Comic privileges on February 23rd. Ditties from women at the table with a chorus. Idea: Choose among a classmate worthy of the title "Knight of my heart" through games and contests

It is not such an easy task to congratulate native men on their main holiday in an original and fun way. And if this is a corporate event for February 23 for men, female colleagues have to take into account dozens of nuances, from the nature of the company to the tastes of everyone invited to the holiday.

Place, time

Start by choosing a room - this will help determine all further questions. Of course, it is ideal to book a cafe / restaurant where there is enough space for a stage, dancing, banquet tables. Sufficient space will make it possible to embody all the ideas for decorating the hall and any corporate party theme for February 23: military enlistment office, barracks, exercises, a military operation to combat despondency.

In the office, it is not always possible to move furniture, office equipment interferes, there is little space for active contests... And in general, a corporate party at work is not a very good idea if there is no separate room for such events. But decorating the hall in a military style will create a festive atmosphere, even if there is not enough space for hectic fun with dancing and funny scenes.


  • hang a congratulatory banner over the entrance or stage. Print themed posters, cartoons, army-style funny pictures. It is easy to supplement them with short anecdotes, jokes, chants for February 23 - interactive decor attracts attention and remains in the memory of guests;

  • make a "cool" stand for men with congratulations on February 23 in verse(short quatrains with humor). You can print a large thematic poster, where instead of the faces of the characters, there are photos of colleagues. It is not necessary to masterfully master FS, the main message.

A joke on competitors - a poster where one army drives another. On the helmets / caps of the winners, the logo of your company, on the uniforms of the losers - the logo of a competitor. But it is better to discuss this point with the management.

  • take a camouflage net for the time of a corporate party(summer residents, hunters, fishermen). It can be thrown over furniture, hung on the wall in a photo zone. Folding chairs, backpacks, accessories and khaki-colored clothing will come in handy - for decorating the hall on February 23, these are the most atmospheric decorations;
  • cut triangles from khaki paper, collect in garlands. Paste inside some of your logo, photos of heroes of the occasion in helmets, caps (photoshop). Hang balloons in themed colors, in the form of military equipment. Use toys to decorate the hall - soldiers, weapons, binoculars and compasses, tank cars.

In every man, even the most serious, lives a boy who has not played enough. If the room allows, arrange a radio-controlled jeep race at the corporate party - the stronger floor will be delighted!

  • buy napkins, tablecloths, disposable tableware, khaki cocktail tubes... You can make toppers from pictures on toothpicks (company logo against the background of a country flag, a helmet, a red star), replace labels on bottles with thematic pictures.

Make an invitation to a corporate party for all colleagues, not just men. Ideas for an original invitation for February 23: a postcard in a military style (a tank, a grenade, a brave soldier), a comic summons to the military enlistment office, a dispatch from the general with an order to appear at the gathering place;

In addition to funny scenes and greeting songs-alterations, prepare thematic anecdotes, toasts, jokes. They will not let the guests get bored in between performances and competitions. Distribute short texts in advance to ladies who are not embarrassed by the crowd.

It is not necessary to include ditties, chants, etc. in the corporate party scenario - these are rather arbitrary blanks that "pop up" during the event. So the atmosphere at the holiday will be more relaxed.

Script, entertainment

We offer a universal scenario of a corporate party for February 23 in the style of the army. Suitable for a relaxed company, gathered in an informal atmosphere. It is advisable to arrange a military enlistment office or a barracks in the office - to hang instructions, posters, stands.

If the corporate party on February 23 is not at work, you need to agree on the decoration of the hall in advance with the staff of the cafe / restaurant (not everywhere allow their decor, keep this in mind when choosing an institution).

The main presenter appears as a sexy commander / military commissar with a folder and / or even a whip, dressed in a military style, speaking in a commanding voice. She meets the guests, invites them to sit at the tables.

Introductory part

On the stage there are two girls-fifa "with a needle", very slender typical "blondes". The guests are watching a funny scene as if from the middle of a conversation:

First girl(P): ... and there is still a woman's life flourishing and for some reason you have to stand on the bedside table.

Second girl(B): Some nonsense. I do not believe!

NS: true true! And just imagine - no makeup. We'll have to go AWOL for lipstick. And also to wash footcloths with your hands and even clean your boots!

V(horrified): And all with your hands? But what about the manicure ?!

NS: Darling, what a manicure! All day in the hands of a machine gun, then a shovel - khana manicure. And makeup, by the way. Estimate, all morning you bring beauty, and the commander bam and says: "Well, everyone, put on gas masks!".

V: No, I will not go to the army, a gas mask does not suit me at all. Although there are so many handsome men ... But I am wearing a gas mask ... Eh!

NS: Men? It's true! This, by the way, is the worst thing (in a terrible whisper) - after all, everyone you meet will have to salute!

The second girl makes big eyes, covers the most precious things with her hands, then grabs her head: And who will need me so dishonest afterwards? Begins to howl loudly: How to cut something? I won't go!

Two new persons appear on the stage, approach the fifa. Stout, with forms. One is in a nurse's costume, the other is a cook, with a large ladle:

Honey: Why did they get busted, painful ones? Who are you giving up to? Only you will scare away all the men!

Pov: They do not want to give honor! Yes, there would be something to give (twists two figs and shows the modest size of the "honor" of skinny fashionistas). Well, shast otsedova (swings a ladle at the fif, they run away from the stage).

