Why do many girls with a strong character remain single? Cons of the complaisant nature of a woman

Strong-willed character, pride, fortitude, stubbornness and unwillingness to succumb to circumstances - these are the character traits inherent in strong women. It seems to the environment of such an "iron lady" that she has long killed all her weaknesses in herself or, at least, does not allow them to take precedence over her. However, superwomen have no less experiences and complexes than any other person.

Most modern women do not dare to call the language the weaker sex. Business women, experienced bosses, mothers of many children - they know how to cope with life's difficulties and everyday problems better than men. Such a woman is not used to showing sentimental weakness, for her this is an unaffordable luxury that takes up precious time. What is this "snow queen" so diligently hiding from others?

Fear of relationships

Dedication is a quality that a strong woman usually "transfers" from the realm of personal relationships to the realm of building a successful career. She is unlikely to invest her soul and emotions in such a dubious enterprise as communicating with a new admirer - after all, it will not bring her the cherished financial well-being. And he will feel such coldness and run away after the first date. What, according to the selfish beauty, will once again confirm her theory.

An exception to the rule is a self-confident, successful partner. It is with him that a strong girl will be happy, considering him equal to herself. She will initially perceive any other man as low-ranking, unworthy of her attention and time costs.

Disillusioned with the representatives of the stronger sex, the "iron lady" can rush to the other extreme - fall for the bait of a gigolo or warm up a spineless weakling. The first uses all its material resources to the maximum and will disappear from sight, and the second will never become support and support. Such a novel will again bring only pain and disappointment.

A strong woman who neglects feelings completely deprives herself of the opportunity to know the true happiness of love and affection. She trusts only hard facts, direct evidence and her intuition, and not men, friends and relatives. Protecting herself from possible emotional losses, she will never know sincerity, reciprocity, friendship and love.

Complex of Pallas Athena

Athena was the beloved daughter of the ancient Greek god Zeus. She was also the goddess of war, known for her invincibility, courage, and unwavering character. That is, she possessed all the qualities that are so necessary for a woman to take place in the modern world.

The current "Athens of Pallas" are successful in business, they surprise others with their "two-heartedness", they are communicative, but at the same time domineering. Business acumen replaced them with sensuality, self-confidence - amorousness and the need for friends, and rationality outlived the ability to relax. Athena wears unisex clothing, wears masculine fragrances, wears her hair in a bun and uses minimal make-up.

Over time, such a woman becomes a real "general in a skirt." Subordinate girls, who are more popular with men, will be bullied and humiliated by "Athena" - the boss. Being the embodiment of anti-femininity, she will methodically seek the dismissal of those who like to flirt with the opposite sex.


The fear of loneliness appears in successful women by the age of 30-35. By this time, they manage to survive several unsuccessful novels, experience the betrayal of friends and the prudence of relatives in their own skin. Autophobia in the early stages is disguised as chronic fatigue, a desire to take a break from new acquaintances, parties and meetings with friends. During this period, loneliness is associated with comfort, relaxation and peace of mind ...

In just a few months, you will understand the depth of your loneliness. Your girlfriends will stop calling because you no longer want to meet them and share your problems and joys. Admirers will get tired of listening to excuses about "we'll meet some other time." Colleagues will consider you a callous "rusk" and will also turn away from you. The only true friends who will always be there will be career achievements and economic independence.

To stop your own suffering, remember: loneliness is only a state of mind. You are single only because you want to be. Make new acquaintances, while trying to behave openly and naturally. Do not let your success become a reason for inflated conceit and neglect of family and friends.

To maintain the delicate balance between two social roles (careerist and housewife), stop treating work as the sole purpose of your existence. Psychologists have long proved that for a feeling of true happiness to arise, a person needs to realize himself in three or four areas at the same time. Do what you love, surround your husband and children with love, do not give up an exciting hobby and sports, help your parents - so you don’t have to deal with autophobia and other fears familiar to any successful woman.


