Development of a child from one and a half to 2 years. Child development from one to two years. Mental-psychological and social achievements

A new stage is coming in his, and in your life. The literature on psychology and pedagogy usually tells in detail about the first year of life, since it is then that the most significant changes in the development of the child occur, and then about the three-year-olds, because it is at the age of three that the famous psychological crisis occurs. But the period from one to two years is no less important in the development of personality.

The kid can already understand a lot, but so far it is very difficult for him to express his thoughts and desires in words. And how much I want to say! Help him. To do this, you need to purposefully engage in the development of the speech of your little one. The better you understand each other, the less the baby will have reasons for whims and tantrums.

Let's see how speech develops at this age.

Stage one: first words

From a year to a year and a half, the baby begins to move very actively in space and accumulate new experience. This experience is necessarily reflected in speech development.

Usually the first words appear at the age of 9.5 months - 1 year 6 months. Most often they denote the closest people: mom, dad, woman, uncle, aunt. The baby easily reproduces onomatopoeic words: av-av (dog), tick-tock (clock), mu-mu (cow), etc. Often, instead of a whole word, a child pronounces an initial or stressed syllable ( to instead of cat or bura instead of Cheburashka). But since these "words" mean specific things and are pronounced in a specific situation (at the sight of a cat or Cheburashka), we can call them words, not random syllables.

It has been noticed that some children “love” more nouns denoting objects and people, while others prefer verbs associated with social interaction - “leave”, “I want”, “give”, etc.

The first words have a broad generalized meaning. However, this is not at all the generalization to which we are accustomed, calling the doll, bear and ball toys. The child still singles out any one sign, and combines a variety of things according to it. So, the word "yum-yum" a one-year-old child calls any food, as well as the dishes from which he is fed. Hungry, he also yells “Yum-yum!” (=I want to eat!), and when he sees a teenager chewing gum on the street, he comments: “yum-yum” (=eating).

Little Lisa used the word "una" (moon) to call all objects of a rounded shape - pancakes, round spots on window glass, circles in books, postmarks on envelopes, round embossed frames on book bindings, the letter "O". And Fedya decided to generalize the sounding objects. The word "ko-ko", which at first in his dictionary meant a crowing rooster, Fedya began to call the sounds of the violin, piano, accordion, any music and musical toys. Texture can also become a generalizing principle: Katyusha used the word “wow-wow” not only for a dog, but also for all furry animals, soft slippers, and even a photograph of an old man in a fur coat.


In the same period, children are very fond of pointing their finger at an object of interest to them with the interrogative word “Y?”. Often parents are annoyed by this, they believe that it is indecent to behave this way. But such a gesture is very important for the development of speech! In no case do not forbid doing this, and, moreover, help the baby master such a gesture, if necessary.

The famous Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky believed that the pointing gesture was originally just an unsuccessful or incomplete grasping movement. “The child tries to grasp an object that is too far away; his hands, outstretched to the object, remain hanging in the air ... There is movement here, objectively pointing to the object, and nothing more. But when the mother comes to the aid of the child and interprets his movement as an indication, the situation changes significantly. The pointing gesture becomes a gesture for others.”

Thus, the baby makes an amazing discovery: everything around has its own name - each, every object! "Y?" with a pointing gesture is a greedy question: “What is this?” This is a cat, and this is a house, and this is a big dump truck ... The passive vocabulary (that is, words that the child understands, but cannot reproduce on his own) is getting richer each time, and someday it will certainly turn from passive into active (active vocabulary - these are the words that the child pronounces).

Tactics for your actions

As before, the main thing is to communicate with your baby! Catching his interested look or pointing gesture, name the objects that surround you, comment on your actions. Feel free to speak out loud on the street too - it is very important for your baby to hear from you what is happening in the sandbox, where passers-by are in a hurry and what color is the dress of that beautiful aunt.

Try to ensure that your comments do not remain only sound, but have some kind of reinforcement in bodily sensations, movement. The kid will remember the word “tree” much better if he touches the rough bark with his palm, the word “handkerchief” - when he tries to tie a scarf on the doll, the word “bell” - if he rings a real bell.

Try to "introduce" the new word to the child in various combinations with other words and objects. For example, when showing milk, show how it looks in a glass or in a pot in which you are going to cook porridge. Comment on your actions: “Mom pours milk into a glass”, “white milk, delicious”, “drink milk”, etc.

It is useful to consider and discuss not only various objects, but also pictures with their image. After all, by this age, kids are already quite good at identifying an object and its image. Compare real things with pictures. What do they have in common, how do they differ? For example, when you see a photograph of a girl in a red hat in a magazine, find your baby’s hat and compare: “The girl has a hat, and Alyosha has a hat. The girl's hat is red, and Alyosha's is yellow, etc.

