The most expensive weddings in the world. The most expensive and luxurious weddings in the world

A wedding, one's own or someone else's, always causes only positive emotions. After all, two loving people, in front of all people, declare the birth of a new family and swear allegiance. But what is the most expensive wedding?

In all places of the earth and at all times, the traditions of celebrating marriage ceremonies are very different.

For some people, it is enough just to sign in official state institutions, and then the most important thing is to live happily ever after.

For others, it's a day of their lives. And it needs to be done in a big way. And then come what may.

Expensive wedding of Liza Minnelli and David Gest

The happy day for the couple took place on March 16, 2002 in New York. At the wedding ceremony and at the banquet, the king of pop Michael Jackson himself was present. A lot of celebrities were also invited to the celebration.

From various sources it is known that in total, the number of guests was 850 people. The wedding cake ordered for the bride was a 12-ball cake costing $40,000.

Lisa and David were officially married for 5 years, after which in 2007 the couple announced that they were breaking the bonds of marriage.

Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky wedding

Amount - $ 4.8 million

In 9th place is the gorgeous wedding of Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky. The marriage cost the couple $4.8 million.

The ceremony took place on July 31, 2010 in New York. The newlyweds chose this date in advance, as they were firmly convinced that this day would bring them happiness in family life. Chelsea wore a dazzling white dress by renowned American designer Vera Wang.

The decoration of the hall where the banquet was held and its decoration with valuable orchids with garden roses cost $ 500,000. The most famous people came to share the joyful day of Chelsea and Mark, among whom was Oprah Winfrey. To ensure security at the wedding ceremony, $ 200,000 was allocated.

The most expensive wedding of a football player

Amount - $ 15 million

An expensive wedding of $15 million took an honorable 8th place. The newlyweds were Wayne Rooney and Colin McLaughlin. The solemn day took place on June 12, 2008 in Italy. The bride was wearing a chic puffy dress embroidered with precious rhinestones and diamonds. The cost of the bride's dress is $ 200 thousand.

The wedding was celebrated for 4 days. In addition to the banquet hall, the newlyweds and guests continued to celebrate on the yacht, enjoying the fantastic Italian landscapes.

Most Expensive Indian Wedding

Amount - $ 20 million

On the 7th step in wedding expenses, there was a couple of Vikram Chatwal and Priya Sachdevoi. On the happiest day of their lives, they did not spare $20 million. An Indian luxurious and spectacular wedding took place on February 18, 2006. Solemn events were held for 10 days in several cities, starting from Delhi and Mumbai.

Guests arrived at the wedding from 26 countries. All those invited, in the amount of 600 people, to the celebrations were delivered on private jets. The guest list of honor included former US President Bill Clinton, as well as a large number of Bollywood stars.

In the history of India, this grandiose wedding has remained in the memory as the most expensive and most luxurious.

Luxury wedding of bankers

Amount - $ 30 million

A cute young couple - Andrey Melnichenko and Alexandra Kokotovich, took 6th place in terms of expenses for the wedding ceremony.

The holiday on the occasion of the beginning of family life cost the newlyweds $ 30 million. Given that the groom is a well-known billionaire and founder of MDM Bank, everything falls into place. The bride is Miss Yugoslavia.

The wedding ceremony took place on September 3, 2005, in France on the Cote d'Azur. For the entertainment of the guests, world mega-stars were invited as artists: Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera. Performance fees, famous stars received $ 3.6 million each.

royal wedding

Amount - $ 34 million

On the 5th position, was the wedding of the century - the British Prince William and Kate Middleton. The wedding ceremony on April 29, 2011 was watched from all over the world.

The celebrations were held in Westminster Abbey in London. In addition to the fact that this is a wedding in the royal family of Great Britain, the newlyweds themselves turned out to be very pretty.

So, everyone who wanted to watch the significant event: either online or on TV, with a signal to 118 countries. Agree, this happens very rarely.

The cost of the royal wedding was 34 million. The beautiful bride shone in an amazing snow-white dress with a train, decorated with expensive lace. The price of Kate Middleton's dress is over $70,000.

Wedding in Versailles

Amount - $ 58 million

A beautiful young couple - Vanishi Mittal and Amita Bhatia, took 4th place in terms of the scope of the wedding celebration. It was not difficult for them to pay $ 58 million for the ceremony. The beginning of the family life of Vanisha and Amita was celebrated on November 18, 2004. All events took place in the French Versailles, at the Grand Chateau.