Mama's children, no way in the world
Do not go to the ar-mi-yu serve
In the army, shovels, parade ground and machine guns
In the army two years without zar-pl-you.
We will bite, offend and beat you
Do not go, whiners, to serve in the army.
A robber in the army, a vampire in the army
There is a terrible ko-man-dir in the army!

They continue, making cute faces, dancing seductively during the loss:

But if you're a man there is no reason to fear
We will be you to-ro-live
Yes, in the army there are shovels, parade ground and machine guns
Commander with a hangover creepy
But we will feed you, groom and love you
Come to serve!
The army will show and teach everything,
They will teach to defend their honor and homeland!
We will feed you, groom and love you
Come, men, to serve in the army!

When choosing funny musical scenes, ditties, remake songs for February 23, use the program or its equivalent. The service allows you to process the minus in two clicks, changing the key and tempo, so that your words perfectly fit the music familiar to everyone.

Body check

Presenter (hereinafter Q): And after such a speech, how not to run to the military registration and enlistment office? However, you have no choice! Listen to my command - the whole squad line up for a medical examination and roll call. Stand in alphabetical order so that my eyes do not run through the list of surnames. Why are we sitting ?! There will be no deferrals from the army for anyone today!

All men invited to the corporate party line up according to the first letter of the surname. The medical examination on February 23, of course, with humor - no need to undress and grope anyone. V. moves from the first to the last in the ranks and comments.

A person who is well acquainted with everyone should come up with "cool" characteristics for colleagues on February 23rd. Phrases should be funny, but not offensive.

  • so, private Antonov ... Wow, what hands! With such a shovel is not needed - a valuable shot;

  • Oaks, why did you grow patly like a mammoth's armpit? Look at Ivanov - the skull already shines, and your head will sweat under the helmet. Shave or what? Okay, we'll figure it out later.

V: so, the medical examination is over. Now we are building according to height (men are being rearranged). What are you slow, like pregnant turtles! We need to drive you ... Well, they quickly formed according to the size of man's dignity. Set aside the chuckles! Now they will give out the form - compare the bellies, and not what you thought. You rascals!

For our scenario of a corporate party on February 23, prepare garrison caps, caps, tunics, badges or other accessories for men in a military style. V. distributes them after the "platoon" is rebuilt to fit the abdomen.

V., looking at the "soldier": But nothing happened, quite a decent platoon. But the appearance is zilch, the main thing is physical fitness! To defend your homeland is not for you to shave off your beard with a gillette - the risk is always present.

Active contests

Further, according to the scenario, contests in the style of the army. How many of them there will be and which ones to choose depends on many factors - physical fitness and the average age of colleagues, the time allotted for the entertainment part, the location of the corporate party.

On February 23rd, darts or throwing paper lumps into a basket, armwrestling, competitions for reaction speed, endurance are suitable in the office. For young people in nature, you can arrange sports games (conduct "exercises"). Examples of active contests for a corporate party on February 23 at work, in a restaurant (in limited space):

  • who will hold the young lady in her arms longer, following the commands of the presenter(jump, sit down, spin around yourself, stand on one leg);
  • who will inflate the balloon faster, jumping booty on a foot pad to the song "Esaul, why did you abandon the horse?"... The ball needs to be put on a hose, borrow pumps from friends (they are included with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, etc.);

  • two participants are suspended from the front with dangling bags with two raw eggs inside... Swinging the package, you need to break the opponent's eggs. Contest tip: "Now let's check which of you has the strongest eggs!" Of course, if the mores of the company allow such jokes;
  • use a soft ball to knock down one-on-one cans... The difficulty is that the banks need to be knocked down one at a time, starting from the top. If the whole tower falls, drink the penalty and try again or pass the ball to the next one;

  • wind footcloths(to pick strips of cheap fabric) for a certain time. There are two winners - the fastest and the one who will complete the task as correctly as possible.

Table break

V: “Service by service, and lunch on schedule. I invite everyone to the table! " So that the corporate does not turn into a banal drinking binge, prepare short funny scenes, congratulations on February 23 in verse, remake songs, etc. Drinking games and military-style contests will fit perfectly:

  • exam for men on knowledge of slang, abbreviations;

  • take turns telling thematic anecdotes or making toasts. Who cannot remember / think, drinks a free kick or performs a fant;
  • guess the theme songs by the first line / piece of music;
  • if the corporate party on February 23 is held in the company of a large number of women, let the "soldiers" guess by the part of the body which of the beautiful half of the team is shown in the photo. It will be cool if the series of eyes, hands and the back of the head is diluted with a couple of shots of mouth-watering cleavage and female pop(or even men - let them rack their brains, listing all the young ladies).

  • guess how much the backpack / duffel bag shown by the leader weighs (name the weight closest to the real one).

Oath, collective congratulations

V: So, set aside to relax! Platoon, form to take the oath! In order to avoid the burden, so be it, I read it out, and you bawl in chorus "I swear!" after each point of the oath.

  • sacredly observe the company's charter, provide all possible assistance to colleagues and work for the idea, even if the salary was not given (in chorus - I swear!)

  • diligently pretend that I am exactly following all the orders of my superiors
  • come up with virtuoso excuses for truancy and lateness
  • to the intrigues of the enemy element - a vigilant competitor - to respond with shock labor

  • always defend the honor and dignity of the beautiful half of the team, beloved women and the Motherland.

