Is it true that Anita Lutsenko is pregnant. Interview pregnant Anita Lutsenko: "We will have a girl!". So he is your favorite student

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About the mode during pregnancy

Now I am in the seventh month of pregnancy. Having learned that I would have a child, I was literally immediately consulted with a nutritionist and received recommendations to comply with the usual meal of nutrition, but most importantly - so that a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals are present in the diet. So I did not change my diet, perhaps I let myself slightly more snack than before. For example, Croissants.

From the unusual taste of preferences that are attributed to pregnant women, I only showed a short-term love for sausages with Ketchup. Seriously, before that, I did not eat anything, neither. The first three months I was tormented by morning toxicosis, but, just like a medical textbook, with the beginning of the second trimester, all the symptoms did not take off the hand.

My chosen one is not a public person, and does not love buses around. Somehow I asked if he wants me to present it to the general public: "Have fun :)," he answered. With the choice of name for a child, we decided immediately - on the same day when two stripes saw.

About changes in figure and training

I take a change taking place with my body calmly. A month ago, I starred in a series of videos "14 days without sugar": none of others noticed changes, and I just put on a free T-shirt.

For me, it became a surprise when, returned after a monthly holiday in Thailand, already being on the sixth month, I did not fit into your favorite jeans, nor in trousers, nor even in a free jumpsuit. So I put on the dress and became more feminine 🙂

Stretching is hardly the main problem after childbirth in many of my clients. They do not get rid of them with diets, nor with the help of exercises. And they arise including due to the non-empty of the skin. So I undertake preventive measures: 2-3 times a day I nano on the skin or coconut oil or Weleda oil for pregnant women.

A healthy lifestyle, even during pregnancy, implies physical activity. But the first three months I was guided by the principle "I am a seal, I'm too lazy" and did not do anything at all. And only at the beginning of the second trimester, I exhaled and began to do the morning yoga. Then he added a light 15-minute charging day - just to keep himself in shape. I believe that the main thing is to listen to your body and sound sensit.

In fact, I am much more interesting to another question: how fast can I return to the form after childbirth? Seriously, now, typing 10 kilograms, I am much better understood full of people and how difficult it is to train them. In my coaching practice there is an experience when I literally in a week of girls with a big belly made girls with a little belly, so it is doubly interesting to work on yourself. First, to understand how much time I will take it. Secondly, to feel on yourself, through which my clients pass. But I already plan a photo session with Press Cubes for the 4th month after childbirth 🙂

About prejudice

Pregnancy is the difficult state of the body, but this does not mean to strike 9 months from life. I really appreciate the weighted approach of my gynecologist: she never tells horror stories, instead gives practical advice. For example, in the fourth month I flew to Sri Lanka, on the fifth - spent a month in Thailand. The doctor did not discharge, but gave several realistic advice: "If you are flying, flying for a long time," she advised.

During pregnancy, I stopped painting the hair and use the products in the aerosol format: hair lacquer and deodorant-spray. But I can not say that these little things somehow significantly influenced my life.

About harmful councils

A year and a half ago I started reading literature on the rapidness of children. Perhaps the premonition was worked: at that moment I had not thought about my own children. So during this time I managed to study and classic approaches, and the latest bestsellers like "French children." And just a few days ago I subscribed to Dr. Komarovsky.

The spread of opinions is disorienting, so for most questions I consult with friends who already have children: their advice helps calm down and more realistically look at motherhood. And still pragmatic recommendations of "experienced" help to significantly save and not buy an extra charge for a child.

Photo: Katya Nikolaichuk
Style: Alice Saenko
Mua & Hair: Vitalia
PRODUCER: Anna Ganopolskaya

What do you think, what place for an interview chose Anita Lutsenko? Probably, you will present yourself some fitness bar of an elite sports complex. And as the author of these lines, we will find yourself a victim of stereotypes. With an antena, we meet at breakfast in the confectionery "reprise", where our heroine, to my undisguised surprise, orders cappuccino, however, without caffeine and a piece of cottage cheese dessert. However, you can all be pregnant women. Even ... Two pieces of dessert.

- And here, knowing that you have a reputation of a hard coach,i do not decide to order sweets with you.

This is not quite an adequate opinion about me. And you are not the first to say so. More precisely, everyone says so without exception. I should come to someone's birthday, everyone immediately retains the plates aside. But I insist: life is good, and you need to allow yourself to yourself. Only, provided that the rest of the day you eat something good and engaged in sports.