Often women with a strong character are successful in their careers: they become tough leaders, sort of dictators. But they achieve this on their own, without any outside help. They know how to overcome obstacles and not give in to difficulties. Such women competently build relationships with colleagues, managers and subordinates. Despite the dictatorial style of management, they really control the activities, and not just intimidate subordinates.

Although everything is going just fine in a career, strong women have serious problems in their personal lives. Often the lines from the song "a strong woman cries at the window" come true. Men are used to acting as earners, conquerors, but the “victim” that a woman with a strong character is is often inaccessible to them. If a relationship is established, most likely, they will not lead to a successful ending if the partner does not change at least a little.

Strong men are able to take this impregnable fortress, but relationships in a couple can develop on the principle of competition, which, in the end, will lead to a break in communication, since it is impossible to compete forever. And despite the equality of the sexes, a man wants to take care of someone, pamper, and not make constant scandals from the series "who is stronger." Weak men in the eyes of strong women will look like wimps, which also does not provide for harmonious relationships. In order to avoid such a fate, any woman sometimes needs to be weak. Although at first this may seem like a terrible prospect to strong representatives of the weaker sex, in fact, everything is not so bad.

The main rule to be followed in a relationship is the absence of the main family member. That's why couples are created so that they have equality. Being the main and right, but bringing discomfort to a partner is the biggest mistake in a relationship between two people. Strong women are most often prone to such mistakes. They strive for a partner to match them, however, the true strength of loving people is in mutual respect and some manifestation of weakness. In relation to children, the same principle: sometimes you need to compromise, listen to the opinion of the child, and not strictly control his every action.

Women with a strong character, who at work show all their “unfeminine” qualities, can relax and be weak at home. Here they will protect, regret, take care of. Of course, you can’t become soft and submissive overnight, but it’s worth a try. Naturally, a loving partner accepts his companion for who she is, but his role in shaping the softness and loyalty of a woman is very large. When a woman feels that there is support and protection next to her, it will be easier for her to relax and stop keeping everything under control.

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At the words “strong woman”, images of people with whom this concept is associated are born in our head. Women with an inner core may not like it, cause a lot of controversy, accusations against them, but what's for sure - they are attractive like a magnet. Life circumstances provoke them to make decisions, after which a train of a strong woman is tied behind them.

It was about such heroines that fifteen directors told in their film stories, and site offers to see them.

Sweet Frances, 2012
Frances Ha

Sometimes it pays to do what needs to be done. It is not always easy to get away from problems, even if you have an easy character. But never stop dreaming. This is a story about the ups and downs of a New York dreamer who learned to make the right choice and became an independent woman who dictates her own rules, and does not flow through life.

English Vinglish, 2012
English Vinglish

The heroine of the film will not save the world from universal evil or invent a cure for cancer, but she is strong enough to improve. The story of this woman is simple and ordinary, and the way out of the situation is quite banal - just some English courses. But the heroine is a woman with a core, able to weed out everything insignificant and concentrate on the main thing.

Royal novel, 2012
En kongelig affare

Queens are rarely lucky in love, especially if the king is more interested in handsome young men than in his own wife. And he doesn't care too much about running the state. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on patience, acquiring sensible allies and becoming happy. Unfortunately, life does not always favor all the brave and in love, but it is definitely worth the fight.

Gravity, 2013

Loneliness and emptiness. How not to go crazy when you are in outer space? An incredible story about willpower, about the endurance and courage of one woman who found herself in a hopeless situation. The magnificent performance of Sandra Bullock keeps the viewer's attention throughout the film, forcing them to empathize and try on the situation for themselves. Not every man would have the endurance to survive such circumstances.

Sils Maria, 2014
Clouds of Sils Maria

Fading movie star Maria Enders receives an offer to play a successful, but naive and no longer young careerist who has fallen in love with her young secretary. Everything would be fine, but only once at the dawn of her career, Maria played the role of that same fatal assistant. The new role begins to seriously hit the self-esteem of the actress. And how to change from one role to another and accept a new self?

