After the massage, the sister gave to her brother. His shelter to his parents, with whom a painful explanation was to be

Incest has always been considered one of the most serious sins. Nevertheless, since the time of King Oedipus, who was not well framed by Providence, manifestations of unrelated love of close relatives for each other are quite common.

The other day, Germany was excited by an out of the ordinary event: it became known that a brother and sister from Saxony had three children.

Susan, 20, sits in her two-room apartment in Borna and cries incessantly. Her three children were taken away from her and given to other families. Her brother-husband is in jail for breaking window glass. “I miss him so much,” the girl says, “in recent years, we have not spent a single night without each other.”

After a 30-day sentence for hooliganism, 27-year-old Patrick will not remain free for long. He faces 10 months in prison for conceiving his daughter Sarah from his own sister. The punishment may not pass and the mother of three children. When the last child was conceived, she was already over 18 years old. Prosecutor Axel Wahl says the girl faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

Susan's two children are mentally retarded. The three-year-old boy can neither walk nor speak yet. Whether the same fate will befall a three-month-old girl, time will tell.

"There is no natural instinct that would lead to incest," says Swiss psychoanalyst Alice Miller. "Normal brother-sister love doesn't lead to incest. Healthy people don't need it," says 46-year-old Ulrika Dirkes. She herself was born as a result of incest and currently heads the MELINA organization, which brings together children born as a result of family ties. "My father is also my grandfather and my mother is my sister. It is an unnatural life form," says Ulrika.

The German public is wondering: how did it even become possible that after the birth of their first child, a brother and sister got two more?

Thomas Pfeiffer, head of child and youth services, says: "We facilitated the prosecution when we found out that the child's father is the mother's brother. However, we could not prevent this relationship. We could not stand between them."

Incest expert Ulrika Dirkes: "Officers are helpless in this case. The problem is not solved only by sending children to foster families." A couple from Saxony hardly imagined that their children could be born disabled. Thank God Susan and Patrick don't want a fourth child. However, it is not at all out of prudence. Susan says, "They'll take it from us too."

I was five years old then, my brother was two years older than me, my cousin, she often came to visit, she was older than both of us. We lived in the village, there were only rural houses. Wooden houses with buildings for the economy: cows, pigs, sheep. In summer, many of them are empty, and if you hide there, no one will find you. I remember how we retired there, undressed and played doctor and sick.
A year later, we moved to the village and did not see my cousin for a very long time. Six months later, or even a year later, they came as a family to visit us. I really wanted to play our games with her again, however, now it seemed already absurd. There was no more closeness. After a year of sadness, we switched to our younger sister, who was four years old at that time. I was already seven, my brother was nine. Having retired, we could play again.
After a while, we began to retire together. I don't know if they ever retired without me, but the three of us didn't play anymore. We hid in the garage in a car that was constantly broken and driven once every six months. How many times she sucked me there, I don’t remember. Not a blowjob, no, it sucked. Is it possible for a man to give a blowjob at the age of five? I sucked like a candy, like a mother's breast, but even that was happiness for me. The memories still make my eyes roll.
One day my parents left, and only the three of us remained at home. The day was spent doing housework, playing with friends. It was time for bed, the parents were supposed to come the next day. Since my sister was at that time no more than six years old, I was told to sleep with her in the room, my brother slept in another. We went to sleep on the parent's bed, the two of us. For about twenty minutes we lay and talked about something, then we quieted down, my sister wanted to sleep. I wanted another. I asked her to give me a massage. Starting from the back, I, at my request, moved to my buttocks. Then we were already lying in the 69 position and pleasuring each other, if you can call it that. Licking a six-year-old girl is not a very pleasant experience. The vagina, like that of very young children, stinks and smells of urine. Of course, for a long time in this position, I could not hold out and decided to stick it in her. Joyful thoughts were spinning in my head that I would now open it for further permanent use. It seemed to me then that at this age, the mother would not notice any changes in her daughter, and I would be able to fuck her at least until what age. My plans were not destined to come true, the too narrow vagina and the sister's groans that had begun beat off all my courage and I suddenly became scared that she might fly in. I still don’t know if a girl can get pregnant at this age or not.
Time passed, and only sometimes she sucked me, I didn’t want more. Then she went to school and when I saw her in the circle of classmates, I felt ashamed of my interest in my sister. “If they saw all this,” - this thought made me uneasy.
Now I'm nineteen, she's sixteen, and sometimes I want to take revenge on that night.

