Early sexual relationship after childbirth. Lack of sexual attraction: psychological aspects. Sex features after cesarean section

Return to intimate life after delivery occurs gradually.

Many couples sex will not be like before.

The case is not at all in the loss of interest in the sexual partner, but in the changed, more mature attitude towards friend.

Parents unites special spiritual relationship.

Why do parents pull with the beginning of an intimate life after childbirth?

The frequent problem of young parents is a long lack of intimate intimacy after the return of the mother and the baby from the maternity hospital. What's happening? Former dust UGAS, and proximity no longer attracts spouses?

Not at all, and love will still take its own. Parents pull with intimate proximity in physiological and psychological reasons. Of course, physiology is primary: the female body that has suffered the strongest stress, you need to restore time.

The following happens:

After the delivery of approximately two months, the uterus is cleared: allocations (lochy) are gradually fading;

Crotch after childbirth is injured, so any penetration brings pain;

Through the gaps, external and internal seams on the uterus can easily penetrate the infection.

Spouses have to wait when the woman's body will again be ready for proximity, and this is normal. But when the recovery period is behind, and the intimate life has never begun, this indicates the presence of psychological discomfort. Some spouses miss a physiological period when you can begin intimate life after childbirth.

The young mother does not seek the resumption of sexual life for several reasons:

Her priorities have changed. Now the main in life of a young mother man is her child, so she does not think about her pleasure, or the pleasure of her husband. This is the most maternal instinct, which is included after the newborn newborn in the life;

Completes about the changed body. Overweight, tummy, stretch marks, postoperative seams seriously affect self-esteem. Avoiding intimacy, the woman is simply defending, not wanting to take herself new;

Postpartum depression. It is difficult for a woman to recognize that life is irrevocably changed and will never be simple and carefree. The load of responsibility for the child is very large;

Chronic fatigue, from which the woman literally rolls down. Mom's responsibilities now have to combine the owners of the hostess, which no one has canceled. Well, if there is someone to help. And if not? Not only the body is tired: the emotional sphere is also treated with a tremendous load.

Scientists find out that during breastfeeding in the body of a woman, hormones are distinguished, which cause the sensation similar to the orgasm. A woman can refuse closeness with her husband because it simply does not need it.

What is the husband? It would seem, he must glow from passion. Nine months of tooling baby plus postpartum period: Is it not a sufficient time to get bored with your beloved? Yes and no. For a man also began a difficult period. The point is not even that he feels superfluous and is very jealous. Loving spouse is often afraid to hurt a woman with an awkward touch, besides can feel guilty that he wants sex.

In any case, the intimate pause is a completely normal phenomenon. Spouses need time to get used to the new situation. When stress goes to decline, the desire of proximity will definitely return. In addition, it is important to prepare for intimate life after childbirth, to properly begin to have sex.

Intimate life after childbirth: when can you start?

Even if the woman is ready to rush in the arms of her beloved immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, it is not worth doing this. It is not by chance that gynecologists call a completely defined period when you can begin intimate life after delivery. By the fortieth day after the delivery, Lochi should end. As soon as bleeding cease, you can remember the physical side of the marriage.

The woman's body is unique, so when you can resume sexual communication, you can not say in advance. On average, in order to avoid breaks, bleeding, inflammation and infection, it is possible to enjoy each other after 6 or even 8 weeks from the moment of the delivery. By this time, cleaning bleeding should stop. If after sex selection appeared again, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist.

Important, what we are talking about prosperous kinds when the uterus and the vagina quickly recovered and did not suffer. If there are ruptures, you need to wait for the full healing of the seams.

The peculiarity of this period is that a negative woman's response is possible:

Dryness of vaginal walls;

Strong pain;


In the first case, we are talking about insufficient eastrogen production, which provides sexual excitement. Gradually, the body will return to the usual state, and while it is worth using a variety of intimate means. Helie-lubricants in the postpartum period can be an excellent solution to the problem, help spouses to restore former relationships.

As for pain and discomfort, that the complaints need to go to the doctor. Perhaps you should not worry: just you need to wait a little more time. If several months have passed since the birth, and the proximity still causes pain, diagnosis is required. Perhaps we are talking about vagin.

When can you start having sex after cesarean sections?

Caesarean section is a full-fledged operational intervention. The belly and the uterus is cut, but the muscles of the vagina remain intact. There are differences in sensations from sex between women who have given birth naturally, and those whose gods were operational.

Restoration may be needed for a longer time. If the operation was taken carefully, cosmetic seams are applied, then everything is simple. The time to object to intimate life after childbirth, when you can enjoy the proximity to enjoy, the same as for natural genera: 8-6 weeks.

But these are very averaged data, because the reaction of the body to operational delivery is individual. Some women easily get up to the child for the third day after discharge from resuscitation, another movement still gives the pain after 3-4 weeks after surgery.

The most correct approach is to make an ultrasound examination of the uterus to make sure that the quantities of the seams and understand whether the return to intimate life will be dangerous after delivery. How to start sex to have sex, can also suggest a doctor. Sometimes it will be possible to return to full sexual life in half a year. Do not forget about possible complications.

How to start sex after childbirth?

So, the spouses are willing to resume intimate life after childbirth. How to start having sex? If we are talking about natural genus, accompanied by ruptures or cuts, the pain may be saved for some time.

Discomfort can be caused by the weakening of the muscles of the hips, vagina, abdomen. Therefore, from bold experiments should be refused. Traditional poses face to each other or the position of a man behind - what is needed to resume sexual life. It is important to choose such a position that would not cause pain.

Women who suffered operational childbirth are experiencing, oddly enough, great difficulties. Yes, the vagina is not injured and not stretched, but it does not release it from the problem of dryness of the walls.

The incision on the uterus can be felt if the position for sex is unfortunately chosen. May be disturbed and postoperative seams, internal ties. Spouses need to be very attentive at the moment of proximity: avoid pressure on the belly, press voltage. The role of a man should be more active: he will have to take care of a partner. Deep penetration is contraindicated.

There is another delicate moment, which is necessary to know, returning to intimate life after delivery. How to start making love - this is one question. The other is what to do if the pain brings not proximity itself, and her apogee? The fact is that after surgery in the uterus, its reduction during orgasm can be very painful and even provoke bleeding. Too stormy finale can provoke the discrepancy of the seams.

In any case, a man should be very gentle and leisurely. In the future, it will be possible to return to the usual style of relationships. But in the first weeks it is unacceptable.

Intimate life after delivery when you can enjoy the sexual side of the marriage again, each couple begins in his own way. But if the spouses are tied to each other, they have love and tenderness, they will definitely cope with possible difficulties.

It is necessary to take into account that the birth of a child independently and by caesarean sections have some features in the impact on the subsequent sex life.

When can I?

All bodies behind, and now, when mom and baby is already at home, it is necessary to establish a familiar life in which an important place belongs not only to the child, but also his parents.

If a woman did not have problems in childbirth, medical recommendations, at the beginning of sex life: after 6-8 weeks After childbirth, you can begin to conduct sexual life, provided that it has ceased.

To postpartum bleeding should be relaxed. In compliance with medical recommendations for receiving medicines to restore health, it will stop itself.

If it stopped, and after sexual contact resumed againThis is a reason to visit the gynecologist.

We talked about the case when a woman gave birth without breaking and frequent episiotomy procedure (crotch cut). If you had to move the prenection procedures for the imposition of seams, with the beginning of sexual life, you may have to wait until you completely lit. Attend a doctor who, when inspecting, will definitely tell you how things are.

Very important It is attention to your own feelings. You, like no other, best feel what is happening inside. Because there is painful sensations, it is better to explain it to a loved one.

Often women are worried and about dryness In the vagina, at which sex life can turn into torture. For such a state of affairs, the hormone estrogen is "responsible", or rather his lack. Do not worry - its level will come to normal.

The way out of such a situation is pretty simple. Now in stores pretty large selection of intimate gel lubricants, among which it is worth choosing a warming. They are harmless, and their actions will help you relax and enjoy communication with your loved one.

Also excellent action that stimulates additional production of natural lubrication is active petting. Ask a man to make you an erotic massage, do not be formed by Aphrodisiacs in the form of incense.

Posa for intimate life after childbirth have some restriction, which, however, you can set themselves. As some women indicate, after childbirth, it is difficult for them to perform "acrobatic tricks", and therefore you can start with missionary posture or posture "Male from behind". So the load on the weak abdominal muscles and the hips is minimized.

But be careful to your feelings.: Pressure on different walls of the vagina in different poses is different, and try to pick up such that the pains do not arise.

Sexy life after cesarean section

A week after natural genera, many women are ready to turn the mountains, and those who survived Cesarevo still go, bent and holding over the wall.

Lucky operation, which is, makes thinking about anything, but not only about sex. Nevertheless, gynecologists also exhibit the term of abstinence is about 6-8 weeks. During this period, the bleeding should be completely stopped, and the seam is to heal.

There are some nuances With the beginning of sex life after childbirth, which women who survived the operation say.

In principle, they are familiar with all the same problems - dryness, lethargy of muscles, pain "As in the first" times. But due to the cut on the peritoneum and the region of the uterus, it is harder to choose a convenient posture for making love.

In some way, they were lucky that the vagina did not suffer stretching during childbirth, but even women who gave birth themselves do not confirm the myth that the birthions expanded to immense sizes.

But Cesarean does not leave injuries on the walls of the paths, which significantly reduces the term of abstinence. Also useful for training and cutting vaginal muscles.

Regarding Pos: For such women, it is best to advise those where the man is actively moving, without putting pressure on the stomach. But the Pose, when a woman from above, will be originally unpleasant due to the need to move the lower back and hips. From this can be very sampling.

There is another delicate, the problem with which women face after the operational delivery: an orgasm delivers too painful sensations. If so are saved, better wait a bit with an intimate lifenot to cause bleeding.

Talk about contraception methods

Not all the couples dream of children-weather, and this fear often interferes with a recently born woman to lead sex life. It is worth saying that the variety of contraceptive means suitable even for nursing mothers, many.

Usually, the most common method - Barrier. On the one hand, with a condom is calmer, and on the other hand, many men and women complain about the unpleasant feeling after its use. You can also find out in surprise that they appeared after delivery.

Do not worry, now there are hormonal drugs applicable even during the lactation period. The doctor will surely tell you what you will fit, and how to develop a schedule of their reception. You can safely use them, will back the fear that suddenly will not "work."

You can also install a spiral, but many doctors indicate that it is possible only after five months after childbirth. Such a term should not be waiting if you want to resume sex life after childbirth as soon as possible.

And here believe the famous myth that breastfeeding prevents pregnancy, not, As well as trust and folk methods of interrupted sexual intercourse.

As medical practice says, a month after childbirth, a woman is capable of conception. Yes, the hormone prolactin, generated during the constant and often feeding, some time prevents pregnancy for some time, but as soon as its level falls at least a little (they began to feed less often, introduced discounts), its action stops.

It is best for the selection of contraception that women feel, which for various reasons introduced artificial nutrition for children. They may well choose hormonal contraceptives applicable to any woman.

Psychological aspects

Even if you are physiologically prepared for the resumption of intimate life, your fears and insecurity can prevent pleasure to enjoy it. In this regard, help and support of your beloved person is very important.

As a rule, women are the first cause of non-sex referring their own unattractiveness. Missed belly, shapeless breast, overweight - all this does not contribute to the desire to show her husband without clothes.

Do not panic, It will go, it is worth only a little about it, actively attracting his father to care. Then you have time to get enough to go to fitness, make a mask or pedicure.

Also, many noted that they simply do not want sex life after delivery. In this case, you can advise try to configure yourself for a romantic way: to paint the time on a date with her husband, watch love movies, or something more frank. Over time, the desire will come back to you.

As you can see, restoring sexual life after delivery requires some effort and timeBut it will definitely lead to the fact that you will again enjoy communication with your loved one.

Becoming Mom is great. But do not forget that after childbirth, you did not cease to be a woman - charming, beloved and desirable! True, it is possible that some changes have occurred in your intimate life.

After the child's birth, the sexual relationship of spouses can acquire special integrity and spirituality. At the same time, more than ever before, the sexual relations of newly minted parents require mutual understanding, sensitivity, and readiness to meet each other - especially in the first months after childbirth.

This period of sexual relations is almost always characterized by significant changes in sexual attraction from both spouses. Many women celebrate a temporary decline in libido - and the reasons for this are more than enough. Fear of possible pain, accumulated fatigue, acquisitions of concerns about the baby, the fear of wake up the child is able to reduce the intensity of female sexuality even in the absence of generic injuries of the genitalia and the uncomplicated course of the postpartum period. In addition, some women develop postpartum depression, as a result of which they decrease in sexual attraction and sexual excitement.

Many women think that their sexual life is over. And this confirms disappointing statistics: each fifth young mother has a problem in sexual life throughout the first year after delivery. However, you should not put a cross on sexual relationships. It is clear that the quality of sexual life has changed. It is necessary that you adapt to your new role to your mother, and your sex life is to your new body.

At this time, sexual contacts must be as soft as possible and gentle. It is desirable to start it only after the complete postpartum recovery of the uterus (reduction of its size, stopping the death of a loy - separated from the uterus in the postpartum period), vagina and perineum.

Often, a decrease in sexual attraction is mutually and may be equally expressed in a man. At the same time, a peculiar restraints here can perform a fear of delivering partner pain, new qualities of her body: breasts, crowded with milk, and ... deep shoche due to the advent of the new life.

The uterus of a woman, the vagina and the crotch did incredible work for the appearance of a child. Someone has a vagina and crotch in the process of all this, though they were significantly stretched, but remained intact. Someone has breaks, and some of the cuts were made and after that the seams are applied. It can be easily understood that it will take time for these organs to come close to their original state. Usually it takes 4-6 weeks.

Usually obstetrics are recommended to resume sexual relations after 6-8 weeks after childbirth. This requirement is primarily due to the fact that it is during this period that the uterus gradually returns to the same sizes, heals the place of attachment of the placenta (child seat). After all, after the placenta, during the birth, separated from the wall of the uterus, the wound surface remained in her place, very sensitive to the effects of microbes and viruses. If an unexplored wound during sexual intercourse, an infection will fall, the case can end endometritis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus) - a sufficiently serious complication that often requires the scraping of the uterine cavity and conducting massive antibacterial treatment.

It may seek the impression that if the childbirth occurred by caesarean section, then such problems should not arise and sex can be engaged in almost immediately after delivery. Indeed, the vagina did not undergo in this case any changes, but the wound at the place of attachment of the placenta should heal in the same way as after the natural genera. In addition, the scuffer remains in the uterus, which heals the same 4-6 weeks, despite the fact that the healing of the scar on the skin is much earlier.

Before the resumption of sexual relations, it is advisable to visit the gynecologist to make sure that your body has come to normal.

The first problem with which it is often encountered after delivery - dryness of the vagina, due to the disadvantage of estrogenic hormones and disappearing after the normalization of the hormonal background. In this case, it is advisable to use special gels (lubricants), moisturizing mucous membranes. These funds can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Women experience pain or fear of sexual contact due to damage resulting, be it breaks or cut cuts. The mucous and skin covers in the entrance area in the vagina and the crotch are very sensitive in the postpartum period. In the seams area, especially at pressure, pain may occur, sometimes quite pronounced. But even after the seams healed, in the perineum when attempting sexual contact for some time, pain may occur. This is due to the fact that in the crotch area there are a lot of sensitive nerve endings. In disruption of the perineum integrity, they are damaged and can be clamped when the seams are applied.

With sexual contact, a woman can have unconscious resistance to the penetration of the penis. In this case, you need to try to relax as much as possible using the posture of the "woman from above" ("Rider Pose") or "face to face": so you can control your movements and avoid pain.

If there is a seam on the perineum and soreness during sexual act, it is recommended to carry out massage in the scar area with cream or massage oil (for example, sea buckthorn, which has a healing effect). It is also useful to softening the seam area with the help of ointments used to resorve kelloide (coarse) scars. Such ointments include Solkosyril, Contracturex and others. If this is done by your partner, then you combine "pleasant with useful" - therapeutic effects and erotic massage!

Psychological aspects

A change in the perception of a woman around the world can be attributed to psychological issues. It may seem to her that her state of "eternal fear for a child" is completely not supported by her husband and relatives. A young mother can form a feeling of loneliness, isolated from loved ones. Often, women complain about "the inability to disconnect from worries." And only when the child grows, does not need permanent care and began to sleep separately, young parents appear a chance to experience another honeymoon.

Help the healing of the perineum and the elimination of pain can complex of Cegel exercises. Their execution can be resumed from the 5th day after childbirth. In the middle of the last century, the gynecologist Arnold Kegel came up with these exercises specifically for women who have problems with involuntary urination after delivery. Subsequently, it turned out that these exercises of Kegel also increase the sexual tone, improve blood supply and even allow control of an orgasm.

  • Kegel's exercise 1. Stop in any position, relax the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and legs. Several times quickly squeeze the muscles around the anal hole, as if preventing the intestinal emptying. Exercise can be performed several times a day.
  • Kegel exercise 2. Perform an exercise 1, but at a slower pace: strain the muscles for 10 seconds and relax them as much time.
  • The exercise of Kegel 3. Start with relaxation, then gradually compress the muscles of the pelvic bottom, and it should be started from the rear group, and then it is possible to engage the front in each position for 3-5 seconds.

Each exercise of Kegel needs to be done within 2 minutes, and the whole range of Kegel exercises to repeat at least three times a day. You can perform these exercises by almost anywhere: on a walk, sitting at the TV screen when traveling to the subway: and in any position: sitting, lying, standing.

The overall fatigue and constant lack of sleep also do not contribute to the emergence of sexual desires. It requires help and support for the father of the child when solving domestic problems, joint care for the baby.

Also, the newly minted mothers tend to doubt about their own sexual attractiveness due to the changed forms, often gaining weights that appeared stretch marks on the chest, hips, stomach. Of course, in this situation, a lot depends on the man. He needs to make certain efforts to convince his beloved in that it is more beautiful than all moms in the world. You, in turn, try to find time for gymnastics and do not dilute with the use of excessive calorie foods.

Sometimes women refuse to make love because of fear of the new pregnancy, but it is possible to be protected from pregnancy. Speaking of postpartum contraception, I want to remind young parents a famous truth: breastfeeding does not prevent conception, since in modern conditions, even against the background of lactation, the possibility of conception resumes rather quickly.

On the means of contraception, the use of which is possible in the postpartum period and combines with breastfeeding, it is better to consult with a gynecologist, because The selection must be made strictly individually.

In conclusion, I would like to say that neither family nor sex life stops with the birth of a child. No matter how difficult the first months of your life after childbirth, try to maintain that love that was before, and do not overshadow family relationships with mutual reproaches and resentment. Remember how joyful and desired for you there was sex before, and imagine how exciting it will be after such a significant break.

No wonder they say that it is the renewal of sexual relations after childbirth that is the end of the postpartum period and the beginning of a new stage of family life. Let this time be happy for you!

After the appearance in the family, the baby life is completely changing, ranging from the routine of the day, ending with intimate relations between parents. Another pregnancy imposed some restrictions on sex, especially in the later dates, and sometimes it is sometimes extremely difficult to return to normal rhythm. The body and psyche of a woman who took place and gave birth to the kid undergoes changes that it is important to consider when trying to resume intimate life in a pair.

Terms of the start of sex life after delivery

After the appearance of the baby, large-scale involutionary processes occur in the female body, and especially they affect the uterus. The placenta that the entire pregnancy was attached to the inner wall of the organ, after the exit, leaves a large wound surface. It is blood from it that is part of the lohy - postpartum discharge, in which the remains of the fetal shells and water are also present. While the place of attachment of the placenta does not completely heal, it is a risk zone - a high probability penetration of infection through the non-closed neck of the uterus, the development of the inflammatory process and other complications. That is why doctors recommend sexual peace after minimum of 4-6 weeks - during this period most women fully pass allocations and the defect in the uterus is delayed. At the end of the Lucky woman, it is recommended to visit the gynecologist, and if there will be no pathologies on the inspection, you can renew the sex life just 1-2 months after the delivery.

Sexy life after cesarean section

The root separation by the cesarean section allows you to leave the muscles of the vagina and the crotch unchanged, so many mistakenly believe that sexual rest can take less time than with natural childbirth. But, even despite the non-involvement of the generic paths, the recovery period cannot be less than a month, but in most cases it is even longer. Risks regarding the wound surface from the placenta remain relevant, and new associated with the seam on the uterus is added. You can renew sex life only if the healing has passed successfully and there are no painful sensations, the term in such a situation can fluctuate within 4-12 weeks.

The presence of a seam after the operation of cesarean section can extend the period of sexual rest after delivery

Sex after childbirth: possible problems and ways to solve them

The process of resuming sex life in a pair after childbirth often becomes a real problem, since the changes that occurred in the female body can be a source of pain and even psychological discomfort. The more difficult the childhood proceeded, the harder will be restoration, therefore, for a number of women, even the conversations about the first months are unpleasant. But it is not necessary to despair - despite some difficulties in resuming intimate life, after some time the sensation will not only become as before, but also with a high probability will improve significantly.

Lack of natural lubrication

The priority cause of discomfort during sex in all young mothers is the insufficiency of natural lubricant. Due to the sharp decline in estrogen, the mercier products in the vagina are reduced, and the problem may remain relevant throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. The solution to this problem is the use of artificial lubrication, lubricants, which are sold in stores of intimate goods and pharmacies. When choosing it is worth paying attention to several aspects:

  • the lubricant should be water based so as not to cause irritation and not to have a negative effect on the barrier means of contraception;
  • the composition should no hormonal components;
  • it is better to give preference to the easiest options, without additional additives and flavors.

The use of lubricant will help neutralize the problem of lack of natural lubricant after delivery

Lubrication is enough to apply in front of the sexual act on the sexual dick or input to the vagina, if necessary, use the additional amount of product if necessary.

Restoration of intimate muscles

During the natural genera, the muscles of the vagina underwent a strong stretch, and not always enough of their resource to return to its original position. Women are encouraged to perform special Kegel exercises, which will help to significantly strengthen muscle fabrics of an intimate zone. The complex must be carried out after feeding the baby and at least an hour after the food acceptance. The essence of exercises in compressing and relaxing the crotch muscles in a consistent order. To begin with, it will be enough to keep the muscles for a few seconds, repeating for 5 minutes a day. With constant increment of fixation time, it is possible to achieve excellent results.

Many of my friends were very afraid that after childbirth, their vagina will become strongly stretched, and sex will not deliver pleasure to them nor their partners. None of the cases of the effect of "buckets", as it was called, was not observed - the muscles themselves were restored under the influence of hormones (the involution affects them), plus special exercises, and by the time when sex is allowed, almost everything has become in its place .

Do this exercise always and everywhere !!! Harm will not only benefit. 4 approaches 8 times different intensity. This is the same physical consideration only on the muscles of the vagina. Some advantages, I did before the birth. And after it really helps to pull it out there, and then everything rushed horror was straight.



Pain and blood during sex

Often the resumption of sexual life and blood discharge. The reasons for such a phenomenon can be:

  • cracks and seams - they may not fully heal, and friction during the act caused bleeding and pain;
  • lochi, which have not yet ended - the uterus did not completely clear and not recovered, and sex caused her additional stimulation;
  • the presence of granulation tissue growth at the place of overlaying the suture material;
  • postpartum complications, including erosion on the walls of the vagina.

Having found blood after sexual contact, a woman should consult a doctor to exclude the likelihood of dangerous complications.

Sex with seams and breaks

The presence of seams after gaps and episiotomy can significantly make it difficult to return to sex life. Usually for two months of sexual rest they completely overgrow, but this does not exclude the possibility of unpleasant sensations. The point is that on the site of the embedded fabric defects for a long time will remain less elastic, so some postures or active movement during sex can cause the feeling that the seams are pulled. Ignore it is not worth it, it is better to adjust the position of the partner and try to find the most comfortable, or try to have sex even later.

Conducting episiotomy during childbirth imposes additional restrictions on sex life after - you need to wait until the seams are completely listed

Sex during Lucky

Lochi is present during the entire period of the recovery of the uterus after delivery, respectively, their presence says that the wound from the placenta did not fully delayed. Even despite the decisions of the discharges, if they are, it's not worth sex. In such a situation, the high risk of infection and the development of the inflammatory process is preserved, which is better not allowed.

Libido after childbirth

The field of birth in many women there is a significant reduction in sexual attraction, and this is due not only to fatigue and the condition of the body, but also natural hormonal changes. The process of breastfeeding is due to the active development of the prolactin hormone blocking ovulation. No ovulation - there is no possibility to get pregnant, respectively, and there is no need for sex at the physiological level, because by the physiology the main task of sexual contact is conception.

Psychological problems

In the resumption of sexual life after childbirth, the state of the psyche of a young mother is of great importance. Many are faced with such a problem as postpartum depression, when even the desire to eat may be absent, not to mention sexual urges. Difficulties may be associated with the following aspects:

  • fear of re-pregnancy. This is especially true for women who have suffered heavy and long-lasting childbirth. For them, sexual act can remain under the subconscious prohibition - it is better to abandon sex than to encounter torment in childbirth again;
  • fear of pain. Increases the anxiety in this matter the availability of seams in the vagina, the uterus, in the crotch area;
  • feeling an unattractive for a partner. To restore forms after pregnancy and childbirth, it takes some time, many face stretch marks on the body, and the breast due to lactation consistently changes its shape;
  • fear that a man will lose their sexual interest in his woman seeing her in childbirth.

You can cope with all psychological problems, and most of them are solved by patience, attention and a gentle attitude of the partner. Minimize the risks of the appearance of depression will also help the participation of the father - the young mother should be given the opportunity to relax from home duties and baby, help with care for the child. To the first sexual contact you need to prepare, taking care of contraception, calm atmosphere and comfort of sensations.

Right postures for sex after delivery

Even if in the process of childbirth, it was possible to do without breaks, during sex, especially in the first months, painful sensations in the crotch area may occur. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully choose the postures, minimizing pressure and controlling the depth of penetration. One of the most dangerous is the "Doggi-Style" position, in which a woman stands on all fours, and a man is in front of it. In this case, the pressure on the crotch area and the depth of the penis penetration is maximal. Preferably there will be positions in which progressive movements are limited, it is better to pay more attention to rotational entries. Consider three main positions that can reduce uncomfortable feelings for no:

  • "Missionary" - a woman lies on his back to spread his legs, and a man is in her above. In this situation, the partner has the opportunity to adjust the frictions by flexing and lifting legs;
  • "Rider" - a man lies on his back, and a woman sits on it from above, fully controlling the depth and frequency of occurrences;
  • "On my side" - both partners lie on the side, a man of Sadi with closer legs, and a woman raising one leg up. This posture is most safe, since in this case the depth of the member penetration into the vagina is minimal.

Influence of sex on lactation

Many women lay the resumption of intimate life because of the fear of stopping the process of producing milk. In fact, sexual intercourse does not affect the lactation, and in normal no one has a negative impact on it. However, it has been proven that during orgasm in the body of a woman, the products of such hormones as oxytocin and prolactin increase. The increase in products of these substances leads to an increase in the activity of the mammary glands. For this reason, good sex can even help women who have a shortage of milk.

Contraception after childbirth

The first danger that the unprotected sexual intercourse takes place under him - the high risk of infection penetration, especially if the woman has not healed the breakdowns, and the uterus fever did not recover. The second aspect is the possibility of the onset of a new pregnancy. There is such a concept as lactation amenorrhea. Its essence is that when breastfeeding in the body, women produces a large number of prolactin hormone blocking the ripening of egg and ovulation in turn. Obviously, in such a period, unprotected sex will not end with pregnancies. But here there is one subtlety - when it is the menstrual cycle that it can be restored unknown, it can occur both in 2 months, and a year after delivery, so to predict when making love without means of contraception is still safe, extremely difficult. For this reason, contraception is necessary, and it is better to use barrier methods. Installation of contraceptive helix in the absence of contraindications is possible only 4 months after delivery.

Condoms are the best prevention method at the first time after delivery, as they protect not only from the occurrence of pregnancy, but also from infection penetration

It is believed that the body after childbirth is completely restored during the year, at the same time many women finish both breastfeeding. As for the operation of the cesarean section, then after it needed a break at least 2-3 years, so that the fresh scar does not become a problem during the toaling and delivery. Therefore, experts are recommended during the recovery period to use contraceptive means, otherwise the early pregnancy may be seriously given to the rapid organism.

Video: Sex after childbirth - how to solve problems

For many sex after delivery becomes a real problem, which is accompanied by pain, discharge, psychological discomfort. The main thing to understand that all these phenomena are temporary, and with the right approach they are quickly solved, and intimate life acquires new paints.

Sex questions are worried about men and women throughout life, but in the period after childbirth especially. Changing the usual routine of the day, fatigue, psychological problems, the unpleasant feeling of a young mother because of the seams and individual characteristics of the body can lead to serious pedallays in the family. However, sometimes the proximity does not want representatives of strong sex: the status of the Father also imposes certain obligations and can provoke a temporary loss of libido. How to cope with problems?

How many abstinence period lasts

The standard period of temporary abstinence after delivery (both first and repeated) is 6-8 weeks. But in the perfect case, when there are no breaks, episiotomy and other complications, and also if the mother herself wants sex, doctors allowed to return to sex life after 4 weeks, subject to postpartum discharge.

Please note: 4 weeks - the minimum allowable time to return to the world of great sex!

One and a half or two months after childbirth - a period of forced abstinence from sex

After premature birth (miscarriage), doctors recommend waiting for the next menstruation before returning to normal sexual life. A sad event due to cleaning injured the uterus, which is necessary for recovery time. On average, married couple you need to wait about 30 days, and then adhere to the rules: avoid too deep penetration, use lubricant, reduce the frequency of sex to 1-2 times a week within 2-3 months after the incident.

After the cesarean section, the abstinence period is the same as after natural genera: 6-8 weeks. If you have won the laid time, the seams are well heal and the selection is no longer bother, ignite the candles and enjoy each other!

As for masturbation

If you get a discharge from clitoral orgasm, experiments are permissible (including oral affairs) in a week or two after delivery. For masturbation with vibrators, dildos and other sex toys, the same period of abstinence is valid as on ordinary sex: 6-8 weeks.

The prohibition concerns only sex or masturbation, in which there is penetration into the vagina. Oral and clitoral caresses will help you enjoy without harm to the body.

Why the female organism is not ready for sex in the first 1-2 months after delivery

Poland time is necessary for the uterus to be cleared of blood, the remnants of the placenta and returned to the previous state. Early experiments are not only unpleasant for a woman, but also dangerous. After delivery, the inner surface of the childbearing organ, in fact, is an open wound and very susceptible to infections. Sex during the abstinence, it is quite likely to lead to inflammation of the uterus, the suppuration of the seams, high temperature and the course of antibiotics, because of which it will have to abandon breastfeeding. In some cases, treatment is carried out in the hospital.
It is advisable to visit the gynecologist before the resumption of sexual relations to make sure that sex will not cause problems

In addition to unpleasant sensations, discharge, pain, the mental state of the woman plays an important role. Her body has changed, the very form was lost, stretch marks, scars, and the baby hangs on the chest. Hormonal bursts also do not add stability into a state of a young mother. Postpartum depression may begin. If anxiety, the federation, mood swings, fatigue and appetite disorders do not pass 1-2 months after childbirth, the assistance of a psychologist is necessary.

Problems with intimate life: how to cope with them

The reasons for which the sex does not want after childbirth are different.

  1. Fatigue due to continuous care of the child. Solution: A woman should relax as much as she needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Remember, the satisfied and rested mother is much more important than in time the washed floors or dinner of five dishes.
  2. An unpleasant feeling due to dryness in the vagina. The lack of estrogen in the body does not allow lubrication to be produced in sufficient quantity. Solution: Use lubricants (gels for moisturizing and facilitating friction).
  3. Changing the vaginal anatomy. After childbirth, it expands, there is no former narrow, which you like men. Rales and episiotomy lead to the formation of scars, which also affect the condition of the mucous membrane (especially with the unfair work of the doctor). Solution: Wait for recovery. Kegel's exercises help.
  4. Reduced libido. Hormone oxytocin is thrown into the blood during breastfeeding, it is designed to form a resistant communication with the child. The unwillingness of sex is a natural mechanism that is necessary that the young mother rested and not become pregnant again too fast. If the baby is on artificial feeding, returning to normal sexual life is much faster.

No sex after delivery can be a big problem for young parents.