Still Alice, 2014
Still Alice

How terrible it is for a professor of linguistics to wake up one day and realize that she is forgetting words. Losing the names of loved ones and familiar names due to the rapidly progressing Alzheimer's disease, Alice still remembers that she is a happy person. An amazing film that you should definitely watch to remind yourself once again that every moment of life has value.

Ma Ma, 2015
Ma ma

Learned? Yes, this is Penelope Cruz. In the film Ma Ma, the actress played the role of a talented teacher and loving mother Magda, who gathers all her strength to defeat the disease and regain the right to live and be happy.

Disappeared, 2015
Gone girl

On the one hand, crazy, on the other - loving. But where is the line between passion and insanity? On the eve of the celebration of the fifth anniversary of marriage, the hero of the occasion disappears, leaving a chain of clues and riddles for her missus. A smart and inventive woman often made such surprises to her husband. What awaits him this time?

Age of Adaline, 2015
The Age of Adaline

What is it like to survive a loved one? What is it like to never grow old, to forbid yourself to get close to people and constantly move from place to place so that no one knows your secret? What is it like to see how your only daughter grows old before your eyes, and to know that she will leave for another world before you? The Age of Adaline is a heartfelt romantic film, but also very beautiful.

Woman in gold, 2015
woman in gold

The main character (Helen Mirren) has experienced pain and separation in her life. But now she is trying to achieve justice by returning the Gustav Klimt painting to her family. This is a story about the struggle of one woman with an entire state. A film about values ​​and the past that is worth remembering and honoring.

Mad Max, 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road

Although the film bears a male name, the main character is a woman. A woman in a post-apocalyptic world who was able to succeed and then actually start a revolution. The magnificent Charlize Theron brought to life the image of an angry woman who is looking for her paradise and saves her kind from an uneducated fanatical society. And although she has so much pain and suffering in her eyes, and a metal prosthesis serves as her hand, she is still beautiful and feminine.

It is amazing how psychologically strong women sometimes do not notice in themselves those clear signs that say that they are actually strong. The editors of Interesting to Know offer their readers 12 clear points that are proof that you are a psychologically strong person.

She let go of the past

In the lives of strong women, the past never dominates the present. They know how to be in the present, and the past for them is just an experience and a well-learned lesson.

She is a rational egoist

A strong woman knows in what cases detached self-sacrifice is tyranny. She knows how to be selfish, but not overstep the bounds and remain decent at the same time.

She doesn't worry about her future - she thinks about it.

She will not live in the hope that one day a rich and successful man will take her under his wing and solve all her problems. She is ready to take responsibility for herself into her own hands, and this cannot but inspire respect from others.

She gave up illusions

She is well aware that this world is not always fair and often very unfriendly, but unlike others, this does not knock her down.

She doesn't try to please others.

And therefore, one part of her environment does not tolerate her, and the second part does not have a soul in her. Precisely because it is too straightforward, too honest and sincere.

She has a sense of empathy

She perfectly understands the feelings and emotions of other people, and she understands the feelings and emotions that belong to her. Strong women are aware of the seriousness of the other person's experiences and are always ready to offer help to the extent that it is appropriate.

She admits that no one owes her anything.

And therefore, she is less likely to encounter conflict situations. She rarely demands anything, and does not take it as an insult that she was refused.

She knows that she doesn't owe anyone anything.

And that's why she can't be manipulated.

She is ready to help others

Psychologically strong women never socially ignore problems, even if they have not personally touched them. They understand the importance of helping others and the need for support.

She knows when to say no

And she says no. And the fact that she knows she doesn't owe anything to anyone often helps her say "no" out loud.

She is ready to face the consequences of her decisions.

She perfectly understands and admits that she bears responsibility for her decisions, and, if necessary, she will have to deal with the consequences.

