Why don't friends call first? Why Girls Don't Text First Best Friend Doesn't Call Doesn't Text

Why should I always call my girlfriends first? but they don't call. I don't need them? If I do not call, they do not call .. (like they are busy, work, child) I do not consider this an excuse. When I ask them about it, they answer, "You didn't call me." And I have a question - what prevents her from calling herself? Pride?

    Weird friends. My friend and I, even if we don’t call each other for a very long time, we never ask each other such questions))) it’s just a desire to communicate with each other.

    Get them hooked on you like a drug. If you don't have it, then why the hell should they call you? Why go to the store when you have cabinets full of groceries at home?

    We in this world do not owe anything to anyone, except for family relationships. and girlfriends are clearly not part of the family circle. If they don't call you, then they have a reason to. And they don't owe you anything either. Especially if there are families. Sometimes the roads diverge, especially when a husband and children appear. And that's okay. And you will definitely meet more good people, they will definitely appear, only others. Sometimes you have to part with the past, no matter how painful it was. Good luck, love, joy and happiness to you!

    You are an extrovert, you give energy to the world around you. It's good for you, so give it back. I want to call.

    I had the same situation with one of my friends who was not burdened with married life and did not even work from morning to evening. She just has a principle: do not call anyone first. At first, I took it gently, I thought that my friend would understand - you need to exchange feelings and actions, and not wait for tribute to be brought to you. And one day I decided that I would not call again. A year has passed :)) She NEVER called! Conclusion: she does not need me, although she always emphasized that she loves me. Does not love! Try not to call your girlfriends. Suddenly they don't need you? I stayed with those who really need and who really need me. So the husk disappears...

    They don’t call, which means there is no urgent need for you. Don’t be offended, this is not bad, it means that everything is in order with them. And for yourself, figure it out at your leisure, what do I get from these relationships? What can I give my friends myself?? But, even if the balance is categorically not in your favor, do not interrupt the relationship. Slowly support them, without much obtrusiveness :)))

    Busy! It seems that you are the only one free from family worries.
    Or maybe it’s not particularly interesting to communicate with you, this also needs to be understood.
    What if they really don't need you? Is that a problem?
    Change your social circle, do exciting things and then you yourself will not notice how time flies and you will already be called with questions: how are you, why don’t you call?))

Hello! I am 14 years old, my friend is also 14. While we are on vacation, I wrote and called her, called her for a walk, asked how she was resting. Several times she agreed to spend time with me. She brought me to social networks in the category "Close friends. "And now I'm tired of taking the first step towards her. She doesn't write to me at all, doesn't call, but texts with another girl like with a sister. It's very hard for me, I have no friends. I'm completely confused. She doesn't pay attention to me .How can I survive this?

Hello Anna! It is possible that your girlfriend is not as interested in communicating with you as you are with her. Try not to get hung up on your half circle - look around - there are a lot of people to communicate with - find the person with whom you will be mutually interested and it will not be a "one-sided game" Don't worry, Anna - but think about why you don't have any friends at all? What is the reason for this? Be interesting to yourself - find yourself hobbies, hobbies in life and make new friends who share your interests and lifestyle. Good luck to you!

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Hello Anna. Indeed, without friends, especially at your age, it is not at all easy. But in order for them to appear for you, think about who you would like to see in your friends and why, how can you be interesting not only for them, but also for yourself? If your school has a psychologist, ask him for help. I don’t know in which district of Ufa you live, there are regional centers at the place of residence, you can apply there. In the centers "Satoris" Ordzhonikidze district. and "Zhuravushka" Kalininsky district, children under 17 years old who live in the territory or study in schools in these districts receive assistance free of charge. Good luck to you.

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Anna, it will be easier for you to survive the current situation if you do something interesting for yourself. Think about what you are interested in, what you like to do. You spent a lot of energy to achieve the location of another person, now spend it on yourself, do not wait until someone makes you happy and finds something to occupy your time with - do it yourself. And a new interesting occupation will appear for you - new acquaintances will appear with whom you will have common interests, and this is the best unifying link for