How to return sex into the life of young parents

Childbirth is stress for both parents, and it is necessary to go out of a complex psychological state gently and gradually. In some family couples, returning to sex is absolutely natural, by mutual agreement. Others begin scandals. Both are an option of the norm.

  • from the birth of a child up to 1 month - sex is actually excluded;
  • until six months - on intimate life imposes an imprint of breastfeeding. One of the sexiest and erogenous zones of a woman is responsible for the nutrition of the crumbs, milk stands out at the most inappropriate moment, which cannot but affect the quality of sex;
  • from half a year to a year - the time of wrecking parents to a new status. Sex gradually becomes more stable, smooth;
  • the second year of the parenting will bring new sensual sensations to your bed, the spouses have already dragged and can enjoy each other fully;
  • two years after the birth of Libido is usually completely restored.

To return sex to the life of young parents, it is necessary:

  • wait for the end of the loy;
  • if there are seams, get confirmation from the gynecologist, that everything is in order;
  • choose a traditional (missionary) posture for the first time;
  • do not forget about Lubrican.

Feedback from women: how to want sex

I had Cesarean, and it was later. painfully. The husband worried that because of him. Then they went to the doctor, together. Made a few surveys. It turned out that once a month, the ovary increased by me for several days, as with a conventional menstrual cycle (although my monthly went only in a year and a month after childbirth). As we then calculated, all our attempts feared just for these days. And we also advised the banal lubricant and foreplay is more authentic, in order to be excited. 100% helped us.

After my first birth, I lost a desire, not immediately, of course, and after some time, fatigue could have affected, maybe breastfeeding, but I did not say anything to my husband. Just tried to configure yourself, inspire that I really want and so on. I understood that it was on the emotional level, and I had a problem in my head, and somehow everything went, and after the second birth, it became even better in the sexual sphere, and the desire did not disappear anywhere, so dare !! And about the seams, I spoke to my husband, what poses I am uncomfortable when I pulled the seam, and we chose those from which I was comfortable.


Reduced libido in men

It happens when, after the appearance in the family, the baby from sex flatly refuses the young dad. He can call a variety of reasons: "He is sleeping, I'm afraid to wake up," "I'm tired today, let's come out tomorrow," "Interesting film, I want to watch" and even "You are, you're now a mother, do you need?". The origins of this most often lick in psychology. Dental, disturbing men are afraid to harm the woman, considering it a brittle creature in need of care and care. The process of breastfeeding only adds pebbles to the wall growing between spouses, the husband still looks at his wife with adoration, but at the same time he sees no sexual object in front of him, but Madonna with a baby. From here it is difficult to return to the former relationship, but quite real.
Sometimes after childbirth, the libido does not disappear from his wife, but her husband

Do not rush to her husband, let him get used to your new role in the family. In no case are not talking about the problem with the libido. On the contrary, praise it, make compliments "below the belt", let go of dirty comments (if in your family it is accepted) and helping togging the fire of passion. If there are no positive movements for 3-4 months, it is worth thinking about visiting a psychologist or sexologist.

The causes of physiological nature are associated with a change in the quality of sex (the vagina has become greater, there is no former elasticity, the lubricant is poorly produced). To solve them, you need time to restore the female body after childbirth, as well as auxiliary means (for example, lubricants).

Sex features after childbirth and cesarean sections

Birth is a natural process, but sometimes after them in the women's body there are changes that directly affect the quality of sex.

Sex when the bladder is omitted

During the pregnancy and childbirth, the ligaments and muscles in the vagina region are stretched, losing elasticity. As a result, the omission of the bladder (cystocele) is developing, which may even fall out of the genital organs.
The omission of the bladder is usually found after complicated childbirth, with a cesarean section, this problem is extremely rare


  • urine incontinence with cough, laugh, nervous shocks;
  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, including sex;
  • lack of relief even after visiting the toilet;
  • permanent severity in the field of genital organs.

Any of these signs - a reason to consult a doctor. For the period of treatment from sex, as well as from physical exertion, it is necessary to refuse.

Sex during Lucky

Lochi - postpartum discharges (after natural genera, cesarean section), which consist of dead endometrials, remnants of placenta, blood and other fetal traces in the female body. They come out until the uterus is finally restored.

Lochi ceases within 6-8 weeks after childbirth. The norm is also considered if they ended earlier, on the 4-5 week, or lasted to the 9th. All the time, while the woman has postpartum allocations, it is impossible to have sex!Active sex life slows down the restoration of the female organism and can provoke the infection of the uterus.

Sensations during intimate proximity

Many women say that the first sex after delivery is comparable with the loss of virginity, the first orgasm after Cesarean can be very painful, after episiotomy, they are felt and pain in the lower abdomen, after premature birth, sexual contact provokes a sense of guilt. According to Western specialists (in particular, the obstetrician-gynecologist Rebecca Booth from the USA believes, the reason for this is not only anatomical changes, but also the hormonal restructuring of the body of a woman.

First sex after childbirth can bring and surprise. For example, a woman often seems that the penis of her husband has become less and thinner. The fact is that the vagina is stretched under the influence of hormones, as well as during the passage of the baby on the generic paths, so the sensations change.

Moms often note that unpleasant sex is only after the first birth. With the birth of the second and subsequent children feeling overlooking the new level. Someone gets the first vaginal orgasm in his life, someone will brag up with multiple orgasms, and it seems to someone that "the fact that we have been considered to be orgasm turned out to be asthma."

Sex reviews after childbirth

Apparently, who, how, before childbirth, sex for me was a cortica, say, I didn't really feel orgasm, after the birth, everything changed with me! On the contrary, I often began to excite and feel! My husband asked, there are changes, he said that nothing has changed there (in general, the bucket with a whistle does not fly)))))))) so good luck to you)

the guest

I was searched by cuts. Husband says there is no difference, although I asked to tell the truth! He said that I would make an operation if wide. After giving birth, I first experienced an orgasm in sex! But it's not a physiology. And in the head. I used to unwind, everything thought, as I look, right if I do what. It was ashamed, for example, help her hand. That is, I helped, but there was shame in my head! And he could not "allow" to cake to themselves. And after pregnancy and childbirth, when he had to spread his legs a hundred times in front of different people ... I watched and tied up and the men, and women doctors. Somehow, after such a relationship, shame with her husband disappeared. I became liberated!



After childbirth, my feelings have changed for the better. The orgasm became brighter, apparently, as they write, the point G became more sensitive. Want I became more likely. It won so that from orgasm from the chest already splashed milk. Fed 1 year 2 months. Husband says inside everything is still. After childbirth from the young thin chicken, I turned into a sensual woman. Before childbirth, orgasms were, but not that.

the guest


I gave birth 2 months ago Girl))) And noticed that only after the second birth I became more sensitive, and every time with my husband as the first time))))

Angel fuse

After the first birth of the feeling became brighter. After the second one more brighter.


Exercises of Kegel

If sex lost his magic, the sexual husband seems too thin, and the man, in turn, complains about the stretching of the vagina, it is worth thinking about training. You will help Kegel's exercises. Gymnastics not only contributes to the rapid return to normal sexual life, but also allows you to experience new sensations from intimate proximity.

Kegel exercises were developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the middle of the twentieth century. The complex is designed to train the muscles of the perineum with the aim of preventing and treating inflammation of the genital organs, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, venous stagnation, as well as to improve sexual functionality.

Technique implementation

Enter your finger in the vagina and try to compress it (you can use more pleasant things as a workout, such as sex toys or penis). Happened? This muscle needs to train. Can't find? Then try another method: every time you go to the toilet "Little", stop and renewing urinate with the help of internal muscles.

Directly for training strain the muscles, as you did during urination, delay for 3-4 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times. Gradually increase the time to 20 seconds. Another way: Lie on your back, pull the pelvic bottom muscles (for this, strain the buttocks, lift the legs up and inside), hold out for 5 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.

The number of exercises and the frequency of execution must be discussed with your gynecologist.

To quickly achieve the result, make exercises 3-4 times a day. They can be performed at any time, anywhere: at work, in line in the store, at the public transport stop, etc.
Kegel exercises can be done even in the workplace - a peculiar workout is imperceptible outsiders, but very useful for you

Video: Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic bottom

Intimate plastic

If, despite all your actions, the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic bottom never came to normal, it is possible to turn to the plastic surgeon.

What does plastic solve?

  1. Return the omitted uterus in the right place.
  2. Will remove the scars after the seams.
  3. Reduce the volume of the vagina.
  4. Return a pleasant sensation during sex to both partners.
  5. Cope with urinary incontinence (urinary bubble omission).
  6. Return the crotch and sexual lips antenatal appearance.
  7. Correct the unsuccessful seams.

Intimate plastic allows you to return to the genital organs an attractive appearance and eliminate problems arising after delivery

Intimate plastic is shown if the woman no longer plans to be pregnant or agrees to the birth by Cesarean sections. Approximate prices (Moscow): a decrease in the sexual lip - from 25 thousand rubles., Laser rejuvenation of the vagina - from 20 thousand rubles, the plastic of the clitoris - from 20 thousand rubles, the vagina plastic - from 25 thousand rubles. The final cost depends on the complexity and volume of work.

Deviations during and after sex

You should alert any unpleasant consequences after sex. In the first place among them bleeding. Most often, blood appearance says that you have hurried to return to active sexual life. Be sure to visit the gynecologist to make sure that the health is in order.

Options of incomprehensible color (yellow-green, greenish, similar to snot) - a bad sign, which may indicate both endometritis, erosyida of the cervix, and on the inflammatory process with the release of a pus, and also be a sign of gonor, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. It is very bad if an unpleasant smell appeared. Be sure to visit the gynecologist!

If after the birth, 4-6 months passed, but the woman is still very painful during sex, it is also an alarming sign. The pain causes infections of the vagina and the urogenital system, inflammation, generic injuries, changes in hormonal background and other reasons. The diagnosis and therapy establishes a doctor.

Effective contraceptive methods

Of course, the safest and efficient way of protection is the complete absence of sex contacts. But if you are not ready to give up sex (yes it is not necessary), pick up the contraceptive method, which will arrange you and your partner.

After cesarean section, it is necessary to be carefully protected, pregnancy is possible only two years old (the scar on the uterus heals so much time).

If you are sure that you no longer want children, perhaps it makes sense to consider sterilization that is male and female. Men are bandaged by seed-winning ducts, in women - uterine pipes. The so-called natural methods (counting safe days interrupted sexual intercourse) do not have high efficiency, it is additionally recommended to use more reliable means of prevention.

Photo Gallery: Contraception methods used after delivery

Lactation does not give warranty from pregnancy condoms - the most popular method of contraceptive contraceptive pills mini-saws contain minimum active substances and safely with breastfeeding method of barrier contraception is considered the most affordable and one of the most effective spirals can be put immediately after delivery

Even if some problems interfere with you quickly return to normal sex, do not worry! Birth and the appearance of a small child do not mean at all that you can no longer enjoy each other. Gradually, you will adjust to the new setting and, perhaps, even find positive parties in this. Watch your health and well-being, relax more and sometimes leave the baby with your grandmother to spend time in your pleasure.