Baby development at 5 months of age. The development of the emotional sphere. Baby learns new moves

In this article:

The child is five months old - what is new in his life, how does behavior change, what skills does the baby acquire? Of course, much will depend on how much attention the parents paid to the child in the first months of his life. If they were engaged with the crumbs, communicated, stimulating its development, then the 5th month, or rather, the achievements of the baby, will be a reward for adults for their efforts.

By the end of the fifth month of life, the child knows a lot, for example, he performs a number of manipulations with toys and objects, shaking them, throwing them, pushing, examining them. If you watch the baby, in whose hands a new toy fell, you can notice a lot of interesting things. First, the baby will begin to consider it from all sides. Secondly, be sure to try on the tooth.

The actions of the crumbs, which went to the 5th month, are not chaotic, but consistent and thoughtful, which indicates a leap in its development.

physical changes

For a baby, the 5th month is another weight gain. Physical development goes on as usual, and by this time the baby weighs about seven kilograms or a little more. In the 5th month, the baby will gain about 700 grams more and increase in height up to 3 cm. From the moment of birth, the baby will increase in height up to 14-15 cm.

babies who carefully monitor their development need to be prepared for the fact that the indicators of the physical development of the crumbs will not fully comply with the standards. Small deviations should not be cause for panic. Children grow on an individual schedule and have their own characteristics. The above rules are conditional - this should not be forgotten.

One of the most important events associated with the 5th month of a baby's development is an increase in the level of physical activity. By the end of the month, the baby will please his parents with new skills, having learned to roll over from his stomach to his side and back.

that these skills will not become sudden. They will certainly be preceded by long attempts by the crumbs to change their position on their own. Parents will help to help the child a little by propping him up to the side with a diaper roll.

Almost all babies in the fifth month of life already know how to independently roll over from their back to their stomach, while in the reverse order the coup can be performed in units. As a rule, this skill is mastered closer to the age of six months.

Rolling a baby is a significant achievement, confirming his physical development. Such rollovers prepare the baby to quickly master the skills of sitting and crawling.

How does the mind of a child change?

Into the mental
development of the crumbs The 5th month of life brings new changes. The most important achievement is an active reaction to loved ones. The kid already clearly distinguishes between his own and others, rejoices when he sees his parents, recognizes their faces from a distance and with his whole appearance shows that he is happy to see them.

It is worth noting that babies do not just recognize their parents - they become attentive to details, noticing makeup on their mother's face, a new hairstyle or color of clothes. That is why parents should try not to experiment too much with appearance during this period, so as not to scare the baby.

The kid recognizes
close not only in appearance, but also in voice. If the baby hears the approach of strangers, he may show distrust and refuse to make contact.

Children in the fifth month of life are still very attached to their mother, therefore, only in her presence do they feel confident and safe. Mom, given this, should not leave the baby alone with people who do not inspire confidence in him, showing that she is always there and ready to help.

Speech development at 5 months

At the fifth month, the baby clearly distinguishes intonations in the voices of adults around him. He clearly understands when mom is angry or upset, and can be upset with her and even cry. If adults address the child affectionately, affably and friendly, he feels a wave of positive and tries to keep the conversation going. By the way, the 5th month is a noticeable improvement in the cooing, which passes to a new stage: “trills” begin, in which individual syllables are traced.

The baby babbles, trying to repeat what he heard from adults, while not using his tongue and lips, using only the larynx. The baby copes better with vowel sounds that begin to sound more correct. In general, in the 5th month, cooing is a serious preparation for the development of speech skills in the near future.

When does the baby roam and why? Most often, the baby hums when it is in a good mood. In addition, the baby may try to attract the attention of adults by cooing, trying to repeat the sounds heard from them.

Development of the emotional sphere

What other achievements indicate that the emotional sphere of the baby is moving to a new stage of development? Interestingly, it is the 5th month that is the period when the baby begins not only to show interest in the reflection in the mirror, but also to distinguish his reflection from his mother's. The baby shows interest in any novelty, looking around in a new room, considering new objects that fall into his field of vision.

baby feelings
at 5 months is a fountain of emotions. Baby already:

  • understands what is bad and what is good (at a primitive level);
  • feels joy;
  • knows how to have fun;
  • fears;
  • irritated;
  • excited, etc.

