Secret conspiracies and rituals for successful trading. Trade conspiracy: a good way to attract good luck in business

What should the seller do if the product does not attract a buyer, and losses grow, no profit? Magic comes to the rescue, which is older than trade and all of humanity as a whole. There are spells and rituals to increase the influx of customers, whole rituals and simple rules for successful trading. Here we will analyze several rituals for increasing sales and successful trading.

Conspiracy for successful bidding and sales

You need to read the plot in the place where sales will be conducted - this the room or area where you are going to attract magical powers, even if you trade by phone or via the Internet.

Regardless of the phases of the moon or the time of day, fill a white bowl with water (avoid metal utensils), dissolve a spoonful of honey in it and read the following words in a half-whisper over the water, so that your breath touches the water:

Lord of hosts, help me in bargaining in buying, selling and exchanging. Protect from evil eyes, from envious eyes, from ruin, from spoilage, from all pretense evil. Like bees quickly flock to honey, even if money buyers run to me, praise my product, tell others and take it, and more than once or twice they will come to my doorstep. In my words, a castle for all eternity. Amen

Sprinkle the corners of your workplace, counters or tables and goods on them with charmed water. Try to move clockwise around the room, starting at the east side and ending at the east again, making a full circle. The action must be carried out without witnesses otherwise the power of the ritual will be lost. And in no case do not tell anyone about what you have done in order to save the work and enhance its effect.

After forty days, you can repeat the ritual thus, you will strengthen it and make a strong magical program, closing the energy cycle. Buyers will be drawn to you, on the subconscious mind they will have a desire to cooperate and make deals, which will bring you the pleasure of work.

Conspiracy for money

There is another, no less a strong ritual to bring good luck to your shop. It is based on opening roads to trade and allows you to make your work pleasant and easy, without loss and disappointment. Attracts wealthy and generous clients.

To perform the ritual, you will need a medium-denomination coin and eucalyptus oil. Spend the conspiracy in the center of the hall, where the trade will then be conducted. For the ceremony, select a money day - it can be Wednesday or Saturday. These days are the most successful in order to attract finance into your life.

Before opening the store, at dawn or at noon, stand in the center of the hall and say the incantation words three times calmly and confidently, turning your face towards the entrance:

I give tribute to trade roads. As you accept my money, so send me good luck! So that trade goes uphill, customers go in crowds, but they buy everything, they do not spare money, they do not leave without purchases. Yes there is!

When you have spoken the last words, throw a coin smeared with eucalyptus oil in the center of the hall with the words "Paid!" and don't pick it up yourself. Let one of the buyers pick it up and take it. In this way, you pay to open the way to trade, which means that there will be an opportunity for profitable buyers and a constant influx of finance.

From this day on, it will constantly accompany you and your business.. This ritual begins to act immediately, as soon as it is performed and does not need to be forged.

Seller's talisman

There are also small tips to improve commerce in your store or where you transact. Obtain and lubricate it with orange and cinnamon essential oil. Read the words above the stone, referring to the stone as a living being:

Carnelian stone, you are dear to everyone’s heart, your face is pleasant to everyone. So make sure that I was (was) sweet (sweet) for money and for prosperity, for generous people, rich and noble. Let them come to me and take the goods from me. Yes there is!

Place the stone in a conspicuous place next to you, it will that grabs the attention of buyers, as to the most pleasant seller.

A conspiracy on a broom to attract buyers.

In the old days, this conspiracy was often used by the mistresses of shops or taverns to attract customers. My grandfather used it when he was lucky in fishing to sell the caught fish more profitably.

On the growing moon, go to church and take some holy water. On the way back, buy a new broom. At three o'clock in the morning, put it with the handle down and say:

“I will go out of doors to doors, from gate to gate into an open field onto a winding path. I will follow the winding path into the dense forest. In the dense forest to the century-old oak. The squirrel lives in the hundred-year-old oak and gnaws nuts. He sweeps the hollow with his tail, collects acorns. The more removed, the more acorns are added. Whoever comes to visit her will leave with acorns. So I sweep with a broom, I invite buyers. Come, hurry up - take the goods. Amen!"

As soon as it begins to get light, sweep around the house and, if possible, in the place where the goods are stacked. Then sprinkle holy water everywhere.

A conspiracy for cabbage to increase profits.

Buy the most beautiful head of cabbage. On the growing moon at sunset, remove the top seven sheets. Wrap a yellow metal coin in each cabbage leaf. Put all the resulting envelopes in one dish and say over them:

“How can I plant a seed in the ground and a spring field with water. As a sprout, I will protect from enemies, I will ask the sun to shine. And how cabbage grows - beauty. Wide and rounded sides. So my profits grow up so that I can hardly carry it away. So that the thief does not steal my profit, so that the fire does not catch up with her native. And as the cabbage pleases my eyes, so I was glad of the thickness of the wallet. So that I don’t know the age of need, but know the money to come. Amen".

After that, bury the cabbage envelopes in a secluded place: in the yard or park. You will not have time to look back, as your trading will bring you a tangible income.

A conspiracy for a nickel, if someone ruined the trade.

If your previously successful trading suddenly declined sharply, try applying the following conspiracy. Find a nickel in advance (five rubles or Soviet five kopecks). Arriving at your workplace in the morning, hold the coin in your right hand and cross your counter with the words:

“A well done merchant was walking, carrying five rings in his hand. The turkey stands on the way, gets angry, orders to turn. Whoever counts the feathers of a turkey will interfere in trade. Feather to feather - go away wicked-gorushko. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, drop the nickel into your pocket. Even if it's modern days, the coin can't be spent. The plot must be done for three days. Then give a penny to the beggars or throw it into a river or pond.

Spell for good luck in trading .(M. Feodorovskaya "Conspiracies of the Pechersk healer Maria Feodorovskaya")

« There are various conspiracies for good trading. I’ll tell you one that is most often used, I always teach it when someone addresses me.

Just keep in mind that it is not enough just to say the words of the conspiracy. You need to trade for a week first, remembering this:

  1. We need to treat all customers with respect. Do not be stingy, do not fight with them, discount from your price, it will come back to you anyway.
  2. Don't cheat, don't cheat, don't be stingy.
  3. Give money right.
  4. Greet and see off people with kindness and gratitude.
  5. All week you need to fast and in no case drink alcohol.

You need to take a small black cloth, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it:

"My black longing,

My black sadness

Black is my blackness

Leave forever.

Come to me good

Gold and silver!

Money to money

Ruble to the penny!

I have forever

Full of goodness.

Everyone who comes

It won't leave with anything.

I profit

Yourself in joy.

Good luck selling

Yes grief not to know! Amen".

After that, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with force so that it flies far, far away. At night, leave the front door ajar, open the windows on the windows. Lay a rag napkin on the kitchen table, and leave goodies on it: gingerbread, sweets, jam. And say: "Come to me, luck, help yourself!".

Going to bed, cross yourself three times and read "Our Father" 9 times. When you sleep soundly, luck will sneak into your home, try what you have prepared for her, and sleep next to you. As soon as you wake up, immediately close all the doors and windows so that luck does not fly away.

Lure your luck with a piece of sugar, imagine that luck is a small lump. Take it in one hand, and with the other, take your shirt in which you trade, apply luck to the edge of the shirt, and make a few stitches in this place (consider: there should be an odd number) with a red thread. You need to say these words:

“I sew, I sew, I sew luck! There will be good luck always sewn with me, in summer and winter, but it will not dry out, but it will not break out, it will come in handy everywhere! Amen".

Tie both ends of the thread well (each with three knots). Now that you're wearing this shirt, you'll always be lucky in trading!"

A conspiracy for the keys to work (for a large income). (A. Krasnova)

This conspiracy in the old days was read by merchants over the keys with which they locked their shops. At the present time, you can read over the keys to any room where you work and earn money. Then your income will increase many times over.

“Angels-Archangels, with the blessing of the Lord, go, Holy Angels, to the blue sea with golden keys, unlock and shake the blue sea, open the sea-underground treasures and gold, excite, roll gold, silver and copper money in the net; gold for God, silver for children, copper for poor orphans. To you, Holy Angels, as to our warm intercessors and intercessors, we run with love and humbly pray: implore the Lord God, yes with your favorable prayers, with His philanthropy, may He grant us (names ) a quiet and pious life in this world, may it save us from the temptations and temptations of the evil devil and from troubles and misfortunes, and from all evil; at His Terrible Judgment, let him vouchsafe us the right standing and the heir of His Kingdom of Heaven, let him create, as if the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will be blessed, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

For successful trading.

(A. Makova. Conspiracies of the Bulgarian healer).

Put beautiful flowers where you trade (you can cut them in a vase, you can bloom in a pot with earth). Early in the morning, at dawn, while the trade has not yet begun and there are no buyers, speak to these flowers in a whisper:

“It’s beautiful for you to bloom, but it’s quick for me to trade. Invite all good people here - Write down, people, here, there is beauty, they are waiting for you here, what you need, they will sell you, they will caress you with a kind word, they will reward you with good things, for everyone's joy, for everyone's glory, for my profit and success. Amen".

When the flowers wither, do not forget to change them and say again.

To always be lucky in trading.

Early in the morning, pour water into a glass and say to it three times in a whisper:

“Water-voditsa, you are loved by everyone, everyone needs you. Everyone drinks you, voditsa - so everyone comes to me. I am a good merchant, my angel has a golden crown, and I have to trade, grief not to know, rejoice in profits, rustle with money, blossom and blossom. Come, good people, you have a product - money for me. Amen".

Drink water on an empty stomach.

So that buyers go in a continuous stream.

Early in the morning, scatter coins of any denomination where you trade. Let them lie for days. The next morning, sweep all the coins with a broom into a pile, and revenge should be in the direction from the front door (or from the place where buyers usually are).

When you sweep, say in a whisper or out loud:

“I am sweeping away the money, I am inviting buyers. One will come, bring money, another will come, bring money, the third will come, bring money, and the fourth will bring a thousand people with him, and those still fifty, and a quarter of a thousand, and a hundred times a thousand, and so many more, and half as many, and a quarter as many , and so on without end, you get hold of goods, and I get rich. Amen".

You will notice the coins in an inconspicuous corner, and let them lie there.

Rite for the sale of a large item.

If you need to sell a house, apartment, car or something else, do this rite. Buy or make yourself a toy with an image of what you need to sell: a house, furniture, a car ... In the morning, without looking in the mirror, without washing, without combing, without talking to anyone, leave the house and give the toy to the first child you come across. And then your first words will be:

"Baby, here's a great toy for you. Let her make you happy!” Or something else like that.

And then raise your head to the sky and ask the Higher Powers for help in selling the thing. And you will succeed.

Sellers Tips.

Laying out goods on the counter be sure to say:

"The product is my face and I myself have done well."

To have more buyers , whisper at home for salt:

"Hiking, riding, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.

Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Bring with you to the workplace and throw with your right hand over your left shoulder.

The goods are swindled with money when the first customer is male.

If a woman, then her money is supposed to be hidden and not even given change. Then there will be good luck in trading.

On the way from the market home, be sure to give alms with the words:

"Let not the hand of the giver fail."

Conspiracy to improve trade.

Read on the water with the growing moon.

“May the servant of God (name) be prosperous in trade, in buying, selling and changing, and in everything - prosperity. Be my word strong.

Drink some water, sprinkle the goods.

A plot to lure buyers.

To successfully sell the goods, on the way to the point of sale

repeat to yourself:

“As flies fly to honey, so all the merchants would flock to my goods. Amen".

After each repetition, spit over your left shoulder and tap your right shoulder three times with your left hand.

How to knit knots of trading luck.

When you wash your face before trading, you need to dry yourself with a new handkerchief, tie knots at its ends and say:

"As people admire the stars and for a clear month, so they would admire my goods; as the groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they would all be bought up. May it be so from now on and forever. Amen".

Take a handkerchief with you and always keep it with you when you are going to trade. After washing, the ritual must be repeated.