First generalizations

Gradually, the baby establishes a connection not only between a specific object and a word, but also between other similar objects and this word. How does this happen?

Here, for example, is an experiment that was conducted by psychologists with young children.

The experiment involved two groups of children aged from 1 year to a year and 3 months. In the first group, for two months, almost every day, every child was shown an unfamiliar object, a book, 10 times for five seconds, and they said: “Book! Book!" Each time the children turned their eyes and turned their heads towards the object. During the observation period, this reaction was repeated 500 times.

With the children of the second group, one book was also used, but the child, under the guidance of an adult, performed various actions with it. “Here is the book!”, “Open the book!”, “Close the book!” etc. The kids were given only 20 different commands; each of them included the word "book", and each required a certain motor reaction. These motor reactions were repeated only 50 times during the entire observation period.

Then control tests were carried out in both groups. During these tests, many different objects were laid out in front of the child: cubes, dolls, toy animals, several books that differ in size, thickness, cover color, etc. An adult turned to the child with the words: “Give me a book!” It was important to find out which book the child would choose. Only the one he saw before, or any other, uniting objects with the concept of "book"? Children from the first group took only one book, the one they had seen during the previous two months, and gave it to the experimenter. When they were asked to take another book, they either took the first object that came across (it could be a doll, a hare, etc.) or did nothing. This means that for the children of this group the word "book" remained the name of one specific subject and did not acquire a generalizing meaning. So a large number of repetitions, even with the simultaneous display of the corresponding subject, does not yet contribute to the development of generalization.

And so - learn crumbs act with various objects, be sure to call these actions aloud. You can bring the same book, show it to the doll, open it, close it, scroll through it, put it on a chair, find an interesting picture in it, etc. Turn to the baby more often with various simple requests. He will be very happy to help you, and at the same time enrich his vocabulary and get the first experience of generalization.

Rhymes and jokes

A variety of nursery rhymes and jokes, in a sense, are ideal first literary texts that a child perceives literally with mother's milk. After all, they describe real life experience, the world around them, comment on various natural phenomena, etc. At the same time, a clear rhythm and melodiousness of nursery rhymes help the baby easily learn new concepts and sometimes do what is not very desirable, but necessary. For example, you can wash yourself under such a joke:

  • Water, water, wash Vanya (Masha) face,
  • To make the cheeks blush, to make the little eyes shine,
  • So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

At the same time, we will conduct the first lesson on the structure of the body and show where we have a face, cheeks, eyes, a mouth and a tooth. Then, after washing, you can repeat the nursery rhyme again, this time depicting how to wash yourself, not forgetting either the eyes or the cheeks.

Is your baby a little baby, and feeding him is a whole problem? Perhaps another trick will come to the rescue:

  • A donut, a cake, sat in the oven, looked at us, - she wanted to mouth.

Or like this:

  • I'll bake a pie for Tanechka,
  • I'm ruddy for my granddaughter.
  • On it is a crust of wheat,
  • And the egg filling
  • And honey brush,
  • My granddaughter is poor.
  • These nursery rhymes can be read while eating.
  • Putting on a crumb shirt, say:
  • Aunt Agashka, sew a shirt for me:
  • Gotta dress up, I'm going for a ride!

They tell stories about natural phenomena. For example, about rain:

  • Rain, rain, more!
  • We'll give you thick
  • Let's give you a spoon:
  • Sip a little!

And try to “drive away” the prolonged rain with such a nursery rhyme:

  • Rain-rain,
  • Pour full
  • Wet little kids!

The nursery rhymes also emphasize the new skills of the baby: for example, mastering walking:

  • Katya, Katya, little one,
  • Katya darling,
  • Walk along the path
  • Stomp, Katya, with a foot.
  • Zainka, go
  • Gray, go
  • Like this, like this, like this
  • Like this, like this, go like this!

The first steps, of course, cannot be imagined without numerous falls and bruises. Stroke the bruised place, saying:

  • The cat is in pain
  • The dog is in pain
  • And Andryusha is not in pain,
  • Andryusha's pain fly away to the birch.

In this kind of nursery rhymes, among other things, there is a deep psychotherapeutic meaning. They allow you to escape from the pain, which means to relieve the tension that is associated with pain. Such psychological treatment is quite effective for the baby.

By the way, did you know that perhaps the most famous finger game "Magpie-Magpie" did not end with the swaying of the loafer-little finger:

  • You didn't cut wood
  • Didn't carry water
  • You won't have porridge.

