony of the 70th Cannes Film Festival, last year presented a kiss to the French actor Alex Lutzu. Fans even thought that they had a novel! Later, Monica said that this is "part of a cheerful and sensual game," and yet it has become for everyone a real surprise.

Britney Spears. New Dress Queen

Kiss Britney Spears and Madonna, held in August 2003, for pop culture became a symbol of zero anniversary and the main event of the first decade of the XXI century. However, no one was completely fully understood, as specifically symbolized this kiss. We replenish the gap.

On August 28, 2003, during the 20th Annual MTV Video Music Awards Ceremony in New York, an event occurred, out of a series of outgoing and completely unexpected. The event that was talked next to a few more years and which became a symbol of global changes in pop culture. It all started, however, quite innocently. Britney Spears came to the scene in a bride suit and began to sing the funny hit Madonna of the 80s - the song "Like A Virgin". Soon to Britney joined another singer in the bride suit, Christina Aguilera. Sitting in the hall (mostly - American pop stars) understoodly applauded, someone with contempt weedled, someone in the trance moth heads, Eminem, not ceasing to beat his hands, corrected glasses ...

But there is a significant pause in the air.

Spare wedding anthem sounded and ... Mystery began. Madonna spoke out of the depths of the scenery in a black suit and a black bowler. The public exploded with turbulent ovation. All pop stars rose from their places, standing welcoming the queen of the pop.

About what happened after this, just do not tell. Words: "Madonna During the joint execution of the song" Hollywood ", Britney Spears kissed" - especially do not pass anything ... Better look, here is a five-minute video:

And Missy Eliot at the end as a Christian Voodoo-priest, crowded pop div, is against the scene, reading his spell Rap.

The kiss was always a sacred, ritual gesture. "... Here Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him many people with swords and stakes, from high priests and elders of folk. Egging him gave them a sign, saying: who I am a kiss, he is, take it. And immediately coming to Jesus, said: Rejoice, Rabbi! And kissed him. " (MF.26: 47-49). This is a kiss Judah. Other well-known mythologies associated with the kiss - the kiss of the Secretary of the Security Council (the famous Brezhnev-Honecker departed, immortalized later on the Berlin Wall and became the 80s symbol), "Kiss Stalin", "Kiss Kibel", "Sphynx Kiss", "Kiss Sailor and Nurses" "," Kiss Sleeping Beauty "," Holy Kissing "in Orthodox Christianity ...

On a thin level, a kiss is a merger of the shower, about the same as the mixture of blood during brotherhood. The kiss is associated with the consolidation of related relationships and with the acquisition of integrity, connectedness (the root of "intact"). In short, the kiss is the sacrament.

The kiss of Madonna and Britney Spears on the results of different polls was repeatedly called the "Decade Kiss". At the same time (and in itself it is very meaningful!) No one even paid special attention to the fact that immediately after a kiss with Britney Madonna kissed and Aguilera also. They said: she kissed Britney. And not: she kissed Britney and Christina. That is, unambiguously, the audience clearly caught the signal - a kiss with Britney Spears had a meaning, and Kiss with Christina Aguilera is already so, for symmetry.

"At that time, Madonna's speech itself, along with Britney and Christina, was a huge event. Kisses at all no one expected! The organizers of the ceremony did not have that this could happen, "the MTV officers said later. "This speech will forever remain a memorandum in the history of show business."

Western media suused the topic about a year after the ceremony. More than September 11 terrorist attack ... Madonna herself a few days later, it's innocently (everyone knows that she is absolutely innocent creating) justified, assuring that it was a pure friendly kiss and she does not understand why they say so much (" Probably talk more about what? ") And added:" In fact, I did not even expect it to be such a kiss, Britney led himself very aggressive. "

Russian media in the duty event also did not lag behind. The plot was shown in the news on federal TV channels, and the Bravo magazine (at that time, the main pop magazine in Russia) made a hand-drawn cover from the cult design studio of The cover was depicted by the vector Britney Spears, kissing glamorous black bootball, which brightly glistening "Mamadonna" ... Inside the room, the reader could find an ecstatic biography of Britney Spears. Quote:

"Justin burned her dottel. The devastated, indifferent to everything, non-fat, it turned into a doll. She was painted her face, she was packaged in the corsets, she was put on stage and shouted "Motor". She began to twitch under the usual sounds, she clapped. Then he was led to journalists, and she uttered the words invented by producers. She was still. She decided to be strong, damn strong. When she was told that during the television talk show it would be nice to take a tear about the unfortunate first love, she turned out and that. And when Justin appeared on the threshold of her apartment, she just threw him into his pants burning cigarette. Then she was explained that in the career of the pop singers, marriage plays an important role. You need to think about it in advance, select options, follow public reactions ... "Who do you like, Brit?" - a joke asked the manager. "I want to get stuck in the elevator with Brad Pitt, when the light will cut out in the damn New York," she said with a dull voice. Nazavatra This appeared in the newspapers ...