Parents, watching the development of the crumbs, must definitely find time to play with him, read to him and just chat.

How to develop a child's vision?

As it was noted above, the 5th month opened up new opportunities for the crumbs. If earlier he was able to distinguish objects and faces located at a distance of 30-40 cm, then by the fifth month he is able to examine objects with deliberate focusing of the gaze, regardless of the distance at which they are located.

That is why parents should devote time to the development of the baby's vision, showing him objects at different distances, cards of different colors, toys of different sizes.

What toys to choose for the baby?

Naturally, these should be rattles made of safe materials, possibly depicting people or animals. Each rattle should have a comfortable handle in a bright color. Especially useful for the development of vision in children at this age are considered green, blue and orange. An additional plus is the sound properties of the toys.

Just like a few months earlier, the baby can be captivated by the developmental rug, lying on which he can feel, ring, crackle, examine and, of course, memorize new sensations. A little later, when the baby learns to sit, he can buy cubes and a pyramid with which he can spend time, developing attention and hand motor skills.

Month after month, the baby grows. has already come to an end and a new stage is approaching in child development, because on fifth month of life your baby will master new skills and abilities, which I will tell you in detail now. So let's start.

Social development of the child 5 months

AT 5 months baby already distinguishes people close to him from strangers. The baby shows great interest in strangers, at first the child is alert, freezes and carefully peers into the face of a new person. When mom is around, the baby is not afraid of strangers, but as soon as the baby loses sight of the mother, a real tantrum can begin. This is a very important stage in the mental - the child learns to single out one person from the general background and divide the world into "strangers" and "friends". During this period, the child discovers something like his own Self.

“Own” for a child is a person whom the baby sees almost every day. Therefore, let grandparents not worry when the baby did not meet them with a joyful smile on their next visit. Fear of strangers is evidence of a deep emotional connection with the mother.

When new people come to you, explain to the baby who came, give him the opportunity to examine the stranger, so that he would be convinced of the "safety" of a stranger.

The child seeks to call adults to contact, imitating the actions that he would like to receive from them: smiles, babbles or holds out his hands. The baby provokes adults to the reaction he needs, if he does not get what he wants, he may cry resentfully.

The kid vividly reacts to the mother's mood, "responds" to her smile and laughter, welcomes playful actions. Distinguishes strict notes in the voice from friendly and affectionate communication.

Motor development of the child 5 months

The biggest changes occur in the motor area. The baby's muscles are already finally freed from hypertonicity and begin to act harmoniously. AT 5 months baby already able to briefly overcome his weight, leaning on his elbows and rising on outstretched arms. If you regularly do gymnastics with your child, then by the end fifth month of life masters an independent rollover from back to stomach and begins to learn to roll over from stomach to back.

The child's back muscles are already well developed, lying on his stomach, the baby is able to raise both arms, legs and head, bending his back while his back, it turns out "airplane".

The baby, lying on his back, perfectly raises his head and shoulders. He wants to get up. If you support him under the armpits, then he will stand steadily, evenly for 2 to 3 minutes.

Give the baby your fingers, the child will grab them, pull himself up in his arms and sit down. But he is still not able to sit for real, so it’s not worth putting the baby on purpose, for example, in pillows. This can lead to problems in the development of the small pelvis and curvature of the spine. And the baby can pull up as much as he wants. As often as possible, offer the baby your fingers so that he grabs and pulls up on them, it is even possible that he hangs, holding on to them - this is how the baby will train the muscles of the back and arms.

If you notice that the baby pulls up on one arm more than on the second, then you need to massage the “weak” side so that the muscles develop evenly.

Most likely, this month your baby has his feet, now he can consciously lick his toe.

With support under the arms, the child can bounce slightly, as if dancing. My son could jump like this for 10-15 minutes without stopping, and all this action was accompanied by squealing, laughter and squeaking. Everyone around got a lot of pleasure looking at him, and at the end of the day I didn’t feel my hands - but by the way, another good workout to pull up.

On the 5 months of life your baby will begin to focus on grabbing the toy. Grasping is one of the most important actions necessary for manipulating objects, it forms the basis of active knowledge of its environment. This is an important step in

At the end of this month, the child can grab the object, pull it towards him, hold it, swing it, push it, and twirl it. First, everything is palpated, and then it is sent to the mouth for tasting and palpated again. Now the baby is interested in the properties of objects, their texture, temperature, shape, color and size. Give your child “food for thought”, let him touch a piece of ice and touch a warm cup with his finger, invite the baby to touch various tissues, brush his palm with a toothbrush, etc. The main thing is to comment on all your actions and constantly conduct classes to get to know the outside world.

Now the baby will start throwing away toys, don't get angry - this indicates normal child development. Thus, the baby learns causal relationships: I quit, and my mother picked it up, and this is also a good workout for the fingers and muscles.

Your baby is already so grown up and already knows so many things, now he is preparing to sit down and crawl. Lying on his stomach, the baby pushes off with his feet and moves forward, and some manage to “crawl” only with the help of his hands.

That's how much new baby will learn on 5 months of life, But that's not all. In this article, I talked only about social and motor child development. In Part2 Child development - the fifth month of life I will talk about speech development, games and toys, as well as how to better learn to understand each other.

He develops significant muscle activity.

This development of general mobility is accompanied by a parallel development of fine motor skills: the baby uses the small muscles of the hands to make precise movements; he reaches out to small objects, picks them up and plays with them. Gradually, he learns to shift objects from one hand to another, knock objects on the table, pick up and hold two objects at the same time.

Rhythm baby


Night sleep gradually becomes longer and longer: the baby is already sleeping for eight to nine hours in a row. His sleep pattern is established, and this applies to both daytime and nighttime sleep. It's easy to see signs of fatigue now. That is why during this period it is already possible to create a special bedding ritual.


If you are breastfeeding, your baby will get used to a more measured rhythm of long and "solid" feedings (your milk adapts to changes in his appetite and needs). With artificial feeding, the child eats even more regularly: at this age, he needs four 210 ml bottles per day (a mixture of the second type). Its rhythm corresponds to the rhythm of adult life (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner). Even though your baby can hold a bottle by himself, use the feeding time to hold and pet him!

His sense organs


Your baby turns to whoever is talking to him. He loves to look at the movements of the speaker's lips and tries to imitate the changes in the interlocutor's intonation. He also learns to pronounce consonants such as "m" and "b". A five-month-old baby is already able to understand when he is called by name. He enjoys the sound of speech, especially if he hears gentle and soft words. He already recognizes intonations very well and can understand when parents are unhappy with something. He quickly turns his head towards the source of the new noise that interests him. However, he is frightened by sharp and unfamiliar sounds.


Your child can already turn around and follow an object or person with his eyes. He begins to see subtle shades of pastel colors, not just bright colors. He sees very small objects better, follows everything that moves. Now he can even recognize an object that he only partially sees: here is the basis for games of hide and seek!


The baby begins to connect the appearance and sensations: the towel is soft, the father's beard is prickly, the feather gently tickles, etc.

When baby is awake

The kid performs whole syllabic roulades. He learns to change the volume of spoken sounds and their longitude.

Child health

Fifth month: visiting the local pediatrician

As always, the doctor checks the physiological state of the child: his general mental and physical condition, his development, the state of his immune system and his size. The average height of a five-month-old baby is 64 cm, weight is about 6.7 kg, and the circumference of the skull is 42 cm.

Perhaps it is at this consultation that the doctor will begin to discuss the introduction of complementary foods with you. Indeed, complementary foods can be introduced already at this age if your baby is large, if he is active and often wants to eat. However, we advise you to wait a little longer: it is recognized that a later and slower introduction of a variety of foods can really protect the child from allergies. That's why we'll talk about how to diversify your baby's diet a little later, after six months.


If you've been following the traditional immunization schedule, it's time to take a short break from immunization.


