Recipes for natural hair rinses. How to make hair conditioner at home

Greetings to my dear inquisitive readers! Today we will talk about one of my favorite topics, which I can talk about endlessly. This is a topic related to the care of your hair, which is important to feed something all the time. And a homemade hair conditioner will serve as an excellent tool for this.

Here's what I just didn't do with my hair, what I just didn't expose it to. Starting with perms and numerous colorings, ending with eccentric haircuts under the caret.

As you have noticed, I did not spare my hair, and, at times, they were in a deplorable state. But I have always managed to save them. You ask how? But I will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Cooking all the most useful things yourself is a great solution!

So, for sure, every girl on the shelf next to the shampoo has a conditioner balm. And everyone tries to choose for themselves the best and most suitable. But if you think about it, then in such balms there is little left of useful substances, because they undergo not a weak chemical treatment.

So why not make your own conditioner at home, taking into account the individual characteristics of your hair? After all, who, if not you, is better acquainted with them.

Let's now figure out which components will be the most suitable for you, and which ones you should beware of. And consider the recipes for the best rinses, as well as how to make them yourself at home.

Conditioner for dry hair

For girls who suffer from dryness of their hair, a very easy recipe is suitable. It is enough just to leave the house and walk to the first birch that comes across. Pick up a few leaves and return home to make a rinse out of them. Well, or you can walk to the pharmacy and buy dried birch leaves.

Pour boiling water over birch leaves and leave them for 30 minutes, then you can use them for their intended purpose. If you use this conditioner regularly, you will notice how the condition of your hair will improve, and you will not constantly want to moisturize it. Birch contains a large amount of essential oils, minerals, carotene and other substances that are good for hair.

Oily hair conditioner

All the time I am dissatisfied with the oily scalp of my head, store products did not really help me cope with this problem. But more recently, I discovered one recipe from an ordinary bay leaf. All this time he was lying in my refrigerator, and I could not even think about its external use. I read more about it, and it turned out that it contains essential oils, fatty acids and substances that help to cope with oily scalp.

In general, I poured boiling water over three leaves, waited until it cooled down, and rinsed my hair with this tincture after washing. I continue to do this for the third week, and the scalp is no longer so oily and needs washing in four days. And before, I washed my hair every two days, because it was unpleasant to walk with a greasy sheen at the roots.

So try to start using this rinse with me.

Conditioner for normal hair type

I will give you a very simple recipe that will pamper your hair and keep it healthy. And this is an ordinary oatmeal rinse, the preparation of which will not take you much time and effort. Oats can be purchased at a pharmacy, but if someone can be brought from the village, then you are just incredibly lucky.

And the list of useful properties of oats is endless, but most importantly, it contains essential oils, fats and amino acids that are good for hair.

To prepare, you need to take half a mug of oats and pour it into a saucepan, pour five mugs of water. Put on a strong fire. Once it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes. Then let the broth cool down, and you can rinse your hair with it after each wash.

Conditioner for brittle and split ends

After reading a lot of reviews on the Internet about homemade rinse recipes against splitting and brittleness, I chose the best one for you.

Unfortunately, cutting and breaking are the most common phenomena. They arise for several reasons, whether it is the use of a hair dryer or ironing, lightening, lack of vitamins, and so on.

St. John's wort, burdock root and calendula flowers will help get rid of an unpleasant ailment. And the content of essential oils, fatty acids, protein, minerals and other beneficial substances in them make them invaluable for hair health. You can buy these herbs at any pharmacy.

To prepare, you need to take one tablespoon of each plant, mix them, pour 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then continue to boil for 20 minutes. Let the finished broth brew for 30-40 minutes. Then you can use it.

Conditioner for unruly hair

How to understand that the hair has become naughty? And you watch, do they electrify by chance? If yes, then they stopped listening to you. And this happens mainly in the winter, when you have to put on spiky sweaters, hats and other warm clothes that give such an effect.

Horsetail rinse can help to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. This is a very useful plant with vitamins B, C, fatty acids and resin. It is sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price.

It is very easy to prepare it yourself. You need to take two tablespoons of this herb, pour two glasses of water and boil for 30 minutes. The warm broth is ready to use.