And then she suddenly woke up. Funny: It was like in a fairy tale, only instead of a prince sleeping beauty kissed a woman. The idol of her childhood - she did not guess that someday it would happen. Madonna became her mother, sister, teacher, guru ... everything changed in his life. She dismissed half of his salmonate and supervisor. Newly learned to walk through the streets. Newly learned to want and make independent decisions. No one orders her! And here it is here. With Jason, his husband. "

A little less than a year later, Britney Spears gave birth. And Bravo magazine came out again with an unusual cover from Dopingpong: Britney Spears in the image of the Renaissance Madonna, with a baby in his arms. And the announcement: "Britney became Madonna." Here is the Vizier text of Dima Mishenina, published in this issue about the religious nature of pop continuity:

"It all started with the 20th Annual MTV Video Music Awards ceremony, when Britney Spears was kissed on the scene in Madonna's live scene. It was at that moment Britney and lost his virginity. Having performed the song "Like A Virgin" and giving up Madonna to the Basillion of the audience. And before that, young Britney, Justin Timberlake, who threw out, almost suffocated from envy, seeing his girlfriend, did it in sight of the whole world what he could do it. Britney became a woman. She was deprived of the innocence of Madonna, and the whole world saw the birth of a new sex icon. It seemed that that day he entered the Holy Spirit, and no longer one man of the world had the right to touch her after the saints of Madonna's mouth. Perhaps Britney became pregnant then. And this is the longest divine pregnancy in the history of pop music. After all, it was from that very 2003 year, the authoritative bookmaker William Hill has repeatedly proposed to enter into a gambling players of the transaction, the essence of which boiled down to one thing: Britney is pregnant or not. What gender will Britney's child? When exactly Britney give birth? This time, all rates are accepted, the junction is nearing.

All the most popular media are chained to Britney's belly. This is the main sensation of 2005. 2 million regular visitors came
the official website of the singer to hear the good news of her pregnancy. All Britney fans like Magi, look at the sky in anticipation of the star, which will indicate where the baby worship occurs. In search engines, the phrase "Pregnant Britney" stands in the first place. Birth is expected this fall. Britney's husband Kevin Federeline is like a calm and calm Joseph. It seems that he has nothing to do with a positive test for pregnancy, stuck out of the garbage basket of their rooms at the Hotel Los Angeles and the online casino auction for fabulous money. Kevin plays the role of her husband for the blessing of the Higher Forces, as in the Gospel, or, more precisely, as in a family reality show, which is already removing about their coverage. Britney looks as if she is really capable of immaculate conception from the Holy Spirit or Corvenker, but not from the earthly man. It seems that Britney pushed out of the salivation of the goddess, and not from mortal sperm. And she was prepared fate to become new Madonna and Immortal. The third on the basis of planet Earth, after the Virgin Mary and Louise Veronica Chikkon ...

Ave, Maris Stella! Right and refer to the Lord for the miracle sent us! "

But ... Dima Mishenine was mistaken. Or mistaken Madonna? The miracle did not happen. After the birth of the first child, Glory Britney Spears gradually faded ... What happened? Maybe the Britney and Madonna kiss should be interpreted differently?

In principle, yes, Madonna really symbolically handed over to Britney branch, initiated it, but the fact was that Madonna could convey this branch at all Britney. And not Aguilera.

Britney Spears really personified the entire pop-project zero. The big transnational show business did a serious bet on it, she was inhabitant loot. However, Britney Spears has never been a genuine pop goddess. Britney from the very beginning, since childhood was just a produce project. Resected (albeit a talented) girl who did not know what was happening around and where she fell at all. Pop Music (not a show business and a companion of him all sorts of PR-bustle, namely music, songs) This is, in fact, the stalker zone, the sphere of the combination of the ordinary world with the world of spirits and gods, the sounding lining of Zeytheist, who gives people to live on, Inspiring them to stay on this planet, full of horror and good. Allowing to feel the joy of life ... I said very well about it: "Pop music is a very important thing. I think this is one of the most powerful forces of our daily life. The problem is that pop music a little deceived and betrayed us, so we treat it with distrust. Previously, pop music was completely different. Now it is basically just a way to make money. But people still need pop. Just no one has enough courage to make that pop, which would really match modern. "

That is, pop is, in principle, a certain order. In which not all of the well-known peace of the so-called "pop stars" play at least some role (and the more the role of the master of such a high degree of initiation, like Madonna).