Today we are not just resting -
Congratulations to the reliable defenders
Happy main holiday - hurray! (all women in chorus - from February 23!)
May everything be beautiful in life
Enough money for the south and beer
Heroic health and women stacks (in chorus: from February 23!)
So that the wives appreciate you - they gave affection and warmth,
So that the fish always bite, so that every choice is easy
Was on the path of life. Well, and rhymes for the sake of "for" - from February 23!

The final part of the script - giving gifts in a military style... You can order souvenirs through the network with template or your own inscriptions - key rings, medals, fake military tickets, mugs, T-shirts, etc. Rewarding with humor - "cool" nominations:

  • mister savior, smile, homebody, hard worker, charm, punctuality;
  • "Real colonel" to the most senior or boss

  • "Fighter of the invisible front" to someone who does an invisible but important job
  • "Peacemaker" for the ability to resolve conflict situations
  • "Think tank" for the generator of ideas

  • "Operational headquarters" to someone who always appears in the right place at the right time, does not refuse to replace a colleague, helps out if necessary;
  • Field Marshal Nalyvaiko, General Ulybayko, Colonel Trudolyubov, Major KreatIvin, etc.

Present the winner with a personalized medal, cup or certificate... If there are a lot of people at the corporate party, include anonymous voting in the script. If the company is tight, come up with and distribute nominations for February 23 in advance, according to the individual qualities of colleagues.

Other thematic hall decorating ideas, scenarios and contests are collected and.

Your company is planning a corporate event dedicated to February 23rd, and you want to congratulate your male colleagues with humor?

Decorate the hall where the holiday will take place with balloons and garlands, use various military paraphernalia: helmets, gas masks, field bags, canned food - any inventory related to this topic. You can draw posters with the image of heroes, military men, where photos of your employees can be pasted as faces.

Think over a scenario for congratulating men on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which will include funny poems, remake songs, games and contests. It is advisable that the numbers that will be included in the program are not too long and official.

The script for congratulating men on February 23 with humor

The celebration of February 23, 2019 at work can be started with a speech by the hosts:
- Set aside pens and tablets,
Take some time.
From February 23rd, men!
We will pour out a bag of wishes for you:
Let your vanguard not fade away,
Let the rears be reliable
No one encroaches on peace,
When you see your dreams at night!
Let it be in your pocket and on the account
So much that they could not waste!
May you be lucky in your career and in the hunt,
You are kings for us men!

- Congratulations, dear ones,
From February 23rd,
May the beauty of the day be special
Falling like stacks!
Let the beer be cold
And football goes on all day
Let the beloved cover
A luxurious table for you today.

Game contests for men at the celebration of February 23

The holiday for men at work on February 23 in 2019 will continue with games and contests, in which your colleagues will have the opportunity to be in the spotlight and show their best qualities.

Participants in the "Real Colonel" competition are divided into teams. Each of them should list as many qualities as possible that characterize a real colonel. For example, nobility, courage, courage, honor, and so on. The team that offers the most options wins.

For the "Stirlitz" competition you will need a tray on which 10-15 small items are placed (lighters, matchboxes, notebooks, pens, coins, etc.). Competitors should remember as many things as possible. Then the tray is taken away and a few items are added or removed. The most attentive participant wins. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.

For the "Trenches" contest you will need cardboard boxes filled with finely chopped paper or confetti, as well as spoons or scoops. At a signal from the facilitator, participants will begin to unload the paper from the box using the cutlery. The winner is the one who digs the "trench" faster.

Participants in the Out of Line Outfit contest will have to sew on a button, hammer in a nail and peel a potato as soon as possible. The winner is the one who completes the tasks faster and better.

Participants in the competition "Footcloths" are given pieces of fabric of a certain size (footcloths) and a pair of boots. At the command of the leader, each participant begins to wind up the footcloths. Whoever copes with this task faster, and then puts on boots and confidently walks several meters in them, will be recognized as the winner.

Then the "Walk the ladder" competition will begin. A rope is placed on the floor, along which men need to walk blindfolded and not stumble.

In the competition "Shoulder straps" ladies and gentlemen form pairs. Paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of the men, and couples begin to dance to the slow music. The winner is the pair, where the "shoulder straps" on the shoulders of the man lasted longer.

Further, at the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day at work, the men who won the competitions will be awarded prizes, and then poems will be recited:
- Today we celebrate the twenty-third of February,
We congratulate men from the bottom of our hearts!
Defenders of the Fatherland, we know for sure:
You have many reasons for the holiday.

- You are brave, courageous, you are kind and sweet,
We can't count all of your good qualities ..
Sometimes a little tired, and sometimes lazy,
But still we love you - as you are.

How to give gifts to men at work for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Then, according to the scenario of the celebration on February 23, the men will be congratulated and presented with gifts. The presenters will read the verses:

All men are an object of admiration.
Their girls are in a hurry to congratulate
In this festive moment!

- Once a year, at the end of February,
All the men call us
Gamma of feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts melt slowly.

- We must congratulate you now,
Open up your arms soon
We must give you gifts
Colleagues-brothers on the shop floor!

You can present your employees with T-shirts with a photograph of the entire female part of the team, named mugs with personal photos of men and their favorite sayings, lighters in the form of grenades, pistols, bullets or tanks, piggy banks of an original form, for example, in the form of safes or gold bars.

Employees who are always dissatisfied and often complain about others can be handed rose-colored glasses, allowing them to see the world in the best possible light. Colleagues who have to make decisions in difficult situations can be gifted coins with “yes” and “no” on different sides.

Verses will be recited:
- Congratulations to your favorite men
We are from February 23,
And on this day we wish you
Always be at the helm in life!
Solve all tasks brilliantly
And in any situation
Don't waste your luck
And live in harmony with yourself!

The script for comic congratulations to men at work from February 23, 2019 may include remake songs. For example, women can perform a song to the melody of the song "Friends have been married for a long time, but I still dream of a prince":
- Wine foams in the glasses
And we dream to congratulate you!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:

To grow your income,
There was an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait for pilaf in the kitchen,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
To be loved by ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul is not extinguished!

We wish you bright dreams
And delightful dates!
And understanding without words
And the fulfillment of desires!


Present your colleagues with diplomas in different nominations: "Fighter of the invisible front", "Punctuality is the rule of kings", "Mister Kindness" and others. These funny presents will set a cheerful tone for the holiday and will certainly be kept for a long time in memory of this party.

Funny certificates can also be an original addition to gifts. For example, a certificate for the right to be constantly late for work, go home early, sleep during lunchtime, not attend long meetings, etc.

And the holiday, arranged for men at work in honor of February 23, will end with the reading of verses:
- Congratulations to you friends,
From February 23!
And we wish you health
Only heroic,
From all women - admiration,
From the boss - honor,
From children - love and inspiration!
Less household problems.
Good luck! Happy changes!

The choice of the site is 100% influenced by the format (style) of the corporate party. Today, collectives are increasingly looking towards thematic corporate events, which are felt and remembered not just as another gathering, but as a bright event! And indeed it is!

A stylized corporate party makes employees anticipate a corporate party, expect it, prepare for it, motivates to take with them all kinds of fixation means: cameras, cameras, and during a corporate party - take pictures, take pictures, take pictures ... from such an event, friends and just strangers will definitely be viewed on social networks.

Corporate in the style of "Casino Royale"

Military style corporate

Retro style corporate party

Illusion-style corporate party

Corporate party in oriental style

Mysterious and mysterious, full of spicy aromas and sensuality, the East, where women are beautiful concubines, and men are the masters of harems. Low sofas with a bunch of small pillows, translucent draperies, smoking incense, the sounds of a flute will take you to the fairy tales of Scheherazade. Oriental costumes with an obligatory abundance of jewelry, brightly drawn eyes for women will become an obligatory element of the dress code. Put fruits, cheeses, all kinds of sweets, pilaf and beshbarmak on the tables. From drinks, a variety of teas and aromatic coffee are required, but it is better to disguise the wine so as not to disturb the atmosphere. Invite belly dancers, compose a script - the success of the event is guaranteed!

Corporate fishing

Quest for a corporate party

Tired of traditional feasts, want something new and unusual? Organize a corporate quest. It will not only allow you to spend time interestingly, but also unite the team. Pick a scenario and assign roles so no one is left out of the fun. An obstacle course, logical tasks and a test of erudition - such an event will force everyone to join in the common work. You can choose any plot - from the motives of your favorite books and films to treasure searches and rescue operations! And most importantly - there are no restrictions on the form of clothing, venue, design and menu design - everything is determined solely by your desires! Rest, stormy entertainment and hot excitement - you will get all this by organizing a quest corporate party!

Superhero-style corporate party

What to wear for a corporate event dedicated to February 23

It all depends on the format of the thematic party, the mood and tastes of your colleagues. We offer several different variations.

Full compliance with the topic

If your whole team is planning a strictly "protective" option, you need to choose certain costumes and clearly follow the plan. Vests, military camouflage uniforms, caps are suitable, in general, everything related to the military theme, the only exception can be ceremonial military clothing.

In this case, corporate party participants should be warned about the dress code. It will be sad if someone comes in their usual work or formal day clothes, while the rest are wearing the outfits of Soviet / Russian fighters.

As for things and paraphernalia, all of this can be found in specialty stores, holiday agencies, or sewn and make yourself.

Free style

If you want to create an external holiday atmosphere, but do not want to reincarnate on your own, discuss this issue with the team. After all, a costume party is optional. The main thing is that everything else produces the desired entourage.

The employees themselves can come in outfits that they like. If it helps to defuse the situation, then why not.

What should women wear?

Office. If the event will be held at work, we recommend solid color outfits. It is advisable to give preference to black, dark green or gray shades. Catchy and open suits should not be worn. Most of all, some kind of dress from the times of the USSR or a closed blouse with a skirt no higher than the knees is suitable.

A restaurant. For such an institution, a more elegant outfit is needed. It will be great if you can get a bolero to match the dress. Considering that any corporate party is a protracted event, give up tight and uncomfortable outfits.

What can you think of for February 23rd?

As a rule, the women's collective every year in horror thinks about one question: what to come up with this year? It seems that all good ideas have already been implemented, but I don't want to repeat myself. What to do? So let's take a look at suggestions from professional event organizers.

In order for the corporate party to be remembered for a long time and to leave extremely positive emotions from its holding, it is important that it be interesting to everyone, that it be multifaceted, includes not only feasts and banal opening words, but also something colorful, extraordinary. Therefore, in recent years, it has become increasingly popular to conduct all sorts of spectacular show programs, from dancing with fire or other circus numbers, to no less spectacular, illusion shows, such as drawing freeslighting or shadow theater, which looks simply amazing.