The game has a sequel. Adult says:

  • I went to look for:
  • Here the water is cold (stroking the baby's wrist),
  • Here is warm (stroking her elbow),
  • It's hot here (stroking her shoulder),
  • And here - boiling water, boiling water, tickling! (adult tickles child under the arm)

After all, the meaning of this nursery rhyme is not only in the development of fine motor skills. It gives the child the joy of bodily contact, the opportunity to feel his fingers, elbow, shoulder, and ultimately - to form an idea about his body.

There are special nursery rhymes and in order to put the child to bed. They can become part of your ritual that prepares your baby for sleep. For example, you can put a fluffy toy kitten in the crib, which will “cradle” its little owner:

  • Come, kitty-kitty,
  • Come, gray tail,
  • Come, cat, spend the night,
  • Come play with Dashenka.
  • How do I like you, cat,
  • I will pay for the work:
  • I sew a new coat
  • And I'll order boots.

Stage two: first phrases

In fact, the first phrases, strange as it may sound, were already contained in single words. After all, single words for a baby are a whole complex of different ideas. So, the word “mother”, pronounced in various situations, with changing intonation and accompanied by different gestures, can mean: “I want to go to my mother”, “Mom, tie my shoelace” or “Here is my mother”. The child found a beautiful button on the floor, picked it up and invites his mother to admire: “Mom! Mother!" And when he fell, his plaintive whimper also sounds: “Ma-ma-ah!”

However, after your baby is one and a half years old, you will most likely hear from him the first “real” phrase: “Mom, give!” or "Daddy, go!" etc. At about 1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months, the baby learns the imperative mood of the verb and plural forms well, and by two years - the case forms of nouns (although this process will finally end by 3-4 years).

For girls, the combination of words into phrases occurs somewhat earlier, for boys - two to three months later. After the first phrase is spoken, the development of speech usually goes very rapidly. Almost every day you can hear more and more new phrases from the baby. However, keep in mind that the baby, as before, needs your attention and response. If there is no answer, or it is monosyllabic and not emotional, then interest in speech activity is lost, and development is inhibited.

It is very important to show the child that you understand him, and "translate" his first clumsy words into normal, correct adult language.

Here is an example. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. The baby is watching her, sitting on a high chair.

"But!" - says the baby, seeing the knife with which mom is going to cut vegetables. “Yes, it’s a knife,” Mom agrees.

"Sick!" the child adds.

“Big knife” – Mom “translates”, imperceptibly combining both words into a phrase, and adds: “We will cut cabbage with a big knife.” Such a "translation" will contribute to a faster and more successful connection of words into a sentence.

Storytelling and speech

It happens that a baby aged from one to two does not talk and at the same time does not play in any way. In this case, first of all, try to teach him to play.

You can compose and show your baby simple and short scenes with toys. For example, the bear fell and cried, or the doll lost the ball and is looking for it. Ask your child to help his little friends.

The same nursery rhymes and jokes that we talked about above can also be played with toys. For example, like this:

  • Big feet walked along the road:
  • To-o-op, to-o-op, to-o-op, to-o-op (pronounced slowly, in a low voice).
  • Little feet ran along the path:
  • Top-top-top, then-oh-op (say in a high voice and quickly).

Compare the baby's leg and the adult's leg, show how someone walks. Now find two similar toys of different sizes (two bears, bunnies or dolls), build different paths for them from cubes (wide and narrow) and let your toy heroes walk either slowly or quickly. See how many concepts a child will learn from such simple fun: big, small, slowly, quickly, wide, narrow!

dexterous fingers

The training of fine finger movements has a great influence on the development of a child's active speech. This phenomenon has long been known to psychologists and speech therapists. And they never tire of repeating how important it is to develop fine motor skills of the hands. A variety of finger games, and manipulations with paper (it can be torn into small pieces, crumpled, crumple), and unscrewing and twisting the lids on cans and bottles will help with this.

As always, an inexhaustible resource in this regard is ordinary cuisine. My child, for example, really liked to hide small toys from kinder surprises in a bowl of dry peas or lentils, and then look for them by touch (be careful, small details are often found in kinder surprises, which, of course, should not be given to a baby). Peas gently massage little fingers, and the baby gets a lot of pleasant tactile sensations. Try it yourself!

You can draw with your fingers on a tray on which flour or semolina is poured in a thin layer. You can play with cotton swabs, pulling them out of the jar one at a time, and then putting them back in. You can hook multi-colored clothespins onto a plastic jar or box, and then unhook them and throw them into the same jar.

Take a look around, and perhaps you will find a new interesting and useful fun for your crumbs.

The kid doesn't speak. What to do?

In talking about the development of speech from 0 to 12 months, we already talked about the need to be careful with the now fashionable early learning. This also applies to the age of one to two years. Sometimes parents literally from the cradle begin to acquaint their baby with geometric shapes, letters, numbers, while forgetting about real, life objects and situations surrounding the child. After all, letters and numbers are an abstraction that is possible only as a result of extensive experience, and the child does not have it, just as there is no physiological possibility for abstractions of this level.

His brain is not yet ripe for such actions. As a result of such early learning, the speech development of the baby goes astray from the course laid down by nature. In this case, it is worth taking a break from the numerous cubes and complex intellectual programs for a while. Walk, play, let your communication be lively and emotional. For a baby now, this is much more important than all the newfangled methods of early intellectual development.

If by the age of two your child has not begun to speak, first of all, try to find out if he is trying to communicate in some other way - using gestures, intonations, "gibberish" language. In this case, the first "real" words are likely to appear any moment now. If the baby does not try to establish contact with the outside world in any way, parents often notice other features of the child: he plays the same pattern games, repeats stereotypical movements, does not always respond to his name, does not look into the eyes, does not respond to many questions addressed to him, does not feel your condition. Often these children develop speech difficult and late. Particular attention should be paid if the child used to try to communicate with you and other children, and then suddenly stopped doing this.

In this case, without delay, seek help from a good psychologist.

Good luck and patience, and very soon you will be having full-fledged dialogues with your baby.

Inessa Smyk

Based on the materials of the magazine "Aistenok"

I don’t know about you, but this age seems to me the most attractive. It’s not that others are the least good, it’s just that at the age of one, the baby begins to behave differently than before. Reasoning “in an adult way”, combined with small stature and still poorly pronounced words, cannot leave anyone indifferent. But be patient, because. at the very beginning of the second year of your child's life, amazing events take place, so you are unlikely to be able to sit idly by. Probably, for all parents, the most long-awaited and exciting event is the moment when the child takes the first steps and babbles the first words. To make it easier for him to enter the world of adults, allow him to exercise independence, of course, under your steady supervision.

If the kid likes to climb high (on chairs, tables, etc.) - you can arrange a small gym in his room with swings, ladders and other game equipment. All this should be very stable, and the floor is expected to be soft.

If you haven't had a chance to dine with the whole family yet, now is the time to try it. You will need a child seat attached to a table or chair. Stock up on special plastic cutlery for the baby. It's okay if at first everything around is flooded and stained with food, after a couple of weeks your expectations will be crowned with success, and a joint meal will be a joy not only to your child, but also to you!

Your baby's very first words will most likely be "mom" and "dad" and they will say them at the age of about a year. From this point on, he will memorize more and more words, and by the end of the second year he will be able to build the simplest phrases, and pronounce about 200 words. To make it easier for the baby to start talking, listen carefully to him, name the surrounding objects, answer him without distorting the words so that the child hears their correct sound. Of course, you need to read fairy tales and poems to your baby, showing pictures and talking about what is depicted on them. You will see that your child himself will be happy to talk about what he sees, imitating you, even if it is still in his own language. The main thing is that he enjoys it.


In general, according to age standards, children should say 10 words a year, and most of them pronounce father and mother much earlier. Yes, and as for poems, fairy tales and books, it is already necessary to accustom oneself to treat carefully a year, and it is better to make the first acquaintance with eating and dismembering 2-3 books also in 6-8 months. And the fact that they are cool at this age is for sure

I would like more information

05.11.2008 23:08:22, Olga

Comment on the article "About how your baby develops from one to two years"

-) 1. Maria Montessori believes that it is impossible to approach a child from one to two years old, that's what she writes, very cleverly, I quote: “In the space from zero to six years, clearly Chapter 3, Create the most effective developmental environment for your baby!

Good day to all. Russia is a big country, someone has a day, someone has an evening. By the way - I have an evening. Early.) I would like to write about the development of the child. I have a healthy, active baby who pleases me and my husband. At the same time, neither I nor my husband have ever (!), ever thought about how to spur the development of the child. Climbing the Internet here and there you come across some educational games ... they say, stimulating the development of the baby. It must be stubbornly ... another ...

Save these games! All kids love to play. If you think that a baby up to a year old is not interested in games, then you are mistaken. Try to play with your treasure in the proposed games for babies! 1. Game "Dukalki" Inflate your cheeks and blow in the child's face. The baby will try to blow in response to you. If it doesn't, try blowing again and shake your head as you do so. If the baby cannot breathe, show him how to do it by forcefully exhaling the air. So the baby will soon understand how to ...

I wish you one thing: take care of yourself, let the baby develop healthy! Since childhood, she dreamed of a son, and before the age of 35 she gave birth to two daughters (she painted such an age for the end of childbearing).

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. But until two - they are waiting, stuffing with nootropics. At two - alarm beats if understanding is insufficient and there is no speech. But my girl developed in much the same way as your son.

Games for children are a certain method of learning about the world around them, adapting to it and gaining various skills. That is why educational games for children are so important. With their help, you can teach children to read, write, count, draw and so on. Moreover, educational games for children can develop such skills as the development of quick reactions, the ability to concentrate, differentiate pictures and objects, and so on. All developing and training programs are essentially the same ...

Is a pacifier your child's best friend? Do not worry, the time will come and the baby will part with her forever. You can help the baby and push him to such an important decision for him. Whether to give a pacifier to a child If your baby is one of those who made friends with a pacifier quickly and for a long time, you, as a competent mother, after reading books and articles by psychologists on the Internet, are thinking about how to wean a child from a pacifier. Should it be done? How to implement the plan as gently as possible for the child? Yes and...

Hello! My baby is now 1 year 8 months old. I want to graduate in March. How to do it right? I read a lot that it is better to do it gradually, but my son hangs on the sis around the clock, so "gradually" will not work.

Baby up to a year or older up to two? I think that up to a year there is less time without a mother, less trauma, easier adaptation. It's just a pity that the child has been sitting for so long, he could have been at home for a year already and developed normally.

After all, if a 50-year-old person has a level of development for 8 years, this does not mean that he developed normally until the age of 8, and then stopped in development. I would like from a year to two years, but I read a lot of forums, and it became scary.

We continue the conversation about children's fears. In the last publication, I talked about the fears of children under the age of 1 year. [link-1] Today we will talk about what children aged one to three years are afraid of. "Mom, I won't let you go..." The age of 1 year is the period when the child is still very strongly connected with his mother and focused on loved ones, communication with peers is not so important for him. Therefore, at the age of one to two years, there is still a very strong fear of separation from the mother. Next to the mother of the child ...

This book on child health is intended primarily for parents, as well as all members of the family in which children grow up. N. Parygina is a writer, author of many books, including books for children and about children. The writer devoted several books to the topic of children's and adults' health. The author hopes that this book will help parents raise physically and morally healthy children who will become happy and worthy citizens of Russia. Part one Your baby A welcome baby Modern doctors...

It's no secret that not even long walks are useful for a small child. And even in the cold winter time, your baby should spend time outdoors. Winter strollers are divided into: strollers, cradles, transforming strollers and universal strollers. Carrycots are very convenient to use for a newborn baby. They are practical, moreover, passable in the snow. Such a stroller will reliably protect the baby from snow, wind or rain. Strollers - transformers and universal strollers are suitable for...

Finally, a miracle happened, nine months of waiting are over, now a new period has come in your life. The little man has come into our world! You look at the baby, take him in your arms, feel the warmth and body movements. You rejoice and wonder how the child perceives this world, what he feels. In this section, we will talk about how a child develops in the first year of life. *** Topic moved from blogs

I love you like this! - and spread his hands. And that's how much I love you! - his mother told him, spread her hands and also showed. - This is a lot, - the hare whispered, - This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much. He crouched down and jumped high like a ball. I love you like that! the bunny laughed. And then he answered, having run up, famously, - That's how I love you! - jumped the hare. - This is a lot, - the hare whispered, - This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much. - I love you like this! - bunny...

hi, I read your message, as far as I understand your baby is still in the hospital. I have a similar story, though they were born. They did a lumbar puncture, everything turned out to be fine (cerebral palsy, etc.). Until the age of two, it was hard, in fact, he didn’t eat anything, the struggle for every gram.

Despite this, speech, correct in pronunciation, began to develop early. At the age of 4 he began to read (in two languages). He knew Pushkin by heart, for example. They just can't say. You must help your child. 01/18/2003 11:04:11 AM, Leonida.

What can your baby do at 1.5 years old? I would like to know about boys, since girls develop much faster than boys and, accordingly, they can do more. Only mom and dad speak, but this is possible because of the two languages, although he understands both exactly.

Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. GEMINI 21.5-21.6 Sometimes his parents feel like they have not one, but two children. And all because this kid strives to do several things at the same time.

That all children can have absolute pitch, but one should not miss the first two or three years, when musical ear develops. 2. It is well known that many music teachers who work with children from the age of three do not select children who are hearing and ...

For young children, the detached attention of adults is very important. Parents should understand the desires of the baby, but do not interfere with him to play, pick up things from the floor, make his first attempts to eat with a spoon. At this age, children have developed a desire to imitate, so self-discipline and self-control are required from parents.