In the show "ZvazhenÑ– Tu Schumbiy", you in a pair with a "good policeman" Igor Obukhovsky performed the role of a "bad policeman".

Yes, I am strict and tough, Igor is kind and soft.

- Is such a distribution of roles - the director's idea, or is it inherent to you?

The wards were always afraid, but respected as a coach. Igor was more perceived as a friend. Yes, and in life I am more specific, active, radical. And Igor is softer. So our roles in the project are a reflection of reality.

But when I talk about myself "strict and tough", it does not mean that I go to the store with a wagon: "Well, give me a quick loaf of bread." What is normal on the screen is not always acceptable in life. Therefore, believe me, I have everything well with adequacy. Just television is television. You know, most often people who meet with me in ordinary life say: "Oh, and you, it turns out, normal!" Yes, I am normal, but in ordinary life I love discipline very much, punctuality. And when my close and familiar people do not just dream, but they act, go to the goal, I am always there, always help. I am demanding about myself and, accordingly, to others.

That is, on the one hand, television raised you to the rank of the fitness guru, and on the other hand, the label of the Iron Lady, which the unknown pity and compassion was not known.

In any case, it is impossible to perceive me one-sided. As for the profession, even before the "point of the spare", I visited the coach in the possible directions: led and aquaeerobics, and power, and Pilates ... Already at the age of 17 I worked on three works, I trained the bands, went to trainings, seminars, for border. And once came the moment when I myself began to train coaches. You can say, I became a star in my area. I knew everyone in the training party to the project. I am from dinosaurs in Ukraine (smiles), that is, glowing to the scene still is inside, and you can not go anywhere.

- I assume that your life is not only projects related to sports and a healthy lifestyle. What is it filled yet?

You are right, this characteristic would be too flat. Most of my life are engaged in travel. Once 7. - 8 per year I try to ride somewhere. The last trip was in Thailand, a month before that - Sri Lanka, even earlier - Rome. Travel - my favorite hobby. As a rule, I do not appeal to the tour operators and do not go in expensive hotels. I take a ticket back and back and on the spot already make up a movement plan, relying on the guide. I like free regime. My goal is to "cross out" the entire card.

- And a lot already crossed out?

Oh, a lot! Probably in all of Europe visited. I liked it very much in Norway. In Asia - Thailand, India, Sri Lanka. America remained - the visa stands, and I still will not go. I dream of Singapore, Japan and China. But this is next year (smiles). Even except travel, I am fond of painting. Once he studied at an art school, now happy returned to creativity.

- Pregnant women often detect craving for creativity.

Moreover, it is now the paintings are very beautiful! Such before never went out.

- What technique and genre give preference?

Now I am writing butter. As for the genre ... I can not even say. What I want, I draw. The last picture drawn for the grandmother, there the flowers are very cute. We also attend a business school - knowledge of legal and economic began missing. I hope the release of my school will not coincide with childbirth (smiles). I really count on time to make it easily.

- Do you listen to music?

This is a special point. The fact is that the coaches are forced to work to the music, it was so necessary. Therefore, there are always energetic sounds around from which you want to relax. Probably, now the period comes when I start penetrating some other music. In the car, I always play Lounge FM.

- Anita, did you plan a pregnancy or rely on the will of the case? Are you planning life at all?

Of course, I love to plan. I am from those people who have a million notebooks and write their desires and goals in them. Without a plan for a day, I will not have time. But it is point for childbearing, probably impossible to predict. There can be no suitable or inappropriate moment to get pregnant. I had, so to speak, unplanned action. But I believe that it is now that it was perfect time for her, the best and not to come up with: the fifth season ended, I had my plans. Moreover, before pregnancy, the project began to develop a program for pregnant women, and everyone thought, who would demonstrate the exercises? And here it turns out that I am pregnant: I write down the video tutorials with the classes of a steep professional in this area, which test for yourself and, accordingly, for future moms.

- Anita, have you ever been complete?

What feels a slim sports woman, who for the first time in his entire life felt changes in his body: heaviness, swelling, completeness in some places, some stiffness in movements?

The question is one hundred percent hit the point. Well, firstly, I can say for sure that I do not feel sick myself. I am sure, in many ways, due to the fact that a healthy lifestyle was previously led. I'm fine: I walk a lot, I continue to play sports, I go to the pool, I do not limit myself on traveling.