Romantic newlyweds invited up to 1000 guests from different parts of the world to a grand feast. Surprisingly, even the invitations themselves turned out to be extraordinary and precious: they were enclosed in silver boxes.

Many famous guests were entertained: Aishwarya Rai, Kylie Minogue and many other famous artists. To satisfy the gastronomic tastes of all those invited, specially for this wedding, famous chefs from Calcutta were invited, who prepared more than 100 different festive dishes.

Princess Diana's wedding

Amount - $ 115 million

On the 3rd place of honor, according to the cost of the wedding celebration, was the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer. To the crowned family, this holiday cost $ 115 million.

The wedding event was celebrated on July 29, 1981 at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. $ 600,000 was spent on organizing security, newlyweds and invited guests.

The beautiful bride, Lady Dee, was in a chic white dress adorned with 10,000 diamonds. An amazing train of the dress stretched for 25 meters and was embroidered with rare lace. As everyone knows, in 1996 - this marriage broke up.

double wedding

Amount - $ 123 million

Double expensive wedding took a worthy 2nd place. The solemn wedding event was celebrated by two couples at once: Simanto Roy with Chandala Top and Sushanto Roy with Richie Roy.

Two suitors - the sons of Subrat Roy, the owner of the Sahara territory, wished to marry on the same day. The wedding cost them $123 million. A significant event took place, for 4 lovers - February 10, 2004.

There were 11,000 invited guests at the wedding. Over 110 different holiday treats were prepared to feed everyone. The newlyweds, for their grandiose festive feast, invited many international stars of show business and politics. Among those invited, there were also prominent religious figures.

The most expensive wedding is the sheikh's wedding

Amount - $ 137 million

And finally, in 1st place - the wedding of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Princess Salameh. The wedding festivities cost the groom $137 million. A significant marriage took place back in 1979 in Dubai.

This chic wedding immediately appeared on the front pages of the Forbes magazine ranking, with the title "Billionaire Weddings".

For all residents of Dubai, an official 5-day holiday was proclaimed, of course with days off. And the ruler of the city and the groom at the same time, sent all the residents of Dubai and the surrounding villages - various treats and drinks.

To accommodate 20 thousand invited guests, the builders erected a special hall, the size of a large football field.

The most expensive wedding in the world - Chechen

Amount - $ 1 billion

According to unconfirmed reports, the wedding of March 26, 2016 may take off to the main place in the ranking of expensive weddings. The newlyweds are Said Gutseriev and Khadizhi Uzhakhova. The celebration, for his beloved son, was paid for by the Ingush oligarch and oil tycoon - Mikhail Gutseriev.

According to Western experts, at least $ 1 billion was spent on this wedding. It may well be that this amount is even greatly underestimated. There were 600 invited guests. Luxurious celebration was celebrated first in the Moscow restaurant "Safisa", and then continued in London.

The groom's father, bought for the future daughter-in-law, the most expensive dress at $ 450 thousand, weighing 25 kg. It was sewn to order, from the best French fashion designers. A chic dress is decorated with pearls and rhinestones. The crown on her head cost $80,000. Flowers to decorate the banquet hall, it took several million dollars, which were delivered from different parts of the world.

A lot of money was spent on fees, for very famous world-class artists, as well as various attributes with fireworks. Possible costs - in half of the entire state of the father of the groom or according to other sources - only 7%.

Guests received gifts upon leaving the wedding. These were caskets instructed in gold and made of real malachite. The cost of each box is $2,700.

Of course, you should always remember that the wedding ceremony is only the beginning of a joint journey.

The most expensive wedding of the century - Top 10

Rated 1 out of 1

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The tradition of lush and loud celebrations of the wedding of the newlyweds has long gone into oblivion. Now, most people in marriage are finding more useful and practical uses for money. For example, buying your own apartment or car. Basically, such marriages are held in the circle of close relatives and friends of the bride and groom, and the ceremony itself is very modest.
But, even now, there are those people for whom a magnificent wedding is another reason to emphasize their premium status and fork out for several thousand, and sometimes myelinated dollars.
Your attention is the top eight most expensive weddings in the world.