Seller's conspiracy to raise money .

V. Nadezhdina. "Codes of money and wealth."

To attract money when trading something, the most exiled magical properties have the money that was received first for the goods. This "first" money attracts new ones and helps to attract other buyers to make a purchase.

To attract the "other buyers", it is necessary to take the first money received from the sale of goods in the right hand and say "Our Father" three times, while baptizing the goods, and then pronounce the conspiracy:

“I am the seller and you are the buyer,

I am a good fellow, and you are a prospector.

Try to come

Buy my item!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Buyer, not a joker!

My prosperity guide!

Bought the goods and left

And another came after him!

Sweet to my soul and heart,

May I always be like this!

Buyer to buyer

And money to money!

May it always be so

Forever and ever.

Buyer to buyer

And money to money!”

Everyone who makes a living by selling goods for services dreams of increasing their profits. A conspiracy to trade read in the workplace can be a great solution to increase income. This simple ritual will help you attract good luck, and things will go faster.

Want more leads and sales? Think not only about business development, but also about magical help in business.

There are several conspiracies for successful trading and. The first and most important thing in a successful trading conspiracy is to believe in its effectiveness. If this is not there or you have doubts, then it will not help you or will work partially.

Conspiracy options

For a quick sale

To conduct a conspiracy to the workplace, you need an old, very old rag. Before the start of the working day, you need to brush off the dust from the place where you work. Carrying out these manipulations you need to say:

"Damn, dashing!

Sit quietly!

Don't come to me!

Do not bother me.


Good luck and success!

I invite you to visit!

Stay down!

Do not rush to leave!

Hold up! Amen!"

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

After that, it is necessary to burn a rag at sunset, and scatter the ashes over water, a river, a lake or a pond. Burning must be done alone and on a hill, not far from the reservoir. The best time to conspire to sell goods is the period of the waning moon.

Salt Conspiracy

The peculiarity of this conspiracy to sell goods is that it is effective only at the beginning of labor activity. If you have to, then he is for you.

For the ritual, you will need a salt shaker. Take it with you when you go to work in the morning. Before reaching the entrance, stop and throw some salt over your left shoulder and at the same time say:

I read a conspiracy for successful trading.

Where I sprinkle salt, I call for good luck.

In business, I am successful.

No end to all clients.

Nobody will pass me by.

The best product in the area - mine! Amen!

A plot for successful trading should be read at least 7 days in a row, preferably 10, at the same time. You have to say it three times. It is very important not to miss days because of the weekend. If you decide to use magic, then you have to return to work every day!

Big Deal Conspiracy

This ritual should be performed before large and important transactions. This plot for profitable trading cannot be used too often, at least once every one and a half months.

You will need a small vessel into which you need to pour holy water. The night before, before going to bed, you should go into an empty room, in which there should be neither people nor animals. Standing in the middle of the room and, picking up a container of water, say the following words:

Fortune, the great patroness of coins!

Hear my prayers!

Take away from me all sorts of failures and lack of money.

Send me success and prosperity.

I will glorify your name

And I won't bother you over trifles.

May it be so!

After that, you should immediately go to sleep. You can't talk to anyone that evening or watch TV. In the morning you need to drink 3 sips of water immediately after waking up.

Conspiracy on a paper bill

A correctly read strong conspiracy will help you improve financial affairs.

After a successful transaction, you can conduct another one. Take a paper bill, choose the denomination yourself, and go to an empty room at work, for example, to the pantry.

Fold the bill 2-3 times so that it fits between the palms and does not protrude on the fingers, and say the phrase:

Bill big and small!

Don't pass by!

Stay with me!

I will not offend you!

This plot is best not done after small trades, but only after large ones, as it leads to a repetition of the recent result. But if you are a novice entrepreneur or things are going really badly, you can read the conspiracy after a medium-sized transaction so that more of them are made.

Conspiracy for a coin

To conspire with a client, you will need a coin of any denomination, which must first be dipped in eucalyptus oil. Taking the coin, go to the center of the workroom and say the following words:

Accept this coin as a gift.