I think that I’m not the only one who knows this: I had a girlfriend, talked, saw each other often, went shopping, visited each other, discussed local and global news, in general, spent a lot of time together. And then - time! And silence ... "And the dead with scythes stand along the roads ..." (c) No call to you, no text message, not even a short message on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. Why? You call, send text messages to the void, just like messages in the above-mentioned "social networks" of the Internet. And in response, again, silence.
And now your richest imagination draws terrible pictures of the violent death of an unfortunate girlfriend at the hands of her unfamiliar boyfriend-maniac-pervert. You, with horror in your eyes and with a tremor in your voice, tell all your conjectures to your mutual friends, offering yourself, quietly, without attracting attention, to start searching for the missing woman and investigating the circumstances of her disappearance. Of course, you decide not to call her home, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion in anyone (you are real spies!), And, most likely, you risk looking stupid.
And so it goes for a month or two. There are rumors that she has gone somewhere ... She also does not answer calls, no news either to you or to mutual friends. And one day, suddenly, after all, she answers something. Most likely - briefly, text message. Something like: "Hi. Sorry for not answering! Was on a honeymoon. Let's call!"
And how will you react to such behavior? You will most likely resent her. And you never even want to talk to her again. Then maybe you will forgive her. But this is only later.
After all, the question did not give you rest: what happened to her while she was completely absent from your life? The answer is simple. Your missing friend just married the same guy she didn't intend to marry at all. Moreover, she believed that he did not suit her at all. And then suddenly - getting married, honeymoon ... And all this "on the sly", without saying anything to anyone - strange at first glance, isn't it?
Well, on the other hand, it has long been clear to everyone that if a person is doing well, then he almost does not spread about it, so that the envy of other people does not poison his life. And so, your girlfriend, she just decided to play it safe, without telling anyone that in fact she and this “inappropriate” guy are madly in love with each other and everything is fine with them. She just got married and melted into her happiness. It just so happened that in this happiness there is no place for you at all. She doesn't have time for you. She now has a family, love. This is her life.
And you are sure that you would never do this to your friends, including her. And it is true. But she's different. Well, it wasn't enough for you! So should she be blamed for this?
Maybe just forgive her as a weakness? It is worth communicating with her further, not paying attention to all this, just slightly reducing the share of your trust in her. And you should not worry about her, just like "bother" about her. She is happy in her world, in which she does not want to let you in. Everyone has their own path in this life. So let this path be as happy as possible!

Any guy will start to worry when the girl stops writing or calling first, even if, with the initiative on his part, she communicates warmly and willingly. There is nothing wrong with this situation, but it makes the young man tense. In order not to do stupid things, you need to know about the reasons why a girl does not write first. This will help get rid of bad feelings and understand whether it is worth communicating with her further.

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Why doesn't a girl write first

Some guys are sure that women should take the initiative so that men can understand their openness and take action. However, many girls believe that if they write first, it will characterize them as frivolous and accessible.

Sometimes the interlocutors are silent to check on the guy. They are interested in communicating, but they want to know that it is mutual.

There are also a number of reasons why girls hesitate to write first.

Shyness and lack of topics

Many girls from childhood have the confidence that the first step must be taken preciselythe male. She will never approach a young man herself, she will not write first, because she does not know how to do this. Such a woman has been on standby all her life. She shows initiative only with hints and signals that men are not always able to understand. In the family of such girls, they say that if a woman approaches someone to get acquainted, shows signs of attention first and gives out her number, she is frivolous.

She wants to start communication, but upbringing and shyness do not allow her to be the initiator. Sometimes she shows her interest in the conversation in other ways: likes, status hints, certain photos.

Not everyone is able to start a casual conversation. Sometimes women do not know what to write about and cannot choose an interesting topic for communication.

Employment and a large number of interlocutors

Sometimes a girl simply cannot write to a guy because school or work takes up most of her time. In addition, she may have many hobbies, hobbies and friends who want to hang out with her and go to the movies. The girl also has housework - washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. She does not have time to communicate on a social network. With such girls, you can make contact only in real life.

There are persons who have many interlocutors in a social network. Therefore, communication with a guy becomes secondary. Such girls actively respond, but are not used to writing first.

What to do if the girl abruptly stopped writing and calling first

If a girl suddenly stopped calling often and has not been the first to write for a week, the situation should be analyzed. If the couple has not been together for too long, you need to continue to take the initiative. If the relationship lasts a long time, both partners should take the first steps.

Tips to help you in this situation:

  • You should find out what happened. You can talk with mutual friends or with the girl herself. Perhaps she had problems at work or at home, and during this period her thoughts are only occupied with this.
  • You need to try to maintain communication, but not be imposed. You can take an interest in her work.
  • If a woman answers dryly, communication should be reduced (write once every one or two days).
  • Complete disregard for messages indicates that the chosen one does not want to maintain a relationship. You need to leave her alone.