1. Vanisha Mittal and Amit Bhatia - approximately $60 million

No wonder the marriage of Vanisha Mittal and Amit Bhatia is considered one of the most expensive wedding ceremonies in the world. Not including the huge budget, most of the world's stars were also invited to the wedding. The newlyweds are not famous Hollywood stars, they are just the daughter and son of an Indian tycoon and banker. The whole celebration, which took place in the Tuileries Garden of Eden, dragged on for several weeks, and each of the invitees received their invitation in a small silver box. All those invited at the end of the wedding watched the grandiose fireworks and the performance of the famous singer Kylie Minogue. For all this celebration about five thousand bottles of elite and exclusive wine and champagne were drunk, and also eaten a sea of ​​black caviar.

2. Prince William and Kate Middleton - about $34 million

Surprisingly, as the people called it the “royal wedding”, it cost only exactly two times cheaper compared to the Indian one. A few years ago, namely in 2011, the future King of Great Britain Prince William and his longtime university girlfriend Kate Middleton played a magnificent wedding. The entire wedding budget was spent on many luxurious flower bouquets, and a couple of million dollars went to specially trained royal guards. Well, what is really interesting about this wedding is that the bride's parents gladly paid for exactly half of the entire wedding, despite the fact that their daughter is marrying the heir to the British throne.

3. Andrey Melnichenko and Alexandra Nikolic - $30 million

Andrei Melnichenko, a large private entrepreneur from Russia, publicly announced ten years ago that he was going to take Miss Yugoslavia Alexandra Nikolic as his wife. The ceremony consisted of two parts: an official receipt in the marriage hall and a wedding and an oath of eternal love before heaven. The main part of the above amount went to the stars of the first magnitude. Such races as Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera came to the wedding. Well, the world-famous chef from France Alain Ducasse was responsible for the chic dishes.

4. Kim Kardashian and Krisa Humphreys - $10 million

Famous thanks to the American TV show about the Kardashian family, socialite Kim Kardashian in 2011 married the world-famous basketball player Kris Humphreys. This wedding cost the couple exactly 10 million US dollars, although more than half of the money was spent on a twenty-one-carat diamond engagement ring for the beautiful Miss Kardashian.

The ceremony itself was held at the Montecito family estate. The halls, which were decorated with thousands and thousands of wild African roses, are placed in vases of pure crystal. But, unfortunately or fortunately, the marriage did not last long and the couple divorced, but rather she married the American rapper Kenya West.

5. Wayne Rooney and Colin McLaughlin - $8 million

Wen Rooney - the famous football player and player of the Manchester United football club in the same 2011 played a luxurious wedding with his childhood best friend and first true love McLaughlin.

The ceremony was celebrated with due scope and pomp. The wedding itself took place on a huge yacht, and a couple of the newlyweds presented all their guests with a small handmade wooden box, in which there were beautiful tropical butterflies and, on command, all of them were released into the wild in an instant. In general, the wedding turned out to be very romantic. A lot of money was spent on the wedding and a large amount was also donated, but the young married couple spent all the money donated on gratuitous charity.

6. Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky - $5 million

At the end of 2010, one of the most luxurious and rich weddings in the world took place. On this glamorous and solemn day, the former President of the United States of America gave his only daughter Chelsea in marriage. The entire wedding ceremony was held under seven locks. The wedding of the newlyweds took place in the small but lovely town of Reinbek and all the leading roads to it were completely blocked, and all invited guests received a special name bracelet. This was done so that none of the outsiders could enter the wedding of two lovers. The bride of this celebration appeared in a chic wedding dress from Vera Wang worth one million dollars.

7. Liza Minnelli and David Guest. Budget - 3.5 million $

Even despite the fact that the wedding celebration took place back in 2002, it is still among the ten most expensive weddings in the world. The wedding celebration itself took place in the lobby of one of the most expensive hotels in New York, where many world-famous people were invited. Celebrities such as Mr. Tony Bennett performed at the wedding. and pop music king Michael Jackson was the groom's best man. The bridesmaid was the gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor.

8. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes - "humble" $2 million

The most “budget” wedding in the top is the marriage of Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and his then-beautiful bride Katie Holmes. The wedding itself took place in the lovely Italian castle of Odescalchi, but the rest of the solemn part was completely secular. The couple danced to world-famous hits and received congratulations from friends - Hollywood stars, singers, and famous athletes.

A wedding is a special day in the life of every family. Guests choose the best clothes, prepare expensive gifts, relatives help the newlyweds organize the event. Every couple wants their wedding to be perfect. But what if you have such sums of money at your disposal that a spoiled celebration is out of the question, and for a wedding dress you just need to take measurements from one of the best couturiers in the world?

Rating of the top 10 most expensive weddings in the world

Today we will talk about special celebrations, where the question “how much?” does not arise at all. and where the daily norm of one money machine descends in an evening. So, the most expensive weddings in the world.

Amit Bhatia and Vanisha Mittali - $78 million

The first place in the ranking of expensive weddings is occupied by a week-long celebration arranged in France in honor of the wedding of Amit Bhatia and Vanisha Mitalli. The implementation of a truly luxurious event was facilitated by an Indian banker and tycoon, whose daughter is the bride at that time. The guests of 1000 people were taken care of in the best possible way. Each received an invitation in a special silver box. At the very same celebration, the guests were delivered by private jets, and the rest between the days of the celebration was spent in five-star hotels in Paris. What can I say, if only the wine was purchased for 1.5 million dollars (5,000 bottles of Château Mouton-Rothschild). Kylie Minogue entertained the audience, and at the end of the celebration, Paris was lit up with magnificent fireworks.

Prince Charles and Diana Spencer - $48 million

The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton for 34 million? Pfft, Buckingham Palace has seen a more posh event. No wonder the rite of entry into the family life of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer was called the "wedding of the century." It is extremely curious what the fabulous money was spent on, if it is known that Lady Dee's white dress (albeit with a giant train) cost $ 13,000, and only 120 people were invited to the wedding feast. Although no, there was a luxurious glass carriage on which the main characters came to the guests. But some other expensive details of the wedding are unknown. Surely again the organizers generously took care of the safety of the celebration.

Donald Trump and Melania Knavs - $45 million

It is not known whether the eccentric rich man named Donald Trump in 2005 thought that he would become the 45th president of the United States, but the number 45 appears in this story. That is the amount of millions of dollars spent on a festive event in honor of Trump's marriage to a model. 450 guests were accommodated in a specially rented club, where everything that evening was held at the highest level. For example, Tony Bennett and Billy Joel were listed as hosts of the evening, and just countless quantities of elite champagne were purchased. At the end of the event, the attendees were served a giant wedding cake decorated with gold (possibly real).

Sheikh Mohammed bin Al Maktoum and Princess Salameh - $44.5 million

Although this wedding does not top the list of luxurious ones, it was she who found her place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive event arranged on the occasion of a wedding. Well, the budget of the celebration is really impressive. No less striking is the scale of the Arab wedding. After all, a whole stadium was rented for the celebration! The celebration lasted exactly a week, and there were so many entertainments and all kinds of food that it was enough for all residents of Dubai and the surrounding area. About 20,000 people appeared as invited to the wedding itself. No wonder the organizers needed an entire arena.

Prince William and Kate Middleton - $34 million

You can not do in such a rating without a royal celebration. Moreover, this word is applicable not only to Prince William, but also to the budget laid down for the wedding ceremony of the heir to the throne. The wedding took place at Buckingham Palace, where some flowers were delivered for 300,000 (!) Dollars. The expenses also included preparing a festive menu for 2,000 people and ensuring the safety of the newlyweds, the latter costing several million dollars. The event was attended by members of the royal family, as well as the political elite from many countries of the world.

Andrey Melnichenko and Alexandra Nikolic - $30 million

Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko married ex-Miss Yugoslavia Sandra Nikolic in 2005. The wedding of the spouses took place in an old Orthodox chapel located in France. The very same celebration on the occasion of the wedding took place in the city of Antibes, on the Cote d'Azur. The wedding was celebrated on a grand scale. The famous French chef Alain Ducasse was in charge of the wedding kitchen, and Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston, as well as Julio and Enrique Iglesias congratulated the couple from a specially built stage. All the stars were flown to the celebration by private jets. The grand celebration ended with a spectacular laser show.

Vikram Chatwal and Priya Sachdev - $20 million

At this celebration, non-poor people also appeared as the main characters - actress Priya Sadchev and the son of the owner of the hotel business in New York, Vikram Chatwal. The wedding was played in India, since this country is the birthplace of parents on both sides. Unlike the lavish one-day parties, which are the majority on our list, this wedding was celebrated for 10 whole days! Moreover, during the celebration, the newlyweds with guests visited 3 cities - this required several rented aircraft. Since each of the days was bound to pass at a high level, the amount of expenses as a result ran up quite large.

Alessandro Gancha and Delphine Arno - $20 million

The case when a couple matches each other not only for personal reasons, but also in terms of material security. Both Alessandro and Delfina are the children of fairly wealthy male parents (a successful entrepreneur on the bride's side and a famous winemaker on the groom's side). For this reason, putting together a wedding budget was not a titanic work. The indicated amount includes the cost of a chic buffet, entertainment and paraphernalia. In particular, the bride's outfit by John Galliano and 5,000 white roses as a decoration of the hall where the celebration was held.

Wayne Rooney and Colin McLaughlin - $15 million

There is a belief that the best relationships start with friendship. In the case of Wayne Rooney and Colin McLaughlin, this is how it happened - old friends decided to become spouses in one evening. The marriage ceremony itself was not something grandiose, which cannot be said about the party on the occasion of the painting of the newlyweds. The celebration was organized on the coast of the Italian Riviera, and it was decided to place the guests on three yachts. Each visitor received a box with a tropical butterfly, which were all released simultaneously. It is noteworthy that, despite the huge expenses, the newlyweds did not get a cent from the wedding. The main characters of the evening asked their friends in advance to transfer gift amounts to various charitable organizations.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills - $3.5 million

Rounding out the top 10 is a “modest” $3.5 million wedding. That's how much Sir Paul McCartney laid out in 2002 to tie the knot for the second time. This time the chosen one of the musician was Heather Mills. The bride's dress for the solemn ceremony was sewn in the English house "Eavis & Brown" (of course, according to an individual sketch). The wedding itself was decorated in Indian style. The choice of three hundred guests was presented with a vegetarian menu, consisting of many delicious dishes. The magnificent ceremony ended with a huge festive fireworks in honor of the newlyweds. It is not known whether McCartney considers this money thrown away, but the couple's family life ended in 2008.

In the past year, the media showed us several breathtaking weddings that immediately became gold and diamond.

Despite the fact that weddings were celebrated in Russia (or by Russians abroad), they all had a Caucasian flavor. Forbes magazine collected data on these luxurious ceremonies and estimated their approximate cost.

1. Said Gutseriev and Khadija Uzhakhova

The son of Mikhail Gutseriev, the main owner of the BIN group, and a student at the Moscow Medical and Dental University. Evdokimov in March played the most luxurious and expensive wedding of the year. They celebrated in two stages - first in Moscow, then in London.

About 600 guests came to the Safisa restaurant in Moscow. Its entire territory is literally drowned in fresh flowers. According to the event decorator, the founder of Lid's Eventhouse, Lidia Simonova, the decoration of this wedding could cost about 100 million rubles. Jennifer Lopez, Sting, Enrique Iglesias, Alla Pugacheva and Patricia Kaas sang among roses and hydrangeas.

According to experts, the artists were paid about 200 million rubles for the performance.

The bride shone in a 25-kilogram dress from the Lebanese designer Elie Saab.

A dress with a long train and embroidered with stones, according to experts, could cost about 25 million rubles.

The London wedding of Said and Khadizhi was celebrated in the Gutserievs' mansion, observing Ingush traditions. The bride changed her chic dress for a more modest one in the national style. Staying in the women's part of the house, she personally served the guests. There was no shortage of luxury here either: the newlyweds drove through the streets of London in a gilded carriage, accompanied by mounted police.

2. Mariam Bazhaeva and Magomed Yerikhanov

The 22-year-old eldest daughter of Musa Bazhaev, president of the Alliance Group, in April married the son of the head of the Chechen regional branch of Rosselkhozbank, Usman Yerikhanov Magomed. The Safisa restaurant, chosen for the celebration, was traditionally decorated: classic flower arrangements on the tables, a wall of fresh flowers, chairs in white covers. The founder of Lid's Eventhouse, Lidia Simonova, estimated the design at 5–7 million rubles. It costs about 20 million rubles to rent the Safisa restaurant and feed about 600 guests.

The guests were entertained by the Chechen singer Makka Sagaipova, the Dagestan artist Rinat Karimov, the A'Studio group, Grigory Leps and the star of the Voice show Sharip Umkhanov.