I will leave failure behind.

Big things are waiting for me

And business clients.

I attract money

And I walk confidently!

This money spell is best done on a Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning. After the ritual, you need to flip a coin and leave it on the floor. If the client finds and picks up the coin, then you are guaranteed good luck.

A conspiracy from a Siberian healer

If your plans are not being implemented as you would like, and big money and deals bypass you, then another very

This ritual is not difficult, but requires careful preparation. For holding you need a small mirror. Take it in your right hand, go to your workplace and, with your eyes closed, read the plot for successful trading:

May the force of gravity come to this place!
So that only customers with big money come here!
And the client, who will only take time, let him forget the way here! Amen!

After that, cross the workplace with a mirror. The ideal time for this ritual is early in the morning, while no one is there yet. Since this is a fairly strong rite, it is enough to carry it out no more than once a week.

Conspiracy for unexpected money

Many believe that tips and odd jobs are not money, but folk wisdom says that "a penny saves a ruble."

Sometimes it happens that a client leaves you a “tip”. As a rule, this is a small amount of money, and sometimes even a trifle. But if you say the right plot for good trading, this little thing will attract new customers, and, accordingly, new money.

The next time a client leaves you a change, you do not need to send it immediately “to the case”, but take it with you in the evening.

Light candles at home and say a plot for good trading:

The coins are small, but attract your own kind, but more!

I will cherish and cherish you! I won't waste forever! Amen!

After the ceremony, put them in your wallet and do not spend. Keep as a talisman. Of course, if there are a lot of coins, you can not store everything, set aside a part and do not spend it.

Conspiracy for the client

This plot on the client is useful if your main goal is a specific buyer. The ritual is best performed in his presence, but he does not need to know about it.

You will need a small vessel, light in color, which must be filled with water. Taking it in your hands, say:

“May I always have prosperity!

Each of us at least sometimes, but we have to be as a seller. If trading is your permanent form of income, then the desire to receive the greatest benefit from your occupation is understandable. Even if you do not belong to the cohort of the trading fraternity, then during your life it still happens to sell your property or car. And in this case, there is no desire to sell cheap, I want to sell with a good profit.

Surely you have noticed such situations when there are two identical counters on the market, with the same prices and goods, only a queue of customers crowds to one, and the seller of the second looks at it with envy.

It is worth recognizing that luck and luck in trading sometimes mean more than experience and special knowledge. Magical ways have long been known to improve trade and attract buyers, to attract good luck. The choice in this matter is very large and varied, you can find a conspiracy for every day, conduct a ceremony to attract customers to your store in order to make trading brisk and successful. Separately, there are secrets for those who, by chance, became the seller of a house or car. These will help conspiracies and rituals for a successful transaction.

In order to successfully and correctly conduct a strong rite or read a conspiracy for profitable trading, you need to consider several unshakable rules.

  • All rituals for the growth of money and profit are performed at dawn.
  • Definitely in the phase of the growing moon.
  • Rituals for the sale of a house or car are carried out for a young month.
  • These rituals are always kept secret, otherwise envious people will jinx it.
  • A conspiracy for successful trading can be read on Sunday.

If you do everything according to the rules of magic, then a crowd of buyers will always stand at your counter, and your earnings will increase significantly. Those who want to sell their movable or immovable assets will sell them very quickly and with the greatest profit.

Ritual for profitable trading

Stock up on a beautiful bill, after the conspiracy it will remain in your wallet like an amulet. Take one wax candle, honey and a handful of wheat. These should be grains, not processed cereals, those that can germinate.

At dawn, with the first rays of the Sun, when the moon is growing, put wheat in front of you in a bowl, separately honey and a banknote. Light a candle and read the plot over them:

“Thanks to the first buyer, and money to me. Let the second one come faster, it will bring more money. And where the second is, there is the third! Yes, so that they would crowd each other, and I would have money. Amen!".

This is a very simple, but very powerful plot that will ensure you a good trade. Many sellers know about it and successfully use it. There will be no end to customers, and your profit will increase significantly.

