Congratulate on the day of the oilman in prose. Congratulations in prose on the day of Gasovik: Beautiful and mental wishes in their words of the Gas Industry workers. Beautiful SMS wishes in prose oil workers

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry in Prose

On the day of the oil and gas industry, I congratulate you from the heart and I want to wish only the best. Thanks to how you, we go on cars, flying on the aircraft, in our houses warm. Believe me, we appreciate your work and understand that it deserves respect and worthy of payment. Therefore, we want to sincerely say: let every moment of your life be filled with joy and happiness, any trouble is easily eliminated, and close people, colleagues appreciate and respect you and respected. Family happiness, skills quickly and calmly solve problems, and never lose heart! May luck always smile in your oil and gas affairs!

Your work is complex, it requires a complete return of strength and time. But it is precisely that the future of the whole world depends on you, because thanks to you, our efforts our country occupies one of the first places for the extraction of oil and gas. And now I want to sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry. Let the autumn, which only entered the possession of the next time of the year, will help you on this day to celebrate such a significant day! Thank you so much for zealing to such the necessary people. I wish good luck, health, wealth and prosperity!

Who in the hands of energy sources are concentrated, that rules the world. And you do this year from year to year more confident and professionally! Oilman and gas worker - a successful tandem that can turn over the world! I wish you faithful solutions, successful discoveries, unexpected finds and high rank of "Profi"!
Let them in your everyday life, as in professional, everything will be easily and beautiful. Let the new ways and opportunities open before you! Happiness, patience, luck! Be always in a pile of events, clearly decide the tasks set in front of you and do not despair from failures - they are fleeting. I wish you great accomplishments and career promotion!

Congratulations to you, workers in the oil and gas industry! It is thanks to your professional work that the modern person is available to the comfort, to which he is used, and those opportunities without which he can already. So who, if not you, deserves the greatest comfort, and not only material, but also sincere? Who, as not you, deserves happiness and fulfill their hopes. Let it all be with you!
You are the real heroes of modernity! Together with smooth lights on a gas stove, with a reliable hum of a motor accompanying us on the road, with warmth in cozy apartments, comes to us your work, your hard efforts.
We wish you stability and good income at work, and at home - comfort and light from smiles of loved ones.

Oil, gas industry - these words themselves sound extremely serious. This is a responsible job. It is a heavy industry! I want to wish all the workers of the oil and gas industry in your holiday so that life is yours, in contrast to your field of activity, was easy and easy for everything to be able to work the first time, any heights were conquered, any depths were opened. You are serious people whose work causes respect and worthy of honor. Let the Power will pay you for him worthy. And at home is always waiting for you to loving close people and friendly atmosphere. Let there be so much health to have enough for 100 years, on all hobbies, on all children and grandchildren, and on all-all dreams. Be happy!

Dear Oil and Gas Industry Workers! Today I want to bow low to you for what you are doing. You command the subsoil, and they share with you their inexhaustible wealth. Hydrocarbons - the basis of everything, and it is you who are generous hand to send them to chemists, metallurgists, pharmacists and everyone who can simply work without you. Heavy winter highways, harsh watches, hard work - all of this you; Joyful oil fountains and blue lights on cozy stoves - you are also. Let you always contribute to luck, and your efforts are always rewarded to dignify. Happy holiday, friends!

Today, on the day of the oil and gas industry, I want to congratulate people involved in the development of this industry. Congratulations to technologists, drillers and developers, oil and gas production operators, locks and transport workers! Your profession is difficult, hard in learning is difficult, but you can be proud of it, because you work in an incredibly important industry for power. Risching health, and sometimes life, you go to shift daily to ensure the work of numerous industries across the country.
We wish you forces, good remuneration for so important work, health and family comfort. Let your relatives relate to all the difficulties of your chosen profession and are always waiting at the family hearth. Happy holiday, Happy Oil and Gas Industry Day!

All works are good, all professions are needed. But there is one in the world, without which it is impossible to imagine a real day. And even more difficult to imagine the future. Oil workers and gas! People, the fruits of whose work we use daily, hourly and every second. We use without noticing it. Congratulations on your holiday! Thank you very much for your everyday hard work. For the skill and professionalism, for loyalty to their work and responsibility. We wish you good health, success in your field, victories and great unexpected good luck! Let life prevent only pleasant surprises! Happiness to you huge, good and light in life, heat in the soul, youth in the heart! Happy holiday!