The bride went to the guests in a dress by the Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad, experts estimated the wedding dress at 15-25 million rubles. Following Mariam, they carried out several chests of Louis Vuitton with a dowry. When asked on Ask.Fm, the girl replied that there were bags and shoes in the chests. At the wedding of Mariam and Magomed there were no alcoholic drinks.

3. Sarkis Karapetyan and Salome Kintsurashvili

The son of Samvel Karapetyan, president of the Tashir group of companies, and co-owner of the Buyby-me online store celebrated their wedding in the same Safisa restaurant, the territory of which this time was turned into a fairy-tale forest from the movie Maleficent. Such a project, according to experts, is being prepared for up to six months and costs at least 50 million rubles.

Salome shone in an Elie Saab dress and Tiffany's Savoy diamond tiara from The Gatsby collection (the one worn by Carey Mulligan's character Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby) worth about 13 million rubles. Experts estimated the bride's dress at 15 million rubles.

Entertainment of the guests, according to Olga Demenyuk, CEO of the Trend event agency, could cost 80 million rubles.

Only the fee of the Maroon 5 group could be € 1 million.

Vera Brezhneva, Alla Pugacheva, Grigory Leps and other Russian stars performed at the wedding.

The event was hosted by Andrey Malakhov and Tatyana Gevorkyan, the fee of the leading experts was estimated at 2.6 million rubles.

A six-meter wedding cake with 18,000 sugar flowers and 530 kg of custard was prepared by confectioners for a month and a half. According to Yulia Dubova, the head of We Do Agency, a cake over 2 m costs on average from 700,000 to 1.5 million rubles.

4. Iya Sarkisova and Mikhail Makharadze

Iya Sarkisova is the daughter of Sergei Sarkisov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RESO Group. It took three months to organize the wedding in Tbilisi. During this time, Valentin Yudashkin managed to sew a wedding dress, and the master tailor for the ensemble "Sukhishvili" - the Georgian national wedding dress.

On the day before the wedding, the guests, who were brought from Moscow on two planes, went to the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater. Paliashvili to the ballet "Sagalobeli". After the ballet, there was dinner at the Funicular restaurant to the songs of Valery Syutkin (the singer's average fee is 2 million rubles).

The next day, the groom, redeeming the bride, recited Shakespeare under her balcony. After the wedding in the church, the guests moved to the Ambassadori Golf Club.

The area around the restaurant was turned into an oriental garden with carpets, jugs, fruit and flower baskets.

Khinkali was sculpted in the yard, lavash was baked and chacha was poured. At Lid's Eventhouse, this decor was valued at least $200,000.

For artists, according to experts, the couple could spend about 15 million rubles. About 500 guests were entertained by Nani Bregvadze, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Vakhtang Kikabidze, the Mgzavrebi group, Dzhigan and the Norwegian rap duet Madcon and others. The newlyweds in national clothes danced the Georgian wedding dance kartuli.

5. Elina Bazhaeva and Bekhan Mamakaev

The youngest daughter of Musa Bazhaev, unlike her older sister, decided to celebrate her wedding in Monte Carlo, but she chose the dress from the same designer as Mariam.

Her dress from Zuhair Murad with a luxurious long train cost about the same as her sister, according to estimates, 20 million rubles.

The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in the world - Le Louis XV. A banquet for 110 guests, according to Inna Faleva, co-owner of We Do Agency, could cost €55,000 (based on €500 per person). Up to €150,000 could be spent on decor with flowers and garlands. On the eve of the wedding, Elina arranged a bachelorette party with Yegor Creed and rapper l’one. They could have been paid a total of about €40,000. Elina's chosen one is a graduate of the University of London, the son of Chechen businessman Alikhan Mamakaev.

6. Pavel Maschitsky and Karima Nigmatulina

Pavel is the son of Vitaly Maschitsky, president of Vi Holding, and works as a managing partner in his father's company.

His fiancee is a Forbes Woman cover girl (November 2011).

In 2013, Karima headed the General Plan Institute.

Five years ago, the Princeton and MIT graduate worked at Intellectual Ventures in Seattle (leading a project funded by Bill Gates).

“People like her ... could be in business and make huge fortunes, but they choose science and as a result do something very significant and useful for humanity,” Gates said about her.