The versatility of such a program lies in the fact that it can be adjusted to any theme of a corporate evening. So, for the 23 February, elements of a military theme can be introduced into dances with fire and circus performances, which makes the performance acquire originality and relevance.

The same applies to illusion shows, like freezelighting and shadow theater, theater of light: just in this case, the director will be asked a creative question - to create a military plot. A talented person can easily cope with such a task.

Master classes can be an excellent addition to the entertainment program! Since the holiday is military, the events can be in martial arts, fencing, and so on. Such a part of the program will not only remove the masks of formality from colleagues, defuse the atmosphere, but will also be beneficial, perhaps someone will find himself in such a master class and subsequently will be seriously carried away by this or that type of leisure activity.

Of course, what a corporate party without a feast! But even here it is worth imagining a little. It's good if the dishes come with surprises (for example, each cake has the initials of one or another employee, and he needs to find his own, or in several pies there is a note with a wish, a kind of note of happiness, whoever finds it is lucky). In this topic, as in everything else, there are infinity of ideas, and you should not stop at templates, imagination and creativity always lead to better results.

The last step in holding a corporate party is gifts, but more on that later.

Games for a corporate event in honor of February 23

It is rightly said that most of us remain children in our souls forever. Looking at how adults, successful people with rapture, childish enthusiasm play the games proposed by the host, compete in this or that competition, it is impossible to disagree with this statement.

  1. You don't have to reinvent the wheel and borrow games from our ancestors. One of the most fun and versatile games is tug of war. The team is divided into two halves, male and female, since, as a rule, there are more women in the team, then the teams' strengths equalize. This competition will bring a lot of smiles and good mood, especially if the competitors compete for some small but pleasant prize.
  2. All kinds of role-playing games or pantomimes are great at the corporate party in honor of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, they are most successful closer to the middle of the festival, when people warm up a little. You can carry along the tables a box with pre-prepared notes with assignments. Nobody knows yet what he will get. Each note has a unique task, from telling some of your military secrets, to depicting an attribute of military equipment or trying to sing a military song. Usually, such a competition ends with noisy fun and the disclosure of the hidden abilities of the participants in the game.
  3. Intellectual quizzes are also good at this holiday, it is better to put them at the end of the game program, as if in conclusion. You need to prepare in advance not very complicated, interesting questions of a military theme, or even better, if the questions are humorous, the audience is invited to answer them, and the winner receives a prize.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is historically associated with honoring the victorious warriors, veterans and military personnel. But you can be a defender not only with a weapon in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the dear men around us.

Not a single team misses an opportunity to praise the stronger sex on this day. A corporate party is becoming a tradition. At the same time, the scenario for February 23 can be very diverse: from having fun in a cafe and ending with a trip to nature with the whole company.

If you're hosting an office party, take some time to prepare the event. In the scenario plan for February 23 for a corporate party, include items such as

  • themed decorations;
  • selection of "courageous" music;
  • hearty feast;
  • tips for toasts;
  • contests-contests;
  • practical gifts;

This scenario is suitable for holding a party in a restaurant or conference room in an office. The participants sit at the festive tables, the corporate party is held by two hosts.

The room is decorated with green or camouflage balloons. From balloons, if you wish, you can assemble a figure of a soldier or a tank. There are also small tricolor flags and paper planes hanging from the ceiling.

Leading: Dear, beloved men!
This day, filled with greatness,
We will honor and praise you
And observing all the decency
We will not forget to reward you with a gift!
You are everything for us Defenders, soldiers,
But you better be in plain clothes, you guys!
Let the uniform on you be only sports,
And your life is sunny and active!

And now we proclaim ...

The words are interrupted by music from the movie "Star Wars" "March of the Empire". The presenter falls silent. The military commander comes out.

Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the galactic republic! The dark side wins all battles. I - the official representative of the Galactic Empire - came to Earth to fulfill a prophecy and find (number of office men) warriors who will save our universe.
Recruits, you must undergo quality training before joining the Galactic Army. Get ready for some tough challenges!

The commander distributes lightsabers and cloaks.

Leading: But first, I order each new recruit to take 100 grams for courage! And dear ladies support you and fill their glasses too. For men!

The presenter writes down the winners after each competition. All competitions are accompanied by music.

Agility test

Commander: We will begin the tests seriously,
And we will test the soldiers for their dexterity.
As you know in space, gravity is not at all,
And the one who is simple-minded does not survive!

When you go into battle
There is no time and you need to hurry.
Who will be the first to eat
He will be known as the most dexterous.

A rope is pulled in front of the participants, to which bagels or donuts are tied on a string. The first person to eat the whole donut wins.

Leading: Everyone shines with merits,
Both honor and courage are whipping over the edge!
To reinforce the strength and firmness of the fist
Among the battles there will be a place for a bivouac!

Table break.

Strength test

Commander: Rota, stand in line!

All men line up.

Commander: On the first or second, pay off! The first ones are one step forward!

Leading: The first are skillful and courageous,
Tell us about your strength!
Here is a seemingly funny thing in front of you - from matches to boxes,
Who can smash it with a fist, that guy is not a miss!

Each participant is given an empty matchbox. The box is placed on an edge on a flat surface. The task is to flatten it with a fist blow, usually it flies out from under the hand.

Commander: The power is there, so the mind is not needed!
Who was the second - come out!
The test is no worse
You have to get around!
Before you are the shells for the gun,
You need to check them for strength!
Your own forehead is the best condition.
I warn you, one shell is damp inside!