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Fuel and gas and gas workers
Today we are honored.
For you - and poems, and beautiful phrases,
You are worthy of all honors you and praise.
Thanks for the dedication and courage,
Reliability, stability at all times.
Your work for fray - tremendous value,
And they are rightfully proud of the country.
We wish you success and new accomplishments,
Brilliant ideas and great prospects.
Let life give a lot of wonderful moments,
Where is happiness, love and solid positive!


The presence of fuel is an important thing
For society as a whole and our country.
You make it so skillfully,
You are seriously in love with your work.
Let your life be fulfilled, your life will be,
We wish you happiness at all times.
Words Congratulations Let Joy will break away!
Meet your holiday guys! Hooray!


Who mines gas
And produces fuel,
Who supplies oil for us
Congratulations we carefully.
Successes to you all, always
Health and luck!
Let them be blonde
Good - mood!


No important task for you,
So that oil is mined and gas.
You and fuel in addition
Produce for us.
We wish your industry
Prosperity always!
Happy Wonderful Congratulations,
Happiness to you for all years!


Economy of the country
Oil and gas are always needed.
And without fuel - auto
Will not go for anything.
Let you always drive
In life will only take off.
Everything today is only for you!
You guys, the highest class!


In the Siberian Taiga, on endless expanses
You work in the cold, heat and rains.
Home come back very soon
But so fascinating your paths!
We wish the extraction of successful, over the norm,
Let oil fountains, pleases the eye.
Let all defaults, reforms cost you,
And the torch of powerful takes off in the sky gas!


You were dedicated to the oil and gas,
This profession captured you immediately.
And your watch you are worthy of
On the life of life viyat calmly.
We wish comfortable working conditions,
In the family - comprehensive and good care.
Take today the words of congratulations!
We wish you happiness and bright moments!


In love with all my heart you are in Gazprom,
He is for you - work, house.
About him - all thoughts and words,
Only they are full of your soul.
I wish you happiness and love,
Smiles bright all days
Successes of noisy and victories,
And fruitful long years!


Happy Oilman I congratulate you
A bright holiday in early September.
Be merry, I wish you cheerful
You are more expensive than everyone in the world for me!
At work, you are responsible, serious,
And with me - the closest and native.
Be happy, the most gentle and decent,
My oilman and man dear!


Happy oilman you congratulate you
Let the work only joys.
Optimism and happiness wish
Let always and in everything you are lucky.
Mining black goldo
In the depths of our Russian land.
Let your life be rich!
Long-year years, good and love!


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All workers in the oil, gas and fuel industry would like to congratulate with a professional holiday and wish the hardest health, endurance and consistency. Thank you, great for the responsible performance of your work for the benefit of the country and your people.

On the day of the oilman, friends,
Accept congratulations
Everyone will say as well as me
That oil is ahead jerk,
What's not yet
From the fuel is not known
More valuable than oil clouds,
Everyone knows everywhere!
We wish cheerfulness always
Deposits new
Do not know the seals never
So that everyone is healthy,
So that the oil itself, like a fountain,
From the depths erused,
And so that it was known to become propane,
And the oil did not end all!

Cottage in Maldives, Yacht on Canaries,
Account in the Swiss Bank, Villa on the Bahamas,
So that you adjust you all the world,
Oil tower should have been built.

Oil tower - Golden lived,
As a pump water - gold shakes.
Not looking here you are subtext between the lines -
Better to the Day of the Oilman - Catch Congratulations!

Happy holiday! Note immediately
Starting a congratulations
That without oil and without gas
Will turn into peace into the world.

Let it work properly
Each desired unit,
Let it go nicely
To everyone be glad to her!

Let the disease be sideways
Your industry will go!
Let the spring be blossomed
Your useful institute!

Today is the holiday only for you,
You have an indispensable job.
You deliver to us oil and gas,
What is invaluable concern.

I want to wish you good luck,
Health strong and world-grade worlds,
And so that your all tasks are solved,
So that you benefit us longer.

We work your hard home warms,
And our cars give you a move.
So let the fate helps you in everything
Let in life there will be no alarms and adversity.

We wish you happiness, love and success
In the work of inspiration and in families of good
Let the explosions of the irrepressible laughter
He will warm your soul and the Datvore House.

To you my dear,
The word is drawn mine,
To those who are from the depths of the earth,
For us mining raw materials.
Belonging to people
His wealth and capital,
Hydrocarbon raw materials
The storm of the underground cliffs,
You are our fame and pride,
You are a GDP reliable stronghold,
In your ranks there is any nation,
From our endless latitudes.
Forces you and luck,
Health for all times
Please accept my congratulations
Let's drink for you to the bottom.