Of course, Britney (who did not write a single song herself and did not invent anything in his image) was not the one who Madonna had to transfer his throne. "Akella missed" - that's what Madonna and Britney kiss means for pop culture.
Madonna came in the 80s and was the head of pop orders all the 80s and 90s - along with Michael Jackson. Why did she go wrong? After all, it is clear that nothing in common between her and Britney Spears has never been (except for the business interests of sound recording labels). Madonna is really cool and talented, she really was excellent, we can say folk songs ... Rather, Madonna had to give the palm of the championship, to make her pop queen for the next ten years. And Madonna felt and understood whom she had to devote: she always really liked what Bjork is doing, and therefore in 1994 she wanted to attract Icelander to work on his album "Bedtime Stories". But she resolutely refused to cooperate. True, then she was still persuaded to write a capital song for an album. And the most unusual hit Madonna "Bedtime Story" appeared (and the most metaphysical clip).

Bjork then did not even want to meet with Madonna. That's what Iceland speaks about this: "I tried to avoid it, while it would be possible. She likes me, but she lives in a too material world. I can't take the universe that surrounds her. I would prefer our meeting to happen by chance, somewhere in the bar, and we would not even immediately recognized each other. "

In short, Bjorka did not want to participate in all these ceremonies, because he considered them a manifestation of Fake and schematism (she generally sent the show-business to far away in childhood, I). So Madonne did not have anything, how to go about the record-companies and kiss Britney. She, of course, immediately understood that he was mistaken (and in a week, Winfrey was concerned about the show, Winfrey was concerned about the joke), but there was no place to retreat. And a month after kissing on the new album, Britney Spears Madonna will again sing with her - the song "Me Against The Music" ("I am against music" is a symbolic name). And even takes off her in video clip on this song . This is not a joke, this is a dedication ... (True, all the joint appearance of Britney and Madonna in this video look very lubricated, and it suggests that they did not even meet during filming.)

And what happened to Britney Spears? In fact, everything looks not the best way. Looks like more on the tragedy than the celebration. Without possessing any abilities or forces necessary for the Supreme Priestess, she who began to walk through her high frequency currents soon plunged into the Out of depression and despair. Having tried to hide from pop demons who have won it after a magic kiss, Britney creates a family with Kovitogeneous Mephistofel - Kevin Federlyin's dancer (who, embedded to her children, soon throws her, inspiring a significant kush from her multimillion state). With the zeal of the Golden female, she is trying to raise his chad, but ... poor blessing Britney, she does not work with her.

She trusts endlessly, drinking a lot, uses drugs (so, at least they write in the yellow press), it falls into a mental hospital, it shakes naked, pounces on journalists, trying to defend its parental rights, which Kevin has been deprived of them.

The record-label is shocked to return the former daisy cow on the stage (obviously, spending inhuman amounts on psychoanalysts and phytes-coaches), but the next album of the failed pop queen fails, the image of "schoolgirls who grew up in the diva" does not excite anyone - neither Zadrotov, Neither housewives. New songs are similar to the fights of a crazy beaver. Tastes have changed. Producers are not capable of themselves to catch the spirit of time, they need a real conductor, and not a doll. In this regard, some time had rumors that Britney intends to record an album in collaboration with Tom York from Radiohead. But why is she needed? Tom York is friendly with the present, albeit an unfore, pop queen. And writes music with her.

Bjork about the metamorphosis taking place from Britney, says this: "I sympathize with her. I sometimes compare with her, I also started my pop career in childhood. But I had a choice. I could send everything, and she can't. That is, even if she moves to Hong Kong or in Africa, it will not run away. And it is scary. It was scary to see all these newspapers in which her pictures were without panties. Apparently, hundreds of paparazzi then attacked her and filmed. "

All these processes occurring with Britney Spears symbolize the complete and final collapse of the corporate show business machine. We have lost contact with reality in the dubious prospect of the dismissions of the masses. For some time, someone managed to fool, driven by man-made pop idols. But there is something stronger. Nature. People need a real pop music, and not the dignity, downed with money.

Now the global show business and the record industry is not even in agony. Agony lasted all zero, and now there was a complete decomposition, artificial apogee ,.

Brian Iso (undoubtedly, one of the key masters of pop orders, a gray cardinal), recently told about it in an interview with the GUARDIAN newspaper: "I think that the era of the sound recording industry is now coming to an end and explodes like a soap bubble. I always knew that sooner or later it would happen. It's like once, before gas came, the main fuel was whale fat ... And if you traded a whale fat at that time, you could become a richest man of the planet. History does not stand still. The sound recording industry is still the same as whale fat. Something should come to shift. "

And Britney? Britney will live. This pop martyr deserves peace. And give her a god of health on her birthday.