Anti-fall rinse

For some reason, it is in the spring that I begin to experience intense hair loss, maybe this is due to beriberi, in general, I don’t know. After looking for ways to solve my problem for a long time, I came across one good recipe. It is prepared from oak bark with milk. It sounds a little strange, but I was pleased with the result. Oak bark contains fatty oils and vegetable proteins that strengthen hair roots.

I warn you right away, it can give an unexpected shade to the hair, so I recommend using this rinse only for brunettes! And if, unfortunately, you suffer from such an ailment as oily seborrhea, then it is better to replace milk with water, otherwise it can only provoke its strengthening.

This recipe is not complicated, you will need a couple of tablespoons of oak bark and a glass of milk. Mix them in a saucepan and bring to a boil, remove from heat after 10 minutes. Allow the resulting broth to cool, then you can use it.

And for fair-haired girls, I found another equally useful recipe. This is a lavender-based rinse with aloe juice. Judging by the reviews, the recipe is very effective.

To do this, pour half a cup of dried lavender into 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and remove from heat after 20 minutes. Add a tablespoon of aloe juice to a warm broth. The rinse aid is now ready for use.

Anti-dandruff rinse

If dandruff has finally finished you off and you don’t know how to get rid of it, then try a burdock-based rinse. Its recipe is very simple, it is enough to buy burdock root in a pharmacy. Take two tablespoons of this plant, pour five glasses of water and cook over low heat for 25 minutes. Then rinse the hair with a warm decoction, and at least at the roots.

Burdock is very useful. It contains a large amount of essential oils, proteins and starch.

Conditioner for colored hair

There are few girls left who will never paint over their natural color. Basically, we want to experiment. And the more diverse the color scheme, the calmer we are.

At the beginning of the summer, one of my friends caught fire with another idea for dyeing her hair. What is so fashionable these days? Of course, coloring in the style of ombre, shatush, and so on, which involves lightening the hair. And as you know, the brightening component leads to a weakening of the hair structure.

So she decided to try this innovation for herself. At first, of course, everything looked beautiful, but after a couple of weeks, her hair turned into a washcloth, I’m not afraid of this word.

But a very nice person gave her a recipe for a sage-lemon juice rinse to help solve the problem. To do this, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of sage leaves per liter of water and boil them over low heat for 25 minutes. Then cool and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Rinse the hair with a decoction after washing, without rinsing.

Four months later, the condition of her hair has noticeably improved, they have become more manageable, smooth and shiny.

In general, sage is rich in vitamins, minerals, oils and other beneficial substances, and lemon is even more so. But there is one important point! Lemon juice is said to lighten hair, and if you don't want this to happen, don't add it to the tea.

Rinses for intensive growth

Do you know the feeling when you really want to change your hairstyle, and you go to a beauty salon with great enthusiasm and ask the hairdresser to cut off a meter of your hair? To which he hardly agrees and fulfills your demand.

Then you walk out happy and satisfied with the feeling that everything around has changed, including you. And in such euphoria you are literally a week. Then everything. Regrets and remorse come to you, and sometimes you even dream about your gorgeous long hair at night.

You diligently start looking in stores for a remedy that will help you grow your previous length, without thinking that you can cook it yourself. Therefore, I present to your attention a recipe, the effect of which will be noticeable immediately.

And this is a simple and uncomplicated nettle, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Well, or pick a fresh one in the country. I managed to do this over the summer. And I just took a few nettle leaves, poured boiling water over them, let it brew for about 30 minutes, at the same time it just cools down. Then immediately in the bathhouse after washing her hair, she rinsed her hair with it.

And so I continued to do all summer, by the fall I managed to grow about 7 cm of my hair.

The beneficial composition of nettle is very unique. In addition to the fact that it is 90% water, it also has a huge content of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber. But be careful when using it, as nettle can give your hair some unwanted color. Therefore, it is better to use it for girls with dark hair.

But for fair-haired girls, I have another recipe with chamomile. You can also buy it at a pharmacy, or pick it up in the field or in the country in the summer. In general, it would be great to dry it also for the winter, the same applies to nettles.

The recipe is just as easy and quick, you need to pour boiling water over the chamomile petals and let them brew for 30 minutes. Your miracle conditioner is ready, go try it. And by the way, this plant contains a unique chamomile essential oil.

Volumizing rinse

Do you want to have lush hair and make the volume catch everyone's eyes? Then try St. John's wort rinse, which contains a lot of essential oils and fatty acids. You can find it in any pharmacy.