Black gold call
What is mined here.
Yes, this work is difficult.
In search of them to light.
Not in vain in the cold
Very often in gold.
We wish you good luck
So that with good impact,
Life went to glory
With recognition by right.
Read this congratulations,
Would you like everyone else!

You guys are not simple,
And extorry gold,
Oil and gas flow river,
Million carry with me!

You are not yet an oligarchy,
Do not kings and not a monarch
With your day I congratulate
Over the income you wish!

And love of course too
That dollars are more expensive!
Drink cool brandy
Take a Congratulations!

Happy holiday you congratulate you!
You are raw materials.
We wish you success
We can without you well anywhere.

Oil and gas - merit is yours
We do not live without them.
You are heroes, our pride,
We will always appreciate you!

On behalf of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and on behalf of themselves I cordially congratulate all the workers of the oil and gas industry and veterans of the industry with a professional holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
The Russian TEC demonstrated a large margin of safety during the crisis - as a result of systemically conducted work, the industry managed to survive, not to lose the base for further development, prevent the collapse of the most important infrastructure projects. The oil and gas complex of Russia continues to create a powerful multiplicative effect, providing orders with metallurgy, construction and pipe industry, engineering, transportation, electric power industry, service, and so on, thereby ensuring the employment of the population of the regions of the country. The country's oil and gas complex continues to be one of the main elements of ensuring social guarantees.
Each of you contributes to a large and important thing for the country, ensuring the effective development of the oil and gas complex and the preservation of Russia's position in world markets.
I am convinced that in the future you will successfully solve the task set by the state.
I sincerely wish you and your kind health families, happiness, well-being and confidence in tomorrow!

S. Shmatko,
minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Dear friends and colleagues!
I congratulate you on our professional holiday - the day of workers in the oil and gas industry, which is celebrated annually in all teams of our company!
This year, the company has achieved a number of significant success. In the first half of the year, LUKOIL increased oil and gas production by almost 2 percent. We have begun industrial oil production at the field of them. Yuri Korchagin in the Caspian Sea, began the implementation of our long-awaited project in Iraq. The discoveries made by LUKOIL are encouraging in deep water in the Gulf of Guinea.
All these achievements are, above all, the result of the hard work of our labor collectives.
In order to strengthen the corporate integrity of the company, its stability we started the redemption of a large package of shares in American ConocoPhillips. I am convinced that in the near future we are waiting for new successful projects and accomplishments.
I congratulate all employees of the LUKOIL group and their loved ones! I wish you well-being, happiness and health!

V. Alekperov,
president of OJSC LUKOIL

Dear Imp!
We sincerely congratulate you on the day of the city and the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
The symbolism of the joint of these two holidays was noted over long years. The fondamation of the future city was laid by the child's retailet-oil. His construction continued those who came to conquer the northern expanses with a brave heart. Everyone who came to those distant years was not only a professional in his field, but also a real romantic. And only thanks to human patriotism, energy, talent, incredible perseverance and hardworking among the impassable Taiga, a beautiful, modern city was erected.
Today, Usinsk is what is proud of: the stability of the socio-economic sphere, a rich cultural and sports potential is the main characteristic features of its modern appearance. Our task is not to dwell on the results achieved, because the further well-being and prosperity of the hometown depends on the work, professionalism and desire of each subtility.
Special words of gratitude on this festive day I would like to say to veterans of pioneers! All who raised and equipped the North city. The traditions of your labor feats today adequately continues the younger generation.
We sincerely wish you all, dear countrymen, health and well-being! Let the solemn mood of these holidays make everyone closer to each other!

A. Tyan,
head of the urban district "Usinsk"
Council of the urban district "Usinsk"

Dear friends!
I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Day!
This holiday has long been in Russia nationwide. It is noted not only those who are associated with the oil and gas industry, but also their reliable business partners, comrades and good friends.
The fuel and energy complex of Russia largely ensures its successful development, and the exploration and development of oil and gas deposits were and remain the most important components of our common well-being.
And for Usinsk, this is a particularly significant holiday, because the history of our city is inextricably linked with the oil industry. It is the oil workers in the city owes its birth and development. A small working settlement for 26 years has become the real oil capital of the republic. It is not by chance that the day of the oil industry and the day of the city are celebrated at us at the same time.
Our enterprise makes a noticeable contribution to the development of the oil industry, assists in solving social problems. As part of the social partnership, the Company improves the quality of life of Northerners, and I believe that every year our favorite city will become more painful, and life in it is brighter and more interesting.
I wish all the inhabitants of Usinsk, villages and the villages of the municipality of well-being, confidence, good luck and good health!