As for the weight ... I can say that my experience will accurately help me understand full people. But on the other hand, he makes me wonder: how can people put up with it? For the first time in my life, a swelling appeared on the legs, shortness of breath, heartburn. Just a couple of times, but I'm under the impression, after all, about it, everything is all complete on chronic phenomenon. And I get very offensive for people who are ready to live with it every day only in order to eat harmful products!

Pregnant women often become vulnerable, wounded, sentimentally, there may be a tear on the very harmless occasion.

Well, probably, it is for me. But I treat such manifestations with a follower: "Oh, ok, tear flowed!" Well, I understand that some reactions occur - these are hormones. Just watch and celebrate: Hmm, cool!

- That is, self-ironya is one of the basic principles.

It seems to me that humor in life is generally an extremely important thing. Well, yes, you can upset, come up with a bunch of different things, but you can hurt, and everything will be fine.

- Pregnant women are not taken to refuse. Do you use this?

I do not feel the one that "ah, bring me water!" Although I really like how people behave, everyone becomes caring: here - I will give, there I will bring, and here - do not raise, I will help. Immediately you want to use it.

- Do you have to caproit anyone?

It is also strange here. My pregnant girlfriend asks: "Do you have hormone bursts, hysterics?" I have nothing like this. I ask my gynecologist: "Is some kind of hormone of pofigism produced?" She says: "Yes." So I feel that I have it with an excess: everything becomes somehow much easier, you begin to treat much more calmly, condescendingly, softer. If I worked before, now the philosophically notice: "Well, it happened - what is nervous?" I think this is a protective reaction of the body. I did not go to your hysterics, but in the opposite direction.

- Talk to you when a child is born. Where is your hormone pofigism only.

Do not scare me. In general, this is an interesting moment, when everyone starts to advise: "Purge in advance, because then you won't sleep." I say: "Listen, let me face, and then I will not sleep. Because now I have everything fine with my sleep. Let's solve problems as they arrive. "

- Anita, let me quote the filmlate: "And who is our husband"?

Not being discussed.

Well, until he is a husband - there is no rings on hands. And I will say again: while I do not discuss this topic.

- Well, tell me at least: this is not Igor Obukhovsky?

Oh God, no!

- You understand how only a couple of leaders appear in the frame, they are immediately seen a couple in life.

Yes, with Igor, we once "incriminated" relationships, as well as with the winner of the first season, Nikolai Voshnov. My grandmother is still probably thinking that I had a novel with Kohl. No, grandmother, was not!

- Why don't you want to talk about your child's father?

I do not know, it seems to me that someone wants to speak, and someone is not. This is the choice of everyone.

- Do you at all do not plan to present it to the public?

I don't know yet. I asked him: "Do you want?" He replied: "You like all this publicity, here and do it." I'm not going to hide anyone, and it is possible that someday he will probably come out of the shadows. But now he has no such desire.

- Very sorry.

Understand. It would be interesting to me, who is Anita Lutsenko? As my customers once spoke: "Anita, so I want to see what your man looks like. You are probably sadomaso. " Mmm, I say, this is your fantasy, not my reality (laughs).

Well, since you fell into our magazine, you will have a husband with time to demonstrate. We are family biographers of stars.

Yeah I do not mind. Now I am still touching it, the press cubes will finish that it was very beautiful - and in Viva!

- Do you train it?

Yes, and I say: "Go to some gym room to another coach." And he rests on: "I do not want, everything suits me with you: the time is spent a little and the result is quickly visible." Therefore, in terms of sports, he is my biggest fan, considers me the best coach and is listening to me.

"So is you your favorite student?"

Maybe yes. Although it is easy, therefore it is not so interesting.

- How did you come to coaching work? In general, tell about yourself.

I was born in Kiev. Everyone in my family lawyers and lawyers - Pope, brother, Mom. Of course, and before the university was sent to the preparatory school of the Academy of Advocacy. I started walking, such a type of excellent, clever, but at some point I realized that - damn! - I do not want to pull out someone from prison, share the property between my husband and wife, engaged in someone's disassembly. Came and told parents: "However, it sounds scary, but I probably will still go to the university of physical education. I do not know what will happen from this, but I will most likely not physical education teacher. " So it turned out.

- How great that parents supported you.

Parents always told me: "You have the smartest, the most beautiful, most talented!" So I have confidence in yourself.

- That's how to raise a child to be a confident and successful person.

And it turns out that I always found this confirmation, always knew it and took it right.

- Your child will also educate?