At this age, constipation is most often associated with dysfunction of the motor sphere and with neuro-emotional disorders. If your baby has such a problem, it should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible.

Allopathic medicine is sometimes unarmed in dealing with constipation in newborns: it is suggested to treat constipation with water rich in magnesium, or, if it persists, to use glycerin suppositories to expel feces. Be careful when using the second remedy: if the baby’s body gets used to the fact that his work is regularly performed for him, then anal and rectal motor skills may not develop, which will interfere with the correct formation of reflexes and can even have a negative effect on the ideas that arise in the child in process of toilet training.

Thus, suppositories should be used rarely, as an emergency remedy for intestinal obstruction, and only if constipation lasts for several days: suppositories should be used in addition to mild natural remedies, which can sometimes quickly correct the situation.

Natural remedies for constipation


  • Constipation with abdominal pain: "Magnesium Phosphoricum 9 CH."
  • Painful fissures in the region of the anus: "Ni-tricum acidum 9 CH."
  • Mucous, soft, poorly expelled feces +/- cracks: "Alumina 9 CH".
  • Small, dry stools that collect in the rectum: "Brionia 9 CH."
  • Large, hard stools: "Calcarea carbonica 9 CH."
  • Spasms and Hypersensitivity: Add Ignatia 15 CH.

Nutritional supplements

You should regularly give your baby probiotics.

Acute gastroenteritis (AGE)

In most cases, it is caused by a viral and / or bacterial infection, which can very quickly raise the question of a baby's life prognosis, especially in the first six months (or even in the first year) of his life.

First of all, dehydration caused by diarrhea and / or vomiting should be dealt with. To do this, stop giving your baby any dairy products for a few hours (except breast milk if you are breastfeeding: it is very easy to digest). You can buy a rehydration solution at the pharmacy: it should be given to the child constantly, in very small quantities (for example, 1-2 ml every 5-10 minutes).
If the baby's condition worsens, or if you still want to see a doctor, you will also be prescribed antispasmodic/antiemetic drugs (such as Motilium), an intestinal antiseptic (such as Ercefuril®), and an antidiarrheal (such as Tiorfan) for newborns or for children). If the child's condition does not improve or even worsens, a stool test should be done.

Natural remedies for OGE


Remedies for diarrhea:

  • In the absence of vomiting and fever: "Thyroid Nogolist 15 CH."
  • For pain in the abdomen, which can be relieved by pressure: "Colocynths 9 CH"; with pain of the type of colic, aggravated by pressure: "Cuprum metallicum 9 CH".
  • If the child has abundant gases, add "Carbo vege-tabilis 7 CH"; and/or significant fatigue: "Hina rubra 9 CH".
  • When hot, add "Arsenicum album 15 CH".

Remedies for vomiting:

  • Regardless of the presence / absence of diarrhea, if there is no fever: "Gag 9 CH."
  • If the tongue is clean and there is a lot of mucus in the vomit: "Ipeka 9 CH."
  • There is a lot of undigested food in the vomit: "Antimonium kru-dum 9 CH."

Dosage: 2 granules of each selected drug every half hour. Take less often and cancel as the child's condition improves.


  • Dry extract of cinnamon, which has a powerful anti-infective effect and promotes digestion: in capsules PS 300 mg, 1/2 of the contents of the capsule for every 10 kg of body weight per day;
  • +/- 2 coffee spoons of melissa water extract.

Dissolve in 200 ml of water along with 1 probiotic capsule and 1 sachet of rehydration agent. You can also add 4-5 tablespoons of water infused with green clay.

little explorer

This is the time when the baby tries to crawl. Some do this by lying on their backs and pushing off with their feet. Others - lying on their stomachs and pushing with their elbows. For psychologists, it does not matter how the child crawls. The important thing is that he basically has a motivation to move. In connection with the new needs of the baby, we introduce new games.

The game "Stretch and Crawl". We put the child on his tummy, put a toy in front of him so that he had to reach for it. If he doesn't try to get it, move it closer. Your task is to stimulate the baby to make an effort and get the toy. After he does this, let him play with her. Then put the other one in the same way. The session can take up to five minutes. Its main meaning is to achieve the goal. The child gets a new experience: "I try to get a toy, and I succeed." Therefore, it is imperative to give the crumbs time to enjoy their achievement - touch, twist the trophy.