A. Khabibullin,
general Director of LUKOIL-KOMI LLC

Dear Oil Colleagues, our business partners, residents of Usinsk, Komi Republic!
The team of LLC RN-Northern Oil is the support subsidiary of the NK Rosneft in Timan-Pechora - congratulates you on the day of workers in the oil and gas industry and the next anniversary of Usinsk!
Thanks to the achievements of oil workers, the Industry of the Komi Republic is a pioneer of unique industries that have no analogues in world practice. The industry has a richest and glorious story. Oilmen always try to work at the maximum, many projects that started almost from scratch, and today give weighty returns.
Our enterprise and Usinsk - one destiny. This year was 16 years old "Northern Oil" and 26 years of his native city. During this time, a lot has been done. Our joint projects have always answered the spirit of the times: we brought the sports facilities of Usinsk to the modern level and constantly support and develop them. Decent conditions have been created for the training of secondary school students, a polytechnic technical school, UGTU students and his Usinsky branch. Support for Usinsk and creating the oil industry of veterans, effective assistance to the Northern Selas, are still prioritized for us.
Thanks to constructive cooperation with the leadership of the republic, the active participation of deputies - employees of our company, the high professionalism of the contractors of society and the RN-Northern Oil employees, we successfully cope with production plans, social programs. It is especially pleasant that in the year of the 15th anniversary of OJSC NK Rosneft Our company has become the winner of the first review of the competition for the best subsidiary of the Company's results on the results of work in the field of environmental safety for 2009, and in the review competition for the best subsidiary in the area Industrial safety and labor protection We have taken second place. LLC RN-Northern Oil This year also became a laureate of the contest "100 best organizations in Russia. Ecology and industrial safety. "
High recognition of our merit obliges a lot. I am sure that the company's employees will make a maximum effort to perform new tasks and plans.
I sincerely wish you all good health, happiness and well-being, great success, new forces and inexhaustible energy in work for the benefit of our republic and native Usinsk!

S. Nesterenko,
general Director of RN-Northern Oil LLC

Dear Colleagues! Dear friends!
On the first Sunday of September, we traditionally celebrate the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers.
This is a holiday of those who produce gas and buryur oil wells, are engaged in the processing and transportation of petroleum products - all those who associated their lives with one of the most important industries for Russia. The fuel and energy complex is the foundation of the welfare of our country. Oil and gas, which are produced by the bubbers of the industry, is warm and light in houses, fuel for transport, raw materials for industry.
Heat and cordially congratulate all employees and veterans LLC LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka, colleagues - oilmen, gas and employees of related industries with a professional holiday!
We wish you success and invariably high results in the work! Good health, happiness, well-being to you and your loved ones!

I. Fedorinov,
general Director of LUKOIL-Ukhtanefterabobotka LLC Dryym,
chairman of the trade union committee LLC "LUKOIL-Ukhtneftpeker"

Dear friends, dear colleagues!
Take sincere congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Day!
The oil and gas complex was and remains one of the basic sectors of the economy of our country, the most important component of its image at the international and Russian levels. The experience gained by decades, the high professionalism of the workers allow oilmen and further set themselves the most ambitious plans, to achieve their execution, satisfying the growing needs of the country and the region in fuel and energy resources. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is a feast of the strong spirit of people engaged in difficult, but very important.
We sincerely wish you happiness, health, cheerfulness, success in achieving the goals, family well-being, creative and personal good luck, sincere equilibrium and festive mood!

E. Mukhametov,
director of the Northern Branch of LUKOIL-North-Westorefteprodukt LLC A. Sitar,
chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Northern Branch of LUKOIL-North-Westorefteprodukt LLC

Dear veterans and workers of the oil and gas industry!
Congratulations on your upcoming professional holiday!
Behind this holiday is the embodiment of your work. Thousands of high-class specialists contributed to the development of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Komi and Russia. Each of you can be proud of the results of your labor, because oil and gas produced is the basis of welfare not only of our region, but also of all Russia.
We wish you and your loved ones well-being, health, success, optimism and confidence in tomorrow!