The secret to a successful sale

If trading is not your permanent occupation, and you accidentally found yourself as a seller, then a sales ritual that will only work once will help you find profitable customers for your purchase. It will provide attention to the item you are selling and help you get a good deal on the deal. It will help to ensure that buyers are cash, do not bargain and buy your product faster.

For this ritual, sugar and a wax candle are taken. Early in the morning, when the young moon, a conspiracy is pronounced over sugar:

“Sweet, white sugar, bring a rich buyer to my doorstep.

You need a purchase, but I have a generous money!

Joy to your house, and profit to me.

The benefit is in my hands, and the purchase is a pleasure for you.

I'm lucky to sell and not know grief. So be it!”

Read these words nine times . After that, you need to wrap a teaspoon of sugar in a small bag and put it secluded in the item being sold. If this is a house, then put it under the threshold, if it's a car, then in the glove box. The sugar hidden in the purchase will ensure that your product attracts the attention of customers. And you will definitely sell everything profitably.

These rituals are very simple, but they perfectly help in trading affairs, contribute to your success and prosperity! Thanks to them, you can quickly improve your financial situation, attract good luck to help yourself and profitable customers for your product.

There are many ways for sales people to make their product attractive to the client, thereby significantly increasing their luck in sales. Magic helps a lot with this. Just try not to "tell" for a bad product. Poor-quality things, of course, will disperse, you will receive profit, but you will lose in some other business. Here, the law of balance is very difficult to circumvent, no matter how much magic you use.

After all, sooner or later people will find that they have purchased a low-quality product. If you profit from the discontent and bad mood of buyers, then you and, and no plot for successful trading will help you.

We attract luck in conspiracy trading

Many have seen how the seller, having sold the first product, spends the received money on it. Thus, he distributes the energy of good luck throughout his counter. Only at the same time it is also necessary to pronounce the necessary words. Only then will the ritual work. And the words are:

“Coin to coin, bill to bill! I am a merchant! My product is your joy! The client came, he found happiness! Took the goods, merchant profit! Amen!" Repeat three times, spending the first day's proceeds on the entire product!

Charmed salt for a good trade

To be honest, in modern conditions, when competition among sellers is very high, many use illegal (black) methods to extinguish the luck of competitors. And no one has yet come up with a universal protection against the evil eye. In order not to be afraid of the envy and anger of others, but to conduct your business successfully, it is recommended to speak ordinary salt and add salt to your goods. (Of course, you don’t need to sprinkle salt on the items themselves. Just sprinkle a little around the counter before opening the store).

Take some salt (it is better to speak in portions, as its strength weakens over time). Pour it into a special bag made of red fabric. And on the bag, read the following words of a conspiracy for good luck:

“Through the mountains and the seas, a merchant was walking with goods! He surprised passers-by with wealth without cheating! The Salt Wizard protected him along the way! He was on the road all his life, having plenty of money! And as an inheritance, that merchant left salt to the Servant of God (name)! All luck and skill - he sent into his hands! Sprinkle magic salt, attract a client! Let him run to the goods without wasting a moment! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

A pinch of salt from the charmed bag should be poured in front of the counter (quite a bit), and the bag itself should be carried with you. When the salt runs out, the conspiracy for good luck in trading must be repeated. They do it at any time of the day, but on the growing moon. Do not practice witchcraft during eclipses (lunar and solar). These events fill space with powerful energy, the results of interaction with them are very unpredictable.

A conspiracy for money so that trading is successful

Each seller comes to the market not only with goods, but also with small denominations of money, which are supposed to give change. These coins and papers can be charged in a special way so that they influence the flow of money coming to you.

The conspiracy for successful trading itself sounds like this: “The Lord is the keeper! Soul master! Deliver from sin! Get on the road! I give money, joy in addition! Let me come back - success for surrender! Amen!"

You need to read it over banknotes and coins that are stored up "for change." The charmed banknotes must be given change during this working day. Then the flow of customers to you will be constant (or one will come, but will buy for a good amount). This conspiracy to trade will begin to attract money as soon as the bills are in the wallet of the buyer.

We wish you successful trading even without conspiracies!