A bowl of eggs is placed in front of the participants. They need to grab the "shell", chop it on the head and put it on their plate. The winner is the one with the most eggs. All eggs must be boiled, just do not tell the participants about it!

As a joke, you can put one ceramic egg, but that's up to you =)

Leading: Women raise their glasses for strong and ferocious men!

Toast from the female half of the team. Table and dance break.

Speed ​​test

Commander: Well, recruits, rise! Let's check your coordination and teamwork!

Valor and honor paint a man
And in our team you will not find the weak!
Have developed a discipline of steel
And they must win the race!

Commander: Attention fighters! To react adequately in hostilities, you need to be able to concentrate and develop great speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: to evacuate residents! And we will train on straws.

Participants stand in a row and receive cocktail straws.

Commander: With the help of a straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. The one who saved more "population" wins the competition!

If there are many men, then it is better to divide them into two teams (First-Second). A large plate full of M&M candies is installed, you need to pull the candy with a straw to transfer it to your plate.

Commander: I praise you, fighters,

You are hardly new recruits.

Leading: They are still great fathers,
Husbands, sons and just brave men!
The male employees are top class!
I invite all the ladies to sing for you!

Women sing a song-remake with congratulations for colleagues.

Speech test

Leading: Oh, what women, what women!

Meanwhile, the glasses are gathering dust! And to correct the mistake, let's triple the competition in eloquence! We fill our glasses, and the men take turns to make toasts. Whose toast gets the most applause wins!

Table break.

Accuracy test

Commander: Building!
In difficult conditions of battle
Aesthetics must be remembered.
We will train your shaving skills,
There's no time to mess around in the army!
And this is your task.
I didn’t handle her, I admit!
Neat and not fluttering
Shave your comrade without cuts!

Men are given razors and balloons. Draw a face on the balls and cover them with shaving foam. Whoever can "shave a friend" (or at least hold the blade three times and not break the ball) wins.

Test of wits

Leading: Get together, little men!
You are not old people yet!

Commander: Let's check how the thinker works,
And the Internet is not a cheat sheet for you!
Boldly answer my questions,
And let me ask you not to help!
And as they say, without a guess, the mind is not worth a penny!


  1. Is yeast added when kneading shortcrust pastry? (No)
  2. What Russian word has 40 vowels? (Fourty A)
  3. What question can you never answer in the affirmative? (Do you sleep?)
  4. Why does a woman, when her tights are torn, start looking for nail polish everywhere? (To glue the gap, and they will not tear further)
  5. Which word of 6 letters contains 1 letter "K" and as many as 3 letters "H"? ( TO a Ntri)
  6. Numbers 3 and 11 are amazing and special! What unique property do they differ in? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
  7. Does not bite, does not bark, but is called the same. (@)
  8. What was the tallest mountain on the planet before Everest was discovered? (The mountain remains the tallest on Earth regardless of whether people discovered it or not. Answer: Everest)

Table break.

Ditties from women at the table with a chorus

Chorus: And one more time
Many, many more times!

1. I am young and good,
And besides, beautiful,
I admire at work
A male perspective!

2. Our beloved boss
Will fly on vacation tomorrow.
This means collective
He will be able to sleep during the break!

3. Oh, girls, I fell in love!
I can't tear myself away!
The third day I walk, leaf through

4. Oh, dear colleagues,
Wish you now
The sea of ​​happiness, plenty of money,
Let the girls love you!

5. In honor of a big holiday
The director will be a hustler!
The prize will be distributed to all of us
And he will also give you an increase!

6. The team is our very friendly,
What is there to argue for a long time!
No staff turnover
Not to be seen in our office!

7. Men, congratulations!
We speak in the end.
We raise the glasses

A toast to the fellows sounds!

Video congratulation

Showing a presentation or video about the male half of the team. It can be a photo with comments. Signatures can be related to habits or hobbies, gastronomic tastes or favorite phrases of the employee.

Sword Challenge

Leading: Get your swords ready, but not for battle.
Whoever lasts longer will make an impression
Let's start the coordination test.
Lay the plate flat, support it with a sword.

Participants are given a paper plate. The winner is the one who managed to balance with the plate on the tip of the sword for the longest time.

Commander: I solemnly declare all tests passed! There have never been such worthy men in the ranks of the Imperial Army!

The sound of the radio turned on. The commander takes out a toy walkie-talkie or a telephone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear, listens, nods.

Commander: Report from the front line! I was informed that the Dark Forces frightened the armies from Earth, and retreated! You saved the entire Galaxy! Three "Hurray" to the soldiers of the Light!

Leading: And we made sure that our men are perfectly suitable for carrying out a responsible service at work! And therefore directed by the Imperial Council to work for the good of the company! Let's raise our glasses to the brave and capable men of the team!

Presentation of commemorative diplomas

Prepare diplomas in advance, if possible, paste photos of men into them. As signatures, you can use well-known phrases from films or songs. For example, "At the samovar, I and my Masha", "Tsar, nice to meet you, Tsar", "Giant of thought", "I am an old soldier and I do not know the words of love!" etc.

Or choose beautiful aphorisms about men that suit your colleagues.

At the same time, gifts are handed over, as well as the awarding of the winners of the competitions. You can give memorable prizes or insubstantial but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: “The owner of this certificate can be 1 hour late for work without explanation any day,” “The right to a healthy afternoon nap for an hour. Bonus: lingering snoring is allowed ”, etc.

Birthday cake

End the evening with a sweet dish. You can make it yourself: a beautiful birthday cake or filled muffins. Specially ordered cakes have become very popular at corporate parties. Such a pie can be decorated like a spaceship (based on the scenario) or in the style of February 23rd.

Our evening was sparkling and bright
Fun and laughter
And also gifts
We gave generously to our friends and ourselves!
In honor of you, men, let fireworks thunder,
And the music sounds rebellious.
You are worthy of the glory of this moment
Accompanying you on the way!

You take care of yourself, go in for sports.
Eat right, have plenty of fun.
Be confident and courageous in yourself
Start up the work skillfully.
And may luck decorate every day,
Let your strong body be beautiful!
Do not dare to say rude words to you,
And ladies so that they go numb with admiration!


  1. Suit for the commander: cloak, belt, lightsaber, helmet or mask, in a pocket - a toy walkie-talkie;
  2. Cloaks and lightsabers for all employees. Easy DIY: Flexible aqua sticks are wrapped with shiny duct tape at one end. Or buy toys in the store;
  3. Rope with tied donuts;
  4. Empty matchboxes, a bowl of boiled eggs;
  5. Cocktail tubes, plate with M&M chocolates, plates for participants;
  6. Razors, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
  7. Paper plates;
  8. Commemorative diplomas, gifts, prizes for competitions.


Decorate your office in a themed style ahead of time. Green balls, over the door - a protective net, the flag of the country. On the table, everyone can put a soldier's triangle in advance with the words of congratulations from all the women of the company. It is advisable to write them by hand and in blue ink.

You also need to decide whether you will set the table for yours or not. If you do decide to cover, ask in advance what kind of alcohol they prefer, otherwise the mood of beer lovers who are forced to drink vodka or wine will be a little spoiled. You can make personalized bottles for everyone by sticking unique labels reflecting the character or his surname.

Surprise men with an unusual snack. Give up traditional canapes or sandwiches, instead arrange a themed holiday: in Russian folk style - with mead, Japanese - sake and sushi, oriental - with lamb pilaf and samsa.

Instead of boring toasts and congratulatory verses from postcards, come up with a funny congratulation with the women of the company. For example, you can, wearing caps or military uniforms, sing a song about the army and your male defenders. Girls who have good vocal abilities or dance well can show a full-fledged concert number - for example, "Soldier's Waltz". And don't forget to invite the director of the company to dance.

If there are a lot of men, and there are only 3-5 women, you can do without, but spend this holiday with games and jokes. Arrange a fun lottery, where prizes will be things that even remotely resemble military service - a soldier's, stew, a pack of "Prima". And men will not be forgotten, and gifts will go to everyone, and have a lot of fun. Play some games that reveal the secrets of your men or their relationship to. Prepare funny quatrains on this topic, put them in your hat and have them pull them out of the hat and read them at the banquet. It is possible, of course, to prepare in advance musical excerpts from different songs, and when someone puts on a hat, at this moment some passage is included, as if illustrating a person's thoughts.

If you are at a loss in choosing a gift, prefer to give a symbolic souvenir associated with the defense of the Fatherland. You do not need to give a set of hygiene products for the hundredth time, it is better then buy solid beautiful housekeepers or purses, belts or lighters in a fitness club. And of course, gifts for the director and ordinary employees of your department should be different. Among the original gifts are watches with company symbols or a comic cartoon image of each man, a corporate calendar for 12 months with interesting photographs of your men and aphorisms-captions to the photo, pillows or mugs with a poetic comic wish and a picture of each.


  • Best congratulations on February 23, 2013 for my husband

On the one hand, relationship month is not a very serious date to be solemnly celebrated. Nevertheless, for a couple of lovers, this is an important event and just a great excuse to arrange a pleasant evening for each other.


First, decide on a place where you will celebrate your little holiday. It does not have to be a restaurant, however, if you chose this one, take care in advance to book a table. Otherwise, you can spend half of your festive evening running from one restaurant to another in search of free space.

If you want to spend this day in an unusual way - show your imagination. Depending on the season, on this day, you can go on a picnic, or take a thermos with mulled wine or hot tea and go to play snowballs. It will be very romantic to meet this day in the cafe where you had.

You can go on a weekend to another city, fly a hang-glider, swim on a boat on the river - it all depends on your imagination. However, in pursuit of uniqueness, do not forget about the interests and hobbies of your other half. If she's a calm, risk-free person, you shouldn't celebrate the month of your relationship by jumping off a bridge on a rope, and a person who loves animals shouldn't be invited to hunt.

If the event involves a formal dress code, it is better to hint about this to your half in advance. For example, if a handsomely dressed young man meets his tired, returning from work in casual clothes, and takes her to the theater, the girl may become confused and upset that her outfit is not appropriate for the place. And your evening will be spoiled.

It will be good if a man and a girl make gifts to each other. It is not worth presenting expensive gifts and confessions of eternal love. It is better to please each other with small, but chosen things with a soul. It can be a hand-made scarf, an interesting pendant, a handy notebook. Young people should not forget about flowers - the overwhelming majority still like them.

If your friends are celebrating the month of their relationship, you can also please them and congratulate them on an important date for them. If a couple in love is not going to celebrate this day in a large company, limit yourself to verbal congratulations, or send a postcard by e-mail. On this day, you should not wish them the appearance of children and a happy family life, remember that they have just begun. But it will be nice to hear from you what wonderful people they are and how they fit together.