The woman made love to her brother for many years, and she has good memories of this period. According to her, not many people understand their relationship.

It's strange enough, but Daniel's wedding didn't blow my mind. It wasn't until 6 months later, when he turned 30, that I really got the gist of what had happened as he stood on his front porch with his wife, Alison, welcoming guests. I can honestly say that was the only time I really felt envious and I desperately wished that I was standing next to him hand in hand and that we showed the world how much we love each other.

It's not that I couldn't love Daniel anymore. But it is not so easy to dedicate others to the feelings that we have for each other. Daniel is my brother, but since I was 14, we have been in an intimate relationship, and few would take it easy.

I have spoken on this subject only once before, but even then in a very abstract way. When I was still at university, one of my friends met with a serious misunderstanding from her relatively new friend when one of his friends told him that he saw her hugging and kissing another in a student bar. At first, questions about this annoyed her, but she became even more angry when she explained that the person she was asked about was her brother, and her friend refused to believe her. Their loud argument took place in the student club in front of other people, until he finally ended the argument, still refusing to believe her. Turning abruptly to join us, she remarked that she would have preferred her brother to any other man, whereupon someone from the crowd said, "Ugh, that's disgusting!" Sitting next to me, she muttered something like, "That's not so strange," and after three or four more drinks, I calmly asked her what she meant.

Hot with a drink, or maybe just in a fit of temper, she spoke vigorously but quietly about how close people brothers and sisters can be, then said that she was sure that many of them sexually experiment with each other when they start to grow up, and then just outgrow that period. According to her, this is something like a test of social communication skills on her family, and if this interest is mutual, then she does not see anything terrible here. I didn't say much, partly because I couldn't believe I was going to meet someone like me, and she very quickly fell silent, talked to someone else, and never brought up the subject again.

The only reason I am writing about this now is to say: I sincerely believe that she was right; It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does to some people, and I don't want to be made to feel guilty about it. Incest is talked about just as often and with the same connotation as rape, but if the age difference between you and your partner is small, and you are a match in the degree of relationship, then this is a completely different matter. Of course, abuse can take place here too, but it can happen in any sexual relationship, and you can expect a family member to never abuse you in the way someone else would. It's not about comparing brothers and sisters who are close in age and have sexual intercourse and adults who force younger family members to do things they don't understand and don't want to do. Incest is traditionally considered evil, but in some cultures this is not the case. When I was little, I once asked a Sunday school teacher if the children of Adam and Eve intermarried because they were the first people on earth. She just laughed and didn't answer. Whether Daniel and I would have children was not even discussed, and we always took care of contraception.

All my memories of my relationship with Daniel are good memories. He's only a year older than me, and we've always been close, especially because we always seemed to be fooling around compared to our older sister, Jane. She is four years older than Daniel and is very hardworking and focused, while he is full of fun and nonchalant enthusiasm. I have adored him for as long as I can remember, and my parents have always enjoyed our closeness when we were little. We had mutual friends and moved happily in the same social circles, so I could never understand girls who didn't get along with their brothers.

The situation changed when I turned 14. I spent hours preparing for my first Christmas dance, and then I knocked on Daniel's door. This is a precarious age when you are trying to come to terms with your growing body and worrying endlessly about how you look, so his exclamation of admiration was very pleasant to me; he took me into his arms and we danced around the room laughing, then went downstairs to show our parents and Jane.