P. Dietyatev,
chapter MR - Head of the Administration of the Izhemsky district A. Artev,
chairman of the Council of MR "Izhemsky"

Dear oilmen - our good friends!
Take sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day!
This holiday in Nizhny Odessa has long ceased to be a narrow professional and acquired the status of general-georous. Each second resident of the village can somehow relate to the oil and gas industry. Therefore, Nizhneetsers have the right to say that this is really our common holiday!
We thank the oilmen of different generations for a great contribution to the development of Lower Odessa, for selfless work and skill, devotion to their profession. We are confident that together we still do a lot so that our life becomes better.
Happy holiday you! Good health, good, well-being to you and your loved ones!

M. Pavlova,
the head of the urban settlement "Nizhny Odessa" V. Goncharov,
head of the Administration of GP "Nizhny Odessa"

Dear Colleagues! Dear workers of the CCI "LUKOIL-Usinskneftegaz"!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
Oilman's Day is a significant event in our lives devoted to a difficult, but very important case. We are confident, new labor victories are waiting for you, new accomplishments.
Take the warmest and sincere wishes of good health, good luck, optimism and confidence in tomorrow!

V. Pitirimov,
director of the TPP "LUKOIL-Usinskneftegaz" Y. Karsitsky,
chairman of the trade union organization TPP "LUKOIL-Usinskneftegaz"

Dear Colleagues!
Take the most sincere congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
This holiday is a significant event not only for those who are proud of themselves to the glorious detachment of oil and gas workers, but also for the whole of our country. After all, the oil and gas industry is the basis of its economy, a deposit of development and prosperity for the foreseeable perspective. My special congratulations to those who are on this festive day will carry the work watch. As well as all veterans of the industry, who stood at the origins of the domestic oil and gas industry, surviving with her and glorious, and difficult times.
I sincerely wish all good health, good luck and family well-being! Happy holiday you, dear friends!

D. Astafiev,
director of the TPP "LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftegaz"

Dear workers in the oil and gas industry and veterans of the industry!
Take the most sincere and warm congratulations on a professional holiday!
The industry in which we work, rightly refer to the national property of Russia. It ensures the energy security of the state, a reliable base for the development of the country's economy, its regions, is a solid basis for social stability. Thanks to the professionalism and coordinated work of specialists of the fuel and energy complex, the development of hydrocarbons deposits continues, dynamically and sustainably develops the economy of the North.
On this festive day, take sincere appreciation for selfless work, for reliability and responsibility. I wish all the workers of the oil and gas industry and veterans, your families of good health, well-being, confidence in tomorrow!

A. Bolsun,
director of the TPP "LUKOIL-NEXTEFTEGAZ"

Dear Imps, Colleagues, Partners, Friends!
We cordially congratulate you on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Day!
This is perhaps the biggest holiday for all of us, because it is it that oil laid a powerful foundation into an industrial development of the European North, and in its social development. For our homeland, oil and gas are not just fuel. These are well-being of people - pensions, benefits, kindergartens. These are thousands of jobs. This is a guarantee of strengthening the welfare of each family.
The share of LUKOIL in the Republic of Komi had a huge noble work: the revival of the industry in the Timano-Pechora, the preparation of a new generation of oilmen, good deeds in the benefit of people living on this earth. Each drop of the mined "Black Gold" has a particle and your work.
At this festive date, we sincerely wish you health and joy, peace and harmony in your families, good luck in the implementation of planned plans, solid confidence in tomorrow!

Yu. Medvedev,
director of PPO "LUKOIL-EVINSKSERVIS" V. Mikhailov,
chairman of the trade union organization of the PPO "LUKOIL-EVINSKSERVIS"

Dear Colleagues! Dear Imp!
Take sincere congratulations on the holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
Everyone who mined and processes oil and gas provides uninterrupted production, who is somehow connected with this area of \u200b\u200bindustry, we wish new achievements in professional activities, good friendly relations in labor collectives, peace and well-being in families, good health, luck and good luck In all matters!

V. Kozorzov,
head of the heat generation department of LUKOIL-KOMI LLC A. Tarasova,
chairman of the trade union committee department of heat-generation of LUKOIL-KOMI LLC

Dear Oil and Gas Industry Workers! Dear Imp!
Take the warmest congratulations on the professional holiday and the day of the city!
The value of your work is impossible to overestimate. Energy, light, heat - for these most important resources for modern society are your high professional qualities, hard work, responsibility.
Every year Usinsk makes a new step forward along the development path. In this, of course, the great merit of oil and gas companies, all employees of the industry. With your help, the city is becoming more comfortable and beautiful, new objects are being built, socially significant programs apply.
In these holidays, accept our words of gratitude for your hard work, loyalty to the chosen profession, sometimes requiring real courage! We wish you good health, well-being, professional success and family happiness!