  • congratulations on the month

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated by everyone men, even those who have nothing to do with the army and the defense of the homeland. And even if this is a modest office worker, belonging to the strong half of humanity automatically makes him a potential defender of the Fatherland in general and all women in the country in particular. That is why the women of the country should congratulate men on their professional holiday cheerfully, brightly and in a way that will be remembered.


In order for the festive mood to develop from the very morning, you can pre-arrange a wall newspaper in the style of a pioneer camp, the main characters of which will be the office staff. This does not require a lot of text, it is enough to glue the photographs to suitable bodies and make the appropriate inscriptions. For example, the head of the caretaker will look great on the shoulders of a superman, and the chief accountant will fit perfectly in a sports car. The main thing is that the comments are offensive and emphasize the courage and fearlessness of your men.

It is recommended to start the celebration at the end of the working day, when management permits it. The first point of the program is a solemn part, in which you need the valor and courage of the office staff, tell about what kind of reliable and trusted colleagues they are.

On a holiday, of course, you can't do without gifts. There are several options for buying gifts. The easiest way is to buy the same gifts for everyone, it all depends on the budget. In this case, it is much easier to hand them over. Enough kind words and wishes. The second option is to buy gifts personally. Depending on the preferences of a particular employee, a gift can be a beer mug, a set for a bath, a hat for a bath, a set of barbecue spices, or something more personal, if the relationship in the team allows it. The main thing here is not to cross the line. It is better to give such gifts with comic wishes.

After presenting gifts, you can arrange small contests from the series "Who is the strongest" or "Who is the smartest". Of course, tug-of-war in the office isn't entirely smart, but kids contests with balloons, oranges, and peeling potatoes are fine. The main thing is for everyone to feel themselves "the best".

And, of course, no food! Depending on the culinary skills of the office employees, you can please the men with homemade snacks or order, for example, pizza, Ossetian pies or sushi.

All men are hypothetically hussars, and what a hussar doesn't drink champagne! Or other stronger drinks. Get the approval of your superiors before using them. If the management does not approve of such events, you can transfer the banquet to another place, bowling, cafe or curling.

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  • how to originally congratulate men on February 23

At the end of February, the sun already begins to shine like spring, and on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women congratulate their men sincerely and warmly. After the January holidays, not everyone has the means to throw a feast in the mountains or for an expensive gift, but wives always have affection and tenderness in store for their beloved husbands. A small present, given with kind words, is often more expensive than an impressive but useless thing.

You will need

  • - festive breakfast;
  • - present;
  • - love and attention that you will give your husband all day.


Begin to surround your spouse with care and love in the morning. Get up early and make a delicious breakfast like your husband loves. Add festivity and delight a man with beautiful table setting and delicacies. Write on paper napkins with felt-tip pens: “I love you! Happy Holidays! " Place everything you've cooked on a tray or serving table and carry it to your bedroom.

Buy a gift in advance. At 23 he should be with a masculine "character". This can be a stylish knife in a beautiful case, a barbecue set with skewers, a smoking pipe, a gas lighter or a silver flask.

If you find it difficult to choose a gift, invite your spouse to go to the mall together on a holiday. It is easy for a woman to make a mistake and buy the wrong spinning rod or GPS navigator, and changing gifts is not very pleasant. So take husband arm in arm and go shopping.

Stop by a cozy cafe to dine and celebrate the holiday with a delicious wine or other drink that your spouse will like. All this day, do not forget to tell him about your love. Let it be one big congratulations to your defender.

Surprise your husband in the form of a master class in a fiery forge, which a brutal professional will conduct with your beloved. The choice of holiday entertainment depends on where you live or where you will be on that day. Congratulate your spouse on the holiday by purchasing a tour to the city he has long wanted to visit, or organize an underwater dive into the magical depths of the sea.

Give your husband kisses and smiles all the time. Despite all his strength and severity, a man needs female tenderness, care and affection. After the morning festive breakfast, let him soak up the bed, join him, because you have a whole day ahead of you, which promises many more pleasant and joyful ones.

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In order for your husband to remember the holiday for a long time, you need to spend it in some unusual way. Various leisure options are suitable, the choice of which will depend on your financial capabilities and the interests of a man.

You will need

  • - romantic dinner;
  • - movie tickets;
  • - military style linen;
  • - a gift for her husband;
  • - a ticket for a paintball or shooting gallery;
  • - organization of a parachute jump;
  • - a walk outside the city;
  • - scenario of the holiday;
  • - festive feast


Men are inherently children, so they love to participate in various tests in which you can demonstrate courage, endurance and strength. If your husband is not timid, arrange for him a parachute jump or balloon flight. Contact companies that provide such extreme entertainment.

Visit an amusement park, go to a paintball or shooting range, give your husband an opportunity to demonstrate his accuracy.

Since 23 is a winter holiday, order such entertainment as riding a Russian troika. Undoubtedly, this will bring a lot of positive emotions to you and your husband.

If your husband certainly wants to invite colleagues to visit, organize a festive feast for them. Let them remember the years of their service, look at each other's army photo albums, and share their impressions. Invite their wives too, then you will not be bored either. You can independently compose a script for this holiday or use a ready-made one from the Internet. For example, gatherings can be alternated with contests: "the strongest" (armwrestling competitions), "the best army song", "the best poetic congratulations from his wife", etc.