If a girl used to constantly call and be interested in the life of a young man, and now she rarely writes first and practically does not call, then she has cooled off and does not want to continue the relationship. The best option in such a situation is a heart-to-heart talk, but not every partner will want to discuss this directly. It is necessary to think carefully and try to understand why the girl could be disappointed in the companion and what should be changed in order to regain her interest.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

Bring back the girl

The girl does not write, does not call first, what to do

Every guy in a relationship had a moment when his girlfriend stopped writing to him and calling him first. Although if the guy showed initiative and called and wrote himself, then the girl communicated with him very nicely, warmly and pleasantly, but she herself was not the first to get in touch. And it seems that nothing terrible is happening, but there is still some tension.

Naturally, the first thought in the guy’s head, after such a cold behavior of his girlfriend, is an approaching parting. So, the guy starts to fuss and run around his girlfriend to prevent her from leaving. And these actions cause even greater problems, which, ultimately, lead to separation. And now we will talk about how this can be avoided.

Why does a girl stop writing, calling

There are exactly two situations that explain this behavior of a girl, and both of them cannot be called positive for you.

Silence and ignore. If you see that a girl is starting to write to you less and less, your communication with her turns into insipid standard phrases, and sometimes she even ignores you for a week, then I have bad news for you - THIS IS A DRAIN.

This is the way girls “politely” send guys they are no longer interested in. And the reason here is not some kind of your mistake or miscalculation, but a banal mismatch of interests and expectations. For example, a girl is looking for a mature guy of 24 years old with a job and his own apartment, and you are also a romantic 18 year old student. Does that mean you're bad? - No, it's just a mismatch of expectations.

Loss of power in a relationship. If a girl does not write to you and does not call you first, but she answers your messages joyfully and positively, then this means that she is pulling the blanket over herself.

In a relationship, one person always copes with whims, and the other endures all this, takes the first steps (for example, he writes first after a quarrel),. And this can be observed in absolutely every relationship.

Therefore, if you don’t want to write first, but you have to do it, because otherwise your girlfriend will be silent, then you are weak and “flexing” in a relationship.

I want to note right away that there is nothing wrong with writing and calling first. Both a girl and a guy can do this, this is the norm. But if this state of affairs becomes categorical, when one always writes first, and the second is silent to the bitter end, then this is already a problem.

Who should write first

It is customary for us that the guy writes and calls the girl first. This is a kind of tradition, and everyone understands this. However, this is typical for the period of dating and seduction, the first month and a half. Further, the relationship should already move to equal and open communication, where both the guy and the girl can take the initiative. So some conclusions:

  • During the period of acquaintance with a girl, writing to her first is the norm.
  • In a relationship, people should take the initiative mutually.
  • Getting a girl to start writing first is real.

You must take the initiative and win her attention, because you are a man. But in a relationship, the girl herself should hold on to you and remind herself that she is your favorite, she is still yours, she is here.

What to do if the girl stopped writing and calling

Step - 1. Determine the cause.

First, you determine the reason why the girl stopped writing to you, we discussed this at the beginning of the article. If the girl is leaking, then you, if this is a loss of influence, then go to step - 2.

Step -2. We include the principle of struggle for respect.

It consists in the fact that with a girl. In some situations, you give the girl all the attention, while in others you completely close yourself off from the girl and switch to your own business. Thus, you show the girl that she is not the most important thing in your life.

In a competent combination, these actions create an incredible sexual effect and the girl begins to want you, because you play with her like a naughty girl and provoke her to an emotional reaction. She begins to write to you, call, take an interest in your life.

The correct use of this principle is to find the optimal balance specifically for your girlfriend. For example, you push it away from you a little, then you pull it, you push it a little more, and you pull it some more.

Therefore, you need to gradually build up your own time and independence from the girl (when you do not write to her, and you feel good). This will show the girl your strength, and she will begin to hold on to you. She will already start to bend under you.

The mistake of most guys is that they insult the girl and start looking stupid. Your task is to make such a transition from a dependent guy to an independent one very calmly and slowly so that the girl does not see your purposeful changes.

Step - 3. Consolidation of the result.

When your girlfriend gets used to the fact that you respect your personal time, you will need to load her with tasks and assignments that will make her become attached to you.

For example:

  • Masha, call me tomorrow at 6 o'clock. I will go on important business, I will need to solve one moment with you.
  • Well, tomorrow, when you come back from school, write to me. I can sleep, but still write, wake up, answer.

And gradually the girl will get used to the fact that she writes to you first, and then you sort out some issue with her. However, if you try to do this, bypassing step-2, then nothing will work.

Good luck and let the girls call you every day.