The recipe is quite simple, you just need to take three tablespoons of grass and pour six glasses of water. Then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Wait for it to cool down and go rinse your hair with it. After a few weeks of use, you will feel the volume on your head.

Smoothing and Shining Rinse

An irresistible shine to the hair is given by the conditioner from the series. Like all herbs, it can be purchased at a pharmacy, preferably in bulk. The composition of the series contains a lot of tannins, carotenes and ascorbic acid.

A couple of tablespoons of this mixture for two cups of boiling water will be enough. Leave this decoction for about a day and then boldly rinse your hair with it. You can not even wash it off, let it stay on your hair, and after that you will notice a chic shine.

How to use rinse aid correctly

Having presented all the recipes to you, I would like to focus on the correct use of the rinse aid. So, it should not be too hot or cold, much less stale. It should be used warm, freshly cooked, except for those that need to be defended for a day.

Rinse your hair only after a thorough shampooing. And those rinses that are prepared with water can not be washed off - the beneficial substances are better absorbed.

It is advisable to use it regularly every time you wash your hair, taking breaks for at least a month.

What is the Benefits of using rinse aids?

Having learned several recipes for homemade rinses, you can see that they are all united by the main goal - to improve the condition of our hair. After all, thanks to them, our hair is cleaned of fine dust, dirt and other particles. Become smooth and well-groomed.

And it is very important to use natural rinses, since ordinary water contains a lot of alkali, which does not affect the hair structure very well.

And absolutely everyone can use rinses, unless you have an individual intolerance to any ingredient. And remember that some herbal herbs give unexpected results depending on the color of your hair, so be careful!


Or maybe you have a couple of good recipes in store? Now I look forward to your comments.

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Hair rinses are an indispensable thing in the household of a woman who wants to have beautiful, well-groomed hair. There are many different rinses, which you need to choose depending on the type of hair and their needs.

Some conditioners take care of the hair, make it soft and shiny, others thoroughly cleanse the hair of the remnants of chemical elements contained in industrial intensive shampoos.

Types of hair rinses

So called acid rinses are recommended for cleansing the surface of the hair from soap residue, with their help, the natural pH level of the hair is restored. After their application, the hair acquires its natural beauty, becomes obedient and silky.

The next type of conditioner is air conditioners . Conditioners have a creamy texture, are used to smooth and nourish the hair, after their application the hair becomes shiny, split less and comb well after washing. It is undesirable to use them very often, as they make the hair heavier and make it greasy.

There are also conditioners that apply for colored hair and have a balanced pH level. These rinses give the hair a healthy shine and elasticity, which is achieved due to the fact that they contain not only moisturizing and caring ingredients, but also an acid that helps to fix the hair color.

With the help of special medicinal rinses you can deal with such a nuisance as dandruff. You need to apply them for a certain time, until the desired effect is achieved.

Leave-in rinses They are great for weakened hair, they do not need to be washed off and they are suitable for daily use.

Rinse should be applied only to clean, washed hair, slightly towel-dried. It is not necessary to apply a conditioner on the scalp, as it is intended specifically for caring for hair only. Also, you can not keep the rinse on your hair for a long time: about 3-4 minutes, no more.

Homemade hair rinses: recipes

There are many recipes for natural hair rinses that you can make yourself at home. Most often, these are decoctions and infusions of various plants, for example, burdock or nettle. Burdock roots and leaves stimulate hair growth, while nettle helps prevent dandruff.

How to prepare infusions: four tablespoons of burdock or nettle leaves (instead of burdock leaves, you can also use dried chopped roots), pour boiling water and leave for 1.5-2 hours, then strain, and use the strained infusion for rinsing.

Simplest rinse recipe to add shine to hair, which is suitable for all types: add the juice of half a lemon or two tablespoons of vinegar to 1 liter of boiled water.

All of the above hair care products will help you transform your hair, make you irresistible and happy.

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable colors and shades of hair

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of the face

How to choose the perfect hair color

How and how to rinse your hair at home after washing your hair: you will learn how important this procedure is for the beauty and health of curls, read the detailed instructions on how to do it right and learn how to prepare effective home rinses.

Women who try to carefully and competently care for their hair attach great importance to the choice of shampoos and masks, on which the health and beauty of curls depends. However, most often they forget about such an important aspect of hair care as rinsing their hair after washing their hair.

30% of all women reduce this procedure to rinsing them under running water, another 55% prefer store-bought conditioners, and only the remaining 15% use natural homemade products as part of this procedure.

Home rinsing of hair has several advantages over store balms. , the action of which is short-lived and does not always meet expectations. If you learn to rinse the strands with decoctions of herbs, aqueous solutions of lemon, vinegar or honey, their health and beauty will delight you at any time of the year, and you won’t have to spend money on expensive branded products.

Rinse aid functions

The main tasks of purchased balms-conditioners are reduced to pointing the outer gloss of the hair: to make it easier to comb after washing, not to be electrified, and to look smooth. However, everyone knows that the effect after such funds does not last very long: no more than a day. And it is not always possible to achieve the desired result: after individual rinses, the curls seem to be covered with a greasy, greasy film, which is unpleasant to the touch and spoils the appearance of the entire hairstyle. If the hair rinse was prepared on the basis of folk remedies, this does not happen. With proper application, it has an amazing effect on curls:

  • washes off the shampoo
  • softens the harsh effect of water;
  • removes plaque of calcium, other harmful salts that envelop the hair after washing;
  • restores the smoothness of the outer layer, smoothing the cuticle and giving elasticity to the hair;
  • facilitates styling, combing;
  • has a conditioning effect;
  • nourishes the follicles with useful substances;
  • reduces static electricity to zero;
  • gives additional color, shade;
  • normalizes the production of fat by the glands;
  • restores the acidity of the scalp;
  • strengthens the roots, preventing their intensive loss;
  • heals damaged areas (places of cuts and breaks);
  • relieves unpleasant itching in various forms of seborrhea and dandruff;
  • gives shine, volume, strength.

Almost any homemade hair rinse, which can be prepared from ordinary products or herbs, has such a complex effect. Unlike store-bought products, they will not contain all kinds of perfume compositions and incomprehensible chemical formulas.

Home rinses are always clearly focused on maintaining the internal health of the scalp and the structure of each hair.

Beauty is achieved only through healing, and not through bringing out the external gloss. To experience such a powerful effect of home rinses, you need to be able to use them.

Hair rinse instructions

It is very important to learn how to do homemade hair rinses in order to achieve the desired result. For this you need to know a few little female tricks and follow a number of rules , which make up a specific instruction for rinsing hair at home.

  1. Rinsing should take three times more time and effort than washing your hair.
  2. Need to do it a large amount of running water without any additional components . Many advise doing this with cool water or at room temperature, but in this case there is a risk of getting sick, because the head will be exposed to low temperatures for quite a long time. Therefore, make the rinse water slightly warm to be comfortable, but not hot or cold.
  3. Running water is needed, but it is better if it is filtered in order to somehow reduce the amount of harmful substances in it.
  4. The biggest responsibility lies with the last rinse, for which you need to prepare a liter or even two separate, no longer flowing, barely warm water. It must be 100% mineral (no gas), pre-settled or filtered.
  5. An active ingredient is added to it in accordance with the recipe (herb decoction, vinegar, lemon juice, essential oils, honey).
  6. The hair is lowered into the basin with the prepared solution and gently rinsed in it for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Then this remedy is poured onto the head.
  8. The strands are only slightly squeezed out with careful movements.
  9. Pat them dry (but don't rub!) with a cotton towel, which perfectly absorbs moisture. Avoid using a terry towel and twisting strands.
  10. After such rinsing, the use of a hair dryer to dry will destroy the hair and reduce all the beneficial properties of the procedure to zero. You need to be patient and wait until the strands dry themselves. If the situation is catastrophic (you urgently need to dry your head), set the hair dryer to at least the most gentle mode and do not use hot air for this.
  11. Combing wet curls is also impossible. : Only after they are completely dry. You need to start from the ends, then move to the middle and only then comb the strands from the top to the ends from top to bottom. For the first combing, choose a comb made of natural materials with rare teeth.
  12. There is no need to apply any conditioner or additional products to the hair after this.
  13. Rinse frequency - after each wash, provided that this does not happen every day. The best option is twice a week.
  14. A course of treatment one recipe - about a month, after which it is recommended to change the composition of the home rinse.

How to perform this procedure at home correctly, you now know. It remains to decide how to rinse your hair: what recipe to choose for the type of your curls in order to get the most out of them. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, almost every homemade rinse recipe indicates for what type of curls it will be most effective, and for whom it is completely undesirable. Secondly, in practice, you can try many recipes and select from them for yourself those whose results satisfied you 100%.

Homemade hair rinse recipes

For home rinsing of hair, decoctions of medicinal herbs are primarily used, which have an excellent effect on the scalp and the internal structure of the hair itself. Vinegar, lemon, honey, essential oils are also useful, but not so much. Therefore, if you decide which recipes to give preference to, then herbal decoctions will be out of competition here. Try to follow all dosages as accurately as possible, because any ingredient in homemade rinse can cause an allergic reaction and complicate hair care with unpleasant side effects.

  • Nettle

Experts recommend rinse hair with nettles for brunettes and brown-haired women , since the decoction can give an undesirable shade of yellowness to blond curls. However, with intensive loss of strands in whole shreds, when the internal health of the scalp is much more important than the external gloss, trichologists prescribe rinsing with nettle to absolutely everyone, without exception, despite the original hair color. Pour a tablespoon of dry or fresh chopped nettle with a glass of boiling water, put either on a slow fire or in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cover, leave for infusion for half an hour, strain. A glass of cooked goes to a liter of water for rinsing.

  • Chamomile

Blonde beauties are best to rinse their hair with chamomile which will give them shine and shine. However, one should not expect miracles from this medicinal plant: the effect that many blondes suffer from will not go away after rinsing their hair with chamomile, but can only intensify. But many other problems will be solved: dandruff, itchy scalp, split ends and thinning strands. Pour a tablespoon of dry or fresh chopped chamomile (other varieties will not work) with a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire or in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then cover, leave for infusion for half an hour, strain. A glass of cooked chamomile decoction goes to a liter of water for rinsing.

  • Vinegar

homemade rinsing hair with vinegar is very common and loved by many owners of oily hair. . Indeed, for them it becomes a real salvation, because vinegar perfectly removes excess subcutaneous fat from the surface of curls and regulates the subcutaneous glands. However, here you also need to know a few secrets on how to rinse your hair with vinegar so as not to harm them. The most important nuance concerns dry and damaged strands that cannot be rinsed in this way: vinegar can burn them. The conditioner is prepared as follows. Carefully pour 50 ml of apple cider vinegar into a liter of water intended for rinsing. To avoid the unpleasant smell of vinegar on your hair, add a few drops of any essential oil suitable for your type of curls.

  • Lemon juice

More forgiving analogue of the previous rinse - lemon juice, which gives the hair a fantastic shine, makes them smooth, even and silky. However, a high concentration can also harm dry and damaged (split, brittle) strands. Therefore, experts advise using lemon juice rinses for owners of oily and normal hair. You need to squeeze it at home. Use 100 ml of concentrated lemon juice per liter of rinse water.

  • Essential oils

The most harmless and fastest rinses are considered those in which essential oils are added. They can be made in seconds, they will give the hair a pleasant aroma, with regular use they will help improve the condition of the hair. However, aromatherapy is a subtle art that you need to understand and know a lot about. If you add ester intended for oily strands to your home rinse for your dry strands, you will worsen their condition, and you will be disappointed yourself. Therefore, add essential oils only according to your hair type.

1. For dry : palmarosa, ylang-ylang, mandarin orange, frankincense, orange, sandalwood, rosewood, lavender, patchouli, myrrh.

2. For fatty : sage, lemon, citronella, tea tree, bergamot, lemon balm, geranium, cedar, mint, cypress, pine, cajuput, eucalyptus, juniper, ginger, cloves, verbena.

3. For normal : rosemary, calamus, rose and tea trees, verbena, petitgrain, cedar, coriander, bay, ylang-ylang, cypress, frankincense, pine, mint.

  • Honey

One of the most useful, healing rinses is honey. , but few people use it, being afraid of a sweet coating that may remain on the hair after such a solution. Completely unfounded fears, because the concentration of sugar is minimal and all of it is absorbed into the scalp, inside the hair itself, without settling on their surface. Melt 150 ml of natural, fresh honey in a water bath to a very liquid state, pour it into a liter of water prepared for rinsing, mix thoroughly.

Now you won’t have any problems how and with what to rinse your hair at home.

Do everything strictly according to the instructions and recipe, select different compositions for your hair type and enjoy consistently excellent results.

This will help you understand how important this procedure is in general hair care. Responsibly, you need to approach not only the choice of shampoo or mask, but also rinse aid - too.

Rinsing your hair at home: how to make curls shine after every shampoo

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Few people now make homemade shampoos - basically everyone uses purchased ones. But even if you buy the most expensive bottle, after washing, the shampoo will still leave a little “chemistry” on your hair, which will gradually dry out both the strands and the skin under the hair, causing dandruff and allergies.

Rinsing your hair will help to completely clean each curl: homemade recipes will not only help you say goodbye to the “periodic table”, but will also heal split ends, brittleness, loss of brightness, hair loss, and dandruff.

But not only shampoos harm the beauty of the hair - even the water itself washes out the protein from the hair, “undermining” it. A properly selected rinse recipe will thicken the keratin “shell”, so that your “mane” will become fuller and thicker, and each strand will become silkier and softer.

How to rinse your hair: the best homemade recipes

Any of these compositions is not only suitable for dousing a washed head, but also replaces the air conditioner.

Rinse your hair with vinegar

Buy this product if you have normal or oily hair. Apple cider vinegar washes away not only “chemistry” and dirt, but also the remnants of sebum: goodbye, boring oily sheen! Rinsing smoothes the scales of the hair, so that the “mane” literally begins to sparkle.

Ingredients: 50 ml of apple cider vinegar per 1 liter of water. Instead of the latter, you can brew a decoction of the herb that suits you (2 large spoons of herbs per liter of boiling water). If you are a blonde, brew green tea, chamomile or linden. If a brunette - rosemary, nettle, oak bark. Rinse your hair with this composition after you wash it.

  • Vinegar for hair: useful properties, recipes for rinsing and masks

Rinsing with essential oils

Compositions with esters pleasantly flavor the hair, and improve external beauty. But do not forget: for each hair there is an ether.

Yes, girls with oily hair should choose citronella, sage, bergamot, geranium, mint, pine or eucalyptus, clove or ginger, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm, cedar or cypress, cajuput, juniper or verbena.

Owners of dry hair fit ylang-ylang, frankincense, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, palmarosa, tangerine and orange, chamomile, lavender, myrrh.

Well, if your “mane” is a normal type, buy calamus, verbena, cedar, ylang-ylang, frankincense, mint, rosemary, tea or rosewood, petitgrain, coriander, cypress or pine (in the form of ether, of course).

Ingredients: for 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs mentioned above), drip 4 drops of ether.

  • Essential oils for hair: useful properties, how to choose and apply

Nettle for hair rinse

This plant is not very respected in dachas and villages, but meanwhile, nettle is an excellent beautician: it suits all types of hair, and treats a dozen problems (including hair loss), and copes with pollution with a bang. But if you are a blonde, remember: such a conditioner can leave an unexpected shade on blond hair.

Ingredients: Pour 1 large spoonful of dry nettle leaves with 1 glass of water, place in a water bath, let it boil, boil gently for about 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain, add water to make enough for your hair length, and use

Chamomile hair rinse

The fortune teller flower is the best friend of blondes. It treats dandruff and peeling, itching, and the hair will like it - it will soften them, moisturizing each hair. If you use this herb often, it will change the shade of the hair to a sunnier one.

The recipe for rinsing from chamomile is the same as from nettle.

honey water

Don't miss this recipe if you suffer from dry, "killed" hair. Honey “sticks together” the problematic ends of the hair, restores dull hairs, makes them more obedient and more beautiful.

Ingredients: Dilute 2 tablespoons of the gift of bees in a liter of water.

Lemon hair rinse

This tool is suitable for dull hair, as the lemon literally “highlights” them, saturating them with a healthy shine. And besides, he will finally make the restive hair obey you and lie down in the styling. Important: it will not work for dry hair, as it can only aggravate their problem; but for fat and normal fit perfectly.

Ingredients: squeeze about 100 ml of citrus juice into a liter of water.

Rinse your hair with tea

Any tea (green and black) is suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women, and only green for blondes. This simple ingredient will give the "mane" shine.

Ingredients: for 1 tablespoon of tea leaves - 500 ml of boiling water. Tea should be infused (5 minutes - black, 3 - green). When it cools down, pour it over clean hair.

Rinsing with beer

Did you know how rich in minerals and vitamins this intoxicating drink is? If you find a good dark beer, and not the cheapest, make homemade cosmetics out of it. She will give hair splendor, make them obedient, remove sebaceous excess, strengthen each hair, and accelerate growth.

Before use, it is better to heat the beer, and release the “bubbles” in advance. By the way, it is best to use this tool after you take a steam bath in a sauna or bath. You can use it in different ways.

1. “Bath” your hair in beer, let it “get drunk” a little on this intoxicating “cocktail”, and then rinse with clean water.

2. 100 ml of beer, 200 ml of water (warmed up) mix. Rinse hair with composition, do not rinse.

Rinsing with medicinal herbs

Herbal decoctions are a natural source of beauty and health of hair. You should choose grass based on your type and characteristics of hair. Herbs moisturize hair, saturate with useful substances. The broth should be brewed at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. By mixing several ingredients, you will enhance the healing properties of the resulting rinse. The catalog of herbal medicinal properties below will help you make the right choice.

Flower water and hydrosols

These products are obtained from the production of essential oils. Hydrolats have a huge range, they are extracted from almost any plant. This fashionable tool can be seen on the shelves of any cosmetics store. Rinsing your hair after washing with hydrosol, you saturate the curls with the beneficial substances of these plants, the hair becomes obedient, shiny and fragrant.

Rinsing for shiny hair

Mineral water. This leave-in rinse not only adds shine to the hair, but also removes the winter "dandelion effect" and nourishes the scalp. Important: use mineral water without gas!

  • Mineral water: beneficial properties for hair, how to apply

Decoction of apple peel. The main ingredient of the decoction contains natural wax. Thanks to this, rinsing makes the hair obedient and sparkling. Recipe: cut the peel from several homemade apples, boil in a liter of water. When cool, use immediately after washing (each).

Dark hair rinse

Black tea, nettle, sage and rosemary - this rinse is suitable for brunettes. All ingredients can be used separately or mixed in equal proportions, take 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. mixture, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;

onion peel - Ideal for red and brown hair. It has anti-inflammatory properties and eliminates dandruff. To rinse your hair, you need to make a strong decoction of onion peel, use it warm.

Ground coffee It will help to saturate dark hair with color and give a beautiful shine. For half a liter of boiling water, you need to take three tablespoons of coffee.

Conditioners for light hair

Favorite conditioners for blondes are decoctions of herbs from chamomile, rhubarb, linden, lemon peel, lemon juice, glycerin solution, honey water.

For the preparation of rinses based on esters, blondes should pay attention to ylang-ylang and lemon oils. These products give a radiant shine to blond hair and have a slight brightening effect.

Dry hair rinse

Rinsing your hair with a glycerin solution will help make your hair soft, smooth and hydrated. The recipe for such a conditioner is simple: one teaspoon of the product per liter of cool water.

Milk. Softens, "smoothes" each curl, giving volume, and also effectively moisturizes the hair. Pour about 5 large tablespoons of high-fat milk into 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs). If your hair is dry or split, also add a spoonful of honey, and if your hair is oily, then salt (a small spoon; preferably sea salt). After application, the rinse is not washed off.

Herbal decoctions for moisturizing dry hair: chamomile, calendula, linden, string, hop cones, sage, nettle, elderberry, flax seeds, birch leaves.

Birch. A decoction of birch leaves will appeal to the owner of overdried and often tangled hair. Have you been invited to the bath? Scoop water from the bowl in which the brooms were steamed and pour over your head at the end of the bath procedure. Among other things, such care will accelerate the growth of your braid.

Birch juice (forest, not from a store can) - an excellent hair conditioner. It treats dandruff and prevents its occurrence; softens harmful "straws" on the head; gives splendor and silkiness.

Oily hair rinse

If the hair quickly becomes dirty, decoctions of the following herbs will help: nettle, mint, plantain, pine and fir needles, coltsfoot, oak bark.

A rinse with the addition of ammonia will quickly help eliminate the problem of greasy curls. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter jar of water.

How to rinse your hair after washing to strengthen or for shine? Consider the main folk recipes. Have you ever wondered why our grandmothers have gorgeous thick hair in all the photos, and in our modern times every second girl has problems with dryness, fading and brittle hair?

Homemade hair rinse recipes

Maybe the whole secret lies in home beauty products? It’s quite difficult to cook, but it’s not at all to prepare a rinse aid that will improve the quality of your hair.

How to prepare hair rinse at home?

For cooking at homeyou don’t need to graduate from medical school to use hair rinse, everything is much simpler than it seems. Most often, these are simply infusions of herbs or other natural ingredients; in rare cases, the balm must be boiled for no more than 30 minutes.

When to use a hair rinse prepared according to folk recipes?

Use a homemade rinse every time you wash your hair, if you do not have time to prepare an infusion, try to use it weekly. If used less often, there will be no effect from the application.

How long should you rinse your hair with homemade conditioners?

It is necessary to rinse your hair with natural rinses for at least 2-3 months. Unlike chemical balms, which have an instant effect - until the next wash, natural balms accumulate in the structure, for which they need a certain time.

How to use homemade conditioner?

A conditioner made from natural ingredients is applied to washed hair after shampooing. It is better not to rinse, so the components will have a positive effect on your hair until the next hair wash.

Homemade conditioner "for the lazy"

If you consider yourself the laziest girl in the world or you simply do not have time to prepare special hair products, the first way is just for you. After each shampooing, simply rinse your hair with cold water, if you are afraid of hardening, then do not pour water on the roots, rinse only the tips, thereby refreshing your curls, covering the hair scales and preventing split ends.

Another rinse method:

Or you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to your conditioner, besides the fact that it will enhance the effect of the hair balm itself, it will also, depending on the choice of oil, eliminate the problem in its area:

  • for stimulation - juniper or ylang-ylang;
  • - lemon or tea tree;
  • against - eucalyptus or mint;
  • with - chamomile or geranium.

Hair Shine Rinse

It's no secret that most shampoos consist of alkali, which further aggravates the condition of the hair and hair dryers and hot curling irons so badly spoiled by hot air. And lye is known to be neutralized by acid, so dilute apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water.

This composition can only be used by girls with and normal hair.

Conditioner to enhance natural hair tone

To make your wonderful natural hair color sparkle even more beautifully, brunettes and brown-haired women need to pour 2 tablespoons of black leaf tea 0.5 liters. boiling water and insist for half an hour.

With blondes it is a little more difficult: 2 tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile must also be poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then insist another 15 minutes. Owners of blond hair can also use green tea infusion.

Conditioner for damaged hair and smoothing hair

Everyone's favorite honey is perfect for hair restoration: dissolve 150 ml of honey in a water bath and mix thoroughly with a liter of boiled water.

Conditioner for dry hair

Nettle-based rinse gently restores dry strands and eliminates dandruff. Two or three tablespoons of nettle leaves are poured and infused for at least 15 minutes with a liter of boiling water.

If you add birch leaves and horsetail before brewing, the effect will be even more noticeable.

Oily hair rinse recipe: so that your hair does not get greasy

For this type of hair, improvised products, such as lemon and black bread, are suitable:

  1. Pour the crushed peel of one lemon with half a liter of water and cook in a water bath for 20-30 minutes
  2. 2-3 slices of black bread, crushed, pour 0.5 liters. boiling water and insist 2-3 hours.

Conditioner for normal hair: for growth and against hair loss

Even if you do not suffer from various hair problems, so that they do not touch you in the future, it is worth taking care of them in advance. For this type of hair, an infusion of lavender flowers and birch leaves is suitable. A teaspoon of each ingredient must be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for 25-30 minutes.

A decoction of bay leaves, which are definitely in every home, is also wonderfully suitable: 50 gr. Lavrushka pour a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Used chilled

Homemade decoctions for rinsing hair, in addition to their main goals, simultaneously cope with the following tasks:

  • soften very hard running water;
  • wash away shampoo residues from hair that can harm hair;
  • make hair elastic, simplifying the subsequent styling procedure;
  • prevent electrified hair;
  • regulate the work of sweat glands;
  • positively affect the water balance of the epidermis;
  • saturates the bulbs with healthy components;
  • relieve itching.

The preparation of rinses according to folk recipes certainly takes time, but no patented conditioner can be compared with the healing power of natural decoctions!