Physical development of children from 1 year to 2 years

A child in the second year of life shows a desire to play with different toys. So the baby develops sensory perception from an early age, he can learn the properties of different materials and toys. It is extremely important that young children have different toys, such as pyramids, cubes, nesting dolls, boards with inserts, as well as a large designer with large cells.

For the development of a young child to proceed normally, mom and dad must guide him. Show your baby how to use a scoop, how to roll a car, or how to hit with a hammer. Under such guidance, children of 2 years old have better sensory development. The kid learns to recognize objects by colors, shapes and sizes.

About two years old, the first household skills are formed in the little one. Parents should teach their children to wash, undress, bring a cup and a plate to the sink. Make sure that the baby is taught to be independent and orderly. Try to include both cognitive and physical development in this process. Encourage your child to explore his things, apartment. Let the kid open the boxes available to him, let him dig there.

The physical development of babies by 12-18 months is already satisfactory, and by this time the child should be able to:

  1. Ask for a potty.
  2. Walk and get up by yourself.
  3. Drink from a cup and make the first attempts to eat on your own.
  4. Understand what parents want.
  5. Try to play with the ball with your feet.
  6. Copy other children and parents.
  7. At the request of the parents, give a toy.
  8. Open boxes.

If physical development goes on as usual, parents should also pay attention to stimulating hand motility. There is a connection between motor skills and the nervous system, speech, and memory. Sensory perception is also involved in this chain. There are simple and enjoyable games that involve both sensory perception and stimulation of motor skills in crumbs from one to two years old.

The games "Ladushki" and "Magpie-crow" will teach kids from one to two years old to squeeze their fingers, straighten them out, clap their hands and at the same time study the tactile sensations from the touch of adults.

Also, for toddlers, such a simple game as tearing paper will be interesting. Here sensory and cognitive perception will become aggravated, the baby will twist the paper in his hands, crumple it and tear it. This will be an additional stimulation of fine motor skills of the fingers, which is simply necessary for the twelfth to sixteenth month.

When such games run out of steam, you can switch to more interesting but just as rewarding games. Babies at twenty-four months can already be given, under the supervision of their mother, to play with large beads strung on a thread. The baby will sort out the beads and motor skills will be stimulated. During the game, cognitive and sensory perception will also develop.

The kid will recognize the shape, color, smoothness or roughness of the beads, will try to sort them out or even take them off the string. Such a simple toy can immediately stimulate the centers responsible for stimulating motor skills, as well as sensory and cognitive perception, which cannot but positively affect the physical development of your crumbs.

Also at twenty-four months it is very useful to let the little one play with sand and cereals. But for such an early age, such games can be dangerous if left alone. Do not leave the baby with sand and cereals alone, then the stimulation of motor skills will be interesting and safe.

Mental development of children from one to two years

In young children, memory begins to develop. This is manifested in the fact that the child has memories, for example, he can start looking for his things if his mother tells him that there will be a walk in the park. Encourage the development of children so that the baby learns independence.

In young children, logical thinking should already be developed a little. Mom can contribute to this by offering a child from one to two years old to build a house or tower out of cubes. Also, for the development of hand motor skills, it is important that the baby already knows how to take apart or break one or another object. This is a manifestation of the desire to explore something and this is absolutely normal if the child is one year old.

The thinking of kids in a year or two continues to develop and now a baby of an early age learns to move objects, play with several toys at once, explores their properties and hidden opportunities. Moreover, at twenty-four months, the little one already knows how to generalize groups of objects according to the essential feature. Also, children at twenty-four months can sometimes generalize the objects of her and functional characteristics.

Imagine such exercises where you need to select all the balls from the presented objects in the form of a game. At twenty-four months, babies enjoy playing such a game, choosing an apple, a ball and a balloon from a row where there were also a cube, a triangle and a bunny. For an early age, this is a good and cute fun that you can captivate a little one.

In a year or two, a baby may have its own physical and mental characteristics. Parents should not worry, as this is absolutely normal. The child should grow up in a calm environment, he should have normal nutrition, he should feel the love of his parents. Then any features will come to naught, if the baby lags behind peers from a year to two years, then he will quickly catch up with him.

The development of speech in babies

In children in a year or two, the formation and normal development of speech is already taking place. A kid of one and a half to two years old should already be able to speak simple words and know the names of all members of his family. There are also good games for children from one to two years old, which help in the development of speech.

For example, parents can teach a child to imitate sounds. Tell him how the animals say and ask him to repeat. If the development of speech is fast and normal, then you can learn to pronounce complex sounds in simple sound combinations. This version of the game can be made not only useful, but also fun.