Do not give your child too many items at once. Three toys is the maximum. No hanging garlands with lots of rattles! They are meaningless, even harmful. Excess extinguishes motivation, information fatigue kills the desire to do anything and learn at all.

The kid has already learned to grab and throw objects. And for a whole month this remains the main type of his activity. At the same time, he improves several skills: “I stretched out my hand, looking at an object, grabbed this object and began to study it.” Of course, it is most interesting to examine and manipulate an object in a semi-sitting position - either in the mother's arms, when there is support, or in a special rocking chair for babies. This is a wonderful device that makes life much easier for mom. True, you can put a child in a chair only for very short periods of time - so as not to overload the spine. As soon as you see that the baby is groaning and he doesn’t like it there, take it out immediately.

Game "Ku-ku" can take on new forms. Take a toy, say a dog. Cover it with a scarf. "Where's the doggy?" Let the baby pull the handkerchief on his own and find the dog under it. Do the same with the other item. Rejoice with your child in their discoveries.

Attention training. The ability to follow moving objects will develop a little later, but we can start training now. Take a flashlight or laser pointer. Sit next to the child, draw his attention to the light spot and start moving the flashlight very slowly. You will see that the baby's eyes move in jerks - he either loses a ray, then finds it again.

There is another great game that parents underestimate. it bubble. They have a lot of merit. Firstly, bursting, they do not frighten the child with a loud bang. Secondly, they shimmer very beautifully. Thirdly, they move slowly and smoothly, so that they are easy to keep in sight.

The child has a new way of extracting sounds: he stuffs his fingers into his mouth and at the same time tries to pronounce something. This is how you get to know your own articulatory apparatus. Pick up this activity: put the baby's hand on your lips and blow or hum so that the baby can feel the sounds by touch. For those who do such exercises regularly, the development of speech goes much faster.

At the fifth month, we already clearly hear the baby's babbling. This means that repeated syllables replace individual sounds. The easiest to pronounce are "ma" and "ba". Many mothers rejoice: “He already says “mother” and even “woman” to me. It is very good if you support the child's babbling and repeat different combinations of sounds after him. But you need to understand that while this is not yet a conscious naming of mom or grandmother, and dad should not be offended that they forgot about him. It's just babble.

Appears at five months fear of strangers. Previously, if a stranger approached and smiled, the child could smile back. Now, when it appears, the baby freezes and may even cry. This is an absolutely normative fear, it indicates that the baby is developing normally and has already begun to distinguish between friends and strangers. He considers his people who care for him daily. It is clear that grandparents living separately are perceived as outsiders - he has long forgotten that they visited you two weeks ago. Therefore, one should not be surprised if, on their next visit, the baby refuses to go to her grandmother in her arms, starts to get out and be capricious. Do not be offended, but rather rejoice: “Aha! He's not so trusting anymore."

Mom: a new look at life

What do mothers most often talk about if they have to visit a psychologist during this period?

“It became much easier for me to understand my mother and even my mother-in-law.” Yes, now a woman evaluates the actions of her mother and the actions of her mother-in-law from the position of not a girl, not a young man's wife, but from a mother's position. And it becomes much clearer why, for example, a mother is constantly trying to control her adult daughter. And some improve their relationship with their mother-in-law, especially if a boy is born. “Now I understand why my mother-in-law accepted me with such difficulty,” one young mother admitted to me. “It’s even scary to think that my son will someday get married and leave me for some woman.”

Now you look at the world with completely different eyes, completely different things are important to you. Therefore, I always advise mothers who are making some plans during pregnancy: postpone planning until the moment when the child is five months old. Planning for the future during pregnancy and in the first three months after childbirth is pointless. Let's say you decided before giving birth that you would go to work when your baby was six months old. You already have a nanny. But the appointed time comes, and you do not want any more work! Your priorities have completely changed and your career no longer seems to be of super value to you. Well, without any hesitation, stay at home. Don't stubbornly follow a plan you no longer think is right. No plans! The child will still break them.