7. Khamzat Kadyrov and Iman Magomadova

In May, the wedding of Ramzan Kadyrov's nephew, Khamzat Kadyrov, was celebrated in Chechnya. The public was greatly impressed by the wedding cortege, which consisted of dozens of luxury cars of the "brute force" class.

Video: Motorcade at the wedding of Kadyrov's nephew

The guests of the family holiday were the heads of the regions of the North Caucasus, heads of federal departments, guests from the subjects of Russia and other countries.

According to media reports, about 2 thousand people walked at the wedding. Races were organized on the day of the wedding. Five races took place on the outskirts of Tsentaroy. About two hundred horses competed from all regions of Chechnya and the North Caucasus.

At the same time, competitions in national sports were held. Tables were set here, and an incendiary lezginka was danced.

If only the holiday turned out the way they dreamed. When it comes to celebrities, for obvious reasons, the scope reaches completely unimaginable proportions. ELLE has compiled a ranking of the most luxurious celebrity weddings that every bride dreams of.

10th place: David and Victoria Beckham

Wedding budget - $800,000


In July 1999, in the Irish castle of Luttrellstone, Victoria Adams, then the lead singer of the pop group Spice Girls, broke up with her maiden name, giving her hand and heart to a young football player. The rent of the castle chosen for the wedding ceremony cost the star couple $100,000, as well as the bride's dress, tailored for fashion-conscious Posh by the most famous wedding designer Vera Wang. The bride's jewelry turned out to be more expensive than the wedding dress: their cost was $ 160,000 - instead of a veil, Victoria put on a gold tiara with stones. By the way, to re-exchange vows of love 7 years later, the couple limited themselves to their own mansion in England and a narrow circle of guests from relatives and close friends.

9th place: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston

Wedding budget - $1 million

This marriage does not claim to be a Hollywood centenarian, but is considered one of the most beautiful star unions. The whole world waited with bated breath for the wedding of the two main people's favorites. And the scope of the celebration lived up to expectations: the marriage ceremony of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston took place in the luxurious Karsi estate in Malibu - a green garden, white tents, a beautiful bride in a dress from Lawrence Steele ($50,000) and an enviable groom in a tuxedo from Yves Saint Laurent ($4,000) - everything was first class. Numerous guests, among whom were friends of the newlyweds from among Hollywood colleagues - Cameron Diaz, Courteney Cox, Salma Hayek, were generously treated to champagne and seafood ($300,000). Enhanced security at the cost of $100,000 helped maintain the privacy of the holiday. It is a pity that a beautiful celebration did not turn out to be a guarantee of family happiness.

8th place: Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones / Madonna and Guy Ritchie

Wedding budget - $1.5 million

The eighth position of the rating was shared by Michael Douglas with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Madonna with Guy Ritchie - both couples got married in one year, spending $ 1.5 million on it, with some difference in the script. Musical Olympus star Madonna and then modest director Guy Ritchie got married at Skibo Castle in Scotland, Douglas and Jones chose the classic wedding venue for the Manhattan elite - The Plaza Hotel in New York. Madonna walked down the aisle in an $80,000 Stella McCartney silk gown with a diamond tiara previously worn by Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco. Katherine was wearing a dress with a long train from Christian Lacroix ($140,000) and Fred Leighton jewelry worth $300,000. There were plenty of star guests at both weddings: Madonna came to congratulate Gwyneth Paltrow, Sting, Stella McCartney and longtime friend Rupert Everett, and the Douglas spouses -Jones - Jack Nicholson, Meg Ryan and Goldie Hawn.


7th place: Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman

Wedding budget - $2 million

Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman didn't think about budget savings in their wedding planner either. The ceremony was held against the background of the picturesque vineyard "Steglin Vineyard" in the Napa Valley (California). The bride wore a Christian Lacroix dress for $30,000 and Diamond Rosary jewelry worth $10,000, the groom's tuxedo cost a more modest amount - $5,000. Christina and Jordan were escorted to the bridal suite for $3,500 per day by star friends - Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz, Pink and Drew Barrymore.

6th place: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

Wedding budget - $2.5 million

The details of their top-secret wedding were revealed only three months after the wedding. The secret ceremony was held on a Hollywood scale: one wedding cake cost the couple $ 3,000, not to mention the rest of the banquet for 70 people. Lively walked down the aisle in a gold-embroidered Marchesa gown with a 12-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond on her ring finger, which cost Reynolds $2 million. According to rough estimates, the rest of the organization took the couple a little more than half a million.