Of course, it is scientifically proven that finger gymnastics contributes to the stimulation of speech, which also contributes to the stimulation of fine motor skills. But if the baby does not want to do any of the above, then you can just try to talk a lot with him. So the mother will conduct dialogues with the child and stimulate the development of his speech. It is very useful for the speech of children from one to two years old to ask the kids to express their desires in words. Do not predict the desires of the little one, he must stimulate his speech apparatus, so the development of speech will go much faster.

Learning and reciting verses is very useful for the speech of children at twenty-four months. Try to choose short poems and tell them with intonations and expressions. This is useful and it will help to acquire beautiful and correct speech in the future. Present these lessons in the form of a game, and your child will enjoy playing it.

At twenty-four months, babies already have more opportunities to explore the world. The baby is very difficult to keep in place, he is interested in absolutely everything. If your baby is a year or two, then try to help him explore the world. Provide him with normal nutrition, play with him, communicate, try to develop him physically and mentally. This period of up to two years will quickly pass, and from month to month you will notice changes in the little one. Don't miss a single month of your little one's life.

  • Weight a child at the beginning of the second year of life is 3 times more than at the time of birth.
  • Height also increases significantly - from 25 to 29 cm.
  • Development of the central nervous system and especially the brain. By the end of the first year of life, its size is already 60% of the "adult".

Gross and fine motor skills of children

Your one-year-old's movements have become much more confident and varied - now he is standing on his own, and may have taken his first steps. Well, if this has not happened yet, keep your video camera ready, because very soon you will be able to capture this magnificent moment.

By his first birthday, the baby already has some skills that allow him to feel independent:

  • eats with handles or uncertainly holds a spoon;
  • helps parents dress themselves;
  • leafing through books with favorite fairy tales.

information At this age, the child is already beginning to understand the purpose of some items of daily use - combs, spoons, telephones, even if he has not yet fully learned how to manage them.

Sleep and nutrition

By this age, children are already switching to “night sleep”, but, most likely, the afternoon rest will remain in their habit for a long time.

information The child's digestive system is already sufficiently developed for him to. If you are still practicing, you may think about absenteeism (but this is not necessary), because now your child receives all the nutrients from the products.

But be careful do not leave the child alone during the meal- at this age is very large.

Child development after a year

  1. Does not understand the function of simple household items at 15 months of age.
  2. Does not imitate any "adult" actions by the end of this period.
  3. At 18 months, the child does not walk.
  4. Cannot write a simple sentence by 24 months.

important Medical practice shows that often the above problems appear precisely because of insufficient communication and training. The development of children is an important task for every parent, because by investing your strength, time and love in your baby, you give him a ticket to a great future.

The kid is now characterized by new desires: constantly play and communicate, learn new things, make small discoveries. Parents are surprised to see the transformation of the crumbs into a real little personality with their own characteristics of character and behavior, with their own requirements and expectations. What you need to know about this period of child development?

Homo erectus

The main motor achievement of the crumbs by this age is walking. The child began to walk independently. Freed hands allow you to experiment with surrounding objects, the skill of predominant use of the right or left hand is formed, coordination of movements is improved. It is physical activity that contributes to the development of cognitive abilities of the baby.

Now the child is an active explorer. He is ready to share his successes and achievements with adult family members. But he really needs the love and care of parents, their ability to predict "problem" places in the apartment, which can create serious obstacles in the way of the baby. The environment should not only be cozy and comfortable, but, above all, safe. Now the crumbs are very useful for various physical exercises using balls, soft rugs, uneven paths and “spiky” massage toys. You can try to lead the child on a low bench and teach him to climb up and down the stairs.

Children under 2 years old are very interested in household items, kitchen utensils, various types of materials. They like to play with bottles and jars, sprinkle cereals and play with flour, disassemble threads and buttons of large and small sizes, use clothespins and spools. If these games are made safe, the baby will be able not only to expand his horizons and speech activity, but also develop fine motor skills remarkably.

The rich language environment of the child stimulates his speech development, expands vocabulary and forms a culture of communication. A depleted speech environment slows down speech development. At the age of 1–2 years, the child understands the speech of adults, understands the story of the past (where they went, what they saw). He can complete an assignment consisting of 2–3 consecutive actions (“take”, “bring”, “put”), he knows the names of parts of the body, face. The baby’s vocabulary is growing very actively, and by the age of 2 he builds sentences of 2-3 words, can change intonation, voice strength, speech rate, remembers quatrains, nursery rhymes, listens to fairy tales with interest, asks to read his favorite book, enters into a dialogue on about the pictures.