“I began to treat other people's children better,” mothers say. "Why?" - “Now I understand that a child can cry not only because he is poorly brought up or his mother does not look after him enough. He may have his own reasons for crying, and the mother is often not to blame for this. You will try to build relationships in the sandbox even if your child is not involved. It's just that these relationships are very important to you right now.

“With the birth of a child, I began to experience joy from what I could not stand before. I am happy to sit at home, embroider, lay out my undershirts. I think there are two reasons for this phenomenon. First: when a child is born, we try to create the most comfortable conditions for him. This need naturally arises within the mother. So even if you didn't like cooking and decorating your house before, now you're starting to love it.

And the second reason: by this moment you have been sitting at home for seven months - two months of maternity leave plus five months with a child. If you were to do something that unbalances you for seven months, you would probably go crazy. But the psyche of a woman is very flexible, it adapts to existing conditions.

In this regard, I would like to appeal to those mothers who are determined to go to work as soon as possible, and put the father with the baby. It is much harder for a man to take such a step, his psyche is not designed for such changes, and he is unlikely to learn to experience pleasure by becoming a housewife.

How to negotiate with the mother-in-law?

case from practice: “My mother-in-law shocks me with her uncleanliness. Coming to visit us, she, right in her coat and boots, rushes into the room to the child, takes him in her arms. Gives him a pacifier from the floor. If I reprimand her, she simply ignores me. She asked her husband to talk to her, but he only gets angry. I do not want to limit the communication of the child with the grandmother. But I'm afraid for the baby. After all, she can feed unwashed fruits and not change clothes on time. Tell me how to influence the mother-in-law?

Each family develops its own understanding of what is good and what is bad. Some believe that diapers should be washed, boiled and ironed, while others are convinced that it is enough to rinse and dry them. Someone wraps up their children, and someone tempers. In my practice, there was a story when one grandmother came to sit with her grandson and cut off the heels of all children's tights, because she believed that children should walk barefoot. A daughter-in-law and a grandmother can have very different points of view on parenting. Persuading each other is a thankless task. There is only one thing left: to learn to coexist without conflict. And here is the time to talk about the features of conveying information to the interlocutor.

The fact is that when listening to a person, we first pay attention to who is speaking to us, then how he speaks, and only at the third level is the information that he tells us perceived. It is clear that if the daughter-in-law or son teaches the grandmother about sanitary standards, the essence of their message will not reach her at all. For a daughter-in-law, there is always an answer: “I lived my life, raised your husband, and you married him, which means that not everything is so bad.” If the son tries to intervene, he will be told: “Well, I somehow raised you! ..” Grandmother will always have arguments, moreover, backed up by life experience. Therefore, if you need to convey information to your mother-in-law, ask some other person who is authoritative for her about this. Who it will be, think for yourself.

In the situation described at the beginning of the chapter, I suggested that my mother ask for help from a pediatrician who came with patronage. He agreed, and they played a little skit. Mom picked up a dummy from the floor, gave it to the child, after which the doctor strictly reprimanded the “negligent mother” that it was impossible to do this in any case, that the number of microbes had increased hundreds of times over the past 20 years. All this happened with the mother-in-law, but - the remarks were addressed not to her, but to the daughter-in-law. And these were remarks from the lips of a person to whom the mother-in-law was used to listening. The authority of doctors in the minds of the older generation is very high. Our efforts were crowned with success, and subsequently, when visiting, the mother-in-law behaved much more carefully - she took off her coat, washed her hands, and so on. She was impressed by the doctor's words that over the past twenty years, "the number of microbes has increased hundreds of times."

But it happens that the grandmother stands her ground, and nothing can shake her. If the principles on which disagreements are very important to you, try literally the following. Stand with the child in your arms and tell him: “Oh, how happy you are for your grandmother! Now she will undress, wash her hands, and then take you.” That is, just do not give it to your grandmother until she does the necessary hygiene procedures. What is important here? You are not addressing the mother-in-law, but the child, without expressing a shadow of a doubt that the mother-in-law herself intends to do all this without your instructions. The main thing - do not overplay.