She invests in herself

That is, she monitors the neatness of her appearance and spares no time to put her appearance in order. And she is ready to invest her time, energy and money into her education: books, courses and lectures.

Strong-willed character, pride, fortitude, stubbornness and unwillingness to succumb to circumstances - these are the character traits inherent in strong women. It seems to the environment of such an "iron lady" that she has long killed all her weaknesses in herself or, at least, does not allow them to take precedence over her. However, superwomen have no less experiences and complexes than any other person.

Most modern women do not dare to call the language the weaker sex. Business women, experienced bosses, mothers of many children - they know how to cope with life's difficulties and everyday problems better than men. Such a woman is not used to showing sentimental weakness, for her this is an unaffordable luxury that takes up precious time. What is this "snow queen" so diligently hiding from others?

Fear of relationships

Dedication is a quality that a strong woman usually "transfers" from the realm of personal relationships to the realm of building a successful career. She is unlikely to invest her soul and emotions in such a dubious enterprise as communicating with a new admirer - after all, it will not bring her the cherished financial well-being. And he will feel such coldness and run away after the first date. What, according to the selfish beauty, will once again confirm her theory.

An exception to the rule is a self-confident, successful partner. It is with him that a strong girl will be happy, considering him equal to herself. She will initially perceive any other man as low-ranking, unworthy of her attention and time costs.

Disillusioned with the representatives of the stronger sex, the "iron lady" can rush to the other extreme - fall for the bait of a gigolo or warm up a spineless weakling. The first uses all its material resources to the maximum and will disappear from sight, and the second will never become support and support. Such a novel will again bring only pain and disappointment.

A strong woman who neglects feelings completely deprives herself of the opportunity to know the true happiness of love and affection. She trusts only hard facts, direct evidence and her intuition, and not men, friends and relatives. Protecting herself from possible emotional losses, she will never know sincerity, reciprocity, friendship and love.

Complex of Pallas Athena

Athena was the beloved daughter of the ancient Greek god Zeus. She was also the goddess of war, known for her invincibility, courage, and unwavering character. That is, she possessed all the qualities that are so necessary for a woman to take place in the modern world.

The current "Athens of Pallas" are successful in business, they surprise others with their "two-heartedness", they are communicative, but at the same time domineering. Business acumen replaced them with sensuality, self-confidence - amorousness and the need for friends, and rationality outlived the ability to relax. Athena wears unisex clothing, wears masculine fragrances, wears her hair in a bun and uses minimal make-up.

Over time, such a woman becomes a real "general in a skirt." Subordinate girls, who are more popular with men, will be bullied and humiliated by "Athena" - the boss. Being the embodiment of anti-femininity, she will methodically seek the dismissal of those who like to flirt with the opposite sex.


The fear of loneliness appears in successful women by the age of 30-35. By this time, they manage to survive several unsuccessful novels, experience the betrayal of friends and the prudence of relatives in their own skin. Autophobia in the early stages is disguised as chronic fatigue, a desire to take a break from new acquaintances, parties and meetings with friends. During this period, loneliness is associated with comfort, relaxation and peace of mind ...

In just a few months, you will understand the depth of your loneliness. Your girlfriends will stop calling because you no longer want to meet them and share your problems and joys. Admirers will get tired of listening to excuses about "we'll meet some other time." Colleagues will consider you a callous "rusk" and will also turn away from you. The only true friends who will always be there will be career achievements and economic independence.

To stop your own suffering, remember: loneliness is only a state of mind. You are single only because you want to be. Make new acquaintances, while trying to behave openly and naturally. Do not let your success become a reason for inflated conceit and neglect of family and friends.

To maintain the delicate balance between two social roles (careerist and housewife), stop treating work as the sole purpose of your existence. Psychologists have long proved that for a feeling of true happiness to arise, a person needs to realize himself in three or four areas at the same time. Do what you love, surround your husband and children with love, do not give up an exciting hobby and sports, help your parents - so you don’t have to deal with autophobia and other fears familiar to any successful woman.