All the actions that the baby is now doing develop his intellect and creative inclinations. Even when he concentratedly tears the paper into small pieces, draws, collects rings on a string, scatters toys or tirelessly plays with his favorite toys in the bath, all this helps in the development of various areas. It should also be remembered that, fearing for the cleanliness of the table and apartment and not giving the child enough to draw with finger or ordinary paints, it will be difficult for parents to grow a creative person. The task of parents is to allow the baby to cope with those tasks that he can already complete on his own, and create a suitable environment for the child’s activities: close the table with oilcloth, buy safe paints, give the baby paper to work on, on the edges of which he will not be able to cut himself, etc. .

The role of fear

Suspend the development of the baby can any shock or fear. Any feeling similar to a feeling of fear blocks many mental processes (thinking and memory, attention). At this age, the main childhood fear is the loss of mother and mother's love.

It seems to adults that maternal love is undeniable and nothing can destroy it. However, children's thinking, and most often fantasies, require constant confirmation that the mother is here and still loves the child. Weaning or the mother's going to work can be perceived by the baby as a sharp manifestation of dislike for him. The child cannot come to terms with the fact that his mother is no longer around as often as he would like. He has increased internal tension and increased anxiety. During the period of separation from the mother, parents need to be even more attentive and calm in communicating with the child, try not to be annoyed by tears and tantrums. It is necessary to make it clear that even if the mother leaves somewhere, she will not disappear forever, to assure the baby that when the mother returns, they will definitely play, draw or sculpt together, go for a walk. This confidence will help in building a sense of basic security and safety.

On the other hand, the child gradually begins to realize that the desires of the parents do not always coincide with his own desires, so he often comes into conflict, defending his rights and demands.

In order to teach a child to name and accept their own emotions, you can make a toy for the baby that would change its facial expression depending on the child's act. It can be a two-sided flat doll. On the one hand, the doll has a joyful expression on her face, on the other, a sad one. Let the doll hang in a conspicuous place, rejoicing at what the baby is doing. But if he is naughty, does something bad - turn the doll with a sad face. Say: "Kate doesn't like it." The child will notice the change in the expression of the doll's face and pay attention to the facial expressions of people. In addition, such a game will save you from having to make comments to the child on your own behalf all the time.

Disagreements with yourself

Love and fear of loss, irritation and exactingness - these two opposite poles affect the child's behavior. At this time, there are periods of inexplicable whims and discontent, as well as a re-emerging fear of strangers and separation from the mother, sleep disturbance.

Often mothers are confused, on the one hand, by the desire of the child to become more independent, and on the other, by the insistent demands to share with him every aspect of his life. At this time, it is very important that the mother does not pull away and does not react sharply to the duality of her baby's behavior, so that she remains emotionally available to him with predictable behavior, but at the same time, gently guides him towards independence.


You can teach your child to interact with other people now. The kid may not want to communicate with an unfamiliar person. However, this does not mean that he should generally avoid contact with strangers. Try to organize your child's routine in such a way that he meets and communicates in a natural setting, for example, with a neighbor walking his dog or your friends. Your guests and acquaintances should always be friendly to the child: smile more often, laugh, say more affectionate words to him, in no case be irritated or shout.

It is also important to teach the child to play with peers nearby, without interfering with each other, to ask for toys and share them, to greet and say goodbye.

Do not forget that your word for the child should be defining and decisive, and the concepts of “no” and “can” must be understood and fulfilled.

Remember the following principles for raising a child:

  • You should not try to protect the child from all troubles, forbidding him to ride down the hill or removing from his way any thing that he might trip over.
  • Warn the child of the danger, be ready to help, but refuse to be overprotective.
  • Constant reproaches that the baby did something wrong, and fears that he will not succeed, contribute to the appearance of a feeling of self-doubt in him. If you are going to forbid something to a child, be sure to explain the reason for this prohibition so that he understands the real risk.

Tasks for the selection, correlation and grouping of objects that the child must perform by this age:

  • connecting parts (2 parts, 3 parts - with the help of an adult);
  • comparison in shape, color, size (the baby understands the words “more”, “less”), collects a pyramid from 2, 3 parts himself, from 4, 5 - with the help of an adult;
  • generalization according to signs: the child independently chooses from 4 objects, 4 colors - on assignment.

The child must be able to:

  • to independently catch the toy you like from the water (basin, bath) with a net;
  • play with sand, hammer and bushings;
  • build and know the names of the items necessary for this (“house”, “roof”, “fence”, “chair”);
  • play story games (doll feeding and cradling).

The first ideas about objects and phenomena:

About myself. Knows his own name, can speak about himself in the third person. For example: “Kolya wants to go for a walk” or “Give Kolya a ball”, etc.

About your appearance. Can answer questions: “Where are Kolya’s pens? And where are Kolya's legs? (eyes, nose, etc.).

About your actions.