Question: Is it possible to turn to her husband for support in disputes with her mother-in-law? In my opinion, it is definitely not possible. Otherwise, you will put him before a choice - either to take your side, or the side of the mother. And he loves both of you.

What is the father responsible for?

While your baby is only making the first attempts to crawl a few centimeters. But very little time will pass, and he will wind circles around the house. So it's time for dad to remove dangerous objects from the path of the future "slider". In any apartment there are a huge number of them. It is necessary to put special plugs on the doors so that they do not slam shut themselves; provide all drawers with closers; on the bottom shelves of kitchen cabinets, leave only safe pots and plastic containers that the child can play with. Small nails that stick out of baseboards, buttons, screws and other small things scattered around the apartment are very traumatic. Pay special attention to the cabinet under the sink, where household chemicals are most often stored. Usually these are very bright boxes and bottles, and there is no doubt that they will attract the attention of the baby. Take them to a safe place!

What else can be entrusted to dad during this period? We have already talked about bathing, and about massage, and about different games. All this is still important and necessary.

By five months, your baby:
. He reacts with interest to various objects and people, is inquisitive and shows increased activity.
. It can freely roll over from the back to the side, and then to the tummy.
. He plays with his legs, pulls them closer to his face. May put toes in mouth.
. Easily pulls a dressed sock off the leg.
. Can pull toys closer when lying on the tummy and leaning on the handles, while lifting the chest.
. Can grab an object with two handles at once, shake the rattles.
. He holds rattles firmly in his hands, sometimes it is difficult to take them away from him.
. Can transfer objects from one handle to another.
. Relies on palms when lying on tummy. It straightens the arms.
. Distinguishes between self and others. At the sight of strangers, he may frown his forehead or even burst into tears.
. Actively buzzes, tries to repeat the speech of adults, knows how to squeak and laugh out loud. Can also make a variety of vowel sounds such as "a", "o", as if singing. In addition, repeats consonants, such as "d", "b", "m", "l".
. Tries to repeat a number of simple movements after adults, for example, clapping hands. During this period, you can start playing with the child in the "Magpie-Crow", "Ladushki", "Horned Goat", etc.
. With pleasure he looks at bright images, carefully listens to poems, fairy tales and nursery rhymes.
. When you carry it in your arms, the baby carefully examines the surrounding objects, both moving and stationary.
. There are attempts to sit down, but so far they are not very successful.
. Keeps head straight.
. If you support the baby under the handles, he can walk on a hard surface.

At five months, babies often experience increased salivation. Sometimes even a baby does not keep up with the work of the salivary glands and does not always have time to swallow saliva. In some children, the first teeth begin to erupt at this age.

During this period of time, the baby is more and more time in an upright position. This occurs when it is carried in the arms or held reclining. More and more new objects are available to him. At this time, it is very important to constantly communicate with the child. Moreover, do not lisp, but fully talk, as with an adult. If you think that the baby still does not understand anything - you are mistaken. He remembers how speech flows, remembers intonations, tries to distinguish by tone the attitude of the speaking person towards him. This is very important for the development of the child and it will play a big role in his near future.

Video about the 5th month of child development:

And what features in the development of the child at 5 months did you notice?

Children grow up very quickly. It seems that quite recently a newborn was born, and already recognizes his parents, smiles joyfully at them, deftly rolls over and begins to play with toys. The development of a child at 5 months is filled with joyful moments and surprises.

What should a 5 month old be able to do?

The height and weight of the baby at 5 months have changed so that it is noticeable to the naked eye. The baby grows by about 15 cm in 5 months and becomes twice as heavy. According to statistics, on average, boys at 5 months weigh 7.3 kg, girls - 6.65 kg. Deviations of 6-7% are the norm.

The baby easily turns on its side and can grab toys with its fingers. In general, the physiological development of a child of this age is characterized by the following indicators:

  • when the baby is taken under the armpits, he tries to take steps;
  • firmly holds objects in his hands;
  • lying on his back, the baby raises his shoulders;
  • lightly bites the toes;
  • the baby is able to roll over from the tummy to the back and vice versa;
  • the little one is actively trying to reach a bright object, for example, a toy;
  • lying on his stomach, the child firmly rests his arms on the surface.

The development of a child at 5.5 months is complemented by attempts to sit down. Specialists are constantly developing games that improve the physical activity of the child, and stimulate the development of his thinking abilities, vision and coordination. The simplest game is to invite the baby to choose an object. The baby is turned over on his stomach and 2-3 bright toys are placed nearby. The little one will first reach for the object he likes, and then try to crawl to it.

At this time, the infant reveals hitherto unknown emotions. He is easily frightened, keeps his eyes on objects, tries to distinguish sounds. A baby at 5 months is already endowed with the following abilities:

  • distinguishes between loud and soft sounds;
  • distinguishes colors (but distinguishes blue, red and yellow from all others);
  • recognizes close people, consciously smiles at them;
  • may be wary of strangers, especially if they try to pick him up;
  • pronounces several vowels (a, i, e, s) and a couple of consonants;
  • listens carefully;
  • hums, gurgles, laughs;
  • looking in the mirror, recognizes his own reflection;
  • squeaks or growls, demonstrating pleasure;
  • does not give away toys, and when you try to pick them up, he starts whining or screaming loudly.

Specific norms for the development of a child at 5.5 months do not exist. At this time, the kids are already trying to get the attention of their parents. Their visual perception is highly developed. For example, remembering a mother with one hairstyle, the baby will be wary of a new haircut or unusual clothes.

A baby at 5.5 months can visually control the movement of his hands. That is, the child first looks at the toy, and then reaches for it. And it is to the one that interests him. This is another important step in development, associated with the formation of the ability to choose and fix attention.

Games for the development of a child at the age of 5 months

Very often, parents are interested in general what a child can do at five months, and whether their child is developing correctly. There are no clear rules here. Each child is unique and learns skills and abilities at their own pace. What fidgets can now, calmer children will master a little later.

Thinking about how to develop a baby at 5 months, you should pay attention to the following games:

1."Know Me". The main task is to determine whether a five-month-old baby can distinguish a person he knows. To do this, mom or dad needs to go to the crib and smile at the baby. The peanut should smile back. The parent then turns away and puts on a mask or wraps a scarf around their face. The right reaction is that the baby will not recognize a person in a new guise.

2."Grab and Pull".The purpose of the lesson is to introduce the baby to simple sounds. Showing a toy or a picture of a kitten in the picture, the mother says: “Meow-meow”, on the plane - “Uuuuuu”, etc. The child enthusiastically listens to new sounds and looks at new objects.

3."Grab and Pull". When a child grabs his mother by the finger, you need to shout “Ai!”, And if the baby grabbed the object, you should slightly pull it, but then give it back.

4."Come on, catch it!".You can throw a soft ball or a squeaker toy to your child. If the baby likes to throw things on the floor, you should pick them up with him. The baby is interested in doing something “like an adult”, and motor skills and coordination develop along the way.

5.Cubes. Soft and bright, they are perfect for throwing or reaching for.

6.Pillows of various shapes. You will need foam pads of cylindrical, triangular, round shapes. They should be soft and catchy - with a contrasting image or striped. The baby can be put on a pillow with his tummy, rolled left and right, put on horseback.

Development of a premature baby at five months

In the fifth month, babies born before 38 weeks almost catch up with their peers in terms of height and weight. There are also no serious deviations in their development and behavior. Therefore, when deciding what to do with such children, you can fully practice the games described above.

When parents think about how to accelerate the development of a child, they are faced with an abundance of recommendations and warnings. Some advise not to rush the process, while others insist on constant active training with the baby in order to prevent developmental delays.

The notorious doctor Komarovsky recommends not to dwell on this. It's great if mommy makes light strokes for the baby, plays with him. But all this is only as long as it brings them both pleasure. If the baby is not in the mood - you do not need to insist on classes or massage, you should postpone them for a more suitable time.