Collective LLC "Drilling Company" Eurasia "

Dear Imps, Oil and Gas Industry Workers and Guests of the City!
On behalf of the entire team of the Usin gas processing plant LLC LUKOIL-KOMI, please accept the most sincere congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Day!
In this significant day, we wish good health, well-being, happiness, good and peace to you and your families!
Oil and gas - heat, movement, light.
But how hard is it?
Does everyone who is fed and heated
Remembers of the creators of this light?
And they do. They do not expect
No special recognition.
Knowing that the work is extremely valuable,
Full and alarms, and tests!

Dear Azat Ravemerovich!
The team of LLC "Sosnogorsk Sewing Factory" from all over the heart congratulates you and the whole team of the Society of LUKOIL-Komi with a professional holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!
"Black Gold" and "Blue Fuel" is the power and wealth that feeds our country. The work of gas and oil workers is sometimes complex and Surov. But despite this, the plexus of gas pipelines and oil wells firmly entered the fate of people who dedicated themselves to the oil.
We wish you so that your work is appreciated the same way as oil and gas that you extract. We wish you more happy moments that brings work, giving the opportunity to feel life in all of its diversity. Health, well-being and tremendous personal happiness!

D. Colorby,
general Director of LLC SSF

The municipal educational institution of additional education of children's "Center for Additional Education Children" of Usinska sincerely congratulates on the day of the oilman and the day of the city of his reliable friends - the UGPP team LLC LUKOIL-Komi!
Kohl Road Fate Note -
Do not look for other ways!
After all, it is not for nothing that people are noticed:
Oil and gas - Russia's bread all!
Do not scold fate in vain,
I fell a chance to live with adequately.
You know how beautiful
And Honorary the oilman to be!

It is wonderful that gas,
In every house - this is once!
No less than firewood
Without them, it's two!
Need gas, how not to twist,
With him reliable - these are three!
Gasovik our dear,
Today holiday hero,
Congratulations take
Gas Day Meet!
We need your work
We are bogwood you
And we wish you
Only bright days in fate!

Congratulations, Gazovik!
You are not used to relax,
But today is your holiday,
The day of profession is

What gives us all warm
So wish it was lucky
In life joyful to you!
Happiness and good in fate!

Congratulations to our Gasovik with the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers! We wish the coordinated and clear work, inexhaustible gas sources, safety and comfortable working conditions. Let everything be wonderful in his personal life, health is hard, the nerves were like steel ropes. Good to you and prosperity!

On holiday professional your
I wish you good luck,
Helped in work
Solve hard tasks.

And I wish you happiness,
Pure, peaceful sky,
Life is long without bad weather
And gas pipeline long!

Madly important for all of us,
Of course, the breadwinner gas,
After all, without him, as without hands -
Recognize it all around!

Thank you, gas,
For all workers days,
For honest and hard work,
Let you always wait for you!

I wish you big salary,
So that everyone was very rich,
I wish you a lot of health
Love and happiness unearthly!

Gasoviki Hi today helmet,
Let the rich and cozy house will be
Let them love you and you like yourself
And Silhole-Health Take care!

Successes at work, in life personal
Let everything be, always with you perfectly,
Shakes gas machine, and money,
Take you and generously and rich!

The bosses appreciate, very respects
And gives the award, does not clamp,
Let your hands do not hurt
No better than you - gazoviki guys!

What to wish you, Gazovik?
You're in work - front.
Happiness, health, good luck, patience,
And, of course, a little luck.

Let everything go well in the affairs.
Joy, peace and money bag.
Those who give gas to the country,
We address "Thank you" from us.

All who are closely connected with gas
Each gas
Happy holiday we congratulate
Let him not get into their hand!

We wish you good luck
And success on the century,
Save the fate always let
Each Gasovik!

We are all gases to congratulate
Today with the holiday should
We respect their work,
It is important for the whole country,
Gasovikov we wish
Patience, happiness, a lot of strength,
We wish the work of them
They only brought joy!

Congratulations to you guys
Happy Gas Holiday!
We wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
And good luck and love.

So with the warmth of you at home waited
And luck to in matters
To be in joy every day,
Life was as in dreams!

Gazovik will add gas - this time;
He will replace firewood - these are two.
And fourth, just say,
Gazovic - Excellent Guy
And, if you specify,
And excellent maiden.
So happy you are unprinted
Happy you professional,
I congratulate everyone ready
Happy Gasovikov!