5th place: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Wedding budget - 3.5 million

This star couple has long been mentioned with the prefix "ex", but it is simply impossible not to remember the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes as one of the most anticipated. The solemn ceremony took place within the walls of the Castello Odescalchi castle in the suburbs of Rome. The space rent cost the couple $750,000. The list of 150 guests included such names as David and Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Brooke Shields and Chris Hensey, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith and even Andrea Bocelli, who sang for the newlyweds . The wedding dresses of the bride and groom were created by Giorgio Armani - a dress decorated with Swarovski crystals cost $45,000, a tuxedo - $3,000. It's a pity that the idyll after such a fabulous wedding lasted only six years.

4th place: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Wedding budget - $6.5 million


Farewell to the bachelor life, the famous ladies' man Justin Timberlake celebrated to the fullest. Together with the beloved Jessica Biel, the singer decided on an incredibly expensive wedding (considering that there were few guests) worth $ 6.5 million. The celebration took place at the Italian resort of Borgo Egnazia and lasted for a week - the newlyweds accommodated all guests at the hotel. The bride dressed up in a pale pink dress with a tiered skirt from Giambattista Valli, the groom chose a classic - a Tom Ford tuxedo. The only expense item that was saved was the musical accompaniment of the evening: the singer himself entertained the guests with singles written personally for his beloved.

3rd place: Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto

Wedding budget - $10 million

Opens the top three of our rating "Most expensive weddings" famous basketball player Michael Jordan and his chosen one - Cuban model Yvette Prieto. The athlete celebrated his second marriage in a big way: 500 guests were invited to the ceremony in Palm Beach. The celebration began with a wedding in the church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, and continued with a noisy banquet under a huge tent on the territory of the Bear's Club golf club. At the end of the holiday, a grandiose fireworks was waiting for everyone. But Jordan's most generous gesture was something else: instead of gifts, he asked guests to donate funds to charity.

2nd place: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Wedding budget - $12 million

The second most expensive wedding took place in 2014 at the main power couple of American show business Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. A luxurious celebration worth $ 12 million met all the expectations of the public: a beautiful ceremony in the medieval fortress of Forte di Belvedere in Florence, the bride's passage to the altar to the live singing of Andrea Bocelli, wedding dresses from Givenchy, an altar immersed in flowers and huge decorations of white roses, against which the guests with the newlyweds arranged a photo session - the scope and entourage of this celebrity wedding cannot but impress. Not counting the $410,000 castle rental, the $2.1 million bridesmaid dress, and the royalties of Andrea Bocelli and Lana Del Rey, who performed at the gala, most of the budget went to pre-wedding preparations with dinner rehearsals, dance and musicians.

1st place: Prince William and Kate Middleton

Wedding budget - $34 million

for $434,000 left no doubt in the public - she is a real princess. The wedding and the subsequent celebration were traditionally held at Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, where about 2,000 guests arrived, including Sir

Igor Krutoy's daughter Victoria and restaurateur David Berkovich got married in the summer of 2014 in the New York Hamptons, and in Monte Carlo they threw a grand celebration according to Jewish custom with a real secular scale - the entire Russian beau monde came to congratulate the newlyweds. White-winged albatrosses, the garden of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel immersed in white flowers, a huge wedding cake, bridesmaids in flowing powdery dresses and a bride in a dazzling white Vera Wang dress and a diamond tiara - not only the Moscow world, but even respectable Monaco has not seen such luxury. The celebration of the secular couple was called the wedding of the year, and Krutuya was named the most beautiful bride.

The wedding, the scope of which will be discussed in the world for a long time, was arranged for the only daughter by the Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin. Renting Gostiny Dvor, where the gala ball took place, catering from the La Maree restaurant and serving 800 guests, including everyone from eminent artists to government officials, installations of fresh flowers, a 300-kilogram birthday cake, fountains, a symphony orchestra conducted by Sergei Skripka , the ballet "Swan Lake" performed by soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, not to mention the three wedding dresses, the creation of which for the father of the bride was a matter of family honor (one of them took 40 meters of silk and tens of thousands of hand-sewn pearls) - judging by the splendor , the celebration took the annual budget of a small African country. In the case of the beloved daughter of the chief Russian designer, it could not be otherwise!