Daniel's assessment seriously helped me believe in myself, and I knew that he smiled approvingly when boy after boy asked me to dance, although I found myself at the height of happiness when he asked me to the last dance. At home, we giggled at gossip and drank hot chocolate with my parents, and by the next day, all the outfits were hanging in the closet, and life flowed as usual.

I lay in complete confusion. The head was spinning, and the body was completely excited. All the sex education I had at the time said it was wrong, that it was a crime and incest. But it didn't feel wrong, and I definitely didn't feel like I was being forced into anything. Rather, it seemed to me that Daniel stopped long before I would like. It wasn't until a few hours later that I finally fell asleep, certain of two things: that I really enjoyed it and that I still admire my brother.

The next morning, Daniel was obviously hungover, but he gave me a big smile as he lay on the couch, and we didn't feel embarrassed or sorry. We didn't talk about what happened that day, but went for a long walk with Jane and the dog and had the same feelings until Jane scolded us for irresponsibly leaving our parents to clean the house after New Year's Eve dinner.

Over the next few years, we had sex dates every six months or so, and each time we went further and further, until I was 17 - then we really made love for the first time. We both dated other people and never felt jealous, although it wasn't easy for me to be physically close to someone else. This was partly because the sex with Daniel was so amazing that I couldn't stand all the incoherence that I thought was going on with the other boys. We never planned our sex in advance, but it always seemed to happen when we had a chance to go unnoticed.

From time to time I wondered what people would think if they found out about our relationship, especially our parents; but it always seemed so right and so exciting that these worries could never stop me. Sometimes he took the initiative, and sometimes I, but the rest of the time our relationship was as easy, free and tender as usual, and the amazing passion of each meeting was calmly preserved until the next time.

We stopped communicating closely when he entered the university, but saw each other about every three months. Sometimes we made love, and sometimes none of us seemed interested in sex. By the time he met Alison, he was already working, and I was a student, and I knew that this relationship was already different. But still, I was shocked when he said he wanted to marry her. But I was even more shocked when he said: “Just tell me and I won’t marry her; but then I want us to stay together and never see anyone else. We can become boring old brother and sister, never unmarried, but who will have to share a house, because no one else will need them! I know it sounds strange, but I have never felt anything so true. These words echoed everything that I thought about us all these years. After several hours of reasoning, we agreed that it was time for us to stop making love, and also decided that we should not tell anyone about our relationship, and then broke up in tears.

I know that Daniel loves Alison, but she is very distrustful of me. I'm pretty sure she doesn't see me as a sexual threat, but as an emotional rival, and I think she's right. There is nothing unusual about this - countless people deal with all the feelings that come from the fact that partners officially become a family.

One day I asked myself - will there ever come a time when I will look back on our relationship with disgust? I think no. We all have relationships where the sex part is gone, but the great friendship remains, and it's as wonderful a way as any way to get through what happened to us. Daniel holds a unique place in my world of feelings, as I do in his, and that will never change.

As a person with a penchant for scientific thinking, I have a habit of making logical conclusions. I like to contemplate the subject of thought and the solution to it, so it seriously annoys me that a phenomenon that seems so pleasant and natural to me will disgust most people. This is not my topic, but I would be very interested to see a work on incest done on similar terms - completely without touching on ideas about sexual violations. But I just can't imagine that many people would like to talk about this topic, and I certainly won't torture my family by being the first in line.

I met Derek three months ago, and I think we're going to have a long-term relationship. Sex with him is absolutely amazing, he is a warm, loving person, so I have high hopes for him. The trouble with relationships with people like Daniel is that you have high expectations afterwards, but it's very hard to come to terms with the idea that the person you love is out of reach. Perhaps the worst part is that you can't tell anyone anything, because your listener's disgust will ruin everything.

Names have been changed. Story told by Joan McFadden