I dont know. It's like insomnia. All as they arrive ... By the way, a year before you get pregnant, I started reading children's literature. I really liked "French children do not spit food." For some reason, I pulled me on the books, which did not think before. Apparently, some intuition is.

- There are online programs "Development Calendar for Weeks".

Yes, I have three such programs in your phone! Daily. And the result of the ultrasound we printed. So all, like an ordinary woman. I really like being pregnant, if only not to tie the shoelace itself (laughs).

- Naturally know the floor?

Yes. Will a girl!

- Result expected?

As everything dreamed, it turned out.

- Do you buy something in advance? Go shopping?

So far only on the Internet I look after something. There is still time. Yes, and my students have been asked for several years: "Anita, when will you have children?" And how I learned that I was pregnant, the gifts began to "reserve".

- But you do not believe Prejudice, that before the birth of a child is not worth buying anything?

Thank God, I do not sit on the forums and I know little prejudice. I have familiar ladies. They have three wonderful children. They are great moms, they look great, they have time and on themselves and on the husbands that they adore them. And I decided that I would ask for advice to these young ladies. They are, of course, very different. I told me at once: "I don't need to buy a crib, because it will be to sleep with you. You do not need to buy a bath: you still put it on my shoulder, and you will take a shower together - it's nicer and you, and do not make a whole ritual from it. The stroller is not needed: buy a sling, you will travel everywhere and do not bother at all. "

I do not know how realistic it is to apply to the first child that experience that people purchased after the third child. But while I listen to the pros. Although the models of the beds and wheelchairs I have on the comment (smiles).

- Are you generally inclined to seek advice and listen to the Council or make decisions yourself?

Naturally. I have a principle for life: obeying professionals. In everything: whether the hair is painted, whether they are cut or teach. I used to think that the professionals of their business will advise themselves as better, and not you should think about it. The same thing in my profession: if the people who come to me, will begin to ask the diet and say, what exercises they fit, I will say them: "You yourself can do it. I see you from the side. Want a quick and high-quality result - be kind, listen to my opinion. " You know the expression: who is happy? If people who give advice are happy, and I see it, then you probably need to listen to them. Definitely, something these people know.

- Parents are looking forward to grandchildren?

Yes, they are happy! The whole family asked the child? Get it!

- In general, in nanny, advisors, assistants, there will be no shortage.

I do not know, my experienced young ladies said in no way take their mother in nanny.

- You do not plan after childbirth to stay at home?

Probably at the moment when the child will be born, it will become clear how to move. Of course, my plans are grandiose. And there we will live - see.

Tatyana Vityaz

All the most interesting Anita told in an exclusive interview for "All Bood Good"!

Your life turned upside down on his head - love, pregnancy, work on yourself. What started? After all, you have already had a serious relationship that were not crowned with success.

Yes, I had a serious relationship, I call them "3 to 3" - three men for three years. They were quite adequate, with a good sense of humor, quite secured men. However, I always felt that something was wrong. I had to compromise, and I threw a lot.

How did you meet the father of your future child?

We sat in a cafe with girlfriends, and at that time I was in a relationship with one man. Before that, I never believed in love at first sight. And suddenly I noticed that one man looks at me, a pretty one. My girlfriends and I began to giggle, and suddenly, without expecting it, I did not expect a waiter to give him my phone number. After that, he approached to wish us a good evening. On the same day I called my young man, admitted that they fell in love with another, and between us is all over.

How did you understand that this is exactly the man who suits you?

While staying in Norway, I analyzed a lot. And I realized that the men with whom I was before, did not suit me, because I had always had permanent claims. I realized that most likely - I did not love them. It was hard to confess myself why I did not have a relationship. And this time I decided - I will be real. To surprise, my beloved took me with all my "cockroaches". Thanks to him, I became softer, and so to speak, I began to scream quieter.

On the day, when you learned about pregnancy, you snapped. Why is that? After all, everyone knows that it is impossible for pregnant women.

I think that the signs that you do not know or do not believe - not in the expense. We then rested at my girlfriend in Norway. And I climbed to see how my young man will react to this crazy act. I thought: he loves me with such a beauty, but if I'm bald? What he reacted with the words: "Wow, cool!".

What did pregnancy bring with you? Are you all the same strict coach?

No, I have become much calmer. I'm still not used to the end to the thought of pregnancy. In the first three months I was very framed, just went through the days and practically did not do. Now a couple of months remained before the appearance of the baby on the light, so I read the books about pregnancy and already buy things to the baby.

See full interview with Anita Lutsenko: