Parents' meeting "Raising the Curious" (senior preschool age). Parents' meeting in the senior group "Raising curiosity in a child

Dear parents, hello! We are glad to see you at our meeting .

How would you like to see your child?

What do you think is necessary for a child to be healthy and develop correctly?(The child should be outdoors as much as possible, walk, communicate with nature.)

The influence of nature on a child is enormous. Acquaintance with the diverse world of nature and communication with it begins from the first years of life. Only under the condition of a close connection with nature, its phenomena, with life itself, emotions are manifested in children, perception and imagination are sharpened.

In the process of learning, children develop the ability to think creatively, there is a desire to acquire new knowledge. Only by knowing nature does the child begin to consciously and carefully treat it. In the process of cognition, the foundations of ecological culture are also laid, which is a part of universal human culture and reflects the relationship of man and the whole society with nature in all forms.

By introducing a child to nature, we comprehensively develop his personality, foster interest, respect for nature and curiosity.

norms and rules of behavior in nature.

Curiosity and cognitive interest are valuable qualities of a person and express an attitude towards the surrounding life, towards nature.

What is curiosity?(parental statements) Curiosity - a tendency to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by SI Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova).

Curiosity is the general direction of a positive attitude towards a wide range of phenomena. The source for the emergence and formation of curiosity is the directly perceived phenomena of life. The child's inquisitiveness is colored by the emotional perception of the world around him and constitutes, as it were, the first stage of the cognitive attitude.

Education of curiosity does not require any special training and is carried out in the classroom, in games, in work, in communication. The main condition for the development of curiosity is a wide acquaintance of children with the phenomena of the world around them, nature and the upbringing of an active, interested attitude towards them. Individual children have a sufficient supply of ideas, they are curious, they quickly react to what they are interested in, but if they do not educate them the ability to concentrate and engage in mental activity, their curiosity will remain at a low level and can turn into empty curiosity that does not require special effort.

What is curiosity?

Curiosity - 1. Petty interest in any, even insignificant details (idle curiosity, ask out of curiosity).

2. The desire to learn, to see something new, the pro-g phenomenon of interest in something (arouse curiosity, satisfy empty curiosity). (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by SI Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova).

The child is very inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything new, unknown. Every day brings him a lot of discoveries, many of which he draws in nature: either the icicle turned into water, or the ice path, sprinkled with sand, stopped sliding. With knowledge of the world around him, his curiosity grows, interest in the unfamiliar, which manifests itself in his constant questions.

Every child is a researcher by nature. What we can’t find in his pockets, what we don’t hear from him questions. And while children have not lost interest in learning, exploring the world around them, you need to help them discover as many secrets of animate and inanimate nature as possible.

To arouse curiosity, it is good to use the element of mystery, surprise, entertainment,

Tell me, what pushes children to actions related to destruction, for example, with a car breakdown?(The desire to know, and what is inside her, why she moves.)

As the child grows, so does his curiosity about his surroundings.

to the world, to nature. Questions often arise: why? for what? AND

we call it the age of "why": "Why is the grass green?"

"Why do birds fly?" Why why? Many such

questions are pounded daily on parents, who sometimes

don't know how to dodge them, how to answer them?

Is it good or bad for children to ask questions? |

Very often, a signal of mental retardation is

the number and quality of the questions asked by the child, by which one can judge not only the child's lagging behind, but also his creative abilities.

Do children ask you questions? Which? What do you think children's questions are talking about?(about the high level of development of the child)

If children ask questions, then they are interested. Questions help to learn about the world, enrich the mind with discoveries. It is very good when children come to you with their questions. I

The desire to ask questions, an inquisitive attitude to the phenomena of life must be developed, but at the same time it is necessary to arm the child with methods of independent search for an answer.

A.M. Gorky wrote: “To tell a child to his question:“ Wait, if you grow up, you will find out ”means to extinguish his desire for knowledge. It is a great art to sensibly answer the question, and it requires caution. "

Yes, quick ready-made answers broaden the child's horizons, enrich his knowledge, but they do not sufficiently contribute to the development of independent thinking, do not encourage the child to try to figure out the question and answer it himself.

It is best to accompany the answers to children's questions with a short conversation that will help the child see not only external signs, but also connections. However, children should not be overwhelmed with complex answers. If at three years old the baby is only surprised at something new and shows curiosity, then after three years the questions become signs of the child's curiosity. This is the period when the child is not just surprised at the new, but wants to know everything about him. Thus, during this period, numerous "why" testify to cognitive motives. It is important not only to answer the child's questions, but also to contact him with questions ourselves. The questions asked to the child activate his thought, encourage comparison, comparison, teach him to draw conclusions and inferences.

The task set before the children and the proposal to think: to compare, compare, recall - contribute to the development of thinking abilities, which means that they actively educate the inquisitiveness of the mind, form curiosity and cognitive interest as character traits.

At 5-6 years old, all the "why" is the desire of children to comprehend the essence of the environment, to understand the reasons, connections between objects and phenomena.

Our task is to maintain and awaken curiosity in children so that the number of questions grows, while remembering that the answers to children's questions should be appropriate for the child's age and not overwhelm him.

The more “why” in your house, the better developed the child, the higher his creative potential. The absence of such questions is one of the signals of trouble in its development.

Do I need to answer the child right away? What are you doing?

(You should not immediately give a ready-made answer. It is even possible to answer incorrectly if you are convinced that the child knows the answer. The correct answer will give him pleasure. You can invite the child to find the answer himself by observing the phenomenon of interest.)

But then the child went to school. At first, he is all burning with preparing lessons, writing sticks and hooks. Everything new fascinates him. But time passes, and the child, "having gained experience", no longer so enthusiastically talks about school events, reluctantly sits down at notebooks. What happened? Has he stopped being inquisitive? Most likely, he did not develop the curiosity that is necessary to study at school. Yes, curiosity is inherent in every child. It's all about its “quality”: what exactly does the child want to know and does he work himself to get this knowledge.

Curiosity is important and therefore needs to be developed while trying to increase the level of curiosity.

We suggest you choose from the list of factors that contribute to the formation of a preschooler's curiosity.

(give to each parent)

Yes, first of all, it is communication with the child. Communication should

create a joyful, optimistic sense of life in children,

confidence in their strengths and abilities. Without all this, natural manifestations of mental activity, inquisitiveness, curiosity are restrained and dulled. In this, walks in nature help us, which bring us closer to children, help to establish friendly relations, which are based on mutual understanding. During such walks, we have unlimited possibilities of educational influence on the child, the development of his observation, training of attention and memory.

You just need to learn to fill such walks with content,

so that each of them becomes a bright holiday, because in nature th

there is no period when there is nothing to show the child.

“Those who think that if children are surrounded by nature are deeply mistaken, then the fact itself contains a powerful stimulus for mental development. In nature, there is no magical force that affects the mind, feelings and will. Nature becomes a powerful source of upbringing only when a person cognizes her, penetrates with his thought into cause-and-effect relationships, ”said V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Expanding the circle of interests of the child, expanding his knowledge of the world, at the same time we strengthen his curiosity. "Everything around is interesting!" Observations, conversations, games during a walk will create a feeling of interest.

Observing children of all ages should be developed during walks. This enables the child to perceive the beauty of nature and learn new things about life in nature. Independent observation increases interest in nature, creates conditions for the application of knowledge in a new situation, stimulates the development of observation and cognitive activity of preschoolers.

It is important to strengthen the child's desire to independently understand things and phenomena, and not to wait and not require help from adults. In doing so, do not skimp on the approval of the timid attempts of children to achieve success. The main thing here is that the business should be successfully completed. An adult should guard the spark of curiosity. One of the sources that fuels this spark is the joy of success.

Experimenting with natural material is of great importance for the mental development of a child. Here, the child is faced with a certain cognitive task that requires an independent solution. Conducting experiments is an exciting activity for children, during which they express their assumptions, use different methods of verification, draw conclusions, they develop independence of thought and maintain a cognitive interest in the natural world. When organizing experiments with plants and animals, children should be taught how to handle living things carefully and try not to harm their lives.

Curiosity develops very effectively with the help of riddles that develop observation, teach to perceive the world in a multifaceted and figurative way. The main feature of the puzzle is

but, in that it is a logical task.

To guess a riddle means to find a solution to a problem, to answer a question, i.e. perform a rather complex mental operation. It's good when children not only guess riddles, but also come up with their own.

The development of thinking and speech abilities is also facilitated by natural history conversations with the child, the content of which should be interesting and understandable to the child (for example, what animals live in the forest, a forest pharmacy underfoot, winter in nature).

Children's fiction about nature affects both the consciousness of the child and his feelings. The bright, figurative language of the works creates a certain mood in children, increases the cognitive interest in nature. A natural history book helps to look closely at the surrounding nature and teaches to perceive it correctly.

Natural history museums (the Darwin Museum, the K.A. Timiryazev Biological Museum and others) are an important means of introducing a child to nature. Visiting museums develops children's curiosity, observation, awakens creativity in the child. Each museum has rich and interesting expositions, thematic exhibitions are organized, there are cinemas for watching films about nature. It is impossible to inspect the museum at once, it must be visited several times. Go all together to the museum!

Try to ensure that the child has an idea of ​​himself as able, smart, patient. All this will contribute to the formation of the child's curiosity at the highest level for a preschooler. And this is the guarantee of his future educational success and creative attitude to any business with which he comes in contact.

Parent's meeting decision

1. Widely use walks in nature to develop the curiosity of children.

2. Encourage independent mental activity of the child, answering his questions with counter "What do you think?"

3. Stimulate the child's curiosity and reward generously for non-standard "why" questions.

4. In communicating with children, widely use riddles, together with children, invent their own.

5. Organize trips to museums with your child.

Curiosity Guide for Parents

1. Be attentive to children's questions and do not dismiss them.

2. Do not be annoyed with them on the child, do not forbid asking them.

3. Give the answers short and understandable to the child.

4. Instill cognitive interests in your child at all times.

5. Teach him to play checkers and chess.

6. Host contests for connoisseurs, quizzes, hours of riddles and answers in the family.

7. Organize joint trips to theaters, exhibitions, museums.

8. Make constant walks in nature: to the park, to the reservoir, to the forest.

9. Make crafts with children from natural materials and paper.

11. Encourage children to experiment.

12. Read natural history literature to children, talk about its content.

Love your child!

Tsepeleva Valentina Anatolyevna, educator, MKDOU No. 21, Kirov

Purpose: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in introducing older preschool children to cognitive and research activities.

Tasks: to form the parents' idea of ​​the need to develop cognitive interests in older preschool children; to intensify the desire of parents to develop the cognitive interests of children; to promote the interaction of teachers and parents in the development of children's curiosity.

Event format: round table.

Methods: presentation of the teacher on the topic, discussion, game program, reflection.

Round table work plan: Opening remarks. Designation of the topic of the meeting. Speech by the educator "Raise the Curious". Game program "Adults and Children". Summing up the results of the round table. Handing over the "Memo for parents" Development of curiosity in preschoolers. " The final part is a reflection game “Choose your color”.

Assignment for parents: write on sheets of paper what personality traits, in their opinion, are needed for a child entering school?

Speech by the educator "Raise the Curious"

An indicator of the cognitive attitude to the surrounding reality of children in preschool age is curiosity.

So what is curiosity? (parental statements)

SI Ozhegov's dictionary gives the following interpretation of this concept: "Inquisitive - inclined to acquire new knowledge, inquisitive ...", therefore, speaking about the development of curiosity in children, we are talking about the development of cognitive interest.

The Federal State Educational Standard for DO clearly defines that in preschool age, motivation for learning, cognition and creativity, that is, cognitive interest, should be formed.

The child's curiosity serves as the basis for the emergence of a stable cognitive interest directed to objects, objects of nature, types of activity. The value of the presence of curiosity in children is great: it allows the child to expand the circle of knowledge and deepen understanding of the surrounding reality.

The education of curiosity and cognitive interests is carried out in the general system of mental education in the classroom, in the game, in work, in communication and does not require any special training.

The main condition for the development of curiosity is a wide familiarization of children with the phenomena of life around them and the education of an active, interested attitude towards them.

The emergence of interest is ensured by the preparation of the appropriate ground, in the content of the concept of which we include: the presence of external conditions that create the opportunity to receive sufficient impressions in a particular area, to carry out this or that activity; the accumulation of relevant experience that makes the given activity partially familiar; creating a positive attitude towards this activity.

From birth, a child has this cognitive interest: he needs to see, hear, touch, taste, twitch, twist, tap everything himself: he thus learns the world around him. The task of adults is to maintain this interest, not to let it fade away, and we often scold our 'little researchers''. “Tear it off! Break it! You will break it! " And how else does he know that the book is torn, the cup breaks, the door closes, water spills if he doesn't try it himself!

A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is one of the most important ways to develop children's curiosity.

"Children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool child development" - according to N.N. Podyakova. The activity of experimentation contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develops observation, mental activity. According to the academician, in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently acting in various ways on the objects and phenomena around him in order to better understand and master them. In the course of experimental activity, situations are created that the child resolves through the conduct of the experiment and, analyzing, draws conclusions, inferences, independently mastering the idea of ​​a particular law or phenomenon.

Theoretical knowledge does not fit into the child's psyche, the child needs a full-fledged experience as a source of cognitive questions. Adults' attention to children's issues is also a way to support the child's cognitive interest.

"How do you think about what the children's questions say?" (parental statements)

If children ask questions, then they are interested. Questions help to learn about the world, enrich the world with discoveries. By the nature of the questions, you can determine the interests of the child. The more “why” in your house, the better the child is developed, the higher his creative potential.

"How should you answer children's questions?" (parental statements)

No need to answer children's questions with a complete answer. Encourage the child to new thoughts, observations. Instead of answering, ask how he himself thinks, because, in the opinion of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "... under an avalanche of knowledge, inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried." A.M. Gorky wrote: “To tell a child to his question:“ Wait, if you grow up, you will find out ”means to extinguish his desire for knowledge. It is a great art to sensibly answer the question, and it requires caution. " Yes, quick ready-made answers broaden the child's horizons, enrich his knowledge, but they do not sufficiently contribute to the development of independent thinking, do not encourage the child to try to figure out the question and answer it himself.

Curiosity develops very effectively through riddles. The main feature of the riddle is that it is a logical task, guessing it means finding a solution to the problem, performing a mental operation. After the child offers his answer (even if it is incorrect), ask him why he thinks so, what helped him find the answer. Do not strive to get a supposed answer from the child, it is more important that, thinking about the answer, the child learns to observe the world around him, riddles encourage him to further reflections, observations.

Scientists have proven that curiosity as a personality trait arises from the development of emotions of joy, interest and surprise in the process of learning. It can be supported or suppressed by the reactions and actions of adults.

It is necessary to understand that in the process of a child's cognitive development, his horizons expand, he is aware of the surrounding objective world, about wildlife and other people, about space and time, thinking and speech develop, and individual interests are formed.

Cognitive and intellectual development depends on the attitude of the surrounding adults to the cognitive activity of the child, on how correctly they can create at each age stage a developing environment that meets the capabilities and needs of the child. It is important that the childhood memory of the world is illuminated with the joy of expectation of new discoveries, vivid impressions of life, and then his cognitive interests will grow stronger and develop.

Collecting is one of the oldest hobbies of man, which has always been associated with collecting objects that have no direct practical use, but evoke thought

In China, they say: "Whoever has a passion will live two lives."

I consider it a collectible close connection with life, the world, there is also a certain connection with classes in mathematics, speech development, cognition of the world around, environmental education, sensory development.

Collecting work with children contributes to the development of such important qualities as creativity, curiosity and cognitive activity. The purpose of the research activity of an adult with children in the direction of "Collecting" is, according to N. M. Korotkova, in the search for grounds for grouping, systematizing any set of homogeneous objects.

Preschoolers are not yet able to collect something purposefully. And the task of adults is not only to captivate children with the idea of ​​creating a collection, but also to help them in every possible way in this. The benefits of such activities are undeniable: collecting a collection, children are engaged in cognitive and research activities, they need to learn more about the items in their collection; in the process of collecting, memory, attention, intelligence, accuracy and frugality are developed; showing their collection to friends, exchanging interesting exhibits with them, children learn to communicate; collecting brings up very valuable qualities in a child: accuracy, patience, perseverance, the ability to work with material - in a word, it brings up the qualities necessary both for everyday life and for research work; collecting, like any hobby, decorates life, makes it fuller and more diverse.

“Tell me who was engaged in collecting as a child? What did you collect? "

One of the factors contributing to the development of a preschooler's curiosity is communication with an adult. This is helped by walks in nature, which bring adults and children closer together, help to establish friendly relations. By expanding the circle of interests of children, we strengthen their curiosity. Observations, conversations, games during a walk will create a feeling of interest. Natural history conversations contribute to the development of the thinking and speech abilities of preschoolers. Children's fiction about nature affects both the consciousness and the feelings of children. Natural history book helps to look closely at the surrounding nature and teaches to perceive it correctly.

Visiting museums also develops curiosity, awakens creativity. Each museum has rich expositions that cannot be viewed at once. Visit several times. Now there are interactive museums where you can touch, touch, act. In Kirov there is a museum of ice cream and chocolate. There is a physics museum in Nizhny Novgorod.

Try to ensure that the child has an idea of ​​himself as able, smart, patient. All this will contribute to the formation of the child's curiosity of the highest level for a preschooler and a creative attitude to any business with which he comes in contact.

Game program "Adults-children"

The goal is to motivate parents to develop children's curiosity.

Task 1: turn the drawn circles into round objects.

Task 2: the teams take turns showing their opponents a word or action without words, the opposing players must guess the intended word or action.

Assignment 3: Teams are asked to come up with a new use for a familiar object (for example, a newspaper, a broom, etc.).

4 task: on the tables there are sheets of paper and rounded pencils, which are easily rolled out on the table. Teams are encouraged to figure out how to use a piece of paper to prevent the pencils from rolling off the table to the floor.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 5 "Thumbelina"




Altynbekova A. Zh. educator


2015 g.

Dear parents, hello!

We are glad to see you at our meeting.

How would you like to see your child? What do you think is necessary for a child to be healthy and develop correctly? (The child should be outdoors as much as possible, walk, communicate with nature.)

The influence of nature on a child is enormous. Acquaintance with the diverse world of nature and communication with it begins from the first years of life. Only under the condition of a close connection with nature, its phenomena, with life itself, emotions are manifested in children, perception and imagination are sharpened.

In the process of learning, children develop the ability to think creatively, there is a desire to acquire new knowledge. Only by knowing nature does the child begin to consciously and carefully treat it. In the process of cognition, the foundations of ecological culture are also laid, which is a part of universal human culture and reflects the relationship of man and the whole society with nature in all forms.

By introducing a child to nature, we comprehensively develop his personality, foster interest, respect for nature and curiosity. Based on the curiosity of children, it is necessary to teach them to understand the richness and variety of relationships in nature, to explain the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

Curiosity and cognitive interest are valuable qualities of a person and express an attitude towards the surrounding life, towards nature.

What is curiosity? (parents' statement) ar Curiosity - a tendency to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by SI Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova).

Curiosity is the general direction of a positive attitude towards a wide range of phenomena. The source for the emergence and formation of curiosity is the directly perceived phenomena of life. The child's inquisitiveness is colored by the emotional perception of the world around him and constitutes, as it were, the first stage of the cognitive attitude.

Education of curiosity does not require any special training and is carried out in the classroom, in games, in work, in communication. The main condition for the development of curiosity is a wide acquaintance of children with the phenomena of the world around them, nature and the upbringing of an active, interested attitude towards them.

Some children have a sufficient supply of ideas, they are curious, they quickly react to what they are interested in, but if they do not educate them the ability to concentrate and engage in mental activity, their curiosity will remain at a low level and can turn into empty curiosity that does not require special effort.

What is curiosity? Curiosity - 1. Petty interest in all sorts of details, even insignificant ones (idle curiosity, ask out of curiosity). 2. The desire to learn, to see something new, the manifestation of interest in something (arouse curiosity, satisfy empty curiosity). (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by SI Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova).

The child is very inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything new, unknown. Every day brings him a lot of discoveries, many of which he draws from nature: either the icicle turned into water, or the ice path, sprinkled with sand, stopped sliding. With knowledge of the world around him, his curiosity grows, interest in the unfamiliar, which is carried out in his constant questions.

Every child is a researcher by nature. What we can’t find in his pockets, what we don’t hear from him questions. And until the children have lost interest in learning, exploring the world around them, you need to help them discover as many secrets of living and gentle nature as possible.

To excite curiosity, it is good to use the element of mystery, surprise, entertainment.

Tell me, what pushes children to actions related to destruction, for example, with a car breakdown? (the desire to know what is inside her, why she moves.)

With the growth of the child, his curiosity for the world around him, for nature, also grows. Questions often arise: why? For what? And we call this age "why": "why is the grass green?" "Why do birds fly?" why why? A lot of such questions fall on parents every day, who sometimes do not know how to dodge them, how to answer them?

Is it good or bad for children to ask questions? Very often, a signal of mental retardation is the quantity and quality of the questions asked by the child, by which one can judge not only the child's lag, but also his creative abilities.

Do children ask you questions? Such? what do you think children's questions are talking about? (about a high level of child development) if children ask questions, then they are interested in them. Questions help to learn the world enrich the mind with discoveries. It is very good when children come to you with their questions. The desire to ask questions, an inquisitive attitude to the phenomena of life must be developed, but at the same time it is necessary to arm the child with methods of independent search for an answer.

A.M. Gorky wrote: “to tell a child to his question:“ wait, you will grow up, you will find out ”means to extinguish his desire for knowledge. Answering a question is a great art, and it requires caution. Yes, quick ready-made answers broaden the child's horizons, enrich his knowledge, but they do not sufficiently contribute to the development of independent thinking, do not encourage the child to try to figure out the question and answer it himself.

It is best to accompany the answers to the children's questions with a short conversation. Which will help the child to see not only external signs, but also connections. However, children should not be overwhelmed with complex answers. If at three years old the baby is only surprised at something new and shows curiosity, then after three years the questions become signs of the child's curiosity. This is the period when the child is not just surprised at the new, but wants to know everything about him. Thus, during this period, numerous “whys” testify to cognitive motives. It is important not only to answer the child's questions, but also to contact him with questions ourselves. The questions posed by the child activates his thought, encourages comparison, juxtaposition, teaching to draw inference conclusions.

The task set for the children and the proposal to think: to compare, compare, recall - contributes to the development of thinking abilities, and therefore actively educate the inquisitiveness of the mind, forms curiosity and cognitive interest, as character traits.

At five six years old, all the "Why" is the desire of the child to comprehend the essence of the environment, to understand the reasons, connections between objects and phenomena.

Our task is to keep the children curious and stimulate and so that the number of questions grows, while remembering that the answers to children's questions should be appropriate for the child's age and not overwhelm him.

The more “Why” in your house, the better the child is developed, the higher his creative potential. The absence of such questions is one of the signals of trouble in its development.

Do I need to answer the child right away? What are you doing? (You should not immediately give a ready-made answer. It is even possible to answer incorrectly if you are convinced that the child knows the answer. The correct answer will give him pleasure. You can invite the child to find the answer himself by observing the phenomenon of interest.)

But then the child went to school. At first, he is all burning with preparing lessons, writing sticks and hooks. Everything new fascinates him. But the time comes, and the child, "having gained experience", no longer so enthusiastically talks about school events, reluctantly sits down at notebooks. What happened? Has he stopped being inquisitive? Most likely, he did not develop the curiosity that is necessary to study at school. Yes, curiosity is inherent in every child. It's all about her “quality”: what exactly does the child want to know and whether he works himself to get this knowledge.

Curiosity is important and therefore needs to be developed while trying to increase the level of curiosity.

We suggest that you pull out from the proposed list the factors that contribute to the formation of a preschooler's curiosity (give to each parent)

Yes, first of all, it is communication with the child. Communication should create in children a joyful, optimistic sense of life, confidence in their strengths and abilities. Without all this, natural manifestations of mental activity, curiosity, curiosity shrink and are transgressed. In this, walks in nature help us, which bring us closer to children, help to establish friendly relations, which are based on mutual understanding. During such walks, we have unlimited possibilities of educational influence on the child, the development of his observation, training of attention and memory. You just need to learn how to fill such walks with content so that each of them becomes a bright holiday, because there is no such period in nature when there is nothing to show the child.

“Those who think that if children are surrounded by nature are deeply mistaken, then the fact itself contains a powerful stimulus for mental development. In nature, there is no magical force that affects the mind, feelings and will. Nature becomes a powerful source of upbringing only when a person cognizes her, penetrates with his thought into cause-and-effect relationships, ”said V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Expanding the circle of interests of the child, expanding his knowledge of the world, at the same time we strengthen his curiosity, "Everything around is interesting!" It is observation, conversation, play during a walk that will create a feeling of interest.

When walking, you mustdevelop in children of any ageobservation ability ... This enables the child to perceive the beauty of nature and learn new things about life in nature. Independent observations increase interest in nature, create conditions for the application of knowledge in a new situation, stimulate the development of observation and cognitive activity of preschoolers.

It is important to strengthen the child's desire to independently understand things and phenomena, and not to wait and not require help from adults. In doing so, do not skimp on the approval of the timid attempts of children to achieve success. The main thing here is that the business should be successfully completed. An adult should guard the spark of curiosity. One of the sources that fuels this spark is the joy of success.

Experimenting with natural material is of great importance for the mental development of a child. Here, the child is faced with a certain cognitive task that requires an independent solution. Conducting experiments is an exciting activity for children, during which they express their assumptions, use different methods of verification, draw conclusions, they develop independence of thought and maintain a cognitive interest in the natural world. When organizing experiments with plants and animals, children should be taught how to handle living things carefully and try not to harm their lives.

Curiosity develops very effectively with the help of riddles that develop observation, teach to perceive the world in a multifaceted and figurative way. The main feature of the puzzle is that it is a logical task.

To guess a riddle means to find a solution to a problem, to answer questions, i.e. perform a rather complex mental operation. It's good when children not only guess riddles, but also come up with their own.

The development of thinking and speech abilities is promoted andnatural history conversations with a child, the content of which should be interesting and understandable for the child (for example, what animals live in the forest, a forest pharmacy underfoot, winter in nature).

Children's fiction about nature affects both the consciousness of the child and his feelings. The bright, figurative language of the works creates a certain mood in children, increases the cognitive interest in nature. A natural history book helps to look closely at the surrounding nature and teaches you to perceive it correctly.

An important means of introducing a child to nature isnatural history museums. Visiting museums develops children's curiosity, observation, encourages creativity in the child. Each museum has rich and interesting expositions, thematic exhibitions are organized, there are cinemas for watching films about nature. It is impossible to inspect the museum at once, it must be visited several times. Go all together at once to the museum!

Try to make the child have an idea of ​​himself as able, smart, patient. All this will contribute to the formation of the child's curiosity at the highest level for a preschooler. And this is the guarantee of his future educational success and creative attitude to any business with which he comes in contact.

We suggest you choose from the list of factors that contribute to the formation of a preschooler's curiosity and mark them with a tick.

    Communication with the child.

    Walks and excursions in nature.

    Observations of nature and the surrounding world.

    Conversations with the child.

    Visiting museums, exhibitions, zoo, theaters.

    Reading informative literature.

    Experienced and experimental work with children.

    Making riddles, solving crosswords, puzzles.

    Game of checkers, chess.

    Conducting quizzes and contests.

    Watching television programs about nature.

    Outdoor games.

Ekaterina Mikhnitskaya
Parents' meeting "Development of curiosity"

To all parents want so that their child grows up smart and inquisitive... A child by nature is already curious... He is interested in everything new, unknown. He has every discovery day: then he learns for the first time that the icicle, clutched in his hand, turns into water, that the paper tears, crumples, rustles, that a stone thrown into the water sinks, and the tree floats on the surface.

The desire to know often fails children: they accidentally cut napkins, because they want to know if it can be cut, they gut factory toys in order to find out what is inside and why they move. In this way, they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. It grows curiosity about the environment, to a stranger. Often there are questions: what is this? for what? what is it made of? No wonder they are called why.

(music from the program "One hundred to one") Today we will parenting meeting in the form of a game"One hundred to one"... Our discussion is about development of curiosity in children. Parents already divided into two commands: Signs and Umeechki. In the course of our joint activities, we will post the main conclusions on the board.

Curiosity and curiosity! What do you think dear parents, are the words the same in meaning curiosity and curiosity? (Answers parents)

Curiosity- a petty interest in all sorts, even insignificant details. Asking from the empty curiosity... Idle curiosity.

Curiosity- the desire to acquire more and more knowledge. A keen interest in everything that can enrich life experience, give new impressions.

So, let's start our game. Each team receives a card on which several questions are written, which are often asked by children. (Cards with 6-7 questions are given out).

I will ask you to select the three most popular questions. You have 30 seconds to complete the task.

1. Where do children come from?

2. Where does thunder come from?

3. Why are the clouds moving?

4. Why is night falling?

5. Why winter?

6. Why can't you eat snow? ___7. Why study?

So time is up. What was the first most popular question you picked? (Command response alternately. The first question appears on the screen).

What second question did you choose? (Command response alternately. A second question appears on the screen)

What third question did the teams choose? (Each team reads out their question. A third question appears on the screen). How many matches does each team have? Good! We identified these questions as a result of the survey parents observing children. Do you think it is necessary to answer all the child's questions? What conclusion can we make?

It is necessary to treat any questions of children with respect, not to dismiss them, to give them short and accessible answers. (The output is posted on the board)

And how, in your opinion, to answer children's "why" so that the interest of the prisoner in the question does not fade away, but developed? Imagine such the situation:

A mother and her five-year-old daughter are walking down the street. It began to rain suddenly. Daughter asks: "Mom, why is it raining?" Let's take a look at the screen and see what Mom said. The answer appears on the slide mothers: "You cry and the sky is crying." Do you agree with this answer? (Not)... Question to both teams: How would you answer your child? 30 seconds are given for discussion of the issue. (Answers parents)

Well done, dear parents! Your answers correspond to the age of this girl. A answer: "You are crying and the sky is crying" can be given to a child of three years.

For your attention, I offer the following the situation: While walking in the meadow, six-year-old Katya saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings: "Mom, what is the name of this butterfly?" Mom did not know what to answer, but invited her daughter to carefully consider and remember the appearance of the butterfly. Question teams: "Why did the mother offer this to the child?"... The discussion is given 30 seconds. (Command responses)

Dear parents to answer the questions that arise, you can refer to the book. By doing this, you instill in the preschooler a respect for knowledge. The child begins to understand that knowledge is acquired in different ways, among which the most interesting and exciting is reading a book.

And we draw the following conclusion (on the desk): answering the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, re-read the book, consider illustrative material with you.

The shelves in bookstores are overflowing with literature for children, and in this abundance it is quite difficult to navigate. Therefore, many parents are forced to decide how to choose a book for a child so that it is both beautiful and useful, and the child likes it. Dear parents What books are better for children? (Books of different formats and thicknesses are given).

Please select one book that you would purchase for a 4-5 year old child. Time for task 30 sec. (Answers parents) - Why did you choose this particular book?

We can draw the following conclusion (on the desk): By the format of the book, it is better to choose small ones, so that the child can cope with turning pages and be able to carry the book from place to place.

Educator: Let us and we stand in a circle and wrap ourselves up a little. Stretched high to the farthest star Now let's embrace our globe.

The most important thing in a book is the content. In a child's library, it is good to have different books: stories, literary tales, folk tales, poetry, folklore, epics. You are offered cards in which you need to determine the sequence of acquaintance with the genres of works. You have 30 seconds to complete tasks. (Cards are given)... Look at the screen and test yourself. Nursery rhymes come first. Even up to a year old, the child hears nursery rhymes "There is a horned goat", "Okay-okay" etc. That is why the first works for a child is folklore. According to research, young children prefer poetry. It has been proven that the success of children's perception of a rhymed text is 22% higher than the same version of a prosaic one. The next genre with which we introduce children is folk tales. Fairy tales are read in any age... After that, literary tales are introduced into the circle of children's reading. And already from the age of 4, children are read short stories. But you cannot enter only those texts that provide exemplary, edifying examples for the child, and even more so, you should not urge him to follow them, otherwise the crumbs will have an idea of ​​literature not as an art, but as behavioral recipes. The most difficult genre for perception are epics. Therefore, they are used for reading to children of the preparatory group.

So, I want to do conclusion: in the child's library there should be books of different genres, from folklore to children's scientific literature (encyclopedias, (on the desk)

Very effective curiosity develops children with the help of riddles. They teach non-standard thinking: look for similarities between

the most distant, outwardly dissimilar things.

The castle looks like a small dog, because it does not let you into the house. The bulb resembles a grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats.

It is imperative that after the child offers his answer (even if the wrong one, ask him why he thinks so, what helped him find the answer? As a rule, children willingly memorize riddles in order to guess them themselves. It is great if children learn to invent riddles themselves. , and you should help them in this. I suggest you learn how to come up with riddles according to the schemes. Come up with a riddle and ask it to the team opposite.

Do not seek to get a supposed answer from the child, encourage non-standard answers. It is more important that, thinking about the answer, the child learns to observe the world around him, to highlight the essential features of objects, he curiosity develops, the need to ask questions. Listen riddle: the girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. What's this? (Carrot)... This is a stereotyped answer of children, although turnips, radishes, beets, and radishes can be a clue.

Riddles are given on the cards. On the screen, you see the template answers to them. I suggest 30 sec. find as many answers to these riddles:

1st team . (Car, tractor, bus, truck, motorcycle)

2nd team "In winter and summer in one color". (Spruce, pine, thuja, cedar, fir) Let's listen to the answers to the riddle "They wear rubber shoes, feed them with oil and gasoline"... And now the answers to the riddle "In winter and summer in one color".

We have one more conclusion: Use riddles in developing curiosity, they enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflections and observations.

We all understand perfectly well that the age of informatics has come. Computers

firmly entered our lives and the lives of our children. Children from an early age

ages are drawn to this mysterious subject. Baby with a diaper

observes how mom works at the computer, and dad emotionally presses

on the keys with shouts: "Hooray! Ours won! "

The kid's interest grows with age, he does not want to be a stranger anymore

an observer of the work of adults at the computer, he wants to

touch the shrine. What do you think dear parents, Does it

computer tool development of curiosity? In our society

there are different opinions on this matter.

Let's see, is a computer good or evil?

So, the task for the teams: team "Umechechek" proves that the computer

a preschool child needs, and the team "Sign" proves

the opposite point of view. Time for discussion 1 min.

So, we begin to express the arguments of the opponents in turn. (When

commands "Sign" the arguments run out, the teacher makes a conclusion) The computer serves as an excellent tool for development of curiosity... The kid acquires new knowledge in such areas as reading, mathematics, biology, foreign languages, etc. Scientists have long proven that a computer does not cause much harm to eyesight, it is much more dangerous to watch TV. Of course, you need to limit the time of communication with an electronic friend - 15-20 minutes a day is enough for a child.

So, the last conclusion of our debate: it is necessary to comply with the requirements and rules when organizing the child's play activities on the computer, so as not to harm his health.

So dear parents! Both teams did a good job today. You are probably wondering why we do not give marks and do not calculate points, although we are divided into teams. Because a competitive spirit stimulates interest, excitement and activates thought processes.

As a result of our game, we jointly compiled a memo for parents"How develop the child's curiosity» ... This is the solution of our parent meeting.

If your child asks you questions, this means that you have become a rather significant and authoritative person for him who has the information he needs and is well-versed in what he is interested in. Asking a child to you, an adult, is a manifestation of respect and trust in the experience and your competence. And although sometimes you want to hide from them, hiding behind a fresh newspaper or an urgent conversation, to be alone with your thoughts, to solve the accumulated problems, you must react to the child's exploratory excitement, which sometimes does not give the "poor" adults a minute of peace!

Dear colleagues! I hope the memo will help yours too. to parents.

Scenario of a parent meeting in kindergarten on the topic: "Growing curious"


Reveal the meaning of the child's cognitive interest and the response of adults to it; teach to develop cognitive activity.

Form of carrying out:

Round table.

Carrying out plan:

Introductory part of the meeting.
Listening and discussing children's answers.
Solution of pedagogical situations.
Working with the memo "How to answer children's questions."
Children showing the "Why" scene.
Discussion of the issue of involving parents in the process of cognitive development of children of this group.
Summing up the meeting. Making decisions.

Event progress:

Preparatory stage

Conduct a survey of parents (see appendix).
Prepare an invitation to a meeting for each family (make it together with the children in the form of individual cards).
Issue with children in the classroom memo "How to answer children's questions" (See Appendix).
Print out parenting tips for developing curiosity.
Prepare a "Why" scene with the children.
Write an appeal to the parents on a sheet of Whatman paper (See appendix).
Interview the children, write down the answers to the questions (see the appendix).

Organizational stage

While the parents are getting together, the recordings of songs sound quietly: "Whether there will still be" and others; tables are arranged in a semicircle.

Introductory part of the meeting


Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see you at our round table. Thank you for coming to this meeting.

This means that we are all united by our interest in the topic of parent-teacher conference, and it really deserves attention. I think you will agree that a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.

The child is inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything new, unknown. He has discoveries every day: he first learns that an icicle turns into water in his hand; that the paper tears, wrinkles, rustles; that a stone thrown into the water sinks, and the tree floats on the surface.

The desire to learn often fails children. They accidentally cut napkins when they want to know if it can be cut, or they take apart toys in order to find out what's inside and why they are moving. In this way, they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. His inquisitiveness to his surroundings and the unfamiliar grows. Questions often arise: what is it? For what? What is it made of? No wonder they are called why.

Our discussion is about the development of curiosity in children. I wonder if the words "curiosity" and "curiosity" are the same in meaning? We decided to look into the dictionary. What is said in the “explanatory dictionary of the Russian language” by Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov?
“Inquisitive - inclined to acquire new knowledge, inquisitive ...
Petty interest in all sorts of details, even insignificant ones (idle curiosity).
The desire to learn, to see something new, to show interest in something.

Listening and discussing children's answers.


Do you think our children are curious? (parental statements) Please listen to the children's responses. (listening to the recording of children's answers. Appendix.)

You heard the answers of the children, and now I would like to know your opinion.
Does your child ask questions? About what? How often?
Do you always answer questions and do you think you always have to answer?
Is the child always satisfied with your answer?
Which adult does the child most often turn to with questions? Why?
Discussion of issues.

Solution of pedagogical situations.


Imagine this situation. Mother and son are walking down the street. It began to rain suddenly. The son asks: "Mom, why did it rain?" - and hears the answer: "You are crying and the sky is crying."


1. Do you agree with the mother's answer? Try to put yourself in the shoes of a five-year-old.
2. How, in your opinion, should you answer children's “why” so that the interest in the question does not fade away, but develops?
3. Is it always helpful to give a comprehensive answer to a child's question right away?
4. What should be considered when answering children's questions?
5. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky advised us, adults, to leave something unsaid so that the child would again and again want to return to what he learned. What do you think? (Discussion).
A dad and his six-year-old daughter are looking at an illustrated book about a zoo. The girl has a question: "Why does the lion have such a yellow skin?"
Discussion of possible answers.
While walking in the forest, five-year-old Sasha saw a beautiful butterfly. Mom doesn't know what she's called.
Five-year-old Vova became interested in how berries are made from strawberry flowers.

Working with the memo "How to answer children's questions"


You have instructions on how to answer children's questions on your tables. These memos were designed by our children and really wanted you to get to know them.
Do you think these tips deserve attention? Or do you disagree with them?
Many of the tips, of course, have been tested by you in practice, and yet, which of them do you consider the most important in raising a child's curiosity, why? (discussion)

Observation develops very effectively with the help of riddles. You have asked a riddle:

Fluffy cotton wool
Floats somewhere.
Than cotton wool is lower.
The closer the rain.

The child replied: "cloud."

Will you be satisfied with the answer?
What questions will you ask him?

Dear parents, I hope you will support the proposal to create mystery albums in every family. It is very important that your children take part in drawing up riddles in drawings, applications on riddle themes.
- Do you think it is necessary to strive to ensure that the child is given as much information as possible and deep knowledge beyond the age? (discussion).
Once one mother proudly told that her five-year-old daughter reads herself and is interested in books intended for schoolchildren, she can count to a hundred. At the same time, mom always adds that her child is developed beyond his years.
- What is your opinion? (discussion).
Well, now the children will show us their scene.

Show children the scene "Why"


The son came to his father with a question.

Dad! Dad! That's ridiculous!
Why tell me millet
Is the grain called?
Why is the neighbor an innovator?
What is an excavator?
Why is he walking?
How did you live without matches before?
Why is there smoke?


Leave me alone, leave me alone
With your reasons.


The son returned soon ...

Have you been to the desert?
And sail to any sea
Do you think whales?
Why is a hare with ears?
Dad, what's the edge?


After, once, leave me alone!


Again the son came to daddy ...

Where is the moon during the day?
Dad, dad, and when
Are we going to the theater?


And in response, a flash flashed:


I have my own business!


And, sighing, the little son wandered
From the father's table.
Why? When is it? Where?
The answer is the same every time.
Gradually, the son began to bother dad less and less.
But one day in the evening
At the venerable father
From excitement, chagrin
The complexion has changed.
The parent of the son asked:


School call? Why? What's happened?
What is the reason? I don't understand at all!
Others have a look, kids
They only delight the hearts.
Why are your marks
Upset for your father?
Why did you break the glass?
Scratched the door at the school?
Why are some worries
Are you causing me now?
Why are you worse than others?
I won’t understand in any way?
From what? Why is that?


Indeed, why?

Discussion of the situation.


We all do not want such a situation to develop in our families, to happen to our children. What can we do today for our children, not only in families, but also in a group. The guys and I turn to you with an idea for each parent to take part in the process of the cognitive development of the children of our group.

Discussion of the issue of helping the group in terms of cognitive development.


Please consider:
What can be done for our children?
Which family member can take part in organizing meetings with children?


And now, if you have thought, then please mark on the poster what you have chosen, write the time of the meeting and the surname.

Summing up the meeting. Tea drinking.


Questionnaire for parents "Cognitive interests"

Does your child ask questions? How often? What content?
What is your child most interested in?
Does your child seek to expand their knowledge using various media?
Does she tell adults and peers about her interests?
To which family member does the child most often ask questions?
Is the child's interests wide or narrow? Are his interests constant or changeable?
What is being done in the family to develop the interests of the child?
What questions of the child baffle you?
Is the child always satisfied with the way you answer his questions?

Curiosity Guide for Parents

Be attentive to children's questions, do not dismiss them.
Do not be annoyed with them on the child.
Let the answers be short and understandable for the child.
Teach your child to play chess or checkers.
Run various contests in the family.
Organize joint trips to theaters, museums, exhibitions.
Take regular walks in nature.
Make crafts with children from natural materials.
Encourage kids to experiment.
Read natural history literature to children.

Love your child!

Memo for parents "How to answer children's questions"

Treat children's questions with respect, do not dismiss them.
Listen carefully to the child's question, try to understand what the child is interested in.
Give short, child-friendly answers.
The answer should enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection.
Encourage the child to think independently.
In response to the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him.
When answering a child's question, work on his feelings. Cultivate in him sensitivity, tact for the people around him.
If the answer to the question is beyond the understanding of the child, do not be afraid to tell him: “While you are still young. You will go to school, you will learn to read, you will learn a lot of new things and you yourself will be able to answer your question ”.

Questions for children

Do you like riddles? Who makes them for you at home?
What is your favorite thing to do? Why?
Do adults take part in your games?
If you were an adult, how would you